1 /*   biosrc.c
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *            National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *  We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
14 *  any work or product based on this material
15 *
16 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
17 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
19 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
20 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
21 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
22 *  purpose.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  biosrc.c
27 *
28 * Author:  Jonathan Kans
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date:   1/22/95
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.110 $
33 *
34 * File Description:
35 *
36 * Modifications:
37 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 * Date     Name        Description of modification
39 * -------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
40 *
41 *
42 * ==========================================================================
43 */
45 #include <biosrc.h>
46 #include <document.h>
47 #include <gather.h>
48 #include <subutil.h>
49 #include <explore.h>
51 #include <objmacro.h>
52 #include <macroapi.h>
55 extern EnumFieldAssoc  biosource_genome_simple_alist [];
ENUM_ALIST(biosource_genome_simple_alist)56 ENUM_ALIST(biosource_genome_simple_alist)
57   {" ",                    0},
58   {"Genomic",              1},
59   {"Chloroplast",          2},
60   {"Kinetoplast",          4},
61   {"Mitochondrion",        5},
62   {"Plastid",              6},
63   {"Macronuclear",         7},
64   {"Extrachromosomal",     8},
65   {"Plasmid",              9},
66     /*
67   {"Transposon",          10},
68   {"Insertion Sequence",  11},
69     */
70   {"Cyanelle",            12},
71   {"Proviral",            13},
72   {"Virion",              14},
73   {"Nucleomorph",         15},
74   {"Apicoplast",          16},
75   {"Leucoplast",          17},
76   {"Proplastid",          18},
77   {"Endogenous-virus",    19},
78   {"Hydrogenosome",       20},
79   {"Chromosome",          21},
80   {"Chromatophore",       22},
84 extern EnumFieldAssoc  biosource_origin_alist [];
ENUM_ALIST(biosource_origin_alist)85 ENUM_ALIST(biosource_origin_alist)
86   {" ",               0},
87   {"Natural",         1},
88   {"Natural Mutant",  2},
89   {"Mutant",          3},
90   {"Artificial",      4},
91   {"Synthetic",       5},
92   {"Other",         255},
95 Int2     numGeneticCodes = 0;
96 Int2     gcIdToIndex [NUM_GENETIC_CODES];
97 Uint1    gcIndexToId [NUM_GENETIC_CODES];
98 CharPtr  gcNames [NUM_GENETIC_CODES];
100 static CharPtr  orgTxtPtr = NULL;
101 static CharPtr  PNTR orgStrIdx = NULL;
102 static Int2     orgNum = 0;
104 #define ORGANISM_PAGE         0
105 #define MODIFIERS_PAGE        1
106 #define MISCELLANEOUS_PAGE    2
107 #define COMMON_PAGE           3
108 #define LOCATION_PAGE         4
110 #define NUM_PAGES  8
112 typedef struct genbiopage {
114   TexT            taxName;
115   Handle          commonName;
116   ButtoN          disable_strain_forwarding;
117   Boolean         typedSciName;
118   Boolean         typedComName;
119   Int2            selectedOrg;
120   Int2            clickedOrg;
121   DoC             orglist;
122   Int2            nuclGC;
123   Int2            mitoGC;
124   Int2            pstdGC;
125   Int4            taxID;
126   DialoG          genome;
127   PopuP           origin;
128   ButtoN          is_focus;
129   PopuP           simplecode;
130   PopuP           gcode;
131   PopuP           mgcode;
132   PopuP           pgcode;
133   TexT            lineage;
134   TexT            gbDiv;
135   DialoG          db;
136   DialoG          syn;
137   DialoG          mod;
138   GrouP           orgGrp [5];
139   GrouP           modGrp [5];
140   GrouP           miscGrp [5];
141   PrompT          gbacr;
142   PrompT          gbana;
143   PrompT          gbsyn;
144   PrompT          tymat;
146   DialoG          subsrc_val_dlg;
147   DialoG          orgmod_val_dlg;
148   ButtoN          pcr_primer_btn;
149   GrouP           pcr_primer_grp;
150   DialoG          pcr_primer_dlg;
152   CharPtr         origTaxName;
153   Boolean         stripOldName;
154 //  EnumFieldAssoc  PNTR genomeAlist;
155   Uint1           orgname_choice;
156   Pointer         orgname_data;
157   EnumFieldAssocPtr orgmod_alists [2];
158   EnumFieldAssocPtr subsource_alists [2];
159 } GenBioPage, PNTR GenBioPagePtr;
161 typedef struct genbioform {
163   SeqEntryPtr   sep;
164   GrouP         pages [NUM_PAGES];
165   DialoG        foldertabs;
166   Int2          currentPage;
168   LookupTaxonomyProc  lookupTaxonomy;
169 } GenBioForm, PNTR GenBioFormPtr;
171 #ifndef WIN16
172 static CharPtr taxlistMemStrs [] = {
173   "15\n",
174   "Acanthamoeba castellanii\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5755\n",
175   "Acanthoscurria gomesiana\t\t1\t5\tINV\t115339\n",
176   "Acetabularia acetabulum\t\t6\t1\tPLN\t35845\n",
177   "Acipenser sinensis\tChinese sturgeon\t1\t2\tVRT\t61970\n",
178   "Acipenser transmontanus\twhite sturgeon\t1\t2\tVRT\t7904\n",
179   "Acorus americanus\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t263995\n",
180   "Acropora millepora\t\t1\t4\tINV\t45264\n",
181   "Acropora palmata\t\t1\t4\tINV\t6131\n",
182   "Acyrthosiphon pisum\tpea aphid\t1\t5\tINV\t7029\n",
183   "Adiantum capillus-veneris\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t13818\n",
184   "Aedes aegypti\tyellow fever mosquito\t1\t5\tINV\t7159\n",
185   "Aegilops speltoides\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4573\n",
186   "Aegilops tauschii\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t37682\n",
187   "Agrostis capillaris\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t204232\n",
188   "Agrostis stolonifera\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t63632\n",
189   "Ajellomyces capsulatus\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5037\n",
190   "Ajellomyces capsulatus NAm1\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t339724\n",
191   "Alexandrium tamarense\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t2926\n",
192   "Alligator mississippiensis\tAmerican alligator\t1\t2\tVRT\t8496\n",
193   "Allium cepa\tonion\t1\t1\tPLN\t4679\n",
194   "Allomyces macrogynus\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t28583\n",
195   "Alternaria brassicicola\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t29001\n",
196   "Amblyomma americanum\tlone star tick\t1\t5\tINV\t6943\n",
197   "Amblyomma variegatum\t\t1\t5\tINV\t34610\n",
198   "Amborella trichopoda\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t13333\n",
199   "Ambystoma mexicanum\taxolotl\t1\t2\tVRT\t8296\n",
200   "Ambystoma ordinarium\tPuerto Hondo stream salamander\t1\t2\tVRT\t288796\n",
201   "Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum\tEastern tiger salamander\t1\t2\tVRT\t43116\n",
202   "Amoebidium parasiticum\t\t1\t4\tINV\t4881\n",
203   "Amorphotheca resinae\tcreosote fungus\t1\t4\tPLN\t5101\n",
204   "Amphidinium carterae\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t2961\n",
205   "Ananas comosus\tpineapple\t1\t1\tPLN\t4615\n",
206   "Anas platyrhynchos\t\t1\t2\tVRT\t8839\n",
207   "Ancylostoma caninum\tdog hookworm\t1\t5\tINV\t29170\n",
208   "Ancylostoma ceylanicum\t\t1\t5\tINV\t53326\n",
209   "Anolis carolinensis\tgreen anole\t1\t2\tVRT\t28377\n",
210   "Anolis sagrei\tbrown anole\t1\t2\tVRT\t38937\n",
211   "Anopheles albimanus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7167\n",
212   "Anopheles funestus\tAfrican malaria mosquito\t1\t5\tINV\t62324\n",
213   "Anopheles gambiae\tAfrican malaria mosquito\t1\t5\tINV\t7165\n",
214   "Anopheles gambiae str. PEST\t\t1\t5\tINV\t180454\n",
215   "Antheraea mylitta\t\t1\t5\tINV\t34739\n",
216   "Antirrhinum majus\tsnapdragon\t1\t1\tPLN\t4151\n",
217   "Antonospora locustae\t\t1\t1\tINV\t278021\n",
218   "Antrodia cinnamomea\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t279009\n",
219   "Aphanomyces cochlioides\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t112091\n",
220   "Aphis gossypii\tcotton aphid\t1\t5\tINV\t80765\n",
221   "Apis mellifera\thoney bee\t1\t5\tINV\t7460\n",
222   "Aplysia californica\tCalifornia sea hare\t1\t5\tINV\t6500\n",
223   "Aquilegia formosa\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t223430\n",
224   "Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. petraea\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t59691\n",
225   "Arabidopsis thaliana\tthale cress\t1\t1\tPLN\t3702\n",
226   "Arachis batizocoi\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t108210\n",
227   "Arachis duranensis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t130453\n",
228   "Arachis hypogaea\tpeanut\t1\t1\tPLN\t3818\n",
229   "Arachis stenosperma\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t217475\n",
230   "Argas monolakensis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t34602\n",
231   "Argopecten irradians\t\t1\t5\tINV\t31199\n",
232   "Ascaris suum\tpig roundworm\t1\t5\tINV\t6253\n",
233   "Ascosphaera apis USDA-ARSEF 7405\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t392613\n",
234   "Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t284811\n",
235   "Asparagus officinalis\tgarden asparagus\t1\t1\tPLN\t4686\n",
236   "Aspergillus clavatus NRRL 1\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t344612\n",
237   "Aspergillus flavus\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5059\n",
238   "Aspergillus flavus NRRL3357\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t332952\n",
239   "Aspergillus fumigatus Af293\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t330879\n",
240   "Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t227321\n",
241   "Aspergillus niger\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5061\n",
242   "Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t425011\n",
243   "Aspergillus oryzae\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5062\n",
244   "Aspergillus terreus NIH2624\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t341663\n",
245   "Astatotilapia burtoni\t\t1\t2\tVRT\t8153\n",
246   "Aureobasidium pullulans\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5580\n",
247   "Avena sativa\toat\t1\t1\tPLN\t4498\n",
248   "Babesia bovis\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5865\n",
249   "Bacillus cereus\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t1396\n",
250   "Bacillus clausii\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t79880\n",
251   "Bacillus licheniformis\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t1402\n",
252   "Bacillus subtilis\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t1423\n",
253   "Bemisia tabaci\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7038\n",
254   "Beta vulgaris\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t161934\n",
255   "Betula pendula\tEuropean white birch\t1\t1\tPLN\t3505\n",
256   "Bicyclus anynana\tsquinting bush brown\t1\t5\tINV\t110368\n",
257   "Bigelowiella natans\t\t1\t1\tINV\t227086\n",
258   "Biomphalaria glabrata\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6526\n",
259   "Blastocladiella emersonii\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t4808\n",
260   "Blastocystis hominis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t12968\n",
261   "Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t62688\n",
262   "Boechera stricta\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t72658\n",
263   "Bombyx mori\tdomestic silkworm\t1\t5\tINV\t7091\n",
264   "Borrelia burgdorferi\tLyme disease spirochete\t11\t0\tBCT\t139\n",
265   "Bos indicus\t\t1\t2\tMAM\t9915\n",
266   "Bos taurus\tcattle\t1\t2\tMAM\t9913\n",
267   "Botryotinia fuckeliana\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t40559\n",
268   "Botryotinia fuckeliana B05.10\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t332648\n",
269   "Brachionus plicatilis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t10195\n",
270   "Brachypodium distachyon\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t15368\n",
271   "Bradyrhizobium japonicum\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t375\n",
272   "Branchiostoma floridae\tFlorida lancelet\t1\t5\tINV\t7739\n",
273   "Brassica carinata\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t52824\n",
274   "Brassica napus\trape\t1\t1\tPLN\t3708\n",
275   "Brassica oleracea\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3712\n",
276   "Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra\tChinese kale\t1\t1\tPLN\t3714\n",
277   "Brassica oleracea var. italica\tasparagus broccoli\t1\t1\tPLN\t36774\n",
278   "Brassica rapa\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3711\n",
279   "Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t51351\n",
280   "Brucella abortus\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t235\n",
281   "Brugia malayi\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6279\n",
282   "Bruguiera gymnorhiza\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t39984\n",
283   "Bubalus bubalis\twater buffalo\t1\t2\tMAM\t89462\n",
284   "Burkholderia pseudomallei 112\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t441154\n",
285   "Burkholderia pseudomallei 14\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t441160\n",
286   "Burkholderia pseudomallei 381\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t441157\n",
287   "Burkholderia pseudomallei 7894\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t441156\n",
288   "Burkholderia pseudomallei 9\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t441158\n",
289   "Burkholderia pseudomallei 91\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t441159\n",
290   "Burkholderia pseudomallei B7210\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t441155\n",
291   "Burkholderia pseudomallei DM98\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t441161\n",
292   "Bursaphelenchus mucronatus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6325\n",
293   "Bursaphelenchus xylophilus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6326\n",
294   "Caenorhabditis brenneri\t\t1\t5\tINV\t135651\n",
295   "Caenorhabditis briggsae\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6238\n",
296   "Caenorhabditis briggsae AF16\t\t1\t5\tINV\t473542\n",
297   "Caenorhabditis elegans\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6239\n",
298   "Caenorhabditis remanei\t\t1\t5\tINV\t31234\n",
299   "Calanus finmarchicus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6837\n",
300   "Callinectes sapidus\tblue crab\t1\t5\tINV\t6763\n",
301   "Callithrix jacchus\twhite-tufted-ear marmoset\t1\t2\tPRI\t9483\n",
302   "Callorhinchus milii\telephantfish\t1\t2\tVRT\t7868\n",
303   "Camellia sinensis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4442\n",
304   "Candida albicans\t\t12\t4\tPLN\t5476\n",
305   "Candida albicans SC5314\t\t12\t4\tPLN\t237561\n",
306   "Candida glabrata\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t5478\n",
307   "Candida glabrata CBS 138\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t284593\n",
308   "Candida parapsilosis\t\t12\t4\tPLN\t5480\n",
309   "Candida tropicalis\t\t12\t3\tPLN\t5482\n",
310   "candidate division TM7 single-cell isolate TM7a\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t447454\n",
311   "Canis latrans\tcoyote\t1\t2\tMAM\t9614\n",
312   "Canis lupus\tgray wolf\t1\t2\tMAM\t9612\n",
313   "Canis lupus familiaris\tdog\t1\t2\tMAM\t9615\n",
314   "Cannabis sativa\themp\t1\t1\tPLN\t3483\n",
315   "Capra hircus\tgoat\t1\t2\tMAM\t9925\n",
316   "Capsaspora owczarzaki\t\t1\t1\tINV\t192875\n",
317   "Capsicum annuum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4072\n",
318   "Carcinus maenas\tgreen crab\t1\t5\tINV\t6759\n",
319   "Carica papaya\tpapaya\t1\t1\tPLN\t3649\n",
320   "Carthamus tinctorius\tsafflower\t1\t1\tPLN\t4222\n",
321   "Catharanthus roseus\tMadagascar periwinkle\t1\t1\tPLN\t4058\n",
322   "Cavia porcellus\tdomestic guinea pig\t1\t2\tROD\t10141\n",
323   "Celuca pugilator\tAtlantic sand fiddler crab\t1\t5\tINV\t6772\n",
324   "Cenchrus ciliaris\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t35872\n",
325   "Centaurea maculosa\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t215693\n",
326   "Centaurea solstitialis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t347529\n",
327   "Ceratodon purpureus\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3225\n",
328   "Ceratopteris richardii\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t49495\n",
329   "Cercomonas longicauda\t\t1\t1\tINV\t100933\n",
330   "Chaetomium cupreum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t155874\n",
331   "Chaetomium globosum CBS 148.51\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t306901\n",
332   "Chamaecyparis obtusa\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t13415\n",
333   "Chironomus tentans\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7153\n",
334   "Chlamydia trachomatis\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t813\n",
335   "Chlamydomonas incerta\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t51695\n",
336   "Chlamydomonas reinhardtii\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3055\n",
337   "Chlamys farreri\t\t1\t5\tINV\t202578\n",
338   "Chlorocebus aethiops\tAfrican green monkey\t1\t2\tPRI\t9534\n",
339   "Chondrus crispus\tcarragheen\t1\t4\tPLN\t2769\n",
340   "Chrysemys picta\t\t1\t2\tVRT\t8479\n",
341   "Cicer arietinum\tchickpea\t1\t1\tPLN\t3827\n",
342   "Cichorium endivia\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t114280\n",
343   "Cichorium intybus\tchicory\t1\t1\tPLN\t13427\n",
344   "Ciona intestinalis\t\t1\t13\tINV\t7719\n",
345   "Ciona savignyi\t\t1\t13\tINV\t51511\n",
346   "Citrus aurantium\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t43166\n",
347   "Citrus clementina\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t85681\n",
348   "Citrus reshni\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t171252\n",
349   "Citrus reticulata\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t85571\n",
350   "Citrus sinensis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t2711\n",
351   "Citrus unshiu\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t55188\n",
352   "Cleome hassleriana\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t28532\n",
353   "Clonorchis sinensis\t\t1\t9\tINV\t79923\n",
354   "Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t34146\n",
355   "Coccidioides immitis H538.4\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t396776\n",
356   "Coccidioides immitis RMSCC 3703\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t454286\n",
357   "Coccidioides immitis RS\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t246410\n",
358   "Coccidioides posadasii\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t199306\n",
359   "Coccidioides posadasii str. Silveira\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t443226\n",
360   "Coffea arabica\tcoffee\t1\t1\tPLN\t13443\n",
361   "Coffea canephora\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t49390\n",
362   "Coprinopsis cinerea\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5346\n",
363   "Cordyceps bassiana\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t176275\n",
364   "Coregonus clupeaformis\tlake whitefish\t1\t2\tVRT\t59861\n",
365   "Corynascus heterothallicus\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t78579\n",
366   "Corynebacterium glutamicum\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t1718\n",
367   "Crassostrea gigas\tPacific oyster\t1\t5\tINV\t29159\n",
368   "Crassostrea virginica\teastern oyster\t1\t5\tINV\t6565\n",
369   "Cricetulus griseus\tChinese hamster\t1\t2\tROD\t10029\n",
370   "Crocus sativus\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t82528\n",
371   "Cryphonectria parasitica\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5116\n",
372   "Cryptococcus laurentii\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5418\n",
373   "Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t40410\n",
374   "Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans B-3501A\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t283643\n",
375   "Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans JEC21\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t214684\n",
376   "Cryptomeria japonica\tJapanese cedar\t1\t1\tPLN\t3369\n",
377   "Cryptosporidium hominis TU502\t\t1\t4\tINV\t353151\n",
378   "Cryptosporidium parvum\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5807\n",
379   "Cryptosporidium parvum Iowa II\t\t1\t4\tINV\t353152\n",
380   "Ctenocephalides felis\tcat flea\t1\t5\tINV\t7515\n",
381   "Cucumis melo\tmuskmelon\t1\t1\tPLN\t3656\n",
382   "Cucumis melo subsp. agrestis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t217619\n",
383   "Cucumis melo subsp. melo\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t412675\n",
384   "Cucumis sativus\tcucumber\t1\t1\tPLN\t3659\n",
385   "Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus\tsouthern house mosquito\t1\t5\tINV\t7176\n",
386   "Culicoides sonorensis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t179676\n",
387   "Cunninghamella elegans\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t4853\n",
388   "Curcuma longa\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t136217\n",
389   "Cyamopsis tetragonoloba\tguar\t1\t1\tPLN\t3832\n",
390   "Cyanidioschyzon merolae strain 10D\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t280699\n",
391   "Cyanophora paradoxa\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t2762\n",
392   "Cycas rumphii\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t58031\n",
393   "Cynodon dactylon\tBermuda grass\t1\t1\tPLN\t28909\n",
394   "Cyprinus carpio\tcommon carp\t1\t2\tVRT\t7962\n",
395   "Danio rerio\tzebrafish\t1\t2\tVRT\t7955\n",
396   "Daphnia magna\t\t1\t5\tINV\t35525\n",
397   "Dasypus novemcinctus\tnine-banded armadillo\t1\t2\tMAM\t9361\n",
398   "Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t284592\n",
399   "Debaryomyces hansenii var. hansenii\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t58641\n",
400   "Deinagkistrodon acutus\t\t1\t2\tVRT\t36307\n",
401   "Dekkera bruxellensis\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5007\n",
402   "Diabrotica virgifera virgifera\twestern corn rootworm\t1\t5\tINV\t50390\n",
403   "Diaphorina citri\tAsian citrus psyllid\t1\t5\tINV\t121845\n",
404   "Diaprepes abbreviatus\tDiaprepes root weevil\t1\t5\tINV\t13040\n",
405   "Dicentrarchus labrax\tEuropean sea bass\t1\t2\tVRT\t13489\n",
406   "Dictyocaulus viviparus\tbovine lungworm\t1\t5\tINV\t29172\n",
407   "Dictyostelium discoideum\t\t1\t1\tINV\t44689\n",
408   "Dictyostelium discoideum AX4\t\t1\t1\tINV\t352472\n",
409   "Diplonema papillatum\t\t1\t4\tINV\t91374\n",
410   "Dirofilaria immitis\tdog heartworm nematode\t1\t5\tINV\t6287\n",
411   "Drosophila ananassae\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7217\n",
412   "Drosophila auraria\t\t1\t5\tINV\t47315\n",
413   "Drosophila erecta\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7220\n",
414   "Drosophila grimshawi\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7222\n",
415   "Drosophila melanogaster\tfruit fly\t1\t5\tINV\t7227\n",
416   "Drosophila mojavensis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7230\n",
417   "Drosophila persimilis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7234\n",
418   "Drosophila pseudoobscura\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7237\n",
419   "Drosophila sechellia\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7238\n",
420   "Drosophila simulans\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7240\n",
421   "Drosophila virilis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7244\n",
422   "Drosophila willistoni\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7260\n",
423   "Drosophila yakuba\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7245\n",
424   "Dugesia japonica\t\t1\t9\tINV\t6161\n",
425   "Dugesia ryukyuensis\t\t1\t9\tINV\t79738\n",
426   "Dunaliella salina\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3046\n",
427   "Echinococcus granulosus\t\t1\t9\tINV\t6210\n",
428   "Echinops telfairi\tsmall Madagascar hedgehog\t1\t2\tMAM\t9371\n",
429   "Eimeria tenella\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5802\n",
430   "Eisenia fetida\tcommon brandling worm\t1\t5\tINV\t6396\n",
431   "Elaeis guineensis\tAfrican oil palm\t1\t1\tPLN\t51953\n",
432   "Elaeis oleifera\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t80265\n",
433   "Emericella nidulans\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t162425\n",
434   "Emiliania huxleyi\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t2903\n",
435   "Endoriftia persephone 'Hot96_1+Hot96_2'\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t394104\n",
436   "Entamoeba dispar\t\t1\t1\tINV\t46681\n",
437   "Entamoeba dispar SAW760\t\t1\t1\tINV\t370354\n",
438   "Entamoeba histolytica\t\t1\t1\tINV\t5759\n",
439   "Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS\t\t1\t1\tINV\t294381\n",
440   "Entamoeba invadens\t\t1\t1\tINV\t33085\n",
441   "Entamoeba invadens IP1\t\t1\t1\tINV\t370355\n",
442   "Entamoeba moshkovskii FIC\t\t1\t1\tINV\t434306\n",
443   "Entamoeba terrapinae\t\t1\t1\tINV\t110771\n",
444   "Epiphyas postvittana\t\t1\t5\tINV\t65032\n",
445   "Eptatretus burgeri\tinshore hagfish\t1\t2\tVRT\t7764\n",
446   "Equus caballus\thorse\t1\t2\tMAM\t9796\n",
447   "Eragrostis tef\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t110835\n",
448   "Erinaceus europaeus\twestern European hedgehog\t1\t2\tMAM\t9365\n",
449   "Escherichia coli\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t562\n",
450   "Eschscholzia californica\tCalifornia poppy\t1\t1\tPLN\t3467\n",
451   "Esox lucius\tnorthern pike\t1\t2\tVRT\t8010\n",
452   "Eubalaena glacialis\tNorth Atlantic right whale\t1\t2\tMAM\t27606\n",
453   "Eucalyptus camaldulensis\tMurray red gum\t1\t1\tPLN\t34316\n",
454   "Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t71272\n",
455   "Eucalyptus grandis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t71139\n",
456   "Eucalyptus gunnii\tcider tree\t1\t1\tPLN\t3933\n",
457   "Euglena gracilis\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t3039\n",
458   "Euglena longa\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t3037\n",
459   "Euphorbia esula\tleafy spurge\t1\t1\tPLN\t3993\n",
460   "Euphorbia tirucalli\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t142860\n",
461   "Euprymna scolopes\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6613\n",
462   "Felis catus\tdomestic cat\t1\t2\tMAM\t9685\n",
463   "Fenneropenaeus chinensis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t139456\n",
464   "Festuca arundinacea\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4606\n",
465   "Folsomia candida\t\t1\t5\tINV\t158441\n",
466   "fossil metagenome\t\t11\t2\tENV\t444079\n",
467   "Fragaria vesca\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t57918\n",
468   "Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t101020\n",
469   "Fragilariopsis cylindrus\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t186039\n",
470   "Fundulus heteroclitus\tkillifish\t1\t2\tVRT\t8078\n",
471   "Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5508\n",
472   "Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t61369\n",
473   "Fusarium solani\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t169388\n",
474   "Fusarium sporotrichioides\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5514\n",
475   "Fusarium virguliforme\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t232082\n",
476   "Gadus morhua\tAtlantic cod\t1\t2\tVRT\t8049\n",
477   "Gallus gallus\tchicken\t1\t2\tVRT\t9031\n",
478   "Gammarus pulex\t\t1\t5\tINV\t52641\n",
479   "Gasterosteus aculeatus\tthree-spined stickleback\t1\t2\tVRT\t69293\n",
480   "GB virus C\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t54290\n",
481   "Gekko japonicus\t\t1\t2\tVRT\t146911\n",
482   "Gene trapping vector VICTR75\t\t11\t0\tSYN\t447634\n",
483   "Gene trapping vector VICTR76\t\t11\t0\tSYN\t447635\n",
484   "Geomyces pannorum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t79858\n",
485   "Gerbera hybrid cv. 'Terra Regina'\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t226891\n",
486   "Giardia intestinalis\t\t1\t0\tINV\t5741\n",
487   "Giardia lamblia ATCC 50803\t\t1\t0\tINV\t184922\n",
488   "Gibberella moniliformis\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t117187\n",
489   "Gibberella zeae\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5518\n",
490   "Gibberella zeae PH-1\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t229533\n",
491   "Gillichthys mirabilis\tlong-jawed mudsucker\t1\t2\tVRT\t8222\n",
492   "Ginkgo biloba\tmaidenhair tree\t1\t1\tPLN\t3311\n",
493   "Glaucocystis nostochinearum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t38271\n",
494   "Globodera pallida\t\t1\t5\tINV\t36090\n",
495   "Globodera rostochiensis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t31243\n",
496   "Gloeophyllum trabeum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t104355\n",
497   "Glomus intraradices\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t4876\n",
498   "Glossina morsitans morsitans\t\t1\t5\tINV\t37546\n",
499   "Glycine max\tsoybean\t1\t1\tPLN\t3847\n",
500   "Glycine soja\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3848\n",
501   "Glycyphagus domesticus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t105145\n",
502   "Gnetum gnemon\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3382\n",
503   "Gobiocypris rarus\t\t1\t2\tVRT\t143606\n",
504   "Gorilla gorilla\tgorilla\t1\t2\tPRI\t9593\n",
505   "Gossypium arboreum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t29729\n",
506   "Gossypium exiguum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t47626\n",
507   "Gossypium herbaceum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t34274\n",
508   "Gossypium hirsutum\tupland cotton\t1\t1\tPLN\t3635\n",
509   "Gossypium raimondii\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t29730\n",
510   "Gracilaria changii\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t172969\n",
511   "Graphocephala atropunctata\t\t1\t5\tINV\t36148\n",
512   "Grosmannia clavigera\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t226899\n",
513   "Gryllus bimaculatus\ttwo-spotted cricket\t1\t5\tINV\t6999\n",
514   "Guillardia theta\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t55529\n",
515   "Haemonchus contortus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6289\n",
516   "Haemophilus influenzae\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t727\n",
517   "Halocynthia roretzi\t\t1\t13\tINV\t7729\n",
518   "Hartmannella vermiformis\t\t1\t1\tINV\t5778\n",
519   "Hebeloma cylindrosporum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t76867\n",
520   "Hedyotis centranthoides\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t219666\n",
521   "Hedyotis terminalis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t219667\n",
522   "Helianthus annuus\tcommon sunflower\t1\t1\tPLN\t4232\n",
523   "Helianthus argophyllus\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t73275\n",
524   "Helianthus ciliaris\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t73280\n",
525   "Helianthus exilis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t400408\n",
526   "Helianthus paradoxus\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t73304\n",
527   "Helianthus petiolaris\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4234\n",
528   "Helianthus tuberosus\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4233\n",
529   "Helicobacter pylori\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t210\n",
530   "Heliconius erato\tcrimson-patched longwing\t1\t5\tINV\t33431\n",
531   "Heliconius melpomene\t\t1\t5\tINV\t34740\n",
532   "Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus\t\t1\t9\tINV\t7650\n",
533   "Hepatitis A virus\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t12092\n",
534   "Hepatitis B virus\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t10407\n",
535   "Hepatitis C virus\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t11103\n",
536   "Hepatitis C virus subtype 1a\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t31646\n",
537   "Hepatitis C virus subtype 1b\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t31647\n",
538   "Heterocapsa triquetra\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t66468\n",
539   "Heterodera glycines\t\t1\t5\tINV\t51029\n",
540   "Heterodera schachtii\t\t1\t5\tINV\t97005\n",
541   "Heterorhabditis bacteriophora\t\t1\t5\tINV\t37862\n",
542   "Hevea brasiliensis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3981\n",
543   "Hippoglossus hippoglossus\tAtlantic halibut\t1\t2\tVRT\t8267\n",
544   "Histiona aroides\t\t1\t1\tINV\t392300\n",
545   "Holothuria glaberrima\t\t1\t9\tINV\t31192\n",
546   "Homalodisca coagulata\tglassy-winged sharpshooter\t1\t5\tINV\t197043\n",
547   "Homarus americanus\tAmerican lobster\t1\t5\tINV\t6706\n",
548   "Homo sapiens\thuman\t1\t2\tPRI\t9606\n",
549   "Hordeum vulgare\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4513\n",
550   "Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t77009\n",
551   "Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare\tdomesticated barley\t1\t1\tPLN\t112509\n",
552   "Human herpesvirus 5\tHuman cytomegalovirus\t1\t0\tVRL\t10359\n",
553   "Human immunodeficiency virus 1\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t11676\n",
554   "Human immunodeficiency virus 2\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t11709\n",
555   "Human metapneumovirus\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t162145\n",
556   "Human T-lymphotropic virus 1\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t11908\n",
557   "Humulus lupulus\tEuropean hop\t1\t1\tPLN\t3486\n",
558   "Hydra magnipapillata\t\t1\t4\tINV\t6085\n",
559   "Hydra vulgaris\t\t1\t4\tINV\t6087\n",
560   "Hydractinia echinata\t\t1\t4\tINV\t35630\n",
561   "Hyperamoeba dachnaya\t\t1\t1\tINV\t181200\n",
562   "Hypocrea jecorina\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t51453\n",
563   "Hypocrea lixii\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5544\n",
564   "Hypocrea virens\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t29875\n",
565   "Hypsibius dujardini\t\t1\t5\tINV\t232323\n",
566   "Ichthyophthirius multifiliis\t\t6\t4\tINV\t5932\n",
567   "Ictalurus furcatus\tblue catfish\t1\t2\tVRT\t66913\n",
568   "Ictalurus punctatus\tchannel catfish\t1\t2\tVRT\t7998\n",
569   "Idiosepius paradoxus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t294707\n",
570   "Ipomoea batatas\tsweet potato\t1\t1\tPLN\t4120\n",
571   "Ipomoea nil\tJapanese morning glory\t1\t1\tPLN\t35883\n",
572   "Isochrysis galbana\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t37099\n",
573   "Ixodes scapularis\tblack-legged tick\t1\t5\tINV\t6945\n",
574   "Jakoba bahamiensis\t\t1\t1\tINV\t221721\n",
575   "Jakoba libera\t\t1\t1\tINV\t143017\n",
576   "Juglans regia\tEnglish walnut\t1\t1\tPLN\t51240\n",
577   "Karenia brevis\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t156230\n",
578   "Karlodinium micrum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t342587\n",
579   "Kazachstania exigua\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t34358\n",
580   "Kazachstania unispora\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t27294\n",
581   "Kluyveromyces lactis\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t28985\n",
582   "Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t284590\n",
583   "Kluyveromyces marxianus\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t4911\n",
584   "Kluyveromyces thermotolerans\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t4916\n",
585   "Laccaria bicolor\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t29883\n",
586   "Lachancea kluyveri\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t4934\n",
587   "Lactuca perennis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t43195\n",
588   "Lactuca saligna\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t75948\n",
589   "Lactuca sativa\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4236\n",
590   "Lactuca serriola\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t75943\n",
591   "Lactuca virosa\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t75947\n",
592   "Lama pacos\talpaca\t1\t2\tMAM\t30538\n",
593   "Laminaria digitata\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t80365\n",
594   "Laupala kohalensis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t109027\n",
595   "Lawsonia intracellularis\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t29546\n",
596   "Leishmania braziliensis\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5660\n",
597   "Leishmania donovani chagasi\t\t1\t4\tINV\t44271\n",
598   "Leishmania infantum JPCM5\t\t1\t4\tINV\t435258\n",
599   "Leishmania major\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5664\n",
600   "Leishmania major strain Friedlin\t\t1\t4\tINV\t347515\n",
601   "Lentinula edodes\tshiitake mushroom\t1\t4\tPLN\t5353\n",
602   "Lepeophtheirus salmonis\tsalmon louse\t1\t5\tINV\t72036\n",
603   "Leptinotarsa decemlineata\tColorado potato beetle\t1\t5\tINV\t7539\n",
604   "Leucoraja erinacea\tlittle skate\t1\t2\tVRT\t7782\n",
605   "Leucosporidium scottii\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5278\n",
606   "Limnanthes alba subsp. versicolor\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t377281\n",
607   "Limonium bicolor\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t293754\n",
608   "Lingulodinium polyedrum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t160621\n",
609   "Linum usitatissimum\tflax\t1\t1\tPLN\t4006\n",
610   "Liriodendron tulipifera\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3415\n",
611   "Listeria monocytogenes\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t1639\n",
612   "Listeria monocytogenes FSL F2-515\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t393116\n",
613   "Listeria monocytogenes FSL J1-208\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t393119\n",
614   "Lithognathus mormyrus\t\t1\t2\tVRT\t50591\n",
615   "Litomosoides sigmodontis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t42156\n",
616   "Litopenaeus vannamei\tPacific white shrimp\t1\t5\tINV\t6689\n",
617   "Locusta migratoria\tmigratory locust\t1\t5\tINV\t7004\n",
618   "Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t379508\n",
619   "Lolium multiflorum\tItalian ryegrass\t1\t1\tPLN\t4521\n",
620   "Lolium temulentum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t34176\n",
621   "Lotus japonicus\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t34305\n",
622   "Loxodonta africana\tAfrican savanna elephant\t1\t2\tMAM\t9785\n",
623   "Lumbricus rubellus\thumus earthworm\t1\t5\tINV\t35632\n",
624   "Lupinus albus\twhite lupine\t1\t1\tPLN\t3870\n",
625   "Lutzomyia longipalpis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7200\n",
626   "Lycoris longituba\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t272140\n",
627   "Lysiphlebus testaceipes\t\t1\t5\tINV\t77504\n",
628   "Macaca fascicularis\tcrab-eating macaque\t1\t2\tPRI\t9541\n",
629   "Macaca mulatta\trhesus monkey\t1\t2\tPRI\t9544\n",
630   "Macaca nemestrina\tpig-tailed macaque\t1\t2\tPRI\t9545\n",
631   "Maconellicoccus hirsutus\thibiscus mealybug\t1\t5\tINV\t177089\n",
632   "Macropus eugenii\ttammar wallaby\t1\t2\tMAM\t9315\n",
633   "Macrostomum lignano\t\t1\t9\tINV\t282301\n",
634   "Magnaporthe grisea\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t148305\n",
635   "Magnaporthe grisea 70-15\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t242507\n",
636   "Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum MS-1\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t272627\n",
637   "Malawimonas californiana\t\t1\t1\tINV\t221722\n",
638   "Malawimonas jakobiformis\t\t1\t1\tINV\t136089\n",
639   "Manduca sexta\ttobacco hornworm\t1\t5\tINV\t7130\n",
640   "Manihot esculenta\tcassava\t1\t1\tPLN\t3983\n",
641   "Marchantia polymorpha\tliverwort\t1\t1\tPLN\t3197\n",
642   "marine metagenome\t\t11\t2\tENV\t408172\n",
643   "Marsupenaeus japonicus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t27405\n",
644   "Mastigamoeba balamuthi\t\t1\t1\tINV\t108607\n",
645   "Measles virus\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t11234\n",
646   "Medicago sativa\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3879\n",
647   "Medicago truncatula\tbarrel medic\t1\t1\tPLN\t3880\n",
648   "Meleagris gallopavo\tturkey\t1\t2\tVRT\t9103\n",
649   "Meloidogyne arenaria\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6304\n",
650   "Meloidogyne chitwoodi\t\t1\t5\tINV\t59747\n",
651   "Meloidogyne hapla\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6305\n",
652   "Meloidogyne incognita\tsouthern root-knot nematode\t1\t5\tINV\t6306\n",
653   "Meloidogyne javanica\troot-knot nematode\t1\t5\tINV\t6303\n",
654   "Meloidogyne paranaensis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t189293\n",
655   "Mesembryanthemum crystallinum\tcommon iceplant\t1\t1\tPLN\t3544\n",
656   "Mesocricetus auratus\tgolden hamster\t1\t2\tROD\t10036\n",
657   "Mesostigma viride\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t41882\n",
658   "metagenome sequence\t\t11\t2\tENV\t256318\n",
659   "Metarhizium anisopliae\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5530\n",
660   "Microbotryum violaceum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5272\n",
661   "Microcebus murinus\tgray mouse lemur\t1\t2\tPRI\t30608\n",
662   "Mimulus guttatus\tspotted monkey flower\t1\t1\tPLN\t4155\n",
663   "Mimulus lewisii\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t69919\n",
664   "Misgurnus anguillicaudatus\toriental weatherfish\t1\t2\tVRT\t75329\n",
665   "Molgula tectiformis\t\t1\t13\tINV\t30286\n",
666   "Monacrosporium haptotylum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t74495\n",
667   "Monodelphis domestica\tgray short-tailed opossum\t1\t2\tMAM\t13616\n",
668   "Monosiga ovata\t\t1\t1\tINV\t81526\n",
669   "mouse gut metagenome\t\t11\t2\tENV\t410661\n",
670   "Mus musculus\thouse mouse\t1\t2\tROD\t10090\n",
671   "Mus musculus domesticus\twestern European house mouse\t1\t2\tROD\t10092\n",
672   "Mus musculus molossinus\tJapanese wild mouse\t1\t2\tROD\t57486\n",
673   "Musa acuminata\tdessert banana\t1\t1\tPLN\t4641\n",
674   "Mycobacterium tuberculosis\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t1773\n",
675   "Mycosphaerella graminicola\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t54734\n",
676   "Myotis lucifugus\tlittle brown bat\t1\t2\tMAM\t59463\n",
677   "Mytilus californianus\tCalifornia mussel\t1\t5\tINV\t6549\n",
678   "Mytilus galloprovincialis\tMediterranean mussel\t1\t5\tINV\t29158\n",
679   "Myzus persicae\tgreen peach aphid\t1\t5\tINV\t13164\n",
680   "Nakaseomyces delphensis\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t51657\n",
681   "Nasonia giraulti\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7426\n",
682   "Nasonia vitripennis\tjewel wasp\t1\t5\tINV\t7425\n",
683   "Necator americanus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t51031\n",
684   "Neisseria gonorrhoeae\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t485\n",
685   "Neisseria meningitidis\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t487\n",
686   "Nelumbo nucifera\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4432\n",
687   "Nematostella vectensis\tstarlet sea anemone\t1\t4\tINV\t45351\n",
688   "Neosartorya fischeri NRRL 181\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t331117\n",
689   "Neospora caninum\t\t1\t4\tINV\t29176\n",
690   "Neovison vison\t\t1\t2\tMAM\t452646\n",
691   "Neurospora crassa\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5141\n",
692   "Neurospora crassa OR74A\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t367110\n",
693   "Newcastle disease virus\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t11176\n",
694   "Nicotiana benthamiana\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4100\n",
695   "Nicotiana sylvestris\twood tobacco\t1\t1\tPLN\t4096\n",
696   "Nicotiana tabacum\tcommon tobacco\t1\t1\tPLN\t4097\n",
697   "Nippostrongylus brasiliensis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t27835\n",
698   "Nuphar advena\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t77108\n",
699   "Ochotona princeps\tAmerican pika\t1\t2\tMAM\t9978\n",
700   "Ocimum basilicum\tsweet basil\t1\t1\tPLN\t39350\n",
701   "Onchocerca volvulus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6282\n",
702   "Oncometopia nigricans\t\t1\t5\tINV\t266772\n",
703   "Oncorhynchus mykiss\trainbow trout\t1\t2\tVRT\t8022\n",
704   "Oncorhynchus nerka\tsockeye salmon\t1\t2\tVRT\t8023\n",
705   "Oncorhynchus tshawytscha\tChinook salmon\t1\t2\tVRT\t74940\n",
706   "Ophiostoma piliferum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t38032\n",
707   "Opisthorchis viverrini\t\t1\t9\tINV\t6198\n",
708   "Oreochromis niloticus\tNile tilapia\t1\t2\tVRT\t8128\n",
709   "Ornithorhynchus anatinus\tplatypus\t1\t2\tMAM\t9258\n",
710   "Oryctolagus cuniculus\trabbit\t1\t2\tMAM\t9986\n",
711   "Oryza alta\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t52545\n",
712   "Oryza australiensis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4532\n",
713   "Oryza brachyantha\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4533\n",
714   "Oryza coarctata\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t77588\n",
715   "Oryza glaberrima\tAfrican rice\t1\t1\tPLN\t4538\n",
716   "Oryza granulata\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t110450\n",
717   "Oryza minuta\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t63629\n",
718   "Oryza nivara\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4536\n",
719   "Oryza officinalis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4535\n",
720   "Oryza punctata\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4537\n",
721   "Oryza ridleyi\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t83308\n",
722   "Oryza rufipogon\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4529\n",
723   "Oryza sativa\trice\t1\t1\tPLN\t4530\n",
724   "Oryza sativa Indica Group\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t39946\n",
725   "Oryza sativa Japonica Group\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t39947\n",
726   "Oryzias latipes\tJapanese medaka\t1\t2\tVRT\t8090\n",
727   "Oscarella carmela\t\t1\t4\tINV\t386100\n",
728   "Osmerus mordax\trainbow smelt\t1\t2\tVRT\t8014\n",
729   "Ostertagia ostertagi\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6317\n",
730   "Ostreococcus lucimarinus CCE9901\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t436017\n",
731   "Otolemur garnettii\tsmall-eared galago\t1\t2\tPRI\t30611\n",
732   "Ovis aries\tsheep\t1\t2\tMAM\t9940\n",
733   "Pan paniscus\tpygmy chimpanzee\t1\t2\tPRI\t9597\n",
734   "Pan troglodytes\tchimpanzee\t1\t2\tPRI\t9598\n",
735   "Pan troglodytes troglodytes\t\t1\t2\tPRI\t37011\n",
736   "Pan troglodytes verus\t\t1\t2\tPRI\t37012\n",
737   "Panax ginseng\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4054\n",
738   "Panicum virgatum\tswitchgrass\t1\t1\tPLN\t38727\n",
739   "Paracentrotus lividus\tcommon urchin\t1\t9\tINV\t7656\n",
740   "Paracoccidioides brasiliensis\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t121759\n",
741   "Paralabidochromis chilotes\t\t1\t2\tVRT\t77306\n",
742   "Paralichthys olivaceus\tbastard halibut\t1\t2\tVRT\t8255\n",
743   "Paramecium tetraurelia\t\t6\t4\tINV\t5888\n",
744   "Parastrongyloides trichosuri\t\t1\t5\tINV\t131310\n",
745   "Pasteuria penetrans\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t86005\n",
746   "Patiria pectinifera\t\t1\t9\tINV\t7594\n",
747   "Pavlova lutheri\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t2832\n",
748   "Paxillus involutus\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t71150\n",
749   "Pediculus humanus capitis\thuman head louse\t1\t5\tINV\t121226\n",
750   "Pediculus humanus corporis\thuman body louse\t1\t5\tINV\t121224\n",
751   "Penaeus monodon\tblack tiger shrimp\t1\t5\tINV\t6687\n",
752   "Penicillium marneffei\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t37727\n",
753   "Pennisetum glaucum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4543\n",
754   "Perkinsus marinus ATCC 50983\t\t1\t4\tINV\t423536\n",
755   "Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii\tprairie deer mouse\t1\t2\tROD\t230844\n",
756   "Persea americana\tavocado\t1\t1\tPLN\t3435\n",
757   "Petromyzon marinus\tsea lamprey\t1\t2\tVRT\t7757\n",
758   "Phaeodactylum tricornutum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t2850\n",
759   "Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t321614\n",
760   "Phakopsora pachyrhizi\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t170000\n",
761   "Phalaenopsis equestris\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t78828\n",
762   "Phalaenopsis violacea\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t86509\n",
763   "Phanerochaete chrysosporium\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5306\n",
764   "Phaseolus coccineus\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3886\n",
765   "Phaseolus vulgaris\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3885\n",
766   "Phlebotomus papatasi\t\t1\t5\tINV\t29031\n",
767   "Photorhabdus luminescens\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t29488\n",
768   "Physarum polycephalum\tslime mold\t1\t1\tINV\t5791\n",
769   "Physcomitrella patens\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3218\n",
770   "Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t145481\n",
771   "Phytophthora brassicae\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t187813\n",
772   "Phytophthora infestans\tpotato late blight agent\t1\t1\tPLN\t4787\n",
773   "Phytophthora infestans T30-4\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t403677\n",
774   "Phytophthora parasitica\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4792\n",
775   "Phytophthora ramorum\tSudden oak death agent\t1\t1\tPLN\t164328\n",
776   "Phytophthora sojae\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t67593\n",
777   "Picea abies\tNorway spruce\t1\t1\tPLN\t3329\n",
778   "Picea glauca\twhite spruce\t1\t1\tPLN\t3330\n",
779   "Picea sitchensis\tSitka spruce\t1\t1\tPLN\t3332\n",
780   "Pichia angusta\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t4905\n",
781   "Pichia farinosa\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t4920\n",
782   "Pichia guilliermondii ATCC 6260\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t294746\n",
783   "Pichia stipitis CBS 6054\t\t12\t3\tPLN\t322104\n",
784   "Pimephales promelas\t\t1\t2\tVRT\t90988\n",
785   "Pinus pinaster\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t71647\n",
786   "Pinus taeda\tloblolly pine\t1\t1\tPLN\t3352\n",
787   "Pisum sativum\tpea\t1\t1\tPLN\t3888\n",
788   "Plasmodium berghei\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5821\n",
789   "Plasmodium berghei strain ANKA\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5823\n",
790   "Plasmodium chabaudi\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5825\n",
791   "Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi\t\t1\t4\tINV\t31271\n",
792   "Plasmodium falciparum\tmalaria parasite P. falciparum\t1\t4\tINV\t5833\n",
793   "Plasmodium falciparum 3D7\t\t1\t4\tINV\t36329\n",
794   "Plasmodium falciparum Dd2\t\t1\t4\tINV\t57267\n",
795   "Plasmodium falciparum HB3\t\t1\t4\tINV\t137071\n",
796   "Plasmodium vivax\tmalaria parasite P. vivax\t1\t4\tINV\t5855\n",
797   "Plasmodium yoelii\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5861\n",
798   "Plasmodium yoelii yoelii\t\t1\t4\tINV\t73239\n",
799   "Plasmodium yoelii yoelii str. 17XNL\t\t1\t4\tINV\t352914\n",
800   "Platichthys flesus\tEuropean flounder\t1\t2\tVRT\t8260\n",
801   "Plodia interpunctella\tIndianmeal moth\t1\t5\tINV\t58824\n",
802   "Pneumocystis carinii\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t4754\n",
803   "Podocoryne carnea\t\t1\t4\tINV\t6096\n",
804   "Poecilia reticulata\tguppy\t1\t2\tVRT\t8081\n",
805   "Polygonatum sibiricum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t261423\n",
806   "Polysphondylium pallidum\t\t1\t1\tINV\t13642\n",
807   "Polytomella parva\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t51329\n",
808   "Poncirus trifoliata\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t37690\n",
809   "Pongo pygmaeus\torangutan\t1\t2\tPRI\t9600\n",
810   "Populus deltoides\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3696\n",
811   "Populus euphratica\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t75702\n",
812   "Populus nigra\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3691\n",
813   "Populus tremula\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t113636\n",
814   "Populus tremuloides\tquaking aspen\t1\t1\tPLN\t3693\n",
815   "Populus trichocarpa\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3694\n",
816   "Porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t28344\n",
817   "Porphyra haitanensis\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t76159\n",
818   "Porphyra yezoensis\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t2788\n",
819   "Pratylenchus vulnus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t45931\n",
820   "Pristionchus pacificus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t54126\n",
821   "Prototheca wickerhamii\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3111\n",
822   "Prunus armeniaca\tapricot\t1\t1\tPLN\t36596\n",
823   "Prunus dulcis\talmond\t1\t1\tPLN\t3755\n",
824   "Prunus persica\tpeach\t1\t1\tPLN\t3760\n",
825   "Prymnesium parvum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t97485\n",
826   "Pseudomonas aeruginosa\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t287\n",
827   "Pseudotsuga menziesii\tDouglas-fir\t1\t1\tPLN\t3357\n",
828   "Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t278161\n",
829   "Psychroflexus torquis ATCC 700755\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t313595\n",
830   "Puccinellia tenuiflora\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t240906\n",
831   "Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici CRL 75-36-700-3\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t418459\n",
832   "Puccinia triticina\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t208348\n",
833   "Pythium ultimum DAOM BR144\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t431595\n",
834   "Rabies virus\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t11292\n",
835   "Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. landra\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t328428\n",
836   "Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t457179\n",
837   "Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. raphanistrum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t109997\n",
838   "Raphanus sativus\tradish\t1\t1\tPLN\t3726\n",
839   "Raphanus sativus var. oleiformis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t463157\n",
840   "Rattus norvegicus\tNorway rat\t1\t2\tROD\t10116\n",
841   "Reclinomonas americana\t\t1\t1\tINV\t48483\n",
842   "Rhipicephalus appendiculatus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t34631\n",
843   "Rhipicephalus microplus\tsouthern cattle tick\t1\t5\tINV\t6941\n",
844   "Rhizopus oryzae\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t64495\n",
845   "Rhodnius prolixus\t\t1\t5\tINV\t13249\n",
846   "Rhynchosciara americana\t\t1\t5\tINV\t7186\n",
847   "Ricinus communis\tcastor bean\t1\t1\tPLN\t3988\n",
848   "Robinia pseudoacacia\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t35938\n",
849   "Rosa hybrid cultivar\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t128735\n",
850   "Rutilus rutilus\troach minnow\t1\t2\tVRT\t48668\n",
851   "Saccharomyces castellii\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t27288\n",
852   "Saccharomyces cerevisiae\tbaker's yeast\t1\t3\tPLN\t4932\n",
853   "Saccharomyces mikatae IFO 1815\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t226126\n",
854   "Saccharomyces pastorianus\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t27292\n",
855   "Saccharomyces servazzii\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t27293\n",
856   "Saccharomyces uvarum\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t230603\n",
857   "Saccharum hybrid cultivar\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t128810\n",
858   "Saccharum officinarum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4547\n",
859   "Saccoglossus kowalevskii\t\t1\t9\tINV\t10224\n",
860   "Saitoella complicata\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5606\n",
861   "Salmo salar\tAtlantic salmon\t1\t2\tVRT\t8030\n",
862   "Salvelinus fontinalis\tbrook trout\t1\t2\tVRT\t8038\n",
863   "Salvia miltiorrhiza\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t226208\n",
864   "Sarcocystis falcatula\t\t1\t4\tINV\t32593\n",
865   "Sarcocystis neurona\t\t1\t4\tINV\t42890\n",
866   "Saruma henryi\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t13258\n",
867   "Sawyeria marylandensis\t\t1\t1\tINV\t194530\n",
868   "Scenedesmus obliquus\t\t1\t22\tPLN\t3088\n",
869   "Schistosoma japonicum\t\t1\t9\tINV\t6182\n",
870   "Schistosoma mansoni\t\t1\t9\tINV\t6183\n",
871   "Schizosaccharomyces pombe\tfission yeast\t1\t4\tPLN\t4896\n",
872   "Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t284812\n",
873   "Schmidtea mediterranea\t\t1\t9\tINV\t79327\n",
874   "Sclerotinia sclerotiorum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5180\n",
875   "Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 1980\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t325569\n",
876   "Sebastes rastrelliger\tgrass rockfish\t1\t2\tVRT\t72095\n",
877   "Secale cereale\trye\t1\t1\tPLN\t4550\n",
878   "Seculamonas ecuadoriensis\t\t1\t1\tINV\t221724\n",
879   "Selaginella lepidophylla\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t59777\n",
880   "Sesamum indicum\tsesame\t1\t1\tPLN\t4182\n",
881   "Simian immunodeficiency virus\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t11723\n",
882   "Solanum chacoense\tChaco potato\t1\t1\tPLN\t4108\n",
883   "Solanum habrochaites\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t62890\n",
884   "Solanum lycopersicum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4081\n",
885   "Solanum pennellii\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t28526\n",
886   "Solanum tuberosum\tpotato\t1\t1\tPLN\t4113\n",
887   "Solenopsis invicta\tred fire ant\t1\t5\tINV\t13686\n",
888   "Sorex araneus\tEuropean shrew\t1\t2\tMAM\t42254\n",
889   "Sorghum bicolor\tsorghum\t1\t1\tPLN\t4558\n",
890   "Sorghum propinquum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t132711\n",
891   "Sparus aurata\tgilthead seabream\t1\t2\tVRT\t8175\n",
892   "Spermophilus lateralis\tgolden-mantled ground squirrel\t1\t2\tROD\t76772\n",
893   "Spermophilus tridecemlineatus\tthirteen-lined ground squirrel\t1\t2\tROD\t43179\n",
894   "Sphaeroforma arctica\t\t1\t1\tINV\t72019\n",
895   "Spironucleus barkhanus\t\t6\t0\tINV\t103874\n",
896   "Spizellomyces punctatus\t\t1\t16\tPLN\t109760\n",
897   "Spodoptera frugiperda\tfall armyworm\t1\t5\tINV\t7108\n",
898   "Squalus acanthias\tspiny dogfish\t1\t2\tVRT\t7797\n",
899   "Stachyamoeba lipophora\t\t1\t1\tINV\t463046\n",
900   "Staphylococcus aureus\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t1280\n",
901   "Staphylococcus epidermidis\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t1282\n",
902   "Sterkiella histriomuscorum\t\t6\t4\tINV\t94289\n",
903   "Stevia rebaudiana\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t55670\n",
904   "Streblomastix strix\t\t6\t1\tINV\t222440\n",
905   "Streptococcus agalactiae\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t1311\n",
906   "Streptococcus pneumoniae\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t1313\n",
907   "Streptococcus pyogenes\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t1314\n",
908   "Strongylocentrotus purpuratus\t\t1\t9\tINV\t7668\n",
909   "Strongyloides ratti\t\t1\t5\tINV\t34506\n",
910   "Strongyloides stercoralis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6248\n",
911   "Suidasia medanensis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t223625\n",
912   "Sus scrofa\tpig\t1\t2\tMAM\t9823\n",
913   "Taenia solium\tpork tapeworm\t1\t9\tINV\t6204\n",
914   "Taeniopygia guttata\t\t1\t2\tVRT\t59729\n",
915   "Taiwania cryptomerioides\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t50187\n",
916   "Takifugu rubripes\ttorafugu\t1\t2\tVRT\t31033\n",
917   "Tamarix androssowii\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t189785\n",
918   "Tamarix hispida\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t189793\n",
919   "Taphrina deformans\tpeach leaf curl fungus\t1\t4\tPLN\t5011\n",
920   "Taraxacum kok-saghyz\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t333970\n",
921   "Taraxacum officinale\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t50225\n",
922   "Teladorsagia circumcincta\t\t1\t5\tINV\t45464\n",
923   "Tetrahymena thermophila\t\t6\t4\tINV\t5911\n",
924   "Tetrahymena thermophila SB210\t\t6\t4\tINV\t312017\n",
925   "Tetraodon nigroviridis\t\t1\t2\tVRT\t99883\n",
926   "Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t296543\n",
927   "Theileria annulata\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5874\n",
928   "Theileria annulata strain Ankara\t\t1\t4\tINV\t353154\n",
929   "Theileria parva\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5875\n",
930   "Theileria parva strain Muguga\t\t1\t4\tINV\t333668\n",
931   "Thellungiella halophila\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t98038\n",
932   "Thellungiella salsuginea\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t72664\n",
933   "Theobroma cacao\tcacao\t1\t1\tPLN\t3641\n",
934   "Thermomyces lanuginosus\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5541\n",
935   "Thlaspi caerulescens\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t107243\n",
936   "Thunnus thynnus\tbluefin tuna\t1\t2\tVRT\t8237\n",
937   "Thymallus arcticus\tArctic grayling\t1\t2\tVRT\t70285\n",
938   "Torque teno virus\t\t1\t0\tVRL\t68887\n",
939   "Tortula ruralis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t38588\n",
940   "Toxocara canis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6265\n",
941   "Toxoplasma gondii\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5811\n",
942   "Toxoplasma gondii RH\t\t1\t4\tINV\t383379\n",
943   "Toxoptera citricida\tbrown citrus aphid\t1\t5\tINV\t223852\n",
944   "Trametes versicolor\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5325\n",
945   "Tribolium castaneum\tred flour beetle\t1\t5\tINV\t7070\n",
946   "Trichinella spiralis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6334\n",
947   "Trichoderma reesei QM6a\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t431241\n",
948   "Trichomonas vaginalis\t\t1\t0\tINV\t5722\n",
949   "Trichomonas vaginalis G3\t\t1\t0\tINV\t412133\n",
950   "Trichophyton rubrum\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5551\n",
951   "Trichosurus vulpecula\tsilver-gray brushtail possum\t1\t2\tMAM\t9337\n",
952   "Trichuris muris\t\t1\t5\tINV\t70415\n",
953   "Trichuris vulpis\t\t1\t5\tINV\t219738\n",
954   "Trifolium pratense\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t57577\n",
955   "Trifolium repens\twhite clover\t1\t1\tPLN\t3899\n",
956   "Trimastix pyriformis\t\t1\t1\tINV\t342808\n",
957   "Triphysaria versicolor\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t64093\n",
958   "Triticum aestivum\tbread wheat\t1\t1\tPLN\t4565\n",
959   "Triticum monococcum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4568\n",
960   "Triticum turgidum subsp. durum\tdurum wheat\t1\t1\tPLN\t4567\n",
961   "Tritrichomonas foetus\t\t1\t0\tINV\t5724\n",
962   "Trypanosoma brucei\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5691\n",
963   "Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense\t\t1\t4\tINV\t31286\n",
964   "Trypanosoma brucei TREU927\t\t1\t4\tINV\t185431\n",
965   "Trypanosoma cruzi\t\t1\t4\tINV\t5693\n",
966   "Trypanosoma cruzi strain CL Brener\t\t1\t4\tINV\t353153\n",
967   "Tuber borchii\twhitish truffle\t1\t4\tPLN\t42251\n",
968   "Tupaia belangeri\tnorthern tree shrew\t1\t2\tMAM\t37347\n",
969   "Tursiops truncatus\tbottlenosed dolphin\t1\t2\tMAM\t9739\n",
970   "uncultured archaeon\t\t11\t0\tENV\t115547\n",
971   "uncultured bacterium\t\t11\t0\tENV\t77133\n",
972   "uncultured eukaryote\t\t1\t1\tENV\t100272\n",
973   "uncultured fungus\t\t1\t4\tENV\t175245\n",
974   "uncultured marine virus\t\t1\t0\tENV\t186617\n",
975   "uncultured organism\t\t11\t2\tENV\t155900\n",
976   "uncultured prokaryote\t\t11\t0\tENV\t198431\n",
977   "Uromyces appendiculatus\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5264\n",
978   "Ustilago maydis\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t5270\n",
979   "Ustilago maydis 521\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t237631\n",
980   "Vaccinium corymbosum\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t69266\n",
981   "Vanderwaltozyma polyspora DSM 70294\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t436907\n",
982   "Verticillium dahliae\t\t1\t4\tPLN\t27337\n",
983   "Vibrio parahaemolyticus AQ3810\t\t11\t0\tBCT\t419109\n",
984   "Vigna unguiculata\tcowpea\t1\t1\tPLN\t3917\n",
985   "Vitis hybrid cultivar\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t241073\n",
986   "Vitis shuttleworthii\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t246827\n",
987   "Vitis vinifera\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t29760\n",
988   "Welwitschia mirabilis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t3377\n",
989   "Wuchereria bancrofti\t\t1\t5\tINV\t6293\n",
990   "Xenopus laevis\tAfrican clawed frog\t1\t2\tVRT\t8355\n",
991   "Xenopus tropicalis\twestern clawed frog\t1\t2\tVRT\t8364\n",
992   "Xiphinema index\t\t1\t5\tINV\t46003\n",
993   "Yarrowia lipolytica\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t4952\n",
994   "Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t284591\n",
995   "Zamia fischeri\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t34342\n",
996   "Zantedeschia aethiopica\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t69721\n",
997   "Zea mays\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t4577\n",
998   "Zea mays subsp. mays\tmaize\t1\t1\tPLN\t381124\n",
999   "Zea mays subsp. parviglumis\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t76912\n",
1000   "Zingiber officinale\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t94328\n",
1001   "Zinnia elegans\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t34245\n",
1002   "Zostera marina\t\t1\t1\tPLN\t29655\n",
1003   "Zygosaccharomyces rouxii\t\t1\t3\tPLN\t4956\n",
1004   NULL
1005 };
1006 #endif
LoadOrganismTable(void)1008 extern Boolean LoadOrganismTable (void)
1010 {
1011   Char     ch;
1012   FILE     *f;
1013   Boolean  failed;
1014   Char     first [16];
1015   Int2     idx;
1016   CharPtr  lst;
1017   Int8     len;
1018   Int2     num;
1019   CharPtr  ptr = NULL;
1020   Char     str [PATH_MAX];
1021   CharPtr  tmp;
1022   Int2     version;
1023 #ifdef WIN_MAC
1024   CharPtr  p;
1025 #endif
1026 #if (defined(OS_DOS) || defined (OS_NT))
1027   CharPtr  p;
1028   CharPtr  q;
1029 #endif
1031   orgTxtPtr = NULL;
1032   orgStrIdx = NULL;
1033   orgNum = 0;
1034   failed = TRUE;
1035   ProgramPath (str, sizeof (str));
1036   tmp = StringRChr (str, DIRDELIMCHR);
1037   if (tmp != NULL) {
1038     *tmp = '\0';
1039     FileBuildPath (str, NULL, "taxlist.txt");
1040     len = FileLength (str);
1041     f = FileOpen (str, "r");
1042     if (f == NULL) {
1043       if (GetAppParam ("NCBI", "NCBI", "DATA", "", str, sizeof (str))) {
1044         FileBuildPath (str, NULL, "taxlist.txt");
1045         len = FileLength (str);
1046         f = FileOpen (str, "r");
1047       }
1048     }
1049     if (f != NULL) {
1050       ptr = MemNew ((size_t) (len + 5));
1051       if (ptr != NULL) {
1052         FileRead (ptr, (size_t) len, 1, f);
1053 #if (defined(OS_DOS) || defined (OS_NT))
1054         p = ptr;
1055         q = ptr;
1056         while (*p) {
1057           if (*p == '\r') {
1058             p++;
1059           } else {
1060             *q = *p;
1061             p++;
1062             q++;
1063           }
1064         }
1065         *q = '\0';
1066 #endif
1067 #ifdef WIN_MAC
1068         p = ptr;
1069         while (*p) {
1070           if (*p == '\r') {
1071             *p = '\n';
1072           }
1073           p++;
1074         }
1075 #endif
1076       }
1077       FileClose (f);
1078     }
1079   }
1080   if (ptr == NULL) {
1081 #ifndef WIN16
1082     idx = 0;
1083     len = 0;
1084     tmp = taxlistMemStrs [idx];
1085     while (tmp != NULL) {
1086       len += StringLen (tmp);
1087       idx++;
1088       tmp = taxlistMemStrs [idx];
1089     }
1090     ptr = MemNew ((size_t) (len + 5));
1091     if (ptr != NULL) {
1092       lst = ptr;
1093       idx = 0;
1094       tmp = taxlistMemStrs [idx];
1095       while (tmp != NULL) {
1096         lst = StringMove (lst, tmp);
1097         idx++;
1098         tmp = taxlistMemStrs [idx];
1099       }
1100     }
1101 #endif
1102   }
1103   if (ptr != NULL) {
1104     orgTxtPtr = ptr;
1105     tmp = ptr;
1106     ch = *tmp;
1107     while (ch != '\0' && ch != '\n') {
1108       tmp++;
1109       ch = *tmp;
1110     }
1111     *tmp = '\0';
1112     StringNCpy_0 (first, ptr, sizeof (first) - 1);
1113     *tmp = ch;
1114     if (StrToInt (first, &version)) {
1115       tmp++;
1116       ptr = tmp;
1117     }
1118     num = 0;
1119     tmp = ptr;
1120     ch = *tmp;
1121     while (ch != '\0') {
1122       if (ch == '\n') {
1123         num++;
1124       }
1125       tmp++;
1126       ch = *tmp;
1127     }
1128     orgStrIdx = MemNew (sizeof (CharPtr) * (size_t) (num + 3));
1129     if (orgStrIdx != NULL) {
1130       idx = 0;
1131       tmp = ptr;
1132       ch = *tmp;
1133       orgStrIdx [idx] = tmp;
1134       while (ch != '\0') {
1135         if (ch == '\n') {
1136           idx++;
1137           tmp++;
1138           ch = *tmp;
1139           orgStrIdx [idx] = tmp;
1140         } else {
1141           tmp++;
1142           ch = *tmp;
1143         }
1144       }
1145       orgNum = num;
1146       failed = FALSE;
1147     }
1148   }
1149   if (failed) {
1150     orgTxtPtr = MemFree (orgTxtPtr);
1151     orgStrIdx = MemFree (orgStrIdx);
1152     return FALSE;
1153   } else {
1154     return TRUE;
1155   }
1156 }
FreeOrganismTable(void)1158 extern void FreeOrganismTable (void)
1160 {
1161   orgTxtPtr = MemFree (orgTxtPtr);
1162   orgStrIdx = MemFree (orgStrIdx);
1163 }
SetupGeneticCodes(void)1165 extern void SetupGeneticCodes (void)
1167 {
1168   Char            ch;
1169   GeneticCodePtr  codes;
1170   GeneticCodePtr  gcp;
1171   Int2            i;
1172   Int4            id;
1173   Int2            j;
1174   Int2            index;
1175   Char            name [64];
1176   CharPtr         ptr;
1177   Char            str [256];
1178   ValNodePtr      tmp;
1180   numGeneticCodes = 0;
1181   for (i = 0; i < NUM_GENETIC_CODES; i++) {
1182     gcIndexToId [i] = 0;
1183     gcIdToIndex [i] = 1;
1184     gcNames [i] = NULL;
1185   }
1186   index = 1;
1187   codes = GeneticCodeTableLoad ();
1188   if (codes != NULL) {
1189     for (gcp = codes; gcp != NULL; gcp = gcp->next) {
1190       id = 0;
1191       str [0] = '\0';
1192       for (tmp = (ValNodePtr) gcp->data.ptrvalue; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
1193         switch (tmp->choice) {
1194           case 1 :
1195             if (StringLen (str) < 1) {
1196               StringNCpy_0 (str, (CharPtr) tmp->data.ptrvalue, sizeof (str));
1197               ptr = str;
1198               ch = *ptr;
1199               while (ch != '\0') {
1200                 if (ch == '/') {
1201                   *ptr = '-';
1202                 }
1203                 ptr++;
1204                 ch = *ptr;
1205               }
1206             }
1207             break;
1208           case 2 :
1209             id = tmp->data.intvalue;
1210             break;
1211           default :
1212             break;
1213         }
1214       }
1215       if (id != 7 && id != 8) {
1216         if (id > 0 /* && id < 30 */ ) {
1217           i = 0;
1218           if (StringLen (str + i) > 0 && index < NUM_GENETIC_CODES - 1) {
1219             ch = str [i];
1220             while (ch == ' ' || ch == ';') {
1221               i++;
1222               ch = str [i];
1223             }
1224             j = 0;
1225             ch = str [i + j];
1226             while (ch != '\0' && ch != ';') {
1227               name [j] = ch;
1228               j++;
1229               ch = str [i + j];
1230             }
1231             name [j] = '\0';
1232             i += j;
1233             index++;
1234             if (ch == ';') {
1235               StringCat (name, ", etc.");
1236             }
1237             gcIndexToId [index] = id;
1238             gcIdToIndex [id] = index;
1239             gcNames [index] = StringSave (name);
1240           }
1241         }
1242       }
1243     }
1244   }
1245   numGeneticCodes = index;
1246 }
FreeGeneticCodes(void)1248 extern void FreeGeneticCodes (void)
1250 {
1251   Int2  i;
1253   for (i = 0; i < NUM_GENETIC_CODES; i++) {
1254     gcNames [i] = MemFree (gcNames [i]);
1255   }
1256 }
GetGeneticCodeValNodeList(void)1258 extern ValNodePtr GetGeneticCodeValNodeList (void)
1259 {
1260   ValNodePtr gencodelist = NULL;
1261   Int4       index;
1263   for (index = 0; index <= numGeneticCodes; index++)
1264   {
1265     if (StringHasNoText (gcNames[index]))
1266     {
1267       continue;
1268     }
1269     ValNodeAddPointer (&gencodelist, gcIndexToId [index], StringSave (gcNames[index]));
1270   }
1271   return gencodelist;
1272 }
CopyField(CharPtr str,size_t max,CharPtr source,Int2 col)1274 static void CopyField (CharPtr str, size_t max, CharPtr source, Int2 col)
1276 {
1277   Char     ch;
1278   size_t   count;
1279   CharPtr  ptr;
1281   if (str != NULL && max > 0 && source != NULL) {
1282     MemSet (str, 0, max);
1283       ptr = source;
1284       ch = *ptr;
1285       while (col > 1 && ch != '\n' && ch != '\0') {
1286         while (ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\0') {
1287           ptr++;
1288           ch = *ptr;
1289         }
1290         if (ch == '\t') {
1291           ptr++;
1292           ch = *ptr;
1293         }
1294         col--;
1295       }
1296       count = 0;
1297       ch = ptr [count];
1298       while (ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\0') {
1299         count++;
1300         ch = ptr [count];
1301       }
1302       max = MIN (max, count);
1303       StringNCpy (str, ptr, max); /* remains StringNCpy, not _0 */
1304   }
1305 }
CopyStrFromTaxPtr(CharPtr str,size_t max,Int2 row,Int2 col)1307 static void CopyStrFromTaxPtr (CharPtr str, size_t max, Int2 row, Int2 col)
1309 {
1310   CharPtr  source;
1312   if (str != NULL && max > 0) {
1313     MemSet (str, 0, max);
1314     if (orgTxtPtr != NULL && orgStrIdx != NULL && row > 0) {
1315       source = orgStrIdx [row - 1];
1316       CopyField (str, max, source, col);
1317     }
1318   }
1319 }
FindTaxText(CharPtr text,Int2 num)1321 static Int2 FindTaxText (CharPtr text, Int2 num)
1323 {
1324   Int2  compare;
1325   Int2  left;
1326   Int2  mid;
1327   Int2  right;
1328   Char  str [256];
1330   mid = 0;
1331   if (text != NULL && num > 0) {
1332     left = 1;
1333     right = num;
1334     while (left <= right) {
1335       mid = (left + right) / 2;
1336       CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, mid, 1);
1337       compare = StringICmp (text, str);
1338       if (compare <= 0) {
1339         right = mid - 1;
1340       }
1341       if (compare >= 0) {
1342         left = mid + 1;
1343       }
1344     }
1345     if (left <= right + 1) {
1346       CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, mid, 1);
1347       str [StringLen (text)] = '\0';
1348       compare = StringICmp (text, str);
1349       if (compare > 0) {
1350         mid++;
1351         if (mid <= num) {
1352           CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, mid, 1);
1353           str [StringLen (text)] = '\0';
1354           compare = StringICmp (text, str);
1355           if (compare > 0) {
1356             mid = 0;
1357           }
1358         }
1359       }
1360     }
1361   }
1362   return mid;
1363 }
BioSourceDialogToGenBankDivision(DialoG d,CharPtr div,size_t maxsize)1365 extern Boolean BioSourceDialogToGenBankDivision (DialoG d, CharPtr div, size_t maxsize)
1367 {
1368   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
1370   if (div == NULL || maxsize < 1) return FALSE;
1371   div [0] = '\0';
1372   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
1373   if (gbp != NULL) {
1374     GetTitle (gbp->gbDiv, div, maxsize);
1375     if (! StringHasNoText (div)) return TRUE;
1376   }
1377   return FALSE;
1378 }
PopulateGeneticCodePopup(PopuP gc)1380 NLM_EXTERN void PopulateGeneticCodePopup (PopuP gc)
1382 {
1383   Int2  i;
1385    if (gc != NULL) {
1386     PopupItem (gc, " ");
1387     for (i = 1; i <= numGeneticCodes; i++) {
1388       PopupItem (gc, gcNames [i]);
1389     }
1390   }
1391 }
ChangeGencodePopups(GenBioPagePtr gbp)1393 static void ChangeGencodePopups (GenBioPagePtr gbp)
1395 {
1396   UIEnum  genome;
1397   ValNodePtr vnp;
1399   if (gbp != NULL) {
1400     if (gbp->simplecode != NULL) {
1401       vnp = DialogToPointer (gbp->genome);
1402       if (vnp != NULL) {
1403         genome = GenomeFromSrcLoc (vnp->choice);
1404         vnp = ValNodeFreeData (vnp);
1405         if (genome == 4 || genome == 5) {
1406           SafeSetValue (gbp->simplecode, gcIdToIndex [gbp->mitoGC]);
1407         } else if (genome == GENOME_chloroplast ||
1408                    genome == GENOME_chromoplast ||
1409                    genome == GENOME_plastid ||
1410                    genome == GENOME_cyanelle ||
1411                    genome == GENOME_apicoplast ||
1412                    genome == GENOME_leucoplast ||
1413                    genome == GENOME_proplastid ||
1414                    genome == GENOME_chromatophore) {
1415           if (gbp->pstdGC > 0) {
1416             SafeSetValue (gbp->simplecode, gcIdToIndex [gbp->pstdGC]);
1417           } else {
1418             SafeSetValue (gbp->simplecode, gcIdToIndex [11]);
1419           }
1420         } else {
1421           SafeSetValue (gbp->simplecode, gcIdToIndex [gbp->nuclGC]);
1422         }
1423       }
1424       SafeSetValue (gbp->gcode, gcIdToIndex [gbp->nuclGC]);
1425       SafeSetValue (gbp->mgcode, gcIdToIndex [gbp->mitoGC]);
1426       SafeSetValue (gbp->pgcode, gcIdToIndex [gbp->pstdGC]);
1427     } else {
1428       SafeSetValue (gbp->gcode, gcIdToIndex [gbp->nuclGC]);
1429       SafeSetValue (gbp->mgcode, gcIdToIndex [gbp->mitoGC]);
1430       SafeSetValue (gbp->pgcode, gcIdToIndex [gbp->pstdGC]);
1431     }
1432   }
1433 }
SetCodes(GenBioPagePtr gbp,Int2 row,Boolean changepopups)1435 static void SetCodes (GenBioPagePtr gbp, Int2 row, Boolean changepopups)
1437 {
1438   Char  str [256];
1440   if (gbp != NULL && row > 0) {
1441     CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, row, 3);
1442     StrToInt (str, &gbp->nuclGC);
1443     CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, row, 4);
1444     StrToInt (str, &gbp->mitoGC);
1445     gbp->pstdGC = 0;
1446     CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, row, 5);
1447     SafeSetTitle (gbp->gbDiv, str);
1448     CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, row, 6);
1449     StrToLong (str, &gbp->taxID);
1450     if (changepopups) {
1451       ChangeGencodePopups (gbp);
1452     }
1453   }
1454 }
1456 extern void SetGenome (PopuP p);
SetGenome(PopuP p)1457 void SetGenome (PopuP p)
1459 {
1460   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
1462   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (p);
1463   if (gbp != NULL) {
1464     ChangeGencodePopups (gbp);
1465   }
1466 }
AutoScrollTax(GenBioPagePtr gbp,TexT t,Boolean isSciName,Boolean setText,Boolean changepopups)1468 static void AutoScrollTax (GenBioPagePtr gbp, TexT t, Boolean isSciName,
1469                            Boolean setText, Boolean changepopups)
1471 {
1472   Int2  num;
1473   Int2  oldOrg;
1474   Int2  row;
1475   Char  str [256];
1476   Char  txt [256];
1478   if (gbp != NULL && t != NULL) {
1479     gbp->nuclGC = 0;
1480     gbp->mitoGC = 0;
1481     gbp->pstdGC = 0;
1482     gbp->taxID = 0;
1483     SafeSetTitle (gbp->gbDiv, "");
1484     GetTitle (t, str, sizeof (str) - 2);
1485     if (str [0] == '\0') {
1486       if (isSciName) {
1487         gbp->typedSciName = FALSE;
1488       } else {
1489         gbp->typedComName = FALSE;
1490       }
1491     }
1492     num = 0;
1493     oldOrg = gbp->selectedOrg;
1494     GetItemParams (gbp->orglist, 1, NULL, &num, NULL, NULL, NULL);
1495     if (num > 0) {
1496       row = FindTaxText (str, num);
1497       if (row > 0 && row <= num) {
1498         if (! RowIsVisible (gbp->orglist, 1, row, NULL, NULL)) {
1499           SetOffset (gbp->orglist, 0, row - 1);
1500         }
1501         CopyStrFromTaxPtr (txt, sizeof (txt) - 2, row, 1);
1502         if (StringICmp (txt, str) != 0) {
1503           if (setText) {
1504             if (isSciName) {
1505               if (! gbp->typedComName) {
1506                 SafeSetTitle (gbp->commonName, "");
1507               }
1508             } else {
1509               if (! gbp->typedSciName) {
1510                 /*
1511                 SafeSetTitle (gbp->taxName, "");
1512                 */
1513               }
1514             }
1515           }
1516           gbp->selectedOrg = 0;
1517           InvalDocRows (gbp->orglist, 1, oldOrg, oldOrg);
1518           if (changepopups) {
1519             ChangeGencodePopups (gbp);
1520           }
1521           return;
1522         }
1523         if (isSciName) {
1524           CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, row, 2);
1525           if (! gbp->typedComName) {
1526             if (setText) {
1527               SafeSetTitle (gbp->commonName, str);
1528             }
1529           } else {
1530             GetTitle (gbp->commonName, txt, sizeof (txt));
1531             if (StringICmp (txt, str) != 0) {
1532               if (changepopups) {
1533                 ChangeGencodePopups (gbp);
1534               }
1535               return;
1536             }
1537           }
1538         } else {
1539           if (changepopups) {
1540             ChangeGencodePopups (gbp);
1541           }
1542           return;
1543         }
1544         SetCodes (gbp, row, changepopups);
1545         if (oldOrg != row) {
1546           gbp->selectedOrg = 0;
1547           InvalDocRows (gbp->orglist, 1, oldOrg, oldOrg);
1548           gbp->selectedOrg = row;
1549           InvalDocRows (gbp->orglist, 1, row, row);
1550         }
1551       }
1552     }
1553   }
1554 }
1556 static void FreeGenBioOrgNameData (GenBioPagePtr gbp);
TaxNameText(TexT t)1558 static void TaxNameText (TexT t)
1560 {
1561   DbtagPtr         dbt;
1562   GenBioPagePtr    gbp;
1563   ValNodePtr       head;
1564   ValNodePtr       nextvnp;
1565   ValNodePtr PNTR  prevvnp;
1566   ValNodePtr       vnp;
1568   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (t);
1569   if (gbp != NULL) {
1570     gbp->typedSciName = TRUE;
1571     AutoScrollTax (gbp, t, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
1572     SafeSetTitle (gbp->lineage, "");
1573     SafeSetTitle (gbp->gbDiv, "");
1574     head = DialogToPointer (gbp->db);
1575     if (head != NULL) {
1576       prevvnp = &head;
1577       vnp = head;
1578       while (vnp != NULL) {
1579         nextvnp = vnp->next;
1580         dbt = (DbtagPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
1581         if (dbt != NULL) {
1582           if (StringICmp (dbt->db, "taxon") == 0) {
1583             *prevvnp = vnp->next;
1584             vnp->next = NULL;
1585             DbtagFree (dbt);
1586             ValNodeFree (vnp);
1587             FreeGenBioOrgNameData (gbp);
1588           } else {
1589             prevvnp = (ValNodePtr PNTR) &(vnp->next);
1590           }
1591         }
1592         vnp = nextvnp;
1593       }
1594       PointerToDialog (gbp->db, head);
1595     }
1596   }
1597 }
CommonNameText(TexT t)1599 static void CommonNameText (TexT t)
1601 {
1602   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
1604   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (t);
1605   if (gbp != NULL) {
1606     /*
1607     gbp->typedComName = TRUE;
1608     AutoScrollTax (gbp, t, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
1609     */
1610   }
1611 }
ClickTaxName(DoC d,PoinT pt)1613 static void ClickTaxName (DoC d, PoinT pt)
1615 {
1616   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
1617   Int2           item;
1618   Int2           oldOrg;
1619   Int2           row;
1621   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
1622   if (gbp != NULL) {
1623     MapDocPoint (d, pt, &item, &row, NULL, NULL);
1624     if (item > 0 && row > 0) {
1625       gbp->clickedOrg = row;
1626       oldOrg = gbp->selectedOrg;
1627       if (gbp->selectedOrg != row) {
1628         gbp->selectedOrg = 0;
1629         InvalDocRows (d, 1, oldOrg, oldOrg);
1630         gbp->selectedOrg = row;
1631         InvalDocRows (d, 1, row, row);
1632       }
1633     }
1634   }
1635 }
ReleaseTaxName(DoC d,PoinT pt)1637 static void ReleaseTaxName (DoC d, PoinT pt)
1639 {
1640   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
1641   Int2           item;
1642   Int2           row;
1643   Char           str [256];
1644   CharPtr        taxname;
1646   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
1647   if (gbp == NULL) {
1648     return;
1649   }
1650   if (!TextHasNoText (gbp->taxName) || !TextHasNoText (gbp->commonName)) {
1651     if (ANS_CANCEL == Message (MSG_OKC, "Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing scientific name and/or common name?")) {
1652       taxname = SaveStringFromText (gbp->taxName);
1653       if (!StringHasNoText (taxname)) {
1654         SetBioSourceDialogTaxName (gbp->dialog, taxname);
1655       }
1656       taxname = MemFree (taxname);
1657       return;
1658     }
1659   }
1661   if (gbp != NULL) {
1662     gbp->nuclGC = 0;
1663     gbp->mitoGC = 0;
1664     gbp->pstdGC = 0;
1665     gbp->taxID = 0;
1666     SafeSetTitle (gbp->gbDiv, "");
1667     MapDocPoint (d, pt, &item, &row, NULL, NULL);
1668     if (item > 0 && row > 0 && row == gbp->clickedOrg) {
1669       ResetClip ();
1670       if (row == gbp->clickedOrg) {
1671         CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, row, 1);
1672         SafeSetTitle (gbp->taxName, str);
1673         CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, row, 2);
1674         SafeSetTitle (gbp->commonName, str);
1675         Select (gbp->taxName);
1676         TaxNameText (gbp->taxName);
1677         SetCodes (gbp, row, TRUE);
1678       }
1679     }
1680   }
1681 }
SetBioSourceDialogTaxName(DialoG d,CharPtr taxname)1683 extern Boolean SetBioSourceDialogTaxName (DialoG d, CharPtr taxname)
1685 {
1686   GenBioPagePtr gbp;
1687   Int2          num;
1688   Int2          oldOrg;
1689   Int2          row;
1690   Char          str [256];
1692   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
1693   if (gbp == NULL) return FALSE;
1694   num = 0;
1695   oldOrg = gbp->selectedOrg;
1696   GetItemParams (gbp->orglist, 1, NULL, &num, NULL, NULL, NULL);
1697   if (num > 0) {
1698     row = FindTaxText (taxname, num);
1699     if (row > 0 && row <= num) {
1700       if (! RowIsVisible (gbp->orglist, 1, row, NULL, NULL)) {
1701         SetOffset (gbp->orglist, 0, row - 1);
1702       }
1703       CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, row, 1);
1704       if (StringICmp (str, taxname) != 0) {
1705         SafeSetTitle (gbp->commonName, "");
1706         SafeSetTitle (gbp->taxName, taxname);
1707         gbp->selectedOrg = 0;
1708         InvalDocRows (gbp->orglist, 1, oldOrg, oldOrg);
1709         ChangeGencodePopups (gbp);
1710         return TRUE;
1711       }
1712       CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, row, 1);
1713       SafeSetTitle (gbp->taxName, str);
1714       CopyStrFromTaxPtr (str, sizeof (str) - 2, row, 2);
1715       SafeSetTitle (gbp->commonName, str);
1716       Select (gbp->taxName);
1717       SetCodes (gbp, row, TRUE);
1718       gbp->selectedOrg = row;
1719       InvalDocRows (gbp->orglist, 1, oldOrg, oldOrg);
1720       InvalDocRows (gbp->orglist, 1, row, row);
1721       return TRUE;
1722     }
1723     else
1724     {
1725       SafeSetTitle (gbp->taxName, taxname);
1726       SafeSetTitle (gbp->commonName, "");
1727       gbp->selectedOrg = 0;
1728       InvalDocRows (gbp->orglist, 1, oldOrg, oldOrg);
1729       ChangeGencodePopups (gbp);
1730     }
1731   }
1732   return FALSE;
1733 }
HighlightTaxName(DoC d,Int2 item,Int2 row,Int2 col)1735 static Boolean HighlightTaxName (DoC d, Int2 item, Int2 row, Int2 col)
1737 {
1738   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
1740   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
1741   if (gbp != NULL) {
1742     return (Boolean) (row == gbp->selectedOrg);
1743   } else {
1744     return FALSE;
1745   }
1746 }
1748 static ParData orgListPar = {FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0};
1749 static ColData orgListCol [] = {
1750   {0, 0, 80, 0, NULL, 'l', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE},
1751   {0, 0,  0, 0, NULL, 'l', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE},
1752   {0, 0,  0, 0, NULL, 'l', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE},
1753   {0, 0,  0, 0, NULL, 'l', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE},
1754   {0, 0,  0, 0, NULL, 'l', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE},
1755   {0, 0,  0, 0, NULL, 'l', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE},
1756   {0, 0,  0, 0, NULL, 'l', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE},
1757   {0, 0,  0, 0, NULL, 'l', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE}};
AllButFirstLinePrtProc(DoC d,Int2 item,Pointer ptr)1759 static CharPtr AllButFirstLinePrtProc (DoC d, Int2 item, Pointer ptr)
1761 {
1762   Char     ch;
1763   CharPtr  tmp;
1765   if (ptr != NULL) {
1766     tmp = (CharPtr) ptr;
1767     ch = *tmp;
1768     while (ch != '\0' && ch != '\n') {
1769       tmp++;
1770       ch = *tmp;
1771     }
1772     if (ch != '\0') {
1773       tmp++;
1774       return StringSave (tmp);
1775     } else {
1776       return NULL;
1777     }
1778   } else {
1779     return NULL;
1780   }
1781 }
1784 static Char useGenomicText [] = "\
1785 (Use 'Genomic' for a sequence encoded by a nuclear gene.)\n";
MakeOrgNameDataCopy(OrgNamePtr onp,Uint1Ptr orgname_choiceP)1787 static Pointer MakeOrgNameDataCopy (OrgNamePtr onp, Uint1Ptr orgname_choiceP)
1788 {
1789   OrgNamePtr onp_copy;
1790   Pointer    retval;
1792   if (orgname_choiceP != NULL) {
1793     *orgname_choiceP = 0;
1794   }
1796   if (onp == NULL) return NULL;
1798   onp_copy = (OrgNamePtr) AsnIoMemCopy (onp, (AsnReadFunc) OrgNameAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc) OrgNameAsnWrite);
1799   if (onp_copy == NULL) return NULL;
1801   retval = onp_copy->data;
1802   if (orgname_choiceP != NULL) {
1803     *orgname_choiceP = onp_copy->choice;
1804   }
1805   onp_copy->data = NULL;
1806   onp_copy->choice = 0;
1807   OrgNameFree (onp_copy);
1808   return retval;
1809 }
FreeGenBioOrgNameData(GenBioPagePtr gbp)1811 static void FreeGenBioOrgNameData (GenBioPagePtr gbp)
1812 {
1813   OrgNamePtr     onp;
1815   if (gbp != NULL) {
1816     if (gbp->orgname_choice != 0) {
1817       onp = OrgNameNew ();
1818       if (onp != NULL) {
1819         onp->choice = gbp->orgname_choice;
1820         onp->data = gbp->orgname_data;
1821         OrgNameFree (onp);
1822         gbp->orgname_choice = 0;
1823         gbp->orgname_data = NULL;
1824       }
1825     }
1826   }
1827 }
1830 const CharPtr kDisableStrainForwardAttrib = "nomodforward";
IsStrainForwardingDisabled(BioSourcePtr biop)1832 static Boolean IsStrainForwardingDisabled(BioSourcePtr biop)
1833 {
1834     Boolean rval = FALSE;
1835     if (biop == NULL || biop->org == NULL || biop->org->orgname == NULL) {
1836         return FALSE;
1837     }
1838     if (StringISearch(biop->org->orgname->attrib, kDisableStrainForwardAttrib) != NULL) {
1839         rval = TRUE;
1840     }
1842     return rval;
1843 }
DisableStrainForwarding(BioSourcePtr biop,Boolean val)1846 NLM_EXTERN void DisableStrainForwarding(BioSourcePtr biop, Boolean val)
1847 {
1848     CharPtr cp;
1849     Int4    len;
1851     if (biop == NULL) {
1852         return;
1853     }
1854     if (biop->org == NULL) {
1855         if (val) {
1856             biop->org = OrgRefNew();
1857         } else {
1858             return;
1859         }
1860     }
1861     if (biop->org->orgname == NULL) {
1862         if (val) {
1863             biop->org->orgname = OrgNameNew();
1864         } else {
1865             return;
1866         }
1867     }
1868     if ((cp = StringISearch(biop->org->orgname->attrib, kDisableStrainForwardAttrib)) == NULL) {
1869         if (val) {
1870             SetStringValue (&(biop->org->orgname->attrib), kDisableStrainForwardAttrib, ExistingTextOption_append_semi);
1871         }
1872     } else {
1873         if (!val) {
1874             len = StringLen (kDisableStrainForwardAttrib);
1875             StringCpy(cp, cp + len);
1876             if (StringHasNoText(biop->org->orgname->attrib)) {
1877                 biop->org->orgname->attrib = MemFree (biop->org->orgname->attrib);
1878             }
1879         }
1880     }
1882 }
BioSourcePtrToGenBioPage(DialoG d,Pointer data)1885 static void BioSourcePtrToGenBioPage (DialoG d, Pointer data)
1887 {
1888   BioSourcePtr   biop;
1889   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
1890   UIEnum         genome;
1891   OrgModPtr      mod;
1892   OrgNamePtr     onp;
1893   OrgRefPtr      orp;
1894   WindoW         tempPort;
1895   ValNode        vn;
1896   ValNodePtr     vnp;
1898   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
1899   biop = (BioSourcePtr) data;
1900   if (gbp != NULL) {
1901     orp = NULL;
1902     onp = NULL;
1903     tempPort = SavePort (gbp->taxName);
1904     SafeSetTitle (gbp->taxName, "");
1905     SafeSetTitle (gbp->commonName, "");
1906     gbp->typedSciName = FALSE;
1907     gbp->typedComName = FALSE;
1908     gbp->selectedOrg = 0;
1909     gbp->clickedOrg = 0;
1910     gbp->nuclGC = 0;
1911     gbp->mitoGC = 0;
1912     gbp->pstdGC = 0;
1913     gbp->taxID = 0;
1914     SafeSetTitle (gbp->gbDiv, "");
1915     SafeSetValue (gbp->genome, 2);
1916     SafeSetValue (gbp->origin, 1);
1917     SafeSetStatus (gbp->is_focus, FALSE);
1918     SafeSetValue (gbp->gcode, 1);
1919     SafeSetValue (gbp->mgcode, 1);
1920     SafeSetValue (gbp->pgcode, 1);
1921     SafeSetValue (gbp->simplecode, 1);
1922     SafeSetTitle (gbp->gbacr, "");
1923     SafeSetTitle (gbp->gbana, "");
1924     SafeSetTitle (gbp->gbsyn, "");
1925     SafeSetTitle (gbp->tymat, "");
1926     SafeSetTitle (gbp->lineage, "");
1927     PointerToDialog (gbp->db, NULL);
1928     PointerToDialog (gbp->syn, NULL);
1929     PointerToDialog (gbp->mod, NULL);
1930     PointerToDialog (gbp->subsrc_val_dlg, NULL);
1931     PointerToDialog (gbp->orgmod_val_dlg, NULL);
1932     PointerToDialog (gbp->pcr_primer_dlg, NULL);
1934     if (biop != NULL) {
1935       vn.choice = SrcLocFromGenome (biop->genome);
1936       vn.data.ptrvalue = NULL;
1937       vn.next = NULL;
1938       PointerToDialog (gbp->genome, &vn);
1939       SetEnumPopup (gbp->origin, biosource_origin_alist, (UIEnum) biop->origin);
1940       SafeSetStatus (gbp->is_focus, biop->is_focus);
1941       if (biop->is_focus) {
1942         SafeEnable (gbp->is_focus);
1943       }
1944       orp = biop->org;
1945       if (orp != NULL) {
1946         gbp->origTaxName = StringSave (orp->taxname);
1947         SafeSetTitle (gbp->taxName, orp->taxname);
1948         SafeSetTitle (gbp->commonName, orp->common);
1949         PointerToDialog (gbp->db, orp->db);
1950         PointerToDialog (gbp->syn, orp->syn);
1951         PointerToDialog (gbp->mod, orp->mod);
1952         onp = orp->orgname;
1953         if (onp != NULL) {
1954           /* store orgname data for unaltered retrieval later */
1955           gbp->orgname_choice = 0;
1956           gbp->orgname_data = MakeOrgNameDataCopy(onp, &gbp->orgname_choice);
1958           SafeSetTitle (gbp->lineage, onp->lineage);
1959           PointerToDialog (gbp->orgmod_val_dlg, onp->mod);
1960           mod = onp->mod;
1961           while (mod != NULL) {
1962             switch (mod->subtype) {
1963               case 32 :
1964                 SetTitle (gbp->gbacr, mod->subname);
1965                 break;
1966               case 33 :
1967                 SetTitle (gbp->gbana, mod->subname);
1968                 break;
1969               case 34 :
1970                 SetTitle (gbp->gbsyn, mod->subname);
1971                 break;
1972               case 38 :
1973                 SetTitle (gbp->tymat, mod->subname);
1974                 break;
1975               default :
1976                 break;
1977             }
1978             mod = mod->next;
1979           }
1980         }
1981       }
1982       if (IsStrainForwardingDisabled(biop)) {
1983         SafeSetStatus(gbp->disable_strain_forwarding, TRUE);
1984         Show(gbp->disable_strain_forwarding);
1985       } else {
1986         SafeSetStatus(gbp->disable_strain_forwarding, FALSE);
1987         Hide(gbp->disable_strain_forwarding);
1988       }
1990       PointerToDialog (gbp->subsrc_val_dlg, biop->subtype);
1991       if (biop->pcr_primers != NULL) {
1992         SetStatus (gbp->pcr_primer_btn, TRUE);
1993         PointerToDialog (gbp->pcr_primer_dlg, biop->pcr_primers);
1994         Show (gbp->pcr_primer_grp);
1995       }
1996     }
1997     if (orp != NULL) {
1998       if (! TextHasNoText (gbp->taxName)) {
1999         AutoScrollTax (gbp, gbp->taxName, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
2000       /*
2001       } else if (! TextHasNoText (gbp->commonName)) {
2002         AutoScrollTax (gbp, gbp->commonName, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
2003       */
2004         SafeSetTitle (gbp->gbDiv, "");
2005         SafeSetValue (gbp->gcode, 1);
2006         SafeSetValue (gbp->mgcode, 1);
2007         SafeSetValue (gbp->pgcode, 1);
2008         SafeSetValue (gbp->simplecode, 1);
2009       }
2010     }
2011     if (onp != NULL) {
2012       SafeSetTitle (gbp->gbDiv, onp->div);
2013       if (onp->gcode > 0) {
2014         gbp->nuclGC = onp->gcode;
2015       }
2016       if (onp->mgcode > 0) {
2017         gbp->mitoGC = onp->mgcode;
2018       }
2019       if (onp->pgcode > 0) {
2020         gbp->pstdGC = onp->pgcode;
2021       }
2022       if (gbp->simplecode != NULL) {
2023         vnp = DialogToPointer (gbp->genome);
2024         if (vnp != NULL) {
2025           genome = GenomeFromSrcLoc (vnp->choice);
2026           vnp = ValNodeFreeData (vnp);
2027           if (genome == 4 || genome == 5) {
2028             SafeSetValue (gbp->simplecode, gcIdToIndex [onp->mgcode]);
2029           } else if (genome == GENOME_chloroplast ||
2030                      genome == GENOME_chromoplast ||
2031                      genome == GENOME_plastid ||
2032                      genome == GENOME_cyanelle ||
2033                      genome == GENOME_apicoplast ||
2034                      genome == GENOME_leucoplast ||
2035                      genome == GENOME_proplastid ||
2036                      genome == GENOME_chromatophore) {
2037             SafeSetValue (gbp->simplecode, gcIdToIndex [11]);
2038           } else {
2039             SafeSetValue (gbp->simplecode, gcIdToIndex [onp->gcode]);
2040           }
2041         }
2042         SafeSetValue (gbp->gcode, gcIdToIndex [onp->gcode]);
2043         SafeSetValue (gbp->mgcode, gcIdToIndex [onp->mgcode]);
2044         SafeSetValue (gbp->pgcode, gcIdToIndex [onp->pgcode]);
2045       } else {
2046         SafeSetValue (gbp->gcode, gcIdToIndex [onp->gcode]);
2047         SafeSetValue (gbp->mgcode, gcIdToIndex [onp->mgcode]);
2048         SafeSetValue (gbp->pgcode, gcIdToIndex [onp->pgcode]);
2049       }
2050     }
2051     RestorePort (tempPort);
2052   }
2053 }
GenBioPageToBioSourcePtr(DialoG d)2056 static Pointer GenBioPageToBioSourcePtr (DialoG d)
2058 {
2059   BioSourcePtr   biop;
2060   Char           buf [256];
2061   Char           ch;
2062   CharPtr        chptr;
2063   FILE           *f;
2064   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
2065   UIEnum         genome;
2066   Boolean        goOn;
2067   OrgModPtr      mod;
2068   OrgModPtr      nextmod;
2069   OrgNamePtr     onp;
2070   OrgRefPtr      orp;
2071   OrgModPtr      PNTR prevmod;
2072   CharPtr        ptr;
2073   Char           str [PATH_MAX];
2074   Int4           taxID;
2075   OrgModPtr      tmpmod;
2076   SubSourcePtr   tmpssp;
2077   UIEnum         val;
2079   Int2           num; /* contains number of items in gbp->orglist */
2080   Int4           row; /* contains closest row to match in gbp->orglist */
2081   Char           txt [256]; /* holds tax name copied from gbp->orglist */
2082   ValNodePtr     vnp;
2084   biop = NULL;
2085   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
2086   if (gbp != NULL) {
2087     biop = BioSourceNew ();
2088     if (biop != NULL) {
2090       vnp = DialogToPointer (gbp->genome);
2091       if (vnp != NULL) {
2092         biop->genome = (Uint1) GenomeFromSrcLoc (vnp->choice);
2093         vnp = ValNodeFreeData (vnp);
2094       }
2095       if (GetEnumPopup (gbp->origin, biosource_origin_alist, &val)) {
2096         biop->origin = (Uint1) val;
2097       }
2098       biop->is_focus = GetStatus (gbp->is_focus);
2099       orp = OrgRefNew ();
2100       biop->org = orp;
2101       if (orp != NULL) {
2102         orp->taxname = SaveStringFromText (gbp->taxName);
2104         /* make sure we use capitalization from list */
2105         if (gbp->orglist != NULL)
2106         {
2107           GetItemParams (gbp->orglist, 1, NULL, &num, NULL, NULL, NULL);
2108           if (num > 0) {
2109             row = FindTaxText (orp->taxname, num);
2110             if (row > 0 && row <= num) {
2111               CopyStrFromTaxPtr (txt, sizeof (txt) - 2, row, 1);
2112               if (StringICmp (txt, orp->taxname) == 0
2113                   && StringCmp (txt, orp->taxname) != 0) {
2114                 orp->taxname = MemFree (orp->taxname);
2115                 orp->taxname = StringSave (txt);
2116               }
2117             }
2118           }
2119         }
2122         /*
2123         orp->common = SaveStringFromText (gbp->commonName);
2124         */
2125         GetTitle (gbp->commonName, str, sizeof (str) - 1);
2126         TrimSpacesAroundString (str);
2127         if (! StringHasNoText (str)) {
2128           orp->common = StringSave (str);
2129         }
2130         orp->db = DialogToPointer (gbp->db);
2131         orp->syn = DialogToPointer (gbp->syn);
2132         orp->mod = DialogToPointer (gbp->mod);
2133         onp = OrgNameNew ();
2134         orp->orgname = onp;
2135         if (onp != NULL) {
2136           /* retrieve unaltered orgname data */
2137           onp->choice = gbp->orgname_choice;
2138           onp->data = gbp->orgname_data;
2139           gbp->orgname_choice = 0;
2140           gbp->orgname_data = NULL;
2142           if (gbp->simplecode != NULL) {
2143             vnp = DialogToPointer (gbp->genome);
2144             if (vnp != NULL) {
2145               genome = GenomeFromSrcLoc (vnp->choice);
2146               vnp = ValNodeFreeData (vnp);
2147               if (genome == 4 || genome == 5) {
2148                 onp->mgcode = gcIndexToId [GetValue (gbp->simplecode)];
2149                 onp->gcode = gcIndexToId [GetValue (gbp->gcode)];
2150                 onp->pgcode = gcIndexToId [GetValue (gbp->pgcode)];
2151               } else {
2152                 onp->gcode = gcIndexToId [GetValue (gbp->simplecode)];
2153                 onp->mgcode = gcIndexToId [GetValue (gbp->mgcode)];
2154                 onp->pgcode = gcIndexToId [GetValue (gbp->pgcode)];
2155               }
2156             }
2157           } else {
2158             onp->gcode = gcIndexToId [GetValue (gbp->gcode)];
2159             onp->mgcode = gcIndexToId [GetValue (gbp->mgcode)];
2160             onp->pgcode = gcIndexToId [GetValue (gbp->pgcode)];
2161           }
2162           if (! TextHasNoText (gbp->gbDiv)) {
2163             onp->div = SaveStringFromText (gbp->gbDiv);
2164           }
2165           if (gbp->lineage == NULL && gbp->taxID != 0) {
2166             ProgramPath (str, sizeof (str));
2167             ptr = StringRChr (str, DIRDELIMCHR);
2168             if (ptr != NULL) {
2169               *ptr = '\0';
2170               FileBuildPath (str, NULL, "lineages.txt");
2171               f = FileOpen (str, "r");
2172               if (f == NULL) {
2173                 if (GetAppParam ("NCBI", "NCBI", "DATA", "", str, sizeof (str))) {
2174                   FileBuildPath (str, NULL, "lineages.txt");
2175                   f = FileOpen (str, "r");
2176                 }
2177               }
2178               if (f != NULL) {
2179                 if (FileGets (str, sizeof (str), f) != NULL) {
2180                   goOn = (Boolean) (FileGets (str, sizeof (str), f) != NULL);
2181                   while (goOn) {
2182                     ptr = StringChr (str, '\t');
2183                     if (ptr != NULL) {
2184                       *ptr = '\0';
2185                       if (StrToLong (str, &taxID) && taxID == gbp->taxID) {
2186                         ptr++;
2187                         chptr = ptr;
2188                         ch = *chptr;
2189                         while (ch != '\0' && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n') {
2190                           chptr++;
2191                           ch = *chptr;
2192                         }
2193                         *chptr = '\0';
2194                         onp->lineage = StringSave (ptr);
2195                         goOn = FALSE;
2196                       }
2197                     }
2198                     goOn = (Boolean) (goOn && (FileGets (str, sizeof (str), f) != NULL));
2199                   }
2200                 }
2201                 FileClose (f);
2202               }
2203             }
2204           } else if (! TextHasNoText (gbp->lineage)) {
2205             onp->lineage = SaveStringFromTextAndStripNewlines (gbp->lineage);
2206           }
2207           onp->mod = DialogToPointer (gbp->orgmod_val_dlg);
2208           GetTitle (gbp->gbacr, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1);
2209           if (! StringHasNoText (buf)) {
2210             mod = OrgModNew ();
2211             if (onp->mod == NULL) {
2212               onp->mod = mod;
2213             } else {
2214               tmpmod = onp->mod;
2215               while (tmpmod->next != NULL) {
2216                 tmpmod = tmpmod->next;
2217               }
2218               tmpmod->next = mod;
2219             }
2220             if (mod != NULL) {
2221               mod->subtype = 32;
2222               mod->subname = StringSave (buf);
2223             }
2224           }
2225           GetTitle (gbp->gbana, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1);
2226           if (! StringHasNoText (buf)) {
2227             mod = OrgModNew ();
2228             if (onp->mod == NULL) {
2229               onp->mod = mod;
2230             } else {
2231               tmpmod = onp->mod;
2232               while (tmpmod->next != NULL) {
2233                 tmpmod = tmpmod->next;
2234               }
2235               tmpmod->next = mod;
2236             }
2237             if (mod != NULL) {
2238               mod->subtype = 33;
2239               mod->subname = StringSave (buf);
2240             }
2241           }
2242           GetTitle (gbp->gbsyn, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1);
2243           if (! StringHasNoText (buf)) {
2244             mod = OrgModNew ();
2245             if (onp->mod == NULL) {
2246               onp->mod = mod;
2247             } else {
2248               tmpmod = onp->mod;
2249               while (tmpmod->next != NULL) {
2250                 tmpmod = tmpmod->next;
2251               }
2252               tmpmod->next = mod;
2253             }
2254             if (mod != NULL) {
2255               mod->subtype = 34;
2256               mod->subname = StringSave (buf);
2257             }
2258           }
2259           GetTitle (gbp->tymat, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1);
2260           if (! StringHasNoText (buf)) {
2261             mod = OrgModNew ();
2262             if (onp->mod == NULL) {
2263               onp->mod = mod;
2264             } else {
2265               tmpmod = onp->mod;
2266               while (tmpmod->next != NULL) {
2267                 tmpmod = tmpmod->next;
2268               }
2269               tmpmod->next = mod;
2270             }
2271             if (mod != NULL) {
2272               mod->subtype = 38;
2273               mod->subname = StringSave (buf);
2274             }
2275           }
2276           if (gbp->stripOldName && onp->mod != NULL) {
2277             prevmod = (OrgModPtr PNTR) &(onp->mod);
2278             tmpmod = onp->mod;
2279             while (tmpmod != NULL) {
2280               nextmod = tmpmod->next;
2281               if (tmpmod->subtype == 254) {
2282                 *(prevmod) = tmpmod->next;
2283                 tmpmod->next = NULL;
2284                 OrgModFree (tmpmod);
2285               } else {
2286                 prevmod = (OrgModPtr PNTR) &(tmpmod->next);
2287               }
2288               tmpmod = nextmod;
2289             }
2290           }
2291           if (onp->lineage == NULL && onp->mod == NULL &&
2292               onp->gcode == 0 && onp->mgcode == 0 && onp->pgcode == 0) {
2293             orp->orgname = OrgNameFree (orp->orgname);
2294           }
2295         }
2296       }
2298       /* disable strain forwarding if requested */
2299       if (gbp->disable_strain_forwarding != NULL) {
2300         DisableStrainForwarding(biop, GetStatus(gbp->disable_strain_forwarding));
2301       }
2303       biop->subtype = DialogToPointer (gbp->subsrc_val_dlg);
2304       if (GetStatus (gbp->pcr_primer_btn)) {
2305         biop->pcr_primers = DialogToPointer (gbp->pcr_primer_dlg);
2306       }
2308       RemoveTextFromTextFreeSubSourceModifiers (biop, NULL);
2310       /* if we find plasmid-name on a location that cannot have
2311        * plasmids, change the location to plasmid */
2312       if (biop->genome != GENOME_mitochondrion
2313           && biop->genome != GENOME_chloroplast
2314           && biop->genome != GENOME_kinetoplast
2315           && biop->genome != GENOME_chromoplast
2316           && biop->genome != GENOME_plastid
2317           && biop->genome != GENOME_apicoplast
2318           && biop->genome != GENOME_leucoplast
2319           && biop->genome != GENOME_proplastid
2320           && biop->genome != GENOME_chromatophore)
2321       {
2322         tmpssp = biop->subtype;
2323         while (tmpssp != NULL)
2324         {
2325           if (tmpssp->subtype == SUBSRC_plasmid_name) {
2326             biop->genome = GENOME_plasmid;
2327             break;
2328           }
2329           tmpssp = tmpssp->next;
2330         }
2331       }
2333       if (orp != NULL) {
2334         if (orp->taxname == NULL && orp->common == NULL &&
2335             orp->mod == NULL && orp->db == NULL && orp->syn == NULL &&
2336             orp->orgname == NULL && biop->subtype == NULL) {
2337           biop = BioSourceFree (biop);
2338         }
2339       } else {
2340         biop = BioSourceFree (biop);
2341       }
2342     }
2343   }
2344   return (Pointer) biop;
2345 }
TestGenBioDialog(DialoG d)2347 static ValNodePtr TestGenBioDialog (DialoG d)
2349 {
2350   Char           comm [64];
2351   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
2352   ValNodePtr     head;
2354   head = NULL;
2355   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
2356   if (gbp != NULL) {
2357     GetTitle (gbp->commonName, comm, sizeof (comm) - 1);
2358     if (TextHasNoText (gbp->taxName) && StringHasNoText (comm) ) {
2359       head = AddStringToValNodeChain (head, "organism name", 1);
2360     }
2361   }
2362   return head;
2363 }
BioSourceMessage(DialoG d,Int2 mssg)2365 static void BioSourceMessage (DialoG d, Int2 mssg)
2367 {
2368   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
2370   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
2371   if (gbp != NULL) {
2372     switch (mssg) {
2373       case VIB_MSG_INIT :
2374         UpdateDocument (gbp->orglist, 0, 0);
2375         AdjustDocScroll (gbp->orglist);
2376         break;
2377       case VIB_MSG_ENTER :
2378         Select (gbp->taxName);
2379         break;
2380       default :
2381         break;
2382     }
2383   }
2384 }
2387 extern PopuP ReplaceBioSourceGencodePopup (DialoG d, PopuP gencode);
ReplaceBioSourceGencodePopup(DialoG d,PopuP gencode)2388 PopuP ReplaceBioSourceGencodePopup (DialoG d, PopuP gencode)
2390 {
2391   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
2392   PopuP          orig_gencode = NULL;
2394   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
2395   if (gbp != NULL) {
2396     orig_gencode = gbp->simplecode;
2397     gbp->simplecode = gencode;
2398   }
2399   return orig_gencode;
2400 }
GetLocListForBioSource(BioSourcePtr biop)2403 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr GetLocListForBioSource (BioSourcePtr biop)
2404 {
2405   ValNodePtr loc_list, vnp, vnp_prev = NULL, vnp_next;
2406   Boolean    indexerVersion;
2408   indexerVersion = (Boolean) (GetAppProperty ("InternalNcbiSequin") != NULL);
2410   loc_list = GetLocationList (FALSE);
2412   /* remove chromosome, transposon, insertion seq if not already on biosource */
2414   vnp = loc_list;
2415   while (vnp != NULL) {
2416     vnp_next = vnp->next;
2417     if ((vnp->choice == Source_location_chromosome && !indexerVersion
2418           && (biop == NULL || biop->genome != GENOME_chromosome))
2419         || (vnp->choice == Source_location_virion
2420             && (biop == NULL || biop->genome != GENOME_virion))
2421         || (vnp->choice == Source_location_transposon
2422             && (biop == NULL || biop->genome != GENOME_transposon))
2423         || (vnp->choice == Source_location_insertion_seq
2424             && (biop == NULL || biop->genome != GENOME_insertion_seq))) {
2425       if (vnp_prev == NULL) {
2426         loc_list = vnp->next;
2427       } else {
2428         vnp_prev->next= vnp->next;
2429       }
2430       vnp->next = NULL;
2431       vnp = ValNodeFreeData (vnp);
2432     } else {
2433       vnp_prev = vnp;
2434     }
2435     vnp = vnp_next;
2436   }
2437   return loc_list;
2438 }
CreateSimpleBioSourceDialog(GrouP h,CharPtr title)2441 extern DialoG CreateSimpleBioSourceDialog (GrouP h, CharPtr title)
2443 {
2444   GrouP          f;
2445   GrouP          g;
2446   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
2447   Int2           height;
2448   GrouP          m;
2449   GrouP          p;
2450   GrouP          q;
2451   RecT           r;
2452   GrouP          s;
2453   GrouP          x;
2454   ValNode        vn;
2455   Boolean        indexerVersion;
2457   indexerVersion = (Boolean) (GetAppProperty ("InternalNcbiSequin") != NULL);
2459   p = HiddenGroup (h, 1, 0, NULL);
2460   SetGroupSpacing (p, 10, 10);
2462   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) MemNew (sizeof (GenBioPage));
2463   if (gbp != NULL) {
2465     SetObjectExtra (p, gbp, StdCleanupExtraProc);
2466     gbp->dialog = (DialoG) p;
2467     gbp->todialog = BioSourcePtrToGenBioPage;
2468     gbp->fromdialog = GenBioPageToBioSourcePtr;
2469     gbp->dialogmessage = BioSourceMessage;
2470     gbp->testdialog = TestGenBioDialog;
2472     if (title != NULL && title [0] != '\0') {
2473       s = NormalGroup (p, 0, -2, title, systemFont, NULL);
2474     } else {
2475       s = HiddenGroup (p, 0, -2, NULL);
2476     }
2477     SetGroupSpacing (s, 10, 10);
2479     m = HiddenGroup (s, 0, 0, NULL);
2481     q = HiddenGroup (m, -1, 0, NULL);
2482     SetGroupSpacing (q, 10, 10);
2484     gbp->origTaxName = NULL;
2485     gbp->stripOldName = FALSE;
2487     g = HiddenGroup (q, 1, 0, NULL);
2488     /*
2489     StaticPrompt (g, "Organism", 0, 0, programFont, 'c');
2490     */
2491     f = HiddenGroup (g, 2, 0, NULL);
2492     StaticPrompt (f, "Scientific Name", 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
2493     gbp->taxName = DialogText (f, "", 20, TaxNameText);
2494     SetObjectExtra (gbp->taxName, gbp, NULL);
2495     StaticPrompt (f, "Common Name", 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
2496     /*
2497     gbp->commonName = DialogText (f, "", 10, CommonNameText);
2498     */
2499     gbp->commonName = (Handle) StaticPrompt (f, "", 10 * stdCharWidth, dialogTextHeight, systemFont, 'l');
2500     SetObjectExtra (gbp->commonName, gbp, NULL);
2501     StaticPrompt (f, "", 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
2502     f = HiddenGroup (g, 1, 0, NULL);
2503     SelectFont (programFont);
2504     height = LineHeight ();
2505     SelectFont (systemFont);
2506     gbp->orglist = DocumentPanel (f, stdCharWidth * 25, height * 6);
2507     SetObjectExtra (gbp->orglist, gbp, NULL);
2508     SetDocAutoAdjust (gbp->orglist, TRUE);
2509     orgListCol [0].pixWidth = screenRect.right - screenRect.left;
2510     AppendItem (gbp->orglist, AllButFirstLinePrtProc, orgTxtPtr, FALSE, orgNum,
2511                 &orgListPar, orgListCol, programFont);
2512     SetDocAutoAdjust (gbp->orglist, TRUE);
2513     SetDocProcs (gbp->orglist, ClickTaxName, NULL, ReleaseTaxName, NULL);
2514     SetDocShade (gbp->orglist, NULL, NULL, HighlightTaxName, NULL);
2516     gbp->disable_strain_forwarding = CheckBox (f, "Disable Strain Forwarding", NULL);
2518     AlignObjects (ALIGN_RIGHT, (HANDLE) gbp->taxName, (HANDLE) gbp->commonName,
2519                   (HANDLE) gbp->orglist, (HANDLE) gbp->disable_strain_forwarding, NULL);
2521     g = HiddenGroup (q, -1, 0, NULL);
2522     f = HiddenGroup (g, 3, 0, NULL);
2523     StaticPrompt (f, "Location of Sequence",
2524                   0, popupMenuHeight, programFont, 'l');
2526     gbp->genome = ValNodeSelectionDialogExEx (f, GetLocListForBioSource (NULL), SHORT_SELECTION_LIST, ValNodeStringName,
2527                                            ValNodeSimpleDataFree, ValNodeStringCopy,
2528                                            ValNodeChoiceMatch, "location",
2529                                            NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);
2530     vn.choice = Source_location_genomic;
2531     vn.data.ptrvalue = NULL;
2532     vn.next = NULL;
2533     PointerToDialog (gbp->genome, &vn);
2534     ObjectRect (gbp->orglist, &r);
2535     MultiLinePrompt (g, useGenomicText, r.right - r.left - 2, programFont);
2537     x = HiddenGroup (q, 0, 0, NULL);
2539     f = HiddenGroup (x, 2, 0, NULL);
2540     StaticPrompt (f, "Genetic Code for Translation", 0, popupMenuHeight, programFont, 'l');
2541     gbp->simplecode = PopupList (f, TRUE, NULL);
2542     PopulateGeneticCodePopup (gbp->simplecode);
2543     SetValue (gbp->simplecode, 1);
2544     gbp->gbDiv = DialogText (x, "", 4, NULL);
2545     Hide (gbp->gbDiv);
2547 /* superimpose two hidden genetic code controls to save both in resulting biosource */
2549     gbp->gcode = PopupList (x, TRUE, NULL);
2550     PopulateGeneticCodePopup (gbp->gcode);
2551     SetValue (gbp->gcode, 1);
2552     gbp->mgcode = PopupList (x, TRUE, NULL);
2553     PopulateGeneticCodePopup (gbp->mgcode);
2554     SetValue (gbp->mgcode, 1);
2555     gbp->pgcode = PopupList (x, TRUE, NULL);
2556     PopulateGeneticCodePopup (gbp->pgcode);
2557     SetValue (gbp->pgcode, 1);
2558     Hide (gbp->gcode);
2559     Hide (gbp->mgcode);
2560     Hide (gbp->pgcode);
2562     SelectFont (systemFont);
2563   }
2565   return (DialoG) p;
2566 }
OrgModPtrToOrgmodDialog(DialoG d,Pointer data)2568 static void OrgModPtrToOrgmodDialog (DialoG d, Pointer data)
2570 {
2571   ValNodePtr  head;
2572   Int2        j;
2573   size_t      len;
2574   OrgModPtr   list;
2575   CharPtr     str;
2576   TagListPtr  tlp;
2577   Char        tmp [16];
2578   ValNodePtr  vnp;
2580   tlp = (TagListPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
2581   list = (OrgModPtr) data;
2582   if (tlp != NULL) {
2583     head = NULL;
2584     while (list != NULL) {
2585       if (list->subname != NULL && list->subtype != 255 &&
2586           list->subtype != 32 && list->subtype != 33 && list->subtype != 34 && list->subtype != 38) {
2587         vnp = ValNodeNew (head);
2588         if (head == NULL) {
2589           head = vnp;
2590         }
2591         if (vnp != NULL) {
2592           sprintf (tmp, "%d", (int) list->subtype);
2593           len = StringLen (tmp) + StringLen (list->subname);
2594           str = MemNew (len + 4);
2595           if (str != NULL) {
2596             StringCpy (str, tmp);
2597             StringCat (str, "\t");
2598             StringCat (str, list->subname);
2599             StringCat (str, "\n");
2600           }
2601           vnp->data.ptrvalue = str;
2602         }
2603       }
2604       list = list->next;
2605     }
2606     SendMessageToDialog (tlp->dialog, VIB_MSG_RESET);
2607     tlp->vnp = head;
2608     SendMessageToDialog (tlp->dialog, VIB_MSG_REDRAW);
2609     for (j = 0, vnp = tlp->vnp; vnp != NULL; j++, vnp = vnp->next) {
2610     }
2611     tlp->max = MAX ((Int2) 0, (Int2) (j - tlp->rows + 1));
2612     CorrectBarMax (tlp->bar, tlp->max);
2613     CorrectBarPage (tlp->bar, tlp->rows - 1, tlp->rows - 1);
2614   }
2615 }
OrgmodDialogToOrgModPtr(DialoG d)2617 static Pointer OrgmodDialogToOrgModPtr (DialoG d)
2619 {
2620   Char        ch;
2621   OrgModPtr   head;
2622   Int2        j;
2623   Int2        len;
2624   OrgModPtr   omp;
2625   OrgModPtr   omplast;
2626   Boolean     okay;
2627   CharPtr     str;
2628   TagListPtr  tlp;
2629   CharPtr     tmp;
2630   int         val;
2631   ValNodePtr  vnp;
2633   head = NULL;
2634   tlp = (TagListPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
2635   if (tlp != NULL && tlp->vnp != NULL) {
2636     omp = NULL;
2637     omplast = NULL;
2638     for (vnp = tlp->vnp; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next) {
2639       str = (CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
2640       okay = FALSE;
2641       len = StringLen (str);
2642       for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
2643         ch = str [j];
2644         if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n') {
2645           okay = TRUE;
2646         }
2647       }
2648       if (okay) {
2649         tmp = ExtractTagListColumn ((CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue, 0);
2650         if (tmp != NULL && sscanf (tmp, "%d", &val) == 1 && val != 0) {
2651           MemFree (tmp);
2652           tmp = ExtractTagListColumn ((CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue, 1);
2653           if (! StringHasNoText (tmp)) {
2654             omp = OrgModNew ();
2655             if (omplast == NULL) {
2656               head = omp;
2657             } else {
2658               omplast->next = omp;
2659             }
2660             omplast = omp;
2661             if (omp != NULL) {
2662               omp->subtype = (Uint1) val;
2663               omp->subname = tmp;
2664             }
2665           } else {
2666             MemFree (tmp);
2667           }
2668         } else {
2669           MemFree (tmp);
2670         }
2671       }
2672     }
2673   }
2674   return (Pointer) head;
2675 }
SubSourcePtrToSubsourceDialog(DialoG d,Pointer data)2677 static void SubSourcePtrToSubsourceDialog (DialoG d, Pointer data)
2679 {
2680   ValNodePtr    head;
2681   Int2          j;
2682   size_t        len;
2683   SubSourcePtr  list;
2684   CharPtr       str;
2685   TagListPtr    tlp;
2686   Char          tmp [16];
2687   ValNodePtr    vnp;
2689   tlp = (TagListPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
2690   list = (SubSourcePtr) data;
2691   if (tlp != NULL) {
2692     head = NULL;
2693     while (list != NULL) {
2694       if (list->name != NULL && list->subtype != 255) {
2695         vnp = ValNodeNew (head);
2696         if (head == NULL) {
2697           head = vnp;
2698         }
2699         if (vnp != NULL) {
2700           sprintf (tmp, "%d", (int) list->subtype);
2701           len = StringLen (tmp) + StringLen (list->name);
2702           str = MemNew (len + 4);
2703           if (str != NULL) {
2704             StringCpy (str, tmp);
2705             StringCat (str, "\t");
2706             StringCat (str, list->name);
2707             StringCat (str, "\n");
2708           }
2709           vnp->data.ptrvalue = str;
2710         }
2711       }
2712       list = list->next;
2713     }
2714     SendMessageToDialog (tlp->dialog, VIB_MSG_RESET);
2715     tlp->vnp = head;
2716     SendMessageToDialog (tlp->dialog, VIB_MSG_REDRAW);
2717     for (j = 0, vnp = tlp->vnp; vnp != NULL; j++, vnp = vnp->next) {
2718     }
2719     tlp->max = MAX ((Int2) 0, (Int2) (j - tlp->rows + 1));
2720     CorrectBarMax (tlp->bar, tlp->max);
2721     CorrectBarPage (tlp->bar, tlp->rows - 1, tlp->rows - 1);
2722   }
2723 }
2725 typedef struct fixmodifiertextform
2726 {
2727   WindoW     w;
2728   Boolean    done;
2729   Boolean    move_to_text;
2730   Boolean    remove;
2731   Boolean    do_all;
2732 } FixModifierTextFormData, PNTR FixModifierTextFormPtr;
FixModifierTextMove(ButtoN b)2734 static void FixModifierTextMove (ButtoN b)
2735 {
2736   FixModifierTextFormPtr fp;
2738   fp = (FixModifierTextFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (b);
2739   if (fp == NULL) return;
2741   Remove (fp->w);
2742   fp->remove = FALSE;
2743   fp->move_to_text = TRUE;
2744   fp->do_all = FALSE;
2745   fp->done = TRUE;
2746 }
FixModifierTextMoveAll(ButtoN b)2748 static void FixModifierTextMoveAll (ButtoN b)
2749 {
2750   FixModifierTextFormPtr fp;
2752   fp = (FixModifierTextFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (b);
2753   if (fp == NULL) return;
2755   Remove (fp->w);
2756   fp->remove = FALSE;
2757   fp->move_to_text = TRUE;
2758   fp->do_all = TRUE;
2759   fp->done = TRUE;
2760 }
FixModifierTextRemove(ButtoN b)2762 static void FixModifierTextRemove (ButtoN b)
2763 {
2764   FixModifierTextFormPtr fp;
2766   fp = (FixModifierTextFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (b);
2767   if (fp == NULL) return;
2769   Remove (fp->w);
2770   fp->remove = TRUE;
2771   fp->move_to_text = FALSE;
2772   fp->do_all = FALSE;
2773   fp->done = TRUE;
2774 }
FixModifierTextRemoveAll(ButtoN b)2776 static void FixModifierTextRemoveAll (ButtoN b)
2777 {
2778   FixModifierTextFormPtr fp;
2780   fp = (FixModifierTextFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (b);
2781   if (fp == NULL) return;
2783   Remove (fp->w);
2784   fp->remove = TRUE;
2785   fp->move_to_text = FALSE;
2786   fp->do_all = TRUE;
2787   fp->done = TRUE;
2788 }
ModTextFixNew(void)2790 extern ModTextFixPtr ModTextFixNew (void)
2791 {
2792   ModTextFixPtr tfp;
2794   tfp = (ModTextFixPtr) MemNew (sizeof (ModTextFixData));
2795   if (tfp == NULL) return NULL;
2796   tfp->remove_this = FALSE;
2797   tfp->move_this = FALSE;
2798   tfp->remove_all_germline = FALSE;
2799   tfp->remove_all_transgenic = FALSE;
2800   tfp->remove_all_environmental = FALSE;
2801   tfp->remove_all_rearranged = FALSE;
2802   tfp->remove_all_metagenomic = FALSE;
2803   tfp->move_all_germline = FALSE;
2804   tfp->move_all_transgenic = FALSE;
2805   tfp->move_all_environmental = FALSE;
2806   tfp->move_all_rearranged = FALSE;
2807   tfp->move_all_metagenomic = FALSE;
2808   return tfp;
2809 }
2811 static void
GetModifierTextFix(ModTextFixPtr tfp,Uint1 subtype,CharPtr txt)2812 GetModifierTextFix (ModTextFixPtr tfp, Uint1 subtype, CharPtr txt)
2813 {
2814   GrouP  g, c, t;
2815   ButtoN b;
2816   FixModifierTextFormData fd;
2817   CharPtr prompt_fmt = "You have text (%s) in %s modifier field.";
2818   CharPtr prompt_str = NULL;
2820   if (tfp == NULL) return;
2821   switch (subtype)
2822   {
2823       case SUBSRC_rearranged:
2824         if (tfp->remove_all_rearranged)
2825         {
2826             tfp->remove_this = TRUE;
2827             tfp->move_this = FALSE;
2828             return;
2829         }
2830         else if (tfp->move_all_rearranged)
2831         {
2832             tfp->move_this = TRUE;
2833             tfp->remove_this = FALSE;
2834             return;
2835         }
2836         break;
2837       case SUBSRC_transgenic:
2838         if (tfp->remove_all_transgenic)
2839         {
2840             tfp->remove_this = TRUE;
2841             tfp->move_this = FALSE;
2842             return;
2843         }
2844         else if (tfp->move_all_transgenic)
2845         {
2846             tfp->move_this = TRUE;
2847             tfp->remove_this = FALSE;
2848             return;
2849         }
2850         break;
2851       case SUBSRC_germline:
2852         if (tfp->remove_all_germline)
2853         {
2854             tfp->remove_this = TRUE;
2855             tfp->move_this = FALSE;
2856             return;
2857         }
2858         else if (tfp->move_all_germline)
2859         {
2860             tfp->move_this = TRUE;
2861             tfp->remove_this = FALSE;
2862             return;
2863         }
2864         break;
2865       case SUBSRC_environmental_sample:
2866         if (tfp->remove_all_environmental)
2867         {
2868             tfp->remove_this = TRUE;
2869             tfp->move_this = FALSE;
2870             return;
2871         }
2872         else if (tfp->move_all_environmental)
2873         {
2874             tfp->move_this = TRUE;
2875             tfp->remove_this = FALSE;
2876             return;
2877         }
2878         break;
2879       case SUBSRC_metagenomic:
2880         if (tfp->remove_all_metagenomic)
2881         {
2882             tfp->remove_this = TRUE;
2883             tfp->move_this = FALSE;
2884             return;
2885         }
2886         else if (tfp->move_all_metagenomic)
2887         {
2888             tfp->move_this = TRUE;
2889             tfp->remove_this = FALSE;
2890             return;
2891         }
2892         break;
2893       default:
2894         break;
2895   }
2897   fd.w = ModalWindow(-20, -13, -10, -10, NULL);
2898   g = HiddenGroup(fd.w, -1, 0, NULL);
2900   prompt_str = (CharPtr) MemNew (sizeof (Char) * (StringLen (prompt_fmt) + StringLen (txt)
2901                                   + StringLen ("an environmental sample")));
2902   if (prompt_str == NULL) return;
2903   switch (subtype)
2904   {
2905       case SUBSRC_rearranged:
2906         sprintf (prompt_str, prompt_fmt, txt, "a rearranged");
2907         break;
2908       case SUBSRC_germline:
2909         sprintf (prompt_str, prompt_fmt, txt, "a germline");
2910         break;
2911       case SUBSRC_transgenic:
2912         sprintf (prompt_str, prompt_fmt, txt, "a transgenic");
2913         break;
2914       case SUBSRC_environmental_sample:
2915         sprintf (prompt_str, prompt_fmt, txt, "an environmental sample");
2916         break;
2917       case SUBSRC_metagenomic:
2918         sprintf (prompt_str, prompt_fmt, txt, "a metagenomic");
2919         break;
2920   }
2922   t = HiddenGroup (g, 1, 0, NULL);
2923   StaticPrompt (t, prompt_str, 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
2924   StaticPrompt (t, "This text will never be displayed in your GenBank record.", 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
2925   StaticPrompt (t, "Do you want to move this text to a note or remove it?", 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
2927   c = HiddenGroup (g, 4, 0, NULL);
2928   b = PushButton (c, "Move to note", FixModifierTextMove);
2929   SetObjectExtra (b, &fd, NULL);
2930   b = PushButton (c, "Move all to note", FixModifierTextMoveAll);
2931   SetObjectExtra (b, &fd, NULL);
2932   b = PushButton (c, "Remove", FixModifierTextRemove);
2933   SetObjectExtra (b, &fd, NULL);
2934   b = PushButton (c, "Remove all", FixModifierTextRemoveAll);
2935   SetObjectExtra (b, &fd, NULL);
2936   AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) t, (HANDLE) c, NULL);
2938   Show(fd.w);
2939   Select (fd.w);
2940   fd.done = FALSE;
2941   while (!fd.done)
2942   {
2943     ProcessExternalEvent ();
2944     Update ();
2945   }
2946   ProcessAnEvent ();
2948   if (fd.remove)
2949   {
2950       tfp->remove_this = TRUE;
2951       if (fd.do_all)
2952       {
2953         switch (subtype)
2954         {
2955             case SUBSRC_rearranged:
2956               tfp->remove_all_rearranged = TRUE;
2957               tfp->move_all_rearranged = FALSE;
2958               break;
2959             case SUBSRC_transgenic:
2960               tfp->remove_all_transgenic = TRUE;
2961               tfp->move_all_transgenic = FALSE;
2962               break;
2963             case SUBSRC_germline:
2964               tfp->remove_all_germline = TRUE;
2965               tfp->move_all_germline = FALSE;
2966               break;
2967             case SUBSRC_environmental_sample:
2968               tfp->remove_all_environmental = TRUE;
2969               tfp->move_all_environmental = FALSE;
2970               break;
2971             case SUBSRC_metagenomic:
2972               tfp->remove_all_metagenomic = TRUE;
2973               tfp->move_all_metagenomic = FALSE;
2974               break;
2975         }
2976       }
2977   }
2978   else if (fd.move_to_text)
2979   {
2980       tfp->move_this = TRUE;
2981       if (fd.do_all)
2982       {
2983         switch (subtype)
2984         {
2985             case SUBSRC_rearranged:
2986               tfp->remove_all_rearranged = FALSE;
2987               tfp->move_all_rearranged = TRUE;
2988               break;
2989             case SUBSRC_transgenic:
2990               tfp->remove_all_transgenic = FALSE;
2991               tfp->move_all_transgenic = TRUE;
2992               break;
2993             case SUBSRC_germline:
2994               tfp->remove_all_germline = FALSE;
2995               tfp->move_all_germline = TRUE;
2996               break;
2997             case SUBSRC_environmental_sample:
2998               tfp->remove_all_environmental = FALSE;
2999               tfp->move_all_environmental = TRUE;
3000               break;
3001             case SUBSRC_metagenomic:
3002               tfp->remove_all_metagenomic = FALSE;
3003               tfp->move_all_metagenomic = TRUE;
3004               break;
3005         }
3006       }
3007   }
3008 }
RemoveTextFromTextFreeSubSourceModifiers(BioSourcePtr biop,Pointer userdata)3010 extern void RemoveTextFromTextFreeSubSourceModifiers (BioSourcePtr biop, Pointer userdata)
3011 {
3012   SubSourcePtr ssp;
3013   SubSourcePtr note_ssp = NULL;
3014   Int4         len;
3015   CharPtr      new_note;
3016   ModTextFixPtr   tfp;
3018   if (biop == NULL || biop->subtype == NULL) return;
3020   if (userdata == NULL)
3021   {
3022     tfp = ModTextFixNew();
3023     if (tfp == NULL) return;
3024   }
3025   else
3026   {
3027       tfp = (ModTextFixPtr) userdata;
3028   }
3030   for (ssp = biop->subtype; ssp != NULL; ssp = ssp->next)
3031   {
3032       tfp->move_this = FALSE;
3033       tfp->remove_this = FALSE;
3034       if ((ssp->subtype == SUBSRC_germline
3035           || ssp->subtype == SUBSRC_transgenic
3036           || ssp->subtype == SUBSRC_rearranged
3037           || ssp->subtype == SUBSRC_environmental_sample
3038           || ssp->subtype == SUBSRC_metagenomic)
3039           && ! StringHasNoText (ssp->name))
3040       {
3041        GetModifierTextFix (tfp, ssp->subtype, ssp->name);
3042         if (tfp->move_this)
3043         {
3044           /* if a note modifier is found, add this text to it, otherwise create a new
3045            * note modifier to hold this text.
3046            */
3047           if (note_ssp == NULL)
3048           {
3049             for (note_ssp = biop->subtype; note_ssp != NULL && note_ssp->subtype != 255; note_ssp = note_ssp->next)
3050             {
3051             }
3052           }
3053           if (note_ssp == NULL)
3054           {
3055               note_ssp = SubSourceNew ();
3056               if (note_ssp != NULL)
3057               {
3058                 note_ssp->subtype = 255;
3059                 note_ssp->name = ssp->name;
3060                 ssp->name = StringSave ("");
3061                 note_ssp->next = ssp->next;
3062                 ssp->next = note_ssp;
3063               }
3064           }
3065           else if (StringHasNoText (note_ssp->name))
3066           {
3067           note_ssp->name = MemFree (note_ssp->name);
3068           note_ssp->name = ssp->name;
3069           ssp->name = StringSave ("");
3070           }
3071           else
3072           {
3073               len = StringLen (note_ssp->name) + StringLen (ssp->name) + 3;
3074               new_note = (CharPtr) MemNew (len * sizeof (Char));
3075               if (new_note != NULL)
3076               {
3077                 StringCpy (new_note, note_ssp->name);
3078                 StringCat (new_note, "; ");
3079                 StringCat (new_note, ssp->name);
3080                 note_ssp->name = MemFree (note_ssp->name);
3081                 note_ssp->name = new_note;
3082                 ssp->name = MemFree (ssp->name);
3083                 ssp->name = StringSave ("");
3084               }
3085           }
3086         }
3087         else if (tfp->remove_this)
3088         {
3089           ssp->name = MemFree (ssp->name);
3090           ssp->name = StringSave ("");
3091         }
3092       }
3093   }
3094   if (userdata == NULL)
3095   {
3096       MemFree (tfp);
3097   }
3098 }
SubsourceDialogToSubSourcePtr(DialoG d)3100 static Pointer SubsourceDialogToSubSourcePtr (DialoG d)
3102 {
3103   Char          ch;
3104   SubSourcePtr  head;
3105   Int2          j;
3106   Int2          len;
3107   SubSourcePtr  ssp;
3108   SubSourcePtr  ssplast;
3109   Boolean       okay;
3110   CharPtr       str;
3111   TagListPtr    tlp;
3112   CharPtr       tmp;
3113   int           val;
3114   ValNodePtr    vnp;
3116   head = NULL;
3117   tlp = (TagListPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
3118   if (tlp != NULL && tlp->vnp != NULL) {
3119     ssp = NULL;
3120     ssplast = NULL;
3121     for (vnp = tlp->vnp; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next) {
3122       str = (CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
3123       okay = FALSE;
3124       len = StringLen (str);
3125       for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
3126         ch = str [j];
3127         if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n') {
3128           okay = TRUE;
3129         }
3130       }
3131       if (okay) {
3132         tmp = ExtractTagListColumn ((CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue, 0);
3133         if (tmp != NULL && sscanf (tmp, "%d", &val) == 1 && val != 0) {
3134           MemFree (tmp);
3135           tmp = ExtractTagListColumn ((CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue, 1);
3136           if ((val == SUBSRC_germline ||
3137                val == SUBSRC_rearranged ||
3138                val == SUBSRC_transgenic ||
3139                val == SUBSRC_environmental_sample ||
3140                val == SUBSRC_metagenomic) &&
3141               StringHasNoText (tmp)) {
3142             MemFree (tmp);
3143             tmp = StringSave ("");
3144           }
3145           if ((! StringHasNoText (tmp)) ||
3146               val == SUBSRC_germline ||
3147               val == SUBSRC_rearranged ||
3148               val == SUBSRC_transgenic ||
3149               val == SUBSRC_environmental_sample ||
3150               val == SUBSRC_metagenomic) {
3151             ssp = SubSourceNew ();
3152             if (ssplast == NULL) {
3153               head = ssp;
3154             } else {
3155               ssplast->next = ssp;
3156             }
3157             ssplast = ssp;
3158             if (ssp != NULL) {
3159               ssp->subtype = (Uint1) val;
3160               ssp->name = tmp;
3161               tmp = NULL;
3162             }
3163           }
3164           MemFree (tmp);
3165         }
3166       }
3167     }
3168   }
3169   return (Pointer) head;
3170 }
3172 Uint2 orgmod_widths [] = {
3173   0, 25
3174 };
3176 Uint2 subsource_widths [] = {
3177   0, 25
3178 };
3180 Uint2 orgmod_types [] = {
3182 };
3184 Uint2 subsource_types [] = {
3186 };
3188 /*
3189 static CharPtr orgmod_extra_prompts [] = {
3190   "Additional", "Organism", "Information", NULL
3191 };
3193 static CharPtr subsource_extra_prompts [] = {
3194   "Additional", "Source", "Information", NULL
3195 };
3196 */
3198 static CharPtr orgTabs [] = {
3199   "Names", "Location", "Genetic Codes", "Lineage", NULL
3200 };
3202 static CharPtr modTabs [] = {
3203   "Source", "Organism", "GenBank", NULL
3204 };
3206 static CharPtr modTabsUns [] = {
3207   "Source", "Organism", "GenBank", "Unstructured", NULL
3208 };
3210 typedef enum {
3211   eModTabSource = 0,
3212   eModTabOrganism = 1,
3213   eModTabGenBank = 2,
3214   eModTabUnstructured = 3
3215 } EModTab;
3217 static CharPtr miscTabs1 [] = {
3218   "Cross-Refs", NULL
3219 };
3221 static CharPtr miscTabs2 [] = {
3222   "Synonyms", "Cross-Refs", NULL
3223 };
ChangeOrgSubPage(VoidPtr data,Int2 newval,Int2 oldval)3225 static void ChangeOrgSubPage (VoidPtr data, Int2 newval, Int2 oldval)
3227 {
3228   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
3230   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) data;
3231   if (gbp != NULL) {
3232     if (oldval >= 0 && oldval <= 3) {
3233       SafeHide (gbp->orgGrp [oldval]);
3234     }
3235     if (newval >= 0 && newval <= 3) {
3236       SafeShow (gbp->orgGrp [newval]);
3237     }
3238     Update ();
3239   }
3240 }
ChangeModSubPage(VoidPtr data,Int2 newval,Int2 oldval)3242 static void ChangeModSubPage (VoidPtr data, Int2 newval, Int2 oldval)
3244 {
3245   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
3247   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) data;
3248   if (gbp != NULL) {
3249     if (oldval >= 0 && oldval <= 3) {
3250       SafeHide (gbp->modGrp [oldval]);
3251     }
3252     if (newval >= 0 && newval <= 3) {
3253       SafeShow (gbp->modGrp [newval]);
3254     }
3255     Update ();
3256   }
3257 }
ChangeMiscSubPage(VoidPtr data,Int2 newval,Int2 oldval)3259 static void ChangeMiscSubPage (VoidPtr data, Int2 newval, Int2 oldval)
3261 {
3262   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
3264   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) data;
3265   if (gbp != NULL) {
3266     if (oldval >= 0 && oldval <= 1) {
3267       SafeHide (gbp->miscGrp [oldval]);
3268     }
3269     if (newval >= 0 && newval <= 1) {
3270       SafeShow (gbp->miscGrp [newval]);
3271     }
3272     Update ();
3273   }
3274 }
LookupTheTaxonomyProc(ButtoN b)3276 static void LookupTheTaxonomyProc (ButtoN b)
3278 {
3279   GenBioFormPtr  gfp;
3281   gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (b);
3282   if (gfp != NULL && gfp->lookupTaxonomy != NULL) {
3283     if (gfp->lookupTaxonomy (gfp->input_entityID)) {
3284       Remove (gfp->form);
3285       ObjMgrSendMsg (OM_MSG_UPDATE, gfp->input_entityID, 0, 0);
3286       Update ();
3287     }
3288   }
3289 }
EnumListFromQualNameAssoc(Nlm_QualNameAssocPtr qp)3291 static EnumFieldAssocPtr EnumListFromQualNameAssoc (Nlm_QualNameAssocPtr qp)
3292 {
3293   EnumFieldAssocPtr eap;
3294   /* start num_qual at one to count terminator */
3295   Int4              i, num_qual = 1;
3297   for (i = 0; qp[i].name != NULL; i++) {
3298     num_qual++;
3299   }
3301   eap = (EnumFieldAssocPtr) MemNew (sizeof (EnumFieldAssoc) * num_qual);
3302   for (i = 0; qp[i].name != NULL; i++) {
3303     eap[i].name = qp[i].name;
3304     eap[i].value = qp[i].value;
3305   }
3306   eap[i].name = NULL;
3307   eap[i].value = 0;
3308   return eap;
3309 }
3312 Uint2 pcr_primer_dlg_types [] = {
3314 };
3316 Uint2 pcr_primer_dlg_widths [] = {
3317   3, 4, 10, 20
3318 };
ENUM_ALIST(pcr_primer_dlg_alist)3320 static ENUM_ALIST(pcr_primer_dlg_alist)
3321   {" ",    0},
3322   {"Fwd",  1},
3323   {"Rev",  2},
3326 static EnumFieldAssocPtr pcr_primer_dlg_popups [] = {
3327   NULL, pcr_primer_dlg_alist, NULL, NULL
3328 };
PCRReactionSetPtrToPCRPrimerDialog(DialoG d,Pointer data)3331 static void PCRReactionSetPtrToPCRPrimerDialog (DialoG d, Pointer data)
3333 {
3334   ValNodePtr      head;
3335   Int2            j;
3336   CharPtr         str;
3337   CharPtr         fmt = "%d\t2\t%s\t%s\n";
3338   TagListPtr      tlp;
3339   ValNodePtr      vnp;
3340   PCRReactionSetPtr ps;
3341   PCRPrimerPtr      pp;
3342   Int4              set_num = 1;
3344   tlp = (TagListPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
3345   if (tlp == NULL) {
3346     return;
3347   }
3348   ps = (PCRReactionSetPtr) data;
3349   head = NULL;
3350   if (ps == NULL) {
3351     str = (CharPtr) MemNew (sizeof (Char) * StringLen (fmt));
3352     sprintf (str, "%d\t1\t\t\n", set_num);
3353     ValNodeAddPointer (&head, 0, str);
3354     str = (CharPtr) MemNew (sizeof (Char) * StringLen (fmt));
3355     sprintf (str, "%d\t2\t\t\n", set_num);
3356     ValNodeAddPointer (&head, 0, str);
3357   } else {
3358     while (ps != NULL) {
3359       if (ps->forward == NULL) {
3360         str = (CharPtr) MemNew (sizeof (Char) * (StringLen (fmt) + 15));
3361         sprintf (str, "%d\t1\t\t\n", set_num);
3362         ValNodeAddPointer (&head, 0, str);
3363       } else {
3364         pp = ps->forward;
3365         while (pp != NULL) {
3366           str = (CharPtr) MemNew (sizeof (Char) * (StringLen (fmt) + 15 + StringLen (pp->name) + StringLen (pp->seq)));
3367           sprintf (str, "%d\t1\t%s\t%s\n",
3368                    set_num,
3369                    pp->name == NULL ? "" : pp->name,
3370                    pp->seq == NULL ? "" : pp->seq);
3371           ValNodeAddPointer (&head, 0, str);
3372           pp = pp->next;
3373         }
3374       }
3375       if (ps->reverse == NULL) {
3376         str = (CharPtr) MemNew (sizeof (Char) * (StringLen (fmt) + 15));
3377         sprintf (str, "%d\t2\t\t\n", set_num);
3378         ValNodeAddPointer (&head, 0, str);
3379       } else {
3380         pp = ps->reverse;
3381         while (pp != NULL) {
3382           str = (CharPtr) MemNew (sizeof (Char) * (StringLen (fmt) + 15 + StringLen (pp->name) + StringLen (pp->seq)));
3383           sprintf (str, "%d\t2\t%s\t%s\n",
3384                    set_num,
3385                    pp->name == NULL ? "" : pp->name,
3386                    pp->seq == NULL ? "" : pp->seq);
3387           ValNodeAddPointer (&head, 0, str);
3388           pp = pp->next;
3389         }
3390       }
3391       ps = ps->next;
3392       set_num++;
3393     }
3394   }
3395   SendMessageToDialog (tlp->dialog, VIB_MSG_RESET);
3396   tlp->vnp = head;
3397   SendMessageToDialog (tlp->dialog, VIB_MSG_REDRAW);
3398   for (j = 0, vnp = tlp->vnp; vnp != NULL; j++, vnp = vnp->next) {
3399   }
3400   tlp->max = MAX ((Int2) 0, (Int2) (j - tlp->rows + 1));
3401   CorrectBarMax (tlp->bar, tlp->max);
3402   CorrectBarPage (tlp->bar, tlp->rows - 1, tlp->rows - 1);
3403 }
PCRPrimerFromRow(CharPtr row)3406 static PCRPrimerPtr PCRPrimerFromRow (CharPtr row)
3407 {
3408   CharPtr p_name, p_seq;
3409   PCRPrimerPtr pp = NULL;
3411   p_name = ExtractTagListColumn (row, 2);
3412   p_seq = ExtractTagListColumn (row, 3);
3414   if (StringHasNoText (p_name) && StringHasNoText (p_seq)) {
3415     p_name = MemFree (p_name);
3416     p_seq = MemFree (p_seq);
3417   } else {
3418     pp = PCRPrimerNew ();
3419     pp->name = p_name;
3420     pp->seq = p_seq;
3421   }
3422   return pp;
3423 }
AddPrimerToSet(PCRReactionSetPtr PNTR p_set,Int4 set_num,int dir,PCRPrimerPtr pp)3426 static void AddPrimerToSet (PCRReactionSetPtr PNTR p_set, Int4 set_num, int dir, PCRPrimerPtr pp)
3427 {
3428   PCRReactionSetPtr prev = NULL;
3429   PCRReactionSetPtr ps;
3430   PCRPrimerPtr      last;
3431   Int4              num = 1;
3433   if (p_set == NULL || pp == NULL) {
3434     return;
3435   }
3436   ps = *p_set;
3437   while (num < set_num) {
3438     if (ps == NULL) {
3439       ps = PCRReactionSetNew ();
3440       if (prev == NULL) {
3441         *p_set = ps;
3442       } else {
3443         prev->next = ps;
3444       }
3445     }
3446     prev = ps;
3447     num++;
3448     ps = ps->next;
3449   }
3450   if (ps == NULL) {
3451     ps = PCRReactionSetNew ();
3452     if (prev == NULL) {
3453       *p_set = ps;
3454     } else {
3455       prev->next = ps;
3456     }
3457   }
3458   if (dir == 2) {
3459     /* add to reverse */
3460     if (ps->reverse == NULL) {
3461       ps->reverse = pp;
3462     } else {
3463       last = ps->reverse;
3464       while (last->next != NULL) {
3465         last = last->next;
3466       }
3467       last->next = pp;
3468     }
3469   } else {
3470     /* add to forward */
3471     if (ps->forward == NULL) {
3472       ps->forward = pp;
3473     } else {
3474       last = ps->forward;
3475       while (last->next != NULL) {
3476         last = last->next;
3477       }
3478       last->next = pp;
3479     }
3480   }
3481 }
PCRPrimerDialogToPCRReactionSetPtr(DialoG d)3483 static Pointer PCRPrimerDialogToPCRReactionSetPtr (DialoG d)
3485 {
3486   CharPtr       str;
3487   TagListPtr    tlp;
3488   CharPtr       tmp;
3489   int           val;
3490   ValNodePtr    vnp;
3491   PCRReactionSetPtr ps_list = NULL;
3492   PCRPrimerPtr      pp;
3493   Int4              set_num = 1;
3495   tlp = (TagListPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
3496   if (tlp != NULL && tlp->vnp != NULL) {
3497     for (vnp = tlp->vnp; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next) {
3498       /* get set number */
3499       str = (CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
3500       tmp = ExtractTagListColumn (str, 0);
3501       if (tmp != NULL && sscanf (tmp, "%d", &val) == 1 && val != 0) {
3502         set_num = val;
3503       }
3504       MemFree (tmp);
3505       /* get name and sequence */
3506       pp = PCRPrimerFromRow (str);
3507       if (pp != NULL) {
3508         /* get direction */
3509         tmp = ExtractTagListColumn (str, 1);
3510         if (tmp == NULL || sscanf (tmp, "%d", &val) != 1 || val != 2) {
3511           val = 1;
3512         }
3514         /* add to set */
3515         AddPrimerToSet (&ps_list, set_num, val, pp);
3516       }
3517     }
3518   }
3519   /* TODO - before returning, need to delete any empty sets */
3520   return (Pointer) ps_list;
3521 }
MakePCRPrimerGroup(GrouP g,GenBioPagePtr gbp)3524 static GrouP MakePCRPrimerGroup (GrouP g, GenBioPagePtr gbp)
3525 {
3526   GrouP      grp, q;
3527   PrompT     p1, p2, p3, p4;
3528   TagListPtr tlp;
3530   if (gbp == NULL) {
3531     return NULL;
3532   }
3533   grp = HiddenGroup (g, -1, 0, NULL);
3534   SetGroupSpacing (grp, 3, 10);
3535   q = HiddenGroup (grp, 4, 0, NULL);
3536   p1 = StaticPrompt (q, "Set", 0, 0, programFont, 'c');
3537   p2 = StaticPrompt (q, "Dir", 4 * stdCharWidth, 0, programFont, 'c');
3538   p3 = StaticPrompt (q, "Name", pcr_primer_dlg_widths[2] * stdCharWidth, 0, programFont, 'c');
3539   p4 = StaticPrompt (q, "Sequence", pcr_primer_dlg_widths[3] * stdCharWidth, 0, programFont, 'c');
3541   gbp->pcr_primer_dlg = CreateTagListDialogEx3 (grp, 4, 4, 2,
3542                                       pcr_primer_dlg_types, pcr_primer_dlg_widths, pcr_primer_dlg_popups,
3543                                       TRUE, FALSE,
3544                                       PCRReactionSetPtrToPCRPrimerDialog,
3545                                       PCRPrimerDialogToPCRReactionSetPtr,
3546                                       NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE);
3548   tlp = (TagListPtr) GetObjectExtra (gbp->pcr_primer_dlg);
3549   AlignObjects (ALIGN_JUSTIFY, (HANDLE) tlp->control [0], (HANDLE) p1, NULL);
3550   AlignObjects (ALIGN_JUSTIFY, (HANDLE) tlp->control [1], (HANDLE) p2, NULL);
3551   AlignObjects (ALIGN_JUSTIFY, (HANDLE) tlp->control [2], (HANDLE) p3, NULL);
3552   AlignObjects (ALIGN_JUSTIFY, (HANDLE) tlp->control [3], (HANDLE) p4, NULL);
3554   return grp;
3555 }
ShowPCRPrimers(ButtoN b)3558 static void ShowPCRPrimers (ButtoN b)
3559 {
3560   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
3562   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (b);
3563   if (gbp == NULL) {
3564     return;
3565   }
3566   if (GetStatus (b)) {
3567     Show (gbp->pcr_primer_grp);
3568   } else {
3569     Hide (gbp->pcr_primer_grp);
3570   }
3571 }
CleanupBioSourceDialog(GraphiC g,VoidPtr data)3574 static void CleanupBioSourceDialog (GraphiC g, VoidPtr data)
3576 {
3577   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
3579   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) data;
3580   if (gbp != NULL) {
3581     gbp->origTaxName = MemFree (gbp->origTaxName);
3582     gbp->orgmod_alists[0] = MemFree (gbp->orgmod_alists[0]);
3583     gbp->subsource_alists[0] = MemFree (gbp->subsource_alists[0]);
3584     FreeGenBioOrgNameData (gbp);
3585   }
3586   StdCleanupExtraProc (g, data);
3587 }
CreateBioSourceDialog(GrouP h,CharPtr title,GrouP PNTR pages,BioSourcePtr biop,GenBioFormPtr gfp,Boolean diableFocusControl)3590 static DialoG CreateBioSourceDialog (GrouP h, CharPtr title, GrouP PNTR pages,
3591                                      BioSourcePtr biop, GenBioFormPtr gfp,
3592                                      Boolean diableFocusControl)
3594 {
3595   ButtoN         b;
3596   GrouP          c;
3597   GrouP          f, f1, f2, f3;
3598   GrouP          g;
3599   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
3600   Boolean        hasSynonyms;
3601   Int2           height;
3602   Char           just;
3603   GrouP          k;
3604   GrouP          m;
3605   OrgRefPtr      orp;
3606   GrouP          p;
3607   PrompT         ppt;
3608   GrouP          q;
3609   RecT           r;
3610   GrouP          s;
3611   Boolean        showUnstructMods;
3612   GrouP          t;
3613   CharPtr PNTR   tabs = NULL;
3614   DialoG         tbs;
3615   PrompT         y;
3616   Int2           z;
3617   Boolean        indexerVersion;
3618   Boolean        has_discontinued, has_discouraged;
3619   ValNode        vn;
3621   p = HiddenGroup (h, 1, 0, NULL);
3622   SetGroupSpacing (p, 10, 10);
3624   gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) MemNew (sizeof (GenBioPage));
3625   if (gbp != NULL && pages != NULL) {
3627     SetObjectExtra (p, gbp, CleanupBioSourceDialog);
3628     gbp->dialog = (DialoG) p;
3629     gbp->todialog = BioSourcePtrToGenBioPage;
3630     gbp->fromdialog = GenBioPageToBioSourcePtr;
3631     gbp->dialogmessage = BioSourceMessage;
3632     gbp->testdialog = TestGenBioDialog;
3633     gbp->orgname_choice = 0;
3634     gbp->orgname_data = NULL;
3636     /* set up subsource and orgmod alists */
3637     indexerVersion = (Boolean) (GetAppProperty ("InternalNcbiSequin") != NULL);
3638     BioSourceHasOldOrgModQualifiers (biop, &has_discouraged, &has_discontinued);
3639     gbp->orgmod_alists[0] = GetModifiersEnum (FALSE, TRUE, has_discouraged || indexerVersion, has_discontinued);
3640     gbp->orgmod_alists[1] = NULL;
3641     BioSourceHasOldSubSourceQualifiers (biop, &has_discouraged, &has_discontinued);
3642     gbp->subsource_alists[0] = GetModifiersEnum (TRUE, FALSE, has_discouraged || indexerVersion, has_discontinued);
3643     gbp->subsource_alists[1] = NULL;
3645     if (title != NULL && title [0] != '\0') {
3646       s = NormalGroup (p, 0, -2, title, systemFont, NULL);
3647     } else {
3648       s = HiddenGroup (p, 0, -2, NULL);
3649     }
3650     SetGroupSpacing (s, 10, 10);
3652     m = HiddenGroup (s, 0, 0, NULL);
3654     pages [0] = HiddenGroup (m, -1, 0, NULL);
3655     SetGroupSpacing (pages [0], 10, 10);
3657     tbs = CreateFolderTabs (pages [0], orgTabs, 0, 0, 0,
3658                             PROGRAM_FOLDER_TAB,
3659                             ChangeOrgSubPage, (Pointer) gbp);
3660     k = HiddenGroup (pages [0], 0, 0, NULL);
3662     gbp->orgGrp [0] = HiddenGroup (k, -1, 0, NULL);
3663     SetGroupSpacing (gbp->orgGrp [0], 10, 10);
3665     gbp->origTaxName = NULL;
3666     gbp->stripOldName = FALSE;
3668     g = HiddenGroup (gbp->orgGrp [0], 1, 0, NULL);
3669     SetGroupSpacing (g, 10, 10);
3670     f = HiddenGroup (g, 2, 0, NULL);
3671     SetGroupSpacing (f, 3, 5);
3672     StaticPrompt (f, "Scientific Name", 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
3673     gbp->taxName = DialogText (f, "", 20, TaxNameText);
3674     SetObjectExtra (gbp->taxName, gbp, NULL);
3675     StaticPrompt (f, "Common Name", 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
3676     gbp->commonName = (Handle) DialogText (f, "", 10, CommonNameText);
3677     /*
3678     gbp->commonName = StaticPrompt (f, "", 10 * stdCharWidth, dialogTextHeight, systemFont, 'l');
3679     */
3680     SetObjectExtra (gbp->commonName, gbp, NULL);
3681     StaticPrompt (f, "", 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
3682     f = HiddenGroup (g, 1, 0, NULL);
3683     SelectFont (programFont);
3684     height = LineHeight ();
3685     SelectFont (systemFont);
3686     gbp->orglist = DocumentPanel (f, stdCharWidth * 25, height * 6);
3687     SetObjectExtra (gbp->orglist, gbp, NULL);
3688     SetDocAutoAdjust (gbp->orglist, FALSE);
3689     orgListCol [0].pixWidth = screenRect.right - screenRect.left;
3690     AppendItem (gbp->orglist, AllButFirstLinePrtProc, orgTxtPtr, FALSE, orgNum,
3691                 &orgListPar, orgListCol, programFont);
3692     SetDocAutoAdjust (gbp->orglist, TRUE);
3693     SetDocProcs (gbp->orglist, ClickTaxName, NULL, ReleaseTaxName, NULL);
3694     SetDocShade (gbp->orglist, NULL, NULL, HighlightTaxName, NULL);
3696     gbp->disable_strain_forwarding = CheckBox (f, "Disable Strain Forwarding", NULL);
3698     AlignObjects (ALIGN_RIGHT, (HANDLE) gbp->taxName, (HANDLE) gbp->commonName,
3699                   (HANDLE) gbp->orglist, (HANDLE) gbp->disable_strain_forwarding, NULL);
3701     gbp->orgGrp [1] = HiddenGroup (k, -1, 0, NULL);
3702     SetGroupSpacing (gbp->orgGrp [1], 10, 10);
3704     g = HiddenGroup (gbp->orgGrp [1], -1, 0, NULL);
3705     SelectFont (programFont);
3706     f = HiddenGroup (g, 3, 0, NULL);
3707     StaticPrompt (f, "Location of Sequence",
3708                   0, popupMenuHeight, programFont, 'l');
3710     gbp->genome = ValNodeSelectionDialogExEx (f, GetLocListForBioSource (biop), SHORT_SELECTION_LIST, ValNodeStringName,
3711                                            ValNodeSimpleDataFree, ValNodeStringCopy,
3712                                            ValNodeChoiceMatch, "location",
3713                                            NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);
3714     vn.choice = Source_location_genomic;
3715     vn.data.ptrvalue = NULL;
3716     vn.next = NULL;
3717     PointerToDialog (gbp->genome, &vn);
3719     ObjectRect (gbp->orglist, &r);
3720     MultiLinePrompt (g, useGenomicText, r.right - r.left - 2, programFont);
3722     f = HiddenGroup (gbp->orgGrp [1], 3, 0, NULL);
3723     StaticPrompt (f, "Origin of Sequence",
3724                   0, popupMenuHeight, programFont, 'l');
3725     gbp->origin = PopupList (f, TRUE, NULL);
3726     SetObjectExtra (gbp->origin, gbp, NULL);
3727     InitEnumPopup (gbp->origin, biosource_origin_alist, NULL);
3728     SetValue (gbp->origin, 0);
3730     gbp->is_focus = CheckBox (gbp->orgGrp [1], "Biological focus (if multiple source features)", NULL);
3731     if (diableFocusControl) {
3732       Disable (gbp->is_focus);
3733     }
3734     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) g, (HANDLE) f, NULL);
3736     Hide (gbp->orgGrp [1]);
3738     gbp->orgGrp [2] = HiddenGroup (k, -1, 0, NULL);
3739     SetGroupSpacing (gbp->orgGrp [2], 10, 10);
3741     f = HiddenGroup (gbp->orgGrp [2], 2, 0, NULL);
3742     SetGroupSpacing (f, 10, 5);
3743     StaticPrompt (f, "Nuclear", 0, popupMenuHeight, programFont, 'l');
3744     gbp->gcode = PopupList (f, TRUE, NULL);
3745     PopulateGeneticCodePopup (gbp->gcode);
3746     SetValue (gbp->gcode, 1);
3747     StaticPrompt (f, "Mitochondrial", 0, popupMenuHeight, programFont, 'l');
3748     gbp->mgcode = PopupList (f, TRUE, NULL);
3749     PopulateGeneticCodePopup (gbp->mgcode);
3750     SetValue (gbp->mgcode, 1);
3751     StaticPrompt (f, "Plastid", 0, popupMenuHeight, programFont, 'l');
3752     gbp->pgcode = PopupList (f, TRUE, NULL);
3753     PopulateGeneticCodePopup (gbp->pgcode);
3754     SetValue (gbp->pgcode, 1);
3756     Hide (gbp->orgGrp [2]);
3758     gbp->orgGrp [3] = HiddenGroup (k, -1, 0, NULL);
3759     SetGroupSpacing (gbp->orgGrp [3], 10, 10);
3761     f = HiddenGroup (gbp->orgGrp [3], 0, 2, NULL);
3762     y = StaticPrompt (f, "Taxonomic Lineage", 0, 0, programFont, 'c');
3763     gbp->lineage = ScrollText (f, 20, 3, programFont, TRUE, NULL);
3764     q = HiddenGroup (gbp->orgGrp [3], 2, 0, NULL);
3765     StaticPrompt (q, "Division", 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
3766     gbp->gbDiv = DialogText (q, "", 4, NULL);
3767     c = HiddenGroup (gbp->orgGrp [3], -1, 0, NULL);
3768     if (gfp != NULL && gfp->lookupTaxonomy != NULL) {
3769       ppt = StaticPrompt (c, "Looking up taxonomy will close this window.", 0, 0, programFont, 'c');
3770       b = PushButton (c, "Lookup Taxonomy", LookupTheTaxonomyProc);
3771       SetObjectExtra (b, gfp, NULL);
3772       AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) ppt, (HANDLE) b, NULL);
3773     }
3774     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) f, (HANDLE) q, (HANDLE) c, NULL);
3776     Hide (gbp->orgGrp [3]);
3778     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) tbs,
3779                   (HANDLE) gbp->orgGrp [0], (HANDLE) gbp->orgGrp [1],
3780                   (HANDLE) gbp->orgGrp [2], (HANDLE) gbp->orgGrp [3], NULL);
3782     pages [1] = HiddenGroup (m, -1, 0, NULL);
3783     SetGroupSpacing (pages [1], 10, 10);
3785     showUnstructMods = FALSE;
3786     hasSynonyms = FALSE;
3787     if (biop != NULL) {
3788       orp = biop->org;
3789       if (orp != NULL && orp->mod != NULL) {
3790         showUnstructMods = TRUE;
3791       }
3792       if (orp != NULL && orp->syn != NULL) {
3793         hasSynonyms = TRUE;
3794       }
3795     }
3797     if (showUnstructMods) {
3798       tbs = CreateFolderTabs (pages [1], modTabsUns, 0, 0, 0,
3799                               PROGRAM_FOLDER_TAB,
3800                               ChangeModSubPage, (Pointer) gbp);
3801     } else {
3802       tbs = CreateFolderTabs (pages [1], modTabs, 0, 0, 0,
3803                               PROGRAM_FOLDER_TAB,
3804                               ChangeModSubPage, (Pointer) gbp);
3805     }
3806     k = HiddenGroup (pages [1], 0, 0, NULL);
3808     gbp->modGrp [eModTabSource ] = HiddenGroup (k, -1, 0, NULL);
3809     SetGroupSpacing (gbp->modGrp [eModTabSource ], 10, 10);
3811     g = HiddenGroup (gbp->modGrp [eModTabSource ], -1, 0, NULL);
3812     SetGroupSpacing (g, 3, 10);
3813     gbp->subsrc_val_dlg = CreateSubSourceDialog (g, gbp->subsource_alists[0]);
3815     gbp->pcr_primer_btn = CheckBox (g, "PCR primers", ShowPCRPrimers);
3816     SetObjectExtra (gbp->pcr_primer_btn, gbp, NULL);
3817     gbp->pcr_primer_grp = MakePCRPrimerGroup (g, gbp);
3818     SetGroupSpacing (gbp->pcr_primer_grp, 3, 10);
3819     Hide (gbp->pcr_primer_grp);
3821     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) gbp->subsrc_val_dlg, (HANDLE) gbp->pcr_primer_btn, (HANDLE) gbp->pcr_primer_grp, NULL);
3823     gbp->modGrp [eModTabOrganism] = HiddenGroup (k, -1, 0, NULL);
3824     SetGroupSpacing (gbp->modGrp [eModTabOrganism], 10, 10);
3826     g = HiddenGroup (gbp->modGrp [eModTabOrganism], -1, 0, NULL);
3827     SetGroupSpacing (g, 3, 10);
3829     gbp->orgmod_val_dlg = CreateOrgModDialog (g, gbp->orgmod_alists[0], gbp->taxName);
3831     Hide (gbp->modGrp [eModTabOrganism]);
3833     gbp->modGrp [eModTabGenBank] = HiddenGroup (k, -1, 0, NULL);
3834     SetGroupSpacing (gbp->modGrp [eModTabGenBank], 10, 10);
3836     g = HiddenGroup (gbp->modGrp [eModTabGenBank], 2, 0, NULL);
3837     SetGroupSpacing (g, 3, 10);
3839     StaticPrompt (g, "Assigned Acronym", 0, stdLineHeight, programFont, 'l');
3840     gbp->gbacr = StaticPrompt (g, "", 15 * stdCharWidth, stdLineHeight, systemFont, 'l');
3841     StaticPrompt (g, "Assigned Anamorph", 0, stdLineHeight, programFont, 'l');
3842     gbp->gbana = StaticPrompt (g, "", 15 * stdCharWidth, stdLineHeight, systemFont, 'l');
3843     StaticPrompt (g, "Assigned Synonym", 0, stdLineHeight, programFont, 'l');
3844     gbp->gbsyn = StaticPrompt (g, "", 15 * stdCharWidth, stdLineHeight, systemFont, 'l');
3845     StaticPrompt (g, "Type Material", 0, stdLineHeight, programFont, 'l');
3846     gbp->tymat = StaticPrompt (g, "", 15 * stdCharWidth, stdLineHeight, systemFont, 'l');
3848     Hide (gbp->modGrp [eModTabGenBank]);
3850     gbp->modGrp [eModTabUnstructured] = HiddenGroup (k, -1, 0, NULL);
3851     SetGroupSpacing (gbp->modGrp [eModTabUnstructured], 10, 10);
3853     if (showUnstructMods) {
3854       f3 = HiddenGroup (gbp->modGrp [eModTabUnstructured], 0, 2, NULL);
3855       StaticPrompt (f3, "Unstructured Modifiers", 0, 0, programFont, 'c');
3856       gbp->mod = CreateVisibleStringDialog (f3, 3, -1, 15);
3857     }
3859     Hide (gbp->modGrp [eModTabUnstructured]);
3861     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) tbs,
3862                   (HANDLE) gbp->modGrp [eModTabSource],
3863                   (HANDLE) gbp->modGrp [eModTabOrganism],
3864                   (HANDLE) gbp->modGrp [eModTabGenBank],
3865                   (HANDLE) gbp->modGrp [eModTabUnstructured], NULL);
3867     Hide (pages [1]);
3869     pages [2] = HiddenGroup (m, -1, 0, NULL);
3870     SetGroupSpacing (pages [2], 10, 10);
3872     tabs = miscTabs1;
3873     if (hasSynonyms) {
3874       tabs = miscTabs2;
3875     }
3876     tbs = CreateFolderTabs (pages [2], tabs, 0, 0, 0,
3877                             PROGRAM_FOLDER_TAB,
3878                             ChangeMiscSubPage, (Pointer) gbp);
3879     k = HiddenGroup (pages [2], 0, 0, NULL);
3881     for (z = 0; z < 2; z++) {
3882       gbp->miscGrp [z] = NULL;
3883     }
3884     z = 0;
3886     if (hasSynonyms) {
3887       gbp->miscGrp [z] = HiddenGroup (k, -1, 0, NULL);
3888       SetGroupSpacing (gbp->miscGrp [z], 10, 10);
3890       f1 = HiddenGroup (gbp->miscGrp [z], 0, 2, NULL);
3891       StaticPrompt (f1, "Synonyms", 0, 0, programFont, 'c');
3892       gbp->syn = CreateVisibleStringDialog (f1, 3, -1, 15);
3894       z++;
3895     }
3897     gbp->miscGrp [z] = HiddenGroup (k, -1, 0, NULL);
3898     SetGroupSpacing (gbp->miscGrp [z], 10, 10);
3900     f2 = HiddenGroup (gbp->miscGrp [z], -1, 0, NULL);
3901     SetGroupSpacing (f2, 10, 10);
3902     if (GetAppProperty ("ReadOnlyDbTags") == NULL) {
3903       just = 'c';
3904     } else {
3905       just = 'l';
3906       StaticPrompt (f2, "This page is read-only", 15 * stdCharWidth, 0, programFont, 'c');
3907     }
3908     t = HiddenGroup (f2, 2, 0, NULL);
3909     StaticPrompt (t, "Database", 7 * stdCharWidth, 0, programFont, just);
3910     StaticPrompt (t, "Object ID", 8 * stdCharWidth, 0, programFont, just);
3911     gbp->db = CreateDbtagDialog (f2, 3, -1, 7, 8);
3913     Hide (gbp->miscGrp [1]);
3915     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) tbs,
3916                   (HANDLE) gbp->miscGrp [0],
3917                   (HANDLE) gbp->miscGrp [1], NULL);
3919     Hide (pages [2]);
3922     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) pages [ORGANISM_PAGE],
3923                   (HANDLE) pages [MODIFIERS_PAGE],
3924                   (HANDLE) pages [MISCELLANEOUS_PAGE], NULL);
3925   }
3927   return (DialoG) p;
3928 }
SetBioSourceImportExportItems(GenBioFormPtr gfp)3930 static void SetBioSourceImportExportItems (GenBioFormPtr gfp)
3932 {
3933   IteM  exportItm;
3934   IteM  importItm;
3936   if (gfp != NULL) {
3937     importItm = FindFormMenuItem ((BaseFormPtr) gfp, VIB_MSG_IMPORT);
3938     exportItm = FindFormMenuItem ((BaseFormPtr) gfp, VIB_MSG_EXPORT);
3939     switch (gfp->currentPage) {
3940       case ORGANISM_PAGE :
3941         SafeSetTitle (importItm, "Import BioSource...");
3942         SafeSetTitle (exportItm, "Export BioSource...");
3943         SafeEnable (importItm);
3944         SafeEnable (exportItm);
3945         break;
3946       case MODIFIERS_PAGE :
3947         SafeSetTitle (importItm, "Import...");
3948         SafeSetTitle (exportItm, "Export...");
3949         SafeDisable (importItm);
3950         SafeDisable (exportItm);
3951         break;
3952       case MISCELLANEOUS_PAGE :
3953         SafeSetTitle (importItm, "Import...");
3954         SafeSetTitle (exportItm, "Export...");
3955         SafeDisable (importItm);
3956         SafeDisable (exportItm);
3957         break;
3958       case COMMON_PAGE :
3959         SafeSetTitle (importItm, "Import...");
3960         SafeSetTitle (exportItm, "Export...");
3961         SafeDisable (importItm);
3962         SafeDisable (exportItm);
3963         break;
3964       case LOCATION_PAGE :
3965         SafeSetTitle (importItm, "Import SeqLoc...");
3966         SafeSetTitle (exportItm, "Export SeqLoc...");
3967         SafeEnable (importItm);
3968         SafeEnable (exportItm);
3969         break;
3970       default :
3971         break;
3972     }
3973   }
3974 }
ChangeBioSourcePage(VoidPtr data,Int2 newval,Int2 oldval)3976 static void ChangeBioSourcePage (VoidPtr data, Int2 newval, Int2 oldval)
3978 {
3979   GenBioFormPtr  gfp;
3981   gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) data;
3982   if (gfp != NULL) {
3983     gfp->currentPage = newval;
3984     SafeHide (gfp->pages [oldval]);
3985     SafeShow (gfp->pages [newval]);
3986     switch (newval) {
3987       case ORGANISM_PAGE :
3988         break;
3989       case MODIFIERS_PAGE :
3990         break;
3991       case MISCELLANEOUS_PAGE :
3992         break;
3993       case COMMON_PAGE :
3994         break;
3995       case LOCATION_PAGE :
3996         SendMessageToDialog (gfp->location, VIB_MSG_ENTER);
3997         break;
3998       default :
3999         break;
4000     }
4001     SetBioSourceImportExportItems (gfp);
4002     Update ();
4003   }
4004 }
ImportBioSourceForm(ForM f,CharPtr filename)4006 static Boolean ImportBioSourceForm (ForM f, CharPtr filename)
4008 {
4009   AsnIoPtr       aip;
4010   BioSourcePtr   biop;
4011   GenBioFormPtr  gfp;
4012   Char           path [PATH_MAX];
4014   path [0] = '\0';
4015   StringNCpy_0 (path, filename, sizeof (path));
4016   gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (f);
4017   if (gfp != NULL) {
4018     switch (gfp->currentPage) {
4019       case ORGANISM_PAGE :
4020         if (path [0] != '\0' || GetInputFileName (path, sizeof (path), "", "TEXT")) {
4021           aip = AsnIoOpen (path, "r");
4022           if (aip != NULL) {
4023             biop = BioSourceAsnRead (aip, NULL);
4024             AsnIoClose (aip);
4025             if (biop != NULL) {
4026               PointerToDialog (gfp->data, (Pointer) biop);
4027               biop = BioSourceFree (biop);
4028               Update ();
4029               return TRUE;
4030             }
4031           }
4032         }
4033         break;
4034       case LOCATION_PAGE :
4035         return ImportDialog (gfp->location, filename);
4036       default :
4037         break;
4038     }
4039   }
4040   return FALSE;
4041 }
ExportBioSourceForm(ForM f,CharPtr filename)4043 static Boolean ExportBioSourceForm (ForM f, CharPtr filename)
4045 {
4046   AsnIoPtr       aip;
4047   BioSourcePtr   biop;
4048   GenBioFormPtr  gfp;
4049   Char           path [PATH_MAX];
4050 #ifdef WIN_MAC
4051   FILE           *fp;
4052 #endif
4054   path [0] = '\0';
4055   StringNCpy_0 (path, filename, sizeof (path));
4056   gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (f);
4057   if (gfp != NULL) {
4058     switch (gfp->currentPage) {
4059       case ORGANISM_PAGE :
4060         if (path [0] != '\0' || GetOutputFileName (path, sizeof (path), NULL)) {
4061 #ifdef WIN_MAC
4062           fp = FileOpen (path, "r");
4063           if (fp != NULL) {
4064             FileClose (fp);
4065           } else {
4066             FileCreate (path, "TEXT", "ttxt");
4067           }
4068 #endif
4069           aip = AsnIoOpen (path, "w");
4070           if (aip != NULL) {
4071             biop = DialogToPointer (gfp->data);
4072             BioSourceAsnWrite (biop, aip, NULL);
4073             AsnIoClose (aip);
4074             biop = BioSourceFree (biop);
4075             return TRUE;
4076           }
4077         }
4078         break;
4079       case LOCATION_PAGE :
4080         return ExportDialog (gfp->location, filename);
4081       default :
4082         break;
4083     }
4084   }
4085   return FALSE;
4086 }
4088 static CharPtr  biosourceDescFormTabs [] = {
4089   "Organism", "Modifiers", "Miscellaneous", NULL
4090 };
BioSourceDescFormMessage(ForM f,Int2 mssg)4092 static void BioSourceDescFormMessage (ForM f, Int2 mssg)
4094 {
4095   GenBioFormPtr  gfp;
4097   gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (f);
4098   if (gfp != NULL) {
4099     switch (mssg) {
4100       case VIB_MSG_INIT :
4101         SendMessageToDialog (gfp->data, VIB_MSG_INIT);
4102         break;
4103       case VIB_MSG_IMPORT :
4104         ImportBioSourceForm (f, NULL);
4105         break;
4106       case VIB_MSG_EXPORT :
4107         ExportBioSourceForm (f, NULL);
4108         break;
4109       case VIB_MSG_CLOSE :
4110         Remove (f);
4111         break;
4112       case VIB_MSG_CUT :
4113         StdCutTextProc (NULL);
4114         break;
4115       case VIB_MSG_COPY :
4116         StdCopyTextProc (NULL);
4117         break;
4118       case VIB_MSG_PASTE :
4119         StdPasteTextProc (NULL);
4120         break;
4121       case VIB_MSG_DELETE :
4122         StdDeleteTextProc (NULL);
4123         break;
4124       default :
4125         if (gfp->appmessage != NULL) {
4126           gfp->appmessage (f, mssg);
4127         }
4128         break;
4129     }
4130   }
4131 }
BioSourceFormActivate(WindoW w)4133 static void BioSourceFormActivate (WindoW w)
4135 {
4136   GenBioFormPtr  gfp;
4138   gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (w);
4139   if (gfp != NULL) {
4140     if (gfp->activate != NULL) {
4141       gfp->activate (w);
4142     }
4143     SetBioSourceImportExportItems (gfp);
4144   }
4145 }
OkayToAcceptBioSource(ButtoN b)4147 static Boolean OkayToAcceptBioSource (ButtoN b)
4149 {
4150   Boolean        abort;
4151   MsgAnswer      ans;
4152   OrgModPtr      curr;
4153   GenBioPagePtr  gbp;
4154   GenBioFormPtr  gfp;
4155   OrgModPtr      mod;
4156   CharPtr        str;
4157   ValNodePtr     err_list;
4159   gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (b);
4160   if (gfp != NULL) {
4161     gbp = (GenBioPagePtr) GetObjectExtra (gfp->data);
4162     if (gbp != NULL) {
4163       err_list = TestDialog (gbp->orgmod_val_dlg);
4164       ValNodeLink (&err_list, TestDialog (gbp->subsrc_val_dlg));
4165       if (err_list != NULL)
4166       {
4167         if (ANS_CANCEL == Message (MSG_OKC, "You have selected values for modifiers, but not types - values without types will be discarded.  Continue?"))
4168         {
4169           err_list = ValNodeFreeData (err_list);
4170           return FALSE;
4171         }
4172         err_list = ValNodeFreeData (err_list);
4173       }
4174       mod = DialogToPointer (gbp->orgmod_val_dlg);
4175       if (mod == NULL) return TRUE;
4176       abort = TRUE;
4177       for (curr = mod; curr != NULL; curr = curr->next) {
4178         if (curr->subtype == 254) {
4179           abort = FALSE;
4180         }
4181       }
4182       OrgModFree (mod);
4183       if (abort) return TRUE;
4184       str = SaveStringFromText (gbp->taxName);
4185       ans = ANS_NO;
4186       if (StringICmp (str, gbp->origTaxName) != 0) {
4187         ans = Message (MSG_YNC, "Delete original name (necessary for correct lookup)?");
4188       }
4189       MemFree (str);
4190       if (ans == ANS_CANCEL) return FALSE;
4191       if (ans == ANS_YES) {
4192         gbp->stripOldName = TRUE;
4193       }
4194     }
4195   }
4196   return TRUE;
4197 }
BioSourceDescFormAcceptButtonProc(ButtoN b)4199 static void BioSourceDescFormAcceptButtonProc (ButtoN b)
4201 {
4202   if (OkayToAcceptBioSource (b)) {
4204     StdAcceptFormButtonProc (b);
4205   }
4206 }
CreateBioSourceDescForm(Int2 left,Int2 top,Int2 width,Int2 height,CharPtr title,ValNodePtr sdp,SeqEntryPtr sep,FormActnFunc actproc,BioSourceEditProcsPtr bepp)4208 extern ForM CreateBioSourceDescForm (Int2 left, Int2 top, Int2 width,
4209                                      Int2 height, CharPtr title, ValNodePtr sdp,
4210                                      SeqEntryPtr sep, FormActnFunc actproc,
4211                                      BioSourceEditProcsPtr bepp)
4213 {
4214   ButtoN             b;
4215   BioSourcePtr       biop;
4216   GrouP              c;
4217   GrouP              g;
4218   GenBioFormPtr      gfp;
4219   StdEditorProcsPtr  sepp;
4220   WindoW             w;
4222   w = NULL;
4223   gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) MemNew (sizeof (GenBioForm));
4224   if (gfp != NULL) {
4225     w = FixedWindow (left, top, width, height, title, StdCloseWindowProc);
4226     SetObjectExtra (w, gfp, StdDescFormCleanupProc);
4227     gfp->form = (ForM) w;
4228     gfp->actproc = actproc;
4229     gfp->toform = NULL;
4230     gfp->fromform = NULL;
4231     gfp->testform = NULL;
4232     gfp->formmessage = BioSourceDescFormMessage;
4233     gfp->importform = ImportBioSourceForm;
4234     gfp->exportform = ExportBioSourceForm;
4236 #ifndef WIN_MAC
4237     CreateStdEditorFormMenus (w);
4238 #endif
4240     if (bepp == NULL) {
4241       bepp = (BioSourceEditProcsPtr) GetAppProperty ("BioSourcEditForm");
4242     }
4243     if (bepp != NULL) {
4244       gfp->lookupTaxonomy = bepp->lookupTaxonomy;
4245     }
4246     sepp = (StdEditorProcsPtr) GetAppProperty ("StdEditorForm");
4247     if (sepp != NULL) {
4248       gfp->activate = sepp->activateForm;
4249       gfp->appmessage = sepp->handleMessages;
4250     }
4251     SetActivate (w, BioSourceFormActivate);
4253     g = HiddenGroup (w, -1, 0, NULL);
4254     SetGroupSpacing (g, 3, 10);
4256     gfp->foldertabs = CreateFolderTabs (g, biosourceDescFormTabs, ORGANISM_PAGE,
4257                                         0, 0, SYSTEM_FOLDER_TAB,
4258                                         ChangeBioSourcePage, (Pointer) gfp);
4259     gfp->currentPage = ORGANISM_PAGE;
4261     biop = NULL;
4262     if (sdp != NULL && sdp->choice == Seq_descr_source) {
4263       biop = sdp->data.ptrvalue;
4264     }
4265     gfp->data = CreateBioSourceDialog (g, NULL, gfp->pages, biop, gfp, FALSE);
4267     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) gfp->foldertabs, (HANDLE) gfp->data, NULL);
4269     c = HiddenGroup (w, 2, 0, NULL);
4270     b = PushButton (c, "Accept", BioSourceDescFormAcceptButtonProc);
4271     SetObjectExtra (b, gfp, NULL);
4272     PushButton (c, "Cancel", StdCancelButtonProc);
4273     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) g, (HANDLE) c, NULL);
4274     RealizeWindow (w);
4276     SendMessageToDialog (gfp->data, VIB_MSG_INIT);
4277     Show (gfp->pages [gfp->currentPage]);
4278     SendMessageToDialog (gfp->data, VIB_MSG_ENTER);
4279     Update ();
4280   }
4281   return (ForM) w;
4282 }
4284 typedef struct biosourcedlg
4285 {
4287   DialoG             foldertabs;
4288   GrouP              pages [NUM_PAGES];
4289   DialoG             location;
4290   Int2               currentPage;
4291   DialoG             gbp;
4293   LookupTaxonomyProc lookupTaxonomy; /* read in from the application properties */
4294 } BioSourceDlgData, PNTR BioSourceDlgPtr;
ChangeBioSourceDialogPage(VoidPtr data,Int2 newval,Int2 oldval)4296 static void ChangeBioSourceDialogPage (VoidPtr data, Int2 newval, Int2 oldval)
4298 {
4299   BioSourceDlgPtr dlg;
4301   dlg = (BioSourceDlgPtr) data;
4302   if (dlg != NULL) {
4303     dlg->currentPage = newval;
4304     SafeHide (dlg->pages [oldval]);
4305     SafeShow (dlg->pages [newval]);
4306     switch (newval) {
4307       case ORGANISM_PAGE :
4308         break;
4309       case MODIFIERS_PAGE :
4310         break;
4311       case MISCELLANEOUS_PAGE :
4312         break;
4313       case COMMON_PAGE :
4314         break;
4315       case LOCATION_PAGE :
4316         SendMessageToDialog (dlg->location, VIB_MSG_ENTER);
4317         break;
4318       default :
4319         break;
4320     }
4321     Update ();
4322   }
4323 }
BioSourceToDialog(DialoG d,Pointer userdata)4325 static void BioSourceToDialog (DialoG d, Pointer userdata)
4326 {
4327   BioSourceDlgPtr dlg;
4328   BioSourcePtr    biop;
4330   dlg = (BioSourceDlgPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
4331   if (dlg == NULL)
4332   {
4333     return;
4334   }
4336   biop = (BioSourcePtr) userdata;
4337   PointerToDialog (dlg->gbp, biop);
4338 }
DialogToBioSource(DialoG d)4340 static Pointer DialogToBioSource (DialoG d)
4341 {
4342   BioSourceDlgPtr dlg;
4344   dlg = (BioSourceDlgPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
4345   if (dlg == NULL)
4346   {
4347     return NULL;
4348   }
4350   return DialogToPointer (dlg->gbp);
4351 }
TestBioSourceDialog(DialoG d)4353 static ValNodePtr TestBioSourceDialog (DialoG d)
4354 {
4355   BioSourceDlgPtr dlg;
4357   dlg = (BioSourceDlgPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
4358   if (dlg == NULL)
4359   {
4360     return NULL;
4361   }
4362   return TestDialog (dlg->gbp);
4363 }
BioSourceDialogMessage(DialoG d,Int2 message)4365 static void BioSourceDialogMessage (DialoG d, Int2 message)
4366 {
4367   BioSourceDlgPtr dlg;
4369   dlg = (BioSourceDlgPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
4370   if (dlg != NULL)
4371   {
4372     SendMessageToDialog (dlg->gbp, message);
4373   }
4374 }
DoTaxLookup(ButtoN b)4376 static void DoTaxLookup (ButtoN b)
4377 {
4378   BioSourceDlgPtr dlg;
4379   SeqEntryPtr     sep;
4380   BioseqSetPtr    bssp;
4381   SeqDescrPtr     sdp;
4382   BioSourcePtr    biop;
4383   Uint2           entityID;
4385   dlg = (BioSourceDlgPtr) GetObjectExtra (b);
4386   if (dlg == NULL)
4387   {
4388     return;
4389   }
4391   sep = SeqEntryNew ();
4392   if (sep == NULL)
4393   {
4394     return;
4395   }
4397   biop = (BioSourcePtr) DialogToPointer (dlg->dialog);
4398   bssp = BioseqSetNew ();
4400   if (biop == NULL || bssp == NULL)
4401   {
4402     biop = BioSourceFree (biop);
4403     bssp = BioseqSetFree (bssp);
4404     sep = SeqEntryFree (sep);
4405     return;
4406   }
4408   bssp->_class = BioseqseqSet_class_empty_set;
4410   sep->choice = 2;
4411   sep->data.ptrvalue = bssp;
4412   sdp = CreateNewDescriptor (sep, Seq_descr_source);
4413   sdp->data.ptrvalue = biop;
4414   entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
4415   if (entityID > 0)
4416   {
4417     SeqMgrIndexFeatures (entityID, NULL);
4418     if ((dlg->lookupTaxonomy) (entityID))
4419     {
4420       /* find the new BioSource */
4421       sdp = bssp->descr;
4422       while (sdp != NULL && sdp->choice != Seq_descr_source)
4423       {
4424         sdp = sdp->next;
4425       }
4426       if (sdp != NULL)
4427       {
4428         /* put it in our dialog */
4429         PointerToDialog (dlg->dialog, sdp->data.ptrvalue);
4430       }
4431     }
4432   }
4433   SeqEntryFree (sep);
4434 }
BioSourceDialog(GrouP parent)4436 extern DialoG BioSourceDialog (GrouP parent)
4437 {
4438   BioSourceDlgPtr       dlg;
4439   GrouP                 p;
4440   BioSourceEditProcsPtr bepp;
4441   ButtoN                b;
4443   dlg = (BioSourceDlgPtr) MemNew (sizeof (BioSourceDlgData));
4444   if (dlg == NULL)
4445   {
4446     return NULL;
4447   }
4449   p = HiddenGroup (parent, -1, 0, NULL);
4450   SetObjectExtra (p, dlg, StdCleanupExtraProc);
4451   SetGroupSpacing (p, 3, 10);
4452   dlg->dialog = (DialoG) p;
4453   dlg->todialog = BioSourceToDialog;
4454   dlg->fromdialog = DialogToBioSource;
4455   dlg->dialogmessage = BioSourceDialogMessage;
4456   dlg->testdialog = TestBioSourceDialog;
4458   dlg->foldertabs = CreateFolderTabs (p, biosourceDescFormTabs, ORGANISM_PAGE,
4459                                       0, 0, SYSTEM_FOLDER_TAB,
4460                                       ChangeBioSourceDialogPage, (Pointer) dlg);
4461   dlg->currentPage = ORGANISM_PAGE;
4463   dlg->gbp = CreateBioSourceDialog (p, NULL, dlg->pages, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
4465   bepp = (BioSourceEditProcsPtr) GetAppProperty ("BioSourcEditForm");
4467   if (bepp != NULL && bepp->lookupTaxonomy != NULL) {
4468     dlg->lookupTaxonomy = bepp->lookupTaxonomy;
4469     b = PushButton (p, "Look up Taxonomy", DoTaxLookup);
4470     SetObjectExtra (b, dlg, NULL);
4471   }
4472   else
4473   {
4474     b = NULL;
4475   }
4478   AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) dlg->foldertabs,
4479                               (HANDLE) dlg->gbp,
4480                               (HANDLE) b,
4481                               NULL);
4483   SendMessageToDialog (dlg->gbp, VIB_MSG_INIT);
4484   SendMessageToDialog (dlg->gbp, VIB_MSG_ENTER);
4486   return (DialoG) p;
4487 }
4489 static CharPtr  biosourceFeatFormTabs [] = {
4490   "Organism", "Modifiers", "Miscellaneous", "Properties", "Location", NULL
4491 };
BioSourceFeatFormMessage(ForM f,Int2 mssg)4493 static void BioSourceFeatFormMessage (ForM f, Int2 mssg)
4495 {
4496   GenBioFormPtr  gfp;
4498   gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (f);
4499   if (gfp != NULL) {
4500     switch (mssg) {
4501       case VIB_MSG_INIT :
4502         SendMessageToDialog (gfp->data, VIB_MSG_INIT);
4503         StdInitFeatFormProc (f);
4504         break;
4505       case VIB_MSG_IMPORT :
4506         ImportBioSourceForm (f, NULL);
4507         break;
4508       case VIB_MSG_EXPORT :
4509         ExportBioSourceForm (f, NULL);
4510         break;
4511       case VIB_MSG_CLOSE :
4512         Remove (f);
4513         break;
4514       case VIB_MSG_CUT :
4515         StdCutTextProc (NULL);
4516         break;
4517       case VIB_MSG_COPY :
4518         StdCopyTextProc (NULL);
4519         break;
4520       case VIB_MSG_PASTE :
4521         StdPasteTextProc (NULL);
4522         break;
4523       case VIB_MSG_DELETE :
4524         StdDeleteTextProc (NULL);
4525         break;
4526       default :
4527         if (gfp->appmessage != NULL) {
4528           gfp->appmessage (f, mssg);
4529         }
4530         break;
4531     }
4532   }
4533 }
BioSourceFeatFormAcceptButtonProc(ButtoN b)4535 static void BioSourceFeatFormAcceptButtonProc (ButtoN b)
4537 {
4538   if (OkayToAcceptBioSource (b)) {
4539     StdFeatFormAcceptButtonProc (b);
4540   }
4541 }
CreateBioSourceFeatForm(Int2 left,Int2 top,Int2 width,Int2 height,CharPtr title,SeqFeatPtr sfp,SeqEntryPtr sep,FormActnFunc actproc,BioSourceEditProcsPtr bepp)4543 extern ForM CreateBioSourceFeatForm (Int2 left, Int2 top, Int2 width,
4544                                      Int2 height, CharPtr title, SeqFeatPtr sfp,
4545                                      SeqEntryPtr sep, FormActnFunc actproc,
4546                                      BioSourceEditProcsPtr bepp)
4548 {
4549   ButtoN             b;
4550   BioSourcePtr       biop;
4551   GrouP              c;
4552   GrouP              g;
4553   GenBioFormPtr      gfp;
4554   GrouP              h;
4555   GrouP              s;
4556   StdEditorProcsPtr  sepp;
4557   WindoW             w;
4559   w = NULL;
4560   gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) MemNew (sizeof (GenBioForm));
4561   if (gfp != NULL) {
4562     w = FixedWindow (left, top, width, height, title, StdCloseWindowProc);
4563     SetObjectExtra (w, gfp, StdFeatFormCleanupProc);
4564     gfp->form = (ForM) w;
4565     gfp->actproc = actproc;
4566     gfp->toform = StdSeqFeatPtrToFeatFormProc;
4567     gfp->fromform = NULL;
4568     gfp->testform = NULL;
4569     gfp->formmessage = BioSourceFeatFormMessage;
4570     gfp->importform = ImportBioSourceForm;
4571     gfp->exportform = ExportBioSourceForm;
4573 #ifndef WIN_MAC
4574     CreateStdEditorFormMenus (w);
4575 #endif
4577     if (bepp == NULL) {
4578       bepp = (BioSourceEditProcsPtr) GetAppProperty ("BioSourcEditForm");
4579     }
4580     if (bepp != NULL) {
4581       gfp->lookupTaxonomy = bepp->lookupTaxonomy;
4582     }
4583     sepp = (StdEditorProcsPtr) GetAppProperty ("StdEditorForm");
4584     if (sepp != NULL) {
4585       gfp->activate = sepp->activateForm;
4586       gfp->appmessage = sepp->handleMessages;
4587     }
4588     SetActivate (w, BioSourceFormActivate);
4590     g = HiddenGroup (w, -1, 0, NULL);
4591     SetGroupSpacing (g, 3, 10);
4593     gfp->foldertabs = CreateFolderTabs (g, biosourceFeatFormTabs, ORGANISM_PAGE,
4594                                         0, 0, SYSTEM_FOLDER_TAB,
4595                                         ChangeBioSourcePage, (Pointer) gfp);
4596     gfp->currentPage = ORGANISM_PAGE;
4598     h = HiddenGroup (g, 0, 0, NULL);
4600     biop = NULL;
4601     if (sfp != NULL && sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_BIOSRC) {
4602       biop = sfp->data.value.ptrvalue;
4603     }
4604     gfp->data = CreateBioSourceDialog (h, NULL, gfp->pages, biop, gfp, TRUE);
4606     s = HiddenGroup (h, -1, 0, NULL);
4607     CreateCommonFeatureGroup (s, (FeatureFormPtr) gfp, sfp, FALSE, TRUE);
4608     gfp->pages [COMMON_PAGE] = s;
4609     Hide (gfp->pages [COMMON_PAGE]);
4611     s = HiddenGroup (h, -1, 0, NULL);
4612     gfp->location = CreateIntervalEditorDialogEx (s, NULL, 4, 2, sep, TRUE, TRUE,
4613                                                   TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,
4614                                                   (FeatureFormPtr) gfp,
4615                                                   StdFeatIntEdPartialCallback);
4616     gfp->pages [LOCATION_PAGE] = s;
4617     Hide (gfp->pages [LOCATION_PAGE]);
4619     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) gfp->data,
4620                   (HANDLE) gfp->pages [COMMON_PAGE],
4621                   (HANDLE) gfp->pages [LOCATION_PAGE], NULL);
4622     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) gfp->foldertabs, (HANDLE) h, NULL);
4624     c = HiddenGroup (w, 2, 0, NULL);
4625     b = PushButton (c, "Accept", BioSourceFeatFormAcceptButtonProc);
4626     SetObjectExtra (b, gfp, NULL);
4627     PushButton (c, "Cancel", StdCancelButtonProc);
4628     AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) g, (HANDLE) c, NULL);
4629     RealizeWindow (w);
4631     SendMessageToDialog (gfp->data, VIB_MSG_INIT);
4632     SendMessageToDialog (gfp->location, VIB_MSG_INIT);
4633     Show (gfp->pages [gfp->currentPage]);
4634     SendMessageToDialog (gfp->data, VIB_MSG_ENTER);
4635     Update ();
4636   }
4637   return (ForM) w;
4638 }
BioSourceGenFunc(Pointer data)4640 extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK BioSourceGenFunc (Pointer data)
4642 {
4643   GenBioFormPtr     gfp;
4644   HelpMessageFunc   helpfunc;
4645   Uint2             itemtype;
4646   OMProcControlPtr  ompcp;
4647   OMUserDataPtr     omudp;
4648   ObjMgrProcPtr     proc;
4649   ValNodePtr        sdp;
4650   SeqEntryPtr       sep;
4651   SeqFeatPtr        sfp;
4652   Uint2             subtype;
4653   WindoW            w;
4655   ompcp = (OMProcControlPtr) data;
4656   w = NULL;
4657   sdp = NULL;
4658   sfp = NULL;
4659   sep = NULL;
4660   itemtype = 0;
4661   subtype = 0;
4662   if (ompcp == NULL || ompcp->proc == NULL) return OM_MSG_RET_ERROR;
4663   proc = ompcp->proc;
4664   switch (ompcp->input_itemtype) {
4665     case OBJ_SEQFEAT :
4666       sfp = (SeqFeatPtr) ompcp->input_data;
4667       if (sfp != NULL && sfp->data.choice != SEQFEAT_BIOSRC) {
4668         return OM_MSG_RET_ERROR;
4669       }
4670       itemtype = OBJ_SEQFEAT;
4671       subtype = FEATDEF_BIOSRC;
4672       break;
4673     case OBJ_SEQDESC :
4674       sdp = (ValNodePtr) ompcp->input_data;
4675       if (sdp != NULL && sdp->choice != Seq_descr_source) {
4676         return OM_MSG_RET_ERROR;
4677       }
4678       itemtype = OBJ_SEQDESC;
4679       subtype = Seq_descr_source;
4680       break;
4681     case OBJ_BIOSEQ :
4682       break;
4683     case OBJ_BIOSEQSET :
4684       break;
4685     case 0 :
4686       break;
4687     default :
4688       return OM_MSG_RET_ERROR;
4689   }
4690   omudp = ItemAlreadyHasEditor (ompcp->input_entityID, ompcp->input_itemID,
4691                                 ompcp->input_itemtype, ompcp->proc->procid);
4692   if (omudp != NULL) {
4693     gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) omudp->userdata.ptrvalue;
4694     if (gfp != NULL) {
4695       Select (gfp->form);
4696     }
4697     return OM_MSG_RET_DONE;
4698   }
4699   sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (ompcp->input_entityID);
4700   if (sfp != NULL) {
4701     w = (WindoW) CreateBioSourceFeatForm (-50, -33, -10, -10,
4702                                           "Organism Information", sfp, sep,
4703                                           StdFeatFormActnProc, NULL);
4704   } else if (sdp != NULL) {
4705     w = (WindoW) CreateBioSourceDescForm (-50, -33, -10, -10,
4706                                           "Organism Information", sdp, sep,
4707 #if 0
4708                                           StdDescFormActnProc, NULL);
4709 #else
4710                                           StdDescFormActnProcNoFeatureChangeNoMolInfoChange, NULL);
4711 #endif
4712   } else {
4713     itemtype = proc->inputtype;
4714     subtype = proc->subinputtype;
4715     if (itemtype == OBJ_SEQFEAT && subtype == FEATDEF_BIOSRC) {
4716       w = (WindoW) CreateBioSourceFeatForm (-50, -33, -10, -10,
4717                                             "Organism Information", sfp, sep,
4718                                             StdFeatFormActnProc, NULL);
4719     } else if (itemtype == OBJ_SEQDESC && subtype == Seq_descr_source) {
4720       w = (WindoW) CreateBioSourceDescForm (-50, -33, -10, -10,
4721                                             "Organism Information", sdp, sep,
4722                                             StdDescFormActnProc, NULL);
4723     } else {
4724       return OM_MSG_RET_ERROR;
4725     }
4726   }
4727   gfp = (GenBioFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (w);
4728   if (gfp != NULL) {
4729     gfp->input_entityID = ompcp->input_entityID;
4730     gfp->input_itemID = ompcp->input_itemID;
4731     gfp->input_itemtype = ompcp->input_itemtype;
4732     gfp->this_itemtype = itemtype;
4733     gfp->this_subtype = subtype;
4734     gfp->procid = ompcp->proc->procid;
4735     gfp->proctype = ompcp->proc->proctype;
4736     gfp->userkey = OMGetNextUserKey ();
4737     omudp = ObjMgrAddUserData (ompcp->input_entityID, ompcp->proc->procid,
4738                                OMPROC_EDIT, gfp->userkey);
4739     if (omudp != NULL) {
4740       omudp->userdata.ptrvalue = (Pointer) gfp;
4741       omudp->messagefunc = StdVibrantEditorMsgFunc;
4742     }
4743     SendMessageToForm (gfp->form, VIB_MSG_INIT);
4744     if (sdp != NULL) {
4745       PointerToDialog (gfp->data, (Pointer) sdp->data.ptrvalue);
4746       SetClosestParentIfDuplicating ((BaseFormPtr) gfp);
4747     } else if (sfp != NULL) {
4748       PointerToForm (gfp->form, (Pointer) sfp);
4749       SetClosestParentIfDuplicating ((BaseFormPtr) gfp);
4750     } else if (itemtype == OBJ_SEQFEAT) {
4751       SetNewFeatureDefaultInterval ((FeatureFormPtr) gfp);
4752     }
4753   }
4754   Show (w);
4755   Select (w);
4756   helpfunc = (HelpMessageFunc) GetAppProperty ("HelpMessageProc");
4757   if (helpfunc != NULL) {
4758     helpfunc ("Biological Source", NULL);
4759   }
4760   return OM_MSG_RET_DONE;
4761 }
ChooseNext(Nlm_QualNameAssocPtr PNTR choice_list,Int4 num_in_list)4764 static Int4 ChooseNext (Nlm_QualNameAssocPtr PNTR choice_list, Int4 num_in_list)
4765 {
4766   Int4 best_choice = -1, i;
4768   for (i = 0; i < num_in_list; i++) {
4769     if (choice_list[i] == NULL || choice_list[i]->name == NULL) {
4770       /* do nothing */
4771     } else if (best_choice == -1) {
4772       /* no previous choice */
4773       best_choice = i;
4774     } else if (StringCmp (choice_list[i]->name, choice_list[best_choice]->name) <= 0) {
4775       best_choice = i;
4776     }
4777   }
4778   return best_choice;
4779 }
GetModifiersEnum(Boolean get_subsource,Boolean get_orgmod,Boolean get_discouraged,Boolean get_discontinued)4781 extern EnumFieldAssocPtr GetModifiersEnum (Boolean get_subsource, Boolean get_orgmod, Boolean get_discouraged, Boolean get_discontinued)
4782 {
4783   Int4 best_choice, k;
4784   EnumFieldAssocPtr eap;
4785   CharPtr newname;
4786   Uint2   newval;
4787   Boolean inserted_note = FALSE;
4788   Int4    num_eap = 2; /* count terminators */
4789   Nlm_QualNameAssocPtr choice_list[6];
4790   Int4                 num_choices = 0;
4793   /* initialize choice_list */
4794   for (k = 0; k < 6; k++) {
4795     choice_list[k] = NULL;
4796   }
4798   /* need size of both because despite the fact that we need only one blank and one terminator, we are adding in two notes */
4799   if (get_orgmod) {
4800     for (k = 0; current_orgmod_subtype_alist[k].name != NULL; k++) {
4801       num_eap++;
4802     }
4803     choice_list[num_choices ++] = current_orgmod_subtype_alist + 1;
4804   }
4805   if (get_subsource) {
4806     for (k = 0; current_subsource_subtype_alist[k].name != NULL; k++) {
4807       num_eap++;
4808     }
4809     choice_list[num_choices ++] = current_subsource_subtype_alist + 1;
4810   }
4813   if (get_discouraged) {
4814     if (get_orgmod) {
4815       for (k = 0; discouraged_orgmod_subtype_alist[k].name != NULL; k++) {
4816         num_eap++;
4817       }
4818       choice_list[num_choices++] = discouraged_orgmod_subtype_alist;
4819     }
4821     if (get_subsource) {
4822       for (k = 0; discouraged_subsource_subtype_alist[k].name != NULL; k++) {
4823         num_eap++;
4824       }
4825       choice_list[num_choices++] = discouraged_subsource_subtype_alist;
4826     }
4827   }
4829   if (get_discontinued) {
4830     if (get_orgmod) {
4831       for (k = 0; discontinued_orgmod_subtype_alist[k].name != NULL; k++) {
4832         num_eap++;
4833       }
4834       choice_list[num_choices++] = discontinued_orgmod_subtype_alist;
4835     }
4836     if (get_subsource) {
4837       for (k = 0; discontinued_subsource_subtype_alist[k].name != NULL; k++) {
4838         num_eap++;
4839       }
4840       choice_list[num_choices++] = discontinued_subsource_subtype_alist;
4841     }
4842   }
4844   eap = (EnumFieldAssocPtr) MemNew (sizeof (EnumFieldAssoc) * num_eap);
4846   eap[0].name = " ";
4847   eap[0].value = 0;
4848   k = 1;
4849   while ((best_choice = ChooseNext(choice_list, num_choices)) != -1) {
4850     newname = choice_list[best_choice]->name;
4851     newval = choice_list[best_choice]->value;
4852     if (get_subsource && get_orgmod && (best_choice == 1 || best_choice == 3 || best_choice == 5)) {
4853       /* add 1000 to let calling function distinguish between subsource and orgmod */
4854       newval += 1000;
4855     }
4856     choice_list[best_choice]++;
4857     /* only add in notes if we are getting both subsource and orgmod */
4858     if (!inserted_note && get_subsource && get_orgmod && StringCmp (newname, "Note") > 0) {
4859       eap[k].name = "Note -- OrgMod";
4860       eap[k].value = ORGMOD_other;
4861       k++;
4862       eap[k].name = "Note -- SubSource";
4863       eap[k].value = SUBSRC_other + 1000;
4864       k++;
4865       inserted_note = TRUE;
4866     }
4867     eap[k].name = newname;
4868     eap[k].value = newval;
4869     k++;
4870   }
4871   eap[k].name = NULL;
4872   eap[k].value = 0;
4873   return eap;
4874 }
GetSubSourceAndOrgModEnum(Boolean get_discouraged,Boolean get_discontinued)4876 extern EnumFieldAssocPtr GetSubSourceAndOrgModEnum (Boolean get_discouraged, Boolean get_discontinued)
4877 {
4878   return GetModifiersEnum (TRUE, TRUE, get_discouraged, get_discontinued);
4879 }