1      double precision function reada(a,istart,ll)
2      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
3      character*1 a(ll)
4      logical multi,scient
6      nine  = ichar('9')
7      izero = ichar('0')
8      minus = ichar('-')
9      iplus = ichar('+')
10      idot  = ichar('.')
11      ie    = ichar('E')
12      iee   = ichar('e')
13      id    = ichar('D')
14      idd   = ichar('d')
15      idig  = 0
16      k1    = 0
17      k2    = 0
18      k3    = 0
19      one   = 1.d0
20      x     = 1.d0
21      do j=istart,ll
22         n = ichar(a(j))
23         if((n.le.nine.and.n.ge.izero).or. n.eq.minus.or.n.eq.idot)
24     &   goto 7
25      end do
26      reada = 0.d0
27      return
297     continue
30c     before the dot
31      do i=j,ll
32         n = ichar(a(i))
33         if (n.le.nine.and.n.ge.izero) then
34            idig = idig + 1
35            if (idig.gt.10) then
36               ii = i
37               goto 90
38            endif
39            k1 = k1*10 + n - izero
40         elseif (n.eq.minus.and.i.eq.j) then
41             one = -1.d0
42         elseif (n.eq.idot) then
43             goto 30
44         else
45             ii = i
46             goto 90
47         endif
48      end do
4930    continue
50c     after the dot
51      idig = 0
52      do ii=i+1,ll
53         n = ichar(a(ii))
54         if (n.le.nine.and.n.ge.izero) then
55            idig = idig + 1
56            if (idig.gt.9) goto 90
57            k2 = k2*10 + n - izero
58            x = x /10
59         elseif (n.eq.minus.and.ii.eq.i) then
60            x = -x
61         else
62            goto 90
63         endif
64      end do
6590    continue
66      scient = .false.
67      do jj=ii,ll
68         n = ichar(a(jj))
69         if (n.eq.ie.or.n.eq.iee.or.n.eq.id.or.n.eq.idd) goto 95
70      end do
71      goto 100
7295    continue
73         if (jj.lt.159) then
74            scient = .true.
75            n = ichar(a(jj+1))
76            if (n.eq.minus.or.n.eq.iplus) then
77                multi = .true.
78                if (n.eq.minus) multi = .false.
79                idig = 0
80                do j=jj+2,ll
81                   n = ichar(a(j))
82                   if (n.le.nine.and.n.ge.izero) then
83                       idig = idig + 1
84                       if (idig.gt.9) goto 90
85                       k3 = k3*10 + n - izero
86                   else
87                      goto 100
88                   endif
89                end do
90            endif
91         endif
93100   continue
94      reada = one * ( k1 + k2 * x)
95      if (scient) then
96          if (multi) then
97              reada = reada * 10**k3
98          else
99              if (k3.gt.25) then
100                 reada = 0.0d0
101              else
102                 reada = reada / 10**k3
103              endif
104          endif
105      endif
107      return
108      end