1--  VHDL libraries handling.
2--  Copyright (C) 2018 Tristan Gingold
4--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7--  (at your option) any later version.
9--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12--  GNU General Public License for more details.
14--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
16with Flags;
17with Name_Table;
18with Files_Map;
19with Vhdl.Utils; use Vhdl.Utils;
20with Errorout; use Errorout;
21with Vhdl.Errors; use Vhdl.Errors;
22with Libraries; use Libraries;
23with Vhdl.Scanner;
24with Vhdl.Parse;
25with Vhdl.Disp_Tree;
26with Vhdl.Prints;
27with Vhdl.Sem;
28with Vhdl.Post_Sems;
29with Vhdl.Canon;
30with Vhdl.Nodes_GC;
32package body Vhdl.Sem_Lib is
33   procedure Error_Lib_Msg (Msg : String; Arg1 : Earg_Type) is
34   begin
35      Report_Msg (Msgid_Error, Library, No_Source_Coord, Msg, (1 => Arg1));
36   end Error_Lib_Msg;
38   function Load_File (File : Source_File_Entry) return Iir_Design_File
39   is
40      Res : Iir_Design_File;
41   begin
42      Vhdl.Scanner.Set_File (File);
43      if Vhdl.Scanner.Detect_Encoding_Errors then
44         --  Don't even try to parse such a file.  The BOM will be interpreted
45         --  as an identifier, which is not valid at the beginning of a file.
46         Res := Null_Iir;
47      else
48         Res := Vhdl.Parse.Parse_Design_File;
49      end if;
50      Vhdl.Scanner.Close_File;
52      if Res /= Null_Iir then
53         Set_Parent (Res, Work_Library);
54         Set_Design_File_Filename (Res, Files_Map.Get_File_Name (File));
55         Set_Design_File_Source (Res, File);
56      end if;
57      return Res;
58   end Load_File;
60   -- parse a file.
61   -- Return a design_file without putting it into the library
62   -- (because it was not analyzed).
63   function Load_File_Name (File_Name: Name_Id) return Iir_Design_File
64   is
65      Fe : Source_File_Entry;
66   begin
67      Fe := Files_Map.Read_Source_File (Local_Directory, File_Name);
68      if Fe = No_Source_File_Entry then
69         Error_Msg_Option ("cannot open " & Name_Table.Image (File_Name));
70         return Null_Iir;
71      end if;
72      return Load_File (Fe);
73   end Load_File_Name;
75   procedure Finish_Compilation
76     (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Main : Boolean := False)
77   is
78      Lib_Unit : Iir;
79   begin
80      Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
81      if (Main or Flags.Dump_All) and then Flags.Dump_Parse then
82         Vhdl.Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (Unit);
83      end if;
85      if Flags.Check_Ast_Level > 0 then
86         Vhdl.Nodes_GC.Check_Tree (Unit);
87      end if;
89      if Flags.Verbose then
90         Report_Msg (Msgid_Note, Semantic, +Lib_Unit,
91                     "analyze %n", (1 => +Lib_Unit));
92      end if;
94      Sem.Semantic (Unit);
96      if (Main or Flags.Dump_All) and then Flags.Dump_Sem then
97         Vhdl.Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (Unit);
98      end if;
100      if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
101         return;
102      end if;
104      if (Main or Flags.List_All) and then Flags.List_Sem then
105         Vhdl.Prints.Disp_Vhdl (Unit);
106      end if;
108      if Flags.Check_Ast_Level > 0 then
109         Vhdl.Nodes_GC.Check_Tree (Unit);
110      end if;
112      --  Post checks
113      ----------------
115      Vhdl.Post_Sems.Post_Sem_Checks (Unit);
117      if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
118         return;
119      end if;
121      --  Canonalisation.
122      ------------------
124      if Flags.Verbose then
125         Report_Msg (Msgid_Note, Semantic, +Lib_Unit,
126                     "canonicalize %n", (1 => +Lib_Unit));
127      end if;
129      Vhdl.Canon.Canonicalize (Unit);
131      if (Main or Flags.Dump_All) and then Flags.Dump_Canon then
132         Vhdl.Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (Unit);
133      end if;
135      if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
136         return;
137      end if;
139      if (Main or Flags.List_All) and then Flags.List_Canon then
140         Vhdl.Prints.Disp_Vhdl (Unit);
141      end if;
143      if Flags.Check_Ast_Level > 0 then
144         Vhdl.Nodes_GC.Check_Tree (Unit);
145      end if;
146   end Finish_Compilation;
148   procedure Free_Dependence_List (Design : Iir_Design_Unit)
149   is
150      List : Iir_List;
151      It : List_Iterator;
152      El : Iir;
153   begin
154      List := Get_Dependence_List (Design);
155      if List = Null_Iir_List then
156         return;
157      end if;
159      It := List_Iterate (List);
160      while Is_Valid (It) loop
161         El := Get_Element (It);
162         case Get_Kind (El) is
163            when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
164               null;
165            when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
166               Free_Recursive (El);
167            when others =>
168               Error_Kind ("free_dependence_list", El);
169         end case;
170         Next (It);
171      end loop;
172      Destroy_Iir_List (List);
173      Set_Dependence_List (Design, Null_Iir_List);
174   end Free_Dependence_List;
176   procedure Load_Parse_Design_Unit
177     (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit; Loc : Location_Type)
178   is
179      use Vhdl.Scanner;
180      Design_File : constant Iir_Design_File := Get_Design_File (Design_Unit);
181      Fe : Source_File_Entry;
182      Line, Off: Natural;
183      Pos: Source_Ptr;
184      Res: Iir;
185      Checksum : File_Checksum_Id;
186   begin
187      --  The unit must not be loaded.
188      pragma Assert (Get_Date_State (Design_Unit) = Date_Disk);
190      Fe := Get_Design_File_Source (Design_File);
191      if Fe = No_Source_File_Entry then
192         --  Load the file in memory.
193         Fe := Files_Map.Read_Source_File
194           (Get_Design_File_Directory (Design_File),
195            Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File));
196         if Fe = No_Source_File_Entry then
197            Error_Lib_Msg ("cannot load %n", +Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit));
198            raise Compilation_Error;
199         end if;
200         Set_Design_File_Source (Design_File, Fe);
202         --  Check if the file has changed (but only if it has a checksum).
203         Checksum := Get_File_Checksum (Design_File);
204         if Checksum /= No_File_Checksum_Id
205           and then
206           not Files_Map.Is_Eq (Files_Map.Get_File_Checksum (Fe), Checksum)
207         then
208            Error_Msg_Sem (+Loc, "file %i has changed and must be reanalysed",
209                           +Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File));
210            raise Compilation_Error;
211         end if;
212      end if;
214      if Get_Date (Design_Unit) = Date_Obsolete then
215         Error_Msg_Sem (+Loc, "%n has been obsoleted",
216                        +Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit));
217         raise Compilation_Error;
218      end if;
220      --  Set the position of the lexer
221      Set_File (Fe);
222      Pos := Get_Design_Unit_Source_Pos (Design_Unit);
223      Line := Natural (Get_Design_Unit_Source_Line (Design_Unit));
224      Off := Natural (Get_Design_Unit_Source_Col (Design_Unit));
225      Files_Map.File_Add_Line_Number (Get_Current_Source_File, Line, Pos);
226      Set_Current_Position (Pos + Source_Ptr (Off));
228      --  Parse
229      Scan;
230      Res := Vhdl.Parse.Parse_Design_Unit;
231      Close_File;
232      if Res = Null_Iir then
233         raise Compilation_Error;
234      end if;
236      Set_Date_State (Design_Unit, Date_Parse);
238      --  FIXME: check the library unit read is the one expected.
240      --  Move the unit in the library: keep the design_unit of the library,
241      --  but replace the library_unit by the one that has been parsed.  Do
242      --  not forget to relocate parents.
243      Vhdl.Utils.Free_Recursive (Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit));
244      Set_Library_Unit (Design_Unit, Get_Library_Unit (Res));
245      Set_Design_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Res), Design_Unit);
246      Set_Parent (Get_Library_Unit (Res), Design_Unit);
247      declare
248         Item : Iir;
249      begin
250         Item := Get_Context_Items (Res);
251         Set_Context_Items (Design_Unit, Item);
252         while Is_Valid (Item) loop
253            Set_Parent (Item, Design_Unit);
254            Item := Get_Chain (Item);
255         end loop;
256      end;
257      Location_Copy (Design_Unit, Res);
258      Free_Dependence_List (Design_Unit);
259      Set_Dependence_List (Design_Unit, Get_Dependence_List (Res));
260      Set_Dependence_List (Res, Null_Iir_List);
261      Free_Iir (Res);
262   end Load_Parse_Design_Unit;
264   procedure Error_Obsolete
265     (Loc : Location_Type; Msg : String; Args : Earg_Arr) is
266   begin
267      if not Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated then
268         Error_Msg_Sem (Loc, Msg, Args);
269      end if;
270   end Error_Obsolete;
272   --  Check if one of its dependency makes this unit obsolete.
273   function Check_Obsolete_Dependence (Design_Unit : Iir; Loc : Location_Type)
274                                      return Boolean
275   is
276      List : constant Iir_List := Get_Dependence_List (Design_Unit);
277      Du_Ts : constant Time_Stamp_Id :=
278        Get_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Get_Design_File (Design_Unit));
279      U_Ts : Time_Stamp_Id;
280      El : Iir;
281      It : List_Iterator;
282   begin
283      if List = Null_Iir_List then
284         return False;
285      end if;
287      It := List_Iterate (List);
288      while Is_Valid (It) loop
289         El := Get_Element (It);
290         if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit then
291            U_Ts := Get_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Get_Design_File (El));
292            if Files_Map.Is_Gt (U_Ts, Du_Ts) then
293               Error_Obsolete
294                 (Loc, "%n is obsoleted by %n", (+Design_Unit, +El));
295               return True;
296            end if;
297         end if;
298         Next (It);
299      end loop;
301      return False;
302   end Check_Obsolete_Dependence;
304   procedure Explain_Obsolete
305     (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Loc : Location_Type)
306   is
307      List : Iir_List;
308      It : List_Iterator;
309      El : Iir;
310   begin
311      pragma Assert (Get_Date_State (Design_Unit) = Date_Analyze);
312      pragma Assert (Get_Date (Design_Unit) = Date_Obsolete);
314      List := Get_Dependence_List (Design_Unit);
315      if List = Null_Iir_List then
316         --  Argh, we don't know why.
317         Error_Obsolete (Loc, "%n is obsolete", (1 => +Design_Unit));
318         return;
319      end if;
321      It := List_Iterate (List);
322      while Is_Valid (It) loop
323         El := Get_Element (It);
324         --  Just handle design unit; but there could also be entity aspects.
325         if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
326           and then Get_Date (El) = Date_Obsolete
327         then
328            Error_Obsolete (Loc, "%n is obsoleted by %n", (+Design_Unit, +El));
329            return;
330         end if;
331         Next (It);
332      end loop;
333   end Explain_Obsolete;
335   -- Load, parse, analyze, back-end a design_unit if necessary.
336   procedure Load_Design_Unit
337     (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Loc : Location_Type)
338   is
339      Prev_Nbr_Errors : Natural;
340      Warnings : Warnings_Setting;
341      Error : Boolean;
342   begin
343      if Get_Date (Design_Unit) = Date_Replacing then
344         Error_Msg_Sem (+Loc, "circular reference of %n", +Design_Unit);
345         return;
346      end if;
348      --  Save and clear Nbr_Errors so that the unit is fully analyzed even
349      --  if there were errors.
350      Prev_Nbr_Errors := Errorout.Nbr_Errors;
351      Errorout.Nbr_Errors := 0;
353      --  Disable all warnings.  Warnings are emitted only when the unit
354      --  is analyzed.
355      Save_Warnings_Setting (Warnings);
356      Disable_All_Warnings;
358      if Get_Date_State (Design_Unit) = Date_Disk then
359         Load_Parse_Design_Unit (Design_Unit, Loc);
360      end if;
362      Error := False;
364      if Get_Date_State (Design_Unit) = Date_Parse then
365         --  Analyze the design unit.
367         if Get_Date (Design_Unit) = Date_Analyzed then
368            --  Work-around for an internal check in sem.
369            --  FIXME: to be removed ?
370            Set_Date (Design_Unit, Date_Parsed);
371         end if;
373         --  Avoid infinite recursion, if the unit is self-referenced.
374         Set_Date_State (Design_Unit, Date_Analyze);
376         --  Analyze unit.
377         Finish_Compilation (Design_Unit);
379         --  Check if one of its dependency makes this unit obsolete.
380         --  FIXME: to do when the dependency is added ?
381         if not Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated
382           and then Check_Obsolete_Dependence (Design_Unit, Loc)
383         then
384            Set_Date (Design_Unit, Date_Obsolete);
385            Error := True;
386         end if;
387      end if;
389      --  Restore nbr_errors (accumulate).
390      Errorout.Nbr_Errors := Prev_Nbr_Errors + Errorout.Nbr_Errors;
392      --  Restore warnings.
393      Restore_Warnings_Setting (Warnings);
395      if Error then
396         --  Return now in case of analyze error.
397         return;
398      end if;
400      case Get_Date (Design_Unit) is
401         when Date_Parsed =>
402            raise Internal_Error;
403         when Date_Analyzing =>
404            --  Self-referenced unit.
405            return;
406         when Date_Analyzed =>
407            --  FIXME: Accept it silently ?
408            --  Note: this is used when Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated is set.
409            --  This is also used by anonymous configuration declaration.
410            null;
411         when Date_Uptodate =>
412            return;
413         when Date_Valid =>
414            null;
415         when Date_Obsolete =>
416            if not Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated then
417               Explain_Obsolete (Design_Unit, Loc);
418            end if;
419         when others =>
420            raise Internal_Error;
421      end case;
422   end Load_Design_Unit;
424   procedure Load_Design_Unit (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit; Loc : Iir) is
425   begin
426      Load_Design_Unit (Design_Unit, Get_Location (Loc));
427   end Load_Design_Unit;
429   function Load_Primary_Unit
430     (Library: Iir_Library_Declaration; Name: Name_Id; Loc : Iir)
431      return Iir_Design_Unit
432   is
433      Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
434   begin
435      Design_Unit := Find_Primary_Unit (Library, Name);
436      if Design_Unit /= Null_Iir then
437         Load_Design_Unit (Design_Unit, Loc);
438      end if;
439      return Design_Unit;
440   end Load_Primary_Unit;
442   -- Load an secondary unit and analyse it.
443   function Load_Secondary_Unit
444     (Primary: Iir_Design_Unit; Name: Name_Id; Loc : Iir)
445     return Iir_Design_Unit
446   is
447      Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
448   begin
449      Design_Unit := Find_Secondary_Unit (Primary, Name);
450      if Design_Unit /= Null_Iir then
451         Load_Design_Unit (Design_Unit, Loc);
452      end if;
453      return Design_Unit;
454   end Load_Secondary_Unit;
455end Vhdl.Sem_Lib;