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README.mdH A D07-Sep-2021627 138

create_sedml.javaH A D07-Sep-20215.7 KiB174104

echo_sedml.javaH A D07-Sep-20212.3 KiB6624

print_sedml.javaH A D07-Sep-20215.2 KiB13589


1## Java LibSedML Examples
3Examples in this folder contain basic C++ examples that demonstrate the use of the libSedML library using C++. The following examples are present:
5### echo_sedml.java
6This basic example, just echos a SED-ML document, reading it and writing it again. It takes two arguments, an input file and the output file.
8### create_sedml.java
9This example constructs an SED-ML document using the C++ API. It takes one argument, the output file name.
11### print_sedml.java
12This example loads a given SED-ML document and prints an overview of its contents. It takes one argument, the SED-ML document to open.