1 /*  stats.c -- This is the former bamcheck integrated into samtools/htslib.
3     Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Genome Research Ltd.
5     Author: James Bonfield <jkb@sanger.ac.uk>
7 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
8 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
9 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
10 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
11 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
12 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
14 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
15 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
25 /*
26  * This tool is designed to give "samtools stats" style output, but dedicated
27  * to small amplicon sequencing projects.  It gathers stats on the
28  * distribution of reads across amplicons.
29  */
31 /*
32  * TODO:
33  * - Cope with multiple references.  What do we do here?  Just request one?
34  * - Permit regions rather than consuming whole file (maybe solves above).
35  */
37 #include <config.h>
38 #include <stdio.h>
39 #include <stdlib.h>
40 #include <string.h>
41 #include <inttypes.h>
42 #include <getopt.h>
43 #include <unistd.h>
44 #include <math.h>
46 #include <htslib/sam.h>
47 #include <htslib/khash.h>
49 #include "samtools.h"
50 #include "sam_opts.h"
51 #include "bam_ampliconclip.h"
53 KHASH_MAP_INIT_INT64(tcoord, int64_t)
54 KHASH_MAP_INIT_STR(qname, int64_t)
56 #ifndef MIN
57 #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
58 #endif
60 #ifndef MAX
61 #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
62 #endif
64 #ifndef ABS
65 #define ABS(a) ((a)>=0?(a):-(a))
66 #endif
68 #define TCOORD_MIN_COUNT   10
69 #define MAX_AMP 1000       // Default maximum number of amplicons
70 #define MAX_AMP_LEN 1000   // Default maximum length of any single amplicon
71 #define MAX_PRIMER_PER_AMPLICON 4  // Max primers per LEFT/RIGHT
72 #define MAX_DEPTH 5        // Number of different depths permitted
74 typedef struct {
75     sam_global_args ga;
76     uint32_t flag_require;
77     uint32_t flag_filter;
78     int max_delta;   // Used for matching read to amplicon primer loc
79     int min_depth[MAX_DEPTH]; // Used for coverage; must be >= min_depth deep
80     int use_sample_name;
81     int max_amp;     // Total number of amplicons
82     int max_amp_len; // Maximum length of an individual amplicon
83     double depth_bin;// aggregate depth within this fraction
84     int tlen_adj;    // Adjust tlen by this amount, due to clip but no fixmate
85     FILE *out_fp;
86     char *argv;
87     int tcoord_min_count;
88     int tcoord_bin;
89     int multi_ref;
90 } astats_args_t;
92 typedef struct {
93     int nseq;       // total sequence count
94     int nfiltered;  // sequence filtered
95     int nfailprimer;// count of sequences not matching the primer locations
97     // Sizes of memory allocated below, to permit reset
98     int max_amp, max_amp_len, max_len;
100     // Summary across all samples, sum(x) plus sum(x^2) for s.d. calc
101     int64_t *nreads, *nreads2;          // [max_amp]
102     double  *nfull_reads;               // [max_amp]; 0.5/read if paired.
103     double  *nrperc, *nrperc2;          // [max_amp]
104     int64_t *nbases, *nbases2;          // [max_amp]
105     int64_t *coverage;                  // [max_amp][max_amp_len]
106     double  (*covered_perc)[MAX_DEPTH]; // [max_amp][MAX_DEPTH]
107     double  (*covered_perc2)[MAX_DEPTH];// [max_amp][MAX_DEPTH];
108     khash_t(tcoord) **tcoord;           // [max_amp+1]
110     // 0 is correct pair, 1 is incorrect pair, 2 is unidentified
111     int     (*amp_dist)[3];             // [MAX_AMP][3];
113     int *depth_valid; // [max_len]
114     int *depth_all;   // [max_len]
115     khash_t(qname) *qend;  // queryname end, for overlap removal
116 } astats_t;
118 // We can have multiple primers for LEFT / RIGHT, so this
119 // permits detection by any compatible combination.
120 // One reference:
121 typedef struct {
122     int64_t left[MAX_PRIMER_PER_AMPLICON];
123     int nleft;
124     int64_t right[MAX_PRIMER_PER_AMPLICON];
125     int nright;
126     int64_t max_left, min_right; // inner dimensions
127     int64_t min_left, max_right; // outer dimensions
128 } amplicon_t;
130 // Multiple references, we have an array of amplicons_t - one per used ref.
131 // We have per reference local and global stats here, as some of the stats
132 // are coordinate based.  However we report them combined together as a single
133 // list across all references.
134 // "namp" is the number of amplicons in this reference, but they're
135 // numbered first_amp to first_amp+namp-1 inclusively.
136 typedef struct {
137     int tid, namp;
138     int64_t len;
139     bed_entry_list_t *sites;
140     amplicon_t *amp;
141     astats_t *lstats, *gstats; // local (1 file) and global (all file) stats
142     const char *ref;           // ref name (pointer to the bed hash table key)
143     int first_amp;             // first amplicon number for this ref
144 } amplicons_t;
146 // Reinitialised for each new reference/chromosome.
147 // Counts from 1 to namp, -1 for no match and 0 for ?.
148 static int *pos2start = NULL;
149 static int *pos2end = NULL;
150 static int pos2size = 0; // allocated size of pos2start/end
152 // Lookup table to go from position to amplicon based on
153 // read start / end.
initialise_amp_pos_lookup(astats_args_t * args,amplicons_t * amps,int ref)154 static int initialise_amp_pos_lookup(astats_args_t *args,
155                                      amplicons_t *amps,
156                                      int ref) {
157     int64_t i, j;
158     amplicon_t *amp = amps[ref].amp;
159     int64_t max_len = amps[ref].len;
160     int namp = amps[ref].namp;
162     if (max_len+1 > pos2size) {
163         if (!(pos2start = realloc(pos2start, (max_len+1)*sizeof(*pos2start))))
164             return -1;
165         if (!(pos2end   = realloc(pos2end,   (max_len+1)*sizeof(*pos2end))))
166             return -1;
167         pos2size = max_len;
168     }
169     for (i = 0; i < max_len; i++)
170         pos2start[i] = pos2end[i] = -1;
172     for (i = 0; i < namp; i++) {
173         for (j = 0; j < amp[i].nleft; j++) {
174             int64_t p;
175             for (p = amp[i].left[j] - args->max_delta;
176                  p <= amp[i].left[j] + args->max_delta; p++) {
177                 if (p < 1 || p > max_len)
178                     continue;
179                 pos2start[p-1] = i;
180             }
181         }
182         for (j = 0; j < amp[i].nright; j++) {
183             int64_t p;
184             for (p = amp[i].right[j] - args->max_delta;
185                  p <= amp[i].right[j] + args->max_delta; p++) {
186                 if (p < 1 || p > max_len)
187                     continue;
188                 pos2end[p-1] = i;
189             }
190         }
191     }
193     return 0;
194 }
196 // Counts amplicons.
197 // Assumption: input BED file alternates between LEFT and RIGHT primers
198 // per amplicon, thus we can count the number based on the switching
199 // orientation.
count_amplicon(bed_entry_list_t * sites)200 static int count_amplicon(bed_entry_list_t *sites) {
201     int i, namp, last_rev = 0;
202     for (i = namp = 0; i < sites->length; i++) {
203         if (sites->bp[i].rev == 0 && last_rev)
204             namp++;
205         last_rev = sites->bp[i].rev;
206     }
208     return ++namp;
209 }
211 // We're only interest in the internal part of the amplicon.
212 // Our bed file has LEFT start/end followed by RIGHT start/end,
213 // so collapse these to LEFT end / RIGHT start.
214 //
215 // Returns right most amplicon position on success,
216 //         < 0 on error
bed2amplicon(astats_args_t * args,bed_entry_list_t * sites,amplicon_t * amp,int * namp,int do_title,const char * ref,int first_amp)217 static int64_t bed2amplicon(astats_args_t *args, bed_entry_list_t *sites,
218                             amplicon_t *amp, int *namp, int do_title,
219                             const char *ref, int first_amp) {
220     int i, j;
221     int64_t max_right = 0;
222     FILE *ofp = args->out_fp;
224     *namp = 0;
226     // Assume all primers for the same amplicon are adjacent in BED
227     // with all + followed by all -.  Thus - to + signifies next primer set.
228     int last_rev = 0;
229     amp[0].max_left = 0;
230     amp[0].min_right = INT64_MAX;
231     amp[0].min_left = INT64_MAX;
232     amp[0].max_right = 0;
233     if (do_title) {
234         fprintf(ofp, "# Amplicon locations from BED file.\n");
235         fprintf(ofp, "# LEFT/RIGHT are <start>-<end> format and "
236                 "comma-separated for alt-primers.\n");
237         if (args->multi_ref)
238             fprintf(ofp, "#\n# AMPLICON\tREF\tNUMBER\tLEFT\tRIGHT\n");
239         else
240             fprintf(ofp, "#\n# AMPLICON\tNUMBER\tLEFT\tRIGHT\n");
241     }
242     for (i = j = 0; i < sites->length; i++) {
243         if (i == 0 && sites->bp[i].rev != 0) {
244             fprintf(stderr, "[ampliconstats] error: BED file should start"
245                     " with the + strand primer\n");
246             return -1;
247         }
248         if (sites->bp[i].rev == 0 && last_rev) {
249             j++;
250             if (j >= args->max_amp) {
251                 fprintf(stderr, "[ampliconstats] error: too many amplicons"
252                         " (%d). Use -a option to raise this.\n", j);
253                 return -1;
254             }
255             amp[j].max_left = 0;
256             amp[j].min_right = INT64_MAX;
257             amp[j].min_left = INT64_MAX;
258             amp[j].max_right = 0;
259         }
260         if (sites->bp[i].rev == 0) {
261             if (i == 0 || last_rev) {
262                 if (j>0) fprintf(ofp, "\n");
263                 if (args->multi_ref)
264                     fprintf(ofp, "AMPLICON\t%s\t%d", ref, j+1 + first_amp);
265                 else
266                     fprintf(ofp, "AMPLICON\t%d", j+1);
267             }
268             if (amp[j].nleft >= MAX_PRIMER_PER_AMPLICON) {
269                 print_error_errno("ampliconstats",
270                                   "too many primers per amplicon (%d).\n",
271                                   MAX_PRIMER_PER_AMPLICON);
272                 return -1;
273             }
274             amp[j].left[amp[j].nleft++] = sites->bp[i].right;
275             if (amp[j].max_left < sites->bp[i].right+1)
276                 amp[j].max_left = sites->bp[i].right+1;
277             if (amp[j].min_left > sites->bp[i].right+1)
278                 amp[j].min_left = sites->bp[i].right+1;
279             // BED file, so left+1 as zero based. right(+1-1) as
280             // BED goes one beyond end (and we want inclusive range).
281             fprintf(ofp, "%c%"PRId64"-%"PRId64, "\t,"[amp[j].nleft > 1],
282                     sites->bp[i].left+1, sites->bp[i].right);
283         } else {
284             if (amp[j].nright >= MAX_PRIMER_PER_AMPLICON) {
285                 print_error_errno("ampliconstats",
286                                   "too many primers per amplicon (%d)",
287                                   MAX_PRIMER_PER_AMPLICON);
288                 return -1;
289             }
290             amp[j].right[amp[j].nright++] = sites->bp[i].left;
291             if (amp[j].min_right > sites->bp[i].left-1)
292                 amp[j].min_right = sites->bp[i].left-1;
293             if (amp[j].max_right < sites->bp[i].left-1) {
294                 amp[j].max_right = sites->bp[i].left-1;
295                 if (amp[j].max_right - amp[j].min_left + 1 >=
296                     args->max_amp_len) {
297                     fprintf(stderr, "[ampliconstats] error: amplicon "
298                             "longer (%d) than max_amp_len option (%d)\n",
299                             (int)(amp[j].max_right - amp[j].min_left + 2),
300                             args->max_amp_len);
301                     return -1;
302                 }
303                 if (max_right < amp[j].max_right)
304                     max_right = amp[j].max_right;
305             }
306             fprintf(ofp, "%c%"PRId64"-%"PRId64, "\t,"[amp[j].nright > 1],
307                     sites->bp[i].left+1, sites->bp[i].right);
308         }
309         last_rev = sites->bp[i].rev;
310     }
311     if (last_rev != 1) {
312         fprintf(ofp, "\n"); // useful if going to stdout
313         fprintf(stderr, "[ampliconstats] error: bed file does not end on"
314                 " a reverse strand primer.\n");
315         return -1;
316     }
317     *namp = ++j;
318     if (j) fprintf(ofp, "\n");
320     if (j >= args->max_amp) {
321         fprintf(stderr, "[ampliconstats] error: "
322                 "too many amplicons (%d). Use -a option to raise this.", j);
323         return -1;
324     }
326 //    for (i = 0; i < *namp; i++) {
327 //      printf("%d\t%ld", i, amp[i].length);
328 //      for (j = 0; j < amp[i].nleft; j++)
329 //          printf("%c%ld", "\t,"[j>0], amp[i].left[j]);
330 //      for (j = 0; j < amp[i].nright; j++)
331 //          printf("%c%ld", "\t,"[j>0], amp[i].right[j]);
332 //      printf("\n");
333 //    }
335     return max_right;
336 }
stats_free(astats_t * st)338 void stats_free(astats_t *st) {
339     if (!st)
340         return;
342     free(st->nreads);
343     free(st->nreads2);
344     free(st->nfull_reads);
345     free(st->nrperc);
346     free(st->nrperc2);
347     free(st->nbases);
348     free(st->nbases2);
349     free(st->coverage);
350     free(st->covered_perc);
351     free(st->covered_perc2);
352     free(st->amp_dist);
354     free(st->depth_valid);
355     free(st->depth_all);
357     if (st->tcoord) {
358         int i;
359         for (i = 0; i <= st->max_amp; i++) {
360             if (st->tcoord[i])
361                 kh_destroy(tcoord, st->tcoord[i]);
362         }
363         free(st->tcoord);
364     }
366     khiter_t k;
367     for (k = kh_begin(st->qend); k != kh_end(st->qend); k++)
368         if (kh_exist(st->qend, k))
369             free((void *)kh_key(st->qend, k));
370     kh_destroy(qname, st->qend);
372     free(st);
373 }
stats_alloc(int64_t max_len,int max_amp,int max_amp_len)375 astats_t *stats_alloc(int64_t max_len, int max_amp, int max_amp_len) {
376     astats_t *st = calloc(1, sizeof(*st));
377     if (!st)
378         return NULL;
380     st->max_amp = max_amp;
381     st->max_amp_len = max_amp_len;
382     st->max_len = max_len;
384     if (!(st->nreads  = calloc(max_amp, sizeof(*st->nreads))))  goto err;
385     if (!(st->nreads2 = calloc(max_amp, sizeof(*st->nreads2)))) goto err;
386     if (!(st->nrperc  = calloc(max_amp, sizeof(*st->nrperc))))  goto err;
387     if (!(st->nrperc2 = calloc(max_amp, sizeof(*st->nrperc2)))) goto err;
388     if (!(st->nbases  = calloc(max_amp, sizeof(*st->nbases))))  goto err;
389     if (!(st->nbases2 = calloc(max_amp, sizeof(*st->nbases2)))) goto err;
391     if (!(st->nfull_reads = calloc(max_amp, sizeof(*st->nfull_reads))))
392         goto err;
394     if (!(st->coverage = calloc(max_amp*max_amp_len, sizeof(*st->coverage))))
395         goto err;
397     if (!(st->covered_perc  = calloc(max_amp, sizeof(*st->covered_perc))))
398         goto err;
399     if (!(st->covered_perc2 = calloc(max_amp, sizeof(*st->covered_perc2))))
400         goto err;
402     if (!(st->tcoord = calloc(max_amp+1, sizeof(*st->tcoord)))) goto err;
403     int i;
404     for (i = 0; i <= st->max_amp; i++)
405         if (!(st->tcoord[i] = kh_init(tcoord)))
406             goto err;
408     if (!(st->qend = kh_init(qname)))
409         goto err;
411     if (!(st->depth_valid = calloc(max_len, sizeof(*st->depth_valid))))
412         goto err;
413     if (!(st->depth_all   = calloc(max_len, sizeof(*st->depth_all))))
414         goto err;
416     if (!(st->amp_dist  = calloc(max_amp, sizeof(*st->amp_dist))))  goto err;
418     return st;
420  err:
421     stats_free(st);
422     return NULL;
423 }
stats_reset(astats_t * st)425 static void stats_reset(astats_t *st) {
426     st->nseq = 0;
427     st->nfiltered = 0;
428     st->nfailprimer = 0;
430     memset(st->nreads,  0, st->max_amp * sizeof(*st->nreads));
431     memset(st->nreads2, 0, st->max_amp * sizeof(*st->nreads2));
432     memset(st->nfull_reads, 0, st->max_amp * sizeof(*st->nfull_reads));
434     memset(st->nrperc,  0, st->max_amp * sizeof(*st->nrperc));
435     memset(st->nrperc2, 0, st->max_amp * sizeof(*st->nrperc2));
437     memset(st->nbases,  0, st->max_amp * sizeof(*st->nbases));
438     memset(st->nbases2, 0, st->max_amp * sizeof(*st->nbases2));
440     memset(st->coverage, 0, st->max_amp * st->max_amp_len
441            * sizeof(*st->coverage));
442     memset(st->covered_perc,  0, st->max_amp * sizeof(*st->covered_perc));
443     memset(st->covered_perc2, 0, st->max_amp * sizeof(*st->covered_perc2));
445     // Keep the allocated entries as it's likely all files will share
446     // the same keys.  Instead we reset counters to zero for common ones
447     // and delete rare ones.
448     int i;
449     for (i = 0; i <= st->max_amp; i++) {
450         khiter_t k;
451         for (k = kh_begin(st->tcoord[i]);
452              k != kh_end(st->tcoord[i]); k++)
453             if (kh_exist(st->tcoord[i], k)) {
454                 if (kh_value(st->tcoord[i], k) < 5)
455                     kh_del(tcoord, st->tcoord[i], k);
456                 else
457                     kh_value(st->tcoord[i], k) = 0;
458             }
459     }
461     khiter_t k;
462     for (k = kh_begin(st->qend); k != kh_end(st->qend); k++)
463         if (kh_exist(st->qend, k))
464             free((void *)kh_key(st->qend, k));
465     kh_clear(qname, st->qend);
467     memset(st->depth_valid, 0, st->max_len * sizeof(*st->depth_valid));
468     memset(st->depth_all,   0, st->max_len * sizeof(*st->depth_all));
469     memset(st->amp_dist,  0, st->max_amp * sizeof(*st->amp_dist));
470 }
amp_stats_reset(amplicons_t * amps,int nref)472 static void amp_stats_reset(amplicons_t *amps, int nref) {
473     int i;
474     for (i = 0; i < nref; i++) {
475         if (!amps[i].sites)
476             continue;
477         stats_reset(amps[i].lstats);
478     }
479 }
accumulate_stats(astats_args_t * args,amplicons_t * amps,bam1_t * b)481 static int accumulate_stats(astats_args_t *args, amplicons_t *amps,
482                             bam1_t *b) {
483     int ref = b->core.tid;
484     amplicon_t *amp = amps[ref].amp;
485     astats_t *stats = amps[ref].lstats;
486     int len = amps[ref].len;
488     if (!stats)
489         return 0;
491     stats->nseq++;
492     if ((b->core.flag & args->flag_require) != args->flag_require ||
493         (b->core.flag & args->flag_filter)  != 0) {
494         stats->nfiltered++;
495         return 0;
496     }
498     int64_t start = b->core.pos, mstart = start; // modified start
499     int64_t end = bam_endpos(b), i;
501     // Compute all-template-depth and valid-template-depth.
502     // We track current end location per read name so we can remove overlaps.
503     // Potentially we could use this data for a better amplicon-depth
504     // count too, but for now it's purely for the per-base plots.
505     int ret;
506     khiter_t k;
507     int prev_start = 0, prev_end = 0;
508     if ((b->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED)
509         && !(b->core.flag & (BAM_FSUPPLEMENTARY | BAM_FSECONDARY))) {
510         k = kh_put(qname, stats->qend, bam_get_qname(b), &ret);
511         if (ret == 0) {
512             prev_start = kh_value(stats->qend, k) & 0xffffffff;
513             prev_end = kh_value(stats->qend, k)>>32;
514             mstart = MAX(mstart, prev_end);
515             // Ideally we'd reuse strings so we don't thrash free/malloc.
516             // However let's see if the official way of doing that (malloc
517             // itself) is fast enough first.
518             free((void *)kh_key(stats->qend, k));
519             kh_del(qname, stats->qend, k);
520             //fprintf(stderr, "remove overlap %d to %d\n", (int)start, (int)mstart);
521         } else {
522             if (!(kh_key(stats->qend, k) = strdup(bam_get_qname(b))))
523                 return -1;
525             kh_value(stats->qend, k) = start | (end << 32);
526         }
527     }
528     for (i = mstart; i < end && i < len; i++)
529         stats->depth_all[i]++;
530     if (i < end) {
531         print_error("ampliconstats", "record %s overhangs end of reference",
532                     bam_get_qname(b));
533         // But keep going, as it's harmless.
534     }
536     // On single ended runs, eg ONT or PacBio, we just use the start/end
537     // of the template to assign.
538     int anum = (b->core.flag & BAM_FREVERSE) || !(b->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED)
539         ? (end-1 >= 0 && end-1 < len ? pos2end[end-1] : -1)
540         : (start >= 0 && start < len ? pos2start[start] : -1);
542     // ivar sometimes soft-clips 100% of the bases.
543     // This is essentially unmapped
544     if (end == start && (args->flag_filter & BAM_FUNMAP)) {
545         stats->nfiltered++;
546         return 0;
547     }
549     if (anum == -1)
550         stats->nfailprimer++;
552     if (anum >= 0) {
553         int64_t c = MIN(end,amp[anum].min_right+1) - MAX(start,amp[anum].max_left);
554         if (c > 0) {
555             stats->nreads[anum]++;
556             // NB: ref bases rather than read bases
557             stats->nbases[anum] += c;
559             int64_t i;
560             if (start < 0) start = 0;
561             if (end > len) end = len;
563             int64_t ostart = MAX(start, amp[anum].min_left-1);
564             int64_t oend = MIN(end, amp[anum].max_right);
565             int64_t offset = amp[anum].min_left-1;
566             for (i = ostart; i < oend; i++)
567                 stats->coverage[anum*stats->max_amp_len + i-offset]++;
568         } else {
569             stats->nfailprimer++;
570         }
571     }
573     // Template length in terms of amplicon number to amplicon number.
574     // We expect left to right of same amplicon (len 0), but it may go
575     // to next amplicon (len 1) or prev (len -1), etc.
576     int64_t t_end;
577     int oth_anum = -1;
579     if (b->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED) {
580         t_end = (b->core.flag & BAM_FREVERSE ? end : start)
581             + b->core.isize;
583         // If we've clipped the primers but not followed up with a fixmates
584         // then our start+TLEN will take us to a location which is
585         // length(LEFT_PRIMER) + length(RIGHT_PRIMER) too far away.
586         //
587         // The correct solution is to run samtools fixmate so TLEN is correct.
588         // The hacky solution is to fudge the expected tlen by double the
589         // average primer length (e.g. 50).
590         t_end += b->core.isize > 0 ? -args->tlen_adj : +args->tlen_adj;
592         if (t_end > 0 && t_end < len && b->core.isize != 0)
593             oth_anum = (b->core.flag & BAM_FREVERSE)
594                 ? pos2start[t_end]
595                 : pos2end[t_end];
596     } else {
597         // Not paired (see int anum = (REV || !PAIR) ?en :st expr above)
598         oth_anum = pos2start[start];
599         t_end = end;
600     }
602     // We don't want to count our pairs twice.
603     // If both left/right are known, count it on left only.
604     // If only one is known, we'll only get to this code once
605     // so we can also count it.
606     int astatus = 2;
607     if (anum != -1 && oth_anum != -1) {
608         astatus = oth_anum == anum ? 0 : 1;
609         if (start <= t_end)
610             stats->amp_dist[anum][astatus]++;
611     } else if (anum >= 0) {
612         stats->amp_dist[anum][astatus = 2]++;
613     }
615     if (astatus == 0 && !(b->core.flag & (BAM_FUNMAP | BAM_FMUNMAP))) {
616         if (prev_end && mstart > prev_end) {
617             // 2nd read with gap to 1st; undo previous increment.
618             for (i = prev_start; i < prev_end; i++)
619                 stats->depth_valid[i]--;
620             stats->nfull_reads[anum] -= (b->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED) ? 0.5 : 1;
621         } else {
622             // 1st read, or 2nd read that overlaps 1st
623             for (i = mstart; i < end; i++)
624                 stats->depth_valid[i]++;
625             stats->nfull_reads[anum] += (b->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED) ? 0.5 : 1;
626         }
627     }
629     // Track template start,end frequencies, so we can give stats on
630     // amplicon primer usage.
631     if ((b->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED) && b->core.isize <= 0)
632         // left to right only, so we don't double count template positions.
633         return 0;
635     start = b->core.pos;
636     t_end = b->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED
637         ? start + b->core.isize-1
638         : end;
639     uint64_t tcoord = MIN(start+1, UINT32_MAX) | (MIN(t_end+1, UINT32_MAX)<<32);
640     k = kh_put(tcoord, stats->tcoord[anum+1], tcoord, &ret);
641     if (ret < 0)
642         return -1;
643     if (ret == 0)
644         kh_value(stats->tcoord[anum+1], k)++;
645     else
646         kh_value(stats->tcoord[anum+1], k)=1;
647     kh_value(stats->tcoord[anum+1], k) |= ((int64_t)astatus<<32);
649     return 0;
650 }
652 // Append file local stats to global stats
append_lstats(astats_t * lstats,astats_t * gstats,int namp,int all_nseq)653 int append_lstats(astats_t *lstats, astats_t *gstats, int namp, int all_nseq) {
654     gstats->nseq += lstats->nseq;
655     gstats->nfiltered += lstats->nfiltered;
656     gstats->nfailprimer += lstats->nfailprimer;
658     int a;
659     for (a = -1; a < namp; a++) {
660         // Add khash local (kl) to khash global (kg)
661         khiter_t kl, kg;
662         for (kl = kh_begin(lstats->tcoord[a+1]);
663              kl != kh_end(lstats->tcoord[a+1]); kl++) {
664             if (!kh_exist(lstats->tcoord[a+1], kl) ||
665                 kh_value(lstats->tcoord[a+1], kl) == 0)
666                 continue;
668             int ret;
669             kg = kh_put(tcoord, gstats->tcoord[a+1],
670                         kh_key(lstats->tcoord[a+1], kl),
671                         &ret);
672             if (ret < 0)
673                 return -1;
675             kh_value(gstats->tcoord[a+1], kg) =
676                 (ret == 0
677                  ? (kh_value(gstats->tcoord[a+1], kg) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
678                  : 0)
679                 + kh_value(lstats->tcoord[a+1], kl);
680         }
681         if (a == -1) continue;
683         gstats->nreads[a]  += lstats->nreads[a];
684         gstats->nreads2[a] += lstats->nreads[a] * lstats->nreads[a];
685         gstats->nfull_reads[a] += lstats->nfull_reads[a];
687         // To get mean & sd for amplicon read percentage, we need
688         // to do the divisions here as nseq differs for each sample.
689         double nrperc = all_nseq ? 100.0 * lstats->nreads[a] / all_nseq : 0;
690         gstats->nrperc[a]  += nrperc;
691         gstats->nrperc2[a] += nrperc*nrperc;
693         gstats->nbases[a]  += lstats->nbases[a];
694         gstats->nbases2[a] += lstats->nbases[a] * lstats->nbases[a];
696         int d;
697         for (d = 0; d < MAX_DEPTH; d++) {
698             gstats->covered_perc[a][d]  += lstats->covered_perc[a][d];
699             gstats->covered_perc2[a][d] += lstats->covered_perc[a][d]
700                                          * lstats->covered_perc[a][d];
701         }
703         for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
704             gstats->amp_dist[a][d] += lstats->amp_dist[a][d];
705     }
707     for (a = 0; a < lstats->max_len; a++) {
708         gstats->depth_valid[a] += lstats->depth_valid[a];
709         gstats->depth_all[a]   += lstats->depth_all[a];
710     }
712     return 0;
713 }
append_stats(amplicons_t * amps,int nref)715 int append_stats(amplicons_t *amps, int nref) {
716     int i, r, all_nseq = 0;
717     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
718         if (!amps[r].sites)
719             continue;
720         astats_t *stats = amps[r].lstats;
721         all_nseq  += stats->nseq - stats->nfiltered - stats->nfailprimer;
722     }
724     for (i = 0; i < nref; i++) {
725         if (!amps[i].sites)
726             continue;
727         if (append_lstats(amps[i].lstats, amps[i].gstats, amps[i].namp,
728                           all_nseq) < 0)
729             return -1;
730     }
732     return 0;
733 }
735 typedef struct {
736     int32_t start, end;
737     uint32_t freq;
738     uint32_t status;
739 } tcoord_t;
741 // Sort tcoord by descending frequency and then ascending start and  end.
tcoord_freq_sort(const void * vp1,const void * vp2)742 static int tcoord_freq_sort(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) {
743     const tcoord_t *t1 = (const tcoord_t *)vp1;
744     const tcoord_t *t2 = (const tcoord_t *)vp2;
746     if (t1->freq != t2->freq)
747         return t2->freq - t1->freq;
749     if (t1->start != t2->start)
750         return t1->start - t2->start;
752     return t1->end - t2->end;
753 }
756 /*
757  * Merges tcoord start,end,freq,status tuples if their coordinates are
758  * close together.  We aim to keep the start,end for the most frequent
759  * value and assume that is the correct coordinate and all others are
760  * minor fluctuations due to errors or variants.
761  *
762  * We sort by frequency first and then merge later items in the list into
763  * the earlier more frequent ones.  It's O(N^2), but sufficient for now
764  * given current scale of projects.
765  *
766  * If we ever need to resolve that then consider sorting by start
767  * coordinate and scanning the list to find all items within X, find
768  * the most frequent of those, and then cluster that way.  (I'd have
769  * done that had I thought of it at the time!)
770  */
aggregate_tcoord(astats_args_t * args,tcoord_t * tpos,size_t * np)771 static void aggregate_tcoord(astats_args_t *args, tcoord_t *tpos, size_t *np){
772     size_t n = *np, j, j2, j3, k;
774     // Sort by frequency and cluster infrequent coords into frequent
775     // ones provided they're close by.
776     // This is O(N^2), but we've already binned by tcoord_bin/2 so
777     // the list isn't intended to be vast at this point.
778     qsort(tpos, n, sizeof(*tpos), tcoord_freq_sort);
780     // For frequency ties, find mid start coord, and then find mid end
781     // coord of those matching start.
782     // We make that the first item so we merge into that mid point.
783     for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
784         for (j2 = j+1; j2 < n; j2++) {
785             if (tpos[j].freq != tpos[j2].freq)
786                 break;
787             if (tpos[j2].start - tpos[j].start >= args->tcoord_bin)
788                 break;
789         }
791         // j to j2 all within bin of a common start,
792         // m is the mid start.
793         if (j2-1 > j) {
794             size_t m = (j2-1 + j)/2;
796             // Find mid end for this same start
797             while (m > 1 && tpos[m].start == tpos[m-1].start)
798                 m--;
799             for (j3 = m+1; j3 < j2; j3++) {
800                 if (tpos[m].start != tpos[j3].start)
801                     break;
802                 if (tpos[m].end - tpos[j3].end >= args->tcoord_bin)
803                     break;
804             }
805             if (j3-1 > m)
806                 m = (j3-1 + m)/2;
808             // Swap with first item.
809             tcoord_t tmp = tpos[j];
810             tpos[j] = tpos[m];
811             tpos[m] = tmp;
812             j = j2-1;
813         }
814     }
816     // Now merge in coordinates.
817     // This bit is O(N^2), so consider binning first to reduce the
818     // size of the list if we have excessive positional variation.
819     for (k = j = 0; j < n; j++) {
820         if (!tpos[j].freq)
821             continue;
823         if (k < j)
824             tpos[k] = tpos[j];
826         for (j2 = j+1; j2 < n; j2++) {
827             if (ABS(tpos[j].start-tpos[j2].start) < args->tcoord_bin/2 &&
828                 ABS(tpos[j].end  -tpos[j2].end)  < args->tcoord_bin/2 &&
829                 tpos[j].status == tpos[j2].status) {
830                 tpos[k].freq += tpos[j2].freq;
831                 tpos[j2].freq = 0;
832             }
833         }
834         k++;
835     }
837     *np = k;
838 }
dump_stats(astats_args_t * args,char type,char * name,int nfile,amplicons_t * amps,int nref,int local)840 int dump_stats(astats_args_t *args, char type, char *name, int nfile,
841                amplicons_t *amps, int nref, int local) {
842     int i, r;
843     FILE *ofp = args->out_fp;
844     tcoord_t *tpos = NULL;
845     size_t ntcoord = 0;
847     // summary stats for this sample (or for all samples)
848     fprintf(ofp, "# Summary stats.\n");
849     fprintf(ofp, "# Use 'grep ^%cSS | cut -f 2-' to extract this part.\n", type);
851     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
852         if (!amps[r].sites)
853             continue;
854         astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
855         int nmatch = stats->nseq - stats->nfiltered - stats->nfailprimer;
856         char *name_ref = malloc(strlen(name) + strlen(amps[r].ref) + 2);
857         if (!name_ref)
858             return -1;
859         if (args->multi_ref)
860             sprintf(name_ref, "%s\t%s", name, amps[r].ref);
861         else
862             sprintf(name_ref, "%s", name);
863         fprintf(ofp, "%cSS\t%s\traw total sequences:\t%d\n",
864                 type, name_ref, stats->nseq);
865         fprintf(ofp, "%cSS\t%s\tfiltered sequences:\t%d\n",
866                 type, name_ref, stats->nfiltered);
867         fprintf(ofp, "%cSS\t%s\tfailed primer match:\t%d\n",
868                 type, name_ref, stats->nfailprimer);
869         fprintf(ofp, "%cSS\t%s\tmatching sequences:\t%d\n",
870                 type, name_ref, nmatch);
872         int d = 0;
873         do {
874             // From first to last amplicon only, so not entire consensus.
875             // If contig length is known, maybe we want to add the missing
876             // count to < DEPTH figures?
877             int64_t start = 0, covered = 0, total = 0;
878             amplicon_t *amp = amps[r].amp;
879             for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
880                 int64_t j, offset = amp[i].min_left-1;
881                 if (amp[i].min_right - amp[i].min_left > stats->max_amp_len) {
882                     fprintf(stderr, "[ampliconstats] error: "
883                             "Maximum amplicon length (%d) exceeded for '%s'\n",
884                             stats->max_amp, name);
885                     return -1;
886                 }
887                 for (j = MAX(start, amp[i].max_left-1);
888                      j < MAX(start, amp[i].min_right); j++) {
889                     if (stats->coverage[i*stats->max_amp_len + j-offset]
890                         >= args->min_depth[d])
891                         covered++;
892                     total++;
893                 }
894                 start = MAX(start, amp[i].min_right);
895             }
896             fprintf(ofp, "%cSS\t%s\tconsensus depth count < %d and >= %d:\t%"
897                     PRId64"\t%"PRId64"\n", type, name_ref,
898                     args->min_depth[d], args->min_depth[d],
899                     total-covered, covered);
900         } while (++d < MAX_DEPTH && args->min_depth[d]);
902         free(name_ref);
903     }
905     // Read count
906     fprintf(ofp, "# Absolute matching read counts per amplicon.\n");
907     fprintf(ofp, "# Use 'grep ^%cREADS | cut -f 2-' to extract this part.\n", type);
908     fprintf(ofp, "%cREADS\t%s", type, name);
909     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
910         if (!amps[r].sites)
911             continue;
912         astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
913         for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
914             fprintf(ofp, "\t%"PRId64, stats->nreads[i]);
915         }
916     }
917     fprintf(ofp, "\n");
919     // Valid depth is the number of full length reads (already divided
920     // by the number we expect to cover), so +0.5 per read in pair.
921     // A.k.a "usable depth" in the plots.
922     fprintf(ofp, "%cVDEPTH\t%s", type, name);
923     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
924         if (!amps[r].sites)
925             continue;
926         astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
927         for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++)
928             fprintf(ofp, "\t%d", (int)stats->nfull_reads[i]);
929     }
930     fprintf(ofp, "\n");
932     if (type == 'C') {
933         // For combined we can compute mean & standard deviation too
934         fprintf(ofp, "CREADS\tMEAN");
935         for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
936             if (!amps[r].sites)
937                 continue;
938             astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
939             for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
940                 fprintf(ofp, "\t%.1f", stats->nreads[i] / (double)nfile);
941             }
942         }
943         fprintf(ofp, "\n");
945         fprintf(ofp, "CREADS\tSTDDEV");
946         for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
947             if (!amps[r].sites)
948                 continue;
949             astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
950             for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
951                 double n1 = stats->nreads[i];
952                 fprintf(ofp, "\t%.1f", nfile > 1 && stats->nreads2[i] > 0
953                         ? sqrt(stats->nreads2[i]/(double)nfile
954                                - (n1/nfile)*(n1/nfile))
955                         : 0);
956             }
957         }
958         fprintf(ofp, "\n");
959     }
961     fprintf(ofp, "# Read percentage of distribution between amplicons.\n");
962     fprintf(ofp, "# Use 'grep ^%cRPERC | cut -f 2-' to extract this part.\n", type);
963     fprintf(ofp, "%cRPERC\t%s", type, name);
964     int all_nseq = 0;
965     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
966         if (!amps[r].sites)
967             continue;
968         astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
969         all_nseq  += stats->nseq - stats->nfiltered - stats->nfailprimer;
970     }
971     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
972         if (!amps[r].sites)
973             continue;
974         astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
975         for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
976             if (type == 'C') {
977                 fprintf(ofp, "\t%.3f", (double)stats->nrperc[i] / nfile);
978             } else {
979                 fprintf(ofp, "\t%.3f",
980                         all_nseq ? 100.0 * stats->nreads[i] / all_nseq : 0);
981             }
982         }
983     }
984     fprintf(ofp, "\n");
986     if (type == 'C') {
987         // For combined we compute mean and standard deviation too
988         fprintf(ofp, "CRPERC\tMEAN");
989         for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
990             if (!amps[r].sites)
991                 continue;
992             astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
993             for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
994                 fprintf(ofp, "\t%.3f", stats->nrperc[i] / nfile);
995             }
996         }
997         fprintf(ofp, "\n");
999         fprintf(ofp, "CRPERC\tSTDDEV");
1000         for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1001             if (!amps[r].sites)
1002                 continue;
1003             astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1004             for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
1005                 // variance = SUM(X^2) - ((SUM(X)^2) / N)
1006                 double n1 = stats->nrperc[i];
1007                 double v = stats->nrperc2[i]/nfile - (n1/nfile)*(n1/nfile);
1008                 fprintf(ofp, "\t%.3f", v>0?sqrt(v):0);
1009             }
1010         }
1011         fprintf(ofp, "\n");
1012     }
1014     // Base depth
1015     fprintf(ofp, "# Read depth per amplicon.\n");
1016     fprintf(ofp, "# Use 'grep ^%cDEPTH | cut -f 2-' to extract this part.\n", type);
1017     fprintf(ofp, "%cDEPTH\t%s", type, name);
1018     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1019         if (!amps[r].sites)
1020             continue;
1021         astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1022         amplicon_t *amp = amps[r].amp;
1023         for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
1024             int nseq = stats->nseq - stats->nfiltered - stats->nfailprimer;
1025             int64_t alen = amp[i].min_right - amp[i].max_left+1;
1026             fprintf(ofp, "\t%.1f", nseq ? stats->nbases[i] / (double)alen : 0);
1027         }
1028     }
1029     fprintf(ofp, "\n");
1031     if (type == 'C') {
1032         // For combined we can compute mean & standard deviation too
1033         fprintf(ofp, "CDEPTH\tMEAN");
1034         for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1035             if (!amps[r].sites)
1036                 continue;
1037             astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1038             amplicon_t *amp = amps[r].amp;
1039             int nseq = stats->nseq - stats->nfiltered - stats->nfailprimer;
1040             for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
1041                 int64_t alen = amp[i].min_right - amp[i].max_left+1;
1042                 fprintf(ofp, "\t%.1f", nseq ? stats->nbases[i] / (double)alen / nfile : 0);
1043             }
1044         }
1045         fprintf(ofp, "\n");
1047         fprintf(ofp, "CDEPTH\tSTDDEV");
1048         for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1049             if (!amps[r].sites)
1050                 continue;
1051             astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1052             amplicon_t *amp = amps[r].amp;
1053             for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
1054                 double alen = amp[i].min_right - amp[i].max_left+1;
1055                 double n1 = stats->nbases[i] / alen;
1056                 double v = stats->nbases2[i] / (alen*alen) /nfile
1057                     - (n1/nfile)*(n1/nfile);
1058                 fprintf(ofp, "\t%.1f", v>0?sqrt(v):0);
1059             }
1060         }
1061         fprintf(ofp, "\n");
1062     }
1064     // Percent Coverage
1065     if (type == 'F') {
1066         fprintf(ofp, "# Percentage coverage per amplicon\n");
1067         fprintf(ofp, "# Use 'grep ^%cPCOV | cut -f 2-' to extract this part.\n", type);
1068         int d = 0;
1069         do {
1070             fprintf(ofp, "%cPCOV-%d\t%s", type, args->min_depth[d], name);
1072             for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1073                 if (!amps[r].sites)
1074                     continue;
1075                 astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1076                 amplicon_t *amp = amps[r].amp;
1077                 for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
1078                     int covered = 0;
1079                     if (amp[i].min_right - amp[i].min_left > stats->max_amp_len) {
1080                         fprintf(stderr, "[ampliconstats] error: "
1081                                 "Maximum amplicon length (%d) exceeded for '%s'\n",
1082                                 stats->max_amp, name);
1083                         return -1;
1084                     }
1085                     int64_t j, offset = amp[i].min_left-1;
1086                     for (j = amp[i].max_left-1; j < amp[i].min_right; j++) {
1087                         int apos = i*stats->max_amp_len + j-offset;
1088                         if (stats->coverage[apos] >= args->min_depth[d])
1089                             covered++;
1090                     }
1091                     int64_t alen = amp[i].min_right - amp[i].max_left+1;
1092                     stats->covered_perc[i][d] = 100.0 * covered / alen;
1093                     fprintf(ofp, "\t%.2f", 100.0 * covered / alen);
1094                 }
1095             }
1096             fprintf(ofp, "\n");
1097         } while (++d < MAX_DEPTH && args->min_depth[d]);
1099     } else if (type == 'C') {
1100         // For combined we can compute mean & standard deviation too
1101         int d = 0;
1102         do {
1103             fprintf(ofp, "CPCOV-%d\tMEAN", args->min_depth[d]);
1104             for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1105                 if (!amps[r].sites)
1106                     continue;
1107                 astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1108                 for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
1109                     fprintf(ofp, "\t%.1f", stats->covered_perc[i][d] / nfile);
1110                 }
1111             }
1112             fprintf(ofp, "\n");
1114             fprintf(ofp, "CPCOV-%d\tSTDDEV", args->min_depth[d]);
1115             for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1116                 if (!amps[r].sites)
1117                     continue;
1118                 astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1119                 for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
1120                     double n1 = stats->covered_perc[i][d] / nfile;
1121                     double v = stats->covered_perc2[i][d] / nfile - n1*n1;
1122                     fprintf(ofp, "\t%.1f", v>0?sqrt(v):0);
1123                 }
1124             }
1125             fprintf(ofp, "\n");
1126         } while (++d < MAX_DEPTH && args->min_depth[d]);
1127     }
1129     // Plus base depth for all reads, irrespective of amplicon.
1130     // This is post overlap removal, if reads in the read-pair overlap.
1131     fprintf(ofp, "# Depth per reference base for ALL data.\n");
1132     fprintf(ofp, "# Use 'grep ^%cDP_ALL | cut -f 2-' to extract this part.\n",
1133             type);
1134     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1135         if (!amps[r].sites)
1136             continue;
1137         astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1138         if (args->multi_ref)
1139             fprintf(ofp, "%cDP_ALL\t%s\t%s", type, name, amps[r].ref);
1140         else
1141             fprintf(ofp, "%cDP_ALL\t%s", type, name);
1143         for (i = 0; i < amps[r].len; i++) {
1144             // Basic run-length encoding provided all values are within
1145             // +- depth_bin fraction of the mid-point.
1146             int dmin = stats->depth_all[i], dmax = stats->depth_all[i], j;
1147             double dmid = (dmin + dmax)/2.0;
1148             double low  = dmid*(1-args->depth_bin);
1149             double high = dmid*(1+args->depth_bin);
1150             for (j = i+1; j < amps[r].len; j++) {
1151                 int d = stats->depth_all[j];
1152                 if (d < low || d > high)
1153                     break;
1154                 if (dmin > d) {
1155                     dmin = d;
1156                     dmid = (dmin + dmax)/2.0;
1157                     low  = dmid*(1-args->depth_bin);
1158                     high = dmid*(1+args->depth_bin);
1159                 } else if (dmax < d) {
1160                     dmax = d;
1161                     dmid = (dmin + dmax)/2.0;
1162                     low  = dmid*(1-args->depth_bin);
1163                     high = dmid*(1+args->depth_bin);
1164                 }
1165             }
1166             fprintf(ofp, "\t%d,%d", (int)dmid, j-i);
1167             i = j-1;
1168         }
1169         fprintf(ofp, "\n");
1170     }
1172     // And depth for only reads matching to a single amplicon for full
1173     // length.  This is post read overlap removal.
1174     fprintf(ofp, "# Depth per reference base for full-length valid amplicon data.\n");
1175     fprintf(ofp, "# Use 'grep ^%cDP_VALID | cut -f 2-' to extract this "
1176             "part.\n", type);
1177     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1178         if (!amps[r].sites)
1179             continue;
1180         astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1181         if (args->multi_ref)
1182             fprintf(ofp, "%cDP_VALID\t%s\t%s", type, name, amps[r].ref);
1183         else
1184             fprintf(ofp, "%cDP_VALID\t%s", type, name);
1186         for (i = 0; i < amps[r].len; i++) {
1187             int dmin = stats->depth_valid[i], dmax = stats->depth_valid[i], j;
1188             double dmid = (dmin + dmax)/2.0;
1189             double low  = dmid*(1-args->depth_bin);
1190             double high = dmid*(1+args->depth_bin);
1191             for (j = i+1; j < amps[r].len; j++) {
1192                 int d = stats->depth_valid[j];
1193                 if (d < low || d > high)
1194                     break;
1195                 if (dmin > d) {
1196                     dmin = d;
1197                     dmid = (dmin + dmax)/2.0;
1198                     low  = dmid*(1-args->depth_bin);
1199                     high = dmid*(1+args->depth_bin);
1200                 } else if (dmax < d) {
1201                     dmax = d;
1202                     dmid = (dmin + dmax)/2.0;
1203                     low  = dmid*(1-args->depth_bin);
1204                     high = dmid*(1+args->depth_bin);
1205                 }
1206             }
1207             fprintf(ofp, "\t%d,%d", (int)dmid, j-i);
1208             i = j-1;
1209         }
1210         fprintf(ofp, "\n");
1211     }
1213     // TCOORD (start to end) distribution
1214     fprintf(ofp, "# Distribution of aligned template coordinates.\n");
1215     fprintf(ofp, "# Use 'grep ^%cTCOORD | cut -f 2-' to extract this part.\n", type);
1216     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1217         if (!amps[r].sites)
1218             continue;
1219         astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1220         for (i = 0 - (nref==1); i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
1221             if (ntcoord < kh_size(stats->tcoord[i+1])) {
1222                 ntcoord = kh_size(stats->tcoord[i+1]);
1223                 tcoord_t *tmp = realloc(tpos, ntcoord * sizeof(*tmp));
1224                 if (!tmp) {
1225                     free(tpos);
1226                     return -1;
1227                 }
1228                 tpos = tmp;
1229             }
1231             khiter_t k;
1232             size_t n = 0, j;
1233             for (k = kh_begin(stats->tcoord[i+1]);
1234                  k != kh_end(stats->tcoord[i+1]); k++) {
1235                 if (!kh_exist(stats->tcoord[i+1], k) ||
1236                     (kh_value(stats->tcoord[i+1], k) & 0xFFFFFFFF) == 0)
1237                     continue;
1238                 // Key is start,end in 32-bit quantities.
1239                 // Yes this limits us to 4Gb references, but just how
1240                 // many primers are we planning on making?  Not that many
1241                 // I hope.
1242                 tpos[n].start = kh_key(stats->tcoord[i+1], k)&0xffffffff;
1243                 tpos[n].end   = kh_key(stats->tcoord[i+1], k)>>32;
1245                 // Value is frequency (top 32-bits) and status (bottom 32).
1246                 tpos[n].freq   = kh_value(stats->tcoord[i+1], k)&0xffffffff;
1247                 tpos[n].status = kh_value(stats->tcoord[i+1], k)>>32;
1248                 n++;
1249             }
1251             if (args->tcoord_bin > 1)
1252                 aggregate_tcoord(args, tpos, &n);
1254             fprintf(ofp, "%cTCOORD\t%s\t%d", type, name,
1255                     i+1+amps[r].first_amp); // per amplicon
1256             for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1257                 if (tpos[j].freq < args->tcoord_min_count)
1258                     continue;
1259                 fprintf(ofp, "\t%d,%d,%u,%u",
1260                         tpos[j].start,
1261                         tpos[j].end,
1262                         tpos[j].freq,
1263                         tpos[j].status);
1264             }
1265             fprintf(ofp, "\n");
1266         }
1267     }
1270     // AMP length distribution.
1271     // 0 = both ends in this amplicon
1272     // 1 = ends in different amplicons
1273     // 2 = other end matching an unknown amplicon site
1274     //     (see tcoord for further analysis of where)
1275     fprintf(ofp, "# Classification of amplicon status.  Columns are\n");
1276     fprintf(ofp, "# number with both primers from this amplicon, number with\n");
1277     fprintf(ofp, "# primers from different amplicon, and number with a position\n");
1278     fprintf(ofp, "# not matching any valid amplicon primer site\n");
1279     fprintf(ofp, "# Use 'grep ^%cAMP | cut -f 2-' to extract this part.\n", type);
1281     fprintf(ofp, "%cAMP\t%s\t0", type, name); // all merged
1282     int amp_dist[3] = {0};
1283     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1284         if (!amps[r].sites)
1285             continue;
1286         astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1287         for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) { // accumulate for all amps
1288             amp_dist[0] += stats->amp_dist[i][0];
1289             amp_dist[1] += stats->amp_dist[i][1];
1290             amp_dist[2] += stats->amp_dist[i][2];
1291         }
1292     }
1293     fprintf(ofp, "\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", amp_dist[0], amp_dist[1], amp_dist[2]);
1295     for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1296         if (!amps[r].sites)
1297             continue;
1298         astats_t *stats = local ? amps[r].lstats : amps[r].gstats;
1299         for (i = 0; i < amps[r].namp; i++) {
1300             // per amplicon
1301             fprintf(ofp, "%cAMP\t%s\t%d", type, name, i+1+amps[r].first_amp);
1302             fprintf(ofp, "\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", stats->amp_dist[i][0],
1303                     stats->amp_dist[i][1], stats->amp_dist[i][2]);
1304         }
1305     }
1307     free(tpos);
1308     return 0;
1309 }
dump_lstats(astats_args_t * args,char type,char * name,int nfile,amplicons_t * amps,int nref)1311 int dump_lstats(astats_args_t *args, char type, char *name, int nfile,
1312                amplicons_t *amps, int nref) {
1313     return dump_stats(args, type, name, nfile, amps, nref, 1);
1314 }
dump_gstats(astats_args_t * args,char type,char * name,int nfile,amplicons_t * amps,int nref)1316 int dump_gstats(astats_args_t *args, char type, char *name, int nfile,
1317                amplicons_t *amps, int nref) {
1318     return dump_stats(args, type, name, nfile, amps, nref, 0);
1319 }
get_sample_name(sam_hdr_t * header,char * RG)1321 char const *get_sample_name(sam_hdr_t *header, char *RG) {
1322     kstring_t ks = {0};
1323     sam_hdr_find_tag_id(header, "RG", RG?"ID":NULL, RG, "SM", &ks);
1324     return ks.s;
1325 }
1327 // Return maximum reference length (SQ is NULL) or the length
1328 // of the specified reference in SQ.
get_ref_len(sam_hdr_t * header,const char * SQ)1329 int64_t get_ref_len(sam_hdr_t *header, const char *SQ) {
1330     if (SQ) {
1331         int tid = SQ ? sam_hdr_name2tid(header, SQ) : 0;
1332         return tid >= 0 ? sam_hdr_tid2len(header, tid) : -1;
1333     } else {
1334         int nref = sam_hdr_nref(header), tid;;
1335         int64_t len = 0;
1336         for (tid = 0; tid < nref; tid++) {
1337             int64_t rl = sam_hdr_tid2len(header, tid);
1338             if (len < rl)
1339                 len = rl;
1340         }
1341         return len;
1342     }
1343 }
amplicon_stats(astats_args_t * args,khash_t (bed_list_hash)* bed_hash,char ** filev,int filec)1345 static int amplicon_stats(astats_args_t *args,
1346                           khash_t(bed_list_hash) *bed_hash,
1347                           char **filev, int filec) {
1348     int i, ref = -1, ref_tid = -1, ret = -1, nref = 0;
1349     samFile *fp = NULL;
1350     sam_hdr_t *header = NULL;
1351     bam1_t *b = bam_init1();
1352     FILE *ofp = args->out_fp;
1353     char sname_[8192], *sname = NULL;
1354     amplicons_t *amps = NULL;
1356     // Report initial SS header.  We gather data from the bed_hash entries
1357     // as well as from the first SAM header (with the requirement that all
1358     // headers should be compatible).
1359     if (filec) {
1360         if (!(fp = sam_open_format(filev[0], "r", &args->ga.in))) {
1361             print_error_errno("ampliconstats",
1362                               "Cannot open input file \"%s\"",
1363                               filev[0]);
1364             goto err;
1365         }
1366         if (!(header = sam_hdr_read(fp)))
1367             goto err;
1369         if (!amps) {
1370             amps = calloc(nref=sam_hdr_nref(header), sizeof(*amps));
1371             if (!amps)
1372                 goto err;
1373             fprintf(ofp, "# Summary statistics, used for scaling the plots.\n");
1374             fprintf(ofp, "SS\tSamtools version: %s\n", samtools_version());
1375             fprintf(ofp, "SS\tCommand line: %s\n", args->argv);
1376             fprintf(ofp, "SS\tNumber of files:\t%d\n", filec);
1378             // Note: order of hash entries will be different to order of
1379             // BED file which may also differ to order of SQ headers.
1380             // SQ header is canonical ordering (pos sorted file).
1381             khiter_t k;
1382             int bam_nref = sam_hdr_nref(header);
1383             for (i = 0; i < bam_nref; i++) {
1384                 k = kh_get(bed_list_hash, bed_hash,
1385                            sam_hdr_tid2name(header, i));
1386                 if (!kh_exist(bed_hash, k))
1387                     continue;
1389                 bed_entry_list_t *sites = &kh_value(bed_hash, k);
1391                 ref = i;
1392                 amps[ref].ref = kh_key(bed_hash, k);
1393                 amps[ref].sites = sites;
1394                 amps[ref].namp = count_amplicon(sites);
1395                 amps[ref].amp  = calloc(sites->length,
1396                                         sizeof(*amps[ref].amp));
1397                 if (!amps[ref].amp)
1398                     goto err;
1399                 if (args->multi_ref)
1400                     fprintf(ofp, "SS\tNumber of amplicons:\t%s\t%d\n",
1401                             kh_key(bed_hash, k), amps[ref].namp);
1402                 else
1403                     fprintf(ofp, "SS\tNumber of amplicons:\t%d\n",
1404                             amps[ref].namp);
1406                 amps[ref].tid = ref;
1407                 if (ref_tid == -1)
1408                     ref_tid = ref;
1410                 int64_t len = get_ref_len(header, kh_key(bed_hash, k));
1411                 amps[ref].len = len;
1412                 if (args->multi_ref)
1413                     fprintf(ofp, "SS\tReference length:\t%s\t%"PRId64"\n",
1414                             kh_key(bed_hash, k), len);
1415                 else
1416                     fprintf(ofp, "SS\tReference length:\t%"PRId64"\n",
1417                             len);
1419                 amps[ref].lstats = stats_alloc(len, args->max_amp,
1420                                                args->max_amp_len);
1421                 amps[ref].gstats = stats_alloc(len, args->max_amp,
1422                                                args->max_amp_len);
1423                 if (!amps[ref].lstats || !amps[ref].gstats)
1424                     goto err;
1425             }
1426         }
1428         sam_hdr_destroy(header);
1429         header = NULL;
1430         if (sam_close(fp) < 0) {
1431             fp = NULL;
1432             goto err;
1433         }
1434         fp = NULL;
1435     }
1436     fprintf(ofp, "SS\tEnd of summary\n");
1438     // Extract the bits of amplicon data we need from bed hash and turn
1439     // it into a position-to-amplicon lookup table.
1440     int offset = 0;
1441     for (i = 0; i < nref; i++) {
1442         if (!amps[i].sites)
1443             continue;
1445         amps[i].first_amp = offset;
1446         if (bed2amplicon(args, amps[i].sites, amps[i].amp,
1447                          &amps[i].namp, i==0, amps[i].ref, offset) < 0)
1448             goto err;
1450         offset += amps[i].namp; // cumulative amplicon number across refs
1451     }
1453     // Now iterate over file contents, one at a time.
1454     for (i = 0; i < filec; i++) {
1455         char *nstart = filev[i];
1457         fp = sam_open_format(filev[i], "r", &args->ga.in);
1458         if (!fp) {
1459             print_error_errno("ampliconstats",
1460                               "Cannot open input file \"%s\"",
1461                               filev[i]);
1462             goto err;
1463         }
1465         if (args->ga.nthreads > 0)
1466             hts_set_threads(fp, args->ga.nthreads);
1468         if (!(header = sam_hdr_read(fp)))
1469             goto err;
1471         if (nref != sam_hdr_nref(header)) {
1472             print_error_errno("ampliconstats",
1473                               "SAM headers are not consistent across input files");
1474             goto err;
1475         }
1476         int r;
1477         for (r = 0; r < nref; r++) {
1478             if (!amps[r].ref ||
1479                 strcmp(amps[r].ref, sam_hdr_tid2name(header, r)) != 0 ||
1480                 amps[r].len != sam_hdr_tid2len(header, r)) {
1481                 print_error_errno("ampliconstats",
1482                                   "SAM headers are not consistent across "
1483                                   "input files");
1484                 goto err;
1485             }
1486         }
1488         if (args->use_sample_name)
1489             sname = (char *)get_sample_name(header, NULL);
1491         if (!sname) {
1492             sname = sname_;
1493             char *nend = filev[i] + strlen(filev[i]), *cp;
1494             if ((cp = strrchr(filev[i], '/')))
1495                 nstart = cp+1;
1496             if ((cp = strrchr(nstart, '.')) &&
1497                 (strcmp(cp, ".bam") == 0 ||
1498                  strcmp(cp, ".sam") == 0 ||
1499                  strcmp(cp, ".cram") == 0))
1500                 nend = cp;
1501             if (nend - nstart >= 8192) nend = nstart+8191;
1502             memcpy(sname, nstart, nend-nstart);
1503             sname[nend-nstart] = 0;
1504         }
1506         // Stats local to this sample only
1507         amp_stats_reset(amps, nref);
1509         int last_ref = -9;
1510         while ((r = sam_read1(fp, header, b)) >= 0) {
1511             // Other filter options useful here?
1512             if (b->core.tid < 0)
1513                 continue;
1515             if (last_ref != b->core.tid) {
1516                 last_ref  = b->core.tid;
1517                 if (initialise_amp_pos_lookup(args, amps, last_ref) < 0)
1518                     goto err;
1519             }
1521             if (accumulate_stats(args, amps, b) < 0)
1522                 goto err;
1523         }
1525         if (r < -1) {
1526             print_error_errno("ampliconstats", "Fail reading record");
1527             goto err;
1528         }
1530         sam_hdr_destroy(header);
1531         if (sam_close(fp) < 0) {
1532             fp = NULL;
1533             goto err;
1534         }
1536         fp = NULL;
1537         header = NULL;
1539         if (dump_lstats(args, 'F', sname, filec, amps, nref) < 0)
1540             goto err;
1542         if (append_stats(amps, nref) < 0)
1543             goto err;
1545         if (sname && sname != sname_)
1546             free(sname);
1547         sname = NULL;
1548     }
1550     if (dump_gstats(args, 'C', "COMBINED", filec, amps, nref) < 0)
1551         goto err;
1553     ret = 0;
1554  err:
1555     bam_destroy1(b);
1556     if (ret) {
1557         if (header)
1558             sam_hdr_destroy(header);
1559         if (fp)
1560             sam_close(fp);
1561     }
1562     for (i = 0; i < nref; i++) {
1563         stats_free(amps[i].lstats);
1564         stats_free(amps[i].gstats);
1565         free(amps[i].amp);
1566     }
1567     free(amps);
1568     free(pos2start);
1569     free(pos2end);
1570     if (ret) {
1571         if (sname && sname != sname_)
1572             free(sname);
1573     }
1575     return ret;
1576 }
usage(astats_args_t * args,FILE * fp,int exit_status)1578 static int usage(astats_args_t *args, FILE *fp, int exit_status) {
1579     fprintf(fp,
1580 "\n"
1581 "Usage: samtools ampliconstats [options] primers.bed *.bam > astats.txt\n"
1582 "\n"
1583 "Options:\n");
1584     fprintf(fp, "  -f, --required-flag STR|INT\n"
1585             "               Only include reads with all of the FLAGs present [0x%X]\n",args->flag_require);
1586     fprintf(fp, "  -F, --filter-flag STR|INT\n"
1587             "               Only include reads with none of the FLAGs present [0x%X]\n",args->flag_filter & 0xffff);
1588     fprintf(fp, "  -a, --max-amplicons INT\n"
1589             "               Change the maximum number of amplicons permitted [%d]\n", MAX_AMP);
1590     fprintf(fp, "  -l, --max-amplicon-length INT\n"
1591             "               Change the maximum length of an individual amplicon [%d]\n", MAX_AMP_LEN);
1592     fprintf(fp, "  -d, --min-depth INT[,INT]...\n"
1593             "               Minimum base depth(s) to consider position covered [%d]\n", args->min_depth[0]);
1594     fprintf(fp, "  -m, --pos-margin INT\n"
1595             "               Margin of error for matching primer positions [%d]\n", args->max_delta);
1596     fprintf(fp, "  -o, --output FILE\n"
1597             "               Specify output file [stdout if unset]\n");
1598     fprintf(fp, "  -s, --use-sample-name\n"
1599             "               Use the sample name from the first @RG header line\n");
1600     fprintf(fp, "  -t, --tlen-adjust INT\n"
1601             "               Add/subtract from TLEN; use when clipping but no fixmate step\n");
1602     fprintf(fp, "  -b, --tcoord-bin INT\n"
1603             "               Bin template start,end positions into multiples of INT[1]\n");
1604     fprintf(fp, "  -c, --tcoord-min-count INT\n"
1605             "               Minimum template start,end frequency for recording [%d]\n", TCOORD_MIN_COUNT);
1606     fprintf(fp, "  -D, --depth-bin FRACTION\n"
1607             "               Merge FDP values within +/- FRACTION together\n");
1608     fprintf(fp, "  -S, --single-ref\n"
1609             "               Force single-ref (<=1.12) output format\n");
1610     sam_global_opt_help(fp, "I.--.@");
1612     return exit_status;
1613 }
main_ampliconstats(int argc,char ** argv)1615 int main_ampliconstats(int argc, char **argv) {
1616     astats_args_t args = {
1617         .ga = SAM_GLOBAL_ARGS_INIT,
1618         .flag_require = 0,
1619         .flag_filter = 0x10B04,
1620         //.sites = BED_LIST_INIT,
1621         .max_delta = 30, // large enough to cope with alt primers
1622         .min_depth = {1},
1623         .use_sample_name = 0,
1624         .max_amp = MAX_AMP,
1625         .max_amp_len = MAX_AMP_LEN,
1626         .tlen_adj = 0,
1627         .out_fp = stdout,
1628         .tcoord_min_count = TCOORD_MIN_COUNT,
1629         .tcoord_bin = 1,
1630         .depth_bin = 0.01,
1631         .multi_ref = 1
1632     }, oargs = args;
1634     static const struct option loptions[] =
1635     {
1636         SAM_OPT_GLOBAL_OPTIONS('I', 0, '-', '-', 0, '@'),
1637         {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
1638         {"flag-require", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
1639         {"flag-filter", required_argument, NULL, 'F'},
1640         {"min-depth", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
1641         {"output", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
1642         {"pos-margin", required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
1643         {"use-sample-name", no_argument, NULL, 's'},
1644         {"max-amplicons", required_argument, NULL, 'a'},
1645         {"max-amplicon-length", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
1646         {"tlen-adjust", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
1647         {"tcoord-min-count", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
1648         {"tcoord-bin", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
1649         {"depth-bin", required_argument, NULL, 'D'},
1650         {"single-ref", no_argument, NULL, 'S'},
1651         {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
1652     };
1653     int opt;
1655     while ( (opt=getopt_long(argc,argv,"?hf:F:@:p:m:d:sa:l:t:o:c:b:D:S",loptions,NULL))>0 ) {
1656         switch (opt) {
1657         case 'f': args.flag_require = bam_str2flag(optarg); break;
1658         case 'F':
1659             if (args.flag_filter & 0x10000)
1660                 args.flag_filter = 0; // strip default on first -F usage
1661             args.flag_filter |= bam_str2flag(optarg); break;
1663         case 'm': args.max_delta = atoi(optarg); break; // margin
1664         case 'D': args.depth_bin = atof(optarg); break; // depth bin fraction
1665         case 'd': {
1666             int d = 0;
1667             char *cp = optarg, *ep;
1668             do {
1669                 long n = strtol(cp, &ep, 10);
1670                 args.min_depth[d++] = n;
1671                 if (*ep != ',')
1672                     break;
1673                 cp = ep+1;
1674             } while (d < MAX_DEPTH);
1675             break;
1676         }
1678         case 'a': args.max_amp = atoi(optarg)+1;break;
1679         case 'l': args.max_amp_len = atoi(optarg)+1;break;
1681         case 'c': args.tcoord_min_count = atoi(optarg);break;
1682         case 'b':
1683             args.tcoord_bin = atoi(optarg);
1684             if (args.tcoord_bin < 1)
1685                 args.tcoord_bin = 1;
1686             break;
1688         case 't': args.tlen_adj = atoi(optarg);break;
1690         case 's': args.use_sample_name = 1;break;
1692         case 'o':
1693             if (!(args.out_fp = fopen(optarg, "w"))) {
1694                 perror(optarg);
1695                 return 1;
1696             }
1697             break;
1699         case 'S':
1700             args.multi_ref = 0;
1701             break;
1703         case '?': return usage(&oargs, stderr, EXIT_FAILURE);
1704         case 'h': return usage(&oargs, stdout, EXIT_SUCCESS);
1706         default:
1707             if (parse_sam_global_opt(opt, optarg, loptions, &args.ga) != 0)
1708                 usage(&oargs,stderr, EXIT_FAILURE);
1709             break;
1710         }
1711     }
1713     if (argc <= optind)
1714         return usage(&oargs, stdout, EXIT_SUCCESS);
1715     if (argc <= optind+1 && isatty(STDIN_FILENO))
1716         return usage(&oargs, stderr, EXIT_FAILURE);
1718     khash_t(bed_list_hash) *bed_hash = kh_init(bed_list_hash);
1719     if (load_bed_file_multi_ref(argv[optind], 1, 0, bed_hash)) {
1720         print_error_errno("ampliconstats",
1721                           "Could not read file \"%s\"", argv[optind]);
1722         return 1;
1724     }
1726     khiter_t k, ref_count = 0;
1727     for (k = kh_begin(bed_hash); k != kh_end(bed_hash); k++) {
1728         if (!kh_exist(bed_hash, k))
1729             continue;
1730         ref_count++;
1731     }
1732     if (ref_count == 0)
1733         return 1;
1734     if (ref_count > 1 && args.multi_ref == 0) {
1735         print_error("ampliconstats",
1736                     "Single-ref mode is not permitted for BED files\n"
1737                     "containing more than one reference.");
1738         return 1;
1739     }
1741     args.argv = stringify_argv(argc, argv);
1742     int ret;
1743     if (argc == ++optind) {
1744         char *av = "-";
1745         ret = amplicon_stats(&args, bed_hash, &av, 1);
1746     } else {
1747         ret = amplicon_stats(&args, bed_hash, &argv[optind], argc-optind);
1748     }
1750     free(args.argv);
1751     destroy_bed_hash(bed_hash);
1753     return ret;
1754 }