1#!/usr/bin/env python
2from __future__ import division
4#                                                                             #
5# som.py                                                                      #
6#                                                                             #
7# GroopM self organising map engine                                           #
8#                                                                             #
9# Copyright (C) Michael Imelfort                                              #
10#                                                                             #
12#                                                                             #
13#          .d8888b.                                    888b     d888          #
14#         d88P  Y88b                                   8888b   d8888          #
15#         888    888                                   88888b.d88888          #
16#         888        888d888 .d88b.   .d88b.  88888b.  888Y88888P888          #
17#         888  88888 888P"  d88""88b d88""88b 888 "88b 888 Y888P 888          #
18#         888    888 888    888  888 888  888 888  888 888  Y8P  888          #
19#         Y88b  d88P 888    Y88..88P Y88..88P 888 d88P 888   "   888          #
20#          "Y8888P88 888     "Y88P"   "Y88P"  88888P"  888       888          #
21#                                             888                             #
22#                                             888                             #
23#                                             888                             #
24#                                                                             #
26#                                                                             #
27# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify        #
28# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        #
29# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or           #
30# (at your option) any later version.                                         #
31#                                                                             #
32# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             #
33# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              #
35# GNU General Public License for more details.                                #
36#                                                                             #
37# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           #
38# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.        #
39#                                                                             #
41# This script uses / is inspired by chunks of code and ideas originally
42# developed by Kyle Dickerson and others
43# Here: http://www.singingtree.com/~kyle/blog/archives/00000251.htm
44# and Here: http://paraschopra.com/sourcecode/SOM/index.php
46## Kyle Dickerson
47## kyle.dickerson@gmail.com
48## Jan 15, 2008
50## Self-organizing map using scipy
51## This code is licensed and released under the GNU GPL
53## This code uses a square grid rather than hexagonal grid, as scipy allows for
54## fast square grid computation. I designed sompy for speed, so attempting to
55## read the code may not be very intuitive. If you're trying to learn how SOMs
56## work, I would suggest starting with Paras Chopras SOMPython code:
57## http://www.paraschopra.com/sourcecode/SOM/index.php
58## It has a more intuitive structure for those unfamiliar with scipy,
59## however it is much slower. If you do use this code for something,
60## please let me know, I'd like to know if has been useful to anyone.
63__author__ = "Michael Imelfort"
64__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012/2013"
65__credits__ = ["Michael Imelfort"]
66__license__ = "GPL3"
67__version__ = "0.1.0"
68__maintainer__ = "Michael Imelfort"
69__email__ = "mike@mikeimelfort.com"
70__status__ = "Released"
74import sys
75from random import randrange, randint, random
76from math import log, exp
77import numpy as np
78from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
79from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
82# GroopM imports
83from torusMesh import TorusMesh as TM
84from rainbow import Rainbow
85import groopmExceptions as ge
92class SOM:
93    """A single instance of a self organising map"""
94    def __init__(self, side, dimension, lc=None, uc=None):
95        self.side = side # side length of the grid
96        self.dimension = dimension # size of our grid vectors
97        self.bestMatchCoords = [] # x/y coords of classified vectors
99        self.radius = float(side)/2 # the radius of neighbour nodes which will be influenced by each new training vector
101        # initialise the nodes to random values between 0 -> 1
102        self.weights = TM(self.side, dimension=self.dimension, randomize=True)
104        # cutoff for turning the VS_flat into a boundary mask
105        # this is a magic number, but it seems to work OK
106        self.maskCutoff = 16
107        self.boundaryMask = np.zeros((self.side,self.side))
108        self.VS_flat = np.zeros((self.side,self.side))
110        # bin assignments
111        self.binAssignments = np.zeros((self.side,self.side)) # the 0 bin is 'not assigned'
113        if lc is not None:
114            diff = uc - lc
115            self.weights.nodes *= uc
116            self.weights.nodes += lc
117        self.regions = None
119        # we'd like to know who is next to whom
120        self.regionNeighbours = {}
122    def getWeights(self):
123        """Get the weights nodes"""
124        return self.weights.nodes
126    def getRegions(self):
127        """Get the regions nodes"""
128        return self.regions.nodes
130    def loadWeights(self, nodes):
131        """Use externally supplied data"""
132        self.weights.nodes = nodes
134    def loadRegions(self, nodes):
135        """Use externally supplied regions"""
136        self.regions = TM(self.side, dimension=1)
137        self.regions.nodes = nodes
142    # Classify!
143    # run this after training to get an X/Y for each vector
144    # you'd like to classify
145    def classify(self, point):
146        """Classify an individual point"""
147        (row,col) = self.weights.bestMatch(point)
148        return self.regions.nodes[row,col][0]
150    def regionalise(self, bids, trainVector):
151        """Create regions on the torus based on matches with the training vector
152        Train vector is a list of numpy arrays
153        """
154        # build a regions structure
155        self.regions = TM(self.side, dimension=1)
156        for row in range(self.side):
157            for col in range(self.side):
158                self.regions.nodes[row,col] = self.classifyPoint(self.weights.nodes[row,col],
159                                                                 trainVector,
160                                                                 bids)
162    def classifyPoint(self, point, trainVector, bids):
163        """Returns the bid of the best match to the trainVector
164        trainVector and bids must be in sync
165        """
166        return bids[np.argmin((((trainVector - point)**2).sum(axis=1))**0.5)]
168    def findRegionNeighbours(self):
169        """Find out which regions neighbour which other regions"""
170        neighbours = {}
171        self.regionNeighbours = {}
172        for row in range(self.side-1):
173            for col in range(self.side-1):
174                s_bid = self.regions.nodes[row,col][0]
175                # test against right, down and diagonally down
176                q_bids = [self.regions.nodes[row,col+1][0],
177                          self.regions.nodes[row+1,col][0],
178                          self.regions.nodes[row+1,col+1][0]
179                         ]
180                for q_bid in q_bids:
181                    if(s_bid != q_bid):
182                        # make storage for this region
183                        if(s_bid not in self.regionNeighbours):
184                            self.regionNeighbours[s_bid] = []
185                        if(q_bid not in self.regionNeighbours):
186                            self.regionNeighbours[q_bid] = []
187                        # add in the neighbours
188                        if(q_bid not in self.regionNeighbours[s_bid]):
189                            self.regionNeighbours[s_bid].append(q_bid)
190                        if(s_bid not in self.regionNeighbours[q_bid]):
191                            self.regionNeighbours[q_bid].append(s_bid)
193                        # we only need to return a tuple
194                        nt = self.makeNTuple(s_bid,q_bid)
195                        neighbours[nt] = True
196        return neighbours.keys()
198    def makeNTuple(self, bid1, bid2):
199        """A way for making standard tuples from bids"""
200        if(bid1 < bid2): return (bid1, bid2)
201        return (bid2, bid1)
203    def getNeighbours(self, bids):
204        """return the neighbours of these bids"""
205        ret_list = []
206        for bid in bids:
207            if(bid in self.regionNeighbours):
208                ret_list.extend([i for i in self.regionNeighbours[bid] if i not in ret_list])
209        return ret_list
214    def train(self,
215              trainVector,
216              weights=None,
217              iterations=1000,
218              vectorSubSet=1000,
219              weightImgFileNamePrefix="",
220              epsilom=0.0001,
221              influenceRate=0.4,
222              mask=None,
223              radius=0.,
224              silent=True
225              ):
226        """Train the SOM
227        Train vector is a list of numpy arrays
228        """
230        if not silent:
231            print "    Start SOM training. Side: %d Max: %d iterations" % (self.side, iterations)
233        if radius == 0.0:
234            radius = self.radius
236        # we can use a dummy set of weights, or the *true* weights
237        if weights is None:
238            replace_weights = True
239            weights = self.weights.nodes
240            flat_nodes = self.weights.flatNodes
241            rows = self.side
242            cols = self.side
243        else:
244            shape = np.shape(weights)
245            rows = shape[0]
246            cols = shape[1]
247            flat_nodes = weights.reshape((rows*cols, self.dimension))
248            replace_weights = False
250        # over time we'll shrink the radius of nodes which
251        # are influenced by the current training node
252        time_constant = iterations/log(radius)
254        # we would ideally like to select guys from the training set at random
255        if(len(trainVector) <= vectorSubSet):
256            index_array = np.arange(len(trainVector))
257            cut_off = len(trainVector) # if less than 1000 training vectors, set this to suit
258        else:
259            rand_index_array = np.arange(len(trainVector))
260            cut_off = vectorSubSet
262        for i in range(1, iterations+1):
263            if not silent:
264                sys.stdout.write("\r    Iteration: % 4d of % 4d" % (i, iterations))
265                sys.stdout.flush()
268# Make stamp
269            # gaussian decay on radius and amount of influence
270            radius_decaying=radius*exp(-1.0*i/time_constant)
271            if(radius_decaying < 2):
272                return weights
274            grad = -1 * influenceRate / radius_decaying
275            # we will make a "stamp" to speed things up
276            max_radius = int(radius_decaying)
277            q_stamp = np.zeros((max_radius+1,max_radius+1))
279            for row in range(0, max_radius+1):
280                for col in range(0, max_radius + 1):
281                    # now we check to see that the euclidean distance is less than
282                    # the specified distance.
283                    true_dist = np.sqrt( row**2 + col**2 )
284                    #if true_dist > 0.0:
285                    check_dist = np.round(true_dist+0.00001)
286                    if(check_dist <= radius_decaying):
287                        # influence is propotional to distance
288                        influence = true_dist*grad + influenceRate
289                        q_stamp[row, col] = influence
290                        q_stamp[col, row] = influence
292            # divide by 2, so we don't mess up the stamp
293            q_stamp[:,0] /= 2
294            q_stamp[0,:] /= 2
295            stamp = np.zeros((2*max_radius+1,2*max_radius+1))
296            # bottom right
297            stamp[max_radius:,max_radius:] += q_stamp
298            # top right
299            stamp[:max_radius+1,max_radius:] += np.rot90(q_stamp,1)
300            # top left
301            stamp[:max_radius+1,:max_radius+1] += np.rot90(q_stamp,2)
302            # bottom left
303            stamp[max_radius:,:max_radius+1] += np.rot90(q_stamp,3)
304            # center
305            stamp[max_radius, max_radius] = influenceRate
308            # now find where the useless info is and cull it from the stamp
309            max_vals = np.max(stamp, axis=0)
310            k = 0
311            while k < len(max_vals):
312                if max_vals[k] > 0.0:
313                    break
314                k += 1
315            if k < len(max_vals):
316                stamp = stamp[k:2*max_radius+1-k,k:2*max_radius+1-k]
318            # keep track of how big the stamp is now
319            stamp_side = len(stamp)
320            stamp_radius = int((stamp_side-1)/2)
322            # if there are more than vectorSubSet training vecs
323            # take a random selection
324            if(len(trainVector) > vectorSubSet):
325                np.random.shuffle(rand_index_array)
326                index_array = rand_index_array[:cut_off]
328# Make worksheet
329            worksheet = np.zeros(self.dimension*rows*cols*9).reshape((rows*3,
330                                                                      cols*3,
331                                                                      self.dimension))
332            worksheet[0:rows,0:cols] = weights
333            worksheet[0:rows,cols:cols*2] = weights
334            worksheet[0:rows,cols*2:cols*3] = weights
335            worksheet[rows:rows*2,0:cols] = weights
336            worksheet[rows:rows*2,cols:cols*2] = weights
337            worksheet[rows:rows*2,cols*2:cols*3] = weights
338            worksheet[rows*2:rows*3,0:cols] = weights
339            worksheet[rows*2:rows*3,cols:cols*2] = weights
340            worksheet[rows*2:rows*3,cols*2:cols*3] = weights
342            # make a set of "delta nodes"
343            # these contain the changes to the set of grid nodes
344            # and we will add their values to the grid nodes
345            # once we have input all the training nodes
346            deltasheet = np.zeros_like(worksheet)
348            for j in index_array:
349                # find the best match between then training vector and the
350                # current grid, inlined for greater speed
351                loc = np.argmin(cdist(flat_nodes, [trainVector[j]]))
352                row = int(loc/cols)
353                col = loc-(row*cols)
355                # row col represent the center of the stamp
356                weights_patch = worksheet[rows+row-stamp_radius:rows+row+stamp_radius+1,
357                                          cols+col-stamp_radius:cols+col+stamp_radius+1]
358                weights_patch = -1*(weights_patch - trainVector[j])
359                #print row, col, rows, cols, stamp_radius, np.shape(weights_patch), np.shape(weights_patch[:,:,0]), np.shape(stamp), np.shape(deltasheet[rows+row-stamp_radius:rows+row+stamp_radius+1,cols+col-stamp_radius:cols+col+stamp_radius+1])
360                weights_patch[:,:,0] *= stamp
361                weights_patch[:,:,1] *= stamp
362                weights_patch[:,:,2] *= stamp
363                weights_patch[:,:,3] *= stamp
365                deltasheet[rows+row-stamp_radius:rows+row+stamp_radius+1,
366                           cols+col-stamp_radius:cols+col+stamp_radius+1] += weights_patch
368            # now fold the deltas and update the weights
369            deltasheet[:,cols:2*cols] += deltasheet[:,0:cols]
370            deltasheet[:,cols:2*cols] += deltasheet[:,2*cols:3*cols]
371            deltasheet[rows:2*rows,cols:2*cols] += deltasheet[0:rows,cols:2*cols]
372            deltasheet[rows:2*rows,cols:2*cols] += deltasheet[2*rows:3*rows,cols:2*cols]
374            # add the deltas to the grid nodes and clip to keep between 0 and 1
375            if mask is None:
376                weights = np.clip(weights + deltasheet[rows:2*rows,cols:2*cols], 0, 1)
377            else:
378                delta_fold = deltasheet[rows:2*rows,cols:2*cols]
379                for (r,c) in mask.keys():
380                    weights[r,c] = np.clip(weights[r,c] + delta_fold[r,c], 0, 1)
381                    flat_nodes = weights.reshape((rows*cols, self.dimension))
383            if replace_weights == True:
384                flat_nodes = self.weights.fixFlatNodes(weights=weights)
386            # make a tmp image, perhaps
387            if(weightImgFileNamePrefix != ""):
388                filename = "%s_%04d.jpg" % (weightImgFileNamePrefix, i)
389                print " writing: %s" % filename
390                self.weights.renderSurface(filename)
392        return weights
394    def makeBoundaryMask(self, plotMaskFile=""):
395        """Make a mask for cutting out boundaries"""
396        # First create the mask
397        VS = self.weights.buildVarianceSurface()
398#        self.VS_flat = np.array([[int(j) for j in i] for i in np.array(VS[:,:,0] + VS[:,:,1] + VS[:,:,2] + VS[:,:,3])*250]).reshape((self.side, self.side))
399        self.VS_flat = np.array(VS[:,:,0] + VS[:,:,1] + VS[:,:,2] + VS[:,:,3]).reshape((self.side, self.side)) * 250
400        self.boundaryMask = np.where(self.VS_flat > self.maskCutoff, 1., 0.)
402        if plotMaskFile != "":
403            self.renderBoundaryMask(plotMaskFile)
405    def maskBoundaries(self, addNoise=False, weights=None, mask=None, doFlat=False):
406        """mask boundaries and add some random noise to
407        some non-masked areas if asked to"""
408        max_noise = 0.1
409        noise_targets = 3
410        if weights is None:
411            weights = self.weights.nodes
412            rows = self.side
413            cols = self.side
414        else:
415            shape = np.shape(weights)
416            rows = shape[0]
417            cols = shape[1]
419        if mask is None:
420            mask = self.boundaryMask
421        for r in range(rows):
422            for c in range(cols):
423                if mask[r,c] == 1:
424                    # on the boundary, mask as -1's
425                    weights[r,c] = [-1.]*self.dimension
426                elif addNoise:
427                    if randint(10) <= noise_targets:
428                        # add some noise
429                        noise_amount = random() * max_noise + 1.0
430                        weights[r,c] *= noise_amount
431        if doFlat:
432            self.weights.fixFlatNodes()
434    def defineBinRegions(self, bids, binProfiles, render=False):
435        """Work out which bins go where"""
436        rcols = {}
437        rand_col_lower = 15
438        rand_col_upper = 200
439        bp_map = {}
441        # use a flood fill algorithm to color in adjacent spots
442        # and assign bins to unmasked points
443        for i in range(len(bids)):
444            # find out where this bin matches bestest
445            [row, col] = self.weights.bestMatch(binProfiles[i])
446            bid = bids[i]
447            bp_map[bid] = binProfiles[i]
448            rcols[bid] = (randrange(rand_col_lower, rand_col_upper),
449                          randrange(rand_col_lower, rand_col_upper),
450                          randrange(rand_col_lower, rand_col_upper)
451                         )
452            self.expandAssign(row, col, bid, bp_map)
453        if render:
454            self.renderBoundaryMask("S3.png", colMap=rcols)
456        # now clean up the mask
457        for r in range(self.side):
458            for c in range(self.side):
459                if self.boundaryMask[r,c] == 0 and self.binAssignments[r,c] == 0:
460                    # unmasked AND unassigned
461                    self.boundaryMask[r,c] = 1
462        if render:
463            self.renderBoundaryMask("S4.png", colMap=rcols)
465    def expandAssign(self, startR, startC, bid, binProfileMap):
466        """Based on floodfill, add more points to a bin assignment"""
467        # get all the points within this region
468        points = self.floodFill(startR, startC, self.boundaryMask)
469        collision_bid = 0
470        for (r,c) in points.keys():
471            if self.binAssignments[r,c] != 0:
472                if self.binAssignments[r,c] != bid:
473                    # we have already assigned this point to a bin
474                    # most likely we need to set the mask cutoff higher, but just for this region
475                    collision_bid = self.binAssignments[r,c]
476                    #print "\n", (r,c), "already assigned to bin %d, trying to reassign to bin %d" % (collision_bid, bid)
477                    re_calc_mask = True
478                    break
479            self.binAssignments[r,c] = bid
481        if collision_bid != 0:
482            resolved = False
483            [crow, ccol] = self.weights.bestMatch(binProfileMap[collision_bid])   # where the old bin's floodfill started
484            mc = self.maskCutoff
485            # we can't do anything if we can't lower the cutoff...
486            while mc >= 2:
487                # rebuild the mask with a new cutoff
488                mc = mc/2
489                mask = np.copy(self.boundaryMask)
490                for (r,c) in points.keys():
491                    if self.VS_flat[r,c] > mc:
492                        mask[r,c] = 1.
493                    else:
494                        mask[r,c] = 0.
495                #self.renderBoundaryMask("MASK_%d_%d_%f.png" % (bid, collision_bid, mc), mask)
496                collision_points = self.floodFill(crow, ccol, mask)
497                new_points = self.floodFill(startR, startC, mask)
498                #print len(collision_points.keys()), len(new_points.keys())
499                #print collision_points.keys()[0] in new_points
500                if len(collision_points.keys()) == 0 or len(new_points.keys()) == 0:
501                    continue
502                # there should be no overlap
503                if collision_points.keys()[0] not in new_points:
504                    # we have resolved the issue
505                    resolved = True
506                    # now we need to fix the binAssignments and boundary mask
507                    self.boundaryMask = mask
508                    for (r,c) in points.keys():
509                        if (r,c) in new_points:
510                            # assign this point to the new bid
511                            self.binAssignments[r,c] = bid
512                        elif (r,c) in collision_points:
513                            # point in the new mask
514                            self.binAssignments[r,c] = collision_bid
515                        else:
516                            self.binAssignments[r,c] = 0.
517                    break
519            if not resolved:
520                print "Cannot repair map, bin %d may be incorrectly merged with bin %d" % (bid, collision_bid)
521                return
523    def makeBinMask(self, profile, fileName="", dim=False):
524        """Return a mask of the region this profile falls in"""
525        [r, c] = self.weights.bestMatch(profile)
526        points = self.floodFill(r, c, self.boundaryMask)
527        if fileName != "":
528            ret_mask = np.ones_like(self.boundaryMask)
529            for (r,c) in points.keys():
530                ret_mask[r,c] = 0
531            self.renderBoundaryMask(fileName, mask=ret_mask)
533        return points
535    def floodFill(self, startR, startC, mask):
536        """Return all points affected by a flood fill operation at the given point"""
537        points = {}
538        toFill = set()
539        toFill.add((startR, startC))
540        seen = {(startR, startC) : True}
541        while len(toFill) != 0:
542            (r,c) = toFill.pop()
543            if mask[r,c] == 1:
544                # we are at the boundary of a region
545                continue
547            points[(r,c)] = [r,c]
549            # don't forget we're on a torus
550            if r == 0: rm1 = self.side - 1
551            else: rm1 = r - 1
552            if c == 0: cm1 = self.side - 1
553            else: cm1 = c - 1
554            if r == self.side - 1: rp1 = 0
555            else: rp1 = r + 1
556            if c == self.side - 1:cp1 = 0
557            else: cp1 = c + 1
558            if (rm1,c) not in seen: toFill.add((rm1,c)); seen[(rm1,c)] = True
559            if (rp1,c) not in seen: toFill.add((rp1,c)); seen[(rp1,c)] = True
560            if (r,cm1) not in seen: toFill.add((r,cm1)); seen[(r,cm1)] = True
561            if (r,cp1) not in seen: toFill.add((r,cp1)); seen[(r,cp1)] = True
563        return points
565    def secondsToStr(self, t):
566        rediv = lambda ll,b : list(divmod(ll[0],b)) + ll[1:]
567        return "%d:%02d:%02d.%03d" % tuple(reduce(rediv,[[t*1000,],1000,60,60]))
572    def classifyContig(self, profile):
573        """Classify this contig"""
574        [r,c] = self.weights.bestMatch(profile)
575        return int(self.binAssignments[r,c])
580    def renderWeights(self, tag, weights=None):
581        """Render the surface weights"""
582        filename = tag+".png"
583        if weights is None:
584            self.weights.renderSurface(filename)
585        else:
586            self.weights.renderSurface(filename, nodes=weights)
588    def renderRegions(self, tag, palette):
589        """Render the regions
590        palette is a hash of bid -> color
591        """
592        filename = tag+".png"
593        if(self.regions is None):
594            raise ge.RegionsDontExistException
595        try:
596            img = Image.new("RGB", (self.weights.rows,self.regions.columns))
597            for row in range(self.side):
598                for col in range(self.side):
599                    img.putpixel((col,row), palette[self.regions.nodes[row,col][0]])
600            img = img.resize((self.weights.columns*10, self.weights.rows*10),Image.NEAREST)
601            img.save(filename)
602        except:
603            print sys.exc_info()[0]
604            raise
606    def renderBoundaryMask(self, fileName, mask=None, colMap=None):
607        """Plot the boundary mask"""
608        if mask is None:
609            mask = self.boundaryMask
610        try:
611            img = Image.new("RGB", (self.side, self.side))
612            for r in range(self.side):
613                for c in range(self.side):
614                    if mask[r,c] == 0:
615                        if colMap is not None:
616                            try:
617                                col = colMap[self.binAssignments[r,c]]
618                            except KeyError:
619                                col = (255,255,255)
620                        else:
621                            col = (255,255,255)
622                        img.putpixel((c,r), col)
623                    else:
624                        img.putpixel((c,r), (0,0,0))
625            img = img.resize((self.side*10, self.side*10),Image.NEAREST)
626            img.save(fileName)
627        except:
628            print sys.exc_info()[0]
629            raise
631    def transColour(self, val):
632        """Transform color value"""
633        return 10 * log(val)
635    def renderBestMatches(self, fileName, weighted=False):
636        """make an image of where best matches lie
637        set weighted to use a heatmap view of where they map
638        """
639        img_points = np.zeros((self.weights.rows,self.weights.columns))
640        try:
641            img = Image.new("RGB", (self.weights.columns, self.weights.rows))
642            if(weighted): # color points by bestmatch density
643                max = 0
644                for point in self.bestMatchCoords:
645                    img_points[point[0],point[1]] += 1
646                    if(max < img_points[point[0],point[1]]):
647                        max = img_points[point[0],point[1]]
648                max += 1
649                resolution = 200
650                if(max < resolution):
651                    resolution = max - 1
652                max = self.transColour(max)
653                rainbow = Rainbow(0, max, resolution, "gbr")
654                for point in self.bestMatchCoords:
655                    img.putpixel((point[1],point[0]), rainbow.getColour(self.transColour(img_points[point[0],point[1]])))
656            else: # make all best match points white
657                for point in self.bestMatchCoords:
658                    img.putpixel((point[1],point[0]), (255,255,255))
659            img = img.resize((self.weights.columns*10, self.weights.rows*10),Image.NEAREST)
660            img.save(fileName)
661        except:
662            print sys.exc_info()[0]
663            raise