1 /*===========================================================================
2 *
3 *                            Public Domain Notice
4 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
5 *
6 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
7 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
8 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
9 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
10 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
11 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
12 *
13 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
14 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
15 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
16 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
17 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
18 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
19 *  purpose.
20 *
21 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
22 *
23 * ===========================================================================
24 *
25 */
27 #ifndef _h_vfs_resolver_
28 #define _h_vfs_resolver_
30 #ifndef _h_vfs_extern_
31 #include <vfs/extern.h>
32 #endif
34 #ifndef _h_klib_defs_
35 #include <klib/defs.h>
36 #endif
38 #ifdef __cplusplus
39 extern "C" {
40 #endif
43 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
44  * forwards
45  */
46 struct KFile;
47 struct VPath;
48 struct String;
49 struct KConfig;
50 struct KRepository;
51 struct VFSManager;
54 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
55  * VResolver
56  */
57 typedef struct VResolver VResolver;
60 /* Make
61  *  ask the VFS manager to make a resolver
62  */
63 VFS_EXTERN rc_t CC VFSManagerMakeResolver ( struct VFSManager const * self,
64     VResolver ** new_resolver, struct KConfig const * cfg );
65 VFS_EXTERN rc_t CC KRepositoryMakeResolver ( struct KRepository const * self,
66     VResolver ** new_resolver, struct KConfig const * cfg );
69 /* AddRef
70  * Release
71  */
72 VFS_EXTERN rc_t CC VResolverAddRef ( const VResolver * self );
73 VFS_EXTERN rc_t CC VResolverRelease ( const VResolver * self );
76 /* VRemoteProtocols
77  *  accepted protocol list
78  *  there is a simple set of protocols
79  *  where multiple protocols are involved,
80  *  they are ordered by preference from LSB toward MSB
81  */
82 typedef uint32_t VRemoteProtocols;
83 enum
84 {
85     /* version 1.1 protocols */
86       eProtocolNone  = 0
87     , eProtocolDefault = eProtocolNone
88     , eProtocolHttp  = 1
89     , eProtocolFasp  = 2
91       /* version 1.2 protocols */
92     , eProtocolHttps = 3
94       /* version 3.0 protocols */
95     , eProtocolFile  = 4
96     , eProtocolS3    = 5 /* Amazon Simple Storage Service */
97     , eProtocolGS    = 6 /* Google Cloud Storage */
99       /* value 7 are available for future */
101     , eProtocolLast
102     , eProtocolMax   = eProtocolLast - 1
103     , eProtocolMask  = 7
105     , eProtocolMaxPref = 6
107       /* macros for building multi-protocol constants
108          ordered by preference from least to most significant bits */
109 #define VRemoteProtocolsMake2( p1, p2 )                                     \
110       ( ( ( VRemoteProtocols ) ( p1 ) & eProtocolMask ) |                   \
111         ( ( ( VRemoteProtocols ) ( p2 ) & eProtocolMask ) << ( 3 * 1 ) ) )
113 #define VRemoteProtocolsMake3( p1, p2, p3 )                                 \
114       ( VRemoteProtocolsMake2 ( p1, p2 ) |                                  \
115         ( ( ( VRemoteProtocols ) ( p3 ) & eProtocolMask ) << ( 3 * 2 ) ) )
117 #define VRemoteProtocolsMake4( p1, p2, p3, p4 )                                 \
118       ( VRemoteProtocolsMake3 ( p1, p2, p3 ) |                                  \
119         ( ( ( VRemoteProtocols ) ( p4 ) & eProtocolMask ) << ( 3 * 3 ) ) )
121     , eProtocolFaspHttp         = VRemoteProtocolsMake2 ( eProtocolFasp,  eProtocolHttp  )
122     , eProtocolHttpFasp         = VRemoteProtocolsMake2 ( eProtocolHttp,  eProtocolFasp  )
123     , eProtocolHttpsHttp        = VRemoteProtocolsMake2 ( eProtocolHttps, eProtocolHttp  )
124     , eProtocolHttpHttps        = VRemoteProtocolsMake2 ( eProtocolHttp,  eProtocolHttps )
125     , eProtocolFaspHttps        = VRemoteProtocolsMake2 ( eProtocolFasp,  eProtocolHttps )
126     , eProtocolHttpsFasp        = VRemoteProtocolsMake2 ( eProtocolHttps, eProtocolFasp  )
127     , eProtocolFaspHttpHttps    = VRemoteProtocolsMake3 ( eProtocolFasp,  eProtocolHttp,  eProtocolHttps )
128     , eProtocolHttpFaspHttps    = VRemoteProtocolsMake3 ( eProtocolHttp,  eProtocolFasp,  eProtocolHttps )
129     , eProtocolFaspHttpsHttp    = VRemoteProtocolsMake3 ( eProtocolFasp,  eProtocolHttps, eProtocolHttp  )
130     , eProtocolHttpHttpsFasp    = VRemoteProtocolsMake3 ( eProtocolHttp,  eProtocolHttps, eProtocolFasp  )
131     , eProtocolHttpsFaspHttp    = VRemoteProtocolsMake3 ( eProtocolHttps, eProtocolFasp,  eProtocolHttp  )
132     , eProtocolHttpsHttpFasp    = VRemoteProtocolsMake3 ( eProtocolHttps, eProtocolHttp,  eProtocolFasp  )
133     , eProtocolFileFaspHttpHttps= VRemoteProtocolsMake4 ( eProtocolFile,  eProtocolFasp,  eProtocolHttp, eProtocolHttps  )
134 };
136 /* Parse
137  *  parses a comma-separated list of case-insensitive protocols:
138  *    'http', 'https', 'fasp'
139  *
140  *  trims white-space, ignores unrecognized and empty terms
141  *
142  *  returns an ordered list of valid protocols
143  */
144 VFS_EXTERN VRemoteProtocols CC  VRemoteProtocolsParse ( struct String const * protos );
146 /* Query
147  *  resolve object location to either an existing local path,
148  *  or a pair of remote URL + local cache location.
149  *
150  *  "protocols" [ IN ] - the desired protocols for remote resolution
151  *
152  *  "query" [ IN ] - a path that can represent:
153  *     accession : a recognizable accession from NCBI or known organization
154  *     obj-id    : a dbGaP object id
155  *     name      : a dbGaP filename
156  *     path      : a filesystem path
157  *     url       : a remote location
158  *
159  *  "local" [ OUT, NULL OKAY ] - optional return parameter for local path:
160  *     accession : resolve to local user or site path
161  *     obj-id    : resolve to local user protected path
162  *     name      : resolve to local user protected path
163  *     url       : set to NULL
164  *
165  *  "remote" [ OUT, NULL OKAY ] - optional return parameter for remote path:
166  *     accession : resolve to URL
167  *     obj-id    : resolve to URL
168  *     name      : resolve to URL
169  *     url       : set to duplicate
170  *
171  *  "cache" [ OUT, NULL OKAY ] - optional return parameter for cache path:
172  *     accession : resolve to user cache path
173  *     obj-id    : resolve to user cache path
174  *     path      : set to NULL
175  *     url       : resolve to user cache path
176  *
177  *  any of the output parameters may be NULL, but not all, i.e. there
178  *  must be at least one non-NULL return parameter.
179  *
180  *  if you DON'T want local resolution, pass NULL for "local" and
181  *  the query will be resolved remotely. if you don't want remote
182  *  resolution, pass NULL for "remote".
183  *
184  *  a query that is resolved locally will always return NULL for
185  *  "remote" and "cache", if the parameters are provided.
186  */
187 VFS_EXTERN rc_t CC VResolverQuery ( const VResolver * self,
188     VRemoteProtocols protocols, struct VPath const * query,
189     struct VPath const ** local, struct VPath const ** remote,
190     struct VPath const ** cache );
192 /* Local - DEPRECATED
193  *  Find an existing local file/directory that is named by the accession.
194  *  rcState of rcNotFound means it does not exist.
195  *
196  *  other rc code for failure are possible.
197  *
198  *  Accession must be an ncbi-acc scheme or a simple name with no
199  *  directory paths.
200  */
201 VFS_EXTERN rc_t CC VResolverLocal ( const VResolver * self,
202     struct VPath const * accession, struct VPath const ** path );
205 /* Remote - DEPRECATED
206  *  Find an existing remote file that is named by the accession.
207  *
208  *  rcState of rcNotFound means it did not exist and can not be
209  *  downloaded. Probably a bad accession name.
210  *
211  *  Need a specific rc for no network configured.
212  *  Need a specific rc for network access permitted.
213  *
214  *  Other rc code for failure are possible.
215  *
216  *  Accession must be an ncbi-acc scheme or a simple name with no
217  *  directory paths.
218  *
219  */
220 VFS_EXTERN rc_t CC VResolverRemote ( const VResolver * self,
221     VRemoteProtocols protocols, struct VPath const * accession,
222     struct VPath const ** path /* , struct KFile const ** opt_file_rtn */ );
224 /* Cache - DEPRECATED
225  *  Find a cache directory that might or might not contain a partially
226  *  downloaded file.
227  *
228  *  Accession must be an ncbi-acc scheme, an http url or a simple name with no
229  *  directory paths. All three should return the same directory URL as a VPath. (?)
230  *  Or should it be a directory or a file url depending upon finding a partial
231  *  download? This would require co-ordination with all download mechanisms that
232  *  we permit.
233  *
234  *  With refseq holding wgs objects we have a case were the downloaded file is not
235  *  named the same as the original accession as the file archive you want is a
236  *  container for other files.
237  *
238  *  Find local will give a path that has a special scheme in these cases.
239  *  Find remote will give the url for the container that contains the accession
240  *  so using the returned VPath from resolve remote is better than the original
241  *  accession in this one case.  I think...
242  */
243 VFS_EXTERN rc_t CC VResolverCache ( const VResolver * self,
244     struct VPath const * url, struct VPath const ** path, uint64_t file_size );
247 /* EnableState
248  *  modifies how the various properties are interpreted
249  */
250 typedef uint32_t VResolverEnableState;
251 enum
252 {
253     vrUseConfig = 0,            /* take enable/disable state from KConfig */
254     vrAlwaysEnable = 1,         /* always enable, regardless of KConfig   */
255     vrAlwaysDisable = 2         /* always disable, regardless of KConfig  */
256 };
259 /* LocalEnable
260  *  modify settings for using local repositories,
261  *  meaning site, user-public and user-protected.
262  *
263  *  "enable" [ IN ] - enable or disable local access,
264  *  or follow settings in KConfig
265  *
266  *  returns the previous state of "remote-enabled" property
267  *
268  * NB - in VDB-2, the state is associated with library code
269  *  shared libraries in separate closures will have separate
270  *  state. this can only occur if dynamic ( manual ) loading of
271  *  shared libraries is used, and will not occur with normal
272  *  usage. in VDB-3 the state will be stored with the process,
273  *  not the library.
274  */
275 VFS_EXTERN VResolverEnableState CC VResolverLocalEnable ( const VResolver * self,
276     VResolverEnableState enable );
279 /* RemoteEnable
280  *  modify settings for using remote repositories
281  *
282  *  "enable" [ IN ] - enable or disable remote access,
283  *  or follow settings in KConfig
284  *
285  *  returns the previous state of "remote-enabled" property
286  *
287  * NB - in VDB-2, the state is associated with library code
288  *  shared libraries in separate closures will have separate
289  *  state. this can only occur if dynamic ( manual ) loading of
290  *  shared libraries is used, and will not occur with normal
291  *  usage. in VDB-3 the state will be stored with the process,
292  *  not the library.
293  */
294 VFS_EXTERN VResolverEnableState CC VResolverRemoteEnable ( const VResolver * self,
295     VResolverEnableState enable );
298 /* CacheEnable
299  *  modify settings for caching files in user repositories
300  *
301  *  "enable" [ IN ] - enable or disable user repository cache,
302  *  or follow settings in KConfig
303  *
304  *  returns the previous state of "cache-enabled" property
305  *
306  * NB - in VDB-2, the state is associated with library code
307  *  shared libraries in separate closures will have separate
308  *  state. this can only occur if dynamic ( manual ) loading of
309  *  shared libraries is used, and will not occur with normal
310  *  usage. in VDB-3 the state will be stored with the process,
311  *  not the library.
312  */
313 VFS_EXTERN VResolverEnableState CC VResolverCacheEnable ( const VResolver * self,
314     VResolverEnableState enable );
317 #ifdef __cplusplus
318 }
319 #endif
321 #endif /* _h_vfs_resolver_ */