1 /*===========================================================================
2  *
3  *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
4  *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
5  *
6  *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
7  *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
8  *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
9  *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
10  *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
11  *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
12  *
13  *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
14  *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
15  *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
16  *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
17  *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
18  *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
19  *  purpose.
20  *
21  *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
22  *
23  * ===========================================================================
24  */
26 #include <kfs/extern.h>
28 struct KCacheTeeFile;
29 #define KFILE_IMPL struct KCacheTeeFile
30 #include <kfs/impl.h>
32 #include <klib/rc.h>
33 #include <klib/log.h>
34 #include <klib/out.h>
35 #include <klib/text.h>
36 #include <klib/printf.h>
37 #include <klib/checksum.h>
38 #include <klib/time.h>
40 #include <kfs/cacheteefile.h>
41 #include <kfs/defs.h>
42 #include <kproc/queue.h>
43 #include <kproc/timeout.h>
44 #include <atomic32.h>
46 #include <sysalloc.h>
47 #include <stdlib.h>
48 #include <string.h>
49 #include <assert.h>
50 #include <endian.h>
52 #include <stdio.h>
54 #define NO_SCRATCH_BUFFER 1
57 /* byte-order is an issue for treating these as words */
58 #define USE_32BIT_BITMAP_WORDS 1
61 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
62  layout of local file:
66  C ... file content in valid/invalid blocks
67  M ... bitmap of blocks bytes = ( ( ( content-size / block-size ) + 1 ) / 8 ) + 1 )
68  S ... size of content ( uint64_t ) 8 bytes
69  B ... used blocksize  ( uint32_t ) 4 bytes
70  */
73 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
74  * KCacheTeeFile
75  */
77 #define CACHE_TEE_DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE ( 32 * 1024 * 4 )
79 #define CACHE_STAT 0
81 #if( CACHE_STAT > 0 )
82 typedef struct CacheStatistic
83 {
84     uint64_t requests;
85     uint64_t requested_bytes;
86     uint64_t delivered_bytes;
87     uint64_t requests_below_32k;
88     uint64_t requests_consecutive;
89     uint64_t requests_in_first32k;
90     uint64_t prev_pos;
91     uint64_t requests_same_pos;
92     uint64_t requests_same_pos_and_len;
93     size_t prev_len;
94     size_t min_len;
95     size_t max_len;
97 } CacheStatistic;
init_cache_stat(CacheStatistic * stat)100 static void init_cache_stat( CacheStatistic * stat )
101 {
102     stat -> requests = 0;
103     stat -> requested_bytes = 0;
104     stat -> delivered_bytes = 0;
105     stat -> requests_below_32k = 0;
106     stat -> requests_consecutive = 0;
107     stat -> requests_in_first32k = 0;
108     stat -> prev_pos = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
109     stat -> requests_same_pos = 0;
110     stat -> requests_same_pos_and_len = 0;
111     stat -> prev_len = 0;
112     stat -> min_len = -1;
113     stat -> max_len = 0;
114 }
write_cache_stat(CacheStatistic * stat,uint64_t pos,size_t requested,size_t delivered)116 static void write_cache_stat( CacheStatistic * stat, uint64_t pos, size_t requested, size_t delivered )
117 {
118     ( stat -> requests )++;
119     ( stat -> requested_bytes )+= requested;
120     ( stat -> delivered_bytes )+= delivered;
122     if ( requested < 0x08000 )
123         ( stat -> requests_below_32k )++;
125     if ( delivered < stat -> min_len )
126         stat -> min_len    = delivered;
128     if ( delivered > stat -> max_len )
129         stat -> max_len    = delivered;
131     if ( pos + requested < 0x08000 )
132         ( stat -> requests_in_first32k )++;
134     if ( stat -> prev_pos != pos )
135     {
136         if ( stat -> prev_pos + stat -> prev_len == pos )
137         {
138             ( stat -> requests_consecutive )++;
139         }
141         stat -> prev_pos = pos;
142         stat -> prev_len = requested;
143     }
144     else
145     {
146         if ( stat -> prev_len != requested )
147         {
148             ( stat -> requests_same_pos_and_len )++;
149             stat -> prev_len = requested;
150         }
151         ( stat -> requests_same_pos )++;
152     }
153 }
report_cache_stat(CacheStatistic * stat)155 static void report_cache_stat( CacheStatistic * stat )
156 {
157     fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
158     fprintf( stderr, "cache-stat.requests ................... %lu\n", stat -> requests );
159     fprintf( stderr, "cache-stat.requested_bytes ............ %lu\n", stat -> requested_bytes );
160     fprintf( stderr, "cache-stat.delivered_bytes ............ %lu\n", stat -> delivered_bytes );
161     fprintf( stderr, "cache-stat.requests_below_32k ......... %lu\n", stat -> requests_below_32k );
162     fprintf( stderr, "cache-stat.requests_consecutive........ %lu\n", stat -> requests_consecutive );
163     fprintf( stderr, "cache-stat.requests_in_first32k........ %lu\n", stat -> requests_in_first32k );
165     fprintf( stderr, "cache-stat.requests_same_pos .......... %lu\n", stat -> requests_same_pos );
166     fprintf( stderr, "cache-stat.requests_same_pos_and_len .. %lu\n", stat -> requests_same_pos );
167     fprintf( stderr, "cache-stat.min_len .................... %u\n", stat -> min_len );
168     fprintf( stderr, "cache-stat.max_len .................... %u\n", stat -> max_len );
170     fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
171 }
173 #endif
176 typedef struct KCacheTeeFile
177 {
178     KFile dad;
179     const KFile * remote;                    /* the remote file we are wrapping (can be a local one too, we make no assumptions about that) */
180     KFile * local;                            /* the local cache of the remote one */
181     KDirectory * dir;                        /* we have to store a KDirectory because we need it at closing the file, where we test for promoting the cache */
183     uint64_t remote_size;                    /* the size of the wrapped file */
184     uint64_t local_size;                    /* the size of the local cache file ( remote_size + bitmap + tail ) */
185     uint64_t block_count;                    /* how many blocks do we need to cache the remote file ( last block may be shorter ) */
188     atomic32_t * bitmap;
189 #else
190     uint8_t volatile * bitmap;                /* the bitmap of cached blocks */
191 #endif
193     uint64_t bitmap_bytes;                    /* how many bytes do we need to store the bitmap */
196     KQueue * buffer_pool;
197 #endif
199     uint8_t * scratch_buffer;
200     uint64_t first_block_in_scratch;        /* what is the block-id of the first block in the scratch-buffer */
201     uint64_t scratch_size;                    /* how many bytes are allocated for the scratch-buffer */
202     uint64_t valid_scratch_bytes;            /* how many bytes store valid data in the scratch-buffer */
203 #endif
205     uint32_t block_size;                    /* how big is a block ( aka 1 bit in the bitmap )*/
207 #if( CACHE_STAT > 0 )
208     CacheStatistic stat;                    /* optional cache statistic */
209 #endif
211     bool local_read_only;
212     bool promote;
213     char local_path [ 1 ];                    /* stores the path to the local cache, for eventual promoting at close */
214 } KCacheTeeFile;
220 #define SWAP_FN(val) (val)
221 #else
222 #define SWAP_FN(val) \
223     (((val)>>24)&0xff) | /* move byte 3 to byte 0 */ \
224     (((val)<<8)&0xff0000) | /* move byte 1 to byte 2 */ \
225     (((val)>>8)&0xff00) | /* move byte 2 to byte 1 */ \
226     (((val)<<24)&0xff000000) /* byte 0 to byte 3 */
227 #endif
228 #define GEN_BIT_NR_MASK_ROW(i) SWAP_FN( 1U << ( (i) * 4 ) ), SWAP_FN( 1U << ( (i) * 4 + 1 ) ), SWAP_FN( 1U << ( (i) * 4 + 2 ) ), SWAP_FN( 1U << ( (i) * 4 + 3 ) )
230 const uint32_t BitNr2Mask[ 32 ] =
231 {
232     GEN_BIT_NR_MASK_ROW(0),
233     GEN_BIT_NR_MASK_ROW(1),
234     GEN_BIT_NR_MASK_ROW(2),
235     GEN_BIT_NR_MASK_ROW(3),
236     GEN_BIT_NR_MASK_ROW(4),
237     GEN_BIT_NR_MASK_ROW(5),
238     GEN_BIT_NR_MASK_ROW(6),
239     GEN_BIT_NR_MASK_ROW(7)
240 };
241 #undef SWAP_FN
242 #undef GEN_BIT_NR_MASK_ROW
244 #define IS_CACHE_BIT( CacheFile, Block_Nr ) \
245     ( ( atomic32_read ( & ( CacheFile )->bitmap[ (Block_Nr) >> 5 ] ) & BitNr2Mask[ (Block_Nr) & 31 ] ) > 0 )
247 #define IS_BITMAP_BIT( BitMap, Block_Nr ) \
248     ( ( atomic32_read ( & ( BitMap )[ (Block_Nr) >> 5 ] ) & BitNr2Mask[ (Block_Nr) & 31 ] ) > 0 )
250 #else
252 const uint8_t BitNr2Mask[ 8 ] =
253 {
254          /* 0  1  2  3   4   5   6    7  */
255             1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
256 };
258 #define IS_CACHE_BIT( CacheFile, Block_Nr ) ( ( CacheFile->bitmap[ (Block_Nr) >> 3 ] & BitNr2Mask[ (Block_Nr) & 7 ] ) > 0 )
259 #define IS_BITMAP_BIT( BitMap, Block_Nr ) ( ( BitMap[ (Block_Nr) >> 3 ] & BitNr2Mask[ (Block_Nr) & 7 ] ) > 0 )
262 #endif
264 #define BITS_2_BYTES( BitCount ) ( ( ( BitCount ) + 7 ) >> 3 )
265 #define SIZE_2_BLOCK_COUNT( Number_Of_Bytes, Block_Size ) ( ( ( Number_Of_Bytes ) + ( Block_Size ) - 1 ) / ( Block_Size ) )
calculate_local_size_from_remote_size(KCacheTeeFile * self)267 static rc_t calculate_local_size_from_remote_size( KCacheTeeFile *self )
268 {
269     rc_t rc = 0;
270     if ( self->block_size > 0 )
271     {
272         self->block_count = SIZE_2_BLOCK_COUNT( self->remote_size, self->block_size );
273         self->bitmap_bytes = BITS_2_BYTES( self->block_count );
274         self->local_size = ( self->remote_size +
275                              self->bitmap_bytes +
276                              sizeof self->remote_size +
277                              sizeof self->block_size );
278     }
279     else
280     {
281         rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid );
282         LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "div by zero attempt in calculating local size" );
283     }
284     return rc;
285 }
287 /*    factored out because it is used in:
288     create_bitmap(), IsCacheFileComplete(), GetCacheCompleteness() and Has_Cache_Zero_Blocks()
289 */
create_bitmap_buffer(atomic32_t ** bitmap,uint64_t bitmap_bytes)291 static rc_t create_bitmap_buffer( atomic32_t ** bitmap, uint64_t bitmap_bytes )
292 {
293     rc_t rc = 0;
294     *bitmap = calloc ( sizeof **bitmap, ( bitmap_bytes + sizeof ** bitmap - 1 ) / sizeof ** bitmap );
295     if ( *bitmap == NULL )
296     {
297         rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
298         LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "init local bitmap-area" );
299     }
300     return rc;
301 }
302 #else
create_bitmap_buffer(uint8_t volatile ** bitmap,uint64_t bitmap_bytes)303 static rc_t create_bitmap_buffer( uint8_t volatile ** bitmap, uint64_t bitmap_bytes )
304 {
305     rc_t rc = 0;
306     *bitmap = calloc ( sizeof **bitmap, bitmap_bytes );
307     if ( *bitmap == NULL )
308     {
309         rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
310         LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "init local bitmap-area" );
311     }
312     return rc;
313 }
314 #endif
316 /*    factored out because it is used in:
317     init_new_local_file() and verify_existing_local_file()
318 */
create_bitmap(KCacheTeeFile * self)319 static rc_t create_bitmap( KCacheTeeFile *self )
320 {
321     return create_bitmap_buffer( &self->bitmap, self->bitmap_bytes );
322 }
is_bitmap_full(const atomic32_t * bitmap,uint64_t bitmap_bytes,uint64_t block_count)326 static bool is_bitmap_full( const atomic32_t * bitmap, uint64_t bitmap_bytes, uint64_t block_count )
327 {
328     uint64_t bitmap_word;
329     const uint64_t bitmap_words_minus_one = ( ( bitmap_bytes + sizeof * bitmap - 1 ) >> 2 ) - 1;
330     for( bitmap_word = 0; bitmap_word < bitmap_words_minus_one; ++ bitmap_word )
331     {
332         if ( ~ atomic32_read ( & bitmap [ bitmap_word ] ) != 0 )
333             return false;
334     }
336     {
337         uint64_t block_id = ( bitmap_word << 5 );
338         while ( block_id < block_count )
339         {
340             bool block_cached = IS_BITMAP_BIT( bitmap, block_id );
341             if ( !block_cached )
342                 return false;
343             ++block_id;
344         }
345     }
346     return true;
347 }
348 #else
is_bitmap_full(const uint8_t volatile * bitmap,uint64_t bitmap_bytes,uint64_t block_count)349 static bool is_bitmap_full( const uint8_t volatile * bitmap, uint64_t bitmap_bytes, uint64_t block_count )
350 {
351     uint64_t bitmap_byte = 0;
352     while( bitmap_byte < ( bitmap_bytes - 1 ) )
353     {
354         if ( bitmap[ bitmap_byte++ ] != 0xFF )
355             return false;
356     }
358     {
359         uint64_t block_id = ( bitmap_byte << 3 );
360         while ( block_id < block_count )
361         {
362             bool block_cached = IS_BITMAP_BIT( bitmap, block_id );
363             if ( !block_cached )
364                 return false;
365             ++block_id;
366         }
367     }
368     return true;
369 }
370 #endif
init_new_local_file(KCacheTeeFile * cf)373 static rc_t init_new_local_file( KCacheTeeFile * cf )
374 {
375     rc_t rc = create_bitmap( cf );
376     if ( rc == 0 )
377     {
378         size_t written;
379         uint64_t pos = cf -> remote_size;
381         /* write the bitmap ( zero'd out ) into the local file */
382         rc = KFileWriteAll ( cf -> local, pos,
383             ( const void * ) cf -> bitmap, cf -> bitmap_bytes, &written );
384         if ( rc == 0 && written != cf -> bitmap_bytes )
385         {
386             rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid );
387             LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "no full initialization of local file bitmap" );
388         }
390         /* write the remote-file-size into the local file ( uint64_t = 8 bytes )*/
391         if ( rc == 0 )
392         {
393             pos += cf -> bitmap_bytes;
394             rc = KFileWriteAll ( cf -> local, pos,
395                                  &cf -> remote_size, sizeof( cf -> remote_size ), &written );
396             if ( rc == 0 && written != sizeof( cf -> remote_size ) )
397             {
398                 rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid );
399                 LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot write remote-filesize into local file" );
400             }
401         }
403         /* write the block-size into the local file ( size_t = 4 bytes )*/
404         if ( rc == 0 )
405         {
406             pos += sizeof( cf -> remote_size );
407             rc = KFileWriteAll ( cf -> local, pos,
408                                  &cf -> block_size, sizeof( cf -> block_size ), &written );
409             if ( rc == 0 && written != sizeof( cf -> block_size ) )
410             {
411                 rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid );
412                 LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot write block-size into local file" );
413             }
414         }
416     }
417     return rc;
418 }
try_read_uint32_t(const struct KFile * self,uint64_t pos,uint32_t * value)421 static rc_t try_read_uint32_t( const struct KFile * self, uint64_t pos, uint32_t * value )
422 {
423     size_t num_read;
424     rc_t rc =  KFileRead( self, pos, value, sizeof *value, &num_read );
425     if ( rc == 0 )
426     {
427         if ( num_read != sizeof *value )
428             rc = SILENT_RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcParam, rcInvalid );
429     }
430     return rc;
431 }
try_read_uint64_t(const struct KFile * self,uint64_t pos,uint64_t * value)433 static rc_t try_read_uint64_t( const struct KFile * self, uint64_t pos, uint64_t * value )
434 {
435     size_t num_read;
436     rc_t rc =  KFileRead( self, pos, value, sizeof *value, &num_read );
437     if ( rc == 0 )
438     {
439         if ( num_read != sizeof *value )
440             rc = SILENT_RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcParam, rcInvalid );
441     }
442     return rc;
443 }
read_block_size(const struct KFile * self,uint64_t local_size,uint32_t * block_size)446 static rc_t read_block_size( const struct KFile * self, uint64_t local_size, uint32_t *block_size )
447 {
448     if ( local_size >= sizeof *block_size )
449     {
450         uint64_t pos = local_size - ( sizeof *block_size );
451         int num_try = 3;
452         rc_t rc;
454         while ( true )
455         {
456             rc = try_read_uint32_t( self, pos, block_size );
458             if ( rc == 0 && *block_size != 0 )
459                 // we are done
460                 return 0;
462             if ( --num_try == 0 )
463                 break;
465             KSleep( 1 );
466         }
468         if ( rc != 0 )
469             return rc;
470     }
472     return RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcParam, rcInvalid );
473 }
read_content_size(const struct KFile * self,uint64_t local_size,uint64_t * content_size)476 static rc_t read_content_size( const struct KFile * self, uint64_t local_size, uint64_t *content_size )
477 {
478     if ( local_size >= sizeof( *content_size ) + 4 )
479     {
480         uint64_t pos = ( local_size - 4 ) - sizeof( *content_size );
481         int num_try = 3;
482         rc_t rc;
484         while ( true )
485         {
486             rc = try_read_uint64_t( self, pos, content_size );
487             if ( rc == 0 && *content_size != 0 )
488             {
489                 if ( *content_size < local_size )
490                     return 0;
491                 else
492                     return RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcParam, rcInvalid );
493             }
495             if ( --num_try == 0 )
496                 break;
498             KSleep( 1 );
499         }
501         if ( rc != 0 )
502             return rc;
503     }
505     return RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcParam, rcInvalid );
506 }
verify_file_structure(const uint64_t local_size,const uint32_t block_size,const uint64_t content_size,uint64_t * block_count,uint64_t * bitmap_bytes)509 static rc_t verify_file_structure( const uint64_t local_size, const uint32_t block_size, const uint64_t content_size,
510                                    uint64_t * block_count, /* size_t */ uint64_t * bitmap_bytes )
511 {
512     rc_t rc = 0;
513     uint64_t expected_size;
515     *block_count = SIZE_2_BLOCK_COUNT( content_size, block_size );
516     *bitmap_bytes = BITS_2_BYTES( *block_count );
518     /* check if the values 'content-size' and 'block_size' result in the currect real file size */
519     expected_size = content_size + *bitmap_bytes + sizeof ( local_size ) + sizeof ( block_size );
520     if ( expected_size != local_size )
521         rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcParam, rcInvalid );
522     return rc;
523 }
read_bitmap(KCacheTeeFile * cf)526 static rc_t read_bitmap( KCacheTeeFile * cf )
527 {
528     /* read the bitmap from the local file */
529     size_t num_read;
530     rc_t rc = KFileReadAll ( cf -> local, cf -> remote_size, ( void * ) cf -> bitmap, cf -> bitmap_bytes, &num_read );
531     if ( rc != 0 )
532     {
533         LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot read bitmap from local file" );
534     }
535     else if ( num_read != cf -> bitmap_bytes )
536     {
537         rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid );
538         PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "cannot read $(ls) bitmap-bytes from local file, read $(rs) instead",
539                        "ls=%lu,rs=%lu", cf -> bitmap_bytes, num_read ));
540     }
541     return rc;
542 }
verify_existing_local_file(KCacheTeeFile * cf,bool * fully_in_cache)545 static rc_t verify_existing_local_file( KCacheTeeFile * cf, bool * fully_in_cache )
546 {
547     uint64_t bitmap_bytes, content_size, block_count;
548     uint32_t block_size;
549     bool cached = false;
551     rc_t rc = read_block_size ( cf -> local, cf -> local_size, &block_size );
552     /* read content-size, compare to the content-size of the remote file */
553     if ( rc == 0 )
554         rc = read_content_size ( cf -> local, cf -> local_size, &content_size );
556     if ( rc == 0 && content_size != cf -> remote_size )
557     {
558         rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid );
559         PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "content-size in local file $(ls) does not match size of remote file $(rs)",
560                            "ls=%lu,rs=%lu", content_size, cf -> remote_size ) );
561     }
563     /* check if the local file has the right size ( content + bitmap + content_size + block_size )*/
564     if ( rc == 0 )
565         rc = verify_file_structure ( cf -> local_size, block_size, content_size, &block_count, &bitmap_bytes );
567     /* check if the requested block-size equals the stored block-size */
568     if ( rc == 0 )
569     {
570         if ( cf -> block_size == 0 )
571             cf -> block_size = CACHE_TEE_DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE;
572         if ( cf -> block_size != block_size )
573         {
574             PLOGMSG( klogWarn, ( klogWarn, "block-size in local file $(ls) does not match requested value $(rv)",
575                                 "ls=%u,rv=%u", block_size, cf -> block_size ) );
576         }
577         /* use the block-size as stored in the file */
578         cf -> block_size = block_size;
579         cf -> block_count = block_count;
580         cf -> bitmap_bytes = bitmap_bytes;
581         rc = create_bitmap( cf );
582     }
584     /* read the bitmap into the memory ... */
585     if ( rc == 0 )
586         rc = read_bitmap( cf );
588     if ( rc == 0 )
589         cached = is_bitmap_full( cf -> bitmap, cf -> bitmap_bytes, cf -> block_count );
591     if ( rc == 0 && fully_in_cache != NULL )
592         *fully_in_cache = cached;
594     return rc;
595 }
IsCacheFileComplete(const struct KFile * self,bool * is_complete)598 LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC IsCacheFileComplete( const struct KFile * self, bool * is_complete )
599 {
600     rc_t rc;
601     if ( self == NULL )
602         rc = RC( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcSelf, rcNull );
603     else if ( is_complete == NULL )
604         rc = RC( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcParam, rcNull );
605     else
606     {
607         uint64_t local_size;
608         *is_complete = false;
609         rc = KFileSize( self, &local_size );
610         if ( rc != 0 )
611         {
612             LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot detect filesize when checking if cached file is complete" );
613         }
614         /* TODO: need to do a better constant tha a magic number */
615         else if (local_size < 13)
616         {
617             rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcSize, rcInsufficient );
618             LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot use filesize of zero when checking if cached file is complete" );
619         }
620         else
621         {
622             uint32_t block_size;
623             rc = read_block_size( self, local_size, &block_size );
624             if ( rc == 0 )
625             {
626                 uint64_t content_size;
628                 rc = read_content_size( self, local_size, &content_size );
629                 /* create bitmap buffer */
630                 if ( rc == 0 )
631                 {
632                     uint64_t block_count;
633                     /* size_t */ uint64_t bitmap_bytes;
634                     rc = verify_file_structure( local_size, block_size, content_size, &block_count, &bitmap_bytes );
635                     if ( rc == 0 )
636                     {
638                         atomic32_t * bitmap = NULL;
639 #else
640                         uint8_t volatile * bitmap = NULL;
641 #endif
642                         rc = create_bitmap_buffer( &bitmap, bitmap_bytes );
643                         if ( rc == 0 )
644                         {
645                             size_t num_read;
646                             /* read the bitmap into the memory ... */
647                             rc = KFileReadAll ( self, content_size, ( void * ) bitmap, bitmap_bytes, &num_read );
648                             if ( rc != 0 )
649                             {
650                                 LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot read bitmap from local file" );
651                             }
652                             else if ( num_read != bitmap_bytes )
653                             {
654                                 rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid );
655                                 PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "cannot read $(ls) bitmap-bytes from local file, read $(rs) instead",
656                                                     "ls=%lu,rs=%lu", bitmap_bytes, num_read ));
657                             }
658                         }
659                         if ( rc == 0 )
660                             *is_complete = is_bitmap_full( bitmap, bitmap_bytes, block_count );
662                         if ( bitmap != NULL )
663                             free( ( void * ) bitmap );
664                     }
665                 }
666             }
667         }
668     }
669     return rc;
670 }
TruncateCacheFile(struct KFile * self)673 LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC TruncateCacheFile( struct KFile * self )
674 {
675     rc_t rc;
676     if ( self == NULL )
677         rc = RC( rcFS, rcFile, rcResizing, rcSelf, rcNull );
678     else
679     {
680         uint64_t local_size;
681         rc = KFileSize( self, &local_size );
682         if ( rc != 0 )
683         {
684             LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot detect filesize when truncating cached file" );
685         }
686         else
687         {
688             uint32_t block_size;
689             rc = read_block_size( self, local_size, &block_size );
690             if ( rc == 0 )
691             {
692                 uint64_t content_size;
693                 rc = read_content_size( self, local_size, &content_size );
694                 if ( rc == 0 )
695                 {
696                     uint64_t block_count, bitmap_bytes;
697                     rc = verify_file_structure( local_size, block_size, content_size, &block_count, &bitmap_bytes );
699                     /* truncate the file by setting the new (shorter) filesize */
700                     if ( rc == 0 )
701                         rc = KFileSetSize( self, content_size );
702                 }
703             }
704         }
705     }
706     return rc;
707 }
file_exist(KDirectory * dir,const char * filename)710 static bool file_exist( KDirectory * dir, const char * filename )
711 {
712     uint32_t pt = KDirectoryPathType ( dir, "%s", filename );
713     return ( ( pt & ~kptAlias ) == kptFile );
714 }
promote_cache(KCacheTeeFile * self)717 static rc_t promote_cache( KCacheTeeFile * self )
718 {
719     char cache_file_name [ 4096 ];
720     char temp_file_name [ 4096 ];
721     size_t num_writ;
722     rc_t rc = string_printf ( cache_file_name, sizeof cache_file_name, &num_writ, "%s.cache", self -> local_path );
723     if ( rc == 0 )
724         rc = string_printf ( temp_file_name, sizeof temp_file_name, &num_writ, "%s.cache.temp", self -> local_path );
726     /* (1) releaes open cache file ( windows cannot rename open files ) */
727     if ( rc == 0 )
728         rc = KFileRelease( self -> local );
730     /* (2) rename to temporary name */
731     if ( rc == 0 )
732     {
733         self -> local = NULL;
734         rc = KDirectoryRename ( self -> dir, true, cache_file_name, temp_file_name );
735     }
737     /* (3) open from temporary name */
738     if ( rc == 0 )
739         rc = KDirectoryOpenFileWrite( self -> dir, &self -> local, true, "%s", temp_file_name );
741     /* (4) perform truncation */
742     if ( rc == 0 )
743         rc = TruncateCacheFile( self -> local );
745     /* (5) releaes open temp. cache file ( windows cannot rename open files ) */
746     if ( rc == 0 )
747         rc = KFileRelease( self -> local );
749     /* (6) rename to final filename ( windows cannot rename open files ) */
750     if ( rc == 0 )
751     {
752         self -> local = NULL;
753         rc = KDirectoryRename ( self -> dir, true, temp_file_name, self -> local_path );
754     }
756     /* (6) open from final filename */
757     if ( rc == 0 )
758         rc = KDirectoryOpenFileWrite( self -> dir, &self -> local, true, "%s", self -> local_path );
760     return rc;
761 }
pop_page(KQueue * buffer_pool,uint32_t timeout_millisec)764 static void * pop_page( KQueue * buffer_pool, uint32_t timeout_millisec )
765 {
766     rc_t rc;
767     void * page;
768     struct timeout_t tm;
769     TimeoutInit ( & tm, timeout_millisec );
770     rc = KQueuePop( buffer_pool, &page, &tm );
771     if ( rc != 0 )
772         page = NULL;
773     return page;
774 }
776 /* helper to clean up the buffer_pool */
clean_up_buffer_pool(KQueue * buffer_pool)777 static void clean_up_buffer_pool( KQueue * buffer_pool )
778 {
779     void * pool_page;
780     while ( ( pool_page = pop_page( buffer_pool, 100 ) ) != NULL )
781     {
782         free( pool_page );
783     }
784     KQueueRelease( buffer_pool );
785 }
786 #endif
788 /* Destroy
789  */
KCacheTeeFileDestroy(KCacheTeeFile * self)790 static rc_t CC KCacheTeeFileDestroy( KCacheTeeFile * self )
791 {
792     rc_t rc;
793     bool already_promoted_by_other_instance = file_exist( self -> dir, self -> local_path );
795 #if( CACHE_STAT > 0 )
796     report_cache_stat( & self -> stat );
797 #endif
799     if ( !self -> local_read_only && !already_promoted_by_other_instance )
800     {
801         bool fully_in_cache;
802         rc = IsCacheFileComplete ( self -> local, &fully_in_cache );
803         if ( rc == 0 && fully_in_cache && self -> promote )
804         {
805             promote_cache( self );
806         }
807     }
809     if ( self->bitmap != NULL )
810         free( ( void * ) self->bitmap );
812     if ( self->scratch_buffer != NULL )
813         free( self->scratch_buffer );
814 #endif
817     clean_up_buffer_pool( self -> buffer_pool );
818 #endif
820     KFileRelease ( self -> remote );
821     KFileRelease ( self -> local );
823     if ( already_promoted_by_other_instance )
824         KDirectoryRemove ( self -> dir, true, "%s.cache", self -> local_path );
826     KDirectoryRelease ( self -> dir );
828     free ( self );
829     return 0;
830 }
set_bitmap(const KCacheTeeFile * cself,uint64_t start_block,uint64_t block_count)833 static void set_bitmap( const KCacheTeeFile *cself, uint64_t start_block, uint64_t block_count )
834 {
836     uint32_t old, bits;
837     const uint32_t block_bit = BitNr2Mask [ start_block & 31 ];
839     /* we should get rid of block count */
840     assert ( block_count == 1 );
842     old = atomic32_read ( & cself -> bitmap [ start_block >> 5 ] );
843     do
844     {
845         bits = old;
846         old = atomic32_test_and_set ( & cself -> bitmap [ start_block >> 5 ], ( int ) ( bits | block_bit ), ( int ) bits );
847     }
848     while ( old != bits );
850 #else
851     uint64_t block_idx, block_nr;
852     for ( block_idx = 0, block_nr = start_block;
853           block_idx < block_count;
854           ++block_idx, ++block_nr )
855     {
856         cself->bitmap[ block_nr >> 3 ] |= BitNr2Mask[ block_nr & 0x07 ];
857     }
858 #endif
859 }
switch_to_read_only(const KCacheTeeFile * cself,rc_t rc)862 static rc_t switch_to_read_only( const KCacheTeeFile *cself, rc_t rc )
863 {
864     KCacheTeeFile *self = ( KCacheTeeFile * )cself;
865     self->local_read_only = true;
866     LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "switching cache-tee-file to read-only" );
867     return 0;
868 }
write_bitmap(const KCacheTeeFile * cself,uint64_t block)870 static rc_t write_bitmap( const KCacheTeeFile *cself, uint64_t block )
871 {
872     rc_t rc;
873     size_t written;
874     uint64_t pos;
875     size_t to_write;
877     uint32_t block_word = ( uint32_t ) ( block >> 5 );
878     uint64_t bitmap_pos = ( block_word << 2 );
879     pos = cself->remote_size + bitmap_pos;
880     to_write = 4;
882     // last word may go outside bitmap ranges in the file, since bitmap has 1-byte alignment in the file, but 4-byte alignment in memory
883     if (bitmap_pos + to_write > cself->bitmap_bytes)
884         to_write = cself->bitmap_bytes - bitmap_pos;
886     rc = KFileWriteAll( cself->local, pos, ( const void * ) &cself->bitmap[ block_word ], to_write, &written );
887 #else
888     uint32_t block_byte = ( uint32_t ) ( block >> 3 );
889     pos = cself->remote_size + block_byte;
890     to_write = 1;
891     rc = KFileWriteAll( cself->local, pos, ( const void * ) &cself->bitmap[ block_byte ], to_write, &written );
892 #endif
893     if ( rc != 0 )
894     {
895         /* it can happen that we are not able to write to the bitmap because we run out of space
896            on the local filesystem. */
897         rc = switch_to_read_only( cself, rc );
898         /*
899         PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "cannot write local-file-bitmap block $(block) at $(pos) $(to_write) bytes",
900                            "block=%lu,pos=%lu,to_write=%zu", block, pos, to_write ) );
901         */
902     }
903     return rc;
904 }
resize_scratch_buffer(const KCacheTeeFile * cself,uint64_t new_size)908 static rc_t resize_scratch_buffer( const KCacheTeeFile *cself, uint64_t new_size )
909 {
910     rc_t rc = 0;
911     KCacheTeeFile *self = ( KCacheTeeFile * )cself;
913     /* create scratch-buffer or resize it if needed */
914     if ( self->scratch_size == 0 )
915     {
916         self->scratch_buffer = malloc( new_size );
917         if ( self->scratch_buffer == NULL )
918             rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
919         else
920             self->scratch_size = new_size;
921     }
922     else if ( self->scratch_size < new_size )
923     {
924         uint8_t * tmp = realloc( self->scratch_buffer, new_size );
925         if ( tmp == NULL )
926             rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
927         else
928         {
929             self->scratch_buffer = tmp;
930             self->scratch_size = new_size;
931         }
932     }
933     return rc;
934 }
935 #endif
check_rd_len(const KCacheTeeFile * cself,uint64_t pos,size_t bsize)938 size_t check_rd_len( const KCacheTeeFile *cself, uint64_t pos, size_t bsize )
939 {
940     size_t res = bsize;
941     uint64_t last_pos = pos;
942     last_pos += bsize;
943     if ( last_pos >= cself->remote_size )
944     {
945         if ( pos >= cself->remote_size )
946             res = 0;
947         else
948             res = ( cself->remote_size - pos );
949     }
950     return res;
951 }
rd_remote_wr_local(const KCacheTeeFile * cself,uint64_t pos,void * buffer,size_t bsize,size_t * num_read)953 static rc_t rd_remote_wr_local( const KCacheTeeFile *cself, uint64_t pos,
954                                 void *buffer, size_t bsize, size_t *num_read )
955 {
956     rc_t rc = 0;
957     if ( bsize > 0 )
958     {
959         size_t bytes_read;
960         *num_read = 0;
961         rc = KFileReadAll( cself->remote, pos, buffer, bsize, &bytes_read );
962         if ( rc != 0 || bytes_read == 0 ) /** try again **/
963         {
964             rc = KFileReadAll( cself->remote, pos, buffer, bsize, &bytes_read );
965             if ( rc == 0 && bytes_read == 0 )
966             { /*old behavior */
967                 rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcReading, rcBuffer, rcEmpty );
968             }
969         }
970         if ( rc == 0 )
971         {
972             if ( cself->local_read_only )
973                 *num_read = bytes_read;
974             else
975             {
976                 /* it can happen that we are running out of space in the local filesystem,
977                    that means we cannot write ( any more ) */
978                 rc = KFileWriteAll( cself->local, pos, buffer, bytes_read, num_read );
979                 if ( rc != 0 )
980                     rc = switch_to_read_only( cself, rc );
981             }
982         }
983     }
984     return rc;
985 }
KCacheTeeFileRead_simple2(const KCacheTeeFile * cself,uint64_t pos,void * buffer,size_t bsize,size_t * num_read)988 static rc_t KCacheTeeFileRead_simple2( const KCacheTeeFile *cself, uint64_t pos,
989                                        void *buffer, size_t bsize, size_t *num_read )
990 {
991     uint64_t block = pos / cself->block_size;
992     size_t   offset = pos % cself->block_size;
993     size_t   to_read_total = bsize;
994     int64_t salvage_block = -1;
997     rc_t rc = 0;
998     uint64_t first_block_in_scratch = -1;
999     uint64_t valid_scratch_bytes = 0;
1000     uint8_t * scratch_buffer = NULL;
1003     scratch_buffer = pop_page( cself -> buffer_pool, 200 );
1004 #endif
1006     if ( scratch_buffer == NULL )
1007         scratch_buffer = malloc ( cself -> block_size );
1009     if ( scratch_buffer == NULL )
1010         return RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcReading, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
1011 #else
1012     uint64_t first_block_in_scratch = cself -> first_block_in_scratch;
1013     uint64_t valid_scratch_bytes = cself -> valid_scratch_bytes;
1014     rc_t rc = resize_scratch_buffer( cself, cself->block_size );
1015     uint8_t * scratch_buffer = cself -> scratch_buffer;
1016 #endif
1018     *num_read = 0;
1020     while ( rc == 0 && to_read_total > 0 )
1021     {
1022         size_t to_read = cself->block_size - offset;
1024         if ( to_read > to_read_total )
1025             to_read = to_read_total;
1027         if ( first_block_in_scratch == block )
1028         {
1029             if ( valid_scratch_bytes <= offset )
1030             { /** EOF in remote file and nothing to read **/
1031                 to_read_total = to_read = 0;
1032             }
1033             else
1034             {
1035                 if ( to_read > valid_scratch_bytes - offset )
1036                 { /** EOF in remote file something left**/
1037                    to_read_total = to_read = valid_scratch_bytes - offset;
1038                 }
1039                 memmove( buffer, scratch_buffer + offset, to_read );
1040             }
1042             /*** move source counters **/
1043             offset += to_read;
1044             block  += offset / cself->block_size;
1045             offset %= cself->block_size;
1047             /*** move output counters **/
1048             to_read_total -= to_read;
1049             *num_read += to_read;
1050             buffer = ((char*)buffer) + to_read;
1051         }
1052         else if ( IS_CACHE_BIT( cself, block ) )
1053         {
1054             uint64_t fpos = block * cself->block_size;
1055             if ( fpos < cself -> remote_size )
1056             {
1057                 int64_t fbsize = cself -> remote_size - fpos;
1058                 size_t nread = 0;
1060                 if( fbsize > cself->block_size )
1061                     fbsize = cself -> block_size;
1063                 rc = KFileReadAll( cself->local, fpos, scratch_buffer, fbsize, &nread );
1064                 if ( rc == 0 )
1065                 {
1066                     int i;
1067                     uint64_t *b = ( uint64_t* )scratch_buffer;
1068                     first_block_in_scratch = block;
1069                     valid_scratch_bytes = nread;
1071                     if ( block != salvage_block )
1072                     { /** check for fully space page, but don't do it in infinite loop **/
1073                         for ( i = 0; i < ( nread/ sizeof( *b ) ) && b [ i]==0; i++ ) { }
1074                         if ( i == ( nread / sizeof( *b ) ) )
1075                         {
1076                             rc = rd_remote_wr_local( cself, block*cself->block_size, scratch_buffer, fbsize, &nread );
1077                             if ( rc == 0 )
1078                                 salvage_block = block;
1079                         }
1080                         else
1081                         {
1082                             salvage_block = -1;
1083                         }
1084                     }
1085                 }
1086             }
1087             else
1088             {
1089                 to_read_total = 0;
1090             }
1091         }
1092         else
1093         {
1094             uint64_t fpos = block * cself->block_size;
1095             if ( fpos < cself -> remote_size )
1096             {
1097                 int64_t fbsize = cself->remote_size - fpos;
1098                 size_t  nread = 0;
1100                 if ( fbsize > cself->block_size )
1101                     fbsize = cself->block_size;
1103                 rc = rd_remote_wr_local( cself, fpos, scratch_buffer, fbsize, &nread );
1104                 if ( rc == 0 )
1105                 {
1106                     first_block_in_scratch = block;
1107                     valid_scratch_bytes = nread;
1108                     if ( !cself->local_read_only )
1109                     {
1110                         set_bitmap( cself, block, 1 );
1111                         rc = write_bitmap( cself, block );
1112                     }
1113                 }
1114             }
1115             else
1116             {
1117                 to_read_total = 0;
1118             }
1119         }
1121     }
1125     if ( KQueuePush( cself -> buffer_pool, scratch_buffer, NULL ) != 0 )
1126         free ( scratch_buffer );
1127 #else
1128     free ( scratch_buffer );
1129 #endif
1130 #else
1131     ( ( KCacheTeeFile * )cself ) -> first_block_in_scratch = first_block_in_scratch;
1132     ( ( KCacheTeeFile * )cself ) -> valid_scratch_bytes = valid_scratch_bytes;
1133 #endif
1135     return rc;
1136 }
1138 #if 0
1139 /**********************************************************************************************
1140     try #3
1141 **********************************************************************************************/
1142 static rc_t KCacheTeeFileRead_3( const KCacheTeeFile *cself, uint64_t pos,
1143                                  void * buffer, size_t bsize, size_t *num_read )
1144 {
1145     rc_t rc = 0;
1146     uint64_t i_pos = pos;
1147     uint8_t * i_buffer = buffer;
1148     size_t still_to_read = bsize;
1149     size_t total_read = 0;
1150     size_t bytes_read;
1152     /* we have to exclude that we are requesting beyond EOF, we can do that because we know the size
1153        of the file, the 'constructor' of the KCacheTeeFile has requested it and rejects construction
1154        if it cannot get this size */
1155     if ( ( i_pos + still_to_read ) > cself -> remote_size )
1156     {
1157         still_to_read = ( cself -> remote_size - i_pos );
1158     }
1160     while ( rc == 0 && still_to_read > 0 )
1161     {
1162         uint64_t block = ( i_pos / cself->block_size );
1163         if ( IS_CACHE_BIT( cself, block ) )
1164         {
1165             /* i_pos is in a cached block... */
1166             size_t to_read = ( ( ( block + 1 ) * cself->block_size ) - i_pos );
1167             if ( to_read > still_to_read ) to_read = still_to_read;
1168             rc = KFileReadAll( cself->local, i_pos, i_buffer, to_read, &bytes_read );
1169             if ( rc == 0 )
1170             {
1171                 /* check what we read from the local file is completely empty */
1172                 size_t i = 0;
1173                 while ( i_buffer[ i ] == 0 && i < bytes_read ) { i++; }
1174                 if ( i == ( bytes_read + 1 ) )
1175                 {
1176                     /* we have to read from remote because this segment is zero!
1177                        this is a fix for broken cache-files */
1178                     cself->bitmap[ block >> 3 ] &= ~( BitNr2Mask[ block & 0x07 ] );
1179                     rc = write_bitmap( cself, block );
1180                     /* do not advance the buffer, because in the loop this will be read remotely now */
1181                 }
1182                 else
1183                 {
1184                     i_buffer += bytes_read;
1185                     total_read += bytes_read;
1186                     i_pos += bytes_read;
1187                     still_to_read -= bytes_read;
1188                 }
1189             }
1190         }
1191         else
1192         {
1193             /* i_pos is not in a cached block... */
1194             uint64_t block_pos = ( block * cself->block_size );
1195             uint64_t ofs = ( i_pos - block_pos );
1196             if ( ofs == 0 && still_to_read >= cself->block_size )
1197             {
1198                 /* read the whole block remotely, this can return less than requested if last block...
1199                    and it can return 0 bytes if the http-connection times out... */
1200                 rc = KFileReadAll( cself->remote, i_pos, i_buffer, cself->block_size, &bytes_read );
1201                 if ( rc == 0 )
1202                 {
1203                     if ( bytes_read == 0 )
1204                     {
1205                         still_to_read = 0;    /* terminate the loop, return as much as read so far, return rc ==0 */
1206                     }
1207                     else
1208                     {
1209                         /* write it to the local file */
1210                         size_t bytes_written;
1211                         rc = KFileWriteAll( cself->local, i_pos, i_buffer, bytes_read, &bytes_written );
1212                         if ( rc == 0 )
1213                         {
1214                             if ( bytes_written != bytes_read )
1215                             {
1216                                 rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcWriting, rcTransfer, rcTooShort );
1217                             }
1218                             else
1219                             {
1220                                 /* write the bitmap */
1221                                 set_bitmap( cself, block, 1 );
1222                                 rc = write_bitmap( cself, block );
1223                                 if ( rc == 0 )
1224                                 {
1225                                     i_buffer += bytes_read;
1226                                     total_read += bytes_read;
1227                                     i_pos += bytes_read;
1228                                     still_to_read -= bytes_read;
1229                                 }
1230                             }
1231                         }
1232                     }
1233                 }
1234             }
1235             else
1236             {
1237                 /* use the scratch-buffer to read the whole block, copy the smaller part that was requested */
1238                 if ( cself->scratch_size < cself->block_size )
1239                 {
1240                     rc = resize_scratch_buffer( cself, cself->block_size );
1241                 }
1242                 if ( rc == 0 )
1243                 {
1244                     /* read the whole block remotely, this can return less than requested if last block...
1245                        and it can return 0 bytes if the http-connection times out... */
1246                     rc = KFileReadAll( cself->remote, block_pos, cself->scratch_buffer, cself->block_size, &bytes_read );
1247                     if ( rc == 0 )
1248                     {
1249                         if ( bytes_read == 0 )
1250                         {
1251                             still_to_read = 0;    /* terminate the loop, return as much as read so far, return rc ==0 */
1252                         }
1253                         else
1254                         {
1255                             /* write it to the local file */
1256                             size_t bytes_written;
1257                             rc = KFileWriteAll( cself->local, block_pos, cself -> scratch_buffer, bytes_read, &bytes_written );
1258                             if ( rc == 0 )
1259                             {
1260                                 if ( bytes_written != bytes_read )
1261                                 {
1262                                     rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcWriting, rcTransfer, rcTooShort );
1263                                 }
1264                                 else
1265                                 {
1266                                     /* write the bitmap */
1267                                     set_bitmap( cself, block, 1 );
1268                                     rc = write_bitmap( cself, block );
1269                                     if ( rc == 0 )
1270                                     {
1271                                         /* here comes the difference: copy the bytes from the offset */
1272                                         size_t to_copy = ( cself->block_size - ofs );
1273                                         if ( to_copy > still_to_read ) to_copy = still_to_read;
1274                                         memmove ( i_buffer, &( cself->scratch_buffer[ ofs ] ), to_copy );
1276                                         i_buffer += to_copy;
1277                                         total_read += to_copy;
1278                                         i_pos += to_copy;
1279                                         still_to_read -= to_copy;
1280                                     }
1281                                 }
1282                             }
1283                         }
1284                     }
1285                 }
1286             }
1287         }
1288     }
1290     if ( rc == 0 )
1291         *num_read = total_read;
1293     return rc;
1294 }
1295 #endif
1297 /**********************************************************************************************
1298     START vt-functions
1299 **********************************************************************************************/
KCacheTeeFileGetSysFile(const KCacheTeeFile * self,uint64_t * offset)1301 static struct KSysFile* KCacheTeeFileGetSysFile( const KCacheTeeFile *self, uint64_t *offset )
1302 {
1303     * offset = 0;
1304     return NULL;
1305 }
KCacheTeeFileRandomAccess(const KCacheTeeFile * self)1308 static rc_t KCacheTeeFileRandomAccess( const KCacheTeeFile *self )
1309 {
1310     return 0;
1311 }
KCacheTeeFileSize(const KCacheTeeFile * self,uint64_t * size)1314 static rc_t KCacheTeeFileSize( const KCacheTeeFile *self, uint64_t *size )
1315 {
1316     *size = self->remote_size;
1317     return 0;
1318 }
KCacheTeeFileSetSize(KCacheTeeFile * self,uint64_t size)1321 static rc_t KCacheTeeFileSetSize( KCacheTeeFile *self, uint64_t size )
1322 {
1323     return RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcUpdating, rcFile, rcReadonly );
1324 }
KCacheTeeFileRead(const KCacheTeeFile * cself,uint64_t pos,void * buffer,size_t bsize,size_t * num_read)1326 static rc_t KCacheTeeFileRead( const KCacheTeeFile *cself, uint64_t pos,
1327                                void *buffer, size_t bsize, size_t *num_read )
1328 {
1330     /* rc_t rc = KCacheTeeFileRead_3( cself, pos, buffer, bsize, num_read ); */
1331     rc_t rc = KCacheTeeFileRead_simple2( cself, pos, buffer, bsize, num_read );
1333 #if( CACHE_STAT > 0 )
1334     write_cache_stat( & ( ( ( KCacheTeeFile * )cself ) -> stat ), pos, bsize, *num_read );
1335 #endif
1337     return rc;
1338 }
KCacheTeeFileWrite(KCacheTeeFile * self,uint64_t pos,const void * buffer,size_t size,size_t * num_writ)1341 static rc_t KCacheTeeFileWrite( KCacheTeeFile *self, uint64_t pos,
1342                                 const void *buffer, size_t size, size_t *num_writ )
1343 {
1344     return RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcUpdating, rcInterface, rcUnsupported );
1345 }
1347 /**********************************************************************************************
1348     END vt-functions
1349 **********************************************************************************************/
1352 static KFile_vt_v1 vtKCacheTeeFile =
1353 {
1354     /* version 1.0 */
1355     1, 0,
1357     /* start minor version 0 methods */
1358     KCacheTeeFileDestroy,
1359     KCacheTeeFileGetSysFile,
1360     KCacheTeeFileRandomAccess,
1361     KCacheTeeFileSize,
1362     KCacheTeeFileSetSize,
1363     KCacheTeeFileRead,
1364     KCacheTeeFileWrite
1365     /* end minor version 0 methods */
1366 };
hand_out_remote_file_as_tee_file(struct KFile const ** tee,struct KFile const * remote)1368 static rc_t hand_out_remote_file_as_tee_file( struct KFile const **tee, struct KFile const *remote )
1369 {
1370     rc_t rc = KFileAddRef( remote );
1371     if ( rc == 0 )
1372         *tee = remote;
1373     return rc;
1374 }
make_cache_tee(struct KDirectory * self,struct KFile const ** tee,struct KFile const * remote,struct KFile * local,uint32_t blocksize,bool read_only,bool promote,const char * path)1376 static rc_t make_cache_tee( struct KDirectory *self, struct KFile const **tee,
1377     struct KFile const *remote, struct KFile *local, uint32_t blocksize, bool read_only, bool promote, const char *path )
1378 {
1379     rc_t rc;
1380     size_t path_size = string_size ( path );
1381     KCacheTeeFile * cf = malloc ( sizeof * cf + path_size + 1 );
1382     if ( cf == NULL )
1383         rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
1384     else
1385     {
1386         cf -> dir = self;
1387         string_copy( cf -> local_path, path_size + 1, path, path_size );
1388         cf -> remote = remote;     /* store the file-objects but no AddRef()'s yet! */
1389         cf -> local  = local;
1390         cf -> block_size = ( blocksize > 0 ) ? blocksize : CACHE_TEE_DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE;
1391         cf -> bitmap = NULL;
1393         cf -> scratch_buffer = NULL;
1394         cf -> scratch_size = 0;
1395         cf -> first_block_in_scratch = -1;
1396         cf -> valid_scratch_bytes = 0;
1397 #endif
1398         cf -> local_read_only = read_only;
1399         cf -> promote = promote;
1401 #if( CACHE_STAT > 0 )
1402         init_cache_stat( & cf -> stat );
1403 #endif
1405         rc = KFileSize( local, &cf -> local_size );
1406         if ( rc != 0 )
1407         {
1408             LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot detect size of local file" );
1409         }
1410         else
1411         {
1412             bool fully_in_cache = false;
1414             rc = KFileSize( cf -> remote, &cf -> remote_size );
1415             if ( rc != 0 )
1416             {
1417                 LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot detect size of remote file" );
1418             }
1419             else
1420             {
1421                 if ( cf -> local_size == 0 && ! cf -> local_read_only )
1422                 {
1423                     /* the local file was just created... */
1424                     if ( cf -> remote_size == 0 )
1425                     {
1426                         rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid );
1427                         LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "size of remote file is zero" );
1428                     }
1429                     else
1430                     {
1431                         rc = calculate_local_size_from_remote_size( cf );
1432                         if ( rc == 0 )
1433                         {
1434                             rc = KFileSetSize ( cf -> local, cf -> local_size );
1435                             if ( rc == 0 )
1436                             {
1437                                 rc = init_new_local_file( cf );
1438                             }
1439                             else
1440                             {
1441                                 PLOGERR( klogInt, ( klogInt, rc, "cannot size local file to $(l) bytes", "l=%lu", cf->local_size ) );
1442                             }
1443                         }
1444                     }
1445                 }
1446                 else
1447                     rc = verify_existing_local_file( cf, &fully_in_cache );
1448             }
1450             if ( rc == 0 && fully_in_cache && ! cf -> local_read_only && cf -> promote )
1451             {
1452                 /* here is the up-front-test: the cache is complete and we have write access! */
1453                 rc = promote_cache( cf );
1454                 if ( rc == 0 )
1455                 {
1456                     *tee = cf -> local;
1457                     free ( cf );
1458                     return rc;  /* here we return the truncated, promoted cache as tee-file ! */
1459                 }
1460             }
1462             if ( rc == 0 )
1463             {
1464                 if ( cf -> remote_size == 0 )
1465                 {
1466                     cf -> remote_size = cf -> local_size;
1467                 }
1469                 /* now we have to AddRef() everything we hang on until the final release! */
1470                 rc = KDirectoryAddRef ( cf -> dir );
1471                 if ( rc == 0 )
1472                 {
1473                     rc = KFileAddRef( cf -> remote );
1474                     if ( rc == 0 )
1475                     {
1477                         rc = KQueueMake( &cf -> buffer_pool, 32 );
1478 #endif
1479                         if ( rc == 0 )
1480                         {
1481                             rc = KFileInit( &cf -> dad, (const union KFile_vt *)&vtKCacheTeeFile, "KCacheTeeFile", path, true, false );
1482                             if ( rc == 0 )
1483                             {
1484                                 /* the wrapper is ready to use now! */
1485                                 *tee = ( const KFile * ) &cf -> dad;
1486                                 return 0;
1487                             }
1488                             else
1489                             {
1490                                 LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot initialize KFile-structure" );
1492                                 KQueueRelease( cf -> buffer_pool );
1493 #endif
1494                                 /* TODO: check if we actually need to release cf->local here, since we never attached to it */
1495                                 KFileRelease( cf -> local );
1496                                 KFileRelease( cf -> remote );
1497                                 KDirectoryRelease ( cf -> dir );
1498                             }
1499                         }
1500                         else
1501                         {
1502                             KFileRelease( cf -> remote );
1503                             KDirectoryRelease ( cf -> dir );
1504                         }
1505                     }
1506                     else
1507                         KDirectoryRelease ( cf -> dir );
1508                 }
1509             }
1510         }
1511         free ( cf );
1512         /* if we arrived here, we do not have enough space on the local filesystem */
1513         rc = hand_out_remote_file_as_tee_file( tee, remote );
1514         LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "skipping the cache-tee completely" );
1515     }
1516     return rc;
1517 }
make_read_only_cache_tee(struct KDirectory * self,struct KFile const ** tee,struct KFile const * remote,uint32_t blocksize,const char * path)1519 static rc_t make_read_only_cache_tee( struct KDirectory *self,
1520     struct KFile const **tee, struct KFile const *remote, uint32_t blocksize, const char *path )
1521 {
1522     const struct KFile * local;
1523     rc_t rc = KDirectoryOpenFileRead( self, &local, "%s.cache", path );
1524     if ( rc == 0 )
1525         rc = make_cache_tee( self, tee, remote, ( struct KFile * )local, blocksize, true, false, path );
1526     return rc;
1527 }
1530 static
KDirectoryVMakeCacheTeeInt(struct KDirectory * self,struct KFile const ** tee,struct KFile const * remote,uint32_t blocksize,const char * path,va_list args,bool promote)1531 rc_t KDirectoryVMakeCacheTeeInt ( struct KDirectory *self,
1532     struct KFile const **tee, struct KFile const *remote,
1533     uint32_t blocksize, const char *path, va_list args, bool promote )
1534 {
1535     rc_t rc;
1536     if ( tee == NULL || remote == NULL )
1537         rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcAllocating, rcParam, rcNull );
1538     else
1539     {
1540         if ( self == NULL )
1541             rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcAllocating, rcSelf, rcNull );
1542         else if ( path == NULL )
1543             rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcAllocating, rcPath, rcNull );
1544         else if ( path [ 0 ] == 0 )
1545             rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcAllocating, rcPath, rcEmpty );
1546         else
1547         {
1548             char full [ 4096 ];
1550             rc = KDirectoryVResolvePath ( self, false, full, sizeof full, path, args );
1551             if ( rc != 0 )
1552             {
1553                 PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "cannot resolve path of cache file '$(path)'",
1554                         "path=%s", full ) );
1555             }
1556             else
1557             {
1558                 if ( rc == 0 )
1559                 {
1560                     /* it was possible to aquire the lock on the cache-file */
1561                     struct KFile * local;
1562                     rc = KDirectoryOpenFileSharedWrite( self, &local, true, "%s.cache", full );
1563                     if ( rc == 0 )
1564                     {
1565                         /* we have the exclusive rd/wr access to the cache file !*/
1566                         rc = make_cache_tee( self, tee, remote, local, blocksize, false, promote, full );
1567                     }
1568                     else if ( GetRCState( rc ) == rcNotFound )
1569                     {
1570                         rc = KDirectoryCreateFile( self, &local, true,
1571                             0664, kcmOpen | kcmParents, "%s.cache", full );
1572                         if ( rc == 0 )
1573                         {
1574                             /* we have the exclusive rd/wr access to the cache file !*/
1575                             rc = make_cache_tee( self, tee, remote, local, blocksize, false, promote, full );
1576                         }
1577                     }
1578                     else
1579                     {
1580                         /* we do not have the exclusive rd/wr access to the cache file !*/
1581                         rc = make_read_only_cache_tee( self, tee, remote, blocksize, full );
1582                     }
1583                 }
1584                 else if ( GetRCState ( rc ) == rcBusy )
1585                 {
1586                     /* it was NOT possible to aquire the lock on the cache-file */
1587                     rc = make_read_only_cache_tee( self, tee, remote, blocksize, full );
1588                 }
1589                 else
1590                 {
1591                     PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "cannot create lock-file '$(path).cache.lock'",
1592                             "path=%s", full ) );
1593                 }
1594             }
1595         }
1596     }
1597     return rc;
1598 }
KDirectoryVMakeCacheTee(struct KDirectory * self,struct KFile const ** tee,struct KFile const * remote,uint32_t blocksize,const char * path,va_list args)1601 LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC KDirectoryVMakeCacheTee ( struct KDirectory *self,
1602     struct KFile const **tee, struct KFile const *remote,
1603     uint32_t blocksize, const char *path, va_list args )
1604 {
1605     return KDirectoryVMakeCacheTeeInt ( self, tee, remote, blocksize, path, args, false );
1606 }
KDirectoryMakeCacheTee(struct KDirectory * self,struct KFile const ** tee,struct KFile const * remote,uint32_t blocksize,const char * path,...)1609 LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC KDirectoryMakeCacheTee ( struct KDirectory *self,
1610     struct KFile const **tee, struct KFile const *remote,
1611     uint32_t blocksize, const char *path, ... )
1612 {
1613     rc_t rc;
1614     va_list args;
1615     va_start ( args, path );
1617     rc = KDirectoryVMakeCacheTee ( self, tee, remote, blocksize, path, args );
1619     va_end ( args );
1621     return rc;
1622 }
KDirectoryVMakeCacheTeePromote(struct KDirectory * self,struct KFile const ** tee,struct KFile const * remote,uint32_t blocksize,const char * path,va_list args)1625 LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC KDirectoryVMakeCacheTeePromote ( struct KDirectory *self,
1626     struct KFile const **tee, struct KFile const *remote,
1627     uint32_t blocksize, const char *path, va_list args )
1628 {
1629     return KDirectoryVMakeCacheTeeInt ( self, tee, remote, blocksize, path, args, true );
1630 }
KDirectoryMakeCacheTeePromote(struct KDirectory * self,struct KFile const ** tee,struct KFile const * remote,uint32_t blocksize,const char * path,...)1633 LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC KDirectoryMakeCacheTeePromote ( struct KDirectory *self,
1634     struct KFile const **tee, struct KFile const *remote,
1635     uint32_t blocksize, const char *path, ... )
1636 {
1637     rc_t rc;
1638     va_list args;
1639     va_start ( args, path );
1641     rc = KDirectoryVMakeCacheTeePromote ( self, tee, remote, blocksize, path, args );
1643     va_end ( args );
1645     return rc;
1646 }
count_bits_in_bitmap(const uint64_t block_count,const uint64_t bitmap_bytes,const atomic32_t * bitmap)1650 static uint64_t count_bits_in_bitmap( const uint64_t block_count, const uint64_t bitmap_bytes, const atomic32_t * bitmap )
1651 {
1652     uint64_t res = 0;
1653     uint64_t idx;
1654     for ( idx = 0; idx < block_count; ++idx )
1655     {
1656         if ( IS_BITMAP_BIT( bitmap, idx ) )
1657             res++;
1658     }
1659     return res;
1660 }
1661 #else
count_bits_in_bitmap(const uint64_t block_count,const uint64_t bitmap_bytes,const uint8_t volatile * bitmap)1662 static uint64_t count_bits_in_bitmap( const uint64_t block_count, const uint64_t bitmap_bytes, const uint8_t volatile * bitmap )
1663 {
1664     uint64_t res = 0;
1665     uint64_t idx;
1666     for ( idx = 0; idx < block_count; ++idx )
1667     {
1668         if ( IS_BITMAP_BIT( bitmap, idx ) )
1669             res++;
1670     }
1671     return res;
1672 }
1673 #endif
GetCacheCompleteness(const struct KFile * self,float * percent,uint64_t * bytes_in_cache)1675 LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC GetCacheCompleteness( const struct KFile * self, float * percent, uint64_t * bytes_in_cache )
1676 {
1677     rc_t rc;
1678     if ( self == NULL )
1679         rc = RC( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcSelf, rcNull );
1680     else
1681     {
1682         uint64_t local_size;
1683         if ( percent != NULL ) *percent = 0;
1684         if ( bytes_in_cache != NULL ) *bytes_in_cache = 0;
1685         rc = KFileSize( self, &local_size );
1686         if ( rc != 0 )
1687         {
1688             LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot detect filesize when checking if cached file is complete" );
1689         }
1690         else
1691         {
1692             uint32_t block_size;
1693             rc = read_block_size( self, local_size, &block_size );
1694             if ( rc == 0 )
1695             {
1696                 uint64_t content_size;
1697                 rc = read_content_size( self, local_size, &content_size );
1698                 /* create bitmap buffer */
1699                 if ( rc == 0 )
1700                 {
1701                     uint64_t block_count;
1702                     uint64_t bitmap_bytes;
1703                     rc = verify_file_structure( local_size, block_size, content_size, &block_count, &bitmap_bytes );
1704                     if ( rc == 0 )
1705                     {
1707                         atomic32_t * bitmap = NULL;
1708 #else
1709                         uint8_t volatile * bitmap = NULL;
1710 #endif
1711                         rc = create_bitmap_buffer( &bitmap, bitmap_bytes );
1712                         if ( rc == 0 )
1713                         {
1714                             size_t num_read;
1715                             /* read the bitmap into the memory ... */
1716                             rc = KFileReadAll ( self, content_size, ( void * ) bitmap, bitmap_bytes, &num_read );
1717                             if ( rc != 0 )
1718                             {
1719                                 LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot read bitmap from local file" );
1720                             }
1721                             else if ( num_read != bitmap_bytes )
1722                             {
1723                                 rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid );
1724                                 PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "cannot read $(ls) bitmap-bytes from local file, read $(rs) instead",
1725                                                "ls=%lu,rs=%lu", bitmap_bytes, num_read ));
1726                             }
1727                         }
1728                         if ( rc == 0 )
1729                         {
1730                             uint64_t in_cache = count_bits_in_bitmap( block_count, bitmap_bytes, bitmap );
1731                             if ( in_cache > 0 && block_count > 0 )
1732                             {
1733                                 float res = ( float ) in_cache;
1734                                 res *= 100;
1735                                 res /= block_count;
1736                                 if ( percent != NULL ) ( *percent ) = res;
1737                                 if ( bytes_in_cache != NULL ) ( *bytes_in_cache ) = ( in_cache * block_size );
1738                             }
1739                         }
1740                         if ( bitmap != NULL )
1741                             free( ( void * ) bitmap );
1742                     }
1743                 }
1744             }
1745         }
1746     }
1747     return rc;
1748 }
1751 /* -----
1752  * examens the file, and reports the size of the original file ( without the cachefile-footer )
1753  *
1754  */
GetCacheTruncatedSize(const struct KFile * self,uint64_t * truncated_size)1755 LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC GetCacheTruncatedSize( const struct KFile * self, uint64_t * truncated_size )
1756 {
1757     rc_t rc;
1758     if ( self == NULL )
1759         rc = RC( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcSelf, rcNull );
1760     else if ( truncated_size == NULL )
1761         rc = RC( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcParam, rcNull );
1762     else
1763     {
1764         uint64_t local_size;
1765         *truncated_size = 0;
1766         rc = KFileSize( self, &local_size );
1767         if ( rc != 0 )
1768         {
1769             LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot detect filesize when checking if cached file is complete" );
1770         }
1771         /* TODO: need to do a better constant tha a magic number */
1772         else if (local_size < 13)
1773         {
1774             rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcSize, rcInsufficient );
1775             LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot use filesize of zero when checking if cached file is complete" );
1776         }
1777         else
1778         {
1779             uint32_t block_size;
1780             rc = read_block_size( self, local_size, &block_size );
1781             if ( rc == 0 )
1782             {
1783                 uint64_t content_size;
1784                 rc = read_content_size( self, local_size, &content_size );
1785                 if ( rc == 0 )
1786                 {
1787                     uint64_t block_count, bitmap_bytes;
1788                     rc = verify_file_structure( local_size, block_size, content_size, &block_count, &bitmap_bytes );
1789                     if ( rc == 0 )
1790                     {
1791                         *truncated_size = content_size;
1792                     }
1793                 }
1794             }
1795         }
1796     }
1797     return rc;
1798 }
Has_Cache_Zero_Blocks(const struct KFile * self,uint64_t * checked_blocks,uint64_t * empty_blocks)1800 LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC Has_Cache_Zero_Blocks( const struct KFile * self, uint64_t * checked_blocks, uint64_t * empty_blocks )
1801 {
1802     rc_t rc;
1803     if ( self == NULL )
1804         rc = RC( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcSelf, rcNull );
1805     else if ( checked_blocks == NULL || empty_blocks == NULL )
1806         rc = RC( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcParam, rcNull );
1807     else
1808     {
1809         uint64_t local_size;
1810         *checked_blocks = 0;
1811         *empty_blocks = 0;
1812         rc = KFileSize( self, &local_size );
1813         if ( rc != 0 )
1814         {
1815             LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot detect filesize when checking if cached file is complete" );
1816         }
1817         else
1818         {
1819             uint32_t block_size;
1820             rc = read_block_size( self, local_size, &block_size );
1821             if ( rc == 0 )
1822             {
1823                 uint64_t content_size;
1824                 rc = read_content_size( self, local_size, &content_size );
1825                 /* create bitmap buffer */
1826                 if ( rc == 0 )
1827                 {
1828                     uint64_t block_count;
1829                     uint64_t bitmap_bytes;
1830                     rc = verify_file_structure( local_size, block_size, content_size, &block_count, &bitmap_bytes );
1831                     if ( rc == 0 )
1832                     {
1834                         atomic32_t * bitmap = NULL;
1835 #else
1836                         uint8_t volatile * bitmap = NULL;
1837 #endif
1838                         rc = create_bitmap_buffer( &bitmap, bitmap_bytes );
1839                         if ( rc == 0 )
1840                         {
1841                             size_t num_read;
1842                             /* read the bitmap into the memory ... */
1843                             rc = KFileReadAll ( self, content_size, ( void * ) bitmap, bitmap_bytes, &num_read );
1844                             if ( rc != 0 )
1845                             {
1846                                 LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot read bitmap from local file" );
1847                             }
1848                             else if ( num_read != bitmap_bytes )
1849                             {
1850                                 rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid );
1851                                 PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "cannot read $(ls) bitmap-bytes from local file, read $(rs) instead",
1852                                                "ls=%lu,rs=%lu", bitmap_bytes, num_read ));
1853                             }
1854                         }
1855                         if ( rc == 0 )
1856                         {
1857                             /* loop through the bitmap for each bit set verify that the corresponding block is not zero */
1858                             uint8_t * buffer = malloc( block_size );
1859                             if ( buffer != NULL )
1860                             {
1861                                 uint64_t idx;
1862                                 for ( idx = 0; idx < block_count && rc == 0; ++idx )
1863                                 {
1864                                     if ( IS_BITMAP_BIT( bitmap, idx ) )
1865                                     {
1866                                         size_t num_read;
1867                                         rc = KFileReadAll ( self, idx * block_size, buffer, block_size, &num_read );
1868                                         if ( rc == 0 )
1869                                         {
1870                                             ( *checked_blocks )++;
1871                                             if ( num_read > 0 )
1872                                             {
1873                                                 size_t i, n;
1874                                                 for ( i = 0, n = 0; i < num_read; ++i )
1875                                                     if ( buffer[ i ] != 0 ) n++;
1876                                                 if ( n == num_read ) ( * empty_blocks )++;
1877                                             }
1878                                         }
1879                                     }
1880                                 }
1881                                 free( buffer );
1882                             }
1883                         }
1884                         if ( bitmap != NULL )
1885                             free( ( void * ) bitmap );
1886                     }
1887                 }
1888             }
1889         }
1891     }
1892     return rc;
1893 }
1896 /* -----
1897  * reports in the boolean if the file is a cachetoofile and it is complete...
1898  *
1899  * KFile is the struct returned by KDirectoryMakeCacheTee()..
1900  */
IsCacheTeeComplete(const struct KFile * self,bool * complete)1901 LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC IsCacheTeeComplete( const struct KFile * self, bool * complete )
1902 {
1903     rc_t rc = 0;
1904     if ( self == NULL || complete == NULL )
1905         rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcParam, rcNull );
1906     else
1907     {
1908         if ( &self->vt->v1 != &vtKCacheTeeFile )
1909             rc = RC ( rcFS, rcFile, rcValidating, rcParam, rcInvalid );
1910         else
1911         {
1912             struct KCacheTeeFile * ctf = ( struct KCacheTeeFile * )self;
1913             *complete = is_bitmap_full( ctf->bitmap, ctf->bitmap_bytes, ctf->block_count );
1914         }
1915     }
1916     return rc;
1917 }
KFileIsKCacheTeeFile(const struct KFile * self)1919 LIB_EXPORT bool CC KFileIsKCacheTeeFile( const struct KFile * self )
1920 {
1921     return self != NULL && &self->vt->v1 == &vtKCacheTeeFile;
1922 }