1 /** @file RNALfold_cmdl.h
2  *  @brief The header file for the command line option parser
3  *  generated by GNU Gengetopt version 2.23
4  *  http://www.gnu.org/software/gengetopt.
5  *  DO NOT modify this file, since it can be overwritten
6  *  @author GNU Gengetopt */
11 /* If we use autoconf.  */
12 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
13 #include "config.h"
14 #endif
16 #include <stdio.h> /* for FILE */
18 #ifdef __cplusplus
19 extern "C" {
20 #endif /* __cplusplus */
23 /** @brief the program name (used for printing errors) */
25 #endif
28 /** @brief the complete program name (used for help and version) */
30 #endif
33 /** @brief the program version */
35 #endif
37 /** @brief Where the command line options are stored */
38 struct RNALfold_args_info
39 {
40   const char *help_help; /**< @brief Print help and exit help description.  */
41   const char *detailed_help_help; /**< @brief Print help, including all details and hidden options, and exit help description.  */
42   const char *full_help_help; /**< @brief Print help, including hidden options, and exit help description.  */
43   const char *version_help; /**< @brief Print version and exit help description.  */
44   int verbose_flag;	/**< @brief Be verbose
46  (default=off).  */
47   const char *verbose_help; /**< @brief Be verbose
49  help description.  */
50   int span_arg;	/**< @brief Set the maximum distance between any two pairing nucleotides.
51  (default='150').  */
52   char * span_orig;	/**< @brief Set the maximum distance between any two pairing nucleotides.
53  original value given at command line.  */
54   const char *span_help; /**< @brief Set the maximum distance between any two pairing nucleotides.
55  help description.  */
56   int noconv_flag;	/**< @brief Do not automatically substitude nucleotide \"T\" with \"U\"
58  (default=off).  */
59   const char *noconv_help; /**< @brief Do not automatically substitude nucleotide \"T\" with \"U\"
61  help description.  */
62   char * outfile_arg;	/**< @brief Print output to file instead of stdout
63 .  */
64   char * outfile_orig;	/**< @brief Print output to file instead of stdout
65  original value given at command line.  */
66   const char *outfile_help; /**< @brief Print output to file instead of stdout
67  help description.  */
68   char * infile_arg;	/**< @brief Read a file instead of reading from stdin
69 .  */
70   char * infile_orig;	/**< @brief Read a file instead of reading from stdin
71  original value given at command line.  */
72   const char *infile_help; /**< @brief Read a file instead of reading from stdin
73  help description.  */
74   int auto_id_flag;	/**< @brief Automatically generate an ID for each sequence.
75  (default=off).  */
76   const char *auto_id_help; /**< @brief Automatically generate an ID for each sequence.
77  help description.  */
78   char * id_prefix_arg;	/**< @brief Set prefix for automatically generated IDs
79  (default='sequence').  */
80   char * id_prefix_orig;	/**< @brief Set prefix for automatically generated IDs
81  original value given at command line.  */
82   const char *id_prefix_help; /**< @brief Set prefix for automatically generated IDs
83  help description.  */
84   char * id_delim_arg;	/**< @brief Change prefix delimiter for automatically generated ids.
85  (default='_').  */
86   char * id_delim_orig;	/**< @brief Change prefix delimiter for automatically generated ids.
87  original value given at command line.  */
88   const char *id_delim_help; /**< @brief Change prefix delimiter for automatically generated ids.
89  help description.  */
90   int id_digits_arg;	/**< @brief Specify the number of digits of the counter in automatically generated alignment IDs.
91  (default='4').  */
92   char * id_digits_orig;	/**< @brief Specify the number of digits of the counter in automatically generated alignment IDs.
93  original value given at command line.  */
94   const char *id_digits_help; /**< @brief Specify the number of digits of the counter in automatically generated alignment IDs.
95  help description.  */
96   long id_start_arg;	/**< @brief Specify the first number in automatically generated alignment IDs.
97  (default='1').  */
98   char * id_start_orig;	/**< @brief Specify the first number in automatically generated alignment IDs.
99  original value given at command line.  */
100   const char *id_start_help; /**< @brief Specify the first number in automatically generated alignment IDs.
101  help description.  */
102   char * filename_delim_arg;	/**< @brief Change the delimiting character that is used for sanitized filenames
104  (default='ID-delimiter').  */
105   char * filename_delim_orig;	/**< @brief Change the delimiting character that is used for sanitized filenames
107  original value given at command line.  */
108   const char *filename_delim_help; /**< @brief Change the delimiting character that is used for sanitized filenames
110  help description.  */
111   int filename_full_flag;	/**< @brief Use full FASTA header to create filenames
113  (default=off).  */
114   const char *filename_full_help; /**< @brief Use full FASTA header to create filenames
116  help description.  */
117   char * commands_arg;	/**< @brief Read additional commands from file
118 .  */
119   char * commands_orig;	/**< @brief Read additional commands from file
120  original value given at command line.  */
121   const char *commands_help; /**< @brief Read additional commands from file
122  help description.  */
123   double zscore_arg;	/**< @brief Limit the output to predictions with a Z-score below a threshold
124  (default='-2').  */
125   char * zscore_orig;	/**< @brief Limit the output to predictions with a Z-score below a threshold
126  original value given at command line.  */
127   const char *zscore_help; /**< @brief Limit the output to predictions with a Z-score below a threshold
128  help description.  */
129   int zscore_pre_filter_flag;	/**< @brief Apply the z-score filtering in the forward recursions
130  (default=off).  */
131   const char *zscore_pre_filter_help; /**< @brief Apply the z-score filtering in the forward recursions
132  help description.  */
133   int zscore_report_subsumed_flag;	/**< @brief Report subsumed structures if their z-score is less than that of the enclosing structure
134  (default=off).  */
135   const char *zscore_report_subsumed_help; /**< @brief Report subsumed structures if their z-score is less than that of the enclosing structure
136  help description.  */
137   int backtrack_global_flag;	/**< @brief Backtrack a global MFE structure.
138  (default=off).  */
139   const char *backtrack_global_help; /**< @brief Backtrack a global MFE structure.
140  help description.  */
141   int gquad_flag;	/**< @brief Incoorporate G-Quadruplex formation into the structure prediction algorithm
143  (default=off).  */
144   const char *gquad_help; /**< @brief Incoorporate G-Quadruplex formation into the structure prediction algorithm
146  help description.  */
147   char * shape_arg;	/**< @brief Use SHAPE reactivity data to guide structure predictions.
149 .  */
150   char * shape_orig;	/**< @brief Use SHAPE reactivity data to guide structure predictions.
152  original value given at command line.  */
153   const char *shape_help; /**< @brief Use SHAPE reactivity data to guide structure predictions.
155  help description.  */
156   char * shapeMethod_arg;	/**< @brief Include SHAPE reactivity data according to a particular method.
157  (default='D').  */
158   char * shapeMethod_orig;	/**< @brief Include SHAPE reactivity data according to a particular method.
159  original value given at command line.  */
160   const char *shapeMethod_help; /**< @brief Include SHAPE reactivity data according to a particular method.
161  help description.  */
162   char * shapeConversion_arg;	/**< @brief Convert SHAPE reactivity according to a particular model.
163  (default='O').  */
164   char * shapeConversion_orig;	/**< @brief Convert SHAPE reactivity according to a particular model.
165  original value given at command line.  */
166   const char *shapeConversion_help; /**< @brief Convert SHAPE reactivity according to a particular model.
167  help description.  */
168   double temp_arg;	/**< @brief Rescale energy parameters to a temperature of temp C. Default is 37C.
170 .  */
171   char * temp_orig;	/**< @brief Rescale energy parameters to a temperature of temp C. Default is 37C.
173  original value given at command line.  */
174   const char *temp_help; /**< @brief Rescale energy parameters to a temperature of temp C. Default is 37C.
176  help description.  */
177   int noTetra_flag;	/**< @brief Do not include special tabulated stabilizing energies for tri-, tetra- and hexaloop hairpins.
179  (default=off).  */
180   const char *noTetra_help; /**< @brief Do not include special tabulated stabilizing energies for tri-, tetra- and hexaloop hairpins.
182  help description.  */
183   int dangles_arg;	/**< @brief Change the dangling end model
184  (default='2').  */
185   char * dangles_orig;	/**< @brief Change the dangling end model
186  original value given at command line.  */
187   const char *dangles_help; /**< @brief Change the dangling end model
188  help description.  */
189   int noLP_flag;	/**< @brief Produce structures without lonely pairs (helices of length 1).
190  (default=off).  */
191   const char *noLP_help; /**< @brief Produce structures without lonely pairs (helices of length 1).
192  help description.  */
193   int noGU_flag;	/**< @brief Do not allow GU pairs
195  (default=off).  */
196   const char *noGU_help; /**< @brief Do not allow GU pairs
198  help description.  */
199   int noClosingGU_flag;	/**< @brief Do not allow GU pairs at the end of helices
201  (default=off).  */
202   const char *noClosingGU_help; /**< @brief Do not allow GU pairs at the end of helices
204  help description.  */
205   char * paramFile_arg;	/**< @brief Read energy parameters from paramfile, instead of using the default parameter set.
206 .  */
207   char * paramFile_orig;	/**< @brief Read energy parameters from paramfile, instead of using the default parameter set.
208  original value given at command line.  */
209   const char *paramFile_help; /**< @brief Read energy parameters from paramfile, instead of using the default parameter set.
210  help description.  */
211   char * nsp_arg;	/**< @brief Allow other pairs in addition to the usual AU,GC,and GU pairs.
212 .  */
213   char * nsp_orig;	/**< @brief Allow other pairs in addition to the usual AU,GC,and GU pairs.
214  original value given at command line.  */
215   const char *nsp_help; /**< @brief Allow other pairs in addition to the usual AU,GC,and GU pairs.
216  help description.  */
217   int energyModel_arg;	/**< @brief Rarely used option to fold sequences from the artificial ABCD... alphabet, where A pairs B, C-D etc.  Use the energy parameters for GC (-e 1) or AU (-e 2) pairs.
219 .  */
220   char * energyModel_orig;	/**< @brief Rarely used option to fold sequences from the artificial ABCD... alphabet, where A pairs B, C-D etc.  Use the energy parameters for GC (-e 1) or AU (-e 2) pairs.
222  original value given at command line.  */
223   const char *energyModel_help; /**< @brief Rarely used option to fold sequences from the artificial ABCD... alphabet, where A pairs B, C-D etc.  Use the energy parameters for GC (-e 1) or AU (-e 2) pairs.
225  help description.  */
227   unsigned int help_given ;	/**< @brief Whether help was given.  */
228   unsigned int detailed_help_given ;	/**< @brief Whether detailed-help was given.  */
229   unsigned int full_help_given ;	/**< @brief Whether full-help was given.  */
230   unsigned int version_given ;	/**< @brief Whether version was given.  */
231   unsigned int verbose_given ;	/**< @brief Whether verbose was given.  */
232   unsigned int span_given ;	/**< @brief Whether span was given.  */
233   unsigned int noconv_given ;	/**< @brief Whether noconv was given.  */
234   unsigned int outfile_given ;	/**< @brief Whether outfile was given.  */
235   unsigned int infile_given ;	/**< @brief Whether infile was given.  */
236   unsigned int auto_id_given ;	/**< @brief Whether auto-id was given.  */
237   unsigned int id_prefix_given ;	/**< @brief Whether id-prefix was given.  */
238   unsigned int id_delim_given ;	/**< @brief Whether id-delim was given.  */
239   unsigned int id_digits_given ;	/**< @brief Whether id-digits was given.  */
240   unsigned int id_start_given ;	/**< @brief Whether id-start was given.  */
241   unsigned int filename_delim_given ;	/**< @brief Whether filename-delim was given.  */
242   unsigned int filename_full_given ;	/**< @brief Whether filename-full was given.  */
243   unsigned int commands_given ;	/**< @brief Whether commands was given.  */
244   unsigned int zscore_given ;	/**< @brief Whether zscore was given.  */
245   unsigned int zscore_pre_filter_given ;	/**< @brief Whether zscore-pre-filter was given.  */
246   unsigned int zscore_report_subsumed_given ;	/**< @brief Whether zscore-report-subsumed was given.  */
247   unsigned int backtrack_global_given ;	/**< @brief Whether backtrack-global was given.  */
248   unsigned int gquad_given ;	/**< @brief Whether gquad was given.  */
249   unsigned int shape_given ;	/**< @brief Whether shape was given.  */
250   unsigned int shapeMethod_given ;	/**< @brief Whether shapeMethod was given.  */
251   unsigned int shapeConversion_given ;	/**< @brief Whether shapeConversion was given.  */
252   unsigned int temp_given ;	/**< @brief Whether temp was given.  */
253   unsigned int noTetra_given ;	/**< @brief Whether noTetra was given.  */
254   unsigned int dangles_given ;	/**< @brief Whether dangles was given.  */
255   unsigned int noLP_given ;	/**< @brief Whether noLP was given.  */
256   unsigned int noGU_given ;	/**< @brief Whether noGU was given.  */
257   unsigned int noClosingGU_given ;	/**< @brief Whether noClosingGU was given.  */
258   unsigned int paramFile_given ;	/**< @brief Whether paramFile was given.  */
259   unsigned int nsp_given ;	/**< @brief Whether nsp was given.  */
260   unsigned int energyModel_given ;	/**< @brief Whether energyModel was given.  */
262 } ;
264 /** @brief The additional parameters to pass to parser functions */
265 struct RNALfold_cmdline_parser_params
266 {
267   int override; /**< @brief whether to override possibly already present options (default 0) */
268   int initialize; /**< @brief whether to initialize the option structure RNALfold_args_info (default 1) */
269   int check_required; /**< @brief whether to check that all required options were provided (default 1) */
270   int check_ambiguity; /**< @brief whether to check for options already specified in the option structure RNALfold_args_info (default 0) */
271   int print_errors; /**< @brief whether getopt_long should print an error message for a bad option (default 1) */
272 } ;
274 /** @brief the purpose string of the program */
275 extern const char *RNALfold_args_info_purpose;
276 /** @brief the usage string of the program */
277 extern const char *RNALfold_args_info_usage;
278 /** @brief the description string of the program */
279 extern const char *RNALfold_args_info_description;
280 /** @brief all the lines making the help output */
281 extern const char *RNALfold_args_info_help[];
282 /** @brief all the lines making the full help output (including hidden options) */
283 extern const char *RNALfold_args_info_full_help[];
284 /** @brief all the lines making the detailed help output (including hidden options and details) */
285 extern const char *RNALfold_args_info_detailed_help[];
287 /**
288  * The command line parser
289  * @param argc the number of command line options
290  * @param argv the command line options
291  * @param args_info the structure where option information will be stored
292  * @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
293  */
294 int RNALfold_cmdline_parser (int argc, char **argv,
295   struct RNALfold_args_info *args_info);
297 /**
298  * The command line parser (version with additional parameters - deprecated)
299  * @param argc the number of command line options
300  * @param argv the command line options
301  * @param args_info the structure where option information will be stored
302  * @param override whether to override possibly already present options
303  * @param initialize whether to initialize the option structure my_args_info
304  * @param check_required whether to check that all required options were provided
305  * @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
306  * @deprecated use RNALfold_cmdline_parser_ext() instead
307  */
308 int RNALfold_cmdline_parser2 (int argc, char **argv,
309   struct RNALfold_args_info *args_info,
310   int override, int initialize, int check_required);
312 /**
313  * The command line parser (version with additional parameters)
314  * @param argc the number of command line options
315  * @param argv the command line options
316  * @param args_info the structure where option information will be stored
317  * @param params additional parameters for the parser
318  * @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
319  */
320 int RNALfold_cmdline_parser_ext (int argc, char **argv,
321   struct RNALfold_args_info *args_info,
322   struct RNALfold_cmdline_parser_params *params);
324 /**
325  * Save the contents of the option struct into an already open FILE stream.
326  * @param outfile the stream where to dump options
327  * @param args_info the option struct to dump
328  * @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
329  */
330 int RNALfold_cmdline_parser_dump(FILE *outfile,
331   struct RNALfold_args_info *args_info);
333 /**
334  * Save the contents of the option struct into a (text) file.
335  * This file can be read by the config file parser (if generated by gengetopt)
336  * @param filename the file where to save
337  * @param args_info the option struct to save
338  * @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
339  */
340 int RNALfold_cmdline_parser_file_save(const char *filename,
341   struct RNALfold_args_info *args_info);
343 /**
344  * Print the help
345  */
346 void RNALfold_cmdline_parser_print_help(void);
347 /**
348  * Print the full help (including hidden options)
349  */
350 void RNALfold_cmdline_parser_print_full_help(void);
351 /**
352  * Print the detailed help (including hidden options and details)
353  */
354 void RNALfold_cmdline_parser_print_detailed_help(void);
355 /**
356  * Print the version
357  */
358 void RNALfold_cmdline_parser_print_version(void);
360 /**
361  * Initializes all the fields a RNALfold_cmdline_parser_params structure
362  * to their default values
363  * @param params the structure to initialize
364  */
365 void RNALfold_cmdline_parser_params_init(struct RNALfold_cmdline_parser_params *params);
367 /**
368  * Allocates dynamically a RNALfold_cmdline_parser_params structure and initializes
369  * all its fields to their default values
370  * @return the created and initialized RNALfold_cmdline_parser_params structure
371  */
372 struct RNALfold_cmdline_parser_params *RNALfold_cmdline_parser_params_create(void);
374 /**
375  * Initializes the passed RNALfold_args_info structure's fields
376  * (also set default values for options that have a default)
377  * @param args_info the structure to initialize
378  */
379 void RNALfold_cmdline_parser_init (struct RNALfold_args_info *args_info);
380 /**
381  * Deallocates the string fields of the RNALfold_args_info structure
382  * (but does not deallocate the structure itself)
383  * @param args_info the structure to deallocate
384  */
385 void RNALfold_cmdline_parser_free (struct RNALfold_args_info *args_info);
387 /**
388  * Checks that all the required options were specified
389  * @param args_info the structure to check
390  * @param prog_name the name of the program that will be used to print
391  *   possible errors
392  * @return
393  */
394 int RNALfold_cmdline_parser_required (struct RNALfold_args_info *args_info,
395   const char *prog_name);
398 #ifdef __cplusplus
399 }
400 #endif /* __cplusplus */
401 #endif /* RNALFOLD_CMDL_H */