1--  Output errors on the console.
2--  Copyright (C) 2018 Tristan Gingold
4--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7--  (at your option) any later version.
9--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12--  GNU General Public License for more details.
14--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
17with GNAT.OS_Lib;
18with Simple_IO;
19with Name_Table;
20with Files_Map; use Files_Map;
21with Flags; use Flags;
23package body Errorout.Console is
24   --  Name of the program, used to report error message.
25   Program_Name : String_Acc := null;
27   --  Terminal.
29   --  Set Flag_Color_Diagnostics to On or Off if is was Auto.
30   procedure Detect_Terminal
31   is
32      --  Import isatty.
33      function isatty (Fd : Integer) return Integer;
34      pragma Import (C, isatty);
36      --  Awful way to detect if the host is Windows.  Should be replaced by
37      --  a host-specific package.
38      Is_Windows : constant Boolean := GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator = '\';
39   begin
40      if Flag_Color_Diagnostics = Auto then
41         if Is_Windows then
42            --  Off by default on Windows, as the consoles may not support
43            --  ANSI control sequences.  Should be replaced by calls to the
44            --  Win32 API.
45            Flag_Color_Diagnostics := Off;
46         else
47            --  On Linux/Unix/Mac OS X: use color only when the output is to a
48            --  tty.
49            if isatty (2) /= 0 then
50               Flag_Color_Diagnostics := On;
51            else
52               Flag_Color_Diagnostics := Off;
53            end if;
54         end if;
55      end if;
56   end Detect_Terminal;
58   --  Color to be used for various part of messages.
59   type Color_Type is (Color_Locus,
60                       Color_Note, Color_Warning, Color_Error, Color_Fatal,
61                       Color_Message,
62                       Color_None);
64   --  Switch to COLOR.
65   procedure Set_Color (Color : Color_Type)
66   is
67      use Simple_IO;
68      E : constant Character := ASCII.ESC;
69   begin
70      if Flag_Color_Diagnostics = Off then
71         return;
72      end if;
74      --  Use ANSI sequences.
75      --  They are also documented on msdn in 'Console Virtual Terminal
76      --  sequences'.
78      case Color is
79         when Color_Locus   => Put_Err (E & "[1m");    --  Bold
80         when Color_Note    => Put_Err (E & "[1;36m"); --  Bold, cyan
81         when Color_Warning => Put_Err (E & "[1;35m"); --  Bold, magenta
82         when Color_Error   => Put_Err (E & "[1;31m"); --  Bold, red
83         when Color_Fatal   => Put_Err (E & "[1;33m"); --  Bold, yellow
84         when Color_Message => Put_Err (E & "[0;1m");  --  Normal, bold
85         when Color_None    => Put_Err (E & "[0m");    --  Normal
86      end case;
87   end Set_Color;
89   Msg_Len : Natural;
90   Current_Error : Error_Record;
91   Current_Line : Natural;
92   In_Group : Boolean := False;
94   procedure Put (Str : String) is
95   begin
96      Msg_Len := Msg_Len + Str'Length;
97      Simple_IO.Put_Err (Str);
98   end Put;
100   procedure Put (C : Character) is
101   begin
102      Msg_Len := Msg_Len + 1;
103      Simple_IO.Put_Err (C);
104   end Put;
106   procedure Put_Line (Str : String := "") is
107   begin
108      Simple_IO.Put_Line_Err (Str);
109      Msg_Len := 0;
110   end Put_Line;
112   procedure Set_Program_Name (Name : String) is
113   begin
114      Program_Name := new String'(Name);
115   end Set_Program_Name;
117   procedure Disp_Program_Name is
118   begin
119      if Program_Name /= null then
120         Put (Program_Name.all);
121         Put (':');
122      end if;
123   end Disp_Program_Name;
125   procedure Disp_Location (File: Name_Id; Line: Natural; Col: Natural) is
126   begin
127      if File = Null_Identifier then
128         Put ("??");
129      else
130         Put (Name_Table.Image (File));
131      end if;
132      Put (':');
133      Put (Natural_Image (Line));
134      Put (':');
135      Put (Natural_Image (Col));
136      Put (':');
137   end Disp_Location;
139   procedure Console_Error_Start (E : Error_Record)
140   is
141      --- Coord_To_Position (File, Line_Pos, Offset, Name, Col);
142      Progname : Boolean;
143   begin
144      Current_Error := E;
146      if In_Group then
147         Current_Line := Current_Line + 1;
148      else
149         pragma Assert (Current_Line <= 1);
150         Current_Line := 1;
151      end if;
153      --  And no program name.
154      Progname := False;
156      case E.Origin is
157         when Option
158           | Library =>
159            pragma Assert (E.File = No_Source_File_Entry);
160            Progname := True;
161         when Elaboration =>
162            if E.File = No_Source_File_Entry then
163               Progname := True;
164            end if;
165         when others =>
166            pragma Assert (E.File /= No_Source_File_Entry);
167            null;
168      end case;
170      Msg_Len := 0;
172      if Flag_Color_Diagnostics = On then
173         Set_Color (Color_Locus);
174      end if;
176      if Progname then
177         Disp_Program_Name;
178      elsif E.File /= No_Source_File_Entry then
179         Disp_Location (Get_File_Name (E.File), E.Line, Get_Error_Col (E));
180      else
181         Disp_Location (Null_Identifier, 0, 0);
182      end if;
184      --  Display level.
185      case E.Id is
186         when Msgid_Note =>
187            if Flag_Color_Diagnostics = On then
188               Set_Color (Color_Note);
189            end if;
190            Put ("note:");
191         when Msgid_Warning | Msgid_Warnings =>
192            if Flag_Color_Diagnostics = On then
193               Set_Color (Color_Warning);
194            end if;
195            Put ("warning:");
196         when Msgid_Error =>
197            if Flag_Color_Diagnostics = On then
198               Set_Color (Color_Error);
199            end if;
200            if Msg_Len = 0
201              or else Flag_Color_Diagnostics = On
202            then
203               --  'error:' is displayed only if not location is present, or
204               --  if messages are colored.
205               Put ("error:");
206            end if;
207         when Msgid_Fatal =>
208            if Flag_Color_Diagnostics = On then
209               Set_Color (Color_Fatal);
210            end if;
211            Put ("fatal:");
212      end case;
214      if Flag_Color_Diagnostics = On then
215         Set_Color (Color_Message);
216      end if;
217      Put (' ');
218   end Console_Error_Start;
220   procedure Console_Message (Str : String) renames Put;
222   procedure Console_Message_End is
223   begin
224      if Current_Line = 1
225        and then Flag_Diagnostics_Show_Option
226        and then Current_Error.Id in Msgid_Warnings
227      then
228         Put (" [-W");
229         Put (Warning_Image (Current_Error.Id));
230         Put ("]");
231      end if;
233      if Flag_Color_Diagnostics = On then
234         Set_Color (Color_None);
235      end if;
237      Put_Line;
239      if Current_Line = 1
240        and then Flag_Caret_Diagnostics
241        and then (Current_Error.File /= No_Source_File_Entry
242                    and Current_Error.Line /= 0)
243      then
244         Put_Line (Extract_Expanded_Line (Current_Error.File,
245                                          Current_Error.Line));
246         Put_Line ((1 .. Get_Error_Col (Current_Error) - 1 => ' ') & '^');
247      end if;
248   end Console_Message_End;
250   procedure Console_Message_Group (Start : Boolean) is
251   begin
252      Current_Line := 0;
253      pragma Assert (In_Group /= Start);
254      In_Group := Start;
255   end Console_Message_Group;
257   procedure Install_Handler is
258   begin
259      Detect_Terminal;
261      Set_Report_Handler ((Console_Error_Start'Access,
262                           Console_Message'Access,
263                           Console_Message_End'Access,
264                           Console_Message_Group'Access));
265   end Install_Handler;
266end Errorout.Console;