1 /*
2  *  metastatscommand.cpp
3  *  Mothur
4  *
5  *  Created by westcott on 9/16/10.
6  *  Copyright 2010 Schloss Lab. All rights reserved.
7  *
8  */
10 #include "metastatscommand.h"
13 //CommandParameter(string n, string t, string o, string d, string only, string atLeast, string linked, string opt, bool m, bool r, bool i) : name(n), type(t), options(o), optionsDefault(d), chooseOnlyOneGroup(only), chooseAtLeastOneGroup(atLeast), linkedGroup(linked), outputTypes(opt),multipleSelectionAllowed(m), required(r), important(i) {}
15 //**********************************************************************************************************************
setParameters()16 vector<string> MetaStatsCommand::setParameters(){
17 	try {
18 		CommandParameter pshared("shared", "InputTypes", "", "", "shared-clr", "none", "none","metastats",false,false,true); parameters.push_back(pshared);
19         CommandParameter pclr("clr", "InputTypes", "", "", "shared-clr", "none", "none","metastats",false,false,true); parameters.push_back(pclr);
20 		CommandParameter pdesign("design", "InputTypes", "", "", "none", "none", "none","",false,true,true); parameters.push_back(pdesign);
21 		CommandParameter pprocessors("processors", "Number", "", "1", "", "", "","",false,false,true); parameters.push_back(pprocessors);
22 		CommandParameter piters("iters", "Number", "", "1000", "", "", "","",false,false); parameters.push_back(piters);
23 		CommandParameter pthreshold("threshold", "Number", "", "0.05", "", "", "","",false,false); parameters.push_back(pthreshold);
24 		CommandParameter plabel("label", "String", "", "", "", "", "","",false,false); parameters.push_back(plabel);
25 		CommandParameter pgroups("groups", "String", "", "", "", "", "","",false,false); parameters.push_back(pgroups);
26 		CommandParameter psets("sets", "String", "", "", "", "", "","",false,false); parameters.push_back(psets);
27 		CommandParameter pseed("seed", "Number", "", "0", "", "", "","",false,false); parameters.push_back(pseed);
28         CommandParameter pinputdir("inputdir", "String", "", "", "", "", "","",false,false); parameters.push_back(pinputdir);
29 		CommandParameter poutputdir("outputdir", "String", "", "", "", "", "","",false,false); parameters.push_back(poutputdir);
31         abort = false; calledHelp = false;   allLines = true;
33         vector<string> tempOutNames;
34         outputTypes["metastats"] = tempOutNames;
36 		vector<string> myArray;
37 		for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) {	myArray.push_back(parameters[i].name);		}
38 		return myArray;
39 	}
40 	catch(exception& e) {
41 		m->errorOut(e, "MetaStatsCommand", "setParameters");
42 		exit(1);
43 	}
44 }
45 //**********************************************************************************************************************
getHelpString()46 string MetaStatsCommand::getHelpString(){
47 	try {
48 		string helpString = "";
49 		helpString += "This command is based on the Metastats program, White, J.R., Nagarajan, N. & Pop, M. Statistical methods for detecting differentially abundant features in clinical metagenomic samples. PLoS Comput Biol 5, e1000352 (2009).\n";
50 		helpString += "The metastats command outputs a .metastats file. \n";
51 		helpString += "The metastats command parameters are shared, clr, iters, threshold, groups, label, design, sets and processors.  The shared or clr and design parameters are required, unless you have valid current files.\n";
52 		helpString += "The design parameter allows you to assign your groups to sets when you are running metastat. mothur will run all pairwise comparisons of the sets. It is required. \n";
53 		helpString += "The design file looks like the group file.  It is a 2 column tab delimited file, where the first column is the group name and the second column is the set the group belongs to.\n";
54 		helpString += "The sets parameter allows you to specify which of the sets in your designfile you would like to analyze. The set names are separated by dashes. THe default is all sets in the designfile.\n";
55 		helpString += "The iters parameter allows you to set number of bootstrap permutations for estimating null distribution of t statistic.  The default is 1000. \n";
56 		helpString += "The threshold parameter allows you to set the significance level to reject null hypotheses (default 0.05).\n";
57 		helpString += "The groups parameter allows you to specify which of the groups in your groupfile you would like included. The group names are separated by dashes.\n";
58 		helpString += "The label parameter allows you to select what distance levels you would like, and are also separated by dashes.\n";
59 		helpString += "The processors parameter allows you to specify how many processors you would like to use.  The default is 1. \n";
60 		helpString += "The metastats command should be in the following format: metastats(design=yourDesignFile).\n";
61 		helpString += "Example metastats(design=temp.design, groups=A-B-C).\n";
62 		helpString += "The default value for groups is all the groups in your groupfile, and all labels in your inputfile will be used.\n";
64 		return helpString;
65 	}
66 	catch(exception& e) {
67 		m->errorOut(e, "MetaStatsCommand", "getHelpString");
68 		exit(1);
69 	}
70 }
71 //**********************************************************************************************************************
getOutputPattern(string type)72 string MetaStatsCommand::getOutputPattern(string type) {
73     try {
74         string pattern = "";
76         if (type == "metastats") {  pattern = "[filename],[distance],[group],metastats"; }
77         else { m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: No definition for type " + type + " output pattern.\n"); m->setControl_pressed(true);  }
79         return pattern;
80     }
81     catch(exception& e) {
82         m->errorOut(e, "MetaStatsCommand", "getOutputPattern");
83         exit(1);
84     }
85 }
86 //**********************************************************************************************************************
MetaStatsCommand(string option)87 MetaStatsCommand::MetaStatsCommand(string option) : Command() {
88 	try {
89 		if(option == "help") { help(); abort = true; calledHelp = true; }
90 		else if(option == "citation") { citation(); abort = true; calledHelp = true;}
91         else if(option == "category") {  abort = true; calledHelp = true;  }
93 		else {
94 			OptionParser parser(option, setParameters());
95 			map<string,string> parameters = parser.getParameters();
97 			ValidParameters validParameter;
98 			sharedfile = validParameter.validFile(parameters, "shared");
99 			if (sharedfile == "not open") { abort = true; }
100             else if (sharedfile == "not found") { sharedfile = "";  }
101 			else { current->setSharedFile(sharedfile); inputfile = sharedfile; format = "sharedfile";  }
103             clrfile = validParameter.validFile(parameters, "clr");
104             if (clrfile == "not open") { abort = true; }
105             else if (clrfile == "not found") { clrfile = "";  }
106             else {
107                 current->setCLRFile(clrfile); inputfile = clrfile; format = "clrfile";
108                 m->mothurOut("[NOTE]: When using a clr file mothur will run the fisher exact test with the floor of the values generated.\n");
109             }
111             if ((sharedfile == "") && (clrfile == "")) {
112                 //is there are current file available for any of these?
113                 //give priority to shared, then list, then rabund, then sabund
114                 //if there is a current shared file, use it
115                 sharedfile = current->getSharedFile();
116                 if (sharedfile != "") { inputfile = sharedfile; format = "sharedfile"; m->mothurOut("Using " + sharedfile + " as input file for the shared parameter.\n"); }
117                 else {
118                     clrfile = current->getCLRFile();
119                     if (clrfile != "") { inputfile = clrfile; format = "clrfile"; m->mothurOut("Using " + clrfile + " as input file for the clr parameter.\n");  m->mothurOut("[NOTE]: When using a clr file mothur will run the fisher exact test with the floor of the values generated.\n"); }
120                     else { m->mothurOut("No valid current files. You must provide a clrfile or shared file.\n"); abort = true; }
121                 }
122             }
124 			//check for required parameters
125 			designfile = validParameter.validFile(parameters, "design");
126 			if (designfile == "not open") { abort = true; }
127 			else if (designfile == "not found") {
128 				//if there is a current design file, use it
129 				designfile = current->getDesignFile();
130 				if (designfile != "") { m->mothurOut("Using " + designfile + " as input file for the design parameter.\n");  }
131 				else { 	m->mothurOut("You have no current designfile and the design parameter is required.\n");  abort = true; }
132 			}else { current->setDesignFile(designfile); }
135             if (outputdir == ""){
136                 outputdir += util.hasPath(inputfile);
137 			}
139 			//check for optional parameter and set defaults
140 			// ...at some point should added some additional type checking...
141 			label = validParameter.valid(parameters, "label");
142 			if (label == "not found") { label = ""; }
143 			else {
144 				if(label != "all") {  util.splitAtDash(label, labels);  allLines = false;  }
145 				else { allLines = true;  }
146 			}
148 			groups = validParameter.valid(parameters, "groups");
149 			if (groups == "not found") { groups = ""; pickedGroups = false; }
150 			else {
151 				pickedGroups = true;
152 				util.splitAtDash(groups, Groups);
153                 if (Groups.size() != 0) { if (Groups[0]== "all") { Groups.clear(); } }
154             }
156 			sets = validParameter.valid(parameters, "sets");
157 			if (sets == "not found") { sets = ""; }
158 			else {
159 				util.splitAtDash(sets, Sets);
160                 if (Sets.size() != 0) { if (Sets[0] != "all") { Groups.clear(); } }
161 			}
163 			string temp = validParameter.valid(parameters, "iters");			if (temp == "not found") { temp = "1000"; }
164 			util.mothurConvert(temp, iters);
166 			temp = validParameter.valid(parameters, "threshold");			if (temp == "not found") { temp = "0.05"; }
167 			util.mothurConvert(temp, threshold);
169 			temp = validParameter.valid(parameters, "processors");	if (temp == "not found"){	temp = current->getProcessors();	}
170 			processors = current->setProcessors(temp);
171 		}
173 	}
174 	catch(exception& e) {
175 		m->errorOut(e, "MetaStatsCommand", "MetaStatsCommand");
176 		exit(1);
177 	}
178 }
179 //**********************************************************************************************************************
execute()181 int MetaStatsCommand::execute(){
182 	try {
184         if (abort) { if (calledHelp) { return 0; }  return 2;	}
186         DesignMap* designMap = new DesignMap(designfile);  if (m->getControl_pressed()) { delete designMap; return 0; }
188 		InputData input(inputfile, format, Groups);
189 		set<string> processedLabels;
190 		set<string> userLabels = labels;
191         string lastLabel = "";
193         SharedRAbundVectors* lookup = NULL; SharedCLRVectors* clr = NULL;
195         if (format == "sharedfile") {
196             lookup = util.getNextShared(input, allLines, userLabels, processedLabels, lastLabel);
197             Groups = lookup->getNamesGroups();
198         }else {
199             clr = util.getNextCLR(input, allLines, userLabels, processedLabels, lastLabel);
200             Groups = clr->getNamesGroups();
201         }
203         if (Sets.size() == 0) { Sets = designMap->getCategory();  }
204 		int numGroups = (int)Sets.size();
205 		for (int a=0; a<numGroups; a++) {
206 			for (int l = 0; l < a; l++) {
207 				vector<string> groups; groups.push_back(Sets[a]); groups.push_back(Sets[l]);
208 				namesOfGroupCombos.push_back(groups);
209 			}
210 		}
212 		if (numGroups == 2) { processors = 1; }
213 		else if (numGroups < 2)	{ m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: Not enough sets, I need at least 2 valid sets. Unable to complete command.\n");  m->setControl_pressed(true); }
215         while ((lookup != NULL) || (clr != NULL)){
217             if (m->getControl_pressed()) { if (lookup != NULL) { delete lookup; } if (clr != NULL) { delete clr; }break; }
219             if (format == "sharedfile") {
220                 process(lookup, designMap); delete lookup;
221                 lookup = util.getNextShared(input, allLines, userLabels, processedLabels, lastLabel);
222             }
223             else {
224                 process(clr, designMap); delete clr;
225                 clr = util.getNextCLR(input, allLines, userLabels, processedLabels, lastLabel);
226             }
227         }
229         delete designMap;
230         if (m->getControl_pressed()) {  outputTypes.clear(); if (lookup != NULL) { delete lookup; } if (clr != NULL) { delete clr; } for (int i = 0; i < outputNames.size(); i++) {    util.mothurRemove(outputNames[i]); } return 0; }
232 		m->mothurOut("\nOutput File Names: \n");
233 		for (int i = 0; i < outputNames.size(); i++) {	m->mothurOut(outputNames[i] +"\n"); 	} m->mothurOutEndLine();
235 		return 0;
236 	}
237 	catch(exception& e) {
238 		m->errorOut(e, "MetaStatsCommand", "execute");
239 		exit(1);
240 	}
241 }
242 /**************************************************************************************************/
243 struct metastatsData {
244     SharedRAbundVectors* thisLookUp;
245     SharedCLRVectors* thisCLR;
246     vector< vector<string> > namesOfGroupCombos;
247     vector<string> designMapGroups, outputNames;
248     int start, num, iters, count;
249     float threshold;
250     Utils util;
251     MothurOut* m;
metastatsDatametastatsData253     metastatsData(){}
metastatsDatametastatsData254     metastatsData(int st, int en, vector<string> on, vector< vector<string> > ns, SharedRAbundVectors*& lu, vector<string> dg, int i, float thr) {
255         m = MothurOut::getInstance();
256         outputNames = on;
257         start = st;
258         num = en;
259         namesOfGroupCombos = ns;
260         thisLookUp = lu;
261         designMapGroups = dg;
262         iters = i;
263         threshold = thr;
264         count=0;
265         thisCLR = NULL;
266     }
metastatsDatametastatsData268     metastatsData(int st, int en, vector<string> on, vector< vector<string> > ns, SharedCLRVectors*& lu, vector<string> dg, int i, float thr) {
269         m = MothurOut::getInstance();
270         outputNames = on;
271         start = st;
272         num = en;
273         namesOfGroupCombos = ns;
274         thisCLR = lu;
275         designMapGroups = dg;
276         iters = i;
277         threshold = thr;
278         count=0;
279         thisLookUp = NULL;
280     }
281 };
282 //**********************************************************************************************************************
driverShared(metastatsData * params)283 int driverShared(metastatsData* params) {
284     try {
286         vector<string> thisLookupNames = params->thisLookUp->getNamesGroups();
287         vector<SharedRAbundVector*> thisLookupRabunds = params->thisLookUp->getSharedRAbundVectors();
289         //for each combo
290         for (int c = params->start; c < (params->start+params->num); c++) {
292             //get set names
293             string setA = params->namesOfGroupCombos[c][0];
294             string setB = params->namesOfGroupCombos[c][1];
295             string outputFileName = params->outputNames[c];
297             vector< vector<double> > data2; data2.resize(params->thisLookUp->getNumBins());
299             vector<SharedRAbundVector*> subset;
300             vector<string> subsetGroups;
301             int setACount = 0; int setBCount = 0;
302             for (int i = 0; i < params->thisLookUp->size(); i++) {
303                 string thisGroup = thisLookupNames[i];
304                 if (params->designMapGroups[i] == setB) {
305                     subset.push_back(thisLookupRabunds[i]);
306                     subsetGroups.push_back(thisGroup);
307                     setBCount++;
308                 }else if (params->designMapGroups[i] == setA) {
309                     subset.insert(subset.begin()+setACount, thisLookupRabunds[i]);
310                     subsetGroups.insert(subsetGroups.begin()+setACount, thisGroup);
311                     setACount++;
312                 }
313             }
315             if ((setACount == 0) || (setBCount == 0))  { params->m->mothurOut("Missing shared info for " + setA + " or " + setB + ". Skipping comparison.\n"); }
316             else {
317                 for (int j = 0; j < params->thisLookUp->getNumBins(); j++) {
318                     data2[j].resize(subset.size(), 0.0);
319                     for (int i = 0; i < subset.size(); i++) { data2[j][i] = (subset[i]->get(j)); }
320                 }
322                 params->m->mothurOut("\nComparing " + setA + " and " + setB + "...\n");
323                 MothurMetastats mothurMeta(params->threshold, params->iters);
324                 mothurMeta.runMetastats(outputFileName , data2, setACount, params->thisLookUp->getOTUNames(), true);
325                 params->m->mothurOutEndLine();
326             }
327         }
329         for(int i = 0; i < thisLookupRabunds.size(); i++)  {  delete thisLookupRabunds[i];  }
331         return 0;
333     }
334     catch(exception& e) {
335         params->m->errorOut(e, "MetaStatsCommand", "driver");
336         exit(1);
337     }
338 }
339 //**********************************************************************************************************************
process(SharedRAbundVectors * & thisLookUp,DesignMap * & designMap)340 int MetaStatsCommand::process(SharedRAbundVectors*& thisLookUp, DesignMap*& designMap){
341 	try {
342         vector<linePair> lines;
343         vector<std::thread*> workerThreads;
344         vector<metastatsData*> data;
346         int remainingPairs = namesOfGroupCombos.size();
347         int startIndex = 0;
348         vector<string> thisLabelsOutputFiles;
349         for (int remainingProcessors = processors; remainingProcessors > 0; remainingProcessors--) {
350             int numPairs = remainingPairs; //case for last processor
351             if (remainingProcessors != 1) { numPairs = ceil(remainingPairs / remainingProcessors); }
352             lines.push_back(linePair(startIndex, numPairs)); //startIndex, numPairs
354             for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex+numPairs; i++) {
355                 //get set names
356                 string setA = namesOfGroupCombos[i][0];
357                 string setB = namesOfGroupCombos[i][1];
359                 //get filename
360                 map<string, string> variables;
361                 variables["[filename]"] = outputdir + util.getRootName(util.getSimpleName(inputfile));
362                 variables["[distance]"] = thisLookUp->getLabel();
363                 variables["[group]"] = setA + "-" + setB;
364                 string outputFileName = getOutputFileName("metastats",variables);
365                 outputNames.push_back(outputFileName); outputTypes["metastats"].push_back(outputFileName);
366                 thisLabelsOutputFiles.push_back(outputFileName);
367             }
369             startIndex = startIndex + numPairs;
370             remainingPairs = remainingPairs - numPairs;
371         }
373         vector<string> designMapGroups = thisLookUp->getNamesGroups();
374         for (int j = 0; j < designMapGroups.size(); j++) {  designMapGroups[j] = designMap->get(designMapGroups[j]); }
376         //Lauch worker threads
377         for (int i = 0; i < processors-1; i++) {
378             //make copy of lookup so we don't get access violations
379             SharedRAbundVectors* newLookup = new SharedRAbundVectors(*thisLookUp);
381             metastatsData* dataBundle = new metastatsData(lines[i+1].start, lines[i+1].end, thisLabelsOutputFiles, namesOfGroupCombos, newLookup, designMapGroups, iters, threshold);
382             data.push_back(dataBundle);
384             std::thread* thisThread = new std::thread(driverShared, dataBundle);
385             workerThreads.push_back(thisThread);
386         }
388         metastatsData* dataBundle = new metastatsData(lines[0].start, lines[0].end, thisLabelsOutputFiles, namesOfGroupCombos, thisLookUp, designMapGroups, iters, threshold);
389         driverShared(dataBundle);
391         for (int i = 0; i < processors-1; i++) {
392             workerThreads[i]->join();
394             delete data[i]->thisLookUp;
395             delete data[i];
396             delete workerThreads[i];
397         }
398         delete dataBundle;
399 		return 0;
400 	}
401 	catch(exception& e) {
402 		m->errorOut(e, "MetaStatsCommand", "process");
403 		exit(1);
404 	}
405 }
406 //**********************************************************************************************************************
driverCLR(metastatsData * params)407 int driverCLR(metastatsData* params) {
408     try {
410         vector<string> thisLookupNames = params->thisCLR->getNamesGroups();
411         vector<SharedCLRVector*> thisCLRRabunds = params->thisCLR->getSharedCLRVectors();
413         //for each combo
414         for (int c = params->start; c < (params->start+params->num); c++) {
416             //get set names
417             string setA = params->namesOfGroupCombos[c][0];
418             string setB = params->namesOfGroupCombos[c][1];
419             string outputFileName = params->outputNames[c];
421             vector< vector<double> > data2; data2.resize(params->thisCLR->getNumBins());
423             vector<SharedCLRVector*> subset;
424             int setACount = 0; int setBCount = 0;
425             for (int i = 0; i < params->thisCLR->size(); i++) {
426                 string thisGroup = thisLookupNames[i];
427                 if (params->designMapGroups[i] == setB) {
428                     subset.push_back(thisCLRRabunds[i]);
429                     setBCount++;
430                 }else if (params->designMapGroups[i] == setA) {
431                     subset.insert(subset.begin()+setACount, thisCLRRabunds[i]);
432                     setACount++;
433                 }
434             }
436             if ((setACount == 0) || (setBCount == 0))  { params->m->mothurOut("Missing shared info for " + setA + " or " + setB + ". Skipping comparison.\n"); }
437             else {
438                 for (int j = 0; j < params->thisCLR->getNumBins(); j++) {
439                     data2[j].resize(subset.size(), 0.0);
440                     for (int i = 0; i < subset.size(); i++) { data2[j][i] = (subset[i]->get(j)); }
441                 }
443                 params->m->mothurOut("\nComparing " + setA + " and " + setB + "...\n");
444                 MothurMetastats mothurMeta(params->threshold, params->iters);
445                 mothurMeta.runMetastats(outputFileName, data2, setACount, params->thisCLR->getOTUNames(), false);
446                 params->m->mothurOutEndLine();
447             }
448         }
450         for(int i = 0; i < thisCLRRabunds.size(); i++)  {  delete thisCLRRabunds[i];  }
452         return 0;
454     }
455     catch(exception& e) {
456         params->m->errorOut(e, "MetaStatsCommand", "driver");
457         exit(1);
458     }
459 }
460 //**********************************************************************************************************************
process(SharedCLRVectors * & thisCLR,DesignMap * & designMap)461 int MetaStatsCommand::process(SharedCLRVectors*& thisCLR, DesignMap*& designMap){
462     try {
463         vector<linePair> lines;
464         vector<std::thread*> workerThreads;
465         vector<metastatsData*> data;
467         int remainingPairs = namesOfGroupCombos.size();
468         int startIndex = 0;
469         vector<string> thisLabelsOutputFiles;
470         for (int remainingProcessors = processors; remainingProcessors > 0; remainingProcessors--) {
471             int numPairs = remainingPairs; //case for last processor
472             if (remainingProcessors != 1) { numPairs = ceil(remainingPairs / remainingProcessors); }
473             lines.push_back(linePair(startIndex, numPairs)); //startIndex, numPairs
475             for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex+numPairs; i++) {
476                 //get set names
477                 string setA = namesOfGroupCombos[i][0];
478                 string setB = namesOfGroupCombos[i][1];
480                 //get filename
481                 map<string, string> variables;
482                 variables["[filename]"] = outputdir + util.getRootName(util.getSimpleName(inputfile));
483                 variables["[distance]"] = thisCLR->getLabel();
484                 variables["[group]"] = setA + "-" + setB;
485                 string outputFileName = getOutputFileName("metastats",variables);
486                 outputNames.push_back(outputFileName); outputTypes["metastats"].push_back(outputFileName);
487                 thisLabelsOutputFiles.push_back(outputFileName);
488             }
490             startIndex = startIndex + numPairs;
491             remainingPairs = remainingPairs - numPairs;
492         }
494         vector<string> designMapGroups = thisCLR->getNamesGroups();
495         for (int j = 0; j < designMapGroups.size(); j++) {  designMapGroups[j] = designMap->get(designMapGroups[j]); }
497         //Lauch worker threads
498         for (int i = 0; i < processors-1; i++) {
499             //make copy of lookup so we don't get access violations
500             SharedCLRVectors* newLookup = new SharedCLRVectors(*thisCLR);
502             metastatsData* dataBundle = new metastatsData(lines[i+1].start, lines[i+1].end, thisLabelsOutputFiles, namesOfGroupCombos, newLookup, designMapGroups, iters, threshold);
503             data.push_back(dataBundle);
505             std::thread* thisThread = new std::thread(driverCLR, dataBundle);
506             workerThreads.push_back(thisThread);
507         }
509         metastatsData* dataBundle = new metastatsData(lines[0].start, lines[0].end, thisLabelsOutputFiles, namesOfGroupCombos, thisCLR, designMapGroups, iters, threshold);
510         driverCLR(dataBundle);
512         for (int i = 0; i < processors-1; i++) {
513             workerThreads[i]->join();
515             delete data[i]->thisLookUp;
516             delete data[i];
517             delete workerThreads[i];
518         }
519         delete dataBundle;
520         return 0;
521     }
522     catch(exception& e) {
523         m->errorOut(e, "MetaStatsCommand", "process");
524         exit(1);
525     }
526 }
527 //**********************************************************************************************************************/