1 /***************************************************************************
2 JSPICE3 adaptation of Spice3e2 - Copyright (c) Stephen R. Whiteley 1992
3 Copyright 1990 Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4 Authors: 1985 Thomas L. Quarles
5          1992 Stephen R. Whiteley
6 ****************************************************************************/
8 #ifndef NIEXT
9 #define NIEXT
11 #ifdef __STDC__
12 extern int  NIacIter(CKTcircuit*);
13 extern int  NIcomCof(CKTcircuit*);
14 extern int  NIconvTest(CKTcircuit*);
15 extern void NIdestroy(CKTcircuit*);
16 extern int  NIdIter(CKTcircuit*);
17 extern int  NIinit(CKTcircuit *);
18 extern int  NIintegrate(CKTcircuit*,double*,double*,double,int);
19 extern int  NIiter(CKTcircuit*,int);
20 extern void NInzIter(CKTcircuit*,int,int);
21 extern int  NIpred(CKTcircuit*);
22 extern void NIprint(CKTcircuit*);
24 #ifdef PZDEFS
25 extern int  NIpzMuller(PZtrial**,PZtrial*);
26 extern int  NIpzComplex(PZtrial**,PZtrial*);
27 extern int  NIpzSym(PZtrial**,PZtrial*);
28 extern int  NIpzSym2(PZtrial**,PZtrial*);
29 #endif
31 extern int  NIreinit(CKTcircuit*);
32 extern int  NIsenReinit(CKTcircuit*);
33 extern int  NIsum(CKTcircuit*,double*,int);
34 #else
35 extern int  NIacIter();
36 extern int  NIcomCof();
37 extern int  NIconvTest();
38 extern void NIdestroy();
39 extern int  NIdIter();
40 extern int  NIinit();
41 extern int  NIintegrate();
42 extern int  NIiter();
43 extern void NInzIter();
44 extern int  NIpred();
45 extern void NIprint();
46 extern int  NIpzMuller();
47 extern int  NIpzSolve();
48 extern int  NIreinit();
49 extern int  NIsenReinit();
50 extern int  NIsum();
51 #endif
53 #endif