1 #ifndef _
2 #define _(s)    	Slic3r::GUI::I18N::translate((s))
3 #define _L(s)    	Slic3r::GUI::I18N::translate((s))
4 #define _utf8(s)    Slic3r::GUI::I18N::translate_utf8((s))
5 #define _u8L(s)     Slic3r::GUI::I18N::translate_utf8((s))
6 #endif /* _ */
8 #ifndef _CTX
9 #define _CTX(s, ctx) 	  Slic3r::GUI::I18N::translate((s), (ctx))
10 #define _CTX_utf8(s, ctx) Slic3r::GUI::I18N::translate_utf8((s), (ctx))
11 #endif /* _ */
13 #ifndef L
14 // !!! If you needed to translate some wxString,
15 // !!! please use _L(string)
16 // !!! _() - is a standard wxWidgets macro to translate
17 // !!! L() is used only for marking localizable string
18 // !!! It will be used in "xgettext" to create a Locating Message Catalog.
19 #define L(s) s
20 #endif /* L */
22 #ifndef L_CONTEXT
23 #define L_CONTEXT(s, context) s
24 #endif /* L */
26 #ifndef _CHB
27 //! macro used to localization, return wxScopedCharBuffer
28 //! With wxConvUTF8 explicitly specify that the source string is already in UTF-8 encoding
29 #define _CHB(s) wxGetTranslation(wxString(s, wxConvUTF8)).utf8_str()
30 #endif /* _CHB */
32 #ifndef slic3r_GUI_I18N_hpp_
33 #define slic3r_GUI_I18N_hpp_
35 #include <wx/intl.h>
36 #include <wx/version.h>
38 namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI {
40 namespace I18N {
translate(const char * s)41 	inline wxString translate(const char         *s) { return wxGetTranslation(wxString(s, wxConvUTF8)); }
translate(const wchar_t * s)42 	inline wxString translate(const wchar_t      *s) { return wxGetTranslation(s); }
translate(const std::string & s)43 	inline wxString translate(const std::string  &s) { return wxGetTranslation(wxString(s.c_str(), wxConvUTF8)); }
translate(const std::wstring & s)44 	inline wxString translate(const std::wstring &s) { return wxGetTranslation(s.c_str()); }
translate(const wxString & s)45 	inline wxString translate(const wxString     &s) { return wxGetTranslation(s); }
translate(const char * s,const char * plural,unsigned int n)47 	inline wxString translate(const char         *s, const char 	    *plural, unsigned int n) { return wxGetTranslation(wxString(s, wxConvUTF8), wxString(plural, wxConvUTF8), n); }
translate(const wchar_t * s,const wchar_t * plural,unsigned int n)48 	inline wxString translate(const wchar_t      *s, const wchar_t	    *plural, unsigned int n) { return wxGetTranslation(s, plural, n); }
translate(const std::string & s,const std::string & plural,unsigned int n)49 	inline wxString translate(const std::string  &s, const std::string  &plural, unsigned int n) { return wxGetTranslation(wxString(s.c_str(), wxConvUTF8), wxString(plural.c_str(), wxConvUTF8), n); }
translate(const std::wstring & s,const std::wstring & plural,unsigned int n)50 	inline wxString translate(const std::wstring &s, const std::wstring &plural, unsigned int n) { return wxGetTranslation(s.c_str(), plural.c_str(), n); }
translate(const wxString & s,const wxString & plural,unsigned int n)51 	inline wxString translate(const wxString     &s, const wxString     &plural, unsigned int n) { return wxGetTranslation(s, plural, n); }
translate_utf8(const char * s)53 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const char         *s) { return wxGetTranslation(wxString(s, wxConvUTF8)).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const wchar_t * s)54 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const wchar_t      *s) { return wxGetTranslation(s).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const std::string & s)55 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const std::string  &s) { return wxGetTranslation(wxString(s.c_str(), wxConvUTF8)).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const std::wstring & s)56 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const std::wstring &s) { return wxGetTranslation(s.c_str()).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const wxString & s)57 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const wxString     &s) { return wxGetTranslation(s).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const char * s,const char * plural,unsigned int n)59 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const char         *s, const char 	    *plural, unsigned int n) { return translate(s, plural, n).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const wchar_t * s,const wchar_t * plural,unsigned int n)60 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const wchar_t      *s, const wchar_t	    *plural, unsigned int n) { return translate(s, plural, n).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const std::string & s,const std::string & plural,unsigned int n)61 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const std::string  &s, const std::string  &plural, unsigned int n) { return translate(s, plural, n).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const std::wstring & s,const std::wstring & plural,unsigned int n)62 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const std::wstring &s, const std::wstring &plural, unsigned int n) { return translate(s, plural, n).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const wxString & s,const wxString & plural,unsigned int n)63 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const wxString     &s, const wxString     &plural, unsigned int n) { return translate(s, plural, n).ToUTF8().data(); }
65 #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 1, 1)
66 	#define _wxGetTranslation_ctx(S, CTX) wxGetTranslation((S), wxEmptyString, (CTX))
67 #else
68 	#define _wxGetTranslation_ctx(S, CTX) ((void)(CTX), wxGetTranslation((S)))
69 #endif
translate(const char * s,const char * ctx)71 	inline wxString translate(const char *s, const char* ctx)         { return _wxGetTranslation_ctx(wxString(s, wxConvUTF8), ctx); }
translate(const wchar_t * s,const char * ctx)72 	inline wxString translate(const wchar_t *s, const char* ctx)      { return _wxGetTranslation_ctx(s, ctx); }
translate(const std::string & s,const char * ctx)73 	inline wxString translate(const std::string &s, const char* ctx)  { return _wxGetTranslation_ctx(wxString(s.c_str(), wxConvUTF8), ctx); }
translate(const std::wstring & s,const char * ctx)74 	inline wxString translate(const std::wstring &s, const char* ctx) { return _wxGetTranslation_ctx(s.c_str(), ctx); }
translate(const wxString & s,const char * ctx)75 	inline wxString translate(const wxString &s, const char* ctx)     { return _wxGetTranslation_ctx(s, ctx); }
translate_utf8(const char * s,const char * ctx)77 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const char *s, const char* ctx)         { return _wxGetTranslation_ctx(wxString(s, wxConvUTF8), ctx).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const wchar_t * s,const char * ctx)78 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const wchar_t *s, const char* ctx)      { return _wxGetTranslation_ctx(s, ctx).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const std::string & s,const char * ctx)79 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const std::string &s, const char* ctx)  { return _wxGetTranslation_ctx(wxString(s.c_str(), wxConvUTF8), ctx).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const std::wstring & s,const char * ctx)80 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const std::wstring &s, const char* ctx) { return _wxGetTranslation_ctx(s.c_str(), ctx).ToUTF8().data(); }
translate_utf8(const wxString & s,const char * ctx)81 	inline std::string translate_utf8(const wxString &s, const char* ctx)     { return _wxGetTranslation_ctx(s, ctx).ToUTF8().data(); }
83 #undef _wxGetTranslation_ctx
84 } // namespace I18N
86 // Return translated std::string as a wxString
87 wxString	L_str(const std::string &str);
89 } // namespace GUI
90 } // namespace Slic3r
92 // Macro to function both as a marker for xgettext and to actually perform the translation.
93 #ifndef _L_PLURAL
94 #define _L_PLURAL(s, plural, n) Slic3r::GUI::I18N::translate(s, plural, n)
95 #endif /* L */
97 #endif /* slic3r_GUI_I18N_hpp_ */