1 /*===========================================================================
2 *
3 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
4 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
5 *
6 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
7 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
8 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
9 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
10 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
11 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
12 *
13 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
14 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
15 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
16 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
17 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
18 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
19 *  purpose.
20 *
21 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
22 *
23 * ===========================================================================
24 *
25 */
28 #ifndef _h_vdb_dependencies_
29 #define _h_vdb_dependencies_
32 #ifndef _h_vdb_extern_
33 #include <vdb/extern.h>
34 #endif
36 #ifndef _h_klib_rc_
37 #include <klib/rc.h>
38 #endif
40 #ifdef __cplusplus
41 extern "C" {
42 #endif
45 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
46  * forwards
47  */
48 struct VDatabase;
49 struct VTable;
52 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
53  * VDBDependencies
54  *  information about VDatabase dependencies
55  *
56  *  object contains zero or more dependencies
57  *
58  *  each dependency has a number of properties, accessible via index
59  */
60 typedef struct VDBDependencies VDBDependencies;
63 /* AddRef
64  * Release
65  *  all objects are reference counted
66  *  NULL references are ignored */
67 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesAddRef ( const VDBDependencies *self );
68 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesRelease ( const VDBDependencies *self );
70 /* ListDependencies
71  *  create dependencies object: list dependencies
72  *
73  *  Cache could be updated after the fuction call, if caching is enabled.
74  *
75  *  "dep" [ OUT ] - return for VDBDependencies object
76  *
77  *  "missing" [ IN ] - if true, list only missing dependencies
78  *  otherwise, list all dependencies
79  */
80 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDatabaseListDependencies ( struct VDatabase const *self,
81     const VDBDependencies **dep, bool missing );
83 /* ListDependenciesWithCaching
84  *  create dependencies object: list dependencies
85  *
86  *  Allows to control cache update inside the function.
87  *
88  *  "dep" [ OUT ] - return for VDBDependencies object
89  *
90  *  "missing" [ IN ] - if true, list only missing dependencies
91  *  otherwise, list all dependencies
92  *
93  *  "disableCaching" [ IN ] - if true, disable caching inside of the function
94  *  otherwise, do not change the caching state
95  */
96 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDatabaseListDependenciesWithCaching (
97     struct VDatabase const *self,
98     const VDBDependencies **dep, bool missing,
99     bool disableCaching );
101 /* FindDependencies
102  *  create dependencies object: list dependencies
103  *
104  *  Don't resolve remote location if dependency was found locally.
105  *
106  *  "dep" [ OUT ] - return for VDBDependencies object
107  */
108 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDatabaseFindDependencies(struct VDatabase const *self,
109     const VDBDependencies **dep);
112 /* Count
113  *  retrieve the number of dependencies
114  *
115  *  "count" [ OUT ] - return parameter for dependencies count
116  */
117 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesCount ( const VDBDependencies *self,
118     uint32_t *count );
121 /* Type
122  *  describe the dependency object type ( see kbd/manager.h )
123  *
124  *  "type" [ OUT ] - a KDBPathType
125  *
126  *  "idx" [ IN ] - zero-based index of dependency
127  */
128 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesType ( const VDBDependencies *self,
129     uint32_t *type, uint32_t idx );
132 /* Local
133  *  retrieve local property
134  *
135  *  "local" [ OUT ] - true if object is stored internally
136  *
137  *  "idx" [ IN ] - zero-based index of dependency
138  */
139 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesLocal ( const VDBDependencies *self,
140     bool *local, uint32_t idx );
143 /* SeqId
144  *  retrieve sequence id of object
145  *
146  *  "seq_id" [ OUT ] - returned pointer should not be freed.
147  *   becomes invalid after VDBDependenciesRelease
148  *
149  *  "idx" [ IN ] - zero-based index of dependency
150  */
151 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesSeqId ( const VDBDependencies *self,
152     const char **seq_id, uint32_t idx );
155 /* Name
156  *  retrieve object name
157  *
158  * "name" [ OUT ] - returner pointed should not be freed.
159  *  it becomes invalid after VDBDependenciesRelease
160  *
161  *  "idx" [ IN ] - zero-based index of dependency
162  */
163 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesName ( const VDBDependencies *self,
164     const char **name, uint32_t idx );
167 /* Circular
168  *  retrieve circular property
169  *  reference sequences may be circular
170  *
171  *  "circular" [ OUT ] - true if dependency is a circular reference table
172  *
173  *  "idx" [ IN ] - zero-based index of dependency
174  */
175 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesCircular ( const VDBDependencies *self,
176     bool *circular, uint32_t idx );
179 /* Path
180  *  returns [Local] path for resolved dependency,
181  *  returns NULL for local and missing dependency.
182  *
183  *  "path" [ OUT ] - returned pointer should not be freed.
184  *   it becomes invalid after VDBDependenciesRelease
185  *
186  *  "idx" [ IN ] - zero-based index of dependency
187  */
188 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesPath ( const VDBDependencies *self,
189     const char **path, uint32_t idx );
191 /* VPath
192  *  returns [Local] path for resolved dependency,
193  *  returns NULL for local and missing dependency.
194  *
195  *  "path" [ OUT ]
196  *
197  *  "idx" [ IN ] - zero-based index of dependency
198  */
199 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesVPath(const VDBDependencies *self,
200     const struct VPath **path, uint32_t idx);
202 /* PathRemote
203  *  returns Remote path for dependency,
204  *  returns NULL for not found dependency.
205  *
206  *  "path" [ OUT ] - returned pointer should not be freed.
207  *   it becomes invalid after VDBDependenciesRelease
208  *
209  *  "idx" [ IN ] - zero-based index of dependency
210  */
211 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesPathRemote ( const VDBDependencies *self,
212     const char **path, uint32_t idx );
214 /* PathCache
215  *  returns Cache path for dependency,
216  *  returns NULL for not found dependency.
217  *
218  *  "path" [ OUT ] - returned pointer should not be freed.
219  *   it becomes invalid after VDBDependenciesRelease
220  *
221  *  "idx" [ IN ] - zero-based index of dependency
222  */
223 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesPathCache ( const VDBDependencies *self,
224     const char **path, uint32_t idx );
227 /* RemoteAndCache
228  *  returns Cache and remote path and rc_t for dependency.
229  *
230  *  "idx" [ IN ] - zero-based index of dependency
231  */
232 VDB_EXTERN rc_t CC VDBDependenciesRemoteAndCache(const VDBDependencies *self,
233     uint32_t idx, rc_t *remoteRc, const struct VPath **remote,
234     rc_t *cacheRc, const struct VPath **cache);
237 /* Error
238  *  trying to analyze rc code and object
239  *  in order to recognize dependencies error
240  *
241  *  db OR table - only one is required
242  */
243 VDB_EXTERN bool CC UIError( rc_t rc,
244     struct VDatabase const *db, struct VTable const *table);
246 /* report error(s) via PLOGERR based on an object
247  * log_list - if true logs the missing items list also
248  */
249 VDB_EXTERN void CC UIDatabaseLOGError( rc_t rc,
250     struct VDatabase const *db, bool log_list );
251 VDB_EXTERN void CC UITableLOGError( rc_t rc,
252     struct VTable const *table, bool log_list );
254 /* return human-readable string explaining rc code.
255  * the string should not be freed
256  */
257 VDB_EXTERN const char* CC UIDatabaseGetErrorString(rc_t rc);
259 #ifdef __cplusplus
260 }
261 #endif
264 #endif /* _h_vdb_dependencies_ */