1 static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: csim.c,v 6.2 2003/05/30 17:25:36 coulouri Exp $";
3 /*  csim.c
4 * ===========================================================================
5 *
6 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
7 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
8 *
9 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
10 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
11 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
12 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
13 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
14 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
15 *
16 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
17 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
19 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
20 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
21 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
22 *  purpose.
23 *
24 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
25 *
26 * ===========================================================================
27 *
28 * File Name:  csim.c
29 *
30 * Author:  Jinghui Zhang
31 *
32 * Version Creation Date: 5/24/95
33 *
34 *
35 * File Description:  functions for using the sim/sim2 algorithm
36 *
37 * Modifications:
38 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 * Date     Name        Description of modification
40 *
41 * $Log: csim.c,v $
42 * Revision 6.2  2003/05/30 17:25:36  coulouri
43 * add rcsid
44 *
45 * Revision 6.1  1998/09/09 11:47:43  sirotkin
46 * MAXSEG to NLM_MAX_SEG to avoid RS6000 occasional conflict
47 *
48 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:52:57  madden
49 * Revision changed to 6.0
50 *
51 * Revision 5.1  1997/03/14 15:45:14  kans
52 * undefine DEL and INS if previously defined in simutil.h
53 *
54  * Revision 5.0  1996/05/28  13:43:15  ostell
55  * Set to revision 5.0
56  *
57  * Revision 4.1  1995/09/27  19:46:44  zjing
58  * protection for the default gap value
59  *
60  * Revision 4.0  1995/07/26  13:50:15  ostell
61  * force revision to 4.0
62  *
63  * Revision 1.2  1995/07/17  20:36:21  kans
64  * prototypes for Mac compilers
65  *
66  * Revision 1.1  1995/07/17  19:01:41  zjing
67  * Initial revision
68  *
69 *
70 *
71 * ==========================================================================
72 */
74 #include <simutil.h>
77 typedef struct ONE
78 	{
79 	  Int4 COL ;
80 	  struct ONE  PNTR NEXT ;
81 	} pair, PNTR pairptr;
83 typedef struct NODE
84 	{
85 	  Int4  SCORE;
86 	  Int4  STARI;
87 	  Int4  STARJ;
88 	  Int4  ENDI;
89 	  Int4  ENDJ;
90 	  Int4  TOP;
91 	  Int4  BOT;
92 	  Int4  LEFT;
93 	  Int4  RIGHT;
94 	 }  vertex, PNTR vertexptr;
96 typedef struct NODE_LIST
97   	{
98 	  vertexptr  PNTR LIST;			/* an array for saving k best scores */
99 	  vertexptr  low;			/* lowest score node in LIST */
100 	  vertexptr  most;		/* latestly accessed node in LIST */
101 	  Int4  numnode;	 		/* the number of nodes in LIST */
102 	  Int4   min;				/* minimum score in LIST */
103 	  Int4   m1, mm, n1, nn;		/* boundaries of recomputed area */
104   	}node_list, PNTR listptr;
106 typedef struct VEC
107    	{
108 	  Int4Ptr  CC, DD;			/* saving matrix scores */
109 	  Int4Ptr  RR, SS, EE, FF; 		/* saving start-points */
110 	  Int4Ptr  HH, WW;		 	/* saving matrix scores */
111 	  Int4Ptr  II, JJ, XX, YY; 		/* saving start-points */
112    	}vec, PNTR vecptr;
114 typedef struct MATRIX
115 	{
116 	  Int2Ptr PNTR v;
117 	  Int4 q, r, qr;
118 	}matrix;
120 typedef struct SCRIPT
121   	{
122      	  Int4  PNTR sapp;				/* Current script append ptr */
123      	  Int4   last;				/* Last script op appended */
124      	  Int4  I, J;				/* current positions of A ,B */
125      	  Int4  no_mat; 			/* number of matches */
126      	  Int4  no_mis; 			/* number of mismatches */
127      	  Int4  al_len; 			/* length of alignment */
128   	}script, PNTR scriptr;
131 static pairptr z, PNTR row;			/*for saving used aligned paires*/
133 static SeqAlignPtr SIM(SeqLocPtr loc1, SeqLocPtr loc2, CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 M, Int4 N, Int4 K, Int4 nseq, FloatHi cut_off, Int2Ptr PNTR V, Int4 Q, Int4 R);
134 static void big_pass(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 M, Int4 N, Int4 K, Int4 nseq, matrix value, vecptr s_vec, listptr plist, pairptr PNTR row) ;
135 static void diff(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 M, Int4 N, Int4 tb, Int4 te, matrix value, scriptr s_ptr, pairptr PNTR row) ;
136 static Int4 diff1(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 M, Int4 N, Int4 tb, Int4 te, Int4Ptr CC, Int4Ptr DD, Int4Ptr RR, Int4Ptr SS, matrix value, scriptr s_ptr, pairptr PNTR row);
137 static void locate(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 nseq, matrix value, vecptr s_vec, BoolPtr flag, listptr plist, pairptr PNTR row) ;
138 static void small_pass(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 count, Int4 nseq, matrix value, vecptr s_vec, listptr plist, pairptr PNTR row) ;
139 static Int4 addnode(Int4 c, Int4 ci, Int4 cj, Int4 i, Int4 j, Int4 K, listptr plist)  ;
140 static vertexptr findmax(listptr plist);
141 static Boolean no_cross(BoolPtr flag, listptr plist, Int4Ptr rl, Int4Ptr cl);
142 static void display(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 M, Int4 N, Int4Ptr S, Int4 AP, Int4 BP, Int4Ptr rec_a1, Int4Ptr rec_a2, Int2Ptr POS) ;
144 /*****************************************************************************
145 ***
146 *	CSIM() return the Seq-align objects for the two Seq-locs aligned with
147 *	the sim algorithm.
148 *	for protein sequences, if pam_file == NULL, use the default matrix
149 *	PAM 200
150 *
151 *****************************************************************************
152 ***/
155 /***************************************************************************
156 ***
157 *	set_matrix: functions for set the matrix
158 *
159 ****************************************************************************
160 ***/
set_pam_200(Int2Ptr PNTR V)161 static void set_pam_200(Int2Ptr PNTR V)
162 {
163  static Int2 wgts[23][23] = {	/* the PAM200 matrix */
165  2,-2, 0, 0,-2,-1, 0, 1,-1,-1,-2,-1,-1,-3, 1, 1, 1,-5,-3, 0, 1, 1, 0,
166  -2, 5, 0,-1,-3, 1,-1,-3, 1,-2,-2, 2, 0,-3, 0, 0,-1, 1,-4,-2, 0, 1, 0,
167   0, 0, 2, 2,-3, 0, 1, 0, 1,-1,-2, 1,-2,-2, 0, 1, 0,-4,-1,-2, 3, 2, 0,
168   0,-1, 2, 3,-4, 1, 3, 0, 0,-2,-3, 0,-2,-4,-1, 0, 0,-6,-3,-2, 4, 3, 0,
169  -2,-3,-3,-4, 8,-4,-4,-3,-3,-2,-5,-4,-4,-4,-2, 0,-2,-6, 0,-2,-3,-3, 0,
170  -1, 1, 0, 1,-4, 4, 2,-1, 2,-2,-1, 0,-1,-4, 0,-1,-1,-4,-3,-2, 2, 4, 0,
171   0,-1, 1, 3,-4, 2, 3, 0, 0,-2,-3, 0,-2,-4, 0, 0, 0,-6,-3,-2, 3, 4, 0,
172   1,-3, 0, 0,-3,-1, 0, 4,-2,-2,-3,-2,-3,-3,-1, 1, 0,-5,-4,-1, 1, 0, 0,
173  -1, 1, 1, 0,-3, 2, 0,-2, 5,-2,-2, 0,-2,-1, 0,-1,-1,-3, 0,-2, 2, 2, 0,
174  -1,-2,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2, 4, 2,-1, 2, 1,-2,-1, 0,-5,-1, 3,-1,-1, 0,
175  -2,-2,-2,-3,-5,-1,-3,-3,-2, 2, 4,-2, 3, 1,-2,-2,-1,-4,-1, 1,-2,-1, 0,
176  -1, 2, 1, 0,-4, 0, 0,-2, 0,-1,-2, 4, 1,-4,-1, 0, 0,-3,-4,-2, 1, 1, 0,
177  -1, 0,-2,-2,-4,-1,-2,-3,-2, 2, 3, 1, 5, 0,-2,-1, 0,-4,-2, 1,-1, 0, 0,
178  -3,-3,-2,-4,-4,-4,-4,-3,-1, 1, 1,-4, 0, 7,-4,-2,-2, 0, 5,-1,-2,-3, 0,
179   1, 0, 0,-1,-2, 0, 0,-1, 0,-2,-2,-1,-2,-4, 5, 1, 0,-5,-4,-1, 0, 1, 0,
180   1, 0, 1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 1,-1,-1,-2, 0,-1,-2, 1, 2, 1,-2,-2,-1, 1, 1, 0,
181   1,-1, 0, 0,-2,-1, 0, 0,-1, 0,-1, 0, 0,-2, 0, 1, 3,-4,-2, 0, 1, 0, 0,
182  -5, 1,-4,-6,-6,-4,-6,-5,-3,-5,-4,-3,-4, 0,-5,-2,-4,12, 0,-6,-3,-4, 0,
183  -3,-4,-1,-3, 0,-3,-3,-4, 0,-1,-1,-4,-2, 5,-4,-2,-2, 0, 7,-2,-1,-2, 0,
184   0,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-1,-2, 3, 1,-2, 1,-1,-1,-1, 0,-6,-2, 4,-1,-1, 0,
185   1, 0, 3, 4,-3, 2, 3, 1, 2,-1,-2, 1,-1,-2, 0, 1, 1,-3,-1,-1, 4, 4, 0,
186   1, 1, 2, 3,-3, 4, 4, 0, 2,-1,-1, 1, 0,-3, 1, 1, 0,-4,-2,-1, 4, 5, 0,
187   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
188 };
190   Int2 alpha=23;
191   Int2 i, j;
194   for(i=0; i<alpha; ++i)
195      for(j=0; j<alpha; ++j)
196        V[achars[i]][achars[j]]=10*(wgts[i][j]);
198 }
set_pam_file(Int2Ptr PNTR V,CharPtr pam_file)200 static Boolean set_pam_file(Int2Ptr PNTR V, CharPtr pam_file)
201 {
202   FILE *fp;
203   FloatLo weight;
204   Char buf[200], alph[SIZE_MATRIX];
205   CharPtr p;
206   Int2 alph_size;
207   Int2 i, j;
209   	if((fp=FileOpen(pam_file, "r")) == NULL)
210 	{
211 		Message(MSG_ERROR, "Fail to open matrix file %s, use PAM200 instead", pam_file);
212 		return FALSE;
213 	}
215   	while(FileGets(buf, 199, fp)) /*get rid of empty lines*/
216      		if (buf[0]==' ' || IS_UPPER(buf[0]))
217      			break;
219 	/*check the first line to get the alpha-bet order and size*/
220      	for(alph_size=0, p=buf; *p!='\0'; ++p)
221         	if(IS_UPPER(*p))
222           		alph[alph_size++]=*p;
224   	for(i=0; i<alph_size; ++i)
225       		for (j =0; j<alph_size; ++j)
226 		{
227          		fscanf(fp, "%f", &weight);      /**get the matrix**/
228          		V[alph[i]][alph[j]]=(Int2)(10*weight);
229          	}
231   	FileClose(fp);
232 	return TRUE;
233 }
DNA_matrix(Int2Ptr PNTR V,FloatHi M_val,FloatHi I_val,FloatHi V_val)236 static void DNA_matrix(Int2Ptr PNTR V, FloatHi M_val, FloatHi I_val, FloatHi V_val)
237 {
239  FloatHi parm_M, parm_I, parm_V;
242 	/***set up values for parm_M, parm_I, parm_V**/
243 	   parm_M=M_val;
244 	   parm_M +=(parm_M > 0.0)? 0.05: -0.05;
246 	   parm_I=I_val;
247 	   parm_I +=(parm_I > 0.0)? 0.05: -0.05;
249 	   parm_V=V_val;
250 	   parm_V +=(parm_V > 0.0)? 0.05: -0.05;
252 	/**set up DNA matrix**/
253 	V['A']['A']=V['C']['C']=V['G']['G']=V['T']['T']=(Int2)(10*parm_M);
254 	V['A']['G']=V['G']['A']=V['C']['T']=V['T']['C']=(Int2)(10*parm_I);
255 	V['A']['C']=V['A']['T']=V['C']['A']=V['C']['G']=(Int2)(10*parm_V);
256 	V['G']['C']=V['G']['T']=V['T']['A']=V['T']['G']=(Int2)(10*parm_V);
257 }
260 /*****************************************************************
261 *
262 *	set_matrix(V, pspp, is_dna)
263 *	set up weight matrix for SIM_1
264 *
265 *	V: the matrix
266 *	pspp: the parameters used for SIM
267 *	is_dna: if TRUE, DNA sequences are compared
268 *	return TRUE if PAM200 is set up
269 *
270 ********************************************************************/
set_matrix(Int2Ptr PNTR V,PSimPamPtr pspp,Boolean is_dna)271 static Boolean set_matrix(Int2Ptr PNTR V, PSimPamPtr pspp, Boolean is_dna)
272 {
274 	if(is_dna)
275 	{
276 	     DNA_matrix(V, pspp->M_val, pspp->I_val, pspp->V_val);
277 	     return FALSE;
278 	}
279 	else
280 	{
281 	    if(pspp->pam_file == NULL)
282 	    {
283 	    	set_pam_200(V);
284 	    	return TRUE;
285 	    }
286 	    else
287 	    {
288 		if(!set_pam_file(V, pspp->pam_file))
289 		{
290 			set_pam_200(V);
291 			return TRUE;
292 		}
293 		else
294 			return FALSE;
295 	    }
296 	}
297 }
303 /**get the values for open a gap and gap extension for each base**/
gap_val(Int4Ptr open_gap,Int4Ptr ext_gap,FloatHi O_val,FloatHi E_val,Boolean use_default,Boolean pam_200)304 static void gap_val(Int4Ptr open_gap, Int4Ptr ext_gap, FloatHi O_val, FloatHi E_val, Boolean use_default, Boolean pam_200)
305 {
307   FloatHi parm_O, parm_E;
309 	if(use_default)
310 	{
311 		if(pam_200) 	/**PAM200 is useed**/
312 		{
313 	    		parm_O=DEFAULT_PAM_O;
314 	    		parm_E=DEFAULT_PAM_E;
315 		}
316 		else
317 		{
318 			parm_O = DEFAULT_O;
319 			parm_E = DEFAULT_E;
320 		}
321 	}
322 	else
323 	{
324 	    parm_O=O_val;
325 	    parm_E=E_val;
326 	}
328 	parm_O += (parm_O >0)? 0.05 : -0.05;
329 	*open_gap=(Int4)(10 * parm_O);
331 	parm_E +=(parm_E>0)? 0.05: -0.05;
332 	*ext_gap=(Int4)(10 * parm_E);
333 }
336 /***************************************************************************
337 ***
338 *	CSIM(): compute K top alignment between two sequence locations (loc1,
339 *	loc2).
340 *	loc1, loc2: tow sequence locations. For DNA sequences, if the strand
341 *		    of loc2 is unknown, it will search in both orientations
342 *	K:		the number of alignments to compute
343 *	cut_off:	the cut off score for each alignment
344 *	sim1_pam:	Parameters for SIM1. set to NULL for default
345 *
346 *****************************************************************************
347 ***/
CSIM(SeqLocPtr loc1,SeqLocPtr loc2,Int4 K,FloatHi cut_off,PSimPamPtr sim1_pam)348 SeqAlignPtr CSIM(SeqLocPtr loc1, SeqLocPtr loc2, Int4 K, FloatHi cut_off, PSimPamPtr sim1_pam)
349 {
351   Boolean both_strand;
352   SeqAlignPtr out_sap, out_sapC;
354   CharPtr seq1, seq2;
355   Int4 seq1_len, seq2_len;
356   Int4 nseq;
357   Boolean is_dna, pam_flag;
358   Int2Ptr PNTR V;
359   Int4 Q, R;
360   Int2 i;
362   PSimPam psp;
363   PSimPamPtr pspp;
365 	if(loc1 == NULL || loc2 == NULL)
366 		return NULL;
367 	if(loc1->choice != SEQLOC_INT || loc2->choice !=SEQLOC_INT)
368 		return NULL;
370 	if(sim1_pam == NULL)
371 	{
372 		DefaultPSimPam(&psp);
373 		pspp = &psp;
374 	}
375 	else
376 	{
377 		/*protect the default gap open and extension value*/
378 		if(sim1_pam->O != DEFAULT_O || sim1_pam->E != DEFAULT_E)
379 			sim1_pam->def_gap = FALSE;
380 		else
381 			sim1_pam->def_gap = TRUE;
383 		pspp = sim1_pam;
384 	}
386 	if(SeqLocCompare(loc1, loc2) == SLC_A_EQ_B)
387 	   nseq = 1;
388 	else
389 	   nseq = 2;
391 	both_strand = check_strand_mol (loc2, &is_dna);
392 	if(both_strand)
393 		Change_Loc_Strand(loc2, Seq_strand_plus);
395 	/**initiate the matrix space**/
396    	V=MemNew((size_t)(SIZE_MATRIX) * sizeof(Int2Ptr));
397    	for(i=0; i<SIZE_MATRIX; ++i)
398      	  	V[i]=(Int2Ptr)MemNew((size_t)(SIZE_MATRIX)*sizeof(Int2));
400 	/**get the score  matrix and the gap values**/
401 	pam_flag = set_matrix(V, pspp, is_dna);
402 	gap_val(&Q, &R, pspp->O, pspp->E, pspp->def_gap, pam_flag);
406 	seq1_len = SeqLocLen(loc1);
407 	seq2_len = SeqLocLen(loc2);
408 	seq1 = make_sim_seq(loc1, FALSE, NULL);
409 	seq2 = make_sim_seq(loc2, FALSE, NULL);
411 	out_sap= SIM(loc1, loc2, seq1, seq2, seq1_len, seq2_len, K, nseq, cut_off, V, Q, R);
412 	if(both_strand){
413 	    	Change_Loc_Strand(loc2, Seq_strand_minus);
414 	    	seq2 = make_sim_seq(loc2, FALSE, seq2);
415 		out_sapC= SIM(loc1, loc2, seq1, seq2, seq1_len, seq2_len, K, nseq, cut_off, V, Q, R);
416 		out_sap= link_align(out_sapC, out_sap);
417 		out_sap = get_top_K_alignment(out_sap, K, cut_off);
418 	}
420 	MemFree(seq1);
421 	MemFree(seq2);
422         for (i=0; i<SIZE_MATRIX; ++i)
423            MemFree ( V[i]);
424         MemFree(V);
427 	return out_sap;
430 }/**end of CSIM**/
434 /* DIAG() assigns value to x if (ii,jj) is never used before */
435 #define DIAG(ii, jj, x, pvalue)				\
436 { for ( tt = 1, z = row[(ii)]; z != 0; z = z->NEXT )	\
437     if ( z->COL == (jj) )				\
438       { tt = 0; break; }				\
439   if ( tt )						\
440     x = ( pvalue );					\
441 }
443 /* replace (ss1, xx1, yy1) by (ss2, xx2, yy2) if the latter is large */
444 #define ORDER(ss1, xx1, yy1, ss2, xx2, yy2)		\
445 { if ( ss1 < ss2 )					\
446     { ss1 = ss2; xx1 = xx2; yy1 = yy2; }		\
447   else							\
448     if ( ss1 == ss2 )					\
449       { if ( xx1 < xx2 )				\
450 	  { xx1 = xx2; yy1 = yy2; }			\
451 	else						\
452 	  if ( xx1 == xx2 && yy1 < yy2 )		\
453 	    yy1 = yy2;					\
454       }							\
455 }
459 /* SIM(A,B,M,N,K,is_dna,nseq,val) reports K best non-intersecting alignments of
460    the segments of A and B in order of similarity scores. If the score
461    is below val, the alignments will be discarded*/
SIM(SeqLocPtr loc1,SeqLocPtr loc2,CharPtr A,CharPtr B,Int4 M,Int4 N,Int4 K,Int4 nseq,FloatHi cut_off,Int2Ptr PNTR V,Int4 Q,Int4 R)463 static SeqAlignPtr SIM(SeqLocPtr loc1, SeqLocPtr loc2, CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 M, Int4 N, Int4 K, Int4 nseq, FloatHi cut_off, Int2Ptr PNTR V, Int4 Q, Int4 R)
464 {
466   SeqAlignPtr new, head = NULL;
467   Int4Ptr rec_a1, rec_a2;
468   Int2  POS;
470   Int4 endi, endj, stari, starj;	/* endpoint and startpoint */
471   Int4  score;   			/* the max score in (plist->LIST) */
472   Int4 count;				/* maximum size of list */
473   register  Int4  i;			/* row and column indices */
474   Int4  PNTR S;				/* saving operations for diff */
475   vertexptr cur; 			/* temporary pointer */
476   vecptr s_vec;				/*space for processing*/
477   matrix value;				/*values for the matrix and gap penalty*/
478   Boolean flag;				/*indicate if recomputation is necessary*/
479   Int4 rl, cl;				/*left and top boundaries*/
480   scriptr s_ptr;			/* script for the alignment*/
481   listptr plist;			/*list for saving the best scores*/
482   Int4 q;
484   FloatHi re_score;
488 	/**allocate the space for recording the result**/
489 	rec_a1 = MemNew((size_t)NLM_MAXSEG * sizeof(Int4));
490 	rec_a2 = MemNew((size_t)NLM_MAXSEG * sizeof(Int4));
492 	/*get the matrix value and gap penalties*/
493 	value.v=V;
494 	value.q=q=Q;
495 	value.r=R;
496 	value.qr=Q+R;
498 	/*initiate the siace for process*/
499 	s_vec=(vecptr)MemNew(sizeof(vec));
500 	/* allocate space for all vectors */
501 	/*j =(size_t) (N + 1) * sizeof(Int4);*/
502 	s_vec->CC = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(N+1)*sizeof(Int4));
503 	s_vec->DD = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(N+1)*sizeof(Int4));
504 	s_vec->RR = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(N+1)*sizeof(Int4));
505 	s_vec->SS = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(N+1)*sizeof(Int4));
506 	s_vec->EE = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(N+1)*sizeof(Int4));
507 	s_vec->FF = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(N+1)*sizeof(Int4));
508 	/*i = (M + 1) * sizeof(Int4);*/
509 	s_vec->HH = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(M+1)*sizeof(Int4));
510 	s_vec->WW = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(M+1)*sizeof(Int4));
511 	s_vec->II = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(M+1)*sizeof(Int4));
512 	s_vec->JJ = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(M+1)*sizeof(Int4));
513 	s_vec->XX = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(M+1)*sizeof(Int4));
514 	s_vec->YY = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(M+1)*sizeof(Int4));
515 	S = ( Int4Ptr ) MemNew((size_t)(M+N+2)*sizeof(Int4));
516 	row = ( pairptr PNTR ) MemNew( (size_t)(M + 1) * sizeof(pairptr));
518 	/* set up list for each row */
519 	for ( i = 1; i <= M; i++ )
520 	  if ( nseq == 2 )
521 	     row[i] = 0;
522 	  else
523 	    { row[i] =  ( pairptr ) MemNew( sizeof(pair));
524 	      z=row[i];
525               z->COL = i;
526               z->NEXT = 0;
527 	    }
529 	/*initiate the script*/
530 	plist=(listptr)MemNew(sizeof(node_list));
531 	plist->low=NULL;
532 	plist->most=NULL;
534 	(plist->LIST) = ( vertexptr PNTR ) MemNew((size_t) K * sizeof(vertexptr));
535 	for ( i = 0; i < K ; i++ )
536 	   (plist->LIST)[i] = ( vertexptr ) MemNew( sizeof(vertex));
537 	(plist->numnode) = (plist->min) = 0;
538 	    s_ptr=(scriptr)MemNew(sizeof(script));
541 	big_pass(A,B,M,N,K,nseq, value, s_vec, plist, row);
543         /* Report the K best alignments one by one. After each alignment is
544            output, recompute part of the matrix. First determinee the size
545 	   of the area to be recomputed, then do the recomputation         */
547 	for ( count = K - 1; count >= 0 ; count-- )
548 	  {
549 	    POS=0;
550 	    if ( (plist->numnode) == 0 )
551 	      fatal("The number of alignments computed is too large");
552             cur = findmax(plist); /*Return a pointer to a node with max score*/
554 	    score = cur->SCORE;
555       	    stari = ++cur->STARI;
556             starj = ++cur->STARJ;
557             endi = cur->ENDI;
558             endj = cur->ENDJ;
559             (plist->m1) = cur->TOP;
560             (plist->mm) = cur->BOT;
561             (plist->n1) = cur->LEFT;
562             (plist->nn) = cur->RIGHT;
563             rl = endi - stari + 1;
564             cl = endj - starj + 1;
565             s_ptr->I = stari - 1;
566             s_ptr->J = starj - 1;
567             s_ptr->sapp = S;
568             s_ptr->last = 0;
569             (s_ptr->al_len) = 0;
570             (s_ptr->no_mat) = 0;
571 	    (s_ptr->no_mis) = 0;
573             diff(&A[stari]-1, &B[starj]-1,rl,cl,q,q, value, s_ptr, row);
575             /* Output the best alignment */
576 		re_score = (FloatHi)(score/10.0);
578      	   display(&A[stari]-1,&B[starj]-1,rl,cl,S,stari,starj, rec_a1, rec_a2, &POS);
579 	   if(re_score >= cut_off)	/*save the result to Seq-align*/
580 	   {
581 	   	new = make_align(rec_a1, rec_a2, POS, re_score, NULL, loc1, loc2);
582 	   	head = link_align(new, head);
583 	   }
585             if ( count )
586 	      { flag = FALSE;
588                 locate(A,B,nseq, value, s_vec, &flag, plist, row);
590                 if ( flag )
591 		   small_pass(A,B,count,nseq, value, s_vec, plist, row);
592               }
594 	  }
595 	   MemFree(rec_a1);
596 	   MemFree(rec_a2);
597 	   MemFree(S);
598 	   MemFree(s_vec->CC);
599 	   MemFree(s_vec->DD);
600 	   MemFree(s_vec->RR);
601 	   MemFree(s_vec->SS);
602 	   MemFree(s_vec->EE);
603 	   MemFree(s_vec->FF);
604 	   MemFree(s_vec->HH);
605 	   MemFree(s_vec->WW);
606 	   MemFree(s_vec->II);
607 	   MemFree(s_vec->JJ);
608 	   MemFree(s_vec->XX);
609 	   MemFree(s_vec->YY);
610 	   MemFree(s_vec);
611 	   MemFree(s_ptr);
613 	     for (i=1; i<=M; i++)
614 	       MemFree(row[i]);
615 	     MemFree (row);
618 	  for(i=0; i<K; i++)
619 	  MemFree((plist->LIST)[i]);
620 	  MemFree(plist->LIST);
621 	  MemFree(plist);
623 	  return head;
624 }
626 /* A big pass to compute K best classes */
big_pass(CharPtr A,CharPtr B,Int4 M,Int4 N,Int4 K,Int4 nseq,matrix value,vecptr s_vec,listptr plist,pairptr PNTR row)628 static void big_pass(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 M, Int4 N, Int4 K, Int4 nseq, matrix value, vecptr s_vec, listptr plist, pairptr PNTR row)
629 {
630   register  Int4  i, j;			/* row and column indices */
631   register  Int4  c;			/* best score at current point */
632   register  Int4  f;			/* best score ending with insertion */
633   register  Int4  d;			/* best score ending with deletion */
634   register  Int4  p;			/* best score at (i-1, j-1) */
635   register  Int4  ci, cj;		/* end-point associated with c */
636   register  Int4  di, dj;		/* end-point associated with d */
637   register  Int4  fi, fj;		/* end-point associated with f */
638   register  Int4  pi, pj;		/* end-point associated with p */
639   Int2Ptr  va, PNTR v;			/* pointer to v(A[i], B[j]) */
640   Int4 q, r, qr;
641   Boolean tt;
642   /**pairptr z;**/
644   q=value.q;
645   r=value.r;
646   qr=value.qr;
647   v=value.v;
650 	/* Compute the matrix and save the top K best scores in (plist->LIST)
651 	   s_vec->CC : the scores of the current row
652 	   s_vec->RR and s_vec->EE : the starting point that leads to score s_vec->CC
653 	   s_vec->DD : the scores of the current row, ending with deletion
654 	   s_vec->SS and s_vec->FF : the starting point that leads to score s_vec->DD        */
655  	/* Initialize the 0 th row */
656 	for ( j = 1; j <= N ; j++ )
657 	  {  s_vec->CC[j] = 0;
658 	     s_vec->RR[j] = 0;
659 	     s_vec->EE[j] = j;
660 	     s_vec->DD[j] = - (q);
661 	     s_vec->SS[j] = 0;
662 	     s_vec->FF[j] = j;
663 	  }
664 	for ( i = 1; i <= M; i++)
665 	  {  c = 0;				/* Initialize column 0 */
666 	     f = - (q);
667 	     ci = fi = i;
668 	     va = v[A[i]];
669 	     if ( nseq == 2 )
670 	       { p = 0;
671 	         pi = i - 1;
672 	         cj = fj = pj = 0;
673 	       }
674 	     else
675 	       { p = s_vec->CC[i];
676 		 pi = s_vec->RR[i];
677 		 pj = s_vec->EE[i];
678 	         cj = fj = i;
679 	       }
680 	     for ( j = (nseq == 2 ? 1 : (i+1)) ; j <= N ; j++ )
681 	       {  f = f - r;
682 		  c = c - qr;
683 		  ORDER(f, fi, fj, c, ci, cj)
684 		  c = s_vec->CC[j] - qr;
685 		  ci = s_vec->RR[j];
686 		  cj = s_vec->EE[j];
687 		  d = s_vec->DD[j] - r;
688 		  di = s_vec->SS[j];
689 		  dj = s_vec->FF[j];
690 		  ORDER(d, di, dj, c, ci, cj)
691 		  c = 0;
692 		  DIAG(i, j, c, p+va[B[j]])		/* diagonal */
693 		  if ( c <= 0 )
694 		    { c = 0; ci = i; cj = j; }
695 		  else
696 		    { ci = pi; cj = pj; }
697 		  ORDER(c, ci, cj, d, di, dj)
698 		  ORDER(c, ci, cj, f, fi, fj)
699 		  p = s_vec->CC[j];
700 		  s_vec->CC[j] = c;
701 		  pi = s_vec->RR[j];
702 		  pj = s_vec->EE[j];
703 		  s_vec->RR[j] = ci;
704 		  s_vec->EE[j] = cj;
705 		  s_vec->DD[j] = d;
706 		  s_vec->SS[j] = di;
707 		  s_vec->FF[j] = dj;
708 		  if ( c > (plist->min) )	/* add the score into list */
709 		    (plist->min) = addnode(c, ci, cj, i, j, K, plist);
710 	        }
711 	  }
712 }
714 #ifdef DEL
715 #undef DEL /* in simutil.h */
716 #endif
717 #ifdef INS
718 #undef INS /* in simutil.h */
719 #endif
721 #define GAP(k)  ((k) <= 0 ? 0 : q+r*(k))	/* k-symbol indel score */
722 #define DEL(s_ptr, k)				\
723  { (s_ptr->I) += (k);				\
724   (s_ptr->al_len) += (k);				\
725   if ((s_ptr->last) < 0)				\
726     (s_ptr->last) = s_ptr->sapp[-1] -= (k);		\
727   else					\
728     (s_ptr->last) = *(s_ptr->sapp)++ = -(k);		\
729 }
730 						/* Append "s_ptr->Insert k" op */
731 #define INS(k)				\
732 { (s_ptr->J) += k;				\
733   (s_ptr->al_len) += k;				\
734   if ((s_ptr->last) < 0)				\
735     { s_ptr->sapp[-1] = (k); *(s_ptr->sapp)++ = (s_ptr->last); }	\
736   else					\
737     (s_ptr->last) = *(s_ptr->sapp)++ = (k);		\
738 }
740 						/* Append "Replace" op */
741 #define REP 				\
742 { (s_ptr->last) = *(s_ptr->sapp)++ = 0; 			\
743   (s_ptr->al_len) += 1;				\
744 }
diff(CharPtr A,CharPtr B,Int4 M,Int4 N,Int4 tb,Int4 te,matrix value,scriptr s_ptr,pairptr PNTR row)746 static void diff(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 M, Int4 N, Int4 tb, Int4 te, matrix value, scriptr s_ptr, pairptr PNTR row)
747 {
748   Int4Ptr CC, DD, RR, SS;
750   /*j= (N+1) * sizeof (Int4);*/
751   CC= (Int4Ptr) MemNew ((size_t)(N+1)*sizeof(Int4));
752   DD= (Int4Ptr) MemNew ((size_t)(N+1)*sizeof(Int4));
753   RR= (Int4Ptr) MemNew ((size_t)(N+1)*sizeof(Int4));
754   SS= (Int4Ptr) MemNew ((size_t)(N+1)*sizeof(Int4));
756   diff1(A, B, M, N, tb, te, CC, DD, RR, SS, value, s_ptr, row);
757   MemFree(CC);
758   MemFree(DD);
759   MemFree(RR);
760   MemFree(SS);
762 }
diff1(CharPtr A,CharPtr B,Int4 M,Int4 N,Int4 tb,Int4 te,Int4Ptr CC,Int4Ptr DD,Int4Ptr RR,Int4Ptr SS,matrix value,scriptr s_ptr,pairptr PNTR row)764 static Int4 diff1(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 M, Int4 N, Int4 tb, Int4 te, Int4Ptr CC, Int4Ptr DD, Int4Ptr RR, Int4Ptr SS, matrix value, scriptr s_ptr, pairptr PNTR row)
765 {
766   Int4   midi, midj, type;	/* Midpoint, type, and cost */
767   Int4 midc;
768   Int4 q, r, qr;	/* matrix and the gap penalty value*/
769   Int2Ptr PNTR v;
770   Boolean tt;
771   /**pairptr z;**/
773   register Int4   i, j;
774   register Int4 c, e, d, s;
775   Int4 t;
776   Int2 PNTR va;
778   q=value.q;
779   r=value.r;
780   qr=value.qr;
781   v=value.v;
785 /* Boundary cases: M <= 1 or N == 0 */
787   if (N <= 0)
788     { if (M > 0) DEL(s_ptr, M)
789       return - GAP(M);
790     }
791   if (M <= 1)
792     { if (M <= 0)
793         { INS(N);
794           return - GAP(N);
795         }
796       if (tb > te) tb = te;
797       midc = - (tb + r + GAP(N) );
798       midj = 0;
799       va = v[A[1]];
800       for (j = 1; j <= N; j++)
801         {  for ( tt = 1, z = row[(s_ptr->I)+1]; z != 0; z = z->NEXT )
802               if ( z->COL == j+(s_ptr->J) )
803 	         { tt = 0; break; }
804            if ( tt )
805             { c = va[B[j]] - ( GAP(j-1) + GAP(N-j) );
806               if (c > midc)
807                { midc = c;
808                  midj = j;
809                }
810 	    }
811 	}
812       if (midj == 0)
813         { INS(N) DEL(s_ptr, 1) }
814       else
815         { if (midj > 1) INS(midj-1)
816           REP
817 	  if ( A[1] == B[midj] )
818 	     (s_ptr->no_mat) += 1;
819 	  else
820 	     (s_ptr->no_mis) += 1;
821 	  /* mark (A[(s_ptr->I)],B[J]) as used: put J into list row[(s_ptr->I)] */
822           (s_ptr->I)++; (s_ptr->J)++;
823 	  /**if(row[(s_ptr->I)]==NULL)
824 	    row[(s_ptr->I)] = ( pairptr ) MemNew( sizeof(pair));
825           (row[(s_ptr->I)])->COL = s_ptr->J;**/
826 	  z = (pairptr)MemNew(sizeof(pair));
827 	  z->COL = s_ptr->J;
828 	  z->NEXT = row[s_ptr->I];
829 	  row[s_ptr->I] = z;
830           if (midj < N) INS(N-midj)
831         }
832       return midc;
833     }
835 /* Divide: Find optimum midpoint (midi,midj) of cost midc */
837   midi = M/2;			/* Forward phase:                          */
838   CC[0] = 0;			/*   Compute C(M/2,k) & D(M/2,k) for all k */
839   t = -q;
840   for (j = 1; j <= N; j++)
841     { CC[j] = t = t-r;
842       DD[j] = t-q;
843     }
844   t = -tb;
845   for (i = 1; i <= midi; i++)
846     { s = CC[0];
847       CC[0] = c = t = t-r;
848       e = t-q;
849       va = v[A[i]];
850       for (j = 1; j <= N; j++)
851         { if ((c = c - qr) > (e = e - r)) e = c;
852           if ((c = CC[j] - qr) > (d = DD[j] - r)) d = c;
853 	  DIAG(i+(s_ptr->I), (s_ptr->J)+j, c, s+v[A[i]][B[j]])
854           if (c < d) c = d;
855           if (c < e) c = e;
856           s = CC[j];
857           CC[j] = c;
858           DD[j] = d;
859         }
860     }
861   DD[0] = CC[0];
863   RR[N] = 0;			/* Reverse phase:                          */
864   t = -q;			/*   Compute R(M/2,k) & S(M/2,k) for all k */
865   for (j = N-1; j >= 0; j--)
866     { RR[j] = t = t-r;
867       SS[j] = t-q;
868     }
869   t = -te;
870   for (i = M-1; i >= midi; i--)
871     { s = RR[N];
872       RR[N] = c = t = t-r;
873       e = t-q;
874       va = v[A[i+1]];
875       for (j = N-1; j >= 0; j--)
876         { if ((c = c - qr) > (e = e - r)) e = c;
877           if ((c = RR[j] - qr) > (d = SS[j] - r)) d = c;
878 	  DIAG(i+1+s_ptr->I, j+1+s_ptr->J, c, s+v[A[i+1]][B[j+1]])
879           if (c < d) c = d;
880           if (c < e) c = e;
881           s = RR[j];
882           RR[j] = c;
883           SS[j] = d;
884         }
885     }
886   SS[N] = RR[N];
888   midc = CC[0]+RR[0];		/* Find optimal midpoint */
889   midj = 0;
890   type = 1;
891   for (j = 0; j <= N; j++)
892     if ((c = CC[j] + RR[j]) >= midc)
893       if (c > midc || CC[j] != DD[j] && RR[j] == SS[j])
894         { midc = c;
895           midj = j;
896         }
897   for (j = N; j >= 0; j--)
898     if ((c = DD[j] + SS[j] + q) > midc)
899       { midc = c;
900         midj = j;
901         type = 2;
902       }
904 /* Conquer: recursively around midpoint */
906   if (type == 1)
907     { diff1(A,B,midi,midj,tb,q, CC, DD, RR, SS, value, s_ptr, row);
908       diff1(A+midi,B+midj,M-midi,N-midj,q,te, CC, DD, RR, SS, value, s_ptr, row);
909     }
910   else
911     { diff1(A,B,midi-1,midj,tb,(Int4)0, CC, DD, RR, SS, value, s_ptr, row);
912       DEL(s_ptr, 2);
913       diff1(A+midi+1,B+midj,M-midi-1,N-midj,(Int4)0,te, CC, DD, RR, SS, value, s_ptr, row);
914     }
915   return midc;
916 }
919 /* Determine the left and top boundaries of the recomputed area */
locate(CharPtr A,CharPtr B,Int4 nseq,matrix value,vecptr s_vec,BoolPtr flag,listptr plist,pairptr PNTR row)920 static void locate(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 nseq, matrix value, vecptr s_vec, BoolPtr flag, listptr plist, pairptr PNTR row)
921 {
922   register  Int4  i, j;			/* row and column indices */
923   register  Int4  c;			/* best score at current point */
924   register  Int4  f;			/* best score ending with insertion */
925   register  Int4  d;			/* best score ending with deletion */
926   register  Int4  p;			/* best score at (i-1, j-1) */
927   register  Int4  ci, cj;		/* end-point associated with c */
928   register  Int4  di, dj;		/* end-point associated with d */
929   register  Int4  fi, fj;		/* end-point associated with f */
930   register  Int4  pi, pj;		/* end-point associated with p */
931   short  cflag, rflag;			/* for recomputation */
932   Int2Ptr  va;				/* pointer to v(A[i], B[j]) */
933   Int4  limit;				/* the bound on j */
934   Int4 q, r, qr;			/*gap penalty*/
935   Int2Ptr PNTR v;
936   Boolean tt;				/*flag for  DIAG()*/
937   Int4 rl, cl;
938   /*pairptr z;*/				/* for DIAG()*/
940 	q=value.q;
941 	r=value.r;
942 	qr=value.qr;
943 	v=value.v;
944 	/* Reverse pass
945 	   rows
946 	   s_vec->CC : the scores on the current row
947 	   s_vec->RR and s_vec->EE : the endpoints that lead to s_vec->CC
948 	   s_vec->DD : the deletion scores
949 	   s_vec->SS and s_vec->FF : the endpoints that lead to s_vec->DD
951 	   columns
952 	   s_vec->HH : the scores on the current columns
953 	   s_vec->II and s_vec->JJ : the endpoints that lead to s_vec->HH
954 	   s_vec->WW : the deletion scores
955 	   s_vec->XX and s_vec->YY : the endpoints that lead to s_vec->WW
956 	*/
957 	for ( j = (plist->nn); j >= (plist->n1) ; j-- )
958           {  s_vec->CC[j] = 0;
959 	     s_vec->EE[j] = j;
960 	     s_vec->DD[j] = - (q);
961 	     s_vec->FF[j] = j;
962 	     if ( nseq == 2 || j > (plist->mm) )
963                 s_vec->RR[j] = s_vec->SS[j] = (plist->mm) + 1;
964 	     else
965                 s_vec->RR[j] = s_vec->SS[j] = j;
966 	  }
968         for ( i = (plist->mm); i >= (plist->m1); i-- )
969 	  {  c = p = 0;
970 	     f = - (q);
971 	     ci = fi = i;
972 	     pi = i + 1;
973 	     cj = fj = pj = (plist->nn) + 1;
974 	     va = v[A[i]];
975 	     if ( nseq == 2 || (plist->n1) > i )
976 		limit = (plist->n1);
977 	     else
978 		limit = i + 1;
979 	     for ( j = (plist->nn); j >= limit ; j-- )
980 	       {  f = f - r;
981 		  c = c - qr;
982 		  ORDER(f, fi, fj, c, ci, cj)
983 		  c = s_vec->CC[j] - qr;
984 		  ci = s_vec->RR[j];
985 		  cj = s_vec->EE[j];
986 		  d = s_vec->DD[j] - r;
987 		  di = s_vec->SS[j];
988 		  dj = s_vec->FF[j];
989 		  ORDER(d, di, dj, c, ci, cj)
990 		  c = 0;
991 		  DIAG(i, j, c, p+va[B[j]])		/* diagonal */
992 		  if ( c <= 0 )
993 		    { c = 0; ci = i; cj = j; }
994 		  else
995 		    { ci = pi; cj = pj; }
996 		  ORDER(c, ci, cj, d, di, dj)
997 		  ORDER(c, ci, cj, f, fi, fj)
998 		  p = s_vec->CC[j];
999 		  s_vec->CC[j] = c;
1000 		  pi = s_vec->RR[j];
1001 		  pj = s_vec->EE[j];
1002 		  s_vec->RR[j] = ci;
1003 		  s_vec->EE[j] = cj;
1004 		  s_vec->DD[j] = d;
1005 		  s_vec->SS[j] = di;
1006 		  s_vec->FF[j] = dj;
1007 		  if ( c > (plist->min) )
1008 		    *flag = TRUE;
1009 	        }
1010 	     if ( nseq == 2 || i < (plist->n1) )
1011 	       { s_vec->HH[i] = s_vec->CC[(plist->n1)];
1012 	         s_vec->II[i] = s_vec->RR[(plist->n1)];
1013 	         s_vec->JJ[i] = s_vec->EE[(plist->n1)];
1014 	         s_vec->WW[i] = f;
1015 	         s_vec->XX[i] = fi;
1016 	         s_vec->YY[i] = fj;
1017 	       }
1018 	  }
1020   for ( rl = (plist->m1), cl = (plist->n1); ; )
1021     { for ( rflag = cflag = 1; ( rflag && (plist->m1) > 1 ) || ( cflag && (plist->n1) > 1 ) ;  )
1022         { if ( rflag && (plist->m1) > 1 )	/* Compute one row */
1023             { rflag = 0;
1024 	      (plist->m1)--;
1025       	      c = p = 0;
1026 	      f = - (q);
1027 	      ci = fi = (plist->m1);
1028 	      pi = (plist->m1) + 1;
1029 	      cj = fj = pj = (plist->nn) + 1;
1030 	      va = v[A[(plist->m1)]];
1031 	      for ( j = (plist->nn); j >= (plist->n1) ; j-- )
1032 	        { f = f - r;
1033 		  c = c - qr;
1034 		  ORDER(f, fi, fj, c, ci, cj)
1035 		  c = s_vec->CC[j] - qr;
1036 		  ci = s_vec->RR[j];
1037 		  cj = s_vec->EE[j];
1038 		  d = s_vec->DD[j] - r;
1039 		  di = s_vec->SS[j];
1040 		  dj = s_vec->FF[j];
1041 		  ORDER(d, di, dj, c, ci, cj)
1042 		  c = 0;
1043 		  DIAG((plist->m1), j, c, p+va[B[j]])		/* diagonal */
1044 		  if ( c <= 0 )
1045 		    { c = 0; ci = (plist->m1); cj = j; }
1046 		  else
1047 		    { ci = pi; cj = pj; }
1048 		  ORDER(c, ci, cj, d, di, dj)
1049 		  ORDER(c, ci, cj, f, fi, fj)
1050 		  p = s_vec->CC[j];
1051 		  s_vec->CC[j] = c;
1052 		  pi = s_vec->RR[j];
1053 		  pj = s_vec->EE[j];
1054 		  s_vec->RR[j] = ci;
1055 		  s_vec->EE[j] = cj;
1056 		  s_vec->DD[j] = d;
1057 		  s_vec->SS[j] = di;
1058 		  s_vec->FF[j] = dj;
1059 		  if ( c > (plist->min) )
1060 		     *flag = TRUE;
1061 		  if ( ! rflag && ( ci > rl && cj > cl || di > rl && dj > cl
1062 	 		                            || fi > rl && fj > cl ) )
1063 		      rflag = 1;
1064 	        }
1065 	      s_vec->HH[(plist->m1)] = s_vec->CC[(plist->n1)];
1066 	      s_vec->II[(plist->m1)] = s_vec->RR[(plist->n1)];
1067 	      s_vec->JJ[(plist->m1)] = s_vec->EE[(plist->n1)];
1068 	      s_vec->WW[(plist->m1)] = f;
1069 	      s_vec->XX[(plist->m1)] = fi;
1070 	      s_vec->YY[(plist->m1)] = fj;
1071 	      if ( ! cflag && ( ci > rl && cj > cl || di > rl && dj > cl
1072 			     || fi > rl && fj > cl ) )
1073 	         cflag = 1;
1074 	    }
1076 	  if ( nseq == 1 && (plist->n1) == ((plist->m1) + 1) && ! rflag )
1077 	     cflag = 0;
1078 	  if ( cflag && (plist->n1) > 1 )	/* Compute one column */
1079 	    { cflag = 0;
1080 	      (plist->n1)--;
1081 	      c = 0;
1082 	      f = - (q);
1083 	      cj = fj = (plist->n1);
1084 	      va = v[B[(plist->n1)]];
1085 	      if ( nseq == 2 || (plist->mm) < (plist->n1) )
1086 		{ p = 0;
1087 	          ci = fi = pi = (plist->mm) + 1;
1088 	          pj = (plist->n1) + 1;
1089 		  limit = (plist->mm);
1090 		}
1091 	      else
1092 		{ p = s_vec->HH[(plist->n1)];
1093 		  pi = s_vec->II[(plist->n1)];
1094 		  pj = s_vec->JJ[(plist->n1)];
1095 	          ci = fi = (plist->n1);
1096 		  limit = (plist->n1) - 1;
1097 		}
1098 	      for ( i = limit; i >= (plist->m1) ; i-- )
1099 	        { f = f - r;
1100 		  c = c - qr;
1101 		  ORDER(f, fi, fj, c, ci, cj)
1102 		  c = s_vec->HH[i] - qr;
1103 		  ci = s_vec->II[i];
1104 		  cj = s_vec->JJ[i];
1105 		  d = s_vec->WW[i] - r;
1106 		  di = s_vec->XX[i];
1107 		  dj = s_vec->YY[i];
1108 		  ORDER(d, di, dj, c, ci, cj)
1109 		  c = 0;
1110 	          DIAG(i, (plist->n1), c, p+va[A[i]])
1111 		  if ( c <= 0 )
1112 		    { c = 0; ci = i; cj = (plist->n1); }
1113 		  else
1114 		    { ci = pi; cj = pj; }
1115 		  ORDER(c, ci, cj, d, di, dj)
1116 		  ORDER(c, ci, cj, f, fi, fj)
1117 		  p = s_vec->HH[i];
1118 		  s_vec->HH[i] = c;
1119 		  pi = s_vec->II[i];
1120 		  pj = s_vec->JJ[i];
1121 		  s_vec->II[i] = ci;
1122 		  s_vec->JJ[i] = cj;
1123 		  s_vec->WW[i] = d;
1124 		  s_vec->XX[i] = di;
1125 		  s_vec->YY[i] = dj;
1126 		  if ( c > (plist->min) )
1127 		     *flag = TRUE;
1128 	          if ( ! cflag && ( ci > rl && cj > cl || di > rl && dj > cl
1129 		               || fi > rl && fj > cl ) )
1130 		     cflag = 1;
1131 	        }
1132 	      s_vec->CC[(plist->n1)] = s_vec->HH[(plist->m1)];
1133 	      s_vec->RR[(plist->n1)] = s_vec->II[(plist->m1)];
1134 	      s_vec->EE[(plist->n1)] = s_vec->JJ[(plist->m1)];
1135 	      s_vec->DD[(plist->n1)] = f;
1136 	      s_vec->SS[(plist->n1)] = fi;
1137 	      s_vec->FF[(plist->n1)] = fj;
1138 	      if ( ! rflag && ( ci > rl && cj > cl || di > rl && dj > cl
1139 		                                 || fi > rl && fj > cl ) )
1140 	         rflag = 1;
1141 	    }
1142 	}
1144       if ( (plist->m1) == 1 && (plist->n1) == 1 || no_cross(flag, plist, &rl, &cl) )
1145 	 break;
1146    }
1147   (plist->m1)--;
1148   (plist->n1)--;
1149 }
1151 /* recompute the area on forward pass */
small_pass(CharPtr A,CharPtr B,Int4 count,Int4 nseq,matrix value,vecptr s_vec,listptr plist,pairptr PNTR row)1152 static void small_pass(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 count, Int4 nseq, matrix value, vecptr s_vec, listptr plist, pairptr PNTR row)
1153 {
1154   register  Int4  i, j;			/* row and column indices */
1155   register  Int4  c;			/* best score at current point */
1156   register  Int4  f;			/* best score ending with insertion */
1157   register  Int4  d;			/* best score ending with deletion */
1158   register  Int4  p;			/* best score at (i-1, j-1) */
1159   register  Int4  ci, cj;		/* end-point associated with c */
1160   register  Int4  di, dj;		/* end-point associated with d */
1161   register  Int4  fi, fj;		/* end-point associated with f */
1162   register  Int4  pi, pj;		/* end-point associated with p */
1163   Int2Ptr  va;				/* pointer to v(A[i], B[j]) */
1164   Int4  limit;				/* lower bound on j */
1165   Int4 q, r, qr;			/* gap penalties*/
1166   Int2Ptr PNTR v;			/* matrix*/
1167   Boolean tt;				/*flag for DIAG() */
1168   /*pairptr z;*/				/*for process DIAG()*/
1170 	q=value.q;
1171 	r=value.r;
1172 	qr=value.qr;
1173 	v=value.v;
1174 	for ( j = (plist->n1) + 1; j <= (plist->nn) ; j++ )
1175 	  {  s_vec->CC[j] = 0;
1176 	     s_vec->RR[j] = (plist->m1);
1177 	     s_vec->EE[j] = j;
1178 	     s_vec->DD[j] = - (q);
1179 	     s_vec->SS[j] = (plist->m1);
1180 	     s_vec->FF[j] = j;
1181 	  }
1182 	for ( i = (plist->m1) + 1; i <= (plist->mm); i++)
1183 	  {  c = 0;				/* Initialize column 0 */
1184 	     f = - (q);
1185 	     ci = fi = i;
1186 	     va = v[A[i]];
1187 	     if ( nseq == 2 || i <= (plist->n1) )
1188 	       { p = 0;
1189 	         pi = i - 1;
1190 	         cj = fj = pj = (plist->n1);
1191 		 limit = (plist->n1) + 1;
1192 	       }
1193 	     else
1194 	       { p = s_vec->CC[i];
1195 		 pi = s_vec->RR[i];
1196 		 pj = s_vec->EE[i];
1197 	         cj = fj = i;
1198 		 limit = i + 1;
1199 	       }
1200 	     for ( j = limit ; j <= (plist->nn) ; j++ )
1201 	       {  f = f - r;
1202 		  c = c - qr;
1203 		  ORDER(f, fi, fj, c, ci, cj)
1204 		  c = s_vec->CC[j] - qr;
1205 		  ci = s_vec->RR[j];
1206 		  cj = s_vec->EE[j];
1207 		  d = s_vec->DD[j] - r;
1208 		  di = s_vec->SS[j];
1209 		  dj = s_vec->FF[j];
1210 		  ORDER(d, di, dj, c, ci, cj)
1211 		  c = 0;
1212 		  DIAG(i, j, c, p+va[B[j]])		/* diagonal */
1213 		  if ( c <= 0 )
1214 		    { c = 0; ci = i; cj = j; }
1215 		  else
1216 		    { ci = pi; cj = pj; }
1217 		  ORDER(c, ci, cj, d, di, dj)
1218 		  ORDER(c, ci, cj, f, fi, fj)
1219 		  p = s_vec->CC[j];
1220 		  s_vec->CC[j] = c;
1221 		  pi = s_vec->RR[j];
1222 		  pj = s_vec->EE[j];
1223 		  s_vec->RR[j] = ci;
1224 		  s_vec->EE[j] = cj;
1225 		  s_vec->DD[j] = d;
1226 		  s_vec->SS[j] = di;
1227 		  s_vec->FF[j] = dj;
1228 		  if ( c > (plist->min) )	/* add the score into list */
1229 		    (plist->min) = addnode(c, ci, cj, i, j, count, plist);
1230 	        }
1231 	  }
1232 }
1234 /* Add a new node into list.  */
addnode(Int4 c,Int4 ci,Int4 cj,Int4 i,Int4 j,Int4 K,listptr plist)1236 static Int4 addnode(Int4 c, Int4 ci, Int4 cj, Int4 i, Int4 j, Int4 K, listptr plist)
1237 {
1238   Boolean found;				/* 1 if the node is in (plist->LIST) */
1239   register Int4 d;
1240   Int4 cost;
1242   found = FALSE;
1243   cost=plist->min;
1245   if ( (plist->most) != 0 && (plist->most)->STARI == ci && (plist->most)->STARJ == cj )
1246     found = TRUE;
1247   else
1248      for ( d = 0; d < (plist->numnode) ; d++ )
1249 	{ (plist->most) = (plist->LIST)[d];
1250 	  if ( (plist->most)->STARI == ci && (plist->most)->STARJ == cj )
1251 	    { found = TRUE;
1252 	      break;
1253 	    }
1254         }
1255   if ( found )
1256     { if ( (plist->most)->SCORE < c )
1257         { (plist->most)->SCORE = c;
1258           (plist->most)->ENDI = i;
1259           (plist->most)->ENDJ = j;
1260         }
1261       if ( (plist->most)->TOP > i ) (plist->most)->TOP = i;
1262       if ( (plist->most)->BOT < i ) (plist->most)->BOT = i;
1263       if ( (plist->most)->LEFT > j ) (plist->most)->LEFT = j;
1264       if ( (plist->most)->RIGHT < j ) (plist->most)->RIGHT = j;
1265     }
1266   else
1267     { if ( (plist->numnode) == K )	/* list full */
1268 	 (plist->most) = (plist->low);
1269       else
1270          (plist->most) = (plist->LIST)[(plist->numnode)++];
1271       (plist->most)->SCORE = c;
1272       (plist->most)->STARI = ci;
1273       (plist->most)->STARJ = cj;
1274       (plist->most)->ENDI = i;
1275       (plist->most)->ENDJ = j;
1276       (plist->most)->TOP = (plist->most)->BOT = i;
1277       (plist->most)->LEFT = (plist->most)->RIGHT = j;
1278     }
1279   if ( (plist->numnode) == K )
1280     { if ( (plist->low) == (plist->most) || ! (plist->low) )
1281         { for ( (plist->low) = (plist->LIST)[0], d = 1; d < (plist->numnode) ; d++ )
1282             if ( (plist->LIST)[d]->SCORE < (plist->low)->SCORE )
1283               (plist->low) = (plist->LIST)[d];
1284 	}
1285       return ( (plist->low)->SCORE ) ;
1286     }
1287   else
1288     return cost;
1289 }
1291 /* Find and remove the largest score in list */
findmax(listptr plist)1293 static vertexptr findmax(listptr plist)
1294 {
1295   vertexptr  cur;
1296   register Int4 i, j;
1298   for ( j = 0, i = 1; i < (plist->numnode) ; i++ )
1299     if ( (plist->LIST)[i]->SCORE > (plist->LIST)[j]->SCORE )
1300        j = i;
1301   cur = (plist->LIST)[j];
1302   if ( j != --(plist->numnode) )
1303     { (plist->LIST)[j] = (plist->LIST)[(plist->numnode)];
1304       (plist->LIST)[(plist->numnode)] =  cur;
1305     }
1306   (plist->most) = (plist->LIST)[0];
1307   if ( (plist->low) == cur ) (plist->low) = (plist->LIST)[0];
1308   return ( cur );
1309 }
1311 /* return 1 if no node in (plist->LIST) share vertices with the area */
no_cross(BoolPtr flag,listptr plist,Int4Ptr rl,Int4Ptr cl)1313 static Boolean no_cross(BoolPtr flag, listptr plist, Int4Ptr rl, Int4Ptr cl)
1314 {
1315   vertexptr  cur;
1316   register Int4 i;
1318       for ( i = 0; i < (plist->numnode); i++ )
1319 	{ cur = (plist->LIST)[i];
1320 	  if ( cur->STARI <= (plist->mm) && cur->STARJ <= (plist->nn) && cur->BOT >= (plist->m1)-1 &&
1321 	       cur->RIGHT >= (plist->n1)-1 && ( cur->STARI < *rl || cur->STARJ < *cl ))
1322 	     { if ( cur->STARI < *rl ) *rl = cur->STARI;
1323 	       if ( cur->STARJ < *cl ) *cl = cur->STARJ;
1324 	       *flag = TRUE;
1325 	       break;
1326 	     }
1327 	}
1328       if ( i == (plist->numnode) )
1329 	return 1;
1330       else
1331 	return 0;
1332 }
1334 /* Alignment display routine */
display(CharPtr A,CharPtr B,Int4 M,Int4 N,Int4Ptr S,Int4 AP,Int4 BP,Int4Ptr rec_a1,Int4Ptr rec_a2,Int2Ptr POS)1336 static void display(CharPtr A, CharPtr B, Int4 M, Int4 N, Int4Ptr S, Int4 AP, Int4 BP, Int4Ptr rec_a1, Int4Ptr rec_a2, Int2Ptr POS)
1337 {
1338   Int4   i, j, op, start_i, start_j, match, mis_match;
1340   for (i = j = 0; i < M || j < N; ) {
1341 	start_i = i;
1342 	start_j = j;
1343 	match = mis_match = 0;
1344 	while (i < M && j < N && *S == 0) {
1345 		++i;
1346 		++j;
1347 		if (A[i] == B[j])
1348 			++match;
1349 		else
1350 			++mis_match;
1351 		S++;
1352 	}
1353 	rec_a1[*POS] = AP+start_i;
1354 	rec_a2[*POS] = BP+start_j;
1355 	 ++*POS;
1356 	rec_a1[*POS] = AP+i-1;
1357 	rec_a2[*POS] = BP+j-1;
1358 	 ++*POS;
1360 	if (i < M || j < N)
1361 		if ((op = *S++) > 0)
1362 			j += op;
1363 		else
1364 			i -= op;
1365     }
1366 }