1--  Ortho entry point for translation.
2--  Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
4--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7--  (at your option) any later version.
9--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12--  GNU General Public License for more details.
14--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
16with System;
17with Interfaces.C_Streams;
18with GNAT.OS_Lib;
20with Types; use Types;
21with Name_Table;
22with Hash;
23with Interning;
24with Flags;
25with Libraries;
26with Vhdl.Nodes; use Vhdl.Nodes;
27with Vhdl.Utils; use Vhdl.Utils;
28with Vhdl.Std_Package;
29with Vhdl.Configuration;
30with Translation;
31with Vhdl.Sem;
32with Vhdl.Sem_Lib; use Vhdl.Sem_Lib;
33with Errorout; use Errorout;
34with Errorout.Console;
35with Vhdl.Errors; use Vhdl.Errors;
36with Bug;
37with Trans_Be;
38with Options; use Options;
40package body Ortho_Front is
41   --  The action to be performed by the compiler.
42   type Action_Type is
43     (
44      --  Normal mode: compile a design file.
45      Action_Compile,
47      --  Generate code to elaborate a design unit.
48      Action_Elaborate,
50      --  Elaborate a design.
51      Action_Pre_Elaborate,
53      --  Analyze files and elaborate unit.
54      Action_Anaelab,
56      --  Generate code for std.package.
57      Action_Compile_Std_Package
58      );
59   Action : Action_Type := Action_Compile;
61   --  Name of the entity to elaborate.
62   Elab_Entity : Name_Id;
63   --  Name of the architecture to elaborate.
64   Elab_Architecture : Name_Id;
65   --  Filename for the list of files to link.
66   Elab_Filelist : String_Acc;
68   Flag_Expect_Failure : Boolean;
70   type Id_Link;
71   type Id_Link_Acc is access Id_Link;
72   type Id_Link is record
73      --  If true, ID is the name of a library (for --work=LIB)
74      --  If false, ID is the name of a file.
75      Is_Library : Boolean;
76      Id : Name_Id;
77      Link : Id_Link_Acc;
78   end record;
79   Anaelab_Files : Id_Link_Acc := null;
80   Anaelab_Files_Last : Id_Link_Acc := null;
82   procedure Init is
83   begin
84      --  Set program name for error message.
85      Errorout.Console.Install_Handler;
87      -- Initialize.
88      Trans_Be.Register_Translation_Back_End;
90      Options.Initialize;
92      Elab_Filelist := null;
93      Elab_Entity := Null_Identifier;
94      Elab_Architecture := Null_Identifier;
95      Flag_Expect_Failure := False;
96   end Init;
98   function Decode_Elab_Option (Arg : String_Acc; Cmd : String)
99                               return Natural is
100   begin
101      Elab_Architecture := Null_Identifier;
102      --  Entity (+ architecture) to elaborate
103      if Arg = null then
104         Error_Msg_Option
105           ("entity or configuration name required after " & Cmd);
106         return 0;
107      end if;
108      if Arg (Arg.all'Last) = ')' then
109         --  Name is ENTITY(ARCH).
110         --  Split.
111         declare
112            P : Natural;
113            Len : Natural;
114            Is_Ext : Boolean;
115         begin
116            P := Arg.all'Last - 1;
117            Len := P - Arg.all'First + 1;
118            --  Must be at least 'e(a)'.
119            if Len < 4 then
120               Error_Msg_Option ("ill-formed name after " & Cmd);
121               return 0;
122            end if;
123            --  Handle extended name.
124            if Arg (P) = '\' then
125               P := P - 1;
126               Is_Ext := True;
127            else
128               Is_Ext := False;
129            end if;
130            loop
131               if P = Arg.all'First then
132                  Error_Msg_Option ("ill-formed name after " & Cmd);
133                  return 0;
134               end if;
135               exit when Arg (P) = '(' and Is_Ext = False;
136               if Arg (P) = '\' then
137                  if Arg (P - 1) = '\' then
138                     P := P - 2;
139                  elsif Arg (P - 1) = '(' then
140                     P := P - 1;
141                     exit;
142                  else
143                     Error_Msg_Option ("ill-formed name after " & Cmd);
144                     return 0;
145                  end if;
146               else
147                  P := P - 1;
148               end if;
149            end loop;
150            Elab_Architecture :=
151              Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Arg (P + 1 .. Arg'Last - 1));
152            Elab_Entity :=
153              Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Arg (Arg'First .. P - 1));
154         end;
155      else
156         Elab_Entity := Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Arg.all);
157         Elab_Architecture := Null_Identifier;
158      end if;
159      return 2;
160   end Decode_Elab_Option;
162   function Decode_Option (Opt : String_Acc; Arg: String_Acc) return Natural
163   is
164      pragma Assert (Opt'First = 1);
165   begin
166      if Opt.all = "--compile-standard" then
167         Action := Action_Compile_Std_Package;
168         Flags.Bootstrap := True;
169         return 1;
170      elsif Opt.all = "--elab" then
171         if Action /= Action_Compile then
172            Error_Msg_Option ("several --elab options");
173            return 0;
174         end if;
175         Action := Action_Elaborate;
176         return Decode_Elab_Option (Arg, "--elab");
177      elsif Opt.all = "--pre-elab" then
178         if Action /= Action_Compile then
179            Error_Msg_Option ("several --pre-elab options");
180            return 0;
181         end if;
182         Action := Action_Pre_Elaborate;
183         return Decode_Elab_Option (Arg, "--pre-elab");
184      elsif Opt.all = "--anaelab" then
185         if Action /= Action_Compile then
186            Error_Msg_Option ("several --anaelab options");
187            return 0;
188         end if;
189         Action := Action_Anaelab;
190         return Decode_Elab_Option (Arg, "--anaelab");
191      elsif Opt'Length > 14
192        and then Opt (Opt'First .. Opt'First + 13) = "--ghdl-source="
193      then
194         if Action /= Action_Anaelab then
195            Error_Msg_Option
196              ("--ghdl-source option allowed only after --anaelab options");
197            return 0;
198         end if;
199         declare
200            L : Id_Link_Acc;
201         begin
202            if Opt'Length > 15
203              and then Opt (Opt'First + 14 .. Opt'First + 20) = "--work="
204            then
205               L := new Id_Link' (Is_Library => True,
206                                  Id => Libraries.Decode_Work_Option
207                                    (Opt (Opt'First + 14 .. Opt'Last)),
208                                  Link => null);
209               if L.Id = Null_Identifier then
210                  return 0;
211               end if;
212            else
213               L := new Id_Link'(Is_Library => False,
214                                 Id => Name_Table.Get_Identifier
215                                   (Opt (Opt'First + 14 .. Opt'Last)),
216                                 Link => null);
217            end if;
219            if Anaelab_Files = null then
220               Anaelab_Files := L;
221            else
222               Anaelab_Files_Last.Link := L;
223            end if;
224            Anaelab_Files_Last := L;
225         end;
226         return 1;
227      elsif Opt.all = "-l" then
228         if Arg = null then
229            Error_Msg_Option ("filename required after -l");
230         end if;
231         if Elab_Filelist /= null then
232            Error_Msg_Option ("several -l options");
233         else
234            Elab_Filelist := new String'(Arg.all);
235         end if;
236         return 2;
237      elsif Opt.all = "--help" then
238         Options.Disp_Options_Help;
239         return 1;
240      elsif Opt.all = "--expect-failure" then
241         Flag_Expect_Failure := True;
242         return 1;
243      elsif Opt'Length > 7 and then Opt (1 .. 7) = "--ghdl-" then
244         declare
245            subtype Str_Type is String (1 .. Opt'Last - 6);
246         begin
247            --  The option parameter must be normalized (starts at index 1).
248            if Parse_Option (Str_Type (Opt (7 .. Opt'Last))) = Option_Ok then
249               return 1;
250            else
251               return 0;
252            end if;
253         end;
254      elsif Options.Parse_Option (Opt.all) = Option_Ok then
255         return 1;
256      else
257         return 0;
258      end if;
259   end Decode_Option;
261   --  Add dependencies of UNIT to DEP_LIST.  UNIT is not added to DEP_LIST.
262   procedure Add_Dependence (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Dep_List : Iir_List)
263   is
264      List : constant Iir_List := Get_Dependence_List (Unit);
265      It : List_Iterator;
266      El : Iir;
267   begin
268      It := List_Iterate_Safe (List);
269      while Is_Valid (It) loop
270         El := Get_Element (It);
271         El := Get_Unit_From_Dependence (El);
273         if not Get_Configuration_Mark_Flag (El) then
274            --  EL is not in the list.
275            Add_Dependence (El, Dep_List);
277            --  Add to the list (only once).
278            Set_Configuration_Mark_Flag (El, True);
279            Append_Element (Dep_List, El);
280         end if;
281         Next (It);
282      end loop;
283   end Add_Dependence;
285   procedure Do_Compile (Vhdl_File : Name_Id)
286   is
287      Res : Iir_Design_File;
288      New_Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
289      Design : Iir_Design_Unit;
290      Next_Design : Iir_Design_Unit;
291      Prev_Design : Iir_Design_Unit;
293      --  List of dependencies.
294      Dep_List : Iir_List;
295      Dep_It : List_Iterator;
296   begin
297      --  Do not elaborate.
298      Flags.Flag_Elaborate := False;
300      --  Read and parse the file.
301      Res := Load_File_Name (Vhdl_File);
302      if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
303         raise Compilation_Error;
304      end if;
306      --  Analyze all design units.
307      --  FIXME: outdate the design file?
308      New_Design_File := Null_Iir;
309      Design := Get_First_Design_Unit (Res);
310      while Is_Valid (Design) loop
311         --  Analyze and canon a design unit.
312         Finish_Compilation (Design, True);
314         Next_Design := Get_Chain (Design);
315         if Errorout.Nbr_Errors = 0 then
316            Set_Chain (Design, Null_Iir);
317            Libraries.Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Design);
318            New_Design_File := Get_Design_File (Design);
319         end if;
321         Design := Next_Design;
322      end loop;
324      if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
325         raise Compilation_Error;
326      end if;
328      --  Must have at least one design unit
329      pragma Assert (Is_Valid (New_Design_File));
331      --  Do late analysis checks.
332      Design := Get_First_Design_Unit (New_Design_File);
333      while Is_Valid (Design) loop
334         Vhdl.Sem.Sem_Analysis_Checks_List
335           (Design, Is_Warning_Enabled (Warnid_Delayed_Checks));
336         Design := Get_Chain (Design);
337      end loop;
339      --  Gather dependencies
340      pragma Assert (Flags.Flag_Elaborate = False);
341      Vhdl.Configuration.Flag_Load_All_Design_Units := False;
343      --  Exclude std.standard
344      Set_Configuration_Mark_Flag (Vhdl.Std_Package.Std_Standard_Unit, True);
345      Set_Configuration_Done_Flag (Vhdl.Std_Package.Std_Standard_Unit, True);
347      Dep_List := Create_Iir_List;
349      Design := Get_First_Design_Unit (New_Design_File);
350      Prev_Design := Null_Iir;
351      Set_First_Design_Unit (New_Design_File, Null_Iir);
352      Set_Last_Design_Unit (New_Design_File, Null_Iir);
353      while Is_Valid (Design) loop
354         --  Unlink.
355         Next_Design := Get_Chain (Design);
356         Set_Chain (Design, Null_Iir);
358         --  Discard obsolete units.
359         if Get_Date (Design) /= Date_Obsolete then
360            if Prev_Design = Null_Iir then
361               Set_First_Design_Unit (New_Design_File, Design);
362            else
363               Set_Last_Design_Unit (New_Design_File, Design);
364               Set_Chain (Prev_Design, Design);
365            end if;
366            Prev_Design := Design;
368            Add_Dependence (Design, Dep_List);
369         end if;
371         Design := Next_Design;
372      end loop;
374      if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
375         --  Errors can happen (missing package body for instantiation).
376         raise Compilation_Error;
377      end if;
379      --  Translate declarations of dependencies.
380      Translation.Translate_Standard (False);
381      Dep_It := List_Iterate (Dep_List);
382      while Is_Valid (Dep_It) loop
383         Design := Get_Element (Dep_It);
384         if Get_Design_File (Design) /= New_Design_File then
385            --  Do not yet translate units to be compiled.  They can appear as
386            --  dependencies.
387            Translation.Translate (Design, False);
388         end if;
389         Next (Dep_It);
390      end loop;
392      --  Compile only now.
393      --  Note: the order of design unit is kept.
394      Design := Get_First_Design_Unit (New_Design_File);
395      while Is_Valid (Design) loop
396         if Get_Kind (Get_Library_Unit (Design))
397           = Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
398         then
399            --  Defer code generation of configuration declaration.
400            --  (default binding may change between analysis and
401            --   elaboration).
402            Translation.Translate (Design, False);
403         else
404            Translation.Translate (Design, True);
405         end if;
407         if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
408            --  This can happen (foreign attribute).
409            raise Compilation_Error;
410         end if;
412         Design := Get_Chain (Design);
413      end loop;
415      --  Save the working library.
416      Libraries.Save_Work_Library;
417   end Do_Compile;
419   --  Table of libraries gathered from vhpidirect.
420   function Shlib_Build (Name : String) return String_Acc is
421   begin
422      return new String'(Name);
423   end Shlib_Build;
425   function Shlib_Equal (Obj : String_Acc; Param : String) return Boolean is
426   begin
427      return Obj.all = Param;
428   end Shlib_Equal;
430   package Shlib_Interning is new Interning
431     (Params_Type => String,
432      Object_Type => String_Acc,
433      Hash => Hash.String_Hash,
434      Build => Shlib_Build,
435      Equal => Shlib_Equal);
437   procedure Sem_Foreign_Hook
438     (Decl : Iir; Info : Translation.Foreign_Info_Type)
439   is
440      pragma Unreferenced (Decl);
441      use Translation;
442   begin
443      case Info.Kind is
444         when Foreign_Vhpidirect =>
445            declare
446               Lib : constant String :=
447                 Info.Lib_Name (1 .. Info.Lib_Len);
448               Shlib : String_Acc;
449               pragma Unreferenced (Shlib);
450            begin
451               if Info.Lib_Len /= 0 and then Lib /= "null" then
452                  Shlib := Shlib_Interning.Get (Lib);
453               end if;
454            end;
455         when Foreign_Intrinsic =>
456            null;
457         when Foreign_Unknown =>
458            null;
459      end case;
460   end Sem_Foreign_Hook;
462   --  Write to file FILELIST all the files that are needed to link the design.
463   procedure Write_File_List (Filelist : String)
464   is
465      use Interfaces.C_Streams;
466      use System;
467      use Vhdl.Configuration;
468      use Name_Table;
470      Nul : constant Character := Character'Val (0);
471      Fname : String := Filelist & Nul;
472      Mode : constant String := "wt" & Nul;
473      F : FILEs;
474      R : int;
475      S : size_t;
476      pragma Unreferenced (R, S); -- FIXME
477      Id : Name_Id;
478      Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
479      File : Iir_Design_File;
480      Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
481   begin
482      F := fopen (Fname'Address, Mode'Address);
483      if F = NULL_Stream then
484         Error_Msg_Elab ("cannot open " & Filelist);
485         return;
486      end if;
488      --  Clear elab flags on design files.
489      for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
490         Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
491         File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
492         Set_Elab_Flag (File, False);
493      end loop;
495      for J in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
496         Unit := Design_Units.Table (J);
497         File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
498         if not Get_Elab_Flag (File) then
499            Set_Elab_Flag (File, True);
501            --  Write '>LIBRARY_DIRECTORY'.
502            Lib := Get_Library (File);
503            R := fputc (Character'Pos ('>'), F);
504            Id := Get_Library_Directory (Lib);
505            S := fwrite (Get_Address (Id),
506                         size_t (Get_Name_Length (Id)), 1, F);
507            R := fputc (10, F);
509            --  Write 'FILENAME'.
510            Id := Get_Design_File_Filename (File);
511            S := fwrite (Get_Address (Id),
512                         size_t (Get_Name_Length (Id)), 1, F);
513            R := fputc (10, F);
514         end if;
515      end loop;
517      for I in Shlib_Interning.First_Index .. Shlib_Interning.Last_Index loop
518         declare
519            Str : constant String_Acc := Shlib_Interning.Get_By_Index (I);
520         begin
521            R := fputc (Character'Pos ('+'), F);
522            S := fwrite (Str.all'Address, size_t (Str'Length), 1, F);
523            R := fputc (10, F);
524         end;
525      end loop;
527      R := fclose (F);
528   end Write_File_List;
530   Nbr_Parse : Natural := 0;
532   function Parse (Filename : String_Acc) return Boolean
533   is
534      Res : Iir_Design_File;
535      Design : Iir_Design_Unit;
536      Next_Design : Iir_Design_Unit;
537      Config : Iir;
538   begin
539      if Nbr_Parse = 0 then
540         --  Initialize only once...
541         if not Libraries.Load_Std_Library then
542            raise Option_Error;
543         end if;
545         --  Here, time_base can be set.
546         Translation.Initialize;
548         if Action = Action_Anaelab and then Anaelab_Files /= null then
549            Libraries.Load_Work_Library (True);
550         else
551            Libraries.Load_Work_Library (False);
552         end if;
553      end if;
554      Nbr_Parse := Nbr_Parse + 1;
556      case Action is
557         when Action_Elaborate =>
558            Flags.Flag_Elaborate := True;
559            Flags.Flag_Only_Elab_Warnings := True;
560            if Elab_Filelist = null then
561               Error_Msg_Option ("missing -l for --elab");
562               raise Option_Error;
563            end if;
565            --  Be sure to collect libraries used for vhpidirect.
566            Trans_Be.Sem_Foreign_Hook := Sem_Foreign_Hook'Access;
567            Shlib_Interning.Init;
569            Config := Vhdl.Configuration.Configure
570              (Elab_Entity, Elab_Architecture);
571            if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
572               --  This may happen (bad entity for example).
573               raise Compilation_Error;
574            end if;
576            Translation.Elaborate (Config, False);
578            Write_File_List (Elab_Filelist.all);
580            if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
581               --  This may happen (bad entity for example).
582               raise Compilation_Error;
583            end if;
584         when Action_Pre_Elaborate =>
585            Flags.Flag_Elaborate := True;
586            Flags.Flag_Only_Elab_Warnings := True;
587            if Elab_Filelist = null then
588               Error_Msg_Option ("missing -l for --pre-elab");
589               raise Option_Error;
590            end if;
591            raise Program_Error;
592         when Action_Anaelab =>
593            --  Parse files.
594            if Anaelab_Files = null then
595               Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated := False;
596            else
597               Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated := True;
598               declare
599                  L : Id_Link_Acc;
600               begin
601                  L := Anaelab_Files;
602                  while L /= null loop
603                     if L.Is_Library then
604                        Libraries.Work_Library_Name := L.Id;
605                        Libraries.Load_Work_Library (True);
606                     else
607                        Res := Load_File_Name (L.Id);
608                        if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
609                           raise Compilation_Error;
610                        end if;
612                        --  Put units into library.
613                        Design := Get_First_Design_Unit (Res);
614                        while not Is_Null (Design) loop
615                           Next_Design := Get_Chain (Design);
616                           Set_Chain (Design, Null_Iir);
617                           Libraries.Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Design);
618                           Design := Next_Design;
619                        end loop;
620                     end if;
621                     L := L.Link;
622                  end loop;
623               end;
624            end if;
626            Flags.Flag_Elaborate := True;
627            Flags.Flag_Only_Elab_Warnings := False;
628            Config := Vhdl.Configuration.Configure
629              (Elab_Entity, Elab_Architecture);
630            Translation.Elaborate (Config, True);
632            if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
633               --  This may happen (bad entity for example).
634               raise Compilation_Error;
635            end if;
636         when Action_Compile_Std_Package =>
637            if Filename /= null
638              and then Filename.all /= "std_standard.vhdl"
639            then
640               Error_Msg_Option
641                 ("--compile-standard is not compatible with a filename");
642               return False;
643            end if;
644            Translation.Translate_Standard (True);
646         when Action_Compile =>
647            if Filename = null then
648               Error_Msg_Option ("no input file");
649               return False;
650            end if;
651            if Nbr_Parse > 1 then
652               Error_Msg_Option ("can compile only one file (file """ &
653                                 Filename.all & """ ignored)");
654               return False;
655            end if;
656            Do_Compile (Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Filename.all));
657      end case;
659      if Flag_Expect_Failure then
660         return False;
661      else
662         return True;
663      end if;
664   exception
665      when Compilation_Error =>
666         if Flag_Expect_Failure then
667            --  Very brutal...
668            GNAT.OS_Lib.OS_Exit (0);
669         end if;
670         return False;
671      when Option_Error =>
672         return False;
673      when E: others =>
674         Bug.Disp_Bug_Box (E);
675         raise;
676   end Parse;
677end Ortho_Front;