2 #include <cgx.h>
3 extern Values   *value;
write2duns(char * datout,Summen * anz,Nodes * node,Elements * elem,Datasets * lcase,NodeBlocks * nBlock,int bouNr,NodeBlockbou * dunsbou)7 int write2duns( char *datout, Summen *anz, Nodes *node, Elements *elem, Datasets *lcase, NodeBlocks *nBlock, int bouNr, NodeBlockbou *dunsbou )
8 {
9   FILE *handle1, *handle2, *handle3;
10   int  i,j,k,n,b=0,edges=0;
11   double dl, p1=-1, pt1=-1,p2=-1, vu,vv,vel,flowangle;
12   char buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
13   double  gasConstant=287.1, gamma, dynVisc, dynVisc0=1.786e-5, temp,tt1, cpGas, wl, pr, massflow, velFactor=1.;
15   /* Open the files and check to see that it was opened correctly */
16   i=strlen(datout);
17   strcpy (datout, "duns.grid");
18   handle1 = fopen (datout, "w+b");
19   if (handle1==NULL) { printf ("\nThe output file \"%s\" could not be opened.\n\n",
20      datout); return(-1);}
21   else  printf (" file %s opened\n",datout);
23   strcpy (datout, "duns.conn");
24   handle2 = fopen (datout, "w+b");
25   if (handle2==NULL) { printf ("\nThe output file \"%s\" could not be opened.\n\n",
26      datout); return(-1);}
27   else  printf (" file %s opened\n",datout);
29   strcpy (datout, "duns.bou");
30   handle3 = fopen (datout, "w+b");
31   if (handle3==NULL) { printf ("\nThe output file \"%s\" could not be opened.\n\n",
32      datout); return(-1);}
33   else  printf (" file %s opened\n",datout);
35   printf (" write duns mesh \n");
37   /* grid file */
38   fprintf (handle1, "%d\n", anz->b);
39   for (b=0; b<anz->b; b++)
40   {
41     if(nBlock[b].dim==2) fprintf (handle1, "%d %d\n", nBlock[b].i, nBlock[b].j);
42     else                 fprintf (handle1, "%d %d %d\n", nBlock[b].i, nBlock[b].j, nBlock[b].k);
43     n=0;
44     for (k=0; k<nBlock[b].k; k++)
45     {
46       for (j=0; j<nBlock[b].j; j++)
47       {
48         for (i=0; i<nBlock[b].i; i++)
49         {
50           if(nBlock[b].dim==2) fprintf (handle1, "%le %le\n", node[nBlock[b].nod[n]].nx, node[nBlock[b].nod[n]].ny);
51           else                 fprintf (handle1, "%le %le %le\n", node[nBlock[b].nod[n]].nx, node[nBlock[b].nod[n]].ny, node[nBlock[b].nod[n]].nz);
52           n++;
53 	}
54       }
55     }
56   }
57   fclose(handle1);
59   /* connectivity file */
60   fprintf (handle2, "%3d       blocks\n", anz->b);
61   for (b=0; b<anz->b; b++)
62   {
63     fprintf (handle2,"B %3d",nBlock[b].geo+1-nBlock[0].geo );
64     if(nBlock[b].dim==2) edges=4;
65     if(nBlock[b].dim==3) edges=6;
66     for(i=0; i<edges; i++)
67     {
68       if(nBlock[b].map[i][0]>-1) fprintf(handle2," b  0%3d %1d%1d%1d",  nBlock[b].neighbor[i]+1-nBlock[0].geo, nBlock[b].map[i][0], nBlock[b].map[i][1], nBlock[b].map[i][2]);
69       else  fprintf(handle2," s %2d  0 000",  nBlock[b].neighbor[i]);
70     }
71     fprintf (handle2,"\n" );
72   }
73   fclose(handle2);
75   // write the gas-properties and initialization block only if the temperature is defined
76   sprintf(buffer,"temperature");
77   if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
78   {
79     /* boundary file */
81     temp=atof(value[getValuNr(buffer)].string);
82     cpGas=1005.+0.0785*(temp-273.15); // sp. heat cap. J/Kg/K
83     gamma=1./(1-(gasConstant/cpGas));
84     wl=0.0245*(1.+0.00225*(temp-273.15));
85     // sutherland:
86     dynVisc=pow((temp/273.),(3./2.)) * (273.+111.)/(temp+111.) * dynVisc0;
87     pr=dynVisc*cpGas/wl;
88     fprintf(handle3,"  gas-properties\n");
89     fprintf(handle3,"      compressible\n");
90     fprintf(handle3,"      gas-constant %f\n",gasConstant);
91     fprintf(handle3,"      gamma %f\n",gamma);
92     fprintf(handle3,"      viscosity %e\n",dynVisc);
93     fprintf(handle3,"      prandtl-number %f\n",pr);
94     fprintf(handle3,"  turbulence\n");
95     fprintf(handle3,"      prandtl-number %f\n",pr*1.33);
97     /* initialize */
99     fprintf(handle3,"   initialize\n");
100     sprintf(buffer,"ini-velocity-factor");
101     if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
102     {
103       velFactor=atof(value[getValuNr(buffer)].string);
104     }
105     sprintf(buffer,"pressure");
106     if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
107     {
108       p2=atof(value[getValuNr(buffer)].string);
109       sprintf(buffer,"stagnation-pressure");
110       if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
111       {
112         pt1=atof(value[getValuNr(buffer)].string);
113         fprintf(handle3,"      pressure %f\n", (p2+pt1)*.5);
114       }
115       else fprintf(handle3,"      pressure %f\n", p2);
116     }
117     fprintf(handle3,"      temperature %f\n",temp);
118     sprintf(buffer,"u-velocity");
119     if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
120     {
121       vu=atof(value[getValuNr(buffer)].string);
122       fprintf(handle3,"      u-velocity %f\n",vu*velFactor);
123     }
124     sprintf(buffer,"v-velocity");
125     if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
126     {
127       vv=atof(value[getValuNr(buffer)].string);
128       fprintf(handle3,"#      v-velocity %f\n",vv*velFactor);
129     }
130     fprintf(handle3,"      v-velocity 0.\n");
131     fprintf(handle3,"      turbulent-intensity 0.06\n");
132     fprintf(handle3,"      turbulent-viscosity %e\n", dynVisc*10.);
133     fprintf(handle3,"\n");
134   }
135   vel=sqrt(vu*vu+vv*vv);
136   flowangle=asin(-vv/vel);
138   fprintf(handle3,"  boundary-conditions \n");
139   for (b=0; b<bouNr; b++)
140   {
141     fprintf(handle3,"#\n# set:%s\n", dunsbou[b].name);
142     fprintf(handle3,"  surface ");
143     for(i=0; i<dunsbou[b].surfs; i++) fprintf(handle3,"%d ", dunsbou[b].surf[i]);
144     fprintf(handle3,"\n    %s\n", dunsbou[b].bctype);
145     if(compare(dunsbou[b].bctype,"inviscid-wall",11)==11)
146     {
147       sprintf(buffer,"WallTemperature");
148       if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
149 	{  fprintf(handle3,"        temperature %s\n",value[getValuNr(buffer)].string); }
150       else fprintf(handle3,"        adiabatic\n");
151     }
152     if(compare(dunsbou[b].bctype,"viscous-wall",11)==11)
153     {
154       sprintf(buffer,"WallTemperature");
155       if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
156 	{  fprintf(handle3,"        temperature %s\n",value[getValuNr(buffer)].string); }
157       else fprintf(handle3,"        adiabatic\n");
158     }
159     if(compare(dunsbou[b].bctype,"subsonic-outflow",14)==14)
160     {
161       sprintf(buffer,"pressure");
162       if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1) fprintf(handle3,"        pressure %s\n",value[getValuNr(buffer)].string);
163     }
164     if(compare(dunsbou[b].bctype,"subsonic-inflow",14)==14)
165     {
166       sprintf(buffer,"stagnation-temperature");
167       if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
168       {
169         tt1=atof(value[getValuNr(buffer)].string);
170 	fprintf(handle3,"        stagnation-temperature %e\n",tt1);
171         sprintf(buffer,"stagnation-pressure");
172         if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
173 	{
174 	  pt1=atof(value[getValuNr(buffer)].string);
175           fprintf(handle3,"        stagnation-pressure %e\n",pt1);
176 	}
177         fprintf(handle3,"#        velocity %f\n",vel);
179         p1=pt1*pow( (temp/tt1), (gamma/(gamma-1)) );
180         // specific massflow per area
181         massflow= vu * p1/gasConstant/temp;
182         fprintf(handle3,"# mass-flow calculation based on p:%e\n",p1);
183         fprintf(handle3,"#        mass-flow %e\n",massflow);
184         fprintf(handle3,"#        temperature %e\n",temp);
185       }
186       else
187       {
188         fprintf(handle3,"        velocity %f\n",vel);
189         sprintf(buffer,"temperature");
190         if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1) fprintf(handle3,"        temperature %s\n",value[getValuNr(buffer)].string);
191       }
192       fprintf(handle3,"        flow-angle %f\n",flowangle);
193       sprintf(buffer,"temperature");
194       if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
195       {
196         fprintf(handle3,"         turbulent-intensity 0.06\n");
197         fprintf(handle3,"         turbulent-viscosity %e\n", dynVisc*10.);
198       }
199     }
200   }
202   // define precondition only if the pressure is known
203   sprintf(buffer,"pressure");
204   if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1)
205   {
206     fprintf(handle3,"  precondition\n");
207     fprintf(handle3,"      inviscid        on\n");
208     fprintf(handle3,"      viscous         on\n");
209     sprintf(buffer,"pressure");
210     if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1) fprintf(handle3,"        pressure %s\n",value[getValuNr(buffer)].string);
211     if(getValuNr(buffer)>-1) fprintf(handle3,"        velocity %f\n",vel);
212   }
214   fclose(handle3);
216   return (1);
217 }