1 // Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2021 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
2 //
3 // See the LICENSE.txt file in the Gmsh root directory for license information.
4 // Please report all issues on https://gitlab.onelab.info/gmsh/gmsh/issues.
6 #include <limits>
7 #include <sstream>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include <map>
10 #include "GmshMessage.h"
11 #include "GModel.h"
12 #include "GFace.h"
13 #include "GEdge.h"
14 #include "GVertex.h"
15 #include "GPoint.h"
16 #include "discreteEdge.h"
17 #include "discreteFace.h"
18 #include "MTriangle.h"
19 #include "MQuadrangle.h"
20 #include "MLine.h"
21 #include "MVertex.h"
22 #include "meshGEdge.h"
23 #include "meshGFace.h"
24 #include "meshGFaceBDS.h"
25 #include "meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.h"
26 #include "meshGFaceBamg.h"
27 #include "meshGFaceOptimize.h"
28 #include "DivideAndConquer.h"
29 #include "BackgroundMesh.h"
30 #include "robustPredicates.h"
31 #include "Numeric.h"
32 #include "BDS.h"
33 #include "qualityMeasures.h"
34 #include "OS.h"
35 #include "MElementOctree.h"
36 #include "HighOrder.h"
37 #include "Context.h"
38 #include "boundaryLayersData.h"
39 #include "filterElements.h"
40 #include "meshGFaceBipartiteLabelling.h"
41 #include "meshTriangulation.h"
pointInsideParametricDomain(std::vector<SPoint2> & bnd,SPoint2 & p,SPoint2 & out,int & N)43 bool pointInsideParametricDomain(std::vector<SPoint2> &bnd, SPoint2 &p,
44                                  SPoint2 &out, int &N)
45 {
46   int count = 0;
47   for(size_t i = 0; i < bnd.size(); i += 2) {
48     SPoint2 p1 = bnd[i];
49     SPoint2 p2 = bnd[i + 1];
50     double a = robustPredicates::orient2d(p1, p2, p);
51     double b = robustPredicates::orient2d(p1, p2, out);
52     if(a * b < 0) {
53       a = robustPredicates::orient2d(p, out, p1);
54       b = robustPredicates::orient2d(p, out, p2);
55       if(a * b < 0) count++;
56     }
57   }
58   N = count;
59   if(count % 2 == 0) return false;
60   return true;
61 }
trueBoundary(GFace * gf,std::vector<SPoint2> & bnd,int debug)63 static void trueBoundary(GFace *gf, std::vector<SPoint2> &bnd, int debug)
64 {
65   FILE *view_t = nullptr;
66   if(debug) {
67     char name[245];
68     sprintf(name, "trueBoundary%d.pos", gf->tag());
69     view_t = Fopen(name, "w");
70     if(view_t) fprintf(view_t, "View \"True Boundary\"{\n");
71   }
72   std::vector<GEdge *> edg = gf->edges();
73   std::set<GEdge *> edges(edg.begin(), edg.end());
75   for(auto it = edges.begin(); it != edges.end(); ++it) {
76     GEdge *ge = *it;
77     Range<double> r = ge->parBoundsOnFace(gf);
78     SPoint2 p[300];
79     int NITER = ge->isSeam(gf) ? 2 : 1;
80     for(int i = 0; i < NITER; i++) {
81       int count = NITER == 2 ? 300 : 300;
82       for(int k = 0; k < count; k++) {
83         double t = (double)k / (count - 1);
84         double xi = r.low() + (r.high() - r.low()) * t;
85         p[k] = ge->reparamOnFace(gf, xi, i);
86         if(k > 0) {
87           if(view_t) {
88             fprintf(view_t, "SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){%d,%d};\n", p[k - 1].x(),
89                     p[k - 1].y(), 0.0, p[k].x(), p[k].y(), 0.0,ge->tag(),ge->tag());
90           }
91           bnd.push_back(p[k - 1]);
92           bnd.push_back(p[k]);
93         }
94       }
95     }
96   }
97   if(view_t) {
98     fprintf(view_t, "};\n");
99     fclose(view_t);
100   }
101 }
computeElementShapes(GFace * gf,double & worst,double & avg,double & best,int & nT,int & greaterThan)103 static void computeElementShapes(GFace *gf, double &worst, double &avg,
104                                  double &best, int &nT, int &greaterThan)
105 {
106   worst = 1.e22;
107   avg = 0.0;
108   best = 0.0;
109   nT = 0;
110   greaterThan = 0;
111   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < gf->triangles.size(); i++) {
112     double q = qmTriangle::gamma(gf->triangles[i]);
113     if(q > .9) greaterThan++;
114     avg += q;
115     worst = std::min(worst, q);
116     best = std::max(best, q);
117     nT++;
118   }
119   avg /= nT;
120 }
122 class quadMeshRemoveHalfOfOneDMesh {
123 private:
124   GFace *_gf;
125   std::map<GEdge *, std::vector<MLine *> > _backup;
126   std::map<MEdge, MVertex *, MEdgeLessThan> _middle;
_subdivide()127   void _subdivide()
128   {
129     std::vector<MQuadrangle *> qnew;
130     std::map<MEdge, MVertex *, MEdgeLessThan> eds;
131     for(std::size_t i = 0; i < _gf->triangles.size(); i++) {
132       MVertex *v[3];
133       SPoint2 m[3];
134       for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
135         MEdge E = _gf->triangles[i]->getEdge(j);
136         SPoint2 p1, p2;
137         reparamMeshEdgeOnFace(E.getVertex(0), E.getVertex(1), _gf, p1, p2);
138         auto it = _middle.find(E);
139         auto it2 = eds.find(E);
140         m[j] = p1;
141         if(it == _middle.end() && it2 == eds.end()) {
142           GPoint gp = _gf->point((p1 + p2) * 0.5);
143           double XX = 0.5 * (E.getVertex(0)->x() + E.getVertex(1)->x());
144           double YY = 0.5 * (E.getVertex(0)->y() + E.getVertex(1)->y());
145           double ZZ = 0.5 * (E.getVertex(0)->z() + E.getVertex(1)->z());
146           v[j] = new MFaceVertex(XX, YY, ZZ, _gf, gp.u(), gp.v());
147           _gf->mesh_vertices.push_back(v[j]);
148           eds[E] = v[j];
149         }
150         else if(it == _middle.end()) {
151           v[j] = it2->second;
152         }
153         else {
154           v[j] = it->second;
155           v[j]->onWhat()->mesh_vertices.push_back(v[j]);
156           if(!CTX::instance()->mesh.secondOrderLinear) {
157             // re-push middle vertex on the curve (this can of course lead to an
158             // invalid mesh)
159             double u = 0.;
160             if(v[j]->getParameter(0, u) && v[j]->onWhat()->dim() == 1) {
161               GEdge *ge = static_cast<GEdge *>(v[j]->onWhat());
162               GPoint p = ge->point(u);
163               v[j]->x() = p.x();
164               v[j]->y() = p.y();
165               v[j]->z() = p.z();
166             }
167           }
168         }
169       }
170       GPoint gp = _gf->point((m[0] + m[1] + m[2]) * (1. / 3.));
171       double XX = (v[0]->x() + v[1]->x() + v[2]->x()) * (1. / 3.);
172       double YY = (v[0]->y() + v[1]->y() + v[2]->y()) * (1. / 3.);
173       double ZZ = (v[0]->z() + v[1]->z() + v[2]->z()) * (1. / 3.);
174       MFaceVertex *vmid = new MFaceVertex(XX, YY, ZZ, _gf, gp.u(), gp.v());
175       _gf->mesh_vertices.push_back(vmid);
176       qnew.push_back(
177         new MQuadrangle(_gf->triangles[i]->getVertex(0), v[0], vmid, v[2]));
178       qnew.push_back(
179         new MQuadrangle(_gf->triangles[i]->getVertex(1), v[1], vmid, v[0]));
180       qnew.push_back(
181         new MQuadrangle(_gf->triangles[i]->getVertex(2), v[2], vmid, v[1]));
182       delete _gf->triangles[i];
183     }
184     _gf->triangles.clear();
185     for(std::size_t i = 0; i < _gf->quadrangles.size(); i++) {
186       MVertex *v[4];
187       SPoint2 m[4];
188       for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
189         MEdge E = _gf->quadrangles[i]->getEdge(j);
190         SPoint2 p1, p2;
191         reparamMeshEdgeOnFace(E.getVertex(0), E.getVertex(1), _gf, p1, p2);
192         auto it = _middle.find(E);
193         auto it2 = eds.find(E);
194         m[j] = p1;
195         if(it == _middle.end() && it2 == eds.end()) {
196           GPoint gp = _gf->point((p1 + p2) * 0.5);
197           double XX = 0.5 * (E.getVertex(0)->x() + E.getVertex(1)->x());
198           double YY = 0.5 * (E.getVertex(0)->y() + E.getVertex(1)->y());
199           double ZZ = 0.5 * (E.getVertex(0)->z() + E.getVertex(1)->z());
200           v[j] = new MFaceVertex(XX, YY, ZZ, _gf, gp.u(), gp.v());
201           _gf->mesh_vertices.push_back(v[j]);
202           eds[E] = v[j];
203         }
204         else if(it == _middle.end()) {
205           v[j] = it2->second;
206         }
207         else {
208           v[j] = it->second;
209           v[j]->onWhat()->mesh_vertices.push_back(v[j]);
210           if(!CTX::instance()->mesh.secondOrderLinear) {
211             // re-push middle vertex on the curve (this can of course lead to an
212             // invalid mesh)
213             double u = 0.;
214             if(v[j]->getParameter(0, u) && v[j]->onWhat()->dim() == 1) {
215               GEdge *ge = static_cast<GEdge *>(v[j]->onWhat());
216               GPoint p = ge->point(u);
217               v[j]->x() = p.x();
218               v[j]->y() = p.y();
219               v[j]->z() = p.z();
220             }
221           }
222         }
223       }
224       GPoint gp = _gf->point((m[0] + m[1] + m[2] + m[3]) * 0.25);
225       // FIXME: not exactly correct, but that's the place where we want the
226       // point to reside
227       double XX = 0.25 * (v[0]->x() + v[1]->x() + v[2]->x() + v[3]->x());
228       double YY = 0.25 * (v[0]->y() + v[1]->y() + v[2]->y() + v[3]->y());
229       double ZZ = 0.25 * (v[0]->z() + v[1]->z() + v[2]->z() + v[3]->z());
230       MVertex *vmid = new MFaceVertex(XX, YY, ZZ, _gf, gp.u(), gp.v());
231       _gf->mesh_vertices.push_back(vmid);
232       qnew.push_back(
233         new MQuadrangle(_gf->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(0), v[0], vmid, v[3]));
234       qnew.push_back(
235         new MQuadrangle(_gf->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(1), v[1], vmid, v[0]));
236       qnew.push_back(
237         new MQuadrangle(_gf->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(2), v[2], vmid, v[1]));
238       qnew.push_back(
239         new MQuadrangle(_gf->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(3), v[3], vmid, v[2]));
240       delete _gf->quadrangles[i];
241     }
242     _gf->quadrangles = qnew;
243   }
_restore()244   void _restore()
245   {
246     std::vector<GEdge *> const &edges = _gf->edges();
247     auto ite = edges.begin();
248     while(ite != edges.end()) {
249       for(std::size_t i = 0; i < (*ite)->lines.size(); i++) {
250         delete(*ite)->lines[i];
251       }
252       (*ite)->lines = _backup[*ite];
253       ++ite;
254     }
255   }
257 public:
258   // remove one point every two and remember middle points
quadMeshRemoveHalfOfOneDMesh(GFace * gf,bool periodic)259   quadMeshRemoveHalfOfOneDMesh(GFace *gf, bool periodic) : _gf(gf)
260   {
261     // only do it if a full recombination has to (and can) be done
262     if(!CTX::instance()->mesh.recombineAll && !gf->meshAttributes.recombine)
263       return;
264     if(CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine < 2 &&
265        CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine != 4)
266       return;
267     if(gf->compound.size()) return;
268     if(periodic) {
269       Msg::Error("Full-quad recombination not ready yet for periodic surfaces");
270       return;
271     }
272     std::vector<GEdge *> const &edges = gf->edges();
273     auto ite = edges.begin();
274     while(ite != edges.end()) {
275       if((*ite)->meshAttributes.method == MESH_TRANSFINITE) {
276         Msg::Warning("Full-quad recombination only compatible with "
277                      "transfinite meshes if those are performed first");
278       }
279       if(!(*ite)->isMeshDegenerated()) {
280         std::vector<MLine *> temp;
281         (*ite)->mesh_vertices.clear();
282         for(std::size_t i = 0; i < (*ite)->lines.size(); i += 2) {
283           if(i + 1 >= (*ite)->lines.size()) {
284             Msg::Error("1D mesh cannot be divided by 2");
285             break;
286           }
287           MVertex *v1 = (*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(0);
288           MVertex *v2 = (*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(1);
289           MVertex *v3 = (*ite)->lines[i + 1]->getVertex(1);
290           v2->x() = 0.5 * (v1->x() + v3->x());
291           v2->y() = 0.5 * (v1->y() + v3->y());
292           v2->z() = 0.5 * (v1->z() + v3->z());
293           temp.push_back(new MLine(v1, v3));
294           if(v1->onWhat() == *ite) (*ite)->mesh_vertices.push_back(v1);
295           _middle[MEdge(v1, v3)] = v2;
296         }
297         _backup[*ite] = (*ite)->lines;
298         (*ite)->lines = temp;
299       }
300       ++ite;
301     }
302     CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFactor *= 2.0;
303   }
finish()304   void finish()
305   {
306     if(_backup.empty()) return;
307     // recombine the elements on the half mesh
308     CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFactor /= 2.0;
309     bool blossom = (CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine == 3);
310     int topo = CTX::instance()->mesh.recombineOptimizeTopology;
311     recombineIntoQuads(_gf, blossom, topo, true, 0.1);
312     _subdivide();
313     _restore();
314     recombineIntoQuads(_gf, blossom, topo, true, 1.e-3);
315     computeElementShapes(_gf, _gf->meshStatistics.worst_element_shape,
316                          _gf->meshStatistics.average_element_shape,
317                          _gf->meshStatistics.best_element_shape,
318                          _gf->meshStatistics.nbTriangle,
319                          _gf->meshStatistics.nbGoodQuality);
320   }
321 };
copyMesh(GFace * source,GFace * target)323 static void copyMesh(GFace *source, GFace *target)
324 {
325   std::map<MVertex *, MVertex *> vs2vt;
327   // add principal GVertex pairs
329   std::vector<GVertex *> s_vtcs = source->vertices();
330   s_vtcs.insert(s_vtcs.end(), source->embeddedVertices().begin(),
331                 source->embeddedVertices().end());
332   for(auto it = source->embeddedEdges().begin();
333       it != source->embeddedEdges().end(); it++) {
334     if((*it)->getBeginVertex()) s_vtcs.push_back((*it)->getBeginVertex());
335     if((*it)->getEndVertex()) s_vtcs.push_back((*it)->getEndVertex());
336   }
337   std::vector<GVertex *> t_vtcs = target->vertices();
338   t_vtcs.insert(t_vtcs.end(), target->embeddedVertices().begin(),
339                 target->embeddedVertices().end());
340   for(auto it = target->embeddedEdges().begin();
341       it != target->embeddedEdges().end(); it++) {
342     if((*it)->getBeginVertex()) t_vtcs.push_back((*it)->getBeginVertex());
343     if((*it)->getEndVertex()) t_vtcs.push_back((*it)->getEndVertex());
344   }
346   if(s_vtcs.size() != t_vtcs.size()) {
347     Msg::Info("Periodicity imposed on topologically incompatible surfaces"
348               "(%d vs %d points)",
349               s_vtcs.size(), t_vtcs.size());
350   }
352   std::set<GVertex *> checkVtcs(s_vtcs.begin(), s_vtcs.end());
354   for(auto tvIter = t_vtcs.begin(); tvIter != t_vtcs.end(); ++tvIter) {
355     GVertex *gvt = *tvIter;
356     auto gvsIter = target->vertexCounterparts.find(gvt);
358     if(gvsIter == target->vertexCounterparts.end()) {
359       Msg::Error("Periodic meshing of surface %d with surface %d: "
360                  "point %d has no periodic counterpart",
361                  target->tag(), source->tag(), gvt->tag());
362     }
363     else {
364       GVertex *gvs = gvsIter->second;
365       if(checkVtcs.find(gvs) == checkVtcs.end()) {
366         if(gvs)
367           Msg::Error(
368             "Periodic meshing of surface %d with surface %d: "
369             "point %d has periodic counterpart %d outside of source surface",
370             target->tag(), source->tag(), gvt->tag(), gvs->tag());
372         else
373           Msg::Error("Periodic meshing of surface %d with surface %d: "
374                      "point %d has no periodic counterpart",
375                      target->tag(), source->tag(), gvt->tag());
376       }
377       if(gvs) {
378         MVertex *vs = gvs->mesh_vertices[0];
379         MVertex *vt = gvt->mesh_vertices[0];
380         vs2vt[vs] = vt;
381         target->correspondingVertices[vt] = vs;
382       }
383     }
384   }
386   // add corresponding curve nodes assuming curves were correctly meshed already
388   std::vector<GEdge *> s_edges = source->edges();
389   s_edges.insert(s_edges.end(), source->embeddedEdges().begin(),
390                  source->embeddedEdges().end());
391   std::vector<GEdge *> t_edges = target->edges();
392   t_edges.insert(t_edges.end(), target->embeddedEdges().begin(),
393                  target->embeddedEdges().end());
395   std::set<GEdge *> checkEdges;
396   checkEdges.insert(s_edges.begin(), s_edges.end());
398   for(auto te_iter = t_edges.begin(); te_iter != t_edges.end(); ++te_iter) {
399     GEdge *get = *te_iter;
401     auto gesIter = target->edgeCounterparts.find(get);
402     if(gesIter == target->edgeCounterparts.end()) {
403       Msg::Error("Periodic meshing of surface %d with surface %d: "
404                  "curve %d has no periodic counterpart",
405                  target->tag(), source->tag(), get->tag());
406     }
407     else {
408       GEdge *ges = gesIter->second.first;
409       if(checkEdges.find(ges) == checkEdges.end()) {
410         Msg::Error("Periodic meshing of surface %d with surface %d: "
411                    "curve %d has periodic counterpart %d",
412                    target->tag(), source->tag(), get->tag(), ges->tag());
413       }
414       if(get->mesh_vertices.size() != ges->mesh_vertices.size()) {
415         Msg::Error("Periodic meshing of surface %d with surface %d: "
416                    "curve %d has %d vertices, whereas correspondant %d has %d",
417                    target->tag(), source->tag(), get->tag(),
418                    get->mesh_vertices.size(), ges->tag(),
419                    ges->mesh_vertices.size());
420       }
421       int orientation = gesIter->second.second;
422       int is = orientation == 1 ? 0 : get->mesh_vertices.size() - 1;
423       for(unsigned it = 0; it < get->mesh_vertices.size();
424           it++, is += orientation) {
425         MVertex *vs = ges->mesh_vertices[is];
426         MVertex *vt = get->mesh_vertices[it];
427         vs2vt[vs] = vt;
428         target->correspondingVertices[vt] = vs;
429       }
430     }
431   }
433   // transform interior nodes
434   std::vector<double> &tfo = target->affineTransform;
436   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < source->mesh_vertices.size(); i++) {
437     MVertex *vs = source->mesh_vertices[i];
438     SPoint2 XXX;
440     double ps[4] = {vs->x(), vs->y(), vs->z(), 1.};
441     double res[4] = {0., 0., 0., 0.};
442     int idx = 0;
443     for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
444       for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) res[i] += tfo[idx++] * ps[j];
446     SPoint3 tp(res[0], res[1], res[2]);
447     XXX = target->parFromPoint(tp);
449     GPoint gp = target->point(XXX);
450     MVertex *vt =
451       new MFaceVertex(gp.x(), gp.y(), gp.z(), target, gp.u(), gp.v());
452     target->mesh_vertices.push_back(vt);
453     target->correspondingVertices[vt] = vs;
454     vs2vt[vs] = vt;
455   }
457   // create new elements
458   for(unsigned i = 0; i < source->triangles.size(); i++) {
459     MVertex *v1 = vs2vt[source->triangles[i]->getVertex(0)];
460     MVertex *v2 = vs2vt[source->triangles[i]->getVertex(1)];
461     MVertex *v3 = vs2vt[source->triangles[i]->getVertex(2)];
462     if(v1 && v2 && v3) {
463       target->triangles.push_back(new MTriangle(v1, v2, v3));
464     }
465     else {
466       Msg::Error("Could not find periodic counterpart of triangle nodes "
467                  "%lu %lu %lu",
468                  source->triangles[i]->getVertex(0)->getNum(),
469                  source->triangles[i]->getVertex(1)->getNum(),
470                  source->triangles[i]->getVertex(2)->getNum());
471     }
472   }
474   for(unsigned i = 0; i < source->quadrangles.size(); i++) {
475     MVertex *v1 = vs2vt[source->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(0)];
476     MVertex *v2 = vs2vt[source->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(1)];
477     MVertex *v3 = vs2vt[source->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(2)];
478     MVertex *v4 = vs2vt[source->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(3)];
479     if(v1 && v2 && v3 && v4) {
480       target->quadrangles.push_back(new MQuadrangle(v1, v2, v3, v4));
481     }
482     else {
483       Msg::Error("Could not find periodic counterpart of quadrangle nodes "
484                  "%lu %lu %lu %lu",
485                  source->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(0)->getNum(),
486                  source->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(1)->getNum(),
487                  source->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(2)->getNum(),
488                  source->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(3)->getNum());
489     }
490   }
491 }
fourthPoint(double * p1,double * p2,double * p3,double * p4)493 void fourthPoint(double *p1, double *p2, double *p3, double *p4)
494 {
495   double c[3];
496   circumCenterXYZ(p1, p2, p3, c);
497   double vx[3] = {p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1], p2[2] - p1[2]};
498   double vy[3] = {p3[0] - p1[0], p3[1] - p1[1], p3[2] - p1[2]};
499   double vz[3];
500   prodve(vx, vy, vz);
501   norme(vz);
502   double R =
503     sqrt((p1[0] - c[0]) * (p1[0] - c[0]) + (p1[1] - c[1]) * (p1[1] - c[1]) +
504          (p1[2] - c[2]) * (p1[2] - c[2]));
505   p4[0] = c[0] + R * vz[0];
506   p4[1] = c[1] + R * vz[1];
507   p4[2] = c[2] + R * vz[2];
508 }
remeshUnrecoveredEdges(std::multimap<MVertex *,BDS_Point * > & recoverMultiMapInv,std::set<EdgeToRecover> & edgesNotRecovered,bool all)510 static void remeshUnrecoveredEdges(
511   std::multimap<MVertex *, BDS_Point *> &recoverMultiMapInv,
512   std::set<EdgeToRecover> &edgesNotRecovered, bool all)
513 {
514   deMeshGFace dem;
516   auto itr = edgesNotRecovered.begin();
517   for(; itr != edgesNotRecovered.end(); ++itr) {
518     std::vector<GFace *> l_faces = itr->ge->faces();
519     // un-mesh model faces adjacent to the model edge
520     for(auto it = l_faces.begin(); it != l_faces.end(); ++it) {
521       if((*it)->triangles.size() || (*it)->quadrangles.size()) {
522         (*it)->meshStatistics.status = GFace::PENDING;
523         dem(*it);
524       }
525     }
527     // add a new point in the middle of the intersecting segment
528     int p1 = itr->p1;
529     int p2 = itr->p2;
530     int N = itr->ge->lines.size();
531     GVertex *g1 = itr->ge->getBeginVertex();
532     GVertex *g2 = itr->ge->getEndVertex();
533     Range<double> bb = itr->ge->parBounds(0);
535     std::vector<MLine *> newLines;
537     for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
538       MVertex *v1 = itr->ge->lines[i]->getVertex(0);
539       MVertex *v2 = itr->ge->lines[i]->getVertex(1);
541       auto itp1 = recoverMultiMapInv.lower_bound(v1);
542       auto itp2 = recoverMultiMapInv.lower_bound(v2);
544       if(itp1 != recoverMultiMapInv.end() && itp2 != recoverMultiMapInv.end()) {
545         BDS_Point *pp1 = itp1->second;
546         BDS_Point *pp2 = itp2->second;
547         BDS_Point *pp1b = itp1->second;
548         BDS_Point *pp2b = itp2->second;
549         if(recoverMultiMapInv.count(v1) == 2) {
550           itp1++;
551           pp1b = itp1->second;
552         }
553         if(recoverMultiMapInv.count(v2) == 2) {
554           itp2++;
555           pp2b = itp2->second;
556         }
558         if((pp1->iD == p1 && pp2->iD == p2) ||
559            (pp1->iD == p2 && pp2->iD == p1) ||
560            (pp1b->iD == p1 && pp2b->iD == p2) ||
561            (pp1b->iD == p2 && pp2b->iD == p1) || all) {
562           double t1;
563           double lc1 = -1;
564           if(v1->onWhat() == g1)
565             t1 = bb.low();
566           else if(v1->onWhat() == g2)
567             t1 = bb.high();
568           else {
569             MEdgeVertex *ev1 = (MEdgeVertex *)v1;
570             lc1 = ev1->getLc();
571             v1->getParameter(0, t1);
572           }
573           double t2;
574           double lc2 = -1;
575           if(v2->onWhat() == g1)
576             t2 = bb.low();
577           else if(v2->onWhat() == g2)
578             t2 = bb.high();
579           else {
580             MEdgeVertex *ev2 = (MEdgeVertex *)v2;
581             lc2 = ev2->getLc();
582             v2->getParameter(0, t2);
583           }
585           // periodic
586           if(v1->onWhat() == g1 && v1->onWhat() == g2)
587             t1 =
588               fabs(t2 - bb.low()) < fabs(t2 - bb.high()) ? bb.low() : bb.high();
589           if(v2->onWhat() == g1 && v2->onWhat() == g2)
590             t2 =
591               fabs(t1 - bb.low()) < fabs(t1 - bb.high()) ? bb.low() : bb.high();
593           if(lc1 == -1)
594             lc1 = BGM_MeshSize(v1->onWhat(), 0, 0, v1->x(), v1->y(), v1->z());
595           if(lc2 == -1)
596             lc2 = BGM_MeshSize(v2->onWhat(), 0, 0, v2->x(), v2->y(), v2->z());
597           // should be better, i.e. equidistant
598           double t = 0.5 * (t2 + t1);
599           double lc = 0.5 * (lc1 + lc2);
600           GPoint V = itr->ge->point(t);
601           MEdgeVertex *newv =
602             new MEdgeVertex(V.x(), V.y(), V.z(), itr->ge, t, 0, lc);
603           newLines.push_back(new MLine(v1, newv));
604           newLines.push_back(new MLine(newv, v2));
605           delete itr->ge->lines[i];
606         }
607         else {
608           newLines.push_back(itr->ge->lines[i]);
609         }
610       }
611       else {
612         newLines.push_back(itr->ge->lines[i]);
613       }
614     }
616     itr->ge->lines = newLines;
617     itr->ge->mesh_vertices.clear();
618     N = itr->ge->lines.size();
619     for(int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
620       itr->ge->mesh_vertices.push_back(itr->ge->lines[i]->getVertex(0));
621     }
622   }
623 }
625 static void
remeshUnrecoveredEdges(std::map<MVertex *,BDS_Point * > & recoverMapInv,std::set<EdgeToRecover> & edgesNotRecovered)626 remeshUnrecoveredEdges(std::map<MVertex *, BDS_Point *> &recoverMapInv,
627                        std::set<EdgeToRecover> &edgesNotRecovered)
628 {
629   deMeshGFace dem;
631   auto itr = edgesNotRecovered.begin();
632   for(; itr != edgesNotRecovered.end(); ++itr) {
633     std::vector<GFace *> l_faces = itr->ge->faces();
634     // un-mesh model faces adjacent to the model edge
635     for(auto it = l_faces.begin(); it != l_faces.end(); ++it) {
636       if((*it)->triangles.size() || (*it)->quadrangles.size()) {
637         (*it)->meshStatistics.status = GFace::PENDING;
638         dem(*it);
639       }
640     }
642     // add a new point in the middle of the intersecting segment
643     int p1 = itr->p1;
644     int p2 = itr->p2;
645     int N = itr->ge->lines.size();
646     GVertex *g1 = itr->ge->getBeginVertex();
647     GVertex *g2 = itr->ge->getEndVertex();
648     Range<double> bb = itr->ge->parBounds(0);
650     std::vector<MLine *> newLines;
652     for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
653       MVertex *v1 = itr->ge->lines[i]->getVertex(0);
654       MVertex *v2 = itr->ge->lines[i]->getVertex(1);
655       auto itp1 = recoverMapInv.find(v1);
656       auto itp2 = recoverMapInv.find(v2);
657       if(itp1 != recoverMapInv.end() && itp2 != recoverMapInv.end()) {
658         BDS_Point *pp1 = itp1->second;
659         BDS_Point *pp2 = itp2->second;
660         if((pp1->iD == p1 && pp2->iD == p2) ||
661            (pp1->iD == p2 && pp2->iD == p1)) {
662           double t1;
663           double lc1 = -1;
664           if(v1->onWhat() == g1)
665             t1 = bb.low();
666           else if(v1->onWhat() == g2)
667             t1 = bb.high();
668           else {
669             MEdgeVertex *ev1 = (MEdgeVertex *)v1;
670             lc1 = ev1->getLc();
671             v1->getParameter(0, t1);
672           }
673           double t2;
674           double lc2 = -1;
675           if(v2->onWhat() == g1)
676             t2 = bb.low();
677           else if(v2->onWhat() == g2)
678             t2 = bb.high();
679           else {
680             MEdgeVertex *ev2 = (MEdgeVertex *)v2;
681             lc2 = ev2->getLc();
682             v2->getParameter(0, t2);
683           }
685           // periodic
686           if(v1->onWhat() == g1 && v1->onWhat() == g2)
687             t1 =
688               fabs(t2 - bb.low()) < fabs(t2 - bb.high()) ? bb.low() : bb.high();
689           if(v2->onWhat() == g1 && v2->onWhat() == g2)
690             t2 =
691               fabs(t1 - bb.low()) < fabs(t1 - bb.high()) ? bb.low() : bb.high();
693           if(lc1 == -1)
694             lc1 = BGM_MeshSize(v1->onWhat(), 0, 0, v1->x(), v1->y(), v1->z());
695           if(lc2 == -1)
696             lc2 = BGM_MeshSize(v2->onWhat(), 0, 0, v2->x(), v2->y(), v2->z());
697           // should be better, i.e. equidistant
698           double t = 0.5 * (t2 + t1);
699           double lc = 0.5 * (lc1 + lc2);
700           GPoint V = itr->ge->point(t);
701           MEdgeVertex *newv =
702             new MEdgeVertex(V.x(), V.y(), V.z(), itr->ge, t, 0, lc);
703           newLines.push_back(new MLine(v1, newv));
704           newLines.push_back(new MLine(newv, v2));
705           delete itr->ge->lines[i];
706         }
707         else {
708           newLines.push_back(itr->ge->lines[i]);
709         }
710       }
711       else {
712         newLines.push_back(itr->ge->lines[i]);
713       }
714     }
716     itr->ge->lines = newLines;
717     itr->ge->mesh_vertices.clear();
718     N = itr->ge->lines.size();
719     for(int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
720       itr->ge->mesh_vertices.push_back(itr->ge->lines[i]->getVertex(0));
721     }
722   }
723 }
algoDelaunay2D(GFace * gf)725 static bool algoDelaunay2D(GFace *gf)
726 {
727   if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_DELAUNAY ||
728      gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_BAMG ||
729      gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_FRONTAL ||
730      gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_FRONTAL_QUAD ||
731      gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS ||
732      gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS_CSTR ||
733      gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_BAMG)
734     return true;
736   if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_AUTO && gf->geomType() == GEntity::Plane)
737     return true;
739   if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_INITIAL_ONLY) return true;
741   return false;
742 }
recoverEdge(BDS_Mesh * m,GFace * gf,GEdge * ge,std::map<MVertex *,BDS_Point * > & recoverMapInv,std::set<EdgeToRecover> * e2r,std::set<EdgeToRecover> * notRecovered,int pass)744 static bool recoverEdge(BDS_Mesh *m, GFace *gf, GEdge *ge,
745                         std::map<MVertex *, BDS_Point *> &recoverMapInv,
746                         std::set<EdgeToRecover> *e2r,
747                         std::set<EdgeToRecover> *notRecovered, int pass)
748 {
749   BDS_GeomEntity *g = nullptr;
750   if(pass == 2) {
751     m->add_geom(ge->tag(), 1);
752     g = m->get_geom(ge->tag(), 1);
753   }
755   bool _fatallyFailed;
757   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < ge->lines.size(); i++) {
758     MVertex *vstart = ge->lines[i]->getVertex(0);
759     MVertex *vend = ge->lines[i]->getVertex(1);
760     auto itpstart = recoverMapInv.find(vstart);
761     auto itpend = recoverMapInv.find(vend);
762     if(itpstart != recoverMapInv.end() && itpend != recoverMapInv.end()) {
763       BDS_Point *pstart = itpstart->second;
764       BDS_Point *pend = itpend->second;
765       if(pass == 1)
766         e2r->insert(EdgeToRecover(pstart->iD, pend->iD, ge));
767       else {
768         BDS_Edge *e = m->recover_edge(pstart->iD, pend->iD, _fatallyFailed, e2r,
769                                       notRecovered);
770         if(e)
771           e->g = g;
772         else {
773           if(_fatallyFailed) {
774             Msg::Error("Unable to recover the edge %d (%d/%d) on curve %d (on "
775                        "surface %d)",
776                        ge->lines[i]->getNum(), i + 1, ge->lines.size(),
777                        ge->tag(), gf->tag());
778             if(Msg::GetVerbosity() == 99) {
779               outputScalarField(m->triangles, "wrongmesh.pos", 0);
780               outputScalarField(m->triangles, "wrongparam.pos", 1);
781             }
782           }
783           return !_fatallyFailed;
784         }
785       }
786     }
787   }
789   if(pass == 2 && ge->getBeginVertex()) {
790     MVertex *vstart = *(ge->getBeginVertex()->mesh_vertices.begin());
791     MVertex *vend = *(ge->getEndVertex()->mesh_vertices.begin());
792     auto itpstart = recoverMapInv.find(vstart);
793     auto itpend = recoverMapInv.find(vend);
794     if(itpstart != recoverMapInv.end() && itpend != recoverMapInv.end()) {
795       BDS_Point *pstart = itpstart->second;
796       BDS_Point *pend = itpend->second;
797       if(!pstart->g) {
798         m->add_geom(pstart->iD, 0);
799         BDS_GeomEntity *g0 = m->get_geom(pstart->iD, 0);
800         pstart->g = g0;
801       }
802       if(!pend->g) {
803         m->add_geom(pend->iD, 0);
804         BDS_GeomEntity *g0 = m->get_geom(pend->iD, 0);
805         pend->g = g0;
806       }
807     }
808   }
810   return true;
811 }
addOrRemove(MVertex * v1,MVertex * v2,std::set<MEdge,MEdgeLessThan> & bedges,std::set<MEdge,MEdgeLessThan> & removed)813 static void addOrRemove(MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2,
814                         std::set<MEdge, MEdgeLessThan> &bedges,
815                         std::set<MEdge, MEdgeLessThan> &removed)
816 {
817   MEdge e(v1, v2);
818   if(removed.find(e) != removed.end()) return;
819   auto it = bedges.find(e);
820   if(it == bedges.end())
821     bedges.insert(e);
822   else {
823     bedges.erase(it);
824     removed.insert(e);
825   }
826 }
modifyInitialMeshForBoundaryLayers(GFace * gf,std::vector<MQuadrangle * > & blQuads,std::vector<MTriangle * > & blTris,std::set<MVertex * > & verts,bool debug)828 static void modifyInitialMeshForBoundaryLayers(
829   GFace *gf, std::vector<MQuadrangle *> &blQuads,
830   std::vector<MTriangle *> &blTris, std::set<MVertex *> &verts, bool debug)
831 {
832   if(!buildAdditionalPoints2D(gf)) return;
833   BoundaryLayerColumns *_columns = gf->getColumns();
835   std::set<MEdge, MEdgeLessThan> bedges;
836   std::set<MEdge, MEdgeLessThan> removed;
838   std::vector<GEdge *> edges = gf->edges();
839   std::vector<GEdge *> embedded_edges = gf->getEmbeddedEdges();
840   edges.insert(edges.begin(), embedded_edges.begin(), embedded_edges.end());
841   auto ite = edges.begin();
843   FILE *ff2 = nullptr;
844   if(debug) ff2 = Fopen("tato.pos", "w");
845   if(ff2) fprintf(ff2, "View \" \"{\n");
847   std::vector<MLine *> _lines;
849   while(ite != edges.end()) {
850     for(std::size_t i = 0; i < (*ite)->lines.size(); i++) {
851       _lines.push_back((*ite)->lines[i]);
852       MVertex *v1 = (*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(0);
853       MVertex *v2 = (*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(1);
854       MEdge dv(v1, v2);
855       addOrRemove(v1, v2, bedges, removed);
856       for(std::size_t SIDE = 0; SIDE < _columns->_normals.count(dv); SIDE++) {
857         std::vector<MElement *> myCol;
858         edgeColumn ec = _columns->getColumns(v1, v2, SIDE);
859         const BoundaryLayerData &c1 = ec._c1;
860         const BoundaryLayerData &c2 = ec._c2;
861         int N = std::min(c1._column.size(), c2._column.size());
862         if(!N) continue;
863         for(int l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
864           MVertex *v11, *v12, *v21, *v22;
865           v21 = c1._column[l];
866           v22 = c2._column[l];
867           if(l == 0) {
868             v11 = v1;
869             v12 = v2;
870           }
871           else {
872             v11 = c1._column[l - 1];
873             v12 = c2._column[l - 1];
874           }
875           MQuadrangle *qq = new MQuadrangle(v11, v21, v22, v12);
876           qq->setPartition(l + 1);
877           myCol.push_back(qq);
878           blQuads.push_back(qq);
879           if(ff2)
880             fprintf(ff2,
881                     "SQ(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){%d,%d,%d,%d};\n",
882                     v11->x(), v11->y(), v11->z(), v12->x(), v12->y(), v12->z(),
883                     v22->x(), v22->y(), v22->z(), v21->x(), v21->y(), v21->z(),
884                     l + 1, l + 1, l + 1, l + 1);
885         }
886         if(c1._column.size() != c2._column.size()) {
887           MVertex *v11, *v12, *v;
888           v11 = c1._column[N - 1];
889           v12 = c2._column[N - 1];
890           v = c1._column.size() > c2._column.size() ? c1._column[N] :
891                                                       c2._column[N];
892           MTriangle *qq = new MTriangle(v11, v12, v);
893           qq->setPartition(N + 1);
894           myCol.push_back(qq);
895           blTris.push_back(qq);
896           if(ff2)
897             fprintf(ff2, "ST(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){%d,%d,%d};\n",
898                     v11->x(), v11->y(), v11->z(), v12->x(), v12->y(), v12->z(),
899                     v->x(), v->y(), v->z(), N + 1, N + 1, N + 1);
900         }
901         // int M = std::max(c1._column.size(),c2._column.size());
902         for(std::size_t l = 0; l < myCol.size(); l++)
903           _columns->_toFirst[myCol[l]] = myCol[0];
904         _columns->_elemColumns[myCol[0]] = myCol;
905       }
906     }
907     ++ite;
908   }
910   for(auto itf = _columns->beginf(); itf != _columns->endf(); ++itf) {
911     MVertex *v = itf->first;
912     int nbCol = _columns->getNbColumns(v);
914     for(int i = 0; i < nbCol - 1; i++) {
915       const BoundaryLayerData &c1 = _columns->getColumn(v, i);
916       const BoundaryLayerData &c2 = _columns->getColumn(v, i + 1);
917       int N = std::min(c1._column.size(), c2._column.size());
918       std::vector<MElement *> myCol;
919       for(int l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
920         MVertex *v11, *v12, *v21, *v22;
921         v21 = c1._column[l];
922         v22 = c2._column[l];
923         if(l == 0) {
924           v11 = v;
925           v12 = v;
926         }
927         else {
928           v11 = c1._column[l - 1];
929           v12 = c2._column[l - 1];
930         }
931         if(v11 != v12) {
932           MQuadrangle *qq = new MQuadrangle(v11, v12, v22, v21);
933           qq->setPartition(l + 1);
934           myCol.push_back(qq);
935           blQuads.push_back(qq);
936           if(ff2)
937             fprintf(ff2,
938                     "SQ(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){%d,%d,%d,%d};\n",
939                     v11->x(), v11->y(), v11->z(), v12->x(), v12->y(), v12->z(),
940                     v22->x(), v22->y(), v22->z(), v21->x(), v21->y(), v21->z(),
941                     l + 1, l + 1, l + 1, l + 1);
942         }
943         else {
944           MTriangle *qq = new MTriangle(v, v22, v21);
945           qq->setPartition(l + 1);
946           myCol.push_back(qq);
947           blTris.push_back(qq);
948           if(ff2)
949             fprintf(ff2, "ST(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){%d,%d,%d};\n", v->x(),
950                     v->y(), v->z(), v22->x(), v22->y(), v22->z(), v21->x(),
951                     v21->y(), v21->z(), l + 1, l + 1, l + 1);
952         }
953       }
954       if(myCol.size()) {
955         for(std::size_t l = 0; l < myCol.size(); l++)
956           _columns->_toFirst[myCol[l]] = myCol[0];
957         _columns->_elemColumns[myCol[0]] = myCol;
958       }
959     }
960   }
962   if(ff2) {
963     fprintf(ff2, "};\n");
964     fclose(ff2);
965   }
967   filterOverlappingElements(_lines, blTris, blQuads, _columns->_elemColumns,
968                             _columns->_toFirst);
969   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < blQuads.size(); i++) blQuads[i]->setPartition(0);
970   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < blTris.size(); i++) blTris[i]->setPartition(0);
972   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < blQuads.size(); i++) {
973     addOrRemove(blQuads[i]->getVertex(0), blQuads[i]->getVertex(1), bedges,
974                 removed);
975     addOrRemove(blQuads[i]->getVertex(1), blQuads[i]->getVertex(2), bedges,
976                 removed);
977     addOrRemove(blQuads[i]->getVertex(2), blQuads[i]->getVertex(3), bedges,
978                 removed);
979     addOrRemove(blQuads[i]->getVertex(3), blQuads[i]->getVertex(0), bedges,
980                 removed);
981     for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
982       if(blQuads[i]->getVertex(j)->onWhat() == gf)
983         verts.insert(blQuads[i]->getVertex(j));
984   }
985   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < blTris.size(); i++) {
986     addOrRemove(blTris[i]->getVertex(0), blTris[i]->getVertex(1), bedges,
987                 removed);
988     addOrRemove(blTris[i]->getVertex(1), blTris[i]->getVertex(2), bedges,
989                 removed);
990     addOrRemove(blTris[i]->getVertex(2), blTris[i]->getVertex(0), bedges,
991                 removed);
992     for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
993       if(blTris[i]->getVertex(j)->onWhat() == gf)
994         verts.insert(blTris[i]->getVertex(j));
995   }
997   discreteEdge ne(gf->model(), 444444, nullptr,
998                   (*edges.begin())->getEndVertex());
999   std::vector<GEdge *> hop;
1000   auto it = bedges.begin();
1002   FILE *ff = nullptr;
1003   if(debug) ff = Fopen("toto.pos", "w");
1004   if(ff) fprintf(ff, "View \" \"{\n");
1005   for(; it != bedges.end(); ++it) {
1006     ne.lines.push_back(new MLine(it->getVertex(0), it->getVertex(1)));
1007     if(ff)
1008       fprintf(ff, "SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){1,1};\n", it->getVertex(0)->x(),
1009               it->getVertex(0)->y(), it->getVertex(0)->z(),
1010               it->getVertex(1)->x(), it->getVertex(1)->y(),
1011               it->getVertex(1)->z());
1012   }
1013   if(ff) {
1014     fprintf(ff, "};\n");
1015     fclose(ff);
1016   }
1017   hop.push_back(&ne);
1019   deMeshGFace kil_;
1020   kil_(gf);
1021   meshGenerator(gf, 0, 0, true, false, &hop);
1022 }
improved_translate(GFace * gf,MVertex * vertex,SVector3 & v1,SVector3 & v2)1024 static bool improved_translate(GFace *gf, MVertex *vertex, SVector3 &v1,
1025                                SVector3 &v2)
1026 {
1027   double x, y;
1028   double angle;
1029   SPoint2 point;
1030   SVector3 s1, s2;
1031   SVector3 normal;
1032   SVector3 basis_u, basis_v;
1033   Pair<SVector3, SVector3> derivatives;
1035   reparamMeshVertexOnFace(vertex, gf, point);
1036   x = point.x();
1037   y = point.y();
1039   angle = backgroundMesh::current()->getAngle(x, y, 0.0);
1040   derivatives = gf->firstDer(point);
1042   s1 = derivatives.first();
1043   s2 = derivatives.second();
1044   normal = crossprod(s1, s2);
1046   basis_u = s1;
1047   basis_u.normalize();
1048   basis_v = crossprod(normal, basis_u);
1049   basis_v.normalize();
1051   v1 = basis_u * cos(angle) + basis_v * sin(angle);
1052   v2 = crossprod(v1, normal);
1053   v2.normalize();
1055   return 1;
1056 }
directions_storage(GFace * gf)1058 static void directions_storage(GFace *gf)
1059 {
1060   std::set<MVertex *> vertices;
1061   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < gf->getNumMeshElements(); i++) {
1062     MElement *element = gf->getMeshElement(i);
1063     for(std::size_t j = 0; j < element->getNumVertices(); j++) {
1064       MVertex *vertex = element->getVertex(j);
1065       vertices.insert(vertex);
1066     }
1067   }
1069   backgroundMesh::set(gf);
1071   gf->storage1.clear();
1072   gf->storage2.clear();
1073   gf->storage3.clear();
1074   gf->storage4.clear();
1076   for(auto it = vertices.begin(); it != vertices.end(); it++) {
1077     SPoint2 point;
1078     SVector3 v1;
1079     SVector3 v2;
1080     bool ok = improved_translate(gf, *it, v1, v2);
1081     if(ok) {
1082       gf->storage1.push_back(SPoint3((*it)->x(), (*it)->y(), (*it)->z()));
1083       gf->storage2.push_back(v1);
1084       gf->storage3.push_back(v2);
1085       reparamMeshVertexOnFace(*it, gf, point);
1086       gf->storage4.push_back(
1087         backgroundMesh::current()->operator()(point.x(), point.y(), 0.0));
1088     }
1089   }
1091   backgroundMesh::unset();
1092 }
1094 static void
BDS2GMSH(BDS_Mesh * m,GFace * gf,std::map<BDS_Point *,MVertex *,PointLessThan> & recoverMap)1095 BDS2GMSH(BDS_Mesh *m, GFace *gf,
1096          std::map<BDS_Point *, MVertex *, PointLessThan> &recoverMap)
1097 {
1098   auto itt = m->triangles.begin();
1099   while(itt != m->triangles.end()) {
1100     BDS_Face *t = *itt;
1101     if(!t->deleted) {
1102       BDS_Point *n[4];
1103       t->getNodes(n);
1104       MVertex *v[4] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
1105       for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1106         if(!n[i]) continue;
1107         if(recoverMap.find(n[i]) == recoverMap.end()) {
1108           v[i] =
1109             new MFaceVertex(n[i]->X, n[i]->Y, n[i]->Z, gf, n[i]->u, n[i]->v);
1110           recoverMap[n[i]] = v[i];
1111           gf->mesh_vertices.push_back(v[i]);
1112         }
1113         else
1114           v[i] = recoverMap[n[i]];
1115       }
1116       if(!v[3]) {
1117         // when a singular point is present, degenerated triangles may be
1118         // created, for example on a sphere that contains one pole
1119         if(v[0] != v[1] && v[0] != v[2] && v[1] != v[2])
1120           gf->triangles.push_back(new MTriangle(v[0], v[1], v[2]));
1121       }
1122       else {
1123         gf->quadrangles.push_back(new MQuadrangle(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]));
1124       }
1125     }
1126     ++itt;
1127   }
1128 }
_deleteUnusedVertices(GFace * gf)1130 static void _deleteUnusedVertices(GFace *gf)
1131 {
1132   std::set<MVertex *, MVertexPtrLessThan> allverts;
1133   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < gf->triangles.size(); i++) {
1134     for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
1135       if(gf->triangles[i]->getVertex(j)->onWhat() == gf)
1136         allverts.insert(gf->triangles[i]->getVertex(j));
1137     }
1138   }
1139   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < gf->quadrangles.size(); i++) {
1140     for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
1141       if(gf->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(j)->onWhat() == gf)
1142         allverts.insert(gf->quadrangles[i]->getVertex(j));
1143     }
1144   }
1145   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < gf->mesh_vertices.size(); i++) {
1146     if(allverts.find(gf->mesh_vertices[i]) == allverts.end())
1147       delete gf->mesh_vertices[i];
1148   }
1149   gf->mesh_vertices.clear();
1150   gf->mesh_vertices.insert(gf->mesh_vertices.end(), allverts.begin(),
1151                            allverts.end());
1152 }
1154 // Builds An initial triangular mesh that respects the boundaries of
1155 // the domain, including embedded points and surfaces
meshGenerator(GFace * gf,int RECUR_ITER,bool repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh,bool onlyInitialMesh,bool debug,std::vector<GEdge * > * replacement_edges)1156 bool meshGenerator(GFace *gf, int RECUR_ITER, bool repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh,
1157                    bool onlyInitialMesh, bool debug,
1158                    std::vector<GEdge *> *replacement_edges)
1159 {
1160   if(CTX::instance()->debugSurface > 0 &&
1161      gf->tag() != CTX::instance()->debugSurface) {
1162     gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
1163     return true;
1164   }
1165   if(CTX::instance()->debugSurface > 0) debug = true;
1167   BDS_GeomEntity CLASS_F(1, 2);
1168   BDS_GeomEntity CLASS_EXTERIOR(1, 3);
1169   std::map<BDS_Point *, MVertex *, PointLessThan> recoverMap;
1170   std::map<MVertex *, BDS_Point *> recoverMapInv;
1171   std::vector<GEdge *> edges =
1172     replacement_edges ? *replacement_edges : gf->edges();
1174   FILE *fdeb = nullptr;
1175   if(debug && RECUR_ITER == 0) {
1176     char name[245];
1177     sprintf(name, "surface%d-boundary-real.pos", gf->tag());
1178     fdeb = fopen(name, "w");
1179     fprintf(fdeb, "View \"\"{\n");
1180   }
1182   // build a set with all points of the boundaries
1183   std::set<MVertex *, MVertexPtrLessThan> all_vertices, boundary;
1184   auto ite = edges.begin();
1185   while(ite != edges.end()) {
1186     if((*ite)->isSeam(gf)) {
1187       if(fdeb != nullptr) fclose(fdeb);
1188       return false;
1189     }
1190     if(!(*ite)->isMeshDegenerated()) {
1191       for(std::size_t i = 0; i < (*ite)->lines.size(); i++) {
1192         MVertex *v1 = (*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(0);
1193         MVertex *v2 = (*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(1);
1195         if(fdeb) {
1196           fprintf(fdeb, "SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){%d,%d};\n", v1->x(), v1->y(),
1197                   v1->z(), v2->x(), v2->y(), v2->z(), (*ite)->tag(),
1198                   (*ite)->tag());
1199         }
1201         all_vertices.insert(v1);
1202         all_vertices.insert(v2);
1203         if(boundary.find(v1) == boundary.end())
1204           boundary.insert(v1);
1205         else
1206           boundary.erase(v1);
1207         if(boundary.find(v2) == boundary.end())
1208           boundary.insert(v2);
1209         else
1210           boundary.erase(v2);
1211       }
1212     }
1213     else
1214       Msg::Debug("Degenerated mesh on edge %d", (*ite)->tag());
1215     ++ite;
1216   }
1218   if(fdeb) {
1219     fprintf(fdeb, "};\n");
1220     fclose(fdeb);
1221   }
1223   if(boundary.size()) {
1224     Msg::Error("The 1D mesh seems not to be forming a closed loop (%d boundary "
1225                "nodes are considered once)",
1226                boundary.size());
1227     for(auto it = boundary.begin(); it != boundary.end(); it++) {
1228       Msg::Debug("Remaining node %lu", (*it)->getNum());
1229     }
1230     gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::FAILED;
1231     return false;
1232   }
1234   std::vector<GEdge *> emb_edges = gf->getEmbeddedEdges();
1235   ite = emb_edges.begin();
1236   while(ite != emb_edges.end()) {
1237     if(!(*ite)->isMeshDegenerated()) {
1238       all_vertices.insert((*ite)->mesh_vertices.begin(),
1239                           (*ite)->mesh_vertices.end());
1240       if((*ite)->getBeginVertex())
1241         all_vertices.insert((*ite)->getBeginVertex()->mesh_vertices.begin(),
1242                             (*ite)->getBeginVertex()->mesh_vertices.end());
1243       if((*ite)->getEndVertex())
1244         all_vertices.insert((*ite)->getEndVertex()->mesh_vertices.begin(),
1245                             (*ite)->getEndVertex()->mesh_vertices.end());
1246     }
1247     ++ite;
1248   }
1250   // add embedded vertices
1251   std::vector<GVertex *> emb_vertx = gf->getEmbeddedVertices();
1252   auto itvx = emb_vertx.begin();
1253   while(itvx != emb_vertx.end()) {
1254     all_vertices.insert((*itvx)->mesh_vertices.begin(),
1255                         (*itvx)->mesh_vertices.end());
1256     ++itvx;
1257   }
1259   if(all_vertices.size() < 3) {
1260     Msg::Warning("Mesh generation of surface %d skipped: only %d nodes on "
1261                  "the boundary",
1262                  gf->tag(), all_vertices.size());
1263     gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
1264     return true;
1265   }
1266   else if(all_vertices.size() == 3) {
1267     MVertex *vv[3] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
1268     int i = 0;
1269     for(auto it = all_vertices.begin(); it != all_vertices.end(); it++) {
1270       vv[i++] = *it;
1271     }
1272     gf->triangles.push_back(new MTriangle(vv[0], vv[1], vv[2]));
1273     gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
1274     return true;
1275   }
1277   // Buid a BDS_Mesh structure that is convenient for doing the actual
1278   // meshing procedure
1279   BDS_Mesh *m = new BDS_Mesh;
1281   std::vector<BDS_Point *> points(all_vertices.size());
1282   SBoundingBox3d bbox;
1283   int count = 0;
1284   for(auto it = all_vertices.begin(); it != all_vertices.end(); it++) {
1285     MVertex *here = *it;
1286     GEntity *ge = here->onWhat();
1287     SPoint2 param;
1288     reparamMeshVertexOnFace(here, gf, param);
1289     BDS_Point *pp = m->add_point(count, param[0], param[1], gf);
1290     m->add_geom(ge->tag(), ge->dim());
1291     BDS_GeomEntity *g = m->get_geom(ge->tag(), ge->dim());
1292     pp->g = g;
1293     recoverMap[pp] = here;
1294     recoverMapInv[here] = pp;
1295     points[count] = pp;
1296     bbox += SPoint3(param[0], param[1], 0);
1297     count++;
1298   }
1300   bbox.makeCube();
1302   // use a divide & conquer type algorithm to create a triangulation.
1303   // We add to the triangulation a box with 4 points that encloses the
1304   // domain.
1305   if(CTX::instance()->mesh.oldInitialDelaunay2D){
1306     // compute the bounding box in parametric space
1307     SVector3 dd(bbox.max(), bbox.min());
1308     double LC2D = norm(dd);
1309     DocRecord doc(points.size() + 4);
1310     for(std::size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
1311       double XX = CTX::instance()->mesh.randFactor * LC2D * (double)rand() /
1312                   (double)RAND_MAX;
1313       double YY = CTX::instance()->mesh.randFactor * LC2D * (double)rand() /
1314                   (double)RAND_MAX;
1315       doc.points[i].where.h = points[i]->u + XX;
1316       doc.points[i].where.v = points[i]->v + YY;
1317       doc.points[i].data = points[i];
1318       doc.points[i].adjacent = nullptr;
1319     }
1321     // increase the size of the bounding box
1322     bbox *= 2.5;
1324     // add 4 points than encloses the domain (use negative number to
1325     // distinguish those fake vertices)
1326     double bb[4][2] = {{bbox.min().x(), bbox.min().y()},
1327                        {bbox.min().x(), bbox.max().y()},
1328                        {bbox.max().x(), bbox.min().y()},
1329                        {bbox.max().x(), bbox.max().y()}};
1330     for(int ip = 0; ip < 4; ip++) {
1331       BDS_Point *pp = m->add_point(-ip - 1, bb[ip][0], bb[ip][1], gf);
1332       m->add_geom(gf->tag(), 2);
1333       BDS_GeomEntity *g = m->get_geom(gf->tag(), 2);
1334       pp->g = g;
1335       doc.points[points.size() + ip].where.h = bb[ip][0];
1336       doc.points[points.size() + ip].where.v = bb[ip][1];
1337       doc.points[points.size() + ip].adjacent = nullptr;
1338       doc.points[points.size() + ip].data = pp;
1339     }
1341     // Use "fast" inhouse recursive algo to generate the triangulation.
1342     // At this stage the triangulation is not what we need
1343     //   -) It does not necessary recover the boundaries
1344     //   -) It contains triangles outside the domain (the first edge
1345     //      loop is the outer one)
1346     Msg::Debug("Meshing of the convex hull (%d points)", points.size());
1347     try {
1348       doc.MakeMeshWithPoints();
1349     } catch(const char *err) {
1350       Msg::Error("%s", err);
1351     }
1352     Msg::Debug("Meshing of the convex hull (%d points) done", points.size());
1354     for(int i = 0; i < doc.numTriangles; i++) {
1355       int a = doc.triangles[i].a;
1356       int b = doc.triangles[i].b;
1357       int c = doc.triangles[i].c;
1358       int n = doc.numPoints;
1359       if(a < 0 || a >= n || b < 0 || b >= n || c < 0 || c >= n) {
1360         Msg::Warning("Skipping bad triangle %d", i);
1361         continue;
1362       }
1363       BDS_Point *p1 = (BDS_Point *)doc.points[doc.triangles[i].a].data;
1364       BDS_Point *p2 = (BDS_Point *)doc.points[doc.triangles[i].b].data;
1365       BDS_Point *p3 = (BDS_Point *)doc.points[doc.triangles[i].c].data;
1366       m->add_triangle(p1->iD, p2->iD, p3->iD);
1367     }
1368   }
1369   else {
1370     // New initial 2D mesher --> it actually does everything
1371     // -- triangulate points
1372     // -- recover edges
1373     // -- color triangles
1375     std::vector<GEdge *> temp;
1376     if(replacement_edges) {
1377       temp = gf->edges();
1378       gf->set(*replacement_edges);
1379     }
1380     // recover and color so most of the code below can go away. Works also for
1381     // periodic faces
1382     PolyMesh *pm = GFaceInitialMesh(gf->tag(), 1);
1384     if(replacement_edges) { gf->set(temp); }
1386     std::map<int, BDS_Point *> aaa;
1387     for(auto it = all_vertices.begin(); it != all_vertices.end(); it++) {
1388       MVertex *here = *it;
1389       aaa[here->getNum()] = recoverMapInv[here];
1390     }
1392     for(int ip = 0; ip < 4; ip++) {
1393       PolyMesh::Vertex *v = pm->vertices[ip];
1394       v->data = -ip - 1;
1395       BDS_Point *pp =
1396         m->add_point(v->data, v->position.x(), v->position.y(), gf);
1397       m->add_geom(gf->tag(), 2);
1398       BDS_GeomEntity *g = m->get_geom(gf->tag(), 2);
1399       pp->g = g;
1400       aaa[v->data] = pp;
1401     }
1403     for(size_t i = 0; i < pm->faces.size(); i++) {
1404       PolyMesh::HalfEdge *he = pm->faces[i]->he;
1405       int a = he->v->data;
1406       int b = he->next->v->data;
1407       int c = he->next->next->v->data;
1408       BDS_Point *p1 = aaa[a];
1409       BDS_Point *p2 = aaa[b];
1410       BDS_Point *p3 = aaa[c];
1411       if(p1 && p2 && p3)
1412         m->add_triangle(p1->iD, p2->iD, p3->iD);
1413     }
1414     delete pm;
1415   }
1417   if(debug && RECUR_ITER == 0) {
1418     char name[245];
1419     sprintf(name, "surface%d-initial-real.pos", gf->tag());
1420     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0, gf);
1421     sprintf(name, "surface%d-initial-param.pos", gf->tag());
1422     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
1423   }
1425   // Recover the boundary edges and compute characteristic lenghts using mesh
1426   // edge spacing. If two of these edges intersect, then the 1D mesh have to be
1427   // densified
1428   Msg::Debug("Recovering %d model edges", edges.size());
1429   std::set<EdgeToRecover> edgesToRecover;
1430   std::set<EdgeToRecover> edgesNotRecovered;
1431   ite = edges.begin();
1432   while(ite != edges.end()) {
1433     if(!(*ite)->isMeshDegenerated())
1434       recoverEdge(m, gf, *ite, recoverMapInv, &edgesToRecover,
1435                   &edgesNotRecovered, 1);
1436     ++ite;
1437   }
1438   ite = emb_edges.begin();
1439   while(ite != emb_edges.end()) {
1440     if(!(*ite)->isMeshDegenerated())
1441       recoverEdge(m, gf, *ite, recoverMapInv, &edgesToRecover,
1442                   &edgesNotRecovered, 1);
1443     ++ite;
1444   }
1446   // effectively recover the medge
1447   ite = edges.begin();
1448   while(ite != edges.end()) {
1449     if(!(*ite)->isMeshDegenerated()) {
1450       if(!recoverEdge(m, gf, *ite, recoverMapInv, &edgesToRecover,
1451                       &edgesNotRecovered, 2)) {
1452         delete m;
1453         gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::FAILED;
1454         return false;
1455       }
1456     }
1457     ++ite;
1458   }
1460   Msg::Debug("Recovering %d mesh edges (%d not recovered)",
1461              edgesToRecover.size(), edgesNotRecovered.size());
1463   if(edgesNotRecovered.size() || gf->meshStatistics.refineAllEdges) {
1464     std::ostringstream sstream;
1465     for(auto itr = edgesNotRecovered.begin(); itr != edgesNotRecovered.end();
1466         ++itr)
1467       sstream << " " << itr->ge->tag();
1468     if(gf->meshStatistics.refineAllEdges) {
1469       Msg::Info("8-| Splitting all edges and trying again");
1470     }
1471     else {
1472       Msg::Info(":-( There are %d intersections in the 1D mesh (curves%s)",
1473                 edgesNotRecovered.size(), sstream.str().c_str());
1474       if(repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh)
1475         Msg::Info("8-| Splitting those edges and trying again");
1476     }
1477     if(debug) {
1478       char name[245];
1479       sprintf(name, "surface%d-not_yet_recovered-real-%d.msh", gf->tag(),
1480               RECUR_ITER);
1481       gf->model()->writeMSH(name);
1482     }
1484     if(repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh) {
1485       remeshUnrecoveredEdges(recoverMapInv, edgesNotRecovered);
1486       gf->meshStatistics.refineAllEdges = false;
1487     }
1488     else {
1489       auto itr = edgesNotRecovered.begin();
1490       int I = 0;
1491       for(; itr != edgesNotRecovered.end(); ++itr) {
1492         int p1 = itr->p1;
1493         int p2 = itr->p2;
1494         int tag = itr->ge->tag();
1495         Msg::Error("Edge not recovered: %d %d %d", p1, p2, tag);
1496         I++;
1497       }
1498     }
1500     // delete the mesh
1501     delete m;
1502     if(RECUR_ITER < 10) {
1503       return meshGenerator(gf, RECUR_ITER + 1, repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh,
1504                            onlyInitialMesh, debug, replacement_edges);
1505     }
1506     return false;
1507   }
1509   if(RECUR_ITER > 0)
1510     Msg::Info(":-) All edges recovered after %d iteration%s", RECUR_ITER,
1511               (RECUR_ITER > 1) ? "s" : "");
1513   Msg::Debug("Boundary edges recovered for surface %d", gf->tag());
1515   // look for a triangle that has a negative node and recursively tag all
1516   // exterior triangles
1517   {
1518     auto itt = m->triangles.begin();
1519     while(itt != m->triangles.end()) {
1520       (*itt)->g = nullptr;
1521       ++itt;
1522     }
1523     itt = m->triangles.begin();
1524     while(itt != m->triangles.end()) {
1525       BDS_Face *t = *itt;
1526       BDS_Point *n[4];
1527       if(t->getNodes(n)) {
1528         if(n[0]->iD < 0 || n[1]->iD < 0 || n[2]->iD < 0) {
1529           recur_tag(t, &CLASS_EXTERIOR);
1530           break;
1531         }
1532       }
1533       ++itt;
1534     }
1535   }
1537   // now find an edge that has belongs to one of the exterior triangles
1538   {
1539     auto ite = m->edges.begin();
1540     while(ite != m->edges.end()) {
1541       BDS_Edge *e = *ite;
1542       if(e->g && e->numfaces() == 2) {
1543         if(e->faces(0)->g == &CLASS_EXTERIOR) {
1544           recur_tag(e->faces(1), &CLASS_F);
1545           break;
1546         }
1547         else if(e->faces(1)->g == &CLASS_EXTERIOR) {
1548           recur_tag(e->faces(0), &CLASS_F);
1549           break;
1550         }
1551       }
1552       ++ite;
1553     }
1554     auto itt = m->triangles.begin();
1555     while(itt != m->triangles.end()) {
1556       if((*itt)->g == &CLASS_EXTERIOR) (*itt)->g = nullptr;
1557       ++itt;
1558     }
1559   }
1561   {
1562     auto ite = m->edges.begin();
1563     while(ite != m->edges.end()) {
1564       BDS_Edge *e = *ite;
1565       if(e->g && e->numfaces() == 2) {
1566         BDS_Point *oface[2];
1567         e->oppositeof(oface);
1568         if(oface[0]->iD < 0) {
1569           recur_tag(e->faces(1), &CLASS_F);
1570           break;
1571         }
1572         else if(oface[1]->iD < 0) {
1573           recur_tag(e->faces(0), &CLASS_F);
1574           break;
1575         }
1576       }
1577       ++ite;
1578     }
1579   }
1581   ite = emb_edges.begin();
1582   while(ite != emb_edges.end()) {
1583     if(!(*ite)->isMeshDegenerated())
1584       recoverEdge(m, gf, *ite, recoverMapInv, &edgesToRecover,
1585                   &edgesNotRecovered, 2);
1586     ++ite;
1587   }
1589   // compute characteristic lengths at vertices
1590   if(CTX::instance()->mesh.algo2d != ALGO_2D_BAMG && !onlyInitialMesh) {
1591     Msg::Debug("Computing mesh size field at mesh nodes %d",
1592                edgesToRecover.size());
1593     auto it = m->points.begin();
1594     for(; it != m->points.end(); ++it) {
1595       BDS_Point *pp = *it;
1596       auto itv = recoverMap.find(pp);
1597       if(itv != recoverMap.end()) {
1598         MVertex *here = itv->second;
1599         GEntity *ge = here->onWhat();
1600         if(ge->dim() == 0) {
1601           pp->lcBGM() = BGM_MeshSize(ge, 0, 0, here->x(), here->y(), here->z());
1602         }
1603         else if(ge->dim() == 1) {
1604           double u;
1605           here->getParameter(0, u);
1606           pp->lcBGM() = BGM_MeshSize(ge, u, 0, here->x(), here->y(), here->z());
1607         }
1608         else
1609           pp->lcBGM() = MAX_LC;
1610         pp->lc() = pp->lcBGM();
1611       }
1612     }
1613   }
1615   // delete useless stuff
1616   auto itt = m->triangles.begin();
1617   while(itt != m->triangles.end()) {
1618     BDS_Face *t = *itt;
1619     if(!t->g) m->del_face(t);
1620     ++itt;
1621   }
1622   m->cleanup();
1624   {
1625     auto ite = m->edges.begin();
1626     while(ite != m->edges.end()) {
1627       BDS_Edge *e = *ite;
1628       if(e->numfaces() == 0)
1629         m->del_edge(e);
1630       else {
1631         if(!e->g) e->g = &CLASS_F;
1632         if(!e->p1->g || e->p1->g->classif_degree > e->g->classif_degree)
1633           e->p1->g = e->g;
1634         if(!e->p2->g || e->p2->g->classif_degree > e->g->classif_degree)
1635           e->p2->g = e->g;
1636       }
1637       ++ite;
1638     }
1639   }
1640   m->cleanup();
1641   m->del_point(m->find_point(-1));
1642   m->del_point(m->find_point(-2));
1643   m->del_point(m->find_point(-3));
1644   m->del_point(m->find_point(-4));
1646   if(debug) {
1647     char name[245];
1648     sprintf(name, "surface%d-recovered-real.pos", gf->tag());
1649     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0, gf);
1650     sprintf(name, "surface%d-recovered-param.pos", gf->tag());
1651     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
1652   }
1654   if(1) {
1655     auto itt = m->triangles.begin();
1656     while(itt != m->triangles.end()) {
1657       BDS_Face *t = *itt;
1658       if(!t->deleted) {
1659         BDS_Point *n[4];
1660         if(t->getNodes(n)) {
1661           MVertex *v1 = recoverMap[n[0]];
1662           MVertex *v2 = recoverMap[n[1]];
1663           MVertex *v3 = recoverMap[n[2]];
1664           if(!n[3]) {
1665             if(v1 != v2 && v1 != v3 && v2 != v3)
1666               gf->triangles.push_back(new MTriangle(v1, v2, v3));
1667           }
1668           else {
1669             MVertex *v4 = recoverMap[n[3]];
1670             gf->quadrangles.push_back(new MQuadrangle(v1, v2, v3, v4));
1671           }
1672         }
1673       }
1674       ++itt;
1675     }
1676   }
1678   {
1679     int nb_swap;
1680     Msg::Debug("Delaunizing the initial mesh");
1681     delaunayizeBDS(gf, *m, nb_swap);
1682   }
1684   // only delete the mesh data stored in the base GFace class
1685   gf->GFace::deleteMesh();
1687   Msg::Debug("Starting to add internal nodes");
1688   // start mesh generation
1689   if(!algoDelaunay2D(gf) && !onlyInitialMesh) {
1690     refineMeshBDS(gf, *m, CTX::instance()->mesh.refineSteps, true,
1691                   &recoverMapInv, nullptr);
1692     refineMeshBDS(gf, *m, CTX::instance()->mesh.refineSteps, false,
1693                   &recoverMapInv, nullptr);
1694   }
1696   gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
1698   // fill the small gmsh structures
1699   BDS2GMSH(m, gf, recoverMap);
1701   std::vector<MQuadrangle *> blQuads;
1702   std::vector<MTriangle *> blTris;
1703   std::set<MVertex *> verts;
1705   bool infty = false;
1706   if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_FRONTAL_QUAD) {
1707     infty = true;
1708     if(!onlyInitialMesh)
1709       buildBackgroundMesh(gf, CTX::instance()->mesh.crossFieldClosestPoint);
1710   }
1711   else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS ||
1712           gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS_CSTR) {
1713     infty = true;
1714     /* New version of PACK / QUADQS use a different background mesh */
1715     // if(!onlyInitialMesh) buildBackgroundMesh(gf, false);
1716   }
1718   if(!onlyInitialMesh)
1719     modifyInitialMeshForBoundaryLayers(gf, blQuads, blTris, verts, debug);
1721   // the delaunay algo is based directly on internal gmsh structures BDS mesh is
1722   // passed in order not to recompute local coordinates of vertices
1723   if(algoDelaunay2D(gf) && !onlyInitialMesh) {
1724     if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_FRONTAL) { bowyerWatsonFrontal(gf); }
1725     else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_FRONTAL_QUAD) {
1726       bowyerWatsonFrontalLayers(gf, true);
1727     }
1728     else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS) {
1729       bowyerWatsonParallelograms(gf);
1730     }
1731     else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS_CSTR) {
1732       Msg::Error("ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS_CSTR deprecated");
1733       // bowyerWatsonParallelogramsConstrained(gf, gf->constr_vertices);
1734     }
1735     else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_DELAUNAY ||
1736             gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_AUTO) {
1737       bowyerWatson(gf);
1738     }
1739     else {
1740       bowyerWatson(gf, 15000);
1741       meshGFaceBamg(gf);
1742     }
1744     if(!infty ||
1745        !(CTX::instance()->mesh.recombineAll || gf->meshAttributes.recombine))
1746       laplaceSmoothing(gf, CTX::instance()->mesh.nbSmoothing, infty);
1747   }
1749   if(debug) {
1750     char name[256];
1751     // sprintf(name, "trueBoundary%d.pos", gf->tag());
1752     // std::vector<SPoint2> bnd;
1753     // trueBoundary(name, gf,bnd);
1754     sprintf(name, "real%d.pos", gf->tag());
1755     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0, gf);
1756     sprintf(name, "param%d.pos", gf->tag());
1757     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
1758   }
1760   delete m;
1762   gf->quadrangles.insert(gf->quadrangles.begin(), blQuads.begin(),
1763                          blQuads.end());
1764   gf->triangles.insert(gf->triangles.begin(), blTris.begin(), blTris.end());
1765   gf->mesh_vertices.insert(gf->mesh_vertices.begin(), verts.begin(),
1766                            verts.end());
1768   splitElementsInBoundaryLayerIfNeeded(gf);
1770   if((CTX::instance()->mesh.recombineAll || gf->meshAttributes.recombine) &&
1771      (CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine <= 1 ||
1772       CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine == 4)) {
1773     bool blossom = (CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine == 1);
1774     int topo = CTX::instance()->mesh.recombineOptimizeTopology;
1775     bool nodeRepositioning = true;
1776     if(CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine == 4)
1777       meshGFaceQuadrangulateBipartiteLabelling(gf->tag());
1778     else
1779       recombineIntoQuads(gf, blossom, topo, nodeRepositioning, 0.1);
1780   }
1782   computeElementShapes(gf, gf->meshStatistics.worst_element_shape,
1783                        gf->meshStatistics.average_element_shape,
1784                        gf->meshStatistics.best_element_shape,
1785                        gf->meshStatistics.nbTriangle,
1786                        gf->meshStatistics.nbGoodQuality);
1788   if(CTX::instance()->mesh.algo3d == ALGO_3D_RTREE) { directions_storage(gf); }
1790   // remove unused vertices, generated e.g. during background mesh
1791   _deleteUnusedVertices(gf);
1793   return true;
1794 }
1796 // this function buils a list of BDS points that are consecutive in one given
1797 // edge loop, taking care of periodic surfaces with seams; it also fills the
1798 // recoverMap to link BDS points with mesh nodes
buildConsecutiveListOfVertices(GFace * gf,GEdgeLoop & gel,std::vector<BDS_Point * > & result,SBoundingBox3d & bbox,BDS_Mesh * m,std::map<BDS_Point *,MVertex *,PointLessThan> & recoverMap,int & count,int countTot,double tol,bool seam_the_first=false)1800 static bool buildConsecutiveListOfVertices(
1801   GFace *gf, GEdgeLoop &gel, std::vector<BDS_Point *> &result,
1802   SBoundingBox3d &bbox, BDS_Mesh *m,
1803   std::map<BDS_Point *, MVertex *, PointLessThan> &recoverMap, int &count,
1804   int countTot, double tol, bool seam_the_first = false)
1805 {
1806   result.clear();
1807   count = 0;
1809   // building the list of nodes in the parametric space for periodic surfaces is
1810   // tricky:
1811   // 1) both reparametrizations of the seams must be tested, as the topological
1812   //    representation does not know which one to use
1813   // 2) both orientations of curves must be tested, as the topological
1814   //    representation of periodic curves cannot distinguish them
1815   // 3) reparametrization of curves on surfaces can lead to slightly different
1816   //    parametric coordinates, especially with OpenCASCADE - so a tolerance is
1817   //    needed
1818   std::vector<GEdgeSigned> signedEdges(gel.begin(), gel.end());
1819   std::vector<SPoint2> coords;
1820   std::vector<MVertex*> verts;
1822 #if 0 // for debugging - don't remove
1823   printf("curve loop for surface %d\n", gf->tag());
1824   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < signedEdges.size(); i++) {
1825     GEdge *ge = signedEdges[i].getEdge();
1826     bool seam = ge->isSeam(gf);
1827     Range<double> range = ge->parBoundsOnFace(gf);
1828     printf("  curve %d: ", ge->tag());
1829     SPoint2 p;
1830     p = ge->reparamOnFace(gf, range.low(), 1);
1831     printf("beg (%g,%g) ", p.x(), p.y());
1832     if(seam) {
1833       p = ge->reparamOnFace(gf, range.low(), -1);
1834       printf("beg_alt (%g,%g) ", p.x(), p.y());
1835     }
1836     p = ge->reparamOnFace(gf, range.high(), 1);
1837     printf("end (%g,%g) ", p.x(), p.y());
1838     if(seam) {
1839       p = ge->reparamOnFace(gf, range.high(), -1);
1840       printf("end_alt (%g,%g) ", p.x(), p.y());
1841     }
1842     printf("\n");
1843   }
1844 #endif
1846   for(int initial_dir = 0; initial_dir < 2; initial_dir++) {
1848     if(coords.size()) break; // we succeeded with initial_dir == 0
1850     for(std::size_t i = 0; i < signedEdges.size(); i++) {
1851       std::vector<SPoint2> p, p_alt, p_rev, p_alt_rev;
1852       std::vector<MVertex*> v, v_rev;
1853       GEdge *ge = signedEdges[i].getEdge();
1854       bool seam = ge->isSeam(gf);
1855       Range<double> range = ge->parBoundsOnFace(gf);
1857       // get parametric coordinates of curve nodes on the surface, with both
1858       // possible values for seams
1859       if(ge->getBeginVertex()) {
1860         p.push_back(ge->reparamOnFace(gf, range.low(), 1));
1861         if(seam) p_alt.push_back(ge->reparamOnFace(gf, range.low(), -1));
1862         v.push_back(ge->getBeginVertex()->mesh_vertices[0]);
1863       }
1864       for(std::size_t j = 0; j < ge->mesh_vertices.size(); j++) {
1865         double u;
1866         ge->mesh_vertices[j]->getParameter(0, u);
1867         p.push_back(ge->reparamOnFace(gf, u, 1));
1868         if(seam) p_alt.push_back(ge->reparamOnFace(gf, u, -1));
1869         v.push_back(ge->mesh_vertices[j]);
1870       }
1871       if(ge->getEndVertex()) {
1872         p.push_back(ge->reparamOnFace(gf, range.high(), 1));
1873         if(seam) p_alt.push_back(ge->reparamOnFace(gf, range.high(), -1));
1874         v.push_back(ge->getEndVertex()->mesh_vertices[0]);
1875       }
1877       // get the reverse mesh
1878       p_rev = p;
1879       std::reverse(p_rev.begin(), p_rev.end());
1880       if(seam) {
1881         p_alt_rev = p_alt;
1882         std::reverse(p_alt_rev.begin(), p_alt_rev.end());
1883       }
1884       v_rev = v;
1885       std::reverse(v_rev.begin(), v_rev.end());
1887       if(i == 0) {
1888         // choose which mesh to consider for the first curve in the loop
1889         if(initial_dir == 0) {
1890           if(seam && seam_the_first)
1891             coords = p_alt;
1892           else
1893             coords = p;
1894           verts = v;
1895         }
1896         else {
1897           if(seam && seam_the_first)
1898             coords = p_alt_rev;
1899           else
1900             coords = p_rev;
1901           verts = v_rev;
1902         }
1903       }
1904       else{
1905         // detect which mesh variant to use for the next curve by selecting the
1906         // mesh that starts with the node at the smallest distance, within the
1907         // prescribed tolerance
1908         double dist1 = coords.back().distance(p.front());
1909         double dist2 = coords.back().distance(p_rev.front());
1910         if(!seam) {
1911           if(dist1 < dist2 && dist1 < tol) {
1912             coords.pop_back();
1913             coords.insert(coords.end(), p.begin(), p.end());
1914             verts.pop_back();
1915             verts.insert(verts.end(), v.begin(), v.end());
1916           }
1917           else if(dist2 < dist1 && dist2 < tol) {
1918             coords.pop_back();
1919             coords.insert(coords.end(), p_rev.begin(), p_rev.end());
1920             verts.pop_back();
1921             verts.insert(verts.end(), v_rev.begin(), v_rev.end());
1922           }
1923           else{
1924             Msg::Debug("Distances (%g, %g) in parametric space larger than "
1925                        "tolerance (%g) between end of curve %d and "
1926                        "begining of curve %d...", dist1, dist2, tol,
1927                        signedEdges[i - 1].getEdge()->tag(), ge->tag());
1928             if(initial_dir == 0){
1929               Msg::Debug("... will try with alternate initial orientation");
1930               coords.clear();
1931               verts.clear();
1932               break;
1933             }
1934             else{
1935               Msg::Debug("... will try with larger tolerance");
1936               return false;
1937             }
1938           }
1939         }
1940         else {
1941           double dist3 = coords.back().distance(p_alt.front());
1942           double dist4 = coords.back().distance(p_alt_rev.front());
1943           if(dist1 < dist2 && dist1 < dist3 && dist1 < dist4 && dist1 < tol) {
1944             coords.pop_back();
1945             coords.insert(coords.end(), p.begin(), p.end());
1946             verts.pop_back();
1947             verts.insert(verts.end(), v.begin(), v.end());
1948           }
1949           else if(dist2 < dist1 && dist2 < dist3 && dist2 < dist4 && dist2 < tol) {
1950             coords.pop_back();
1951             coords.insert(coords.end(), p_rev.begin(), p_rev.end());
1952             verts.pop_back();
1953             verts.insert(verts.end(), v_rev.begin(), v_rev.end());
1954           }
1955           else if(dist3 < dist1 && dist3 < dist2 && dist3 < dist4 && dist3 < tol) {
1956             coords.pop_back();
1957             coords.insert(coords.end(), p_alt.begin(), p_alt.end());
1958             verts.pop_back();
1959             verts.insert(verts.end(), v.begin(), v.end());
1960           }
1961           else if(dist4 < dist1 && dist4 < dist2 && dist4 < dist3 && dist4 < tol) {
1962             coords.pop_back();
1963             coords.insert(coords.end(), p_alt_rev.begin(), p_alt_rev.end());
1964             verts.pop_back();
1965             verts.insert(verts.end(), v_rev.begin(), v_rev.end());
1966           }
1967           else {
1968             Msg::Debug("Distances (%g, %g, %g, %g) in parametric space larger "
1969                        "than tolerance (%g) between end of curve %d and "
1970                        "begining of seam curve %d...", dist1, dist2, dist3, dist4,
1971                        tol, signedEdges[i - 1].getEdge()->tag(), ge->tag());
1972             if(initial_dir == 0){
1973               Msg::Debug("... will try with alternate initial orientation");
1974               coords.clear();
1975               verts.clear();
1976               break;
1977             }
1978             else{
1979               Msg::Debug("... will try with larger tolerance");
1980               return false;
1981             }
1982           }
1983         }
1984       }
1985     }
1986   }
1988   if(verts.size() != coords.size()) {
1989     Msg::Error("Wrong number of parametric coordinates for boundary nodes "
1990                "on surface %d", gf->tag());
1991     return false;
1992   }
1993   if(verts.empty()) {
1994     Msg::Debug("No nodes in 1D mesh on surface %d", gf->tag());
1995     return true;
1996   }
1997   double dist = coords.back().distance(coords.front());
1998   if(dist < tol) {
1999     coords.pop_back();
2000     verts.pop_back();
2001   }
2002   else {
2003     Msg::Debug("Distance %g between first and last node in 1D mesh of surface "
2004                "%d exceeds tolerance %g", dist, gf->tag(), tol);
2005     return false;
2006   }
2008   std::map<BDS_Point *, MVertex *, PointLessThan> recoverMapLocal;
2010   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < verts.size(); i++) {
2011     MVertex *here = verts[i];
2012     GEntity *ge = here->onWhat();
2013     BDS_Point *pp = nullptr;
2014     if(ge->dim() == 0) {
2015       // point might already be part of another loop in the same surface
2016       for(auto it = recoverMap.begin(); it != recoverMap.end(); ++it) {
2017         if(it->second == here) {
2018           SPoint2 param(it->first->u, it->first->v);
2019           double dist = coords[i].distance(param);
2020           if(dist < tol) {
2021             pp = it->first;
2022             break;
2023           }
2024         }
2025       }
2026     }
2027     if(pp == nullptr) {
2028       double U, V;
2029       SPoint2 param = coords[i];
2030       U = param.x();
2031       V = param.y();
2032       pp = m->add_point(count + countTot, U, V, gf);
2033       if(ge->dim() == 0) {
2034         pp->lcBGM() = BGM_MeshSize(ge, 0, 0, here->x(), here->y(), here->z());
2035       }
2036       else if(ge->dim() == 1) {
2037         double u;
2038         here->getParameter(0, u);
2039         pp->lcBGM() = BGM_MeshSize(ge, u, 0, here->x(), here->y(), here->z());
2040       }
2041       else {
2042         pp->lcBGM() = MAX_LC;
2043       }
2044       pp->lc() = pp->lcBGM();
2045       m->add_geom(ge->tag(), ge->dim());
2046       BDS_GeomEntity *g = m->get_geom(ge->tag(), ge->dim());
2047       pp->g = g;
2048       bbox += SPoint3(U, V, 0);
2049     }
2050     //printf("node %d coord %g %g\n", here->getNum(), pp->u, pp->v);
2051     result.push_back(pp);
2052     recoverMapLocal[pp] = here;
2053     count++;
2054   }
2056   // we're all set!
2057   recoverMap.insert(recoverMapLocal.begin(), recoverMapLocal.end());
2059   return true;
2060 }
getGEdge(GFace * gf,MVertex * v1,MVertex * v2)2062 static GEdge *getGEdge(GFace *gf, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2)
2063 {
2064   std::vector<GEdge *> e = gf->edges();
2065   for(size_t i = 0; i < e.size(); i++) {
2066     GEdge *ge = e[i];
2067     for(size_t j = 0; j < ge->lines.size(); j++) {
2068       MLine *l = ge->lines[j];
2069       if(l->getVertex(0) == v1 && l->getVertex(1) == v2) return ge;
2070       if(l->getVertex(1) == v1 && l->getVertex(0) == v2) return ge;
2071     }
2072   }
2073   return nullptr;
2074 }
meshGeneratorPeriodic(GFace * gf,int RECUR_ITER,bool repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh,bool debug=true)2076 static bool meshGeneratorPeriodic(GFace *gf, int RECUR_ITER,
2077                                   bool repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh,
2078                                   bool debug = true)
2079 {
2080   if(CTX::instance()->debugSurface > 0 &&
2081      gf->tag() != CTX::instance()->debugSurface) {
2082     gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
2083     return true;
2084   }
2085   if(CTX::instance()->debugSurface > 0) debug = true;
2087   // TEST !!!
2088   // PolyMesh * pm = GFaceInitialMesh(gf->tag(), 1);
2090   std::map<BDS_Point *, MVertex *, PointLessThan> recoverMap;
2091   std::multimap<MVertex *, BDS_Point *> recoverMultiMapInv;
2093   std::vector<SPoint2> true_boundary;
2094   trueBoundary(gf, true_boundary, debug);
2096   Range<double> rangeU = gf->parBounds(0);
2097   Range<double> rangeV = gf->parBounds(1);
2099   double du = rangeU.high() - rangeU.low();
2100   double dv = rangeV.high() - rangeV.low();
2102   const double LC2D = std::sqrt(du * du + dv * dv);
2104   // Buid a BDS_Mesh structure that is convenient for doing the actual meshing
2105   // procedure
2106   BDS_Mesh *m = new BDS_Mesh;
2108   std::vector<std::vector<BDS_Point *> > edgeLoops_BDS;
2109   SBoundingBox3d bbox;
2110   int nbPointsTotal = 0;
2111   {
2112     for(auto it = gf->edgeLoops.begin(); it != gf->edgeLoops.end(); it++) {
2113       std::vector<BDS_Point *> edgeLoop_BDS;
2114       int nbPointsLocal;
2115       const double fact[5] = {1.e-12, 1.e-9, 1.e-6, 1.e-3, 1.e-1};
2116       bool ok = false;
2117       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
2118         if(buildConsecutiveListOfVertices(gf, *it, edgeLoop_BDS, bbox, m,
2119                                           recoverMap, nbPointsLocal,
2120                                           nbPointsTotal, fact[i] * LC2D)) {
2121           ok = true;
2122           break;
2123         }
2124         if(buildConsecutiveListOfVertices(
2125              gf, *it, edgeLoop_BDS, bbox, m, recoverMap, nbPointsLocal,
2126              nbPointsTotal, fact[i] * LC2D, true)) {
2127           ok = true;
2128           break;
2129         }
2130       }
2131       if(!ok) {
2132         gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::FAILED;
2133         Msg::Error("The 1D mesh seems not to be forming a closed loop");
2134         delete m;
2135         return false;
2136       }
2137       nbPointsTotal += nbPointsLocal;
2138       edgeLoops_BDS.push_back(edgeLoop_BDS);
2139     }
2140   }
2142   {
2143     auto it = recoverMap.begin();
2144     std::map<MVertex *, BDS_Point *> INV;
2145     for(; it != recoverMap.end(); ++it) {
2146       recoverMultiMapInv.insert(std::make_pair(it->second, it->first));
2148       auto it2 = INV.find(it->second);
2149       if(it2 != INV.end()) {
2150         it->first->_periodicCounterpart = it2->second;
2151         it2->second->_periodicCounterpart = it->first;
2152       }
2153       INV[it->second] = it->first;
2154     }
2155   }
2157   if(nbPointsTotal < 3) {
2158     Msg::Warning("Mesh generation of surface %d skipped: only %d nodes on "
2159                  "the boundary",
2160                  gf->tag(), nbPointsTotal);
2161     gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
2162     delete m;
2163     return true;
2164   }
2165   else if(nbPointsTotal == 3) {
2166     MVertex *vv[3] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
2167     int i = 0;
2168     for(auto it = recoverMap.begin(); it != recoverMap.end(); it++) {
2169       vv[i++] = it->second;
2170     }
2171     if(vv[0] && vv[1] && vv[2])
2172       gf->triangles.push_back(new MTriangle(vv[0], vv[1], vv[2]));
2173     gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
2174     delete m;
2175     return true;
2176   }
2178   // Use a divide & conquer type algorithm to create a triangulation.  We add to
2179   // the triangulation a box with 4 points that encloses the domain.
2181   std::vector<int> edgesEmbedded;
2183   {
2184     int count = 0;
2186     // Embedded Vertices
2187     // add embedded vertices
2188     std::vector<GVertex *> emb_vertx = gf->getEmbeddedVertices();
2189     auto itvx = emb_vertx.begin();
2191     std::map<MVertex *, std::set<BDS_Point *> > invertedRecoverMap;
2192     for(auto it = recoverMap.begin(); it != recoverMap.end(); it++) {
2193       invertedRecoverMap[it->second].insert(it->first);
2194     }
2196     int pNum = m->MAXPOINTNUMBER;
2197     nbPointsTotal += emb_vertx.size();
2198     {
2199       std::vector<GEdge *> emb_edges = gf->getEmbeddedEdges();
2200       std::set<MVertex *> vs;
2201       auto ite = emb_edges.begin();
2202       while(ite != emb_edges.end()) {
2203         for(std::size_t i = 0; i < (*ite)->lines.size(); i++) {
2204           for(std::size_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
2205             MVertex *v = (*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(j);
2206             if(invertedRecoverMap.find(v) == invertedRecoverMap.end() &&
2207                vs.find(v) == vs.end()) {
2208               vs.insert(v);
2209             }
2210           }
2211         }
2212         ++ite;
2213       }
2214       nbPointsTotal += vs.size();
2215     }
2216     DocRecord doc(nbPointsTotal + 4);
2218     while(itvx != emb_vertx.end()) {
2219       MVertex *v = (*itvx)->mesh_vertices[0];
2220       double uv[2] = {0, 0};
2221       GPoint gp = gf->closestPoint(SPoint3(v->x(), v->y(), v->z()), uv);
2222       BDS_Point *pp = m->add_point(++pNum, gp.u(), gp.v(), gf);
2223       m->add_geom(-(*itvx)->tag(), 0);
2224       pp->g = m->get_geom(-(*itvx)->tag(), 0);
2225       pp->lcBGM() = BGM_MeshSize(*itvx, 0, 0, v->x(), v->y(), v->z());
2226       pp->lc() = pp->lcBGM();
2227       recoverMap[pp] = v;
2228       double XX = CTX::instance()->mesh.randFactor * LC2D * (double)rand() /
2229                   (double)RAND_MAX;
2230       double YY = CTX::instance()->mesh.randFactor * LC2D * (double)rand() /
2231                   (double)RAND_MAX;
2232       doc.points[count].where.h = pp->u + XX;
2233       doc.points[count].where.v = pp->v + YY;
2234       doc.points[count].adjacent = nullptr;
2235       doc.points[count].data = pp;
2236       count++;
2237       ++itvx;
2238     }
2240     std::vector<GEdge *> emb_edges = gf->getEmbeddedEdges();
2241     std::set<MVertex *> vs;
2242     std::map<MVertex *, BDS_Point *> facile;
2243     auto ite = emb_edges.begin();
2244     while(ite != emb_edges.end()) {
2245       m->add_geom(-(*ite)->tag(), 1);
2246       for(std::size_t i = 0; i < (*ite)->lines.size(); i++) {
2247         for(std::size_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
2248           MVertex *v = (*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(j);
2249           BDS_Point *pp = nullptr;
2250           const auto it = invertedRecoverMap.find(v);
2251           if(it != invertedRecoverMap.end()) {
2252             if(it->second.size() > 1) {
2253               const GEdge *edge = (*ite);
2254               const Range<double> parBounds = edge->parBoundsOnFace(gf);
2255               GPoint firstPoint = edge->point(parBounds.low());
2256               GPoint lastPoint = edge->point(parBounds.high());
2257               double param;
2258               if(v->point().distance(
2259                    SPoint3(firstPoint.x(), firstPoint.y(), firstPoint.z())) <
2260                  v->point().distance(
2261                    SPoint3(lastPoint.x(), lastPoint.y(), lastPoint.z()))) {
2262                 // Vertex lies on first point of edge
2263                 param = parBounds.low();
2264               }
2265               else {
2266                 // Vertex lies on last point of edge
2267                 param = parBounds.high();
2268               }
2269               SPoint2 pointOnSurface = edge->reparamOnFace(gf, param, 1);
2271               const std::set<BDS_Point *> &possiblePoints = it->second;
2272               for(auto pntIt = possiblePoints.begin();
2273                   pntIt != possiblePoints.end(); ++pntIt) {
2274                 if(pointOnSurface.distance(SPoint2((*pntIt)->u, (*pntIt)->v)) <
2275                    1e-10) {
2276                   pp = (*pntIt);
2277                   break;
2278                 }
2279               }
2280               if(pp == nullptr) {
2281                 Msg::Error("Embedded edge node %d is on the seam edge of "
2282                            "surface %d and no appropriate point could be "
2283                            "found!",
2284                            v->getNum(), gf->tag());
2285               }
2286             }
2287             else {
2288               pp = *(it->second.begin());
2289             }
2290             facile[v] = pp;
2291           }
2292           if(pp == nullptr && vs.find(v) == vs.end()) {
2293             vs.insert(v);
2294             double uv[2] = {0, 0};
2295             GPoint gp = gf->closestPoint(SPoint3(v->x(), v->y(), v->z()), uv);
2296             BDS_Point *pp = m->add_point(++pNum, gp.u(), gp.v(), gf);
2297             pp->g = m->get_geom(-(*ite)->tag(), 1);
2298             if(v->onWhat()->dim() == 0)
2299               pp->lcBGM() =
2300                 BGM_MeshSize(v->onWhat(), 0, 0, v->x(), v->y(), v->z());
2301             else {
2302               double uu;
2303               v->getParameter(0, uu);
2304               pp->lcBGM() = BGM_MeshSize(*ite, uu, 0, v->x(), v->y(), v->z());
2305             }
2306             pp->lc() = pp->lcBGM();
2307             recoverMap[pp] = v;
2308             facile[v] = pp;
2309             double XX = CTX::instance()->mesh.randFactor * LC2D *
2310                         (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
2311             double YY = CTX::instance()->mesh.randFactor * LC2D *
2312                         (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
2313             doc.points[count].where.h = pp->u + XX;
2314             doc.points[count].where.v = pp->v + YY;
2315             doc.points[count].adjacent = nullptr;
2316             doc.points[count].data = pp;
2317             count++;
2318           }
2319         }
2320       }
2321       for(std::size_t i = 0; i < (*ite)->lines.size(); i++) {
2322         BDS_Point *p0 = facile[(*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(0)];
2323         BDS_Point *p1 = facile[(*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(1)];
2324         edgesEmbedded.push_back(p0->iD);
2325         edgesEmbedded.push_back(p1->iD);
2326       }
2327       ++ite;
2328     }
2330     for(std::size_t i = 0; i < edgeLoops_BDS.size(); i++) {
2331       std::vector<BDS_Point *> &edgeLoop_BDS = edgeLoops_BDS[i];
2332       for(std::size_t j = 0; j < edgeLoop_BDS.size(); j++) {
2333         BDS_Point *pp = edgeLoop_BDS[j];
2334         double XX = CTX::instance()->mesh.randFactor * LC2D * (double)rand() /
2335                     (double)RAND_MAX;
2336         double YY = CTX::instance()->mesh.randFactor * LC2D * (double)rand() /
2337                     (double)RAND_MAX;
2338         doc.points[count].where.h = pp->u + XX;
2339         doc.points[count].where.v = pp->v + YY;
2340         doc.points[count].adjacent = nullptr;
2341         doc.points[count].data = pp;
2342         count++;
2343       }
2344     }
2346     // Increase the size of the bounding box, add 4 points that enclose
2347     // the domain, use negative number to distinguish those fake
2348     // vertices
2350     if(du / dv < 1200 && dv / du < 1200) {
2351       // Fix a bug here if the size of the box is zero
2352       bbox.makeCube();
2353     }
2355     bbox *= 3.5;
2356     GPoint bb[4] = {GPoint(bbox.min().x(), bbox.min().y(), 0),
2357                     GPoint(bbox.min().x(), bbox.max().y(), 0),
2358                     GPoint(bbox.max().x(), bbox.min().y(), 0),
2359                     GPoint(bbox.max().x(), bbox.max().y(), 0)};
2360     for(int ip = 0; ip < 4; ip++) {
2361       BDS_Point *pp = m->add_point(-ip - 1, bb[ip].x(), bb[ip].y(), gf);
2362       m->add_geom(gf->tag(), 2);
2363       BDS_GeomEntity *g = m->get_geom(gf->tag(), 2);
2364       pp->g = g;
2365       doc.points[nbPointsTotal + ip].where.h = bb[ip].x();
2366       doc.points[nbPointsTotal + ip].where.v = bb[ip].y();
2367       doc.points[nbPointsTotal + ip].adjacent = nullptr;
2368       doc.points[nbPointsTotal + ip].data = pp;
2369     }
2371     // Use "fast" inhouse recursive algo to generate the triangulation
2372     // At this stage the triangulation is not what we need
2373     //   -) It does not necessary recover the boundaries
2374     //   -) It contains triangles outside the domain (the first edge
2375     //      loop is the outer one)
2376     Msg::Debug("Meshing of the convex hull (%d nodes)", nbPointsTotal);
2378     try {
2379       doc.MakeMeshWithPoints();
2380     } catch(const char *err) {
2381       Msg::Error("%s", err);
2382     }
2384     for(int i = 0; i < doc.numTriangles; i++) {
2385       int a = doc.triangles[i].a;
2386       int b = doc.triangles[i].b;
2387       int c = doc.triangles[i].c;
2388       int n = doc.numPoints;
2389       if(a < 0 || a >= n || b < 0 || b >= n || c < 0 || c >= n) {
2390         Msg::Warning("Skipping bad triangle %d", i);
2391         continue;
2392       }
2393       BDS_Point *p1 = (BDS_Point *)doc.points[doc.triangles[i].a].data;
2394       BDS_Point *p2 = (BDS_Point *)doc.points[doc.triangles[i].b].data;
2395       BDS_Point *p3 = (BDS_Point *)doc.points[doc.triangles[i].c].data;
2396       m->add_triangle(p1->iD, p2->iD, p3->iD);
2397     }
2398   }
2400   // Recover the boundary edges and compute characteristic lenghts using mesh
2401   // edge spacing
2402   BDS_GeomEntity CLASS_F(1, 2);
2403   BDS_GeomEntity CLASS_E(1, 1);
2404   BDS_GeomEntity CLASS_EXTERIOR(3, 2);
2406   if(debug) {
2407     char name[245];
2408     sprintf(name, "surface%d-initial-real.pos", gf->tag());
2409     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0, gf);
2410     sprintf(name, "surface%d-initial-param.pos", gf->tag());
2411     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
2412   }
2414   bool _fatallyFailed;
2416   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < edgesEmbedded.size() / 2; i++) {
2417     BDS_Edge *e = m->recover_edge(edgesEmbedded[2 * i],
2418                                   edgesEmbedded[2 * i + 1], _fatallyFailed);
2419     if(!e) {
2420       Msg::Error("Impossible to recover the edge %d %d", edgesEmbedded[2 * i],
2421                  edgesEmbedded[2 * i + 1]);
2422       gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::FAILED;
2423       delete m;
2424       return false;
2425     }
2426     else
2427       e->g = &CLASS_E;
2428   }
2430   std::set<EdgeToRecover> edgesNotRecovered;
2432   bool doItAgain = gf->meshStatistics.refineAllEdges;
2433   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < edgeLoops_BDS.size(); i++) {
2434     std::vector<BDS_Point *> &edgeLoop_BDS = edgeLoops_BDS[i];
2435     for(std::size_t j = 0; j < edgeLoop_BDS.size(); j++) {
2436       int num1 = edgeLoop_BDS[j]->iD;
2437       int num2 = edgeLoop_BDS[(j + 1) % edgeLoop_BDS.size()]->iD;
2438       BDS_Edge *e = m->find_edge(num1, num2);
2439       if(!e) {
2440         // printf("recovering %d %d\n",num1,num2);
2441         e = m->recover_edge(num1, num2, _fatallyFailed);
2442         BDS_Point *p1 = m->find_point(num1);
2443         BDS_Point *p2 = m->find_point(num2);
2444         MVertex *v1 = recoverMap[p1];
2445         MVertex *v2 = recoverMap[p2];
2446         GEdge *ge = getGEdge(gf, v1, v2);
2447         // if (!ge){
2448         //   Msg::Error("cannot find GEdge with mesh edge %d %d (%d %d)\n",
2449         //              num1, num2, v1->getNum(), v2->getNum());
2450         // }
2451         if(ge) edgesNotRecovered.insert(EdgeToRecover(num1, num2, ge));
2452         if(!e) {
2453           // what is before does not seem to work properly
2454           // Msg::Warning("ITER %d Impossible to recover the edge %d %d",
2455           //              RECUR_ITER, num1, num2);
2456           // Msg::Warning("Will split model edge  %d and try again", ge->tag());
2457           doItAgain = true;
2458           // gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::FAILED;
2459           // delete m;
2460           // return false;
2461         }
2462         else {
2463           // Msg::Warning("ITER %d edge %d %d RECOVERED",RECUR_ITER, num1,num2);
2464           e->g = &CLASS_E;
2465         }
2466       }
2467       else
2468         e->g = &CLASS_E;
2469     }
2470   }
2472   if(doItAgain) {
2473     // this block is not thread safe. 2D mesh will be serialized for surfaces
2474     // that have their 1D mesh self-intersect
2475     if(Msg::GetNumThreads() != 1) {
2476       gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::PENDING;
2477       delete m;
2478       Msg::Info("Surface %d has self-intersections in its 1D mesh: serializing "
2479                 "this one",
2480                 gf->tag());
2481       return true;
2482     }
2484     if(!gf->meshStatistics.refineAllEdges) {
2485       std::ostringstream sstream;
2486       for(auto itr = edgesNotRecovered.begin(); itr != edgesNotRecovered.end();
2487           ++itr)
2488         sstream
2489           << " " << itr->ge->tag() << "("
2490           << (itr->ge->getBeginVertex() ? itr->ge->getBeginVertex()->tag() : -1)
2491           << ","
2492           << (itr->ge->getEndVertex() ? itr->ge->getEndVertex()->tag() : -1)
2493           << ")";
2494       Msg::Info(":-( There are %d intersections in the 1D mesh (curves%s)",
2495                 edgesNotRecovered.size(), sstream.str().c_str());
2496     }
2497     if(repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh) {
2498       Msg::Info("8-| Splitting those edges and trying again");
2499       if(gf->meshStatistics.refineAllEdges) {
2500         std::vector<GEdge *> eds = gf->edges();
2501         edgesNotRecovered.clear();
2502         for(size_t i = 0; i < eds.size(); i++) {
2503           const std::size_t NN = eds[i]->lines.size() ? 1 : 0;
2504           for(size_t j = 0; j < NN; j++) {
2505             MVertex *v1 = eds[i]->lines[j]->getVertex(0);
2506             MVertex *v2 = eds[i]->lines[j]->getVertex(1);
2507             auto itp1 = recoverMultiMapInv.lower_bound(v1);
2508             auto itp2 = recoverMultiMapInv.lower_bound(v2);
2509             if(itp1 != recoverMultiMapInv.end() &&
2510                itp2 != recoverMultiMapInv.end())
2511               edgesNotRecovered.insert(
2512                 EdgeToRecover(itp1->second->iD, itp2->second->iD, eds[i]));
2513           }
2514         }
2515       }
2516       remeshUnrecoveredEdges(recoverMultiMapInv, edgesNotRecovered,
2517                              gf->meshStatistics.refineAllEdges);
2518       gf->meshStatistics.refineAllEdges = false;
2519     }
2520     // delete the mesh
2521     // getchar();
2522     if(debug) {
2523       char name[245];
2524       sprintf(name, "surface%d-initial-real-afterITER%d.pos", gf->tag(),
2525               RECUR_ITER);
2526       outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0, gf);
2527       sprintf(name, "surface%d-initial-param-afterITER%d.pos", gf->tag(),
2528               RECUR_ITER);
2529       outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
2530     }
2531     delete m;
2532     if(RECUR_ITER < 10) {
2533       return meshGeneratorPeriodic(gf, RECUR_ITER + 1,
2534                                    repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh, debug);
2535     }
2536     return false;
2537   }
2539   if(RECUR_ITER > 0)
2540     Msg::Info(":-) All edges recovered after %d iteration%s", RECUR_ITER,
2541               (RECUR_ITER > 1) ? "s" : "");
2543   // look for a triangle that has a negative node and recursively tag all
2544   // exterior triangles
2545   {
2546     auto itt = m->triangles.begin();
2547     while(itt != m->triangles.end()) {
2548       (*itt)->g = nullptr;
2549       ++itt;
2550     }
2551     itt = m->triangles.begin();
2552     while(itt != m->triangles.end()) {
2553       BDS_Face *t = *itt;
2554       if(t->deleted) {
2555         // If triangle is deleted, it won't have the correct neighbours
2556         // to tag recursively
2557         ++itt;
2558         continue;
2559       }
2560       BDS_Point *n[4];
2561       if(t->getNodes(n)) {
2562         if(n[0]->iD < 0 || n[1]->iD < 0 || n[2]->iD < 0) {
2563           recur_tag(t, &CLASS_EXTERIOR);
2564           break;
2565         }
2566       }
2567       ++itt;
2568     }
2569   }
2571   // now find an edge that has belongs to one of the exterior triangles
2572   {
2573     auto ite = m->edges.begin();
2574     while(ite != m->edges.end()) {
2575       BDS_Edge *edge = *ite;
2576       if(edge->g && edge->numfaces() == 2) {
2577         if(edge->faces(0)->g == &CLASS_EXTERIOR) {
2578           recur_tag(edge->faces(1), &CLASS_F);
2579           break;
2580         }
2581         else if(edge->faces(1)->g == &CLASS_EXTERIOR) {
2582           recur_tag(edge->faces(0), &CLASS_F);
2583           break;
2584         }
2585       }
2586       ++ite;
2587     }
2588     auto itt = m->triangles.begin();
2589     while(itt != m->triangles.end()) {
2590       if((*itt)->g == &CLASS_EXTERIOR) (*itt)->g = nullptr;
2591       ++itt;
2592     }
2593   }
2595   // delete useless stuff
2596   {
2597     auto itt = m->triangles.begin();
2598     while(itt != m->triangles.end()) {
2599       BDS_Face *t = *itt;
2600       if(!t->g) { m->del_face(t); }
2601       ++itt;
2602     }
2603   }
2605   m->cleanup();
2607   {
2608     auto ite = m->edges.begin();
2609     while(ite != m->edges.end()) {
2610       BDS_Edge *edge = *ite;
2611       if(edge->numfaces() == 0)
2612         m->del_edge(edge);
2613       else {
2614         if(!edge->g) edge->g = &CLASS_F;
2615         if(!edge->p1->g ||
2616            edge->p1->g->classif_degree > edge->g->classif_degree)
2617           edge->p1->g = edge->g;
2618         if(!edge->p2->g ||
2619            edge->p2->g->classif_degree > edge->g->classif_degree)
2620           edge->p2->g = edge->g;
2621       }
2622       ++ite;
2623     }
2624   }
2625   m->cleanup();
2626   m->del_point(m->find_point(-1));
2627   m->del_point(m->find_point(-2));
2628   m->del_point(m->find_point(-3));
2629   m->del_point(m->find_point(-4));
2631   if(debug) {
2632     char name[245];
2633     sprintf(name, "surface%d-recovered-real.pos", gf->tag());
2634     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0, gf);
2635     sprintf(name, "surface%d-recovered-param.pos", gf->tag());
2636     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
2637   }
2639   if(algoDelaunay2D(gf)) {
2640     // Call this function to untangle elements in Cartesian space
2641     Msg::Debug("Delaunizing the initial mesh");
2642     int nb_swap;
2643     delaunayizeBDS(gf, *m, nb_swap);
2644   }
2645   else {
2646     // tag points that are degenerated
2647     modifyInitialMeshToRemoveDegeneracies(gf, *m, &recoverMap);
2649     Msg::Debug("Delaunizing the initial mesh");
2650     int nb_swap;
2651     delaunayizeBDS(gf, *m, nb_swap);
2653     refineMeshBDS(gf, *m, CTX::instance()->mesh.refineSteps, true, nullptr,
2654                   &recoverMap, &true_boundary);
2655     if(debug) {
2656       char name[245];
2657       sprintf(name, "surface%d-phase1-real.pos", gf->tag());
2658       outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0, gf);
2659       sprintf(name, "surface%d-phase1-param.pos", gf->tag());
2660       outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
2661     }
2662     if(debug) {
2663       char name[245];
2664       sprintf(name, "surface%d-phase2-real.pos", gf->tag());
2665       outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0, gf);
2666       sprintf(name, "surface%d-phase2-param.pos", gf->tag());
2667       outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
2668     }
2669     refineMeshBDS(gf, *m, -CTX::instance()->mesh.refineSteps, false, nullptr,
2670                   &recoverMap, &true_boundary);
2671     if(debug) {
2672       char name[245];
2673       sprintf(name, "surface%d-phase3-real.pos", gf->tag());
2674       outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0);
2675       sprintf(name, "surface%d-phase3-param.pos", gf->tag());
2676       outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
2677     }
2678     if(debug) {
2679       char name[245];
2680       sprintf(name, "surface%d-phase4-real.pos", gf->tag());
2681       outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0);
2682       sprintf(name, "surface%d-phase4-param.pos", gf->tag());
2683       outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
2684     }
2686     if(gf->meshStatistics.status == GFace::FAILED) {
2687       // splitall
2688       gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::PENDING;
2689       gf->meshStatistics.refineAllEdges = true;
2690       delete m;
2691       Msg::Info("Serializing surface %d and refining all its bounding edges",
2692                 gf->tag());
2693       return true;
2694     }
2695     else {
2696       gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
2697     }
2699     if(debug) {
2700       char name[245];
2701       sprintf(name, "surface%d-just-real.pos", gf->tag());
2702       outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0, gf);
2703     }
2704   }
2706   // This is a structure that we need only for periodic cases. We will duplicate
2707   // the vertices (MVertex) that are on seams
2709   std::map<MVertex *, MVertex *> equivalence;
2710   std::map<MVertex *, SPoint2> parametricCoordinates;
2711   if(algoDelaunay2D(gf)) {
2712     std::map<MVertex *, BDS_Point *> invertMap;
2713     auto it = recoverMap.begin();
2714     while(it != recoverMap.end()) {
2715       // we have twice vertex MVertex with 2 different coordinates
2716       MVertex *mv1 = it->second;
2717       BDS_Point *bds = it->first;
2718       auto invIt = invertMap.find(mv1);
2719       if(invIt != invertMap.end()) {
2720         // create a new "fake" vertex that will be destroyed afterwards
2721         MVertex *mv2 = nullptr;
2722         if(mv1->onWhat()->dim() == 1) {
2723           double t;
2724           mv1->getParameter(0, t);
2725           mv2 = new MEdgeVertex(mv1->x(), mv1->y(), mv1->z(), mv1->onWhat(), t,
2726                                 0, ((MEdgeVertex *)mv1)->getLc());
2727         }
2728         else if(mv1->onWhat()->dim() == 0) {
2729           mv2 = new MVertex(mv1->x(), mv1->y(), mv1->z(), mv1->onWhat());
2730         }
2731         else
2732           Msg::Error("Could not reconstruct seam");
2733         if(mv2) {
2734           it->second = mv2;
2735           equivalence[mv2] = mv1;
2736           parametricCoordinates[mv2] = SPoint2(bds->u, bds->v);
2737           invertMap[mv2] = bds;
2738         }
2739       }
2740       else {
2741         parametricCoordinates[mv1] = SPoint2(bds->u, bds->v);
2742         invertMap[mv1] = bds;
2743       }
2744       ++it;
2745     }
2746   }
2748   // Msg::Info("%d points that are duplicated for Delaunay meshing",
2749   //           equivalence.size());
2751   // fill the small gmsh structures
2752   BDS2GMSH(m, gf, recoverMap);
2754   if(debug) {
2755     char name[245];
2756     sprintf(name, "surface%d-final-real.pos", gf->tag());
2757     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0, gf);
2758     sprintf(name, "surface%d-final-param.pos", gf->tag());
2759     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
2760   }
2762   bool infty = false;
2763   if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_FRONTAL_QUAD) {
2764     infty = true;
2765     buildBackgroundMesh(gf, CTX::instance()->mesh.crossFieldClosestPoint,
2766                         &equivalence, &parametricCoordinates);
2767   }
2768   else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS ||
2769           gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS_CSTR) {
2770     infty = true;
2771     /* New version of PACK / QUADQS use a different background mesh */
2772     // buildBackgroundMesh(gf, false, &equivalence, &parametricCoordinates);
2773   }
2775   bool onlyInitialMesh = (gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_INITIAL_ONLY);
2777   if(!onlyInitialMesh) {
2778     // boundary layer
2779     std::vector<MQuadrangle *> blQuads;
2780     std::vector<MTriangle *> blTris;
2781     std::set<MVertex *> verts;
2782     modifyInitialMeshForBoundaryLayers(gf, blQuads, blTris, verts, debug);
2783     gf->quadrangles.insert(gf->quadrangles.begin(), blQuads.begin(),
2784                            blQuads.end());
2785     gf->triangles.insert(gf->triangles.begin(), blTris.begin(), blTris.end());
2786     gf->mesh_vertices.insert(gf->mesh_vertices.begin(), verts.begin(),
2787                              verts.end());
2788   }
2790   if(algoDelaunay2D(gf) && !onlyInitialMesh) {
2791     if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_FRONTAL)
2792       bowyerWatsonFrontal(gf, &equivalence, &parametricCoordinates,
2793                           &true_boundary);
2794     else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_FRONTAL_QUAD)
2795       bowyerWatsonFrontalLayers(gf, true, &equivalence, &parametricCoordinates);
2796     else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS)
2797       bowyerWatsonParallelograms(gf, &equivalence, &parametricCoordinates);
2798     else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS_CSTR) {
2799       Msg::Error("ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS_CSTR deprecated");
2800       // bowyerWatsonParallelogramsConstrained(
2801       //   gf, gf->constr_vertices, &equivalence, &parametricCoordinates);
2802     }
2803     else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_DELAUNAY ||
2804             gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_AUTO)
2805       bowyerWatson(gf, 1000000000, &equivalence, &parametricCoordinates);
2806     else
2807       meshGFaceBamg(gf);
2808     if(!infty ||
2809        !(CTX::instance()->mesh.recombineAll || gf->meshAttributes.recombine))
2810       laplaceSmoothing(gf, CTX::instance()->mesh.nbSmoothing, infty);
2811   }
2813   if(debug) {
2814     char name[256];
2815     sprintf(name, "real%d.pos", gf->tag());
2816     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 0, gf);
2817     sprintf(name, "param%d.pos", gf->tag());
2818     outputScalarField(m->triangles, name, 1, gf);
2819   }
2821   // remove fake duplicate nodes on seams
2822   for(auto eq : equivalence) delete eq.first;
2824   // delete the mesh
2825   delete m;
2827   if((CTX::instance()->mesh.recombineAll || gf->meshAttributes.recombine) &&
2828      (CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine <= 1 ||
2829       CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine == 4)) {
2830     bool blossom = (CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine == 1);
2831     int topo = CTX::instance()->mesh.recombineOptimizeTopology;
2832     bool nodeRepositioning = true;
2833     if(/*CTX::instance()->mesh.algo2d == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS ||*/
2834        CTX::instance()->mesh.algo2d == ALGO_2D_QUAD_QUASI_STRUCT) {
2835       nodeRepositioning = false;
2836     }
2837     if(CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine == 4)
2838       meshGFaceQuadrangulateBipartiteLabelling(gf->tag());
2839     else {
2840       recombineIntoQuads(gf, blossom, topo, nodeRepositioning, 0.1);
2841     }
2842   }
2844   computeElementShapes(gf, gf->meshStatistics.worst_element_shape,
2845                        gf->meshStatistics.average_element_shape,
2846                        gf->meshStatistics.best_element_shape,
2847                        gf->meshStatistics.nbTriangle,
2848                        gf->meshStatistics.nbGoodQuality);
2849   gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
2851   // Remove unused vertices, generated e.g. during background mesh
2852   _deleteUnusedVertices(gf);
2854   return true;
2855 }
operator ()(GFace * gf)2857 void deMeshGFace::operator()(GFace *gf)
2858 {
2859   if(gf->isFullyDiscrete()) return;
2860   gf->deleteMesh();
2861   gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::PENDING;
2862   gf->meshStatistics.nbTriangle = gf->meshStatistics.nbEdge = 0;
2863 }
TRIANGLE_VALIDITY(GFace * gf,MTriangle * t)2865 static double TRIANGLE_VALIDITY(GFace *gf, MTriangle *t)
2866 {
2867   SPoint2 p1, p2, p3;
2868   reparamMeshVertexOnFace(t->getVertex(0), gf, p1);
2869   reparamMeshVertexOnFace(t->getVertex(1), gf, p2);
2870   reparamMeshVertexOnFace(t->getVertex(2), gf, p3);
2871   SVector3 N1 = gf->normal(p1);
2872   SVector3 N2 = gf->normal(p2);
2873   SVector3 N3 = gf->normal(p3);
2874   SVector3 N = N1 + N2 + N3;
2875   N.normalize();
2876   SVector3 d1(t->getVertex(1)->x() - t->getVertex(0)->x(),
2877               t->getVertex(1)->y() - t->getVertex(0)->y(),
2878               t->getVertex(1)->z() - t->getVertex(0)->z());
2879   SVector3 d2(t->getVertex(2)->x() - t->getVertex(0)->x(),
2880               t->getVertex(2)->y() - t->getVertex(0)->y(),
2881               t->getVertex(2)->z() - t->getVertex(0)->z());
2882   SVector3 c = crossprod(d1, d2);
2883   return dot(N, c);
2884 }
isMeshValid(GFace * gf)2886 static bool isMeshValid(GFace *gf)
2887 {
2888   size_t invalid = 0;
2889   for(size_t i = 0; i < gf->triangles.size(); i++) {
2890     double v = TRIANGLE_VALIDITY(gf, gf->triangles[i]);
2891     if(v < 0) invalid++;
2892   }
2893   if(invalid == 0 || invalid == gf->triangles.size()) return true;
2895   return false;
2896 }
2898 // for debugging, change value from -1 to -100;
2899 int debugSurface = -1; //-100;
operator ()(GFace * gf,bool print)2901 void meshGFace::operator()(GFace *gf, bool print)
2902 {
2903   gf->model()->setCurrentMeshEntity(gf);
2905   if(gf->meshAttributes.method == MESH_NONE) return;
2906   if(CTX::instance()->mesh.meshOnlyVisible && !gf->getVisibility()) return;
2907   if(CTX::instance()->mesh.meshOnlyEmpty && gf->getNumMeshElements()) return;
2909   // destroy the mesh if it exists
2910   deMeshGFace dem;
2911   dem(gf);
2913   if(MeshTransfiniteSurface(gf)) return;
2914   if(MeshExtrudedSurface(gf)) return;
2915   if(gf->getMeshMaster() != gf) {
2916     GFace *gff = dynamic_cast<GFace *>(gf->getMeshMaster());
2917     if(gff) {
2918       if(gff->meshStatistics.status != GFace::DONE) {
2919         gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::PENDING;
2920         return;
2921       }
2922       Msg::Info("Meshing surface %d (%s) as a copy of surface %d", gf->tag(),
2923                 gf->getTypeString().c_str(), gf->getMeshMaster()->tag());
2924       copyMesh(gff, gf);
2925       gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
2926       return;
2927     }
2928     else
2929       Msg::Warning("Unknown mesh master surface %d",
2930                    gf->getMeshMaster()->tag());
2931   }
2934    * to generate a initial quad-dominant mesh */
2935   bool quadqs = false;
2936   if(CTX::instance()->mesh.algo2d == ALGO_2D_QUAD_QUASI_STRUCT) {
2937     quadqs = true;
2938     CTX::instance()->mesh.algo2d = ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS;
2939   }
2941   const char *algo = "Unknown";
2943   switch(gf->getMeshingAlgo()) {
2944   case ALGO_2D_MESHADAPT: algo = "MeshAdapt"; break;
2945   case ALGO_2D_AUTO:
2946     algo = (gf->geomType() == GEntity::Plane) ? "Delaunay" : "MeshAdapt";
2947     break;
2948   case ALGO_2D_INITIAL_ONLY: algo = "Initial Mesh Only"; break;
2949   case ALGO_2D_DELAUNAY: algo = "Delaunay"; break;
2950   case ALGO_2D_FRONTAL: algo = "Frontal-Delaunay"; break;
2951   case ALGO_2D_BAMG: algo = "Bamg"; break;
2952   case ALGO_2D_FRONTAL_QUAD: algo = "Frontal-Delaunay for Quads"; break;
2953   case ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS: algo = "Packing of Parallelograms"; break;
2955     algo = "Packing of Parallelograms Constrained";
2956     break;
2957   }
2959   if(print)
2960     Msg::Info("Meshing surface %d (%s, %s)", gf->tag(),
2961               gf->getTypeString().c_str(), algo);
2963   bool singularEdges = false;
2964   auto ite = gf->edges().begin();
2965   while(ite != gf->edges().end()) {
2966     if((*ite)->isSeam(gf)) singularEdges = true;
2967     ite++;
2968   }
2970   bool periodic = (gf->getNativeType() != GEntity::GmshModel) &&
2971                   (gf->periodic(0) || gf->periodic(1) || singularEdges);
2973   quadMeshRemoveHalfOfOneDMesh halfmesh(gf, periodic);
2975   if(periodic) {
2976     if(!meshGeneratorPeriodic(gf, 0, repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh,
2977                               debugSurface >= 0 || debugSurface == -100)) {
2978       Msg::Error("Impossible to mesh periodic surface %d", gf->tag());
2979       gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::FAILED;
2980     }
2981   }
2982   else {
2983     meshGenerator(gf, 0, repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh,
2984                   gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_INITIAL_ONLY,
2985                   debugSurface >= 0 || debugSurface == -100);
2986   }
2988   Msg::Debug("Type %d %d triangles generated, %d internal nodes",
2989              gf->geomType(), gf->triangles.size(), gf->mesh_vertices.size());
2991   halfmesh.finish();
2993   if(gf->getNumMeshElements() == 0 &&
2994      gf->meshStatistics.status == GFace::DONE) {
2995     Msg::Warning("Surface %d consists of no elements", gf->tag());
2996   }
2998   // test validity for non-Gmsh models (currently we cannot reliably evaluate
2999   // the normal on the boundary of surfaces with the Gmsh kernel)
3000   if(CTX::instance()->mesh.algoSwitchOnFailure &&
3001      gf->getNativeType() != GEntity::GmshModel &&
3002      gf->geomType() != GEntity::Plane && algoDelaunay2D(gf) &&
3003      !isMeshValid(gf)) {
3004     Msg::Debug(
3005       "Delaunay-based mesher failed on surface %d -> moving to MeshAdapt",
3006       gf->tag());
3007     deMeshGFace killer;
3008     killer(gf);
3009     gf->setMeshingAlgo(1);
3010     (*this)(gf, print);
3011     gf->unsetMeshingAlgo();
3012   }
3014   if(quadqs) CTX::instance()->mesh.algo2d = ALGO_2D_QUAD_QUASI_STRUCT;
3015 }
getGFaceNormalFromVert(GFace * gf,MElement * el,SVector3 & nf)3017 static bool getGFaceNormalFromVert(GFace *gf, MElement *el, SVector3 &nf)
3018 {
3019   bool found = false;
3020   for(std::size_t iElV = 0; iElV < el->getNumVertices(); iElV++) {
3021     MVertex *v = el->getVertex(iElV);
3022     SPoint2 param;
3023     if(v->onWhat() == gf && v->getParameter(0, param[0]) &&
3024        v->getParameter(1, param[1])) {
3025       nf = gf->normal(param);
3026       found = true;
3027       break;
3028     }
3029   }
3030   return found;
3031 }
getGFaceNormalFromBary(GFace * gf,MElement * el,SVector3 & nf)3033 static bool getGFaceNormalFromBary(GFace *gf, MElement *el, SVector3 &nf)
3034 {
3035   SPoint2 param(0., 0.);
3036   bool ok = true;
3037   for(std::size_t j = 0; j < el->getNumVertices(); j++) {
3038     SPoint2 p;
3039     // FIXME: use inexact reparam because some vertices might not be exactly on
3040     // the surface after the 3D Delaunay
3041     ok = reparamMeshVertexOnFace(el->getVertex(j), gf, p, false);
3042     if(!ok) break;
3043     param += p;
3044   }
3045   if(ok) {
3046     param *= 1.0 / el->getNumVertices();
3047     nf = gf->normal(param);
3048   }
3049   return ok;
3050 }
getGFaceOrientation(GFace * gf,BoundaryLayerColumns * blc,bool existBL,bool fromVert,int & orientNonBL,int & orientBL)3052 static void getGFaceOrientation(GFace *gf, BoundaryLayerColumns *blc,
3053                                 bool existBL, bool fromVert, int &orientNonBL,
3054                                 int &orientBL)
3055 {
3056   for(std::size_t iEl = 0; iEl < gf->getNumMeshElements(); iEl++) {
3057     MElement *e = gf->getMeshElement(iEl);
3058     const bool isBLEl =
3059       existBL && (blc->_toFirst.find(e) != blc->_toFirst.end());
3060     SVector3 nf;
3061     // Check only if orientation of BL/non-BL el. not already known
3062     if((!isBLEl && orientNonBL == 0) || (isBLEl && orientBL == 0)) {
3063       const bool found = fromVert ? getGFaceNormalFromVert(gf, e, nf) :
3064                                     getGFaceNormalFromBary(gf, e, nf);
3065       if(found) {
3066         SVector3 ne = e->getFace(0).normal();
3067         const int orient = (dot(ne, nf) > 0.) ? 1 : -1;
3068         if(isBLEl)
3069           orientBL = orient;
3070         else
3071           orientNonBL = orient;
3072       }
3073     }
3074     // Stop when orientation found for non-BL and BL el.
3075     if((orientNonBL != 0) && (orientBL != 0)) break;
3076   }
3077 }
operator ()(GFace * gf)3079 void orientMeshGFace::operator()(GFace *gf)
3080 {
3081   if(!gf->getNumMeshElements()) return;
3083   gf->model()->setCurrentMeshEntity(gf);
3085   if(gf->getMeshMaster() != gf) {
3086     // It's not clear if periodic meshes should be orientated according to the
3087     // orientation of the underlying CAD surface. Since we don't reorient
3088     // periodic curve meshes, let's also not reorient surface meshes for
3089     // now. This has implications for high-order periodic meshes: see comment in
3090     // FixPeriodicMesh().
3091   }
3092   else if(gf->isFullyDiscrete() ||
3093           gf->geomType() == GEntity::BoundaryLayerSurface) {
3094     // Don't do anything
3095   }
3096   else {
3097     // In old versions we checked the orientation by comparing the orientation
3098     // of a line element on the boundary w.r.t. its connected surface
3099     // element. This is probably better than what follows, but
3100     // * it failed when the 3D Delaunay changes the 1D mesh (since we don't
3101     //    recover it yet)
3102     // * it failed with OpenCASCADE geometries, where surface orientions do not
3103     //   seem to be consistent with the orientation of the bounding edges
3105     // Now: orient surface elements w.r.t. normal to geometric model.
3106     // Assumes that originally, orientation is consistent among boundary layer
3107     // (BL) elements, and orientation is consistent among non-BL elements, but
3108     // BL and non-BL elements can be oriented differently
3110     // Determine whether there is a boundary layer (BL)
3111     BoundaryLayerColumns *blc = gf->getColumns();
3112     const bool existBL = !blc->_toFirst.empty();
3114     // Get orientation of BL and non-BL elements.
3115     // First, try to get normal to GFace from vertices.
3116     // If it fails, try to get normal to GFace from element barycenter
3117     int orientNonBL = 0, orientBL = existBL ? 0 : 1;
3118     getGFaceOrientation(gf, blc, existBL, true, orientNonBL, orientBL);
3119     if((orientNonBL == 0) || (orientBL == 0))
3120       getGFaceOrientation(gf, blc, existBL, false, orientNonBL, orientBL);
3122     // Exit if could not determine orientation of both non-BL el. and BL el.
3123     if((orientNonBL == 0) && (orientBL == 0)) {
3124       Msg::Warning("Could not orient mesh in surface %d", gf->tag());
3125       return;
3126     }
3128     // Reverse BL and non-BL elements if needed
3129     if(existBL) { // If there is a BL, test BL/non-BL elements
3130       if((orientNonBL == -1) || (orientBL == -1)) {
3131         for(std::size_t iEl = 0; iEl < gf->getNumMeshElements(); iEl++) {
3132           MElement *e = gf->getMeshElement(iEl);
3133           // If el. outside of BL...
3134           if(blc->_toFirst.find(e) == blc->_toFirst.end()) {
3135             // ... reverse if needed
3136             if(orientNonBL == -1) e->reverse();
3137           }
3138           else { // If el. in BL ... reverse if needed
3139             if(orientBL == -1) e->reverse();
3140           }
3141         }
3142       }
3143     }
3144     else { // If no BL, reverse all elements if needed
3145       if(orientNonBL == -1) {
3146         for(std::size_t iEl = 0; iEl < gf->getNumMeshElements(); iEl++)
3147           gf->getMeshElement(iEl)->reverse();
3148       }
3149     }
3150   }
3152   // Apply user-specified mesh orientation constraints
3153   if(gf->meshAttributes.reverseMesh) {
3154     for(std::size_t k = 0; k < gf->getNumMeshElements(); k++)
3155       gf->getMeshElement(k)->reverse();
3156   }
3157 }