1 /*
2  * EFhier.c -
3  *
4  * Procedures for manipulating HierNames.
5  *
6  *     *********************************************************************
7  *     * Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 Regents of the University of California. *
8  *     * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this              *
9  *     * software and its documentation for any purpose and without        *
10  *     * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright          *
11  *     * notice appear in all copies.  The University of California        *
12  *     * makes no representations about the suitability of this            *
13  *     * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without         *
14  *     * express or implied warranty.  Export of this software outside     *
15  *     * of the United States of America may require an export license.    *
16  *     *********************************************************************
17  */
19 #ifndef lint
20 static char rcsid[] __attribute__ ((unused)) = "$Header: /usr/cvsroot/magic-8.0/extflat/EFname.c,v 1.2 2010/08/10 00:18:45 tim Exp $";
21 #endif  /* not lint */
23 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include <string.h>
25 #include <math.h>
27 #include "tcltk/tclmagic.h"
28 #include "utils/magic.h"
29 #include "utils/geometry.h"
30 #include "utils/geofast.h"
31 #include "utils/hash.h"
32 #include "utils/malloc.h"
33 #include "utils/utils.h"
34 #include "extflat/extflat.h"
35 #include "extflat/EFint.h"
38 #define PrintErr TxError
39 #else
40 #define PrintErr printf
41 #endif
43 /*
44  * Hash table containing all flattened node names.
45  * The keys in this table are HierNames, processed by the
46  * procedures efHNCompare(), efHNHash(), efHierCopy(),
47  * and efHierKill().
48  */
49 HashTable efNodeHashTable;
51 /*
52  * Hash table used by efHNFromUse to ensure that it always returns
53  * a pointer to the SAME HierName structure each time it is called
54  * with the same fields.
55  */
56 HashTable efHNUseHashTable;
58 extern void EFHNFree();
59 extern void efHNInit();
60 extern void efHNRecord();
63 /*
64  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
65  *
66  * EFHNIsGlob --
67  *
68  * Determine whether a HierName is of the format of a global name,
69  * i.e, it ends in a '!'.
70  *
71  * The Tcl version of magic further refines this to include names
72  * which are defined in the global Tcl variable space.  (7.3.94):
73  * also check if the array variable "globals" contains the name as
74  * a key entry.
75  *
76  * Updated 12/2021:  Removed the check for Tcl variable names matching
77  * the net name.  This seems like a bad idea all around.  Left just the
78  * check for the array variable "globals".  Otherwise use of VDD and GND
79  * variables cause nets named VDD and GND to become globals, which was
80  * not intended.
81  *
82  * Results:
83  *	TRUE if the name is a global.
84  *
85  * Side effects:
86  *	None.
87  *
88  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
89  */
91 bool
EFHNIsGlob(hierName)92 EFHNIsGlob(hierName)
93     HierName *hierName;
94 {
96     char *retstr;
97     retstr = (char *)Tcl_GetVar2(magicinterp, "globals", hierName->hn_name,
99     if (retstr != NULL) return TRUE;
101     // retstr = (char *)Tcl_GetVar(magicinterp, hierName->hn_name, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
102     // if (retstr != NULL) return TRUE;
103 #endif
104     return hierName->hn_name[strlen(hierName->hn_name) - 1] == '!';
105 }
107 /*
108  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
109  *
110  * EFHNIsGND --
111  *
112  * Determine whether a HierName is the same as the global signal GND.
113  *
114  * The Tcl version of magic expands this to include names which are
115  * equal to the global Tcl variable $GND, if it is set.
116  *
117  * This is only used in substrate backwards-compatibility mode, when the
118  * substrate is not specified in the technology file.
119  *
120  * Results:
121  *	TRUE if the name is GND, false if not.
122  *
123  * Side effects:
124  *	None.
125  *
126  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
127  */
129 bool
EFHNIsGND(hierName)130 EFHNIsGND(hierName)
131     HierName *hierName;
132 {
133 #ifdef MAGIC_WRAPPER
134     char *retstr;
135 #endif
137     if (hierName->hn_parent != (HierName *)NULL) return FALSE;
139 #ifdef MAGIC_WRAPPER
140     retstr = (char *)Tcl_GetVar(magicinterp, "GND", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
141     if (retstr != NULL)
142 	if (!strcmp(hierName->hn_name, retstr)) return TRUE;
143 #endif
145     return (strcmp(hierName->hn_name, "GND!") == 0);
146 }
149 /*
150  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
151  *
152  * EFHNConcat --
153  *
154  * Given a HierName prefix and a HierName suffix, make a newly allocated
155  * copy of the suffix that points to the prefix.
156  *
157  * Results:
158  *	Pointer to the new HierName as described above.
159  *
160  * Side effects:
161  *	May allocate memory.
162  *
163  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
164  */
166 HierName *
EFHNConcat(prefix,suffix)167 EFHNConcat(prefix, suffix)
168     HierName *prefix;		/* Components of name on root side */
169     HierName *suffix;	/* Components of name on leaf side */
170 {
171     HierName *new, *prev;
172     HierName *firstNew;
173     unsigned size;
175     for (firstNew = prev = (HierName *) NULL;
176 	    suffix;
177 	    prev = new, suffix = suffix->hn_parent)
178     {
179 	size = HIERNAMESIZE(strlen(suffix->hn_name));
180 	new = (HierName *) mallocMagic((unsigned)(size));
181 	if (efHNStats) efHNRecord(size, HN_CONCAT);
182 	new->hn_hash = suffix->hn_hash;
183 	(void) strcpy(new->hn_name, suffix->hn_name);
184 	if (prev)
185 	    prev->hn_parent = new;
186 	else
187 	    firstNew = new;
188     }
189     prev->hn_parent = prefix;
191     return firstNew;
192 }
194 /*
195  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
196  *
197  * EFStrToHN --
198  *
199  * Given a hierarchical prefix (the HierName pointed to by prefix)
200  * and a name relative to that prefix (the string 'suffixStr'), return a
201  * pointer to the HierName we should use.  Normally, this is just a newly
202  * built HierName containing the path components of 'suffixStr' appended to
203  * prefix.
204  *
205  * Results:
206  *	Pointer to a name determined as described above.
207  *
208  * Side effects:
209  *	May allocate new HierNames.
210  *
211  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
212  */
214 HierName *
EFStrToHN(prefix,suffixStr)215 EFStrToHN(prefix, suffixStr)
216     HierName *prefix;	/* Components of name on side of root */
217     char *suffixStr;	/* Leaf part of name (may have /'s) */
218 {
219     char *cp;
220     HashEntry *he;
221     char *slashPtr;
222     HierName *hierName;
223     unsigned size;
224     int len;
226     /* Skip to the end of the relative name */
227     slashPtr = NULL;
228     for (cp = suffixStr; *cp; cp++)
229 	if (*cp == '/')
230 	    slashPtr = cp;
232     /*
233      * Convert the relative name into a HierName path, with one HierName
234      * created for each slash-separated segment of suffixStr.
235      */
236     cp = slashPtr = suffixStr;
237     for (;;)
238     {
239 	if (*cp == '/' || *cp == '\0')
240 	{
241 	    size = HIERNAMESIZE(cp - slashPtr);
242 	    hierName = (HierName *) mallocMagic((unsigned)(size));
243 	    if (efHNStats) efHNRecord(size, HN_ALLOC);
244 	    efHNInit(hierName, slashPtr, cp);
245 	    hierName->hn_parent = prefix;
246 	    if (*cp++ == '\0')
247 		break;
248 	    slashPtr = cp;
249 	    prefix = hierName;
250 	}
251 	else cp++;
252     }
254     return hierName;
255 }
257 /*
258  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
259  *
260  * EFHNToStr --
261  *
262  * Convert a HierName chain into a printable name.
263  * Stores the result in a static buffer.
264  *
265  * Results:
266  *	Returns a pointer to the static buffer containing the
267  *	printable name.
268  *
269  * Side effects:
270  *	Overwrites the previous contents of the static buffer.
271  *
272  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
273  */
275 char *
EFHNToStr(hierName)276 EFHNToStr(hierName)
277     HierName *hierName;		/* Name to be converted */
278 {
279     static char namebuf[2048];
281     (void) efHNToStrFunc(hierName, namebuf);
282     return namebuf;
283 }
285 /*
286  * efHNToStrFunc --
287  *
288  * Recursive part of name conversion.
289  * Calls itself recursively on hierName->hn_parent and dstp,
290  * adding the prefix of the pathname to the string pointed to
291  * by dstp.  Then stores hierName->hn_name at the end of the
292  * just-stored prefix, and returns a pointer to the end.
293  *
294  * Results:
295  *	Returns a pointer to the null byte at the end of
296  *	all the pathname components stored so far in dstp.
297  *
298  * Side effects:
299  *	Stores characters in dstp.
300  */
302 char *
efHNToStrFunc(hierName,dstp)303 efHNToStrFunc(hierName, dstp)
304     HierName *hierName;		/* Name to be converted */
305     char *dstp;	/* Store name here */
306 {
307     char *srcp;
309     if (hierName == NULL)
310     {
311 	*dstp = '\0';
312 	return dstp;
313     }
315     if (hierName->hn_parent)
316     {
317 	dstp = efHNToStrFunc(hierName->hn_parent, dstp);
318 	*dstp++ = '/';
319     }
321     srcp = hierName->hn_name;
322     while (*dstp++ = *srcp++)
323 	/* Nothing */;
325     return --dstp;
326 }
328 /*
329  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
330  *
331  * EFHNLook --
332  *
333  * Look for the entry in the efNodeHashTable whose name is formed
334  * by concatenating suffixStr to prefix.  If there's not an
335  * entry in efNodeHashTable, or the entry has a NULL value, complain
336  * and return NULL; otherwise return the HashEntry.
337  *
338  * The string errorStr should say what we were processing, e.g,
339  * "fet", "connect(1)", "connect(2)", etc., for use in printing
340  * error messages.  If errorStr is NULL, we don't print any error
341  * messages.
342  *
343  * Results:
344  *	See above.
345  *
346  * Side effects:
347  *	Allocates memory temporarily to build the key for HashLookOnly(),
348  *	but then frees it before returning.
349  *
350  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
351  */
353 HashEntry *
EFHNLook(prefix,suffixStr,errorStr)354 EFHNLook(prefix, suffixStr, errorStr)
355     HierName *prefix;	/* Components of name on root side */
356     char *suffixStr;	/* Part of name on leaf side */
357     char *errorStr;	/* Explanatory string for errors */
358 {
359     HierName *hierName, *hn;
360     bool dontFree = FALSE;
361     HashEntry *he;
363     if (suffixStr == NULL)
364     {
365 	hierName = prefix;
366 	dontFree = TRUE;
367     }
368     else hierName = EFStrToHN(prefix, suffixStr);
370     he = HashLookOnly(&efNodeHashTable, (char *) hierName);
371     if (he == NULL || HashGetValue(he) == NULL)
372     {
373 	if (errorStr)
374 	    PrintErr("%s: no such node %s\n", errorStr, EFHNToStr(hierName));
375 	he = NULL;
376     }
378     /*
379      * Free the portion of the HierName we just allocated for
380      * looking in the table, if we allocated one.
381      */
382     if (!dontFree)
383 	EFHNFree(hierName, prefix, HN_ALLOC);
385     return he;
386 }
388 /*
389  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
390  *
391  * EFHNConcatLook --
392  *
393  * Like EFHNLook above, but the argument suffix is itself a HierName.
394  * We construct the full name by concatenating the hierarchical prefix
395  * and the node name 'suffix', then looking it up in the flat node
396  * table for its real name.
397  *
398  * Results:
399  *	See EFHNLook()'s comments.
400  *
401  * Side effects:
402  *	See EFHNLook()'s comments.
403  *
404  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
405  */
407 HashEntry *
EFHNConcatLook(prefix,suffix,errorStr)408 EFHNConcatLook(prefix, suffix, errorStr)
409     HierName *prefix;	/* Components of name on root side */
410     HierName *suffix;	/* Part of name on leaf side */
411     char *errorStr;	/* Explanatory string for errors */
412 {
413     HashEntry *he;
414     HierName *hn;
416     /*
417      * Find the last component of the suffix, then temporarily
418      * link the HierNames for use as a hash key.  This is safe
419      * because HashLookOnly() doesn't ever store anything in the
420      * hash table, so we don't have to worry about this temporarily
421      * built key somehow being saved without our knowledge.
422      */
423     hn = suffix;
424     while (hn->hn_parent)
425 	hn = hn->hn_parent;
426     hn->hn_parent = prefix;
428     he = HashLookOnly(&efNodeHashTable, (char *) suffix);
429     if (he == NULL || HashGetValue(he) == NULL)
430     {
431 	PrintErr("%s: no such node %s\n", errorStr, EFHNToStr(suffix));
432 	he = (HashEntry *) NULL;
433     }
435     /* Undo the temp link */
436     hn->hn_parent = (HierName *) NULL;
437     return he;
438 }
440 /*
441  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
442  *
443  * EFHNFree --
444  *
445  * Free a list of HierNames, up to but not including the element pointed
446  * to by 'prefix' (or the NULL indicating the end of the HierName list).
447  *
448  * Results:
449  *	None.
450  *
451  * Side effects:
452  *	Frees memory.
453  *
454  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
455  */
457 void
EFHNFree(hierName,prefix,type)458 EFHNFree(hierName, prefix, type)
459     HierName *hierName, *prefix;
460     int type;	/* HN_ALLOC, HN_CONCAT, etc */
461 {
462     HierName *hn;
464     for (hn = hierName; hn; hn = hn->hn_parent)
465     {
466 	if (hn == prefix)
467 	    break;
469 	freeMagic((char *) hn);
470 	if (efHNStats)
471 	{
472 	    int len = strlen(hn->hn_name);
473 	    efHNRecord(-HIERNAMESIZE(len), type);
474 	}
475     }
476 }
478 /*
479  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
480  *
481  * EFHNBest --
482  *
483  * Determine which of two names is more preferred.  The most preferred
484  * name is a global name.  Given two non-global names, the one with the
485  * fewest pathname components is the most preferred.  If the two names
486  * have equally many pathname components, we choose the shortest.
487  * If they both are of the same length, we choose the one that comes
488  * later in the alphabet.
489  *
490  * Results:
491  *	TRUE if the first name is preferable to the second, FALSE if not.
492  *
493  * Side effects:
494  *	None.
495  *
496  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
497  */
499 bool
EFHNBest(hierName1,hierName2)500 EFHNBest(hierName1, hierName2)
501     HierName *hierName1, *hierName2;
502 {
503     int ncomponents1, ncomponents2, len1, len2;
504     HierName *np1, *np2;
505     char last1, last2;
507     for (ncomponents1 = 0, np1 = hierName1; np1; np1 = np1->hn_parent)
508 	ncomponents1++;
509     for (ncomponents2 = 0, np2 = hierName2; np2; np2 = np2->hn_parent)
510 	ncomponents2++;
512     last1 = hierName1->hn_name[strlen(hierName1->hn_name) - 1];
513     last2 = hierName2->hn_name[strlen(hierName2->hn_name) - 1];
514     if (last1 != '!' || last2 != '!')
515     {
516 	/* Prefer global over local names */
517 	if (last1 == '!') return TRUE;
518 	if (last2 == '!') return FALSE;
520 	/* Neither name is global, so chose label over generated name */
521 	if (last1 != '#' && last2 == '#') return TRUE;
522 	if (last1 == '#' && last2 != '#') return FALSE;
523     }
525     /*
526      * Compare two names the hard way.  Both are of the same class,
527      * either both global or both non-global, so compare in order:
528      * number of pathname components, length, and lexicographic
529      * ordering.
530      */
531     if (ncomponents1 < ncomponents2) return TRUE;
532     if (ncomponents1 > ncomponents2) return FALSE;
534     /* Non-default substrate node name is preferred over "0" */
535     if (ncomponents1 == 1 && !strcmp(hierName1->hn_name, "0")) return FALSE;
536     if (ncomponents2 == 1 && !strcmp(hierName2->hn_name, "0")) return TRUE;
538     /* Same # of pathname components; check length */
539     for (len1 = 0, np1 = hierName1; np1; np1 = np1->hn_parent)
540 	len1 += strlen(np1->hn_name);
541     for (len2 = 0, np2 = hierName2; np2; np2 = np2->hn_parent)
542 	len2 += strlen(np2->hn_name);
543     if (len1 < len2) return TRUE;
544     if (len1 > len2) return FALSE;
546     return (efHNLexOrder(hierName1, hierName2) > 0);
547 }
549 /*
550  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
551  *
552  * efHNLexOrder --
553  *
554  * Procedure to ensure that the canonical ordering used in determining
555  * preferred names is the same as would have been used if we were comparing
556  * the string version of two HierNames, instead of comparing them as pathnames
557  * with the last component first.
558  *
559  * Results:
560  *	Same as strcmp(), i.e,
561  *		-1 if hierName1 should precede hierName2 lexicographically,
562  *		+1 if hierName1 should follow hierName2, and
563  *		 0 is they are identical.
564  *
565  * Side effects:
566  *	None.
567  *
568  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
569  */
571 int
efHNLexOrder(hierName1,hierName2)572 efHNLexOrder(hierName1, hierName2)
573     HierName *hierName1, *hierName2;
574 {
575     int i;
577     if (hierName1 == hierName2)
578 	return 0;
580     if (hierName1->hn_parent)
581 	if (i = efHNLexOrder(hierName1->hn_parent, hierName2->hn_parent))
582 	    return i;
584     return strcmp(hierName1->hn_name, hierName2->hn_name);
585 }
587 /*
588  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
589  *
590  * efHNFromUse --
591  *
592  * Construct a HierName for a cell use (for the array element identified
593  * by (hc_x, hc_y) if the use is an array).  The parent pointer of this
594  * newly allocated HierName will be set to prefix.
595  *
596  * Results:
597  *	Returns a pointer to a newly allocated HierName.
598  *
599  * Side effects:
600  *	See above.
601  *	Note: we use a hash table to ensure that we always return
602  *	the SAME HierName whenever prefix, the (x, y) use
603  *	coordinates, and the use id are the same.
604  *
605  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
606  */
608 HierName *
efHNFromUse(hc,prefix)609 efHNFromUse(hc, prefix)
610     HierContext *hc;	/* Contains use and array information */
611     HierName *prefix;	/* Root part of name */
612 {
613     char *srcp, *dstp;
614     char name[2048], *namePtr;
615     Use *u = hc->hc_use;
616     HierName *hierName, *hn;
617     bool hasX, hasY;
618     HashEntry *he;
619     unsigned size;
621     hasX = u->use_xlo != u->use_xhi;
622     hasY = u->use_ylo != u->use_yhi;
623     namePtr = u->use_id;
624     if (hasX || hasY)
625     {
626 	namePtr = name;
627 	srcp = u->use_id;
628 	dstp = name;
629 	while (*dstp++ = *srcp++)
630 	    /* Nothing */;
632 	/* Array subscript */
633 	dstp[-1] = '[';
635 	/* Y comes before X */
636 	if (hasY)
637 	{
638 	    (void) sprintf(dstp, "%d", hc->hc_y);
639 	    while (*dstp++)
640 		/* Nothing */;
641 	    dstp--;		/* Leave pointing to NULL byte */
642 	}
644 	if (hasX)
645 	{
646 	    if (hasY) *dstp++ = ',';
647 	    (void) sprintf(dstp, "%d", hc->hc_x);
648 	    while (*dstp++)
649 		/* Nothing */;
650 	    dstp--;		/* Leave pointing to NULL byte */
651 	}
653 	*dstp++ = ']';
654 	*dstp = '\0';
655     }
657     size = HIERNAMESIZE(strlen(namePtr));
658     hierName = (HierName *) mallocMagic ((unsigned)(size));
659     if (efHNStats) efHNRecord(size, HN_FROMUSE);
660     efHNInit(hierName, namePtr, (char *) NULL);
661     hierName->hn_parent = prefix;
663     /* See if we already have an entry for this one */
664     he = HashFind(&efHNUseHashTable, (char *) hierName);
665     if (HashGetValue(he))
666     {
667 	freeMagic((char *) hierName);
668 	return (HierName *) HashGetValue(he);
669     }
670     HashSetValue(he, (ClientData) hierName);
672     for (hn = hierName; hn; hn = hn->hn_parent)
673 	HashFind(&efFreeHashTable, (char *) hierName);
675     return hierName;
676 }
678 /*
679  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
680  *
681  * efHNUseCompare --
682  *
683  *	Compare two HierNames for equality, but using a different sense
684  *	of comparison than efHNCompare: two names are considered equal
685  *	only if their hn_parent fields are equal and their hn_name strings
686  *	are identical.
687  *
688  * Results: Returns 0 if they are equal, 1 if not.
689  *
690  * efHNUseHash --
691  *
692  *	Convert a HierName to a single 32-bit value suitable for being
693  *	turned into a hash bucket by the hash module.  Hashes based on
694  *	hierName->hn_hash and hierName->hn_parent, rather than summing
695  *	the hn_hash values.
696  *
697  * Results: Returns the 32-bit hash value.
698  *
699  * Side effects:
700  *	None.
701  *
702  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
703  */
705 bool
efHNUseCompare(hierName1,hierName2)706 efHNUseCompare(hierName1, hierName2)
707     HierName *hierName1, *hierName2;
708 {
709     return ((bool)(hierName1->hn_parent != hierName2->hn_parent
710 	           || strcmp(hierName1->hn_name, hierName2->hn_name)
711 		  ));
712 }
714 int
efHNUseHash(hierName)715 efHNUseHash(hierName)
716     HierName *hierName;
717 {
718     return hierName->hn_hash + (spointertype) hierName->hn_parent;
719 }
721 /*
722  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
723  *
724  * efHNInit --
725  *
726  * Copy the string 'cp' into hierName->hn_name, also initializing
727  * the hn_hash fields of hierName.  If 'endp' is NULL, copy all
728  * characters in 'cp' up to a trailing NULL byte; otherwise, copy
729  * up to 'endp'.
730  *
731  * Results:
732  *	None.
733  *
734  * Side effects:
735  *	See above.
736  *
737  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
738  */
740 void
efHNInit(hierName,cp,endp)741 efHNInit(hierName, cp, endp)
742     HierName *hierName;		/* Fill in fields of this HierName */
743     char *cp;		/* Start of name to be stored in hn_name */
744     char *endp;	/* End of name if non-NULL; else, see above */
745 {
746     unsigned hashsum;
747     char *dstp;
749     hashsum = 0;
750     dstp = hierName->hn_name;
751     if (endp)
752     {
753 	while (cp < endp)
754 	{
755 	    hashsum = HASHADDVAL(hashsum, *cp);
756 	    *dstp++ = *cp++;
757 	}
758 	*dstp = '\0';
759     }
760     else
761     {
762 	while (*dstp++ = *cp)
763 	    hashsum = HASHADDVAL(hashsum, *cp++);
764     }
766     hierName->hn_hash = hashsum;
767 }
769 /*
770  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
771  *
772  * efHNCompare --
773  *
774  *	Compare two HierNames for equality.  Passed as a client procedure
775  *	to the hash module.  The most likely place for a difference in the
776  *	two names is in the lowest-level component, which fortunately is
777  *	the first in a HierName list.
778  *
779  * Results:
780  *	Returns 0 if they are equal, 1 if not.
781  *
782  * efHNHash --
783  *
784  *	Convert a HierName to a single 32-bit value suitable for being
785  *	turned into a hash bucket by the hash module.  Passed as a client
786  *	procedure to the hash module.
787  *
788  * Results:
789  *	Returns the 32-bit hash value.
790  *
791  * Side effects:
792  *	None.
793  *
794  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
795  */
797 int
efHNCompare(hierName1,hierName2)798 efHNCompare(hierName1, hierName2)
799     HierName *hierName1, *hierName2;
800 {
801     while (hierName1)
802     {
803 	if (hierName1 == hierName2)
804 	    return 0;
806 	if (hierName2 == NULL
807 		|| hierName1->hn_hash != hierName2->hn_hash
808 		|| strcmp(hierName1->hn_name, hierName2->hn_name) != 0)
809 	    return 1;
810 	hierName1 = hierName1->hn_parent;
811 	hierName2 = hierName2->hn_parent;
812     }
814     return (hierName2 ? 1 : 0);
815 }
817 int
efHNHash(hierName)818 efHNHash(hierName)
819     HierName *hierName;
820 {
821     int n;
823     for (n = 0; hierName; hierName = hierName->hn_parent)
824 	n += hierName->hn_hash;
826     return n;
827 }
829 /*
830  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
831  *
832  * efHNDistCompare --
833  * efHNDistCopy --
834  * efHNDistHash --
835  * efHNDistKill --
836  *
837  * Procedures for managing a HashTable whose keys are pointers
838  * to malloc'd Distance structures.  Distances point to a pair of
839  * HierNames; the comparison and hashing functions rely directly
840  * on those for processing HierNames (efHNCompare() and efHNHash()).
841  *
842  * Results:
843  *	efHNDistCompare returns 0 if the two keys are equal, 1 if not.
844  *	efHNDistCopy returns a pointer to a malloc'd copy of its Distance
845  *	    argument.
846  *	efHNDistHash returns a single 32-bit hash value based on a Distance's
847  *	    two HierNames.
848  *	efHNDistKill has no return value.
849  *
850  * Side effects:
851  *	efHNDistKill frees its Distance argument, and adds the HierNames
852  *	pointed to by it to the table of HierNames to free.
853  *
854  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
855  */
857 bool
efHNDistCompare(dist1,dist2)858 efHNDistCompare(dist1, dist2)
859     Distance *dist1, *dist2;
860 {
861     return ((bool)(efHNCompare(dist1->dist_1, dist2->dist_1)
862 	           || efHNCompare(dist1->dist_2, dist2->dist_2)
863 		  ));
864 }
866 char *
efHNDistCopy(dist)867 efHNDistCopy(dist)
868     Distance *dist;
869 {
870     Distance *distNew;
872     distNew = (Distance *) mallocMagic ((unsigned)(sizeof (Distance)));
873     *distNew = *dist;
874     return (char *) distNew;
875 }
877 int
efHNDistHash(dist)878 efHNDistHash(dist)
879     Distance *dist;
880 {
881     return efHNHash(dist->dist_1) + efHNHash(dist->dist_2);
882 }
885 void
efHNDistKill(dist)886 efHNDistKill(dist)
887     Distance *dist;
888 {
889     HierName *hn;
891     for (hn = dist->dist_1; hn; hn = hn->hn_parent)
892 	(void) HashFind(&efFreeHashTable, (char *) hn);
893     for (hn = dist->dist_2; hn; hn = hn->hn_parent)
894 	(void) HashFind(&efFreeHashTable, (char *) hn);
896     freeMagic((char *) dist);
897 }
899 /*
900  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
901  *
902  * efHNBuildDistKey --
903  *
904  * Build the key for looking in the Distance hash table for efFlatDists()
905  * above.
906  *
907  * Results:
908  *	None.
909  *
910  * Side effects:
911  *	Sets up *distKey.
912  *
913  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
914  */
916 void
efHNBuildDistKey(prefix,dist,distKey)917 efHNBuildDistKey(prefix, dist, distKey)
918     HierName *prefix;
919     Distance *dist;
920     Distance *distKey;
921 {
922     HierName *hn1, *hn2;
924     hn1 = EFHNConcat(prefix, dist->dist_1);
925     hn2 = EFHNConcat(prefix, dist->dist_2);
926     if (EFHNBest(hn1, hn2))
927     {
928 	distKey->dist_1 = hn1;
929 	distKey->dist_2 = hn2;
930     }
931     else
932     {
933 	distKey->dist_1 = hn2;
934 	distKey->dist_2 = hn1;
935     }
937     distKey->dist_min = dist->dist_min;
938     distKey->dist_max = dist->dist_max;
939 }
941 /*
942  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
943  *
944  * efHNDump --
945  *
946  * Print all the names in the node hash table efNodeHashTable.
947  * Used for debugging.
948  *
949  * Results:
950  *	None.
951  *
952  * Side effects:
953  *	Creates a file "hash.dump" and writes the node names to
954  *	it, one per line.
955  *
956  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
957  */
959 void
efHNDump()960 efHNDump()
961 {
962     HashSearch hs;
963     HashEntry *he;
964     FILE *f;
966     f = fopen("hash.dump", "w");
967     if (f == NULL)
968     {
969 	perror("hash.dump");
970 	return;
971     }
973     HashStartSearch(&hs);
974     while (he = HashNext(&efNodeHashTable, &hs))
975 	fprintf(f, "%s\n", EFHNToStr((HierName *) he->h_key.h_ptr));
977     (void) fclose(f);
978 }
980 int efHNSizes[4];
982 void
efHNRecord(size,type)983 efHNRecord(size, type)
984     int size;
985     int type;
986 {
987     efHNSizes[type] += size;
988 }
990 void
efHNPrintSizes(when)991 efHNPrintSizes(when)
992     char *when;
993 {
994     int total, i;
996     total = 0;
997     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
998 	total += efHNSizes[i];
1000     printf("Memory used in HierNames %s:\n", when ? when : "");
1001     printf("%8d bytes for global names\n", efHNSizes[HN_GLOBAL]);
1002     printf("%8d bytes for concatenated HierNames\n", efHNSizes[HN_CONCAT]);
1003     printf("%8d bytes for names from cell uses\n", efHNSizes[HN_FROMUSE]);
1004     printf("%8d bytes for names from strings\n", efHNSizes[HN_ALLOC]);
1005     printf("--------\n");
1006     printf("%8d bytes total\n", total);
1007 }