1--  PSL - Small QM reduction
2--  Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Tristan Gingold
4--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7--  (at your option) any later version.
9--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12--  GNU General Public License for more details.
14--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
17with Ada.Text_IO;
18with Types; use Types;
19with PSL.Types; use PSL.Types;
20with PSL.Errors; use PSL.Errors;
21with PSL.Prints;
22with PSL.CSE;
24package body PSL.QM is
25   procedure Reset is
26   begin
27      for I in 1 .. Nbr_Terms loop
28         Set_HDL_Index (Term_Assoc (I), 0);
29      end loop;
30      Nbr_Terms := 0;
31      Term_Assoc := (others => Null_Node);
32   end Reset;
34   function Term (P : Natural) return Vector_Type is
35   begin
36      return Shift_Left (1, P - 1);
37   end Term;
39   procedure Disp_Primes_Set (Ps : Primes_Set)
40   is
41      use Ada.Text_IO;
42      use PSL.Prints;
43      Prime : Prime_Type;
44      T : Vector_Type;
45      First_Term : Boolean;
46   begin
47      if Ps.Nbr = 0 then
48         Put ("FALSE");
49         return;
50      end if;
51      for I in 1 .. Ps.Nbr loop
52         Prime := Ps.Set (I);
53         if I /= 1 then
54            Put (" | ");
55         end if;
56         if Prime.Set = 0 then
57            Put ("TRUE");
58         else
59            First_Term := True;
60            for J in 1 .. Max_Terms loop
61               T := Term (J);
62               if (Prime.Set and T) /= 0 then
63                  if First_Term then
64                     First_Term := False;
65                  else
66                     Put ('.');
67                  end if;
68                  if (Prime.Val and T) = 0 then
69                     Put ('!');
70                  end if;
71                  Print_Expr (Term_Assoc (J));
72               end if;
73            end loop;
74         end if;
75      end loop;
76   end Disp_Primes_Set;
78   --  Return TRUE iff L includes R, ie
79   --  for all x, x in L => x in R.
80   function Included (L, R : Prime_Type) return Boolean is
81   begin
82      return ((L.Set or R.Set) = L.Set)
83        and then ((L.Val and R.Set) = (R.Val and R.Set));
84   end Included;
86   --  Return TRUE iff L and R have the same don't care set
87   --  and L and R can be merged into a new prime with a new don't care.
88   function Is_One_Change_Same (L, R : Prime_Type) return Boolean
89   is
90      V : Vector_Type;
91   begin
92      if L.Set /= R.Set then
93         return False;
94      end if;
95      V := L.Val xor R.Val;
96      return (V and -V) = V;
97   end Is_One_Change_Same;
99   --  Return true iff L can add a new DC in R.
100   function Is_One_Change (L, R : Prime_Type) return Boolean
101   is
102      V : Vector_Type;
103   begin
104      if (L.Set or R.Set) /= R.Set then
105         return False;
106      end if;
107      V := (L.Val xor R.Val) and L.Set;
108      return (V and -V) = V;
109   end Is_One_Change;
111   procedure Merge (Ps : in out Primes_Set; P : Prime_Type)
112   is
113      Do_Append : Boolean := True;
114      T : Prime_Type;
115   begin
116      for I in 1 .. Ps.Nbr loop
117         T := Ps.Set (I);
118         if Included (P, T) then
119            --  Already in the set.
120            return;
121         end if;
122         if Included (T, P) then
123            Ps.Set (I) := P;
124            Do_Append := False;
125         else
126            if Is_One_Change_Same (P, T) then
127               declare
128                  V : constant Vector_Type := T.Val xor P.Val;
129               begin
130                  Ps.Set (I).Set := T.Set and not V;
131                  Ps.Set (I).Val := T.Val and not V;
132               end;
133               Do_Append := False;
134            end if;
135            if Is_One_Change (P, T) then
136               declare
137                  V : constant Vector_Type := (T.Val xor P.Val) and P.Set;
138               begin
139                  Ps.Set (I).Set := T.Set and not V;
140                  Ps.Set (I).Val := T.Val and not V;
141               end;
142               --  continue.
143            end if;
144         end if;
145      end loop;
146      if Do_Append then
147         Ps.Nbr := Ps.Nbr + 1;
148         Ps.Set (Ps.Nbr) := P;
149      end if;
150   end Merge;
152   function Build_Primes_And (L, R : Primes_Set) return Primes_Set
153   is
154      Res : Primes_Set (L.Nbr * R.Nbr);
155      L_P, R_P : Prime_Type;
156      P : Prime_Type;
157   begin
158      for I in 1 .. L.Nbr loop
159         L_P := L.Set (I);
160         for J in 1 .. R.Nbr loop
161            R_P := R.Set (J);
162            --  In case of conflict, discard.
163            if ((L_P.Val xor R_P.Val) and (L_P.Set and R_P.Set)) /= 0 then
164               null;
165            else
166               P.Set := L_P.Set or R_P.Set;
167               P.Val := (R_P.Set and R_P.Val)
168                 or ((L_P.Set and not R_P.Set) and L_P.Val);
169               Merge (Res, P);
170            end if;
171         end loop;
172      end loop;
174      return Res;
175   end Build_Primes_And;
178   function Build_Primes_Or (L, R : Primes_Set) return Primes_Set
179   is
180      Res : Primes_Set (L.Nbr + R.Nbr);
181      L_P, R_P : Prime_Type;
182   begin
183      for I in 1 .. L.Nbr loop
184         L_P := L.Set (I);
185         Merge (Res, L_P);
186      end loop;
187      for J in 1 .. R.Nbr loop
188         R_P := R.Set (J);
189         Merge (Res, R_P);
190      end loop;
192      return Res;
193   end Build_Primes_Or;
195   function Build_Primes (N : Node; Negate : Boolean) return Primes_Set is
196   begin
197      case Get_Kind (N) is
198         when N_HDL_Bool
199           | N_EOS =>
200            declare
201               Res : Primes_Set (1);
202               Index : Int32;
203               T : Vector_Type;
204            begin
205               Index := Get_HDL_Index (N);
206               if Index = 0 then
207                  Nbr_Terms := Nbr_Terms + 1;
208                  if Nbr_Terms > Max_Terms then
209                     raise Program_Error;
210                  end if;
211                  Term_Assoc (Nbr_Terms) := N;
212                  Index := Int32 (Nbr_Terms);
213                  Set_HDL_Index (N, Index);
214               else
215                  if Index not in 1 .. Int32 (Nbr_Terms)
216                    or else Term_Assoc (Natural (Index)) /= N
217                  then
218                     raise Internal_Error;
219                  end if;
220               end if;
221               T := Term (Natural (Index));
222               Res.Nbr := 1;
223               Res.Set (1).Set := T;
224               if Negate then
225                  Res.Set (1).Val := 0;
226               else
227                  Res.Set (1).Val := T;
228               end if;
229               return Res;
230            end;
231         when N_False =>
232            declare
233               Res : Primes_Set (0);
234            begin
235               return Res;
236            end;
237         when N_True =>
238            declare
239               Res : Primes_Set (1);
240            begin
241               Res.Nbr := 1;
242               Res.Set (1).Set := 0;
243               Res.Set (1).Val := 0;
244               return Res;
245            end;
246         when N_Not_Bool =>
247            return Build_Primes (Get_Boolean (N), not Negate);
248         when N_And_Bool =>
249            if Negate then
250               --  !(a & b) <-> !a || !b
251               return Build_Primes_Or (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), True),
252                                       Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), True));
253            else
254               return Build_Primes_And (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), False),
255                                        Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), False));
256            end if;
257         when N_Or_Bool =>
258            if Negate then
259               --  !(a || b) <-> !a && !b
260               return Build_Primes_And (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), True),
261                                        Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), True));
262            else
263               return Build_Primes_Or (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), False),
264                                       Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), False));
265            end if;
266         when N_Imp_Bool =>
267            if not Negate then
268               --  a -> b  <->  !a || b
269               return Build_Primes_Or (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), True),
270                                       Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), False));
271            else
272               -- !(a -> b)  <->  a && !b
273               return Build_Primes_And (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), False),
274                                        Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), True));
275            end if;
276         when N_Equiv_Bool =>
277            if not Negate then
278               --  a <-> b  <->  (a && b) || (!a && !b)
279               return Build_Primes_Or
280                 (Build_Primes_And (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), False),
281                                    Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), False)),
282                  Build_Primes_And (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), True),
283                                    Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), True)));
284            else
285               -- !(a <-> b)  <->  (!a && b) || (a && !b)
286               return Build_Primes_Or
287                 (Build_Primes_And (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), True),
288                                    Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), False)),
289                  Build_Primes_And (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), False),
290                                    Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), True)));
291            end if;
292         when others =>
293            Error_Kind ("build_primes", N);
294      end case;
295   end Build_Primes;
297   function Build_Primes (N : Node) return Primes_Set is
298   begin
299      return Build_Primes (N, False);
300   end Build_Primes;
302   function Build_Node (P : Prime_Type) return Node
303   is
304      Res : Node := Null_Node;
305      N : Node;
306      S : Vector_Type := P.Set;
307      T : Vector_Type;
308   begin
309      if S = 0 then
310         return True_Node;
311      end if;
312      for I in Natural range 1 .. Vector_Type'Modulus loop
313         T := Term (I);
314         if (S and T) /= 0 then
315            N := Term_Assoc (I);
316            if (P.Val and T) = 0 then
317               N := PSL.CSE.Build_Bool_Not (N);
318            end if;
319            if Res = Null_Node then
320               Res := N;
321            else
322               Res := PSL.CSE.Build_Bool_And (Res, N);
323            end if;
324            S := S and not T;
325            exit when S = 0;
326         end if;
327      end loop;
328      return Res;
329   end Build_Node;
331   function Build_Node (Ps : Primes_Set) return Node
332   is
333      Res : Node;
334   begin
335      if Ps.Nbr = 0 then
336         return False_Node;
337      else
338         Res := Build_Node (Ps.Set (1));
339         for I in 2 .. Ps.Nbr loop
340            Res := PSL.CSE.Build_Bool_Or (Res, Build_Node (Ps.Set (I)));
341         end loop;
342         return Res;
343      end if;
344   end Build_Node;
346   --  FIXME: finish the work: do a real Quine-McKluskey minimization.
347   function Reduce (N : Node) return Node is
348   begin
349      return Build_Node (Build_Primes (N));
350   end Reduce;
351end PSL.QM;