1 /*******************************************************************
3 Part of the Fritzing project - http://fritzing.org
4 Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Fachhochschule Potsdam - http://fh-potsdam.de
6 Fritzing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, orF
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 Fritzing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
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19 ********************************************************************
21 $Revision: 6941 $:
22 $Author: irascibl@gmail.com $:
23 $Date: 2013-03-26 15:03:18 +0100 (Di, 26. Mrz 2013) $
25 ********************************************************************/
27 #include "groundplanegenerator.h"
28 #include "svgfilesplitter.h"
29 #include "../fsvgrenderer.h"
30 #include "../debugdialog.h"
31 #include "../version/version.h"
32 #include "../utils/folderutils.h"
33 #include "../utils/graphicsutils.h"
34 #include "../utils/textutils.h"
35 #include "../items/wire.h"
36 #include "../processeventblocker.h"
37 #include "../autoroute/drc.h"
39 #include <QBitArray>
40 #include <QPainter>
41 #include <QSvgRenderer>
42 #include <QDate>
43 #include <QTextStream>
44 #include <qmath.h>
45 #include <limits>
46 #include <QtConcurrentRun>
48 static const double BORDERINCHES = 0.04;
50 const QString GroundPlaneGenerator::KeepoutSettingName("GPG_Keepout");
51 const double GroundPlaneGenerator::KeepoutDefaultMils = 10;
OFFSET(int x,int y,QImage * image)53 inline int OFFSET(int x, int y, QImage * image) { return (y * image->width()) + x; }
55 QString GroundPlaneGenerator::ConnectorName = "connector0pad";
57 //  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
58 //  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  IMPORTANT NOTE:  QRect::right() and QRect::bottom() are off by one--this is a known Qt problem
59 //  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
60 //  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!					  one workaround might be to switch to QRectF
61 //  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GroundPlaneGenerator()63 GroundPlaneGenerator::GroundPlaneGenerator()
64 {
65 	m_strokeWidthIncrement = 0;
66 	m_minRiseSize = m_minRunSize = 1;
67 }
~GroundPlaneGenerator()69 GroundPlaneGenerator::~GroundPlaneGenerator() {
70 }
getBoardRects(const QByteArray & boardByteArray,QGraphicsItem * board,double res,double keepoutSpace,QList<QRect> & rects)72 bool GroundPlaneGenerator::getBoardRects(const QByteArray & boardByteArray, QGraphicsItem * board, double res, double keepoutSpace, QList<QRect> & rects)
73 {
75 	QRectF br = board->sceneBoundingRect();
76 	double bWidth = res * br.width() / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI;
77 	double bHeight = res * br.height() / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI;
78 	QImage image(bWidth, bHeight, QImage::Format_Mono);
79 	image.setDotsPerMeterX(res * GraphicsUtils::InchesPerMeter);
80 	image.setDotsPerMeterY(res * GraphicsUtils::InchesPerMeter);
81 	image.fill(0xffffffff);
83 	QSvgRenderer renderer(boardByteArray);
84 	QPainter painter;
85 	painter.begin(&image);
86 	painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
87 	renderer.render(&painter);
88 	painter.end();
90 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
91 	image.save(FolderUtils::getUserDataStorePath("") + "/getBoardRects.png");
92 #endif
94 	QColor keepaway(255,255,255);
96 	// now add keepout area to the border
97 	QImage image2 = image.copy();
98 	painter.begin(&image2);
99 	painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
100 	painter.fillRect(0, 0, image2.width(), keepoutSpace, keepaway);
101 	painter.fillRect(0, image2.height() - keepoutSpace, image2.width(), keepoutSpace, keepaway);
102 	painter.fillRect(0, 0, keepoutSpace, image2.height(), keepaway);
103 	painter.fillRect(image2.width() - keepoutSpace, 0, keepoutSpace, image2.height(), keepaway);
105 	for (int y = 0; y < image.height(); y++) {
106 		for (int x = 0; x < image.width(); x++) {
107 			QRgb current = image.pixel(x, y);
108 			if (current != 0xffffffff) {
109 				continue;
110 			}
112 			painter.fillRect(x - keepoutSpace, y - keepoutSpace, keepoutSpace + keepoutSpace, keepoutSpace + keepoutSpace, keepaway);
113 		}
114 	}
115 	painter.end();
117 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
118 	image2.save(FolderUtils::getUserDataStorePath("") + "/getBoardRects2.png");
119 #endif
121 	scanLines(image2, bWidth, bHeight, rects);
123 	// combine parallel equal-sized rects
124 	int ix = 0;
125 	while (ix < rects.count()) {
126 		QRect r = rects.at(ix++);
127 		for (int j = ix; j < rects.count(); j++) {
128 			QRect s = rects.at(j);
129 			if (s.bottom() == r.bottom()) {
130 				// on same row; keep going
131 				continue;
132 			}
134 			if (s.top() > r.bottom() + 1) {
135 				// skipped row, can't join
136 				break;
137 			}
139 			if (s.left() == r.left() && s.right() == r.right()) {
140 				// join these
141 				r.setBottom(s.bottom());
142 				rects.removeAt(j);
143 				ix--;
144 				rects.replace(ix, r);
145 				break;
146 			}
147 		}
148 	}
150 	return true;
151 }
generateGroundPlaneUnit(const QString & boardSvg,QSizeF boardImageSize,const QString & svg,QSizeF copperImageSize,QStringList & exceptions,QGraphicsItem * board,double res,const QString & color,QPointF whereToStart,double keepoutMils)153 bool GroundPlaneGenerator::generateGroundPlaneUnit(const QString & boardSvg, QSizeF boardImageSize, const QString & svg, QSizeF copperImageSize,
154 												   QStringList & exceptions, QGraphicsItem * board, double res, const QString & color,
155 												   QPointF whereToStart, double keepoutMils)
156 {
157     GPGParams params;
158     params.boardSvg = boardSvg;
159     params.boardImageSize = boardImageSize;
160     params.svg = svg;
161     params.copperImageSize =  copperImageSize;
162 	params.exceptions = exceptions;
163     params.board = board;
164     params.res = res;
165     params.color = color;
166     params.keepoutMils = keepoutMils;
168     double bWidth, bHeight;
169     QList<QRectF> rects;
170 	QImage * image = generateGroundPlaneAux(params, bWidth, bHeight, rects);
171 	if (image == NULL) return false;
173 	QRectF bsbr = board->sceneBoundingRect();
175 	QPoint s(qRound(res * (whereToStart.x() - bsbr.topLeft().x()) / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI),
176 			qRound(res * (whereToStart.y() - bsbr.topLeft().y()) / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI));
178 	QBitArray redMarker(image->height() * image->width(), false);
180 	QRgb pixel = image->pixel(s);
181 	//DebugDialog::debug(QString("unit %1").arg(pixel, 0, 16));
182 	if (pixel != 0xffffffff) {
183 		// starting off in bad territory
184 		delete image;
185 		return false;
186 	}
188 	// step 1 flood fill white to "red" (keep max locations)
190 	int minY = image->height();
191 	int maxY = 0;
192 	int minX = image->width();
193 	int maxX = 0;
194 	QList<QPoint> stack;
195 	stack << s;
196 	while (stack.count() > 0) {
197 		QPoint p = stack.takeFirst();
199 		if (p.x() < 0) continue;
200 		if (p.y() < 0) continue;
201 		if (p.x() >= image->width()) continue;
202 		if (p.y() >= image->height()) continue;
203 		if (redMarker.testBit(OFFSET(p.x(), p.y(), image))) continue;			// already been here
205 		QRgb pixel = image->pixel(p);
206 		if (pixel != 0xffffffff) continue;			// black; bail
208 		redMarker.setBit(OFFSET(p.x(), p.y(), image), true);
209 		if (p.x() > maxX) maxX = p.x();
210 		if (p.x() < minX) minX = p.x();
211 		if (p.y() > maxY) maxY = p.y();
212 		if (p.y() < minY) minY = p.y();
214 		stack.append(QPoint(p.x() - 1, p.y()));
215 		stack.append(QPoint(p.x() + 1, p.y()));
216 		stack.append(QPoint(p.x(), p.y() - 1));
217 		stack.append(QPoint(p.x(), p.y() + 1));
218 	}
220 	//image->save("testPoly1.png");
222 	// step 2 replace white with black
223 	image->fill(0);
225 	// step 3 replace "red" with white
226 	for (int y = 0; y < image->height(); y++) {
227 		for (int x = 0; x < image->width(); x++) {
228 			if (redMarker.testBit(OFFSET(x, y, image))) {
229 				image->setPixel(x, y, 1);
230 			}
231 		}
232 	}
234 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
235 	image->save(FolderUtils::getUserDataStorePath("") + "/testGroundPlaneUnit3.png");
236 #endif
238 	scanImage(*image, bWidth, bHeight, GraphicsUtils::StandardFritzingDPI / res, res, color, true, true, QSizeF(.05, .05), 1 / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI, QPointF(0,0));
239 	delete image;
240 	return true;
241 }
generateGroundPlane(const QString & boardSvg,QSizeF boardImageSize,const QString & svg,QSizeF copperImageSize,QStringList & exceptions,QGraphicsItem * board,double res,const QString & color,double keepoutMils)243 bool GroundPlaneGenerator::generateGroundPlane(const QString & boardSvg, QSizeF boardImageSize, const QString & svg, QSizeF copperImageSize,
244 												QStringList & exceptions, QGraphicsItem * board, double res, const QString & color, double keepoutMils)
245 {
246     GPGParams params;
247     params.boardSvg = boardSvg;
248     params.keepoutMils = keepoutMils;
249     params.boardImageSize = boardImageSize;
250     params.svg = svg;
251     params.copperImageSize =  copperImageSize;
252 	params.exceptions = exceptions;
253     params.board = board;
254     params.res = res;
255     params.color = color;
256     QFuture<bool> future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &GroundPlaneGenerator::generateGroundPlaneFn, params);
257     while (!future.isFinished()) {
258         ProcessEventBlocker::processEvents(200);
259     }
260     return future.result();
261 }
generateGroundPlaneFn(GPGParams & params)263 bool GroundPlaneGenerator::generateGroundPlaneFn(GPGParams & params)
264 {
266 	double bWidth, bHeight;
267     QList<QRectF> rects;
268 	QImage * image = generateGroundPlaneAux(params, bWidth, bHeight, rects);
269 	if (image == NULL) return false;
271     double pixelFactor = GraphicsUtils::StandardFritzingDPI / params.res;
272 	scanImage(*image, bWidth, bHeight, pixelFactor, params.res, params.color, true, true, QSizeF(.05, .05), 1 / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI, QPointF(0,0));
273     if (rects.count() > 0) {
274         foreach (QRectF r, rects) {
275             // add the rects separately as tiny SVGs which don't get clipped (since they are connected)
276             QList<QPolygon> polygons;
277             QPolygon polygon;
278             polygon << QPoint(r.left() * pixelFactor, r.top() * pixelFactor)
279                     << QPoint(r.right() * pixelFactor, r.top() * pixelFactor)
280                     << QPoint(r.right() * pixelFactor, r.bottom() * pixelFactor)
281                     << QPoint(r.left() * pixelFactor, r.bottom() * pixelFactor);
282             polygons.append(polygon);
283             makePolySvg(polygons, params.res, bWidth, bHeight, pixelFactor, params.color, false, true, QSizeF(0, 0), 0, QPointF(0, 0));
284         }
285     }
287 	delete image;
288 	return true;
289 }
generateGroundPlaneAux(GPGParams & params,double & bWidth,double & bHeight,QList<QRectF> & rects)291 QImage * GroundPlaneGenerator::generateGroundPlaneAux(GPGParams & params, double & bWidth, double & bHeight, QList<QRectF> & rects)
292 {
293 	QByteArray boardByteArray;
294     QString tempColor("#ffffff");
295     if (!SvgFileSplitter::changeColors(params.boardSvg, tempColor, params.exceptions, boardByteArray)) {
296 		return NULL;
297 	}
300 	//QFile file0("testGroundFillBoard.svg");
301 	//file0.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
302 	//QTextStream out0(&file0);
303 	//out0 << boardByteArray;
304 	//file0.close();
307     /*
308     QByteArray copperByteArray;
309     if (!SvgFileSplitter::changeStrokeWidth(params.svg, m_strokeWidthIncrement, false, true, copperByteArray)) {
310 		return NULL;
311 	}
312     */
314 	QString errorStr;
315 	int errorLine;
316 	int errorColumn;
317     QDomDocument doc;
318     doc.setContent(params.svg, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn);
319     QDomElement root = doc.documentElement();
320     SvgFileSplitter::forceStrokeWidth(root, 2 * params.keepoutMils, "#000000", true, true);
321     QByteArray copperByteArray = doc.toByteArray(0);
323 	//QFile file1("testGroundFillCopper.svg");
324 	//file1.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
325 	//QTextStream out1(&file1);
326 	//out1 << copperByteArray;
327 	//file1.close();
330 	double svgWidth = params.res * qMax(params.boardImageSize.width(), params.copperImageSize.width()) / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI;
331 	double svgHeight = params.res * qMax(params.boardImageSize.height(), params.copperImageSize.height()) / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI;
333 	QRectF br =  params.board->sceneBoundingRect();
334 	bWidth = params.res * br.width() / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI;
335 	bHeight = params.res * br.height() / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI;
336 	QImage * image = new QImage(qMax(svgWidth, bWidth), qMax(svgHeight, bHeight), QImage::Format_Mono); //
337 	image->setDotsPerMeterX(params.res * GraphicsUtils::InchesPerMeter);
338 	image->setDotsPerMeterY(params.res * GraphicsUtils::InchesPerMeter);
339 	image->fill(0x0);
341 	QSvgRenderer renderer(boardByteArray);
342 	QPainter painter;
343 	painter.begin(image);
344 	painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
345 	QRectF boardBounds(0, 0, params.res * params.boardImageSize.width() / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI, params.res * params.boardImageSize.height() / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI);
346 	DebugDialog::debug("boardbounds", boardBounds);
347 	renderer.render(&painter, boardBounds);
348 	painter.end();
350 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
351 	image->save(FolderUtils::getUserDataStorePath("") + "/testGroundFillBoard.png");
352 #endif
354     DRC::extendBorder(BORDERINCHES * params.res, image);
355     GraphicsUtils::drawBorder(image, BORDERINCHES * params.res);
357     QImage boardImage = image->copy();
359     /*
360 	for (double m = 0; m < BORDERINCHES; m += (1.0 / params.res)) {   // 1 mm
361 		QList<QPoint> points;
362 		collectBorderPoints(*image, points);
364 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
366 		// for debugging
367 		//double pixelFactor = GraphicsUtils::StandardFritzingDPI / res;
368 		//QPolygon polygon;
369 		//foreach(QPoint p, points) {
370 		//	polygon.append(QPoint(p.x() * pixelFactor, p.y() * pixelFactor));
371 		//}
373 		//QList<QPolygon> polygons;
374 		//polygons.append(polygon);
375 		//QPointF offset;
376 		//this
377 		//QString pSvg = makePolySvg(polygons, res, bWidth, bHeight, pixelFactor, "#ffffff", false,  NULL, QSizeF(0,0), 0, QPointF(0, 0));
379 #endif
381 		foreach (QPoint p, points) image->setPixel(p, 0);
382 	}
383     */
385 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
386 	image->save(FolderUtils::getUserDataStorePath("") + "/testGroundFillBoardBorder.png");
387 #endif
389 	QSvgRenderer renderer2(copperByteArray);
390 	painter.begin(image);
391 	painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
392 	QRectF bounds(0, 0, params.res * params.copperImageSize.width() / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI, params.res * params.copperImageSize.height() / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI);
393 	DebugDialog::debug("copperbounds", bounds);
394 	renderer2.render(&painter, bounds);
395 	painter.end();
397 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
398 	image->save(FolderUtils::getUserDataStorePath("") + "/testGroundFillCopper.png");
399 #endif
401 	emit postImageSignal(this, image, &boardImage, params.board, &rects);
403 	return image;
404 }
scanImage(QImage & image,double bWidth,double bHeight,double pixelFactor,double res,const QString & colorString,bool makeConnectorFlag,bool makeOffset,QSizeF minAreaInches,double minDimensionInches,QPointF polygonOffset)406 void GroundPlaneGenerator::scanImage(QImage & image, double bWidth, double bHeight, double pixelFactor, double res,
407 									 const QString & colorString, bool makeConnectorFlag,
408 									 bool makeOffset, QSizeF minAreaInches, double minDimensionInches, QPointF polygonOffset)
409 {
410 	QList<QRect> rects;
411 	scanLines(image, bWidth, bHeight, rects);
412 	QList< QList<int> * > pieces;
413 	splitScanLines(rects, pieces);
414 	foreach (QList<int> * piece, pieces) {
415 		QList<QPolygon> polygons;
416 		QList<QRect> newRects;
417 		foreach (int i, *piece) {
418 			QRect r = rects.at(i);
419 			newRects.append(QRect(r.x() * pixelFactor, r.y() * pixelFactor, (r.width() * pixelFactor) + 1, pixelFactor + 1));    // + 1 is for off-by-one converting rects to polys
420 		}
422 		// note: there is always one
423 		joinScanLines(newRects, polygons);
424         makePolySvg(polygons, res, bWidth, bHeight, pixelFactor, colorString, makeConnectorFlag, makeOffset, minAreaInches, minDimensionInches, polygonOffset);
425 	}
427 	/*
428 	QString newSvg = QString("<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='%1in' height='%2in' viewBox='0 0 %3 %4' >\n")
429 		.arg(bWidth / res)
430 		.arg(bHeight / res)
431 		.arg(bWidth * MILS)
432 		.arg(bHeight * MILS);
433 	newSvg += "<g id='groundplane'>\n";
435 	// ?split each line into two lines (l1, l2) and add a terminal point at the left of l1 and the right of l2?
437 	ix = 0;
438 	foreach (QRectF r, rects) {
439 		newSvg += QString("<rect x='%1' y='%2' width='%3' height='%4' id='connector%5pad' fill='%6'  />\n")
440 			.arg(r.left() * MILS)
441 			.arg(r.top() * MILS)
442 			.arg(r.width() * MILS)
443 			.arg(MILS)
444 			.arg(ix++).
445 			.arg(ViewLayer::Copper0Color);
446 	}
447 	newSvg += "</g>\n</svg>\n";
448 	*/
450 }
scanLines(QImage & image,int bWidth,int bHeight,QList<QRect> & rects)452 void GroundPlaneGenerator::scanLines(QImage & image, int bWidth, int bHeight, QList<QRect> & rects)
453 {
454 	if (m_minRiseSize > 1) {
455 		for (int x = 0; x < bWidth; x++) {
456 			bool inWhite = false;
457 			int whiteStart = 0;
458 			for (int y = 0; y < bHeight; y++) {
459 				QRgb current = image.pixel(x, y);
460 				if (inWhite) {
461 					if (current == 0xffffffff) {			// qBlue(current) == 0xff    gray > 128
462 						// another white pixel, keep moving
463 						continue;
464 					}
466 					// got black: close up this segment;
467 					inWhite = false;
468 					if (y - whiteStart < m_minRiseSize) {
469 						for (int j = whiteStart; j <= y; j++) {
470 							image.setPixel(x, j, 0);
471 						}
472 						continue;
473 					}
475 				}
476 				else {
477 					if (current != 0xffffffff) {		// qBlue(current) != 0xff
478 						// another black pixel, keep moving
479 						continue;
480 					}
482 					inWhite = true;
483 					whiteStart = y;
484 				}
485 			}
486 			if (inWhite) {
487 				// close up the last segment
488 				if (bHeight - whiteStart < m_minRiseSize) {
489 					for (int j = whiteStart; j <= bHeight; j++) {
490 						image.setPixel(x, j, 0);
491 					}
492 				}
493 			}
494 		}
495 	}
497 	// threshold should be between 0 and 255 exclusive; smaller will include more of the svg
498 	for (int y = 0; y < bHeight; y++) {
499 		bool inWhite = false;
500 		int whiteStart = 0;
501 		for (int x = 0; x < bWidth; x++) {
502 			QRgb current = image.pixel(x, y);
503 			//if (current != 0xff000000 && current != 0xffffffff) {
504 				//DebugDialog::debug(QString("current %1").arg(current,0,16));
505 			//}
506 			//DebugDialog::debug(QString("current %1 %2").arg(current,0,16).arg(gray, 0, 16));
507 			if (inWhite) {
508 				if (current == 0xffffffff) {			// qBlue(current) == 0xff    gray > 128
509 					// another white pixel, keep moving
510 					continue;
511 				}
513 				// got black: close up this segment;
514 				inWhite = false;
515 				if (x - whiteStart < m_minRunSize) {
516 					// not a big enough section
517 					continue;
518 				}
520 				rects.append(QRect(whiteStart, y, x - whiteStart, 1));
521 			}
522 			else {
523 				if (current != 0xffffffff) {		// qBlue(current) != 0xff
524 					// another black pixel, keep moving
525 					continue;
526 				}
528 				inWhite = true;
529 				whiteStart = x;
530 			}
531 		}
532 		if (inWhite) {
533 			// close up the last segment
534 			if (bWidth - whiteStart >= m_minRunSize) {
535 				rects.append(QRect(whiteStart, y, bWidth - whiteStart, 1));
536 			}
537 		}
538 	}
539 }
splitScanLines(QList<QRect> & rects,QList<QList<int> * > & pieces)541 void GroundPlaneGenerator::splitScanLines(QList<QRect> & rects, QList< QList<int> * > & pieces)
542 {
543 	// combines vertically adjacent scanlines into "pieces"
544 	int ix = 0;
545 	int prevFirst = -1;
546 	int prevLast = -1;
547 	while (ix < rects.count()) {
548 		int first = ix;
549 		QRectF firstR = rects.at(ix);
550 		while (++ix < rects.count()) {
551 			QRectF nextR = rects.at(ix);
552 			if (nextR.y() != firstR.y()) {
553 				break;
554 			}
555 		}
556 		int last = ix - 1;  // this was a lookahead so step back one
557 		if (prevFirst >= 0) {
558 			for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) {
559 				QRectF candidate = rects.at(i);
560 				int gotCount = 0;
561 				for (int j = prevFirst; j <= prevLast; j++) {
562 					QRectF prev = rects.at(j);
563 					if (prev.y() + 1 != candidate.y()) {
564 						// skipped a line; no intersection possible
565 						break;
566 					}
568 					if ((prev.x() + prev.width() <= candidate.x()) || (candidate.x() + candidate.width() <= prev.x())) {
569 						// candidate and prev didn't intersect
570 						continue;
571 					}
573 					if (++gotCount > 1) {
574 						QList<int> * piecei = NULL;
575 						QList<int> * piecej = NULL;
576 						foreach (QList<int> * piece, pieces) {
577 							if (piece->contains(j)) {
578 								piecej = piece;
579 								break;
580 							}
581 						}
582 						foreach (QList<int> * piece, pieces) {
583 							if (piece->contains(i)) {
584 								piecei = piece;
585 								break;
586 							}
587 						}
588 						if (piecei != NULL && piecej != NULL) {
589 							if (piecei != piecej) {
590 								foreach (int b, *piecej) {
591 									piecei->append(b);
592 								}
593 								piecej->clear();
594 								pieces.removeOne(piecej);
595 								delete piecej;
596 							}
597 							piecei->append(i);
598 						}
599 						else {
600 							DebugDialog::debug("we are really screwed here, what should we do about it?");
601 						}
602 					}
603 					else {
604 						// put the candidate (i) in j's piece
605 						foreach (QList<int> * piece, pieces) {
606 							if (piece->contains(j)) {
607 								piece->append(i);
608 								break;
609 							}
610 						}
611 					}
612 				}
614 				if (gotCount == 0) {
615 					// candidate is an orphan line at this point
616 					QList<int> * piece = new QList<int>;
617 					piece->append(i);
618 					pieces.append(piece);
619 				}
621 			}
622 		}
623 		else {
624 			for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) {
625 				QList<int> * piece = new QList<int>;
626 				piece->append(i);
627 				pieces.append(piece);
628 			}
629 		}
631 		prevFirst = first;
632 		prevLast = last;
633 	}
635 	foreach (QList<int> * piece, pieces) {
636 		qSort(*piece);
637 	}
638 }
joinScanLines(QList<QRect> & rects,QList<QPolygon> & polygons)640 void GroundPlaneGenerator::joinScanLines(QList<QRect> & rects, QList<QPolygon> & polygons) {
641 	QList< QList<int> * > pieces;
642 	int ix = 0;
643 	int prevFirst = -1;
644 	int prevLast = -1;
645 	while (ix < rects.count()) {
646 		int first = ix;
647 		QRectF firstR = rects.at(ix);
648 		while (++ix < rects.count()) {
649 			QRectF nextR = rects.at(ix);
650 			if (nextR.y() != firstR.y()) {
651 				break;
652 			}
653 		}
654 		int last = ix - 1;
655 		if (prevFirst >= 0) {
656 			QVector<int> holdPrevs(last - first + 1);
657 			QVector<int> gotCounts(last - first + 1);
658 			for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) {
659 				int index = i - first;
660 				holdPrevs[index] = 0;
661 				gotCounts[index] = 0;
662 				QRectF candidate = rects.at(i);
663 				for (int j = prevFirst; j <= prevLast; j++) {
664 					QRectF prev = rects.at(j);
666 					if ((prev.x() + prev.width() <= candidate.x()) || (candidate.x() + candidate.width() <= prev.x())) {
667 						// candidate and prev didn't intersect
668 						continue;
669 					}
671 					holdPrevs[index] = j;
672 					gotCounts[index]++;
673 				}
674 				if (gotCounts[index] > 1) {
675 					holdPrevs[index] = -1;			// clear this to allow one of the others in this scanline to capture a previous
676 				}
677 			}
678 			for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) {
679 				int index = i - first;
681 				bool gotOne = false;
682 				if (gotCounts[index] == 1) {
683 					bool unique = true;
684 					for (int j = first; j <= last; j++) {
685 						if (j - first == index) continue;			// don't compare against yourself
687 						if (holdPrevs[index] == holdPrevs[j - first]) {
688 							unique = false;
689 							break;
690 						}
691 					}
693 					if (unique) {
694 						// add this to the previous chunk
695 						gotOne = true;
696 						foreach (QList<int> * piece, pieces) {
697 							if (piece->contains(holdPrevs[index])) {
698 								piece->append(i);
699 								break;
701 							}
702 						}
703 					}
704 				}
705 				if (!gotOne) {
706 					// start a new chunk
707 					holdPrevs[index] = -1;						// allow others to capture the prev
708 					QList<int> * piece = new QList<int>;
709 					piece->append(i);
710 					pieces.append(piece);
711 				}
712 			}
713 		}
714 		else {
715 			for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) {
716 				QList<int> * piece = new QList<int>;
717 				piece->append(i);
718 				pieces.append(piece);
719 			}
720 		}
722 		prevFirst = first;
723 		prevLast = last;
724 	}
726 	foreach (QList<int> * piece, pieces) {
727 		//QPolygon poly(rects.at(piece->at(0)), true);
728 		//for (int i = 1; i < piece->length(); i++) {
729 			//QPolygon temp(rects.at(piece->at(i)), true);
730 			//poly = poly.united(temp);
731 		//}
733 		// no need to close polygon; SVG automatically closes path
735 		QPolygon poly;
737 		// left side
738 		for (int i = 0; i < piece->length(); i++) {
739 			QRect r = rects.at(piece->at(i));
740 			if ((poly.count() > 0) && (poly.last().x() == r.left())) {
741 				poly.pop_back();
742 			}
743 			else {
744 				poly.append(QPoint(r.left(), r.top()));
745 			}
746 			poly.append(QPoint(r.left(), r.bottom()));
747 		}
748 		// right side
749 		for (int i = piece->length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
750 			QRect r = rects.at(piece->at(i));
751 			if ((poly.count() > 0) && (poly.last().x() == r.right())) {
752 				poly.pop_back();
753 			}
754 			else {
755 				poly.append(QPoint(r.right(), r.bottom()));
756 			}
757 			poly.append(QPoint(r.right(), r.top()));
758 		}
762 		polygons.append(poly);
763 		delete piece;
764 	}
765 }
makePolySvg(QList<QPolygon> & polygons,double res,double bWidth,double bHeight,double pixelFactor,const QString & colorString,bool makeConnectorFlag,bool makeOffset,QSizeF minAreaInches,double minDimensionInches,QPointF polygonOffset)767 void GroundPlaneGenerator::makePolySvg(QList<QPolygon> & polygons, double res, double bWidth, double bHeight, double pixelFactor,
768 										const QString & colorString, bool makeConnectorFlag, bool makeOffset,
769 										QSizeF minAreaInches, double minDimensionInches, QPointF polygonOffset)
770 {
771 	QPointF offset;
772 	QString pSvg = makePolySvg(polygons, res, bWidth, bHeight, pixelFactor, colorString, makeConnectorFlag, makeOffset ? &offset : NULL, minAreaInches, minDimensionInches, polygonOffset);
773 	if (pSvg.isEmpty()) return;
775 	m_newSVGs.append(pSvg);
776 	if (makeOffset) {
777 		offset *= GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI;
778 		m_newOffsets.append(offset);			// offset now in pixels
779 	}
781 	/*
782 	QFile file4("testPoly.svg");
783 	file4.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
784 	QTextStream out4(&file4);
785 	out4 << pSvg;
786 	file4.close();
787 	*/
788 }
makePolySvg(QList<QPolygon> & polygons,double res,double bWidth,double bHeight,double pixelFactor,const QString & colorString,bool makeConnectorFlag,QPointF * offset,QSizeF minAreaInches,double minDimensionInches,QPointF polygonOffset)790 QString GroundPlaneGenerator::makePolySvg(QList<QPolygon> & polygons, double res, double bWidth, double bHeight, double pixelFactor,
791 										const QString & colorString, bool makeConnectorFlag, QPointF * offset,
792 										QSizeF minAreaInches, double minDimensionInches, QPointF polygonOffset)
793 {
794 	int minX = 0;
795 	int minY = 0;
796 	if (offset != NULL) {
797 		minY = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
798 		int maxY = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
799 		minX = minY;
800 		int maxX = maxY;
802 		foreach (QPolygon polygon, polygons) {
803 			foreach (QPoint p, polygon) {
804 				if (p.x() > maxX) maxX = p.x();
805 				if (p.x() < minX) minX = p.x();
806 				if (p.y() > maxY) maxY = p.y();
807 				if (p.y() < minY) minY = p.y();
808 			}
809 		}
811 		bWidth = (maxX - minX) / pixelFactor;
812 		bHeight = (maxY - minY) / pixelFactor;
813 		offset->setX(minX / (res * pixelFactor));		// inches
814 		offset->setY(minY / (res * pixelFactor));		// inches
815 	}
817 	if ((bWidth / res < minAreaInches.width()) && (bHeight / res < minAreaInches.height())) {
818 		return "";
819 	}
820 	if ((bWidth / res < minDimensionInches) || (bHeight / res < minDimensionInches)) {
821 		return "";
822 	}
825 	QString pSvg = QString("<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='%1in' height='%2in' viewBox='0 0 %3 %4' >\n")
826 		.arg(bWidth / res)
827 		.arg(bHeight / res)
828 		.arg(bWidth * pixelFactor)
829 		.arg(bHeight * pixelFactor);
830 	QString transform;
831 	if (polygonOffset.x() != 0 || polygonOffset.y() != 0) {
832 		transform = QString("transform='translate(%1, %2)'").arg(polygonOffset.x()).arg(polygonOffset.y());
833 	}
834 	pSvg += QString("<g id='%1' %2>\n").arg(m_layerName).arg(transform);
835 	if (makeConnectorFlag) {
836 		makeConnector(polygons, res, pixelFactor, colorString, minX, minY, pSvg);
837 	}
838 	else {
839 		foreach (QPolygon poly, polygons) {
840 			pSvg += makeOnePoly(poly, colorString, "", minX, minY);
841 		}
842 	}
844 	pSvg += "</g>\n</svg>\n";
846 	return pSvg;
847 }
makeConnector(QList<QPolygon> & polygons,double res,double pixelFactor,const QString & colorString,int minX,int minY,QString & pSvg)849 void GroundPlaneGenerator::makeConnector(QList<QPolygon> & polygons, double res, double pixelFactor, const QString & colorString, int minX, int minY, QString & pSvg)
850 {
851 	//	see whether the standard circular connector will fit somewhere inside a polygon:
852 	//	http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4279478/maximum-circle-inside-a-non-convex-polygon
853 	//	or maybe this is useful, e.g. treating the circle as a square:
854 	//	http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4833802/check-if-polygon-is-inside-a-polygon
856 	//	code presently uses a version of the Poles of Inaccessibility algorithm:
858 	static const double standardConnectorWidth = .075;		 // inches
859 	double targetDiameter = res * pixelFactor * standardConnectorWidth;
860 	double targetDiameterAnd = targetDiameter * 1.25;
861 	double targetRadius = targetDiameter / 2;
862 	double targetRadiusAnd = targetDiameterAnd / 2;
863 	double targetRadiusAndSquared = targetRadiusAnd * targetRadiusAnd;
864 	foreach (QPolygon poly, polygons) {
865 		QRect boundingRect = poly.boundingRect();
866 		if (boundingRect.width() < targetDiameterAnd) continue;
867 		if (boundingRect.height() < targetDiameterAnd) continue;
869 		QList<QLineF> polyLines;
870 		int count = poly.count();
871 		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
872 			QLineF lp(poly[i], poly[(i + 1) % count]);
873 			polyLines.append(lp);
874 		}
876 		int xDivisor = qRound(boundingRect.width() / targetRadius);
877 		int yDivisor = qRound(boundingRect.height() / targetRadius);
879 		double dx = (boundingRect.width() - targetDiameterAnd) / xDivisor;
880 		double dy = (boundingRect.height() - targetDiameterAnd) / yDivisor;
881 		double x;
882 		double y = boundingRect.top() + targetRadiusAnd - dy;
883 		for (int iy = 0; iy <= yDivisor; iy++) {
884 			y += dy;
885 			x = boundingRect.left() + targetRadiusAnd - dx;
886 			for (int ix = 0; ix <= xDivisor; ix++) {
887 				x += dx;
888 				if (!poly.containsPoint(QPoint(qRound(x), qRound(y)), Qt::OddEvenFill)) continue;
890 				bool gotOne = true;
891 				foreach (QLineF line, polyLines) {
892 					double distance, dx, dy;
893 					bool atEndpoint;
894 					GraphicsUtils::distanceFromLine(x, y, line.p1().x(), line.p1().y(), line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(),
895 													dx, dy, distance, atEndpoint);
896 					if (distance <= targetRadiusAndSquared) {
897 						gotOne = false;
898 						break;
899 					}
900 				}
902 				if (!gotOne) continue;
904 				foreach (QPolygon poly, polygons) {
905 					pSvg += makeOnePoly(poly, colorString, "", minX, minY);
906 				}
908 				pSvg += QString("<g id='%1'><circle cx='%2' cy='%3' r='%4' fill='%5' stroke='none' stroke-width='0' /></g>\n")
909 					.arg(ConnectorName)
910 					.arg(x - minX)
911 					.arg(y - minY)
912 					.arg(targetRadius)
913 					.arg(colorString);
916 				return;
917 			}
918 		}
919 	}
921 	// couldn't find anything big enough above, so
922 	// try to find a poly with an area that's big enough to click, but not so big as to get in the way
923 	int useIndex = -1;
924 	QList<double> areas;
925 	double divisor = res * pixelFactor * res * pixelFactor;
926 	foreach (QPolygon poly, polygons) {
927 		areas.append(calcArea(poly) / divisor);
928 	}
930 	for (int i = 0; i < areas.count(); i++) {
931 		if (areas.at(i) > 0.1 && areas.at(i) < 0.25) {
932 			useIndex = i;
933 			break;
934 		}
935 	}
936 	if (useIndex < 0) {
937 		for (int i = 0; i < areas.count(); i++) {
938 			if (areas.at(i) > 0.1) {
939 				useIndex = i;
940 				break;
941 			}
942 		}
943 	}
944 	if (useIndex < 0) {
945 		pSvg += QString("<g id='%1'>\n").arg(ConnectorName);
946 		foreach (QPolygon poly, polygons) {
947 			pSvg += makeOnePoly(poly, colorString, "", minX, minY);
948 		}
949 		pSvg += "</g>";
950 	}
951 	else {
952 		int ix = 0;
953 		for (int i = 0; i < polygons.count(); i++) {
954 			if (i == useIndex) {
955 				// has to appear inside a g element
956 				pSvg += QString("<g id='%1'>\n").arg(ConnectorName);
957 				pSvg += makeOnePoly(polygons.at(i), colorString, "", minX, minY);
958 				pSvg += "</g>";
959 			}
960 			else {
961 				pSvg += makeOnePoly(polygons.at(i), colorString, FSvgRenderer::NonConnectorName + QString::number(ix++), minX, minY);
962 			}
963 		}
964 	}
965 }
calcArea(QPolygon & poly)967 double GroundPlaneGenerator::calcArea(QPolygon & poly) {
968 	double total = 0;
969 	for (int ix = 0; ix < poly.count(); ix++) {
970 		QPoint p0 = poly.at(ix);
971 		QPoint p1 = poly.at((ix + 1) % poly.count());
972 		total += (p0.x() * p1.y() - p1.x() * p0.y());
973 	}
974 	return qAbs(total / 2.0);
975 }
makeOnePoly(const QPolygon & poly,const QString & colorString,const QString & id,int minX,int minY)977 QString GroundPlaneGenerator::makeOnePoly(const QPolygon & poly, const QString & colorString, const QString & id, int minX, int minY) {
978 	QString idString;
979 	if (!id.isEmpty()) {
980 		idString = QString("id='%1'").arg(id);
981 	}
982 	QString polyString = QString("<polygon fill='%1' stroke='none' stroke-width='0' %2 points='\n").arg(colorString).arg(idString);
983 	int space = 0;
984 	foreach (QPoint p, poly) {
985 		polyString += QString("%1,%2 %3").arg(p.x() - minX).arg(p.y() - minY).arg((++space % 8 == 0) ?  "\n" : "");
986 	}
987 	polyString += "'/>\n";
988 	return polyString;
989 }
newSVGs()991 const QStringList & GroundPlaneGenerator::newSVGs() {
992 	return m_newSVGs;
993 }
newOffsets()995 const QList<QPointF> & GroundPlaneGenerator::newOffsets() {
996 	return m_newOffsets;
997 }
removeRedundant(QList<QPoint> & points)999 void removeRedundant(QList<QPoint> & points)
1000 {
1001 	QPoint current = points.last();
1002 	int ix = points.count() - 2;
1003 	int soFar = 1;
1004 	while (ix > 0) {
1005 		if (points.at(ix).x() != current.x()) {
1006 			current = points.at(ix--);
1007 			soFar = 1;
1008 			continue;
1009 		}
1011 		if (++soFar > 2) {
1012 			points.removeAt(ix + 1);
1013 		}
1014 		ix--;
1015 	}
1016 }
collectBorderPoints(QImage & image,QList<QPoint> & points)1018 bool GroundPlaneGenerator::collectBorderPoints(QImage & image, QList<QPoint> & points)
1019 {
1020 	// background is black
1022     int currentX = 0, currentY = 0;
1023 	bool gotSomething = false;
1025 	for (int y = 0; y < image.height(); y++) {
1026 		for (int x = 0; x < image.width(); x++) {
1027 			QRgb current = image.pixel(x, y);
1028 			if (current != 0xffffffff) {
1029 				// another black pixel, keep moving
1030 				continue;
1031 			}
1033 			currentX = x;
1034 			currentY = y;
1035 			//DebugDialog::debug(QString("first point %1 %2").arg(currentX).arg(currentY));
1036 			points.append(QPoint(currentX, currentY));
1037 			gotSomething = true;
1038 			break;
1039 		}
1040 		if (gotSomething) break;
1041 	}
1043 	if (!gotSomething) {
1044 		DebugDialog::debug("first border point not found");
1045 		return false;
1046 	}
1048     bool done = false;
1049     long maxPoints = image.height() * image.width() / 2;
1050 	for (long inc = 0; inc < maxPoints; inc++) {
1051         if (try8(currentX, currentY, image, points)) ;
1052 		else {
1053             QPoint p = points.first();
1054             if (qAbs(p.x() - currentX) < 4 && qAbs(p.y() - currentY) < 4) {
1055                 // we're near the beginning again
1056                 done = true;
1057                 break;
1058             }
1060             bool keepGoing = false;
1061             for (int ix = points.count() - 2; ix >= 0; ix--) {
1062                 QPoint p = points.at(ix);
1063                 if (try8(p.x(), p.y(), image, points)) {
1064                     keepGoing = true;
1065                     break;
1066                 }
1067             }
1069             if (!keepGoing) break;
1070         }
1072 		QPoint p = points.last();
1073 		currentX = p.x();
1074 		currentY = p.y();
1075         //DebugDialog::debug(QString("next point %1 %2").arg(currentX).arg(currentY));
1076         //if (inc % 100 == 0) {
1077             //DebugDialog::debug("\n");
1078         //}
1079 	}
1080     return done;
1081 }
scanOutline(QImage & image,double bWidth,double bHeight,double pixelFactor,double res,const QString & colorString,bool makeConnectorFlag,bool makeOffset,QSizeF minAreaInches,double minDimensionInches)1083 void GroundPlaneGenerator::scanOutline(QImage & image, double bWidth, double bHeight, double pixelFactor, double res,
1084 									 const QString & colorString, bool makeConnectorFlag,
1085 									 bool makeOffset, QSizeF minAreaInches, double minDimensionInches)
1086 {
1087 	QList<QPoint> points;
1089 	bool result = collectBorderPoints(image, points);
1090 	if (points.count() == 0 || !result) {
1091 		DebugDialog::debug("no border points");
1092 		return;
1093 	}
1095 	removeRedundant(points);
1097 	QPolygon polygon;
1098 	foreach(QPoint p, points) {
1099 		polygon.append(QPoint(p.x() * pixelFactor, p.y() * pixelFactor));
1100 	}
1102 	QList<QPolygon> polygons;
1103 	polygons.append(polygon);
1104     makePolySvg(polygons, res, bWidth, bHeight, pixelFactor, colorString, makeConnectorFlag, makeOffset, minAreaInches, minDimensionInches, QPointF(0,0));
1106 	/*
1107 	QFile file4("testPoly.svg");
1108 	file4.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
1109 	QTextStream out4(&file4);
1110 	out4 << pSvg;
1111 	file4.close();
1112 	*/
1113 }
try8(int x,int y,QImage & image,QList<QPoint> & points)1116 bool GroundPlaneGenerator::try8(int x, int y, QImage & image, QList<QPoint> & points) {
1117     if (tryNextPoint(x, y + 1, image, points)) return true;
1118 	else if (tryNextPoint(x + 1, y, image, points)) return true;
1119 	else if (tryNextPoint(x, y - 1, image, points)) return true;
1120 	else if (tryNextPoint(x - 1, y, image, points)) return true;
1121 	else if (tryNextPoint(x + 1, y + 1, image, points)) return true;
1122 	else if (tryNextPoint(x - 1, y + 1, image, points)) return true;
1123 	else if (tryNextPoint(x + 1, y - 1, image, points)) return true;
1124 	else if (tryNextPoint(x - 1, y - 1, image, points)) return true;
1125     return false;
1126 }
tryNextPoint(int x,int y,QImage & image,QList<QPoint> & points)1128 bool GroundPlaneGenerator::tryNextPoint(int x, int y, QImage & image, QList<QPoint> & points)
1129 {
1130 	if (x < 0) return false;
1131 	if (y < 0) return false;
1132 	if (x >= image.width()) return false;
1133 	if (y >= image.height()) return false;
1135 	foreach (QPoint p, points) {
1136 		if (p.x() == x && p.y() == y) {
1137 			// already visited
1138 			return false;
1139 		}
1141 		if (qAbs(p.x() - x) > 3 && qAbs(p.y() - y) > 3) {
1142 			// too far away from the start of the polygon
1143 			break;
1144 		}
1145 	}
1148 	for (int i = points.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1149 		QPoint p = points.at(i);
1150 		if (p.x() == x && p.y() == y) {
1151 			// already visited
1152 			return false;
1153 		}
1155 		if (qAbs(p.x() - x) > 3 && qAbs(p.y() - y) > 3) {
1156 			// too far away from from the current point
1157 			break;
1158 		}
1159 	}
1161 	QRgb pixel = image.pixel(x, y);
1162     //DebugDialog::debug(QString("pixel %1,%2 %3").arg(x).arg(y).arg(pixel, 0, 16));
1163 	if (pixel != 0xffffffff) {
1164 		// empty pixel, not on the border
1165 		return false;
1166 	}
1168 	if (x + 1 == image.width()) {
1169 		points.append(QPoint(x, y));
1170 		return true;
1171 	}
1173 	pixel = image.pixel(x + 1, y);
1174 	if (pixel != 0xffffffff) {
1175 		points.append(QPoint(x, y));
1176 		return true;
1177 	}
1179 	if (y + 1 == image.height()) {
1180 		points.append(QPoint(x, y));
1181 		return true;
1182 	}
1184 	pixel = image.pixel(x, y + 1);
1185 	if (pixel != 0xffffffff) {
1186 		points.append(QPoint(x, y));
1187 		return true;
1188 	}
1190 	if (x - 1  < 0) {
1191 		points.append(QPoint(x, y));
1192 		return true;
1193 	}
1195 	pixel = image.pixel(x - 1, y);
1196 	if (pixel != 0xffffffff) {
1197 		points.append(QPoint(x, y));
1198 		return true;
1199 	}
1201 	if (y - 1  < 0) {
1202 		points.append(QPoint(x, y));
1203 		return true;
1204 	}
1206 	pixel = image.pixel(x, y - 1);
1207 	if (pixel != 0xffffffff) {
1208 		points.append(QPoint(x, y));
1209 		return true;
1210 	}
1212 	return false;
1213 }
setStrokeWidthIncrement(double swi)1215 void GroundPlaneGenerator::setStrokeWidthIncrement(double swi) {
1216 	m_strokeWidthIncrement = swi;
1217 }
setLayerName(const QString & layerName)1219 void GroundPlaneGenerator::setLayerName(const QString & layerName) {
1220 	m_layerName = layerName;
1221 }
layerName()1223 const QString & GroundPlaneGenerator::layerName() {
1224 	return m_layerName;
1225 }
setMinRunSize(int mrus,int mris)1227 void GroundPlaneGenerator::setMinRunSize(int mrus, int mris) {
1228 	m_minRunSize = mrus;
1229 	m_minRiseSize = mris;
1230 }
mergeSVGs(const QString & initialSVG,const QString & layerName)1232 QString GroundPlaneGenerator::mergeSVGs(const QString & initialSVG, const QString & layerName) {
1233     QDomDocument doc;
1234     if (!initialSVG.isEmpty()) {
1235 		TextUtils::mergeSvg(doc, initialSVG, layerName);
1236     }
1237 	foreach (QString newSvg, m_newSVGs) {
1238 		TextUtils::mergeSvg(doc, newSvg, layerName);
1239 	}
1240 	return TextUtils::mergeSvgFinish(doc);
1241 }