1 /**
2  * @file SedError.h
3  * @brief Definition of the SedError class.
4  * @author DEVISER
5  *
6  * <!--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7  * This file is part of libSEDML. Please visit http://sed-ml.org for more
8  * information about SED-ML. The latest version of libSEDML can be found on
9  * github: https://github.com/fbergmann/libSEDML/
10  *
12  * Copyright (c) 2013-2019, Frank T. Bergmann
13  * All rights reserved.
14  *
16  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
17  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
18  *
20  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
21  * this
22  * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
23  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
24  * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
25  * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
26  *
27  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
28  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
29  * Free Software Foundation. A copy of the license agreement is provided in the
30  * file named "LICENSE.txt" included with this software distribution and also
31  * available online as http://sbml.org/software/libsbml/license.html
32  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
33  */
36 #ifndef SedError_h
37 #define SedError_h
39 #include <sedml/common/extern.h>
40 #include <sbml/xml/XMLError.h>
41 #include <sedml/SedNamespaces.h>
47 /**
48  * @enum SedErrorCode_t
49  * Codes for all SEDML-level errors and warnings from the core specification.
50  */
51 typedef enum
52 {
53   SedUnknown                      = 10000 /*!< Encountered unknown internal libSEDML error. */
54 , SedNotUTF8                               = 10001 /*!< File does not use UTF-8 encoding. */
55 , SedUnrecognizedElement                   = 10002 /*!< Encountered unrecognized element. */
56 , SedNotSchemaConformant                   = 10003 /*!< Document does not conform to the SED-ML XML schema. */
57 , SedInvalidMathElement                    = 10201
58 , SedMissingAnnotationNamespace            = 10401 /*!< Missing declaration of the XML namespace for the annotation. */
59 , SedDuplicateAnnotationNamespaces         = 10402 /*!< Multiple annotations using the same XML namespace. */
60 , SedNamespaceInAnnotation             = 10403 /*!< The SED-ML XML namespace cannot be used in an Annotation object. */
61 , SedMultipleAnnotations                   = 10404 /*!< Only one Annotation object is permitted under a given SED-ML object. */
62 , SedAnnotationNotElement                  = 10405
63 , SedNotesNotInXHTMLNamespace              = 10801 /*!< Notes must be placed in the XHTML XML namespace. */
64 , SedNotesContainsXMLDecl                  = 10802 /*!< XML declarations are not permitted in Notes objects. */
65 , SedNotesContainsDOCTYPE                  = 10803 /*!< XML DOCTYPE elements are not permitted in Notes objects. */
66 , SedInvalidNotesContent                   = 10804 /*!< Invalid notes content found. */
67 , SedOnlyOneNotesElementAllowed            = 10805 /*!< Only one Notes subobject is permitted on a given SED-ML object. */
68 , SedmlNSUndeclared      = 10101
69 , SedmlElementNotInNs      = 10102
70 , SedmlDuplicateComponentId      = 10301
71 , SedmlIdSyntaxRule      = 10302
72 , SedInvalidMetaidSyntax      = 10303
73 , InvalidNamespaceOnSed      = 20101
74 , SedAllowedAttributes      = 20102
75 , SedEmptyListElement      = 20103
76 , SedmlDocumentAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20201
77 , SedmlDocumentAllowedCoreElements      = 20202
78 , SedmlDocumentAllowedAttributes      = 20203
79 , SedmlDocumentAllowedElements      = 20204
80 , SedmlDocumentLevelMustBeNonNegativeInteger      = 20205
81 , SedmlDocumentVersionMustBeNonNegativeInteger      = 20206
82 , SedmlDocumentLODataDescriptionsAllowedCoreElements      = 20207
83 , SedmlDocumentLOModelsAllowedCoreElements      = 20208
84 , SedmlDocumentLOSimulationsAllowedCoreElements      = 20209
85 , SedmlDocumentLOTasksAllowedCoreElements      = 20210
86 , SedmlDocumentLODataGeneratorsAllowedCoreElements      = 20211
87 , SedmlDocumentLOOutputsAllowedCoreElements      = 20212
88 , SedmlDocumentLOStylesAllowedCoreElements      = 20213
89 , SedmlDocumentLODataDescriptionsAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20214
90 , SedmlDocumentLOModelsAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20215
91 , SedmlDocumentLOSimulationsAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20216
92 , SedmlDocumentLOTasksAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20217
93 , SedmlDocumentLODataGeneratorsAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20218
94 , SedmlDocumentLOOutputsAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20219
95 , SedmlDocumentLOStylesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20220
96 , SedmlDocumentLOAlgorithmParametersAllowedCoreElements = 20221
97 , SedmlDocumentLOAlgorithmParametersAllowedCoreAttributes = 20222
98 , SedmlModelAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20301
99 , SedmlModelAllowedCoreElements      = 20302
100 , SedmlModelAllowedAttributes      = 20303
101 , SedmlModelAllowedElements      = 20304
102 , SedmlModelSourceMustBeString      = 20305
103 , SedmlModelNameMustBeString      = 20306
104 , SedmlModelLanguageMustBeString      = 20307
105 , SedmlModelLOChangesAllowedCoreElements      = 20308
106 , SedmlModelLOChangesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20309
107 , SedmlChangeAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20401
108 , SedmlChangeAllowedCoreElements      = 20402
109 , SedmlChangeAllowedAttributes      = 20403
110 , SedmlChangeTargetMustBeString      = 20404
111 , SedmlAddXMLAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20501
112 , SedmlAddXMLAllowedCoreElements      = 20502
113 , SedmlAddXMLAllowedElements      = 20503
114 , SedmlChangeAttributeAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20601
115 , SedmlChangeAttributeAllowedCoreElements      = 20602
116 , SedmlChangeAttributeAllowedAttributes      = 20603
117 , SedmlChangeAttributeNewValueMustBeString      = 20604
118 , SedmlVariableAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20701
119 , SedmlVariableAllowedCoreElements      = 20702
120 , SedmlVariableAllowedAttributes      = 20703
121 , SedmlVariableAllowedElements      = 20704
122 , SedmlVariableSymbolMustBeString      = 20705
123 , SedmlVariableTargetMustBeString      = 20706
124 , SedmlVariableTaskReferenceMustBeAbstractTask      = 20707
125 , SedmlVariableModelReferenceMustBeModel      = 20708
126 , SedmlVariableTermMustBeString      = 20709
127 , SedmlVariableSymbol2MustBeString      = 20710
128 , SedmlVariableTarget2MustBeString      = 20711
129 , SedmlVariableDimensionTermMustBeString      = 20712
130 , SedmlVariableLOAppliedDimensionsAllowedCoreElements      = 20713
131 , SedmlVariableLOAppliedDimensionsAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20714
132 , SedmlVariableNameMustBeString = 20715
133 , SedmlParameterAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20801
134 , SedmlParameterAllowedCoreElements      = 20802
135 , SedmlParameterAllowedAttributes      = 20803
136 , SedmlParameterValueMustBeDouble      = 20804
137 , SedmlParameterNameMustBeString      = 20805
138 , SedmlSimulationAllowedCoreAttributes      = 20901
139 , SedmlSimulationAllowedCoreElements      = 20902
140 , SedmlSimulationAllowedAttributes      = 20903
141 , SedmlSimulationAllowedElements      = 20904
142 , SedmlSimulationNameMustBeString      = 20905
143 , SedmlUniformTimeCourseAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21001
144 , SedmlUniformTimeCourseAllowedCoreElements      = 21002
145 , SedmlUniformTimeCourseAllowedAttributes      = 21003
146 , SedmlUniformTimeCourseInitialTimeMustBeDouble      = 21004
147 , SedmlUniformTimeCourseOutputStartTimeMustBeDouble      = 21005
148 , SedmlUniformTimeCourseOutputEndTimeMustBeDouble      = 21006
149 , SedmlUniformTimeCourseNumberOfPointsMustBeInteger      = 21007
150 , SedmlUniformTimeCourseNumberOfStepsMustBeInteger      = 21008
151 , SedmlAlgorithmAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21101
152 , SedmlAlgorithmAllowedCoreElements      = 21102
153 , SedmlAlgorithmAllowedAttributes      = 21103
154 , SedmlAlgorithmAllowedElements      = 21104
155 , SedmlAlgorithmKisaoIDMustBeString      = 21105
156 , SedmlAlgorithmLOAlgorithmParametersAllowedCoreElements      = 21106
157 , SedmlAlgorithmLOAlgorithmParametersAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21107
158 , SedmlAbstractTaskAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21201
159 , SedmlAbstractTaskAllowedCoreElements      = 21202
160 , SedmlAbstractTaskAllowedAttributes      = 21203
161 , SedmlAbstractTaskNameMustBeString      = 21204
162 , SedmlTaskAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21301
163 , SedmlTaskAllowedCoreElements      = 21302
164 , SedmlTaskAllowedAttributes      = 21303
165 , SedmlTaskModelReferenceMustBeModel      = 21304
166 , SedmlTaskSimulationReferenceMustBeSimulation      = 21305
167 , SedmlDataGeneratorAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21401
168 , SedmlDataGeneratorAllowedCoreElements      = 21402
169 , SedmlDataGeneratorAllowedAttributes      = 21403
170 , SedmlDataGeneratorAllowedElements      = 21404
171 , SedmlDataGeneratorNameMustBeString      = 21405
172 , SedmlDataGeneratorLOVariablesAllowedCoreElements      = 21406
173 , SedmlDataGeneratorLOParametersAllowedCoreElements      = 21407
174 , SedmlDataGeneratorLOVariablesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21408
175 , SedmlDataGeneratorLOParametersAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21409
176 , SedmlOutputAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21501
177 , SedmlOutputAllowedCoreElements      = 21502
178 , SedmlOutputAllowedAttributes      = 21503
179 , SedmlOutputNameMustBeString      = 21504
180 , SedmlPlotAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21601
181 , SedmlPlotAllowedCoreElements      = 21602
182 , SedmlPlotAllowedAttributes      = 21603
183 , SedmlPlotAllowedElements      = 21604
184 , SedmlPlotLegendMustBeBoolean      = 21605
185 , SedmlPlotHeightMustBeDouble      = 21606
186 , SedmlPlotWidthMustBeDouble      = 21607
187 , SedmlPlot2DAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21701
188 , SedmlPlot2DAllowedCoreElements      = 21702
189 , SedmlPlot2DAllowedElements      = 21703
190 , SedmlPlot2DLOCurvesAllowedCoreElements      = 21704
191 , SedmlPlot2DLOCurvesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21705
192 , SedmlPlot3DAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21801
193 , SedmlPlot3DAllowedCoreElements      = 21802
194 , SedmlPlot3DAllowedElements      = 21803
195 , SedmlPlot3DLOSurfacesAllowedCoreElements      = 21804
196 , SedmlPlot3DLOSurfacesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21805
197 , SedmlAbstractCurveAllowedCoreAttributes      = 21901
198 , SedmlAbstractCurveAllowedCoreElements      = 21902
199 , SedmlAbstractCurveAllowedAttributes      = 21903
200 , SedmlAbstractCurveNameMustBeString      = 21904
201 , SedmlAbstractCurveLogXMustBeBoolean      = 21905
202 , SedmlAbstractCurveOrderMustBeInteger      = 21906
203 , SedmlAbstractCurveStyleMustBeStyle      = 21907
204 , SedmlAbstractCurveYAxisMustBeString      = 21908
205 , SedmlAbstractCurveXDataReferenceMustBeDataReference      = 21909
206 , SedmlCurveAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22001
207 , SedmlCurveAllowedCoreElements      = 22002
208 , SedmlCurveAllowedAttributes      = 22003
209 , SedmlCurveYDataReferenceMustBeDataGenerator      = 22004
210 , SedmlCurveLogYMustBeBoolean      = 22005
211 , SedmlCurveTypeMustBeCurveTypeEnum      = 22006
212 , SedmlCurveXErrorUpperMustBeDataGenerator      = 22007
213 , SedmlCurveXErrorLowerMustBeDataGenerator      = 22008
214 , SedmlCurveYErrorUpperMustBeDataGenerator      = 22009
215 , SedmlCurveYErrorLowerMustBeDataGenerator      = 22010
216 , SedmlSurfaceAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22101
217 , SedmlSurfaceAllowedCoreElements      = 22102
218 , SedmlSurfaceAllowedAttributes      = 22103
219 , SedmlSurfaceZDataReferenceMustBeDataGenerator      = 22104
220 , SedmlSurfaceNameMustBeString      = 22105
221 , SedmlSurfaceXDataReferenceMustBeDataGenerator      = 22106
222 , SedmlSurfaceYDataReferenceMustBeDataGenerator      = 22107
223 , SedmlSurfaceTypeMustBeSurfaceTypeEnum      = 22108
224 , SedmlSurfaceStyleMustBeStyle      = 22109
225 , SedmlSurfaceLogXMustBeBoolean      = 22110
226 , SedmlSurfaceLogYMustBeBoolean      = 22111
227 , SedmlSurfaceLogZMustBeBoolean      = 22112
228 , SedmlSurfaceOrderMustBeInteger      = 22113
229 , SedmlDataSetAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22201
230 , SedmlDataSetAllowedCoreElements      = 22202
231 , SedmlDataSetAllowedAttributes      = 22203
232 , SedmlDataSetLabelMustBeString      = 22204
233 , SedmlDataSetDataReferenceMustBeDataGenerator      = 22205
234 , SedmlDataSetNameMustBeString      = 22206
235 , SedmlReportAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22301
236 , SedmlReportAllowedCoreElements      = 22302
237 , SedmlReportAllowedElements      = 22303
238 , SedmlReportLODataSetsAllowedCoreElements      = 22304
239 , SedmlReportLODataSetsAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22305
240 , SedmlAlgorithmParameterAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22401
241 , SedmlAlgorithmParameterAllowedCoreElements      = 22402
242 , SedmlAlgorithmParameterAllowedAttributes      = 22403
243 , SedmlAlgorithmParameterAllowedElements      = 22404
244 , SedmlAlgorithmParameterKisaoIDMustBeString      = 22405
245 , SedmlAlgorithmParameterValueMustBeString      = 22406
246 , SedmlAlgorithmParameterLOAlgorithmParametersAllowedCoreElements      = 22407
247 , SedmlAlgorithmParameterLOAlgorithmParametersAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22408
248 , SedmlRangeAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22501
249 , SedmlRangeAllowedCoreElements      = 22502
250 , SedmlRangeAllowedAttributes      = 22503
251 , SedmlChangeXMLAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22601
252 , SedmlChangeXMLAllowedCoreElements      = 22602
253 , SedmlChangeXMLAllowedElements      = 22603
254 , SedmlRemoveXMLAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22701
255 , SedmlRemoveXMLAllowedCoreElements      = 22702
256 , SedmlSetValueAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22801
257 , SedmlSetValueAllowedCoreElements      = 22802
258 , SedmlSetValueAllowedAttributes      = 22803
259 , SedmlSetValueAllowedElements      = 22804
260 , SedmlSetValueModelReferenceMustBeModel      = 22805
261 , SedmlSetValueSymbolMustBeString      = 22806
262 , SedmlSetValueTargetMustBeString      = 22807
263 , SedmlSetValueRangeMustBeRange      = 22808
264 , SedmlUniformRangeAllowedCoreAttributes      = 22901
265 , SedmlUniformRangeAllowedCoreElements      = 22902
266 , SedmlUniformRangeAllowedAttributes      = 22903
267 , SedmlUniformRangeStartMustBeDouble      = 22904
268 , SedmlUniformRangeEndMustBeDouble      = 22905
269 , SedmlUniformRangeNumberOfPointsMustBeInteger      = 22906
270 , SedmlUniformRangeTypeMustBeString      = 22907
271 , SedmlVectorRangeAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23001
272 , SedmlVectorRangeAllowedCoreElements      = 23002
273 , SedmlVectorRangeAllowedAttributes      = 23003
274 , SedmlVectorRangeValueMustBeString      = 23004
275 , SedmlFunctionalRangeAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23101
276 , SedmlFunctionalRangeAllowedCoreElements      = 23102
277 , SedmlFunctionalRangeAllowedAttributes      = 23103
278 , SedmlFunctionalRangeAllowedElements      = 23104
279 , SedmlFunctionalRangeRangeMustBeRange      = 23105
280 , SedmlFunctionalRangeLOVariablesAllowedCoreElements      = 23106
281 , SedmlFunctionalRangeLOParametersAllowedCoreElements      = 23107
282 , SedmlFunctionalRangeLOVariablesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23108
283 , SedmlFunctionalRangeLOParametersAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23109
284 , SedmlSubTaskAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23201
285 , SedmlSubTaskAllowedCoreElements      = 23202
286 , SedmlSubTaskAllowedAttributes      = 23203
287 , SedmlSubTaskOrderMustBeInteger      = 23204
288 , SedmlSubTaskTaskMustBeAbstractTask      = 23205
289 , SedmlSubTaskAllowedElements           = 23206
290 , SedmlOneStepAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23301
291 , SedmlOneStepAllowedCoreElements      = 23302
292 , SedmlOneStepAllowedAttributes      = 23303
293 , SedmlOneStepStepMustBeDouble      = 23304
294 , SedmlSteadyStateAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23401
295 , SedmlSteadyStateAllowedCoreElements      = 23402
296 , SedmlAnalysisAllowedCoreAttributes = 23403
297 , SedmlAnalysisAllowedCoreElements = 23404
298 , SedmlRepeatedTaskAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23501
299 , SedmlRepeatedTaskAllowedCoreElements      = 23502
300 , SedmlRepeatedTaskAllowedAttributes      = 23503
301 , SedmlRepeatedTaskAllowedElements      = 23504
302 , SedmlRepeatedTaskRangeMustBeRange      = 23505
303 , SedmlRepeatedTaskResetModelMustBeBoolean      = 23506
304 , SedmlRepeatedTaskLORangesAllowedCoreElements      = 23507
305 , SedmlRepeatedTaskLOSetValuesAllowedCoreElements      = 23508
306 , SedmlRepeatedTaskLOSubTasksAllowedCoreElements      = 23509
307 , SedmlRepeatedTaskLORangesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23510
308 , SedmlRepeatedTaskLOSetValuesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23511
309 , SedmlRepeatedTaskLOSubTasksAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23512
310 , SedmlRepeatedTaskConcatenateMustBeBoolean = 23513
311 , SedmlComputeChangeAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23601
312 , SedmlComputeChangeAllowedCoreElements      = 23602
313 , SedmlComputeChangeAllowedElements      = 23603
314 , SedmlComputeChangeLOVariablesAllowedCoreElements      = 23604
315 , SedmlComputeChangeLOParametersAllowedCoreElements      = 23605
316 , SedmlComputeChangeLOVariablesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23606
317 , SedmlComputeChangeLOParametersAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23607
318 , SedmlDataDescriptionAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23701
319 , SedmlDataDescriptionAllowedCoreElements      = 23702
320 , SedmlDataDescriptionAllowedAttributes      = 23703
321 , SedmlDataDescriptionAllowedElements      = 23704
322 , SedmlDataDescriptionNameMustBeString      = 23705
323 , SedmlDataDescriptionFormatMustBeString      = 23706
324 , SedmlDataDescriptionSourceMustBeString      = 23707
325 , SedmlDataDescriptionLODataSourcesAllowedCoreElements      = 23708
326 , SedmlDataDescriptionLODataSourcesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23709
327 , SedmlDataSourceAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23801
328 , SedmlDataSourceAllowedCoreElements      = 23802
329 , SedmlDataSourceAllowedAttributes      = 23803
330 , SedmlDataSourceAllowedElements      = 23804
331 , SedmlDataSourceNameMustBeString      = 23805
332 , SedmlDataSourceIndexSetMustBeSId      = 23806
333 , SedmlDataSourceLOSlicesAllowedCoreElements      = 23807
334 , SedmlDataSourceLOSlicesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23808
335 , SedmlSliceAllowedCoreAttributes      = 23901
336 , SedmlSliceAllowedCoreElements      = 23902
337 , SedmlSliceAllowedAttributes      = 23903
338 , SedmlSliceReferenceMustBeSId      = 23904
339 , SedmlSliceValueMustBeString      = 23905
340 , SedmlSliceIndexMustBeSId      = 23906
341 , SedmlSliceStartIndexMustBeInteger      = 23907
342 , SedmlSliceEndIndexMustBeInteger      = 23908
343 , SedmlParameterEstimationTaskAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24001
344 , SedmlParameterEstimationTaskAllowedCoreElements      = 24002
345 , SedmlParameterEstimationTaskAllowedElements      = 24003
346 , SedmlParameterEstimationTaskLOAdjustableParametersAllowedCoreElements      = 24004
347 , SedmlParameterEstimationTaskLOFitExperimentsAllowedCoreElements      = 24005
348 , SedmlParameterEstimationTaskLOAdjustableParametersAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24006
349 , SedmlParameterEstimationTaskLOFitExperimentsAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24007
350 , SedmlObjectiveAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24101
351 , SedmlObjectiveAllowedCoreElements      = 24102
352 , SedmlLeastSquareObjectiveFunctionAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24201
353 , SedmlLeastSquareObjectiveFunctionAllowedCoreElements      = 24202
354 , SedmlAdjustableParameterAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24301
355 , SedmlAdjustableParameterAllowedCoreElements      = 24302
356 , SedmlAdjustableParameterAllowedAttributes      = 24303
357 , SedmlAdjustableParameterAllowedElements      = 24304
358 , SedmlAdjustableParameterInitialValueMustBeDouble      = 24305
359 , SedmlAdjustableParameterModelReferenceMustBeModel      = 24306
360 , SedmlAdjustableParameterTargetMustBeString      = 24307
361 , SedmlAdjustableParameterLOExperimentReferencesAllowedCoreElements      = 24308
362 , SedmlAdjustableParameterLOExperimentReferencesAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24309
363 , SedmlExperimentReferenceAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24401
364 , SedmlExperimentReferenceAllowedCoreElements      = 24402
365 , SedmlExperimentReferenceAllowedAttributes      = 24403
366 , SedmlExperimentReferenceExperimentIdMustBeFitExperiment      = 24404
367 , SedmlFitExperimentAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24501
368 , SedmlFitExperimentAllowedCoreElements      = 24502
369 , SedmlFitExperimentAllowedAttributes      = 24503
370 , SedmlFitExperimentAllowedElements      = 24504
371 , SedmlFitExperimentTypeMustBeExperimentTypeEnum      = 24505
372 , SedmlFitExperimentLOFitMappingsAllowedCoreElements      = 24506
373 , SedmlFitExperimentLOFitMappingsAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24507
374 , SedmlFitMappingAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24601
375 , SedmlFitMappingAllowedCoreElements      = 24602
376 , SedmlFitMappingAllowedAttributes      = 24603
377 , SedmlFitMappingDataSourceMustBeDataSource      = 24604
378 , SedmlFitMappingTargetMustBeDataGenerator      = 24605
379 , SedmlFitMappingTypeMustBeMappingTypeEnum      = 24606
380 , SedmlFitMappingWeightMustBeDouble      = 24607
381 , SedmlFitMappingPointWeightMustBeDataSource      = 24608
382 , SedmlBoundsAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24701
383 , SedmlBoundsAllowedCoreElements      = 24702
384 , SedmlBoundsAllowedAttributes      = 24703
385 , SedmlBoundsLowerBoundMustBeDouble      = 24704
386 , SedmlBoundsUpperBoundMustBeDouble      = 24705
387 , SedmlBoundsScaleMustBeScaleTypeEnum      = 24706
388 , SedmlFigureAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24801
389 , SedmlFigureAllowedCoreElements      = 24802
390 , SedmlFigureAllowedAttributes      = 24803
391 , SedmlFigureAllowedElements      = 24804
392 , SedmlFigureNumRowsMustBeInteger      = 24805
393 , SedmlFigureNumColsMustBeInteger      = 24806
394 , SedmlFigureLOSubPlotsAllowedCoreElements      = 24807
395 , SedmlFigureLOSubPlotsAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24808
396 , SedmlSubPlotAllowedCoreAttributes      = 24901
397 , SedmlSubPlotAllowedCoreElements      = 24902
398 , SedmlSubPlotAllowedAttributes      = 24903
399 , SedmlSubPlotPlotMustBePlot      = 24904
400 , SedmlSubPlotRowMustBeInteger      = 24905
401 , SedmlSubPlotColMustBeInteger      = 24906
402 , SedmlSubPlotRowSpanMustBeInteger      = 24907
403 , SedmlSubPlotColSpanMustBeInteger      = 24908
404 , SedmlAxisAllowedCoreAttributes      = 25001
405 , SedmlAxisAllowedCoreElements      = 25002
406 , SedmlAxisAllowedAttributes      = 25003
407 , SedmlAxisTypeMustBeAxisTypeEnum      = 25004
408 , SedmlAxisMinMustBeDouble      = 25005
409 , SedmlAxisMaxMustBeDouble      = 25006
410 , SedmlAxisGridMustBeBoolean      = 25007
411 , SedmlAxisStyleMustBeStyle      = 25008
412 , SedmlAxisReverseMustBeBoolean      = 25009
413 , SedmlStyleAllowedCoreAttributes      = 25101
414 , SedmlStyleAllowedCoreElements      = 25102
415 , SedmlStyleAllowedAttributes      = 25103
416 , SedmlStyleAllowedElements      = 25104
417 , SedmlStyleBaseStyleMustBeStyle      = 25105
418 , SedmlLineAllowedCoreAttributes      = 25201
419 , SedmlLineAllowedCoreElements      = 25202
420 , SedmlLineAllowedAttributes      = 25203
421 , SedmlLineTypeMustBeLineTypeEnum      = 25204
422 , SedmlLineColorMustBeString      = 25205
423 , SedmlLineThicknessMustBeDouble      = 25206
424 , SedmlMarkerAllowedCoreAttributes      = 25301
425 , SedmlMarkerAllowedCoreElements      = 25302
426 , SedmlMarkerAllowedAttributes      = 25303
427 , SedmlMarkerSizeMustBeDouble      = 25304
428 , SedmlMarkerTypeMustBeMarkerTypeEnum      = 25305
429 , SedmlMarkerFillMustBeString      = 25306
430 , SedmlMarkerLineColorMustBeString      = 25307
431 , SedmlMarkerLineThicknessMustBeDouble      = 25308
432 , SedmlFillAllowedCoreAttributes      = 25401
433 , SedmlFillAllowedCoreElements      = 25402
434 , SedmlFillAllowedAttributes      = 25403
435 , SedmlFillColorMustBeString      = 25404
436 , SedmlFillSecondColorMustBeString      = 25405
437 , SedmlDependentVariableAllowedCoreAttributes      = 25501
438 , SedmlDependentVariableAllowedCoreElements      = 25502
439 , SedmlDependentVariableAllowedAttributes      = 25503
440 , SedmlDependentVariableTermMustBeString      = 25504
441 , SedmlDependentVariableTarget2MustBeString      = 25505
442 , SedmlDependentVariableSymbol2MustBeString      = 25506
443 , SedmlAppliedDimensionAllowedCoreAttributes      = 25601
444 , SedmlAppliedDimensionAllowedCoreElements      = 25602
445 , SedmlAppliedDimensionAllowedAttributes      = 25603
446 , SedmlAppliedDimensionTargetMustBeSId      = 25604
447 , SedmlAppliedDimensionDimensionTargetMustBeSId      = 25605
448 , SedmlDataRangeAllowedCoreAttributes      = 25701
449 , SedmlDataRangeAllowedCoreElements      = 25702
450 , SedmlDataRangeAllowedAttributes      = 25703
451 , SedmlDataRangeSourceReferenceMustBeSId      = 25704
452 , SedmlShadedAreaAllowedCoreAttributes      = 25901
453 , SedmlShadedAreaAllowedCoreElements      = 25902
454 , SedmlShadedAreaAllowedAttributes      = 25903
455 , SedmlShadedAreaYDataReferenceFromMustBeDataGenerator      = 25904
456 , SedmlShadedAreaYDataReferenceToMustBeDataGenerator      = 25905
457 , SedmlParameterEstimationResultPlotAllowedCoreAttributes      = 26001
458 , SedmlParameterEstimationResultPlotAllowedCoreElements      = 26002
459 , SedmlParameterEstimationResultPlotAllowedAttributes      = 26003
460 , SedmlParameterEstimationResultPlotTaskReferenceMustBeTask      = 26004
461 , SedmlWaterfallPlotAllowedCoreAttributes      = 26101
462 , SedmlWaterfallPlotAllowedCoreElements      = 26102
463 , SedmlWaterfallPlotAllowedAttributes      = 26103
464 , SedmlWaterfallPlotTaskReferenceMustBeTask      = 26104
465 , SedmlParameterEstimationReportAllowedCoreAttributes      = 26201
466 , SedmlParameterEstimationReportAllowedCoreElements      = 26202
467 , SedmlParameterEstimationReportAllowedAttributes      = 26203
468 , SedmlParameterEstimationReportTaskReferenceMustBeTask      = 26204
469 , SedUnknownCoreAttribute                  = 99994 /*!< Encountered an unknown attribute in the SED-ML Core namespace. */
470 , SedCodesUpperBound                   = 99999 /*!< Upper boundary of libSEDML-specific diagnostic codes. */
471 } SedErrorCode_t;
474 /**
475  * @enum SedErrorCategory_t
476  * Category codes for SedError diagnostics.
477  *
478  * Note that these are distinct from XMLError's category codes.  User
479  * programs receiving an SedError object can use this distinction to
480  * check whether the error represents a low-level XML problem or a
481  * SED-ML problem.
482  *
483  * @see #XMLErrorCategory_t
484  */
485 typedef enum
486 {
492     /*!< General SED-ML error  not falling into another category below. */
495     /*!< Category of errors that can occur while validating general SED-ML
496      * constructs. */
499     /*!< Category of errors that can occur while validating symbol
500      * identifiers in a model. */
503     /*!< Category of errors that can occur while validating MathML formulas
504      * in a model.  With respect to the SED-ML specification, these concern
505      * failures in applying the validation rules numbered 102xx in the
506      * Level&nbsp;2 Versions&nbsp;2&ndash;4
507      * and Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;1 specifications. */
510     /*!< Category of errors that can occur while validating libSEDML's
511      * internal representation of SED-ML constructs. (These are tests
512      * performed by libSEDML and do not have equivalent SED-ML validation
513      * rules.)  */
515 } SedErrorCategory_t;
518 /**
519  * @enum SedErrorSeverity_t
520  * Severity codes for SedError diagnostics.
521  *
522  * The only publicly-reported values of this type are the four from #XMLErrorSeverity_t.
523  * All other values are used internally only, with translation of those
524  * codes done in SedError.cpp
525  *
526  * @see XMLErrorSeverity_t
527  */
528 typedef enum
529 {
530   /** @cond doxygenLibsedmlInternal **/
532   /* The following are used internally in SedErrorTable, but publicly,
533    * we only report one of the 4 XMLError_Severity values.  Translation
534    * of the codes is done in SedError.cpp.
535    */
541     /*!< The XML content does not conform to
542      * the relevant version of the SED-ML XML
543      * Schema.  The content is not valid SED-ML. */
546     /*!< The XML content is invalid for some
547      * levels/versions of SED-ML, and while it
548      * may be valid in others, it is something
549      * that is best avoided anyway.  LibSEDML
550      * will issue warnings in those cases it
551      * can recognize. */
554     /*!< This error code is only a placeholder
555      * for errors that have relevance to some
556      * versions of SED-ML but not others. */
558   /** @endcond **/
559 } SedErrorSeverity_t;
564 #ifdef __cplusplus
568 class LIBSEDML_EXTERN SedError : public XMLError
569 {
570 public:
572   /**
573    * Creates a new SedError to report that something occurred during SED-ML
574    * processing.
575    *
576    * When a libSEDML operation on SED-ML content results in a warning, error
577    * or other diagnostic, the issue is reported as an SedError object.
578    * SedError objects have identification numbers to indicate the nature
579    * of the exception.  @if clike These numbers are drawn from
580    * the enumeration <a class="el"
581    * href="#SedErrorCode_t">
582    * SedErrorCode_t</a>.  @endif@if java These numbers are
583    * defined as unsigned integer constants in the file
584    * "libsedmlConstants.html".  See the <a class="el"
585    * href="#SedErrorCode_t">top of this documentation page</a> for a table
586    * listing the possible values and their meanings. @endif@if python These
587    * numbers are defined as unsigned integer constants in the interface
588    * class @link libsedml libsedml@endlink.  See the <a class="el"
589    * href="#SedErrorCode_t">top of this documentation page</a> for a table
590    * listing the possible values and their meanings. @endif@~ The argument
591    * @p errorId to this constructor @em can be (but does not have to be) a
592    * value from this @if clike enumeration. If it @em is a value
593    * from <a class="el" href="#SedErrorCode_t">SedErrorCode_t</a>, the
594    * SedError class assumes the error is a low-level system or SED-ML layer
595    * error and <em>prepends</em> a built-in, predefined error message to
596    * any string passed in the argument @p details to this constructor.  In
597    * addition, all <a class="el"
598    * href="#SedErrorCode_t">SedErrorCode_t</a> errors have associated
599    * values for the @p severity and @p category codes, and these fields are
600    * filled-in as well from the enumerations <a class="el"
601    * href="#SedErrorSeverity_t">SedErrorSeverity_t</a> and <a class="el"
602    * href="#SedErrorCategory_t">SedErrorCategory_t</a>,
603    * respectively. @else set of constants.  If it @em
604    * is one of the predefined error identifiers, the SedError class
605    * assumes the error is a low-level system or SED-ML layer error and
606    * <em>prepends</em> a built-in, predefined error message to any string
607    * passed in the argument @p details to this constructor.  In addition,
608    * all the predefined error identifiers have associated values for the
609    * @p severity and @p category codes, and these fields are filled-in using
610    * the libSEDML defaults for each different error identifier. @endif@~
611    *
612    * If the error identifier @p errorId is a number greater than 99999, the
613    * SedError class assumes the error was generated from another part of
614    * the software and does not do additional filling in of values beyond
615    * the default in the constructor itself.  This allows SedError to serve
616    * as a base class for other errors, such as for user-defined validation
617    * rules (see Validator).  Callers should fill in all the parameters with
618    * suitable values if generating errors with codes greater than 99999 to
619    * make maximum use of the SedError facilities.
620    *
621    * @if clike As mentioned above, there are two other
622    * enumerations, <a class="el"
623    * href="#SedErrorSeverity_t">SedErrorSeverity_t</a> and <a class="el"
624    * href="#SedErrorCategory_t">SedErrorCategory_t</a>, used for indicating
625    * the severity and category of error for the predefined SedError codes.
626    * The values passed in @p severity and @p category override the defaults
627    * assigned based on the error code.  If the value of @p errorId is a
628    * value from <a class="el" href="#SedErrorCode_t">SedErrorCode_t</a>,
629    * callers do not need to fill in @p severity and @p category.
630    * Conversely, if @p errorId is not a value from <a class="el"
631    * href="#SedErrorCode_t">SedErrorCode_t</a>, callers can use other
632    * values (not just those from <a class="el"
633    * href="#SedErrorSeverity_t">SedErrorSeverity_t</a> and <a class="el"
634    * href="#SedErrorCategory_t">SedErrorCategory_t</a>, but their own
635    * special values) for @p severity and
636    * @p category. @else As mentioned above,
637    * there are additional constants defined for <a class="el"
638    * href="#SedErrorSeverity_t">standard severity</a> and <a class="el"
639    * href="#SedErrorCategory_t">standard category</a> codes, and every predefined
640    * error in libSEDML has an associated value for severity and category taken
641    * from these predefined sets.  These constants have symbol names
642    * prefixed with <code>LIBSEDML_SEV_</code> and <code>LIBSEDML_CAT_</code>,
643    * respectively.  If the value of @p errorId is one of the standard error
644    * codes, callers do not need to fill in @p severity and @p category in a
645    * call to this constructor.  Conversely, if @p errorId is not an existing
646    * SEDML-level error code, callers can use other values for @p severity and
647    * @p category. @endif@~
648    *
649    * Please see the top of the documentation for SedError for a longer
650    * discussion of the possible error codes, their meanings, and their
651    * applicability to different combinations of Level+Version of SED-ML.
652    *
653    * @param errorId an unsigned int, the identification number of the error.
654    *
655    * @param level the SED-ML Level of the SED-ML model
656    *
657    * @param version the SED-ML Version within the Level of the SED-ML model
658    *
659    * @param details a string containing additional details about the error.
660    * If the error code in @p errorId is one that is recognized by SedError,
661    * the given message is @em appended to a predefined message associated
662    * with the given code.  If the error code is not recognized, the message
663    * is stored as-is as the text of the error.
664    *
665    * @param line an unsigned int, the line number at which the error occured.
666    *
667    * @param column an unsigned int, the column number at which the error occured.
668    *
669    * @param severity an integer indicating severity of the error.
670    *
671    * @param category an integer indicating the category to which the error
672    * belongs.
673    */
674   SedError
675   (
676      const unsigned int errorId  = 0
677    , const unsigned int level    = SEDML_DEFAULT_LEVEL
678    , const unsigned int version  = SEDML_DEFAULT_VERSION
679    , const std::string& details  = ""
680    , const unsigned int line     = 0
681    , const unsigned int column   = 0
682    , const unsigned int severity = LIBSEDML_SEV_ERROR
683    , const unsigned int category = LIBSEDML_CAT_SEDML
684   );
687   /**
688    * Copy constructor; creates a copy of this SedError.
689    */
690   SedError(const SedError& orig);
692   /**
693    * Destroys this SedError.
694    */
695   virtual ~SedError();
697   SedError& operator=(const SedError& rhs);
699 #ifndef SWIG
701   /** @cond doxygenLibsedmlInternal **/
703   /**
704    * Creates and returns a deep copy of this SedError object.
705    *
706    * @return the (deep) copy of this SedError object.
707    */
708   virtual SedError* clone() const;
710   /**
711    * Outputs this SedError to stream in the following format (and followed
712    * by a newline):
713    *
714    *   line: (error id) message
715    *
716    * @param stream the output stream to write to.
717    */
718   virtual void print(std::ostream& stream) const;
720   /** @endcond **/
722 #endif  /* !SWIG */
724 protected:
725   /** @cond doxygenLibsedmlInternal **/
727   virtual std::string stringForSeverity(unsigned int code) const;
728   virtual std::string stringForCategory(unsigned int code) const;
730   /** @endcond **/
731 };
735 #endif  /* __cplusplus */
736 #endif /* SedError_h */