1 /* Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Damir Zucic */
3 /*=============================================================================
5 				print_help.c
7 Purpose:
8 	Print brief help: short introduction and list of options. This is not
9 	the true (on-line) help for garlic!
11 Input:
12 	No input.
14 Output:
15 	Introductory information written to stdout.
17 Return value:
18 	No return value.
20 ========includes:============================================================*/
22 #include <stdio.h>
24 /*======print brief help:====================================================*/
PrintHelp_(void)26 void PrintHelp_ (void)
27 {
28 fprintf (stdout, "\n");
29 fprintf (stdout,
30 "=========================================================================\n");
31 fprintf (stdout,
32 "               Garlic - free molecular viewer and editor\n");
33 fprintf (stdout,
34 "=========================================================================\n");
35 fprintf (stdout, "\n");
36 fprintf (stdout,
37 "Garlic  was written by  Damir Zucic  (zucic@mefos.hr)  as a complement to\n");
38 fprintf (stdout,
39 "other molecular  visualization  programs,  like rasmol  (by Roger Sayle).\n");
40 fprintf (stdout,
41 "It was written to simplify  the analysis of membrane proteins, but it can\n");
42 fprintf (stdout,
43 "be used as general purpose molecular visualization program, provided that\n");
44 fprintf (stdout,
45 "molecular coordinates are available in  PDB format, version 2.1 or older.\n");
46 fprintf (stdout,
47 "Garlic may also be used to analyze protein sequences.\n");
48 fprintf (stdout, "\n");
49 fprintf (stdout,
50 "Some of the  features, which  distinguish this program from  others, are:\n");
51 fprintf (stdout,
52 "(1) Coordinates, labels and  other data are  automatically displayed  for\n");
53 fprintf (stdout,
54 "    the atom nearest to the current pointer (mouse) position.\n");
55 fprintf (stdout,
56 "(2) Additional numeric data,  like  hydrophobicity, may be associated  to\n");
57 fprintf (stdout,
58 "    each amino acid. The  whole  structure  may be  colored  according to\n");
59 fprintf (stdout,
60 "    these values.\n");
61 fprintf (stdout,
62 "(3) Selection mechanism is different.\n");
63 fprintf (stdout,
64 "(4) Two bonds at different distance from  observer have different colors.\n");
65 fprintf (stdout,
66 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
67 fprintf (stdout,
68 "Usage:              garlic [true_garlic_options] [X11_options] [filename]\n");
69 fprintf (stdout,
70 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
71 fprintf (stdout,
72 "Command line options may be divided in two groups: true (specific) garlic\n");
73 fprintf (stdout,
74 "options and X11 options.  Options may be given in any order.  All options\n");
75 fprintf (stdout,
76 "and hard-coded  default values are listed  in the table  below.  For each\n");
77 fprintf (stdout,
78 "parameter, the value defined through command line is used,  if available.\n");
79 fprintf (stdout,
80 "If not, the value defined in .garlicrc file is used. If .garlicrc file is\n");
81 fprintf (stdout,
82 "not  available,  or there is  no corresponding  entry in  this file,  the\n");
83 fprintf (stdout,
84 "hard-coded default value is used.  The sample  .garlicrc file included in\n");
85 fprintf (stdout,
86 "the original package contains  the values equal to  hard-coded  defaults.\n");
87 fprintf (stdout,
88 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
89 fprintf (stdout,
90 "garlic option:        Description:\n");
91 fprintf (stdout,
92 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
93 fprintf (stdout,
94 "-h, --help            Print help and exit.\n");
95 fprintf (stdout,
96 "-v, --version         Print version and exit.\n");
97 fprintf (stdout,
98 "-r, --register        Register garlic:  inform author that  your site has\n");
99 fprintf (stdout,
100 "                        garlic installed and that someone is going to use\n");
101 fprintf (stdout,
102 "                        this program. By registering, you are encouraging\n");
103 fprintf (stdout,
104 "                        author to continue development of garlic. You can\n");
105 fprintf (stdout,
106 "                        also help  author to  ensure support  for further\n");
107 fprintf (stdout,
108 "                        development. This option sends an e-mail message,\n");
109 fprintf (stdout,
110 "                        containing only the e-mail message header and the\n");
111 fprintf (stdout,
112 "                        word 'Hi!', to zucic@garlic.mefos.hr. Please type\n");
113 fprintf (stdout,
114 "                        garlic -r   if you are going to use this program.\n");
115 fprintf (stdout,
116 "                        If your system is  not connected to the Internet,\n");
117 fprintf (stdout,
118 "                        you can send short e-mail from some other system.\n");
119 fprintf (stdout,
120 "-nosys                Hide the coordinate system icon  (top left corner).\n");
121 fprintf (stdout,
122 "-no-control           Hide the control window (upper right corner).\n");
123 fprintf (stdout,
124 "-stereo               Display stereo image.\n");
125 fprintf (stdout,
126 "-slab mode            Default slab mode.  Available slab modes are:  off,\n");
127 fprintf (stdout,
128 "                        planar (default),  sphere, half-sphere,  cylinder\n");
129 fprintf (stdout,
130 "                        and half cylinder.\n");
131 fprintf (stdout,
132 "-fading mode          Default color fading mode.  Available  modes:  off,\n");
133 fprintf (stdout,
134 "                        planar (default),  sphere, half-sphere,  cylinder\n");
135 fprintf (stdout,
136 "                        and half cylinder.\n");
137 fprintf (stdout,
138 "-as number            Default atom drawing style (hard-coded default: 2).\n");
139 fprintf (stdout,
140 "-bs number            Default bond drawing style (hard-coded default: 3).\n");
141 fprintf (stdout,
142 "-fs number            Default number of  color fading surfaces.  Parallel\n");
143 fprintf (stdout,
144 "                        planes, concentric spheres or conc. cylinders may\n");
145 fprintf (stdout,
146 "                        be used as  fading surfaces.  Three  RGB triplets\n");
147 fprintf (stdout,
148 "                        are assigned to each surface. Surfaces are evenly\n");
149 fprintf (stdout,
150 "                        spaced;  at least one and at most eight should be\n");
151 fprintf (stdout,
152 "                        defined. At least three colors  (left, middle and\n");
153 fprintf (stdout,
154 "                        right) are assigned to  each visible atom.  These\n");
155 fprintf (stdout,
156 "                        three colors are based on the position of a given\n");
157 fprintf (stdout,
158 "                        atom  relative to  the nearest  fading surface(s)\n");
159 fprintf (stdout,
160 "                        and on colors assigned to these surfaces.  Colors\n");
161 fprintf (stdout,
162 "                        are combined using linear weighting.\n");
163 fprintf (stdout,
164 "-lc<i> color          Left color at the  i-th surface;  i is between zero\n");
165 fprintf (stdout,
166 "                        and seven.  The color string should be  compliant\n");
167 fprintf (stdout,
168 "                        with X11R5.  Blue, for example,  may be specified\n");
169 fprintf (stdout,
170 "                        as blue or as RGB:0000/0000/FFFF etc. For example\n");
171 fprintf (stdout,
172 "                        -lc4 RGB:BBBB/8888/4444  defines  the left  color\n");
173 fprintf (stdout,
174 "                        at the surface whose index is equal to four.\n");
175 fprintf (stdout,
176 "-mc<i> color          Middle color at the i-th surface.\n");
177 fprintf (stdout,
178 "-rc<i> color          Right color at the i-th surface.\n");
179 fprintf (stdout,
180 "-pc, --print-config   Print configuration data and exit.\n");
181 fprintf (stdout,
182 "-pcn                  Print cursor names to stdout and exit.\n");
183 fprintf (stdout,
184 "-log logfile          Write commands and messages to  log file.  The file\n");
185 fprintf (stdout,
186 "                        will be created in the current working directory.\n");
187 fprintf (stdout,
188 "                        If this is not possible, log file will be created\n");
189 fprintf (stdout,
190 "                        in users home directory.\n");
191 fprintf (stdout,
192 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
193 fprintf (stdout,
194 "X11 option:           Description:\n");
195 fprintf (stdout,
196 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
197 fprintf (stdout,
198 "-display displayname  X server to contact.\n");
199 fprintf (stdout,
200 "-geometry geom        Window geometry (default: almost the whole screen).\n");
201 fprintf (stdout,
202 "-bg color             Main window background color (default is black).\n");
203 fprintf (stdout,
204 "-fg color             Main window foreground color (default: white).\n");
205 fprintf (stdout,
206 "-fn fontname          Text font; (default is 10x20).\n");
207 fprintf (stdout,
208 "-tbg color            Text background color (default is black).\n");
209 fprintf (stdout,
210 "-tfg color            Text color (default is white).\n");
211 fprintf (stdout,
212 "-cursor cursorname    Cursor name; see  /usr/include/X11/cursorfont.h for\n");
213 fprintf (stdout,
214 "                         names; remove the XC_ prefix.\n");
215 fprintf (stdout,
216 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
217 fprintf (stdout,
218 "filename:             The input file name.  Full pathname may be used. If\n");
219 fprintf (stdout,
220 "                      filename does not contain the path, garlic will try\n");
221 fprintf (stdout,
222 "                      to find  the specified file in  the current working\n");
223 fprintf (stdout,
224 "                      directory.  If the first attempt  to open  the file\n");
225 fprintf (stdout,
226 "                      fails,  the filename  is appended to the content of\n");
227 fprintf (stdout,
228 "                      the environment  variable  MOL_DIR  for  the second\n");
229 fprintf (stdout,
230 "                      attempt.  If this fails too, garlic will search all\n");
231 fprintf (stdout,
232 "                      directories  specified in  the environment variable\n");
233 fprintf (stdout,
234 "                      MOL_PATH.\n");
235 fprintf (stdout,
236 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
237 fprintf (stdout,
238 "Personal initializations may be written to .garlicrc file. Normally, this\n");
239 fprintf (stdout,
240 "file should be kept in users home directory.  Note that this is  not  the\n");
241 fprintf (stdout,
242 "first directory to be searched for  .garlicrc file! Up to seven pathnames\n");
243 fprintf (stdout,
244 "are tryed in the following order:\n");
245 fprintf (stdout, "\n");
246 fprintf (stdout,
247 ".garlicrc                       .garlicrc  in current  working directory.\n");
248 fprintf (stdout,
249 "$HOME/.garlicrc                 .garlicrc in home directory.  This is the\n");
250 fprintf (stdout,
251 "                                   recommended location.\n");
252 fprintf (stdout,
253 "$HOME/garlic/.garlicrc          ./garlicrc,  subdirectory garlic of users\n");
254 fprintf (stdout,
255 "                                   home directory.\n");
256 fprintf (stdout,
257 "/usr/share/garlic/.garlicrc     ./garlicrc in  /usr/share/garlic (Linux).\n");
258 fprintf (stdout,
259 "/etc/garlicrc                   garlicrc in /etc, Debian Linux; note that\n");
260 fprintf (stdout,
261 "                                   file name is  garlicrc  in  this case!\n");
262 fprintf (stdout,
263 "/usr/local/lib/garlic/.garlicrc .garlicrc  in  /usr/local/lib/garlic dir.\n");
264 fprintf (stdout,
265 "/usr/lib/garlic/.garlicrc       .garlicrc in /usr/lib/garlic; this is the\n");
266 fprintf (stdout,
267 "                                   last attempt; if it failes, hard-coded\n");
268 fprintf (stdout,
269 "                                   default values will be used.\n");
270 fprintf (stdout,
271 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
272 fprintf (stdout,
273 "Environment variables:\n");
274 fprintf (stdout,
275 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
276 fprintf (stdout,
277 "MOL_DIR               Defines where to look for the specified file if not\n");
278 fprintf (stdout,
279 "                         found in the current working directory.\n");
280 fprintf (stdout,
281 "MOL_PATH              The list of directories to be searched.  It is used\n");
282 fprintf (stdout,
283 "                         if attempt with MOL_DIR failes  or if MOL_DIR is\n");
284 fprintf (stdout,
285 "                         not defined. Use space  or colon (:) to separate\n");
286 fprintf (stdout,
287 "                         directory names. MOL_PATH is quite useful; it is\n");
288 fprintf (stdout,
289 "                         recommended to define  this environment variable\n");
290 fprintf (stdout,
291 "                         through  .login,  .bashrc or  some other script.\n");
292 fprintf (stdout,
293 "                         MOL_PATH  is more useful  than  MOL_DIR so it is\n");
294 fprintf (stdout,
295 "                         recommended  to define only  MOL_PATH  variable.\n");
296 fprintf (stdout,
297 "DISPLAY               X server to which  the program should be connected.\n");
298 fprintf (stdout,
299 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
300 fprintf (stdout,
301 "garlic home page:                           http://garlic.mefos.hr/garlic\n");
302 fprintf (stdout,
303 "Damir Zucic home page:                      http://garlic.mefos.hr/zucic\n");
304 fprintf (stdout,
305 "E-mail:                                     zucic@mefos.hr\n");
306 fprintf (stdout,
307 "=========================================================================\n");
308 fprintf (stdout, "\n");
309 }
311 /*===========================================================================*/