1 /**
2  * @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal
3  *
4  * @file    ModelingPracticeConstraints.cpp
5  * @brief   ModelingPractice check constraints.
6  * @author  Sarah Keating
7  *
8  * <!--------------------------------------------------------------------------
9  * This file is part of libSBML.  Please visit http://sbml.org for more
10  * information about SBML, and the latest version of libSBML.
11  *
12  * Copyright (C) 2020 jointly by the following organizations:
13  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
14  *     2. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
15  *     3. University College London, London, UK
16  *
17  * Copyright (C) 2019 jointly by the following organizations:
18  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
19  *     2. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
20  *
21  * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 jointly by the following organizations:
22  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
23  *     2. EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, UK
24  *     3. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
25  *
26  * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 jointly by the following organizations:
27  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
28  *     2. EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, UK
29  *
30  * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by the California Institute of Technology,
31  *     Pasadena, CA, USA
32  *
33  * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 jointly by the following organizations:
34  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
35  *     2. Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
36  *
37  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
38  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
39  * the Free Software Foundation.  A copy of the license agreement is provided
40  * in the file named "LICENSE.txt" included with this software distribution
41  * and also available online as http://sbml.org/software/libsbml/license.html
42  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->*/
44 #ifndef AddingConstraintsToValidator
45 #include <sbml/validator/VConstraint.h>
46 #endif
48 #include <sbml/validator/ConstraintMacros.h>
50 #include "LocalParameterShadowsIdInModel.h"
51 /** @cond doxygenIgnored */
52 using namespace std;
53 /** @endcond */
55 // Compartment validation
57 START_CONSTRAINT (80501, Compartment, c)
58 {
59   pre( c.getLevel() > 1);
60   pre( c.getSpatialDimensions() != 0 );
62   //msg =
63   //  "It is recommended that the size of a compartment is set.";
65   bool fail = true;
67   // is size set on the element
68   if (c.isSetSize() == true)
69   {
70     fail = false;
71   }
72   else if (c.isSetSpatialDimensions() && c.getSpatialDimensions()==0) {
73     //Compartments with spatialDimensions of 0 should
74     //(and, for some levels/versions, *must*) not have a 'size'.
75     fail = false;
76   }
77   else
78   {
79     pre (c.isSetId() == true);
80     // is there an initial assignment/assignment rule that would set the value
81     if (m.getInitialAssignmentBySymbol(c.getId()) != NULL)
82     {
83       fail = false;
84     }
85     else if (m.getAssignmentRuleByVariable(c.getId()) != NULL)
86     {
87       fail = false;
88     }
89     // Need something like the following to check if the initial value is
90     // set by an algebraic rule.  However, there is no 'hasVariable'
91     // function for an ASTNode yet.
92     /*
93     else if (!c.getConstant())
94     {
95       for (unsigned int alg=0; alg<m.getNumRules(); alg++)
96       {
97         const Rule* rule = m.getRule(alg);
98         if (rule->isAlgebraic() && rule->getMath()->hasVariable(c.getId()))
99         {
100           fail = false;
101         }
102       }
103     }
104     */
105     else
106     {
107       msg = "The <compartment> with the id '" + c.getId();
108       msg += "' does not have a 'size' attribute, nor is its initial value ";
109       msg += "set by an <initialAssignment> or <assignmentRule>.";
110     }
111   }
113   inv( fail == false);
114 }
118 START_CONSTRAINT (80601, Species, s)
119 {
120   bool fail = true;
122   if (s.isSetInitialAmount() == true || s.isSetInitialConcentration() == true)
123   {
124     fail = false;
125   }
126   else
127   {
128     pre (s.isSetId() == true);
129     // is there an initial assignment/assignment rule that would set the value
130     if (m.getInitialAssignmentBySymbol(s.getId()) != NULL)
131     {
132       fail = false;
133     }
134     else if (m.getAssignmentRuleByVariable(s.getId()) != NULL)
135     {
136       fail = false;
137     }
138     // Need something like the following to check if the initial value is
139     // set by an algebraic rule.  However, there is no 'hasVariable' function
140     // for an ASTNode yet.
141     /*
142     else if (!s.getConstant())
143     {
144       for (unsigned int alg=0; alg<m.getNumRules(); alg++)
145       {
146         const Rule* rule = m.getRule(alg);
147         if (rule->isAlgebraic() && rule->getMath()->hasVariable(s.getId()))
148         {
149           fail = false;
150         }
151       }
152     }
153     */
154     else
155     {
156       msg = "The <species> with the id '" + s.getId();
157       msg += "' does not have an 'initialConcentration' or 'initialAmount' ";
158       msg += "attribute, nor is its initial value set by an <initialAssignment> ";
159       msg += "or <assignmentRule>.";
160     }
161   }
163   inv (fail == false);
164 }
168 // Parameters
169 EXTERN_CONSTRAINT( 81121, LocalParameterShadowsIdInModel             )
172 START_CONSTRAINT (80701, Parameter, p)
173 {
174   if(p.isSetId())
175   {
176     msg = "The <parameter> with the id '" + p.getId() + "' does not have a 'units' attribute.";
177   }
178   inv(p.isSetUnits() == true);
179 }
183 START_CONSTRAINT (80701, LocalParameter, p)
184 {
185   if(p.isSetId())
186   {
187     msg = "The <localParameter> with the id '" + p.getId() + "' does not have a 'units' attribute.";
188   }
189   inv(p.isSetUnits() == true);
190 }
194 START_CONSTRAINT (80702, Parameter, p)
195 {
196   bool fail = true;
198   if (p.isSetValue() == true)
199   {
200     fail = false;
201   }
202   else
203   {
204     pre (p.isSetId() == true);
205     // is there an initial assignment/assignment rule that would set the value
206     if (m.getInitialAssignmentBySymbol(p.getId()) != NULL)
207     {
208       fail = false;
209     }
210     else if (m.getAssignmentRuleByVariable(p.getId()) != NULL)
211     {
212       fail = false;
213     }
214     // Need something like the following to check if the initial value is
215     // set by an algebraic rule.  However, there is no 'hasVariable' function
216     // for an ASTNode yet.
217     /*
218     else if (!p.getConstant())
219     {
220       for (unsigned int alg=0; alg<m.getNumRules(); alg++)
221       {
222         const Rule* rule = m.getRule(alg);
223         if (rule->isAlgebraic() && rule->getMath()->hasVariable(p.getId()))
224         {
225           fail = false;
226         }
227       }
228     }
229     */
230     else
231     {
232       msg = "The <parameter> with the id '" + p.getId();
233       msg += "' does not have 'value' ";
234       msg += "attribute, nor is its initial value set by an <initialAssignment> ";
235       msg += "or <assignmentRule>.";
236     }
237   }
239   inv (fail == false);
240 }
244 START_CONSTRAINT (80702, LocalParameter, p)
245 {
246   if(p.isSetId())
247   {
248     msg = "The <localParameter> with the id '" + p.getId() + "' does not have a 'value' attribute.";
249   }
250   inv(p.isSetValue() == true);
251 }
254   /** @endcond */