4 /* $Id: ncbi_buffer.h,v 6.21 2016/02/03 16:19:16 fukanchi Exp $
5  * ===========================================================================
6  *
7  *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
8  *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
9  *
10  *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
11  *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
12  *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
13  *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
14  *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
15  *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
16  *
17  *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
18  *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
19  *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
20  *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
21  *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
22  *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
23  *  purpose.
24  *
25  *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
26  *
27  * ===========================================================================
28  *
29  * Author:  Denis Vakatov, Anton Lavrentiev
30  *
31  * File Description:
32  *   Memory-resident storage area (to be used e.g. in I/O buffering)
33  *
34  * Handle:  BUF
35  *
36  * Functions:
37  *   BUF_SetChunkSize
38  *   BUF_Size
39  *   BUF_Prepend[Ex]
40  *   BUF_Append[Ex]
41  *   BUF_Write
42  *   BUF_Pushback
43  *   BUF_Peek
44  *   BUF_PeekAt
45  *   BUF_PeekAtCB
46  *   BUF_Read
47  *   BUF_Erase
48  *   BUF_Splice
49  *   BUF_Destroy
50  *
51  */
53 #include <connect/connect_export.h>
54 #include <stddef.h>     /* ...to define "size_t"... */
57 /** @addtogroup BuffServices
58  *
59  * @{
60  */
63 #ifdef __cplusplus
64 extern "C" {
65 #endif
68 struct SNcbiBuf;
69 typedef struct SNcbiBuf* BUF;  /* handle of a buffer */
72 /*!
73  * Set minimal size of a buffer memory chunk.
74  * Return the actually set chunk size on success;  zero on error.
75  * NOTE:  if "*pBuf" == NULL then create it;
76  *        if "chunk_size" is passed 0 then set it to BUF_DEF_CHUNK_SIZE.
77  */
78 #define BUF_DEF_CHUNK_SIZE 1024
79 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT size_t BUF_SetChunkSize
80 (BUF*        pBuf,
81  size_t      chunk_size
82  );
85 /*!
86  * Return the number of bytes stored in "buf".
87  * NOTE: return 0 if "buf" == NULL.
88  */
89 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT size_t BUF_Size(BUF buf);
92 /*!
93  * Prepend a block of data (of the specified size) at the beginning of the
94  * buffer (to be read first).  Note that unlike BUF_Pushback(), in this call
95  * the data is not copied into the buffer but instead is just linked in from
96  * the original location.  Return non-zero (true) if succeeded, zero (false)
97  * if failed.
98  */
99 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT int/*bool*/ BUF_PrependEx
100 (BUF*   pBuf,
101  void*  base,       /* base to be "free"d when the buffer chunk is unlinked  */
102  size_t alloc_size, /* usable size of "data" (0 to make the use read-only)   */
103  void*  data,       /* points to data to be prepended by linking in the list */
104  size_t size        /* size of "data" occupied                               */
105  );
108 /*!
109  * Equivalent to BUF_PrependEx(pBuf, 0, 0, data, size)
110  * NOTE: the prepended chunk is thus read-only and will not be auto-freed.
111  */
113 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT int/*bool*/ BUF_Prepend
114 (BUF*        pBuf,
115  const void* data,
116  size_t      size
117 );
120 /*!
121  * Append a block of data (of the specified size) past the end of the buffer
122  * (to be read last).  Note that unlike BUF_Write(), in this call the data is
123  * not copied to the buffer but instead is just linked in from the original
124  * location.  Return non-zero (true) if succeeded, zero (false) if failed.
125  */
126 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT int/*bool*/ BUF_AppendEx
127 (BUF*   pBuf,
128  void*  base,       /* base to be "free"d when the chunk is unlinked        */
129  size_t alloc_size, /* usable size of "data" (0 to make the use read-only)  */
130  void*  data,       /* points to data to be appended by linking in the list */
131  size_t size        /* size of "data" occupied                              */
132  );
135 /*!
136  * Equivalent to BUF_AppendEx(pBuf, 0, 0, data, size)
137  * NOTE: the appended chunk is thus read-only and will not be auto-freed.
138  */
139 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT int/*bool*/ BUF_Append
140 (BUF*        pBuf,
141  const void* data,
142  size_t      size
143  );
146 /*!
147  * Add new data to the end of "*pBuf" (to be read last).
148  * On error (failed memory allocation), return zero value;
149  * otherwise return non-zero (i.e. including when "size" passed as 0).
150  * NOTE:  if "*pBuf" == NULL then create it if necessary (e.g. if size != 0).
151  * NOTE:  writing immediately past the end of the data into an unoccupied space
152  * of a chunk that was previosuly appended with BUF_AppendEx() results in a
153  * zero copy operation (just the pointers updated as necessary).
154  */
155 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT /*bool*/int BUF_Write
156 (BUF*        pBuf,
157  const void* data,
158  size_t      size
159  );
162 /*!
163  * Write the data to the very beginning of "*pBuf" (to be read first).
164  * On error (failed memory allocation), return zero value.
165  * NOTE:  if "*pBuf" == NULL then create it.
166  */
167 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT /*bool*/int BUF_Pushback
168 (BUF*        pBuf,
169  const void* data,
170  size_t      size
171  );
174 /*!
175  * Equivalent to "BUF_PeekAt(buf, 0, data, size)", see description below.
176  */
177 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT size_t BUF_Peek
178 (BUF         buf,
179  void*       data,
180  size_t      size
181  );
184 /*!
185  * Copy up to "size" bytes stored in "buf" (starting at position "pos")
186  * to "data".
187  * Return the # of copied bytes (can be less than "size").
188  * Return zero and do nothing if "buf" is NULL or "pos" >= BUF_Size(buf).
189  * Do nothing and return min(BUF_Size(buf)-pos, size) if "data" is NULL.
190  */
191 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT size_t BUF_PeekAt
192 (BUF         buf,
193  size_t      pos,
194  void*       data,
195  size_t      size
196  );
199 /*!
200  * Call "callback" repeatedly on up to "size" bytes stored in "buf" (starting
201  * at position "pos"), in chunks.  Pass "cbdata" as an opaque parameter to the
202  * "callback".  Processing stops when all buffer bytes (but no more than
203  * "size" bytes) have been visited by the "callback", or when the "callback"
204  * returns a value less than its passed "size" argument (the "callback" may
205  * _not_ return a value greater than its "size" argument!).
206  * Return the # of processed bytes (can be less than "size").
207  * Return zero and do nothing if "buf" is NULL or "pos" >= BUF_Size(buf).
208  * Do nothing and return min(BUF_Size(buf)-pos, size) if "callback" is NULL.
209  */
210 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT size_t BUF_PeekAtCB
211 (BUF         buf,
212  size_t      pos,
213  size_t    (*callback)(void* cbdata, const void* buf, size_t size),
214  void*       cbdata,
215  size_t      size
216  );
219 /*!
220  * Copy up to "size" bytes stored in "buf" to "data" and remove the copied
221  * data from the "buf".
222  * Return the # of copied-and/or-removed bytes (can be less than "size").
223  * NOTE: if "buf"  == NULL then do nothing and return 0
224  *       if "data" == NULL then do not copy data anywhere(still, remove it)
225  */
226 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT size_t BUF_Read
227 (BUF         buf,
228  void*       data,
229  size_t      size
230  );
233 /*!
234  * Make the buffer empty.
235  * NOTE: do nothing if "buf" == NULL.
236  */
237 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT void BUF_Erase(BUF buf);
240 /*!
241  * Append all contents of the source buffer "src" to the destination buffer
242  * "*dst", making the source buffer empty (as with BUF_Erase(src)).
243  * Return non-zero if successful; 0 in case of an error.
244  * NOTE: do nothing if "src" is either NULL or contains no data.
245  */
246 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT int/*bool*/ BUF_Splice(BUF* dst, BUF src);
249 /*!
250  * Destroy all internal data.
251  * NOTE: do nothing if "buf" == NULL.
252  */
253 extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT void BUF_Destroy(BUF buf);
256 #ifdef __cplusplus
257 }
258 #endif
261 /* @} */
263 #endif /* CONNECT___NCBI_BUFFER__H */