1 // This file is part of libigl, a simple c++ geometry processing library.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2013 Alec Jacobson <alecjacobson@gmail.com>
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License
6 // v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
7 // obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10 #include "igl_inline.h"
12 #include <Eigen/Dense>
13 #include <Eigen/Sparse>
14 #include "ARAPEnergyType.h"
15 #include <vector>
17 namespace igl
18 {
19   // Caller example:
20   //
21   // Once:
22   // arap_dof_precomputation(...)
23   //
24   // Each frame:
25   // while(not satisfied)
26   //   arap_dof_update(...)
27   // end
29   template <typename LbsMatrixType, typename SSCALAR>
30   struct ArapDOFData;
32   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33   //
34   // Arap DOF precomputation consists of two parts the computation. The first is
35   // that which depends solely on the mesh (V,F), the linear blend skinning
36   // weights (M) and the groups G. Then there's the part that depends on the
37   // previous precomputation and the list of free and fixed vertices.
38   //
39   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
42   // The code and variables differ from the description in Section 3 of "Fast
43   // Automatic Skinning Transformations" by [Jacobson et al. 2012]
44   //
45   // Here is a useful conversion table:
46   //
47   // [article]                             [code]
48   // S = \tilde{K} T                       S = CSM * Lsep
49   // S --> R                               S --> R --shuffled--> Rxyz
50   // Gamma_solve RT = Pi_1 \tilde{K} RT    L_part1xyz = CSolveBlock1 * Rxyz
51   // Pi_1 \tilde{K}                        CSolveBlock1
52   // Peq = [T_full; P_pos]
53   // T_full                                B_eq_fix <--- L0
54   // P_pos                                 B_eq
55   // Pi_2 * P_eq =                         Lpart2and3 = Lpart2 + Lpart3
56   //   Pi_2_left T_full +                  Lpart3 = M_fullsolve(right) * B_eq_fix
57   //   Pi_2_right P_pos                    Lpart2 = M_fullsolve(left) * B_eq
58   // T = [Pi_1 Pi_2] [\tilde{K}TRT P_eq]   L = Lpart1 + Lpart2and3
59   //
61   // Precomputes the system we are going to optimize. This consists of building
62   // constructor matrices (to compute covariance matrices from transformations
63   // and to build the poisson solve right hand side from rotation matrix entries)
64   // and also prefactoring the poisson system.
65   //
66   // Inputs:
67   //   V  #V by dim list of vertex positions
68   //   F  #F by {3|4} list of face indices
69   //   M  #V * dim by #handles * dim * (dim+1) matrix such that
70   //     new_V(:) = LBS(V,W,A) = reshape(M * A,size(V)), where A is a column
71   //     vectors formed by the entries in each handle's dim by dim+1
72   //     transformation matrix. Specifcally, A =
73   //       reshape(permute(Astack,[3 1 2]),n*dim*(dim+1),1)
74   //     or A = [Lxx;Lyx;Lxy;Lyy;tx;ty], and likewise for other dim
75   //     if Astack(:,:,i) is the dim by (dim+1) transformation at handle i
76   //     handles are ordered according to P then BE (point handles before bone
77   //     handles)
78   //   G  #V list of group indices (1 to k) for each vertex, such that vertex i
79   //     is assigned to group G(i)
80   // Outputs:
81   //   data  structure containing all necessary precomputation for calling
82   //     arap_dof_update
83   // Returns true on success, false on error
84   //
85   // See also: lbs_matrix_column
86   template <typename LbsMatrixType, typename SSCALAR>
87   IGL_INLINE bool arap_dof_precomputation(
88     const Eigen::MatrixXd & V,
89     const Eigen::MatrixXi & F,
90     const LbsMatrixType & M,
91     const Eigen::Matrix<int,Eigen::Dynamic,1> & G,
92     ArapDOFData<LbsMatrixType, SSCALAR> & data);
94   // Should always be called after arap_dof_precomputation, but may be called in
95   // between successive calls to arap_dof_update, recomputes precomputation
96   // given that there are only changes in free and fixed
97   //
98   // Inputs:
99   //   fixed_dim  list of transformation element indices for fixed (or partailly
100   //   fixed) handles: not necessarily the complement of 'free'
101   //    NOTE: the constraints for fixed transformations still need to be
102   //    present in A_eq
103   //   A_eq  dim*#constraint_points by m*dim*(dim+1)  matrix of linear equality
104   //     constraint coefficients. Each row corresponds to a linear constraint,
105   //     so that A_eq * L = Beq says that the linear transformation entries in
106   //     the column L should produce the user supplied positional constraints
107   //     for each handle in Beq. The row A_eq(i*dim+d) corresponds to the
108   //     constrain on coordinate d of position i
109   // Outputs:
110   //   data  structure containing all necessary precomputation for calling
111   //     arap_dof_update
112   // Returns true on success, false on error
113   //
114   // See also: lbs_matrix_column
115   template <typename LbsMatrixType, typename SSCALAR>
116   IGL_INLINE bool arap_dof_recomputation(
117     const Eigen::Matrix<int,Eigen::Dynamic,1> & fixed_dim,
118     const Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> & A_eq,
119     ArapDOFData<LbsMatrixType, SSCALAR> & data);
121   // Optimizes the transformations attached to each weight function based on
122   // precomputed system.
123   //
124   // Inputs:
125   //   data  precomputation data struct output from arap_dof_precomputation
126   //   Beq  dim*#constraint_points constraint values.
127   //   L0  #handles * dim * dim+1 list of initial guess transformation entries,
128   //     also holds fixed transformation entries for fixed handles
129   //   max_iters  maximum number of iterations
130   //   tol  stopping criteria parameter. If variables (linear transformation
131   //     matrix entries) change by less than 'tol' the optimization terminates,
132   //       0.75 (weak tolerance)
133   //       0.0 (extreme tolerance)
134   // Outputs:
135   //   L  #handles * dim * dim+1 list of final optimized transformation entries,
136   //     allowed to be the same as L
137   template <typename LbsMatrixType, typename SSCALAR>
138   IGL_INLINE bool arap_dof_update(
139     const ArapDOFData<LbsMatrixType,SSCALAR> & data,
140     const Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1> & B_eq,
141     const Eigen::MatrixXd & L0,
142     const int max_iters,
143     const double tol,
144     Eigen::MatrixXd & L
145     );
147   // Structure that contains fields for all precomputed data or data that needs
148   // to be remembered at update
149   template <typename LbsMatrixType, typename SSCALAR>
150   struct ArapDOFData
151   {
152     typedef Eigen::Matrix<SSCALAR, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> MatrixXS;
153     // Type of arap energy we're solving
154     igl::ARAPEnergyType energy;
155     //// LU decomposition precomptation data; note: not used by araf_dop_update
156     //// any more, replaced by M_FullSolve
157     //igl::min_quad_with_fixed_data<double> lu_data;
158     // List of indices of fixed transformation entries
159     Eigen::Matrix<int,Eigen::Dynamic,1> fixed_dim;
160     // List of precomputed covariance scatter matrices multiplied by lbs
161     // matrices
162     //std::vector<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> > CSM_M;
163     std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> CSM_M;
164     LbsMatrixType M_KG;
165     // Number of mesh vertices
166     int n;
167     // Number of weight functions
168     int m;
169     // Number of dimensions
170     int dim;
171     // Effective dimensions
172     int effective_dim;
173     // List of indices into C of positional constraints
174     Eigen::Matrix<int,Eigen::Dynamic,1> interpolated;
175     std::vector<bool> free_mask;
176     // Full quadratic coefficients matrix before lagrangian (should be dense)
177     LbsMatrixType Q;
180     //// Solve matrix for the global step
181     //Eigen::MatrixXd M_Solve; // TODO: remove from here
183     // Full solve matrix that contains also conversion from rotations to the right hand side,
184     // i.e., solves Poisson transformations just from rotations and positional constraints
185     MatrixXS M_FullSolve;
187     // Precomputed condensed matrices (3x3 commutators folded to 1x1):
188     MatrixXS CSM;
189     MatrixXS CSolveBlock1;
191     // Print timings at each update
192     bool print_timings;
194     // Dynamics
195     bool with_dynamics;
196     // I'm hiding the extra dynamics stuff in this struct, which sort of defeats
197     // the purpose of this function-based coding style...
199     // Time step
200     double h;
202     // L0  #handles * dim * dim+1 list of transformation entries from
203     // previous solve
204     MatrixXS L0;
205     //// Lm1  #handles * dim * dim+1 list of transformation entries from
206     //// previous-previous solve
207     //MatrixXS Lm1;
208     // "Velocity"
209     MatrixXS Lvel0;
211     // #V by dim matrix of external forces
212     // fext
213     MatrixXS fext;
215     // Mass_tilde: MT * Mass * M
216     LbsMatrixType Mass_tilde;
218     // Force due to gravity (premultiplier)
219     Eigen::MatrixXd fgrav;
220     // Direction of gravity
221     Eigen::Vector3d grav_dir;
222     // Magnitude of gravity
223     double grav_mag;
225     // Π1 from the paper
226     MatrixXS Pi_1;
228     // Default values
ArapDOFDataArapDOFData229     ArapDOFData():
230       energy(igl::ARAP_ENERGY_TYPE_SPOKES),
231       with_dynamics(false),
232       h(1),
233       grav_dir(0,-1,0),
234       grav_mag(0)
235     {
236     }
237   };
238 }
241 #  include "arap_dof.cpp"
242 #endif
244 #endif