1 #ifndef __PLINK2_ADJUST_H__
2 #define __PLINK2_ADJUST_H__
4 // This file is part of PLINK 2.00, copyright (C) 2005-2020 Shaun Purcell,
5 // Christopher Chang.
6 //
7 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
9 // Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
10 // any later version.
11 //
12 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
15 // more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 // along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 #include "plink2_common.h"
23 #ifdef __cplusplus
24 namespace plink2 {
25 #endif
28   kfAdjust0,
29   kfAdjustGc = (1 << 0),
30   kfAdjustLog10 = (1 << 1),
31   kfAdjustZs = (1 << 2),
32   kfAdjustInputLog10 = (1 << 3),
34   kfAdjustColChrom = (1 << 4),
35   kfAdjustColPos = (1 << 5),
36   kfAdjustColRef = (1 << 6),
37   kfAdjustColAlt1 = (1 << 7),
38   kfAdjustColAlt = (1 << 8),
39   kfAdjustColA1 = (1 << 9),
40   kfAdjustColUnadj = (1 << 10),
41   kfAdjustColGc = (1 << 11),
42   kfAdjustColQq = (1 << 12),
43   kfAdjustColBonf = (1 << 13),
44   kfAdjustColHolm = (1 << 14),
45   kfAdjustColSidakss = (1 << 15),
46   kfAdjustColSidaksd = (1 << 16),
47   kfAdjustColFdrbh = (1 << 17),
48   kfAdjustColFdrby = (1 << 18),
49   kfAdjustColDefault = (kfAdjustColChrom | kfAdjustColA1 | kfAdjustColUnadj | kfAdjustColGc | kfAdjustColBonf | kfAdjustColHolm | kfAdjustColSidakss | kfAdjustColSidaksd | kfAdjustColFdrbh | kfAdjustColFdrby),
50   kfAdjustColAll = ((kfAdjustColFdrby * 2) - kfAdjustColChrom)
51 FLAGSET_DEF_END(AdjustFlags);
53 typedef struct AdjustInfoStruct {
54   AdjustFlags flags;
55   double lambda;
56 } AdjustInfo;
58 typedef struct AdjustFileInfoStruct {
59   NONCOPYABLE(AdjustFileInfoStruct);
60   AdjustInfo base;
61   char* fname;
62   char* test_name;
63   char* chr_field;
64   char* pos_field;
65   char* id_field;
66   char* ref_field;
67   char* alt_field;
68   char* a1_field;
69   char* test_field;
70   char* p_field;
71   char* chisq_field;
72 } AdjustFileInfo;
74 void InitAdjust(AdjustInfo* adjust_info_ptr, AdjustFileInfo* adjust_file_info_ptr);
76 void CleanupAdjust(AdjustFileInfo* adjust_file_info_ptr);
78 PglErr Multcomp(const uintptr_t* variant_include, const ChrInfo* cip, const char* const* chr_ids, const uint32_t* variant_bps, const char* const* variant_ids, const uintptr_t* allele_include, const uintptr_t* allele_idx_offsets, const char* const* allele_storage, const char* const* loaded_a1, const AdjustInfo* adjust_info_ptr, const double* ln_pvals, const double* chisqs, uintptr_t orig_allele_ct, uint32_t max_allele_slen, double ln_pfilter, double output_min_ln, uint32_t skip_gc, uint32_t max_thread_ct, char* outname, char* outname_end);
80 PglErr AdjustFile(const AdjustFileInfo* afip, double ln_pfilter, double output_min_ln, uint32_t max_thread_ct, char* outname, char* outname_end);
82 #ifdef __cplusplus
83 }  // namespace plink2
84 #endif
86 #endif  // __PLINK2_ADJUST_H__