1 /*
2  *  CONFIGURATION MACRO DEFINITIONS for sparse matrix routines
3  *
4  *  Author:                     Advising professor:
5  *      Kenneth S. Kundert          Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
6  *      U.C. Berkeley
7  *
8  *  This file contains macros for the sparse matrix routines that are used
9  *  to define the personality of the routines.  The user is expected to
10  *  modify this file to maximize the performance of the routines with
11  *  his/her matrices.
12  *
13  *  Macros are distinguished by using solely capital letters in their
14  *  identifiers.  This contrasts with C defined identifiers which are
15  *  strictly lower case, and program variable and procedure names which use
16  *  both upper and lower case.
17  */
20 /*
21  *  Revision and copyright information.
22  *
23  *  Copyright (c) 1985,86,87,88,89,90
24  *  by Kenneth S. Kundert and the University of California.
25  *
26  *  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
27  *  its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
28  *  provided that the copyright notices appear in all copies and
29  *  supporting documentation and that the authors and the University of
30  *  California are properly credited.  The authors and the University of
31  *  California make no representations as to the suitability of this
32  *  software for any purpose.  It is provided `as is', without express
33  *  or implied warranty.
34  *
35  *  $Date: 88/06/24 05:00:58 $
36  *  $Revision: 1.3 $
37  */
40 #ifndef spCONFIG_DEFS
41 #define spCONFIG_DEFS
46 #ifdef spINSIDE_SPARSE
47 /*
48  *  OPTIONS
49  *
50  *  These are compiler options.  Set each option to one to compile that
51  *  section of the code.  If a feature is not desired, set the macro
52  *  to NO. Recommendations are given in brackets, [ignore them].
53  *
54  *  >>> Option descriptions:
55  *  Arithmetic Precision
56  *      The precision of the arithmetic used by Sparse can be set by
57  *      changing changing the spREAL macro.  This macro is
58  *      contained in the file spMatrix.h.  It is strongly suggested to
59  *      used double precision with circuit simulators.  Note that
60  *      because C always performs arithmetic operations in double
61  *      precision, the only benefit to using single precision is that
62  *      less storage is required.  There is often a noticeable speed
63  *      penalty when using single precision.  Sparse internally refers
64  *      to a spREAL as a RealNumber.
65  *  REAL
66  *      This specifies that the routines are expected to handle real
67  *      systems of equations.  The routines can be compiled to handle
68  *      both real and complex systems at the same time, but there is a
69  *      slight speed and memory advantage if the routines are complied
70  *      to handle only real systems of equations.
71  *  spCOMPLEX
72  *      This specifies that the routines will be complied to handle
73  *      complex systems of equations.
75  *      Setting this compiler flag true (1) makes the matrix
76  *      expandable before it has been factored.  If the matrix is
77  *      expandable, then if an element is added that would be
78  *      considered out of bounds in the current matrix, the size of
79  *      the matrix is increased to hold that element.  As a result,
80  *      the size of the matrix need not be known before the matrix is
81  *      built.  The matrix can be allocated with size zero and
82  *      expanded.
84  *      This option allows the set of external row and column numbers
85  *      to be non-packed.  In other words, the row and column numbers
86  *      do not have to be contiguous.  The priced paid for this
87  *      flexibility is that when TRANSLATE is set true, the time
88  *      required to initially build the matrix will be greater because
89  *      the external row and column number must be translated into
90  *      internal equivalents.  This translation brings about other
91  *      benefits though.  First, the spGetElement() and
92  *      spGetAdmittance() routines may be used after the matrix has
93  *      been factored.  Further, elements, and even rows and columns,
94  *      may be added to the matrix, and row and columns may be deleted
95  *      from the matrix, after it has been factored.  Note that when
96  *      the set of row and column number is not a packed set, neither
97  *      are the RHS and Solution vectors.  Thus the size of these
98  *      vectors must be at least as large as the external size, which
99  *      is the value of the largest given row or column numbers.
101  *      Causes the spInitialize(), spGetInitInfo(), and
102  *      spInstallInitInfo() routines to be compiled.  These routines
103  *      allow the user to store and read one pointer in each nonzero
104  *      element in the matrix.  spInitialize() then calls a user
105  *      specified function for each structural nonzero in the matrix,
106  *      and includes this pointer as well as the external row and
107  *      column numbers as arguments.  This allows the user to write
108  *      custom matrix initialization routines.
110  *      Many matrices, and in particular node- and modified-node
111  *      admittance matrices, tend to be nearly symmetric and nearly
112  *      diagonally dominant.  For these matrices, it is a good idea to
113  *      select pivots from the diagonal.  With this option enabled,
114  *      this is exactly what happens, though if no satisfactory pivot
115  *      can be found on the diagonal, an off-diagonal pivot will be
116  *      used.  If this option is disabled, Sparse does not
117  *      preferentially search the diagonal.  Because of this, Sparse
118  *      has a wider variety of pivot candidates available, and so
119  *      presumably fewer fill-ins will be created.  However, the
120  *      initial pivot selection process will take considerably longer.
121  *      If working with node admittance matrices, or other matrices
122  *      with a strong diagonal, it is probably best to use
123  *      DIAGONAL_PIVOTING for two reasons.  First, accuracy will be
124  *      better because pivots will be chosen from the large diagonal
125  *      elements, thus reducing the chance of growth.  Second, a near
126  *      optimal ordering will be chosen quickly.  If the class of
127  *      matrices you are working with does not have a strong diagonal,
128  *      do not use DIAGONAL_PIVOTING, but consider using a larger
129  *      threshold.  When DIAGONAL_PIVOTING is turned off, the following
130  *      options and constants are not used: MODIFIED_MARKOWITZ,
133  *      This determines whether arrays start at an index of zero or one.
134  *      This option is necessitated by the fact that standard C
135  *      convention dictates that arrays begin with an index of zero but
136  *      the standard mathematic convention states that arrays begin with
137  *      an index of one.  So if you prefer to start your arrays with
138  *      zero, or your calling Sparse from FORTRAN, set ARRAY_OFFSET to
139  *      NO or 0.  Otherwise, set ARRAY_OFFSET to YES or 1.  Note that if
140  *      you use an offset of one, the arrays that you pass to Sparse
141  *      must have an allocated length of one plus the size of the
142  *      matrix.  ARRAY_OFFSET must be either 0 or 1, no other offsets
143  *      are valid.
145  *      This specifies the format for complex vectors.  If this is set
146  *      false then a complex vector is made up of one double sized
147  *      array of RealNumber's in which the real and imaginary numbers
148  *      are placed in the alternately array in the array.  In other
149  *      words, the first entry would be Complex[1].Real, then comes
150  *      Complex[1].Imag, then Complex[1].Real, etc.  If
151  *      spSEPARATED_COMPLEX_VECTORS is set true, then each complex
152  *      vector is represented by two arrays of RealNumbers, one with
153  *      the real terms, the other with the imaginary. [NO]
155  *      This specifies that the modified Markowitz method of pivot
156  *      selection is to be used.  The modified Markowitz method differs
157  *      from standard Markowitz in two ways.  First, under modified
158  *      Markowitz, the search for a pivot can be terminated early if a
159  *      adequate (in terms of sparsity) pivot candidate is found.
160  *      Thus, when using modified Markowitz, the initial factorization
161  *      can be faster, but at the expense of a suboptimal pivoting
162  *      order that may slow subsequent factorizations.  The second
163  *      difference is in the way modified Markowitz breaks Markowitz
164  *      ties.  When two or more elements are pivot candidates and they
165  *      all have the same Markowitz product, then the tie is broken by
166  *      choosing the element that is best numerically.  The numerically
167  *      best element is the one with the largest ratio of its magnitude
168  *      to the magnitude of the largest element in the same column,
169  *      excluding itself.  The modified Markowitz method results in
170  *      marginally better accuracy.  This option is most appropriate
171  *      for use when working with very large matrices where the initial
172  *      factor time represents an unacceptable burden. [NO]
173  *  DELETE
174  *      This specifies that the spDeleteRowAndCol() routine
175  *      should be compiled.  Note that for this routine to be
176  *      compiled, both DELETE and TRANSLATE should be set true.
177  *  STRIP
178  *      This specifies that the spStripFills() routine should be compiled.
180  *      This specifies that the routine that preorders modified node
181  *      admittance matrices should be compiled.  This routine results
182  *      in greater speed and accuracy if used with this type of
183  *      matrix.
185  *      This specifies that the routines that allow four related
186  *      elements to be entered into the matrix at once should be
187  *      compiled.  These elements are usually related to an
188  *      admittance.  The routines affected by QUAD_ELEMENT are the
189  *      spGetAdmittance, spGetQuad and spGetOnes routines.
191  *      This specifies that the routines that solve the matrix as if
192  *      it was transposed should be compiled.  These routines are
193  *      useful when performing sensitivity analysis using the adjoint
194  *      method.
195  *  SCALING
196  *      This specifies that the routine that performs scaling on the
197  *      matrix should be complied.  Scaling is not strongly
198  *      supported.  The routine to scale the matrix is provided, but
199  *      no routines are provided to scale and descale the RHS and
200  *      Solution vectors.  It is suggested that if scaling is desired,
201  *      it only be preformed when the pivot order is being chosen [in
202  *      spOrderAndFactor()].  This is the only time scaling has
203  *      an effect.  The scaling may then either be removed from the
204  *      solution by the user or the scaled factors may simply be
205  *      thrown away. [NO]
207  *      This specifies that routines that are used to document the
208  *      matrix, such as spPrint() and spFileMatrix(), should be
209  *      compiled.
211  *      This specifies that the routine spDeterminant() should be complied.
213  *      This specifies that spLargestElement() and spRoundoff() should
214  *      be compiled.  These routines are used to check the stability (and
215  *      hence the quality of the pivoting) of the factorization by
216  *      computing a bound on the size of the element is the matrix E =
217  *      A - LU.  If this bound is very high after applying
218  *      spOrderAndFactor(), then the pivot threshold should be raised.
219  *      If the bound increases greatly after using spFactor(), then the
220  *      matrix should probably be reordered.
222  *      This specifies that spCondition() and spNorm(), the code that
223  *      computes a good estimate of the condition number of the matrix,
224  *      should be compiled.
226  *      This specifies that spPseudoCondition(), the code that computes
227  *      a crude and easily fooled indicator of ill-conditioning in the
228  *      matrix, should be compiled.
230  *      This specifies that the routines to multiply the unfactored
231  *      matrix by a vector should be compiled.
232  *  FORTRAN
233  *      This specifies that the FORTRAN interface routines should be
234  *      compiled.  When interfacing to FORTRAN programs, the ARRAY_OFFSET
235  *      options should be set to NO.
236  *  DEBUG
237  *      This specifies that additional error checking will be compiled.
238  *      The type of error checked are those that are common when the
239  *      matrix routines are first integrated into a user's program.  Once
240  *      the routines have been integrated in and are running smoothly, this
241  *      option should be turned off.
243  *      This specifies that Sparse1.3 should be configured to be upward
244  *      compatible from Sparse1.2.  This option is not suggested for use
245  *      in new software.  Sparse1.3, when configured to be compatible with
246  *      Sparse1.2, is not completely compatible.  In particular, if
247  *      recompiling the calling program, it is necessary to change the
248  *      of the Sparse include files. This option will go away in future
249  *      versions of Sparse. [0]
250  */
252 /* Begin options. */
253 #define  REAL                           YES
254 #define  EXPANDABLE                     YES
255 #define  TRANSLATE                      YES
256 #define  INITIALIZE                     NO
257 #define  DIAGONAL_PIVOTING              YES
258 #define  ARRAY_OFFSET                   YES
259 #define  MODIFIED_MARKOWITZ             NO
260 #define  DELETE                         NO
261 #define  STRIP                          NO
262 #define  MODIFIED_NODAL                 YES
263 #define  QUAD_ELEMENT                   NO
264 #define  TRANSPOSE                      YES
265 #define  SCALING                        NO
266 #define  DOCUMENTATION                  YES
267 #define  MULTIPLICATION                 YES
268 #define  DETERMINANT                    YES
269 #define  DETERMINANT2                   YES
270 #define  STABILITY                      NO
271 #define  CONDITION                      NO
272 #define  PSEUDOCONDITION                NO
273 #define  FORTRAN                        NO
274 /* SRW - DEBUG set to YES in UCB distribution */
275 #define  DEBUG                          NO
277 /*
278  *  The following options affect Sparse exports and so are exported as a
279  *  side effect.  For this reason they use the `sp' prefix.  The boolean
280  *  constants YES an NO are not defined in spMatrix.h to avoid conflicts
281  *  with user code, so use 0 for NO and 1 for YES.
282  */
283 #endif /* spINSIDE_SPARSE */
284 #define  spCOMPLEX                      1
286 #define  spCOMPATIBILITY                0
287 #ifdef spINSIDE_SPARSE
295 /*
297  *
298  *  These constants are used throughout the sparse matrix routines.  They
299  *  should be set to suit the type of matrix being solved.  Recommendations
300  *  are given in brackets.
301  *
302  *  Some terminology should be defined.  The Markowitz row count is the number
303  *  of non-zero elements in a row excluding the one being considered as pivot.
304  *  There is one Markowitz row count for every row.  The Markowitz column
305  *  is defined similarly for columns.  The Markowitz product for an element
306  *  is the product of its row and column counts. It is a measure of how much
307  *  work would be required on the next step of the factorization if that
308  *  element were chosen to be pivot.  A small Markowitz product is desirable.
309  *
310  *  >>> Constants descriptions:
312  *      The relative threshold used if the user enters an invalid
313  *      threshold.  Also the threshold used by spFactor() when
314  *      calling spOrderAndFactor().  The default threshold should
315  *      not be less than or equal to zero nor larger than one. [0.001]
317  *      This indicates whether spOrderAndFactor() should use diagonal
318  *      pivoting as default.  This issue only arises when
319  *      spOrderAndFactor() is called from spFactor().
321  *      This number multiplied by the size of the matrix equals the number
322  *      of elements for which memory is initially allocated in
323  *      spCreate(). [6]
325  *      This number multiplied by the size of the matrix equals the number
326  *      of elements for which memory is initially allocated and specifically
327  *      reserved for fill-ins in spCreate(). [4]
329  *      The number of matrix elements requested from the malloc utility on
330  *      each call to it.  Setting this value greater than 1 reduces the
331  *      amount of overhead spent in this system call. On a virtual memory
332  *      machine, its good to allocate slightly less than a page worth of
333  *      elements at a time (or some multiple thereof).
334  *      [For the VAX, for real only use 41, otherwise use 31]
336  *      The minimum allocated size of a matrix.  Note that this does not
337  *      limit the minimum size of a matrix.  This just prevents having to
338  *      resize a matrix many times if the matrix is expandable, large and
339  *      allocated with an estimated size of zero.  This number should not
340  *      be less than one.
342  *      The amount the allocated size of the matrix is increased when it
343  *      is expanded.
345  *      This number is used for two slightly different things, both of which
346  *      relate to the search for the best pivot.  First, it is the maximum
347  *      number of elements that are Markowitz tied that will be sifted
348  *      through when trying to find the one that is numerically the best.
349  *      Second, it creates an upper bound on how large a Markowitz product
350  *      can be before it eliminates the possibility of early termination
351  *      of the pivot search.  In other words, if the product of the smallest
352  *      Markowitz product yet found and TIES_MULTIPLIER is greater than
353  *      MAX_MARKOWITZ_TIES, then no early termination takes place.
354  *      Set MAX_MARKOWITZ_TIES to some small value if no early termination of
355  *      the pivot search is desired. An array of RealNumbers is allocated
356  *      of size MAX_MARKOWITZ_TIES so it must be positive and shouldn't
357  *      be too large.  Active when MODIFIED_MARKOWITZ is 1 (true).  [100]
359  *      Specifies the number of Markowitz ties that are allowed to occur
360  *      before the search for the pivot is terminated early.  Set to some
361  *      large value if no early termination of the pivot search is desired.
362  *      This number is multiplied times the Markowitz product to determine
363  *      how many ties are required for early termination.  This means that
364  *      more elements will be searched before early termination if a large
365  *      number of fill-ins could be created by accepting what is currently
366  *      considered the best choice for the pivot.  Active when
367  *      MODIFIED_MARKOWITZ is 1 (true).  Setting this number to zero
368  *      effectively eliminates all pivoting, which should be avoided.
369  *      This number must be positive.  TIES_MULTIPLIER is also used when
370  *      diagonal pivoting breaks down. [5]
372  *      Which partition mode is used by spPartition() as default.
373  *      Possibilities include
374  *          spDIRECT_PARTITION  -- each row used direct addressing, best for
375  *              a few relatively dense matrices.
376  *          spINDIRECT_PARTITION  -- each row used indirect addressing, best
377  *              for a few very sparse matrices.
378  *          spAUTO_PARTITION  -- direct or indirect addressing is chosen on
379  *              a row-by-row basis, carries a large overhead, but speeds up
380  *              both dense and sparse matrices, best if there is a large
381  *              number of matrices that can use the same ordering.
382  */
384 /* Begin constants. */
385 #define  DEFAULT_THRESHOLD              1.0e-3
387 #define  SPACE_FOR_ELEMENTS             6
388 #define  SPACE_FOR_FILL_INS             4
389 #define  ELEMENTS_PER_ALLOCATION        31
390 #define  MINIMUM_ALLOCATED_SIZE         6
391 #define  EXPANSION_FACTOR               1.5
392 #define  MAX_MARKOWITZ_TIES             100
393 #define  TIES_MULTIPLIER                5
394 #define  DEFAULT_PARTITION              spAUTO_PARTITION
401 /*
403  *
404  *  This macro characterize the printer for the spPrint() routine.
405  *
406  *  >>> Macros:
408  *      The number of characters per page width.  Set to 80 for terminal,
409  *      132 for line printer.
410  */
412 /*  Begin printer constants. */
413 #define  PRINTER_WIDTH  80
420 /*
422  *
423  *  These numbers must be updated when the program is ported to a new machine.
424  */
426 /* Begin machine constants. */
428 /*
429  *  Grab from Spice include files
430  */
432 #include "spice.h"
434 #define  LARGEST_REAL            DBL_MAX
435 #define  SMALLEST_REAL           DBL_MIN
440 /*
442  *
443  *  This macro changes the amount of annotation produced by the matrix
444  *  routines.  The annotation is used as a debugging aid.  Change the number
445  *  associated with ANNOTATE to change the amount of annotation produced by
446  *  the program.
447  */
449 /* Begin annotation definitions. */
450 #define  ANNOTATE               NONE
452 #define  NONE                   0
453 #define  ON_STRANGE_BEHAVIOR    1
454 #define  FULL                   2
456 #endif /* spINSIDE_SPARSE */
457 #endif /* spCONFIG_DEFS */