1 /*
2  * ExtTimes.c --
3  *
4  * Circuit extraction timing.
5  *
6  *     *********************************************************************
7  *     * Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 Regents of the University of California. *
8  *     * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this              *
9  *     * software and its documentation for any purpose and without        *
10  *     * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright          *
11  *     * notice appear in all copies.  The University of California        *
12  *     * makes no representations about the suitability of this            *
13  *     * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without         *
14  *     * express or implied warranty.  Export of this software outside     *
15  *     * of the United States of America may require an export license.    *
16  *     *********************************************************************
17  */
19 #ifndef lint
20 static char rcsid[] __attribute__ ((unused)) = "$Header: /usr/cvsroot/magic-8.0/extract/ExtTimes.c,v 1.2 2009/05/13 15:03:16 tim Exp $";
21 #endif  /* not lint */
23 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include <string.h>
25 #include <sys/types.h>
26 #include <sys/time.h>
27 #include <sys/resource.h>
28 #ifdef SYSV
29 #include <sys/param.h>
30 #include <sys/times.h>
31 #endif
32 #include <math.h>		/* for sqrt() function */
34 #include "utils/magic.h"
35 #include "utils/utils.h"
36 #include "utils/geometry.h"
37 #include "utils/geofast.h"
38 #include "tiles/tile.h"
39 #include "utils/hash.h"
40 #include "database/database.h"
41 #include "utils/malloc.h"
42 #include "textio/textio.h"
43 #include "extract/extract.h"
44 #include "extract/extractInt.h"
46 /*
47  * One of the following structures gets allocated for each cell.
48  * It holds the statistics we accumulate while extracting that cell.
49  */
50 struct cellStats
51 {
52     CellDef		*cs_def;	/* Which cell */
53     struct timeval	 cs_tpaint;	/* Paint-only extraction time */
54     struct timeval	 cs_tcell;	/* Extract just this cell */
55     struct timeval	 cs_thier;	/* Extract complete tree */
56     struct timeval	 cs_tincr;	/* Incremental extraction time */
57     int			 cs_fets;	/* Transistor count in this cell */
58     int			 cs_rects;	/* Non-space tile count in this cell */
59     int			 cs_hfets;	/* Hierarchical transistor count */
60     int			 cs_hrects;	/* Hierarchical tile count */
61     int			 cs_ffets;	/* Total flat transistor count */
62     int			 cs_frects;	/* Total flat tile count */
63     long		 cs_area;	/* Total area of cell */
64     long		 cs_interarea;	/* Interaction areas sum */
65     long		 cs_cliparea;	/* Interaction area, counting each
66 					 * overlap of interaction areas only
67 					 * once instead of once for each
68 					 * interaction area.
69 					 */
70 };
72 /* Hash table of all the above structs, keyed by CellDef */
73 HashTable cellStatsTable;
75 /*
76  * Cumulative statistics
77  */
78 struct cumStats
79 {
80     double	 cums_min;	/* Smallest value */
81     double	 cums_max;	/* Largest value */
82     double	 cums_sum;	/* Sum of values */
83     double	 cums_sos;	/* Sum of squares */
84     int		 cums_n;	/* Number values */
85 };
87 struct cumStats cumFetsPerSecPaint;
88 struct cumStats cumRectsPerSecPaint;
89 struct cumStats cumFetsPerSecFlat;
90 struct cumStats cumRectsPerSecFlat;
91 struct cumStats cumFetsPerSecHier;
92 struct cumStats cumRectsPerSecHier;
93 struct cumStats cumIncrTime;
94 struct cumStats cumPercentClipped;
95 struct cumStats cumPercentInteraction;
96 struct cumStats cumTotalArea, cumInteractArea, cumClippedArea;
98 FILE *extDevNull = NULL;
100 /* Forward declarations */
102 struct cellStats *extGetStats();
103 void extTimesCellFunc();
104 void extTimesIncrFunc();
105 void extTimesSummaryFunc();
106 void extTimesParentFunc();
107 void extTimeProc();
108 void extCumInit();
109 void extCumOutput();
110 void extCumAdd();
111 void extPaintOnly(CellDef *);
112 void extHierCell(CellDef *);
113 int  extCountTiles();
115 extern int extDefInitFunc();
118 /*
119  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
120  *
121  * ExtTimes --
122  *
123  * Time the extractor.
124  * All cells in the tree rooted at 'rootUse' are extracted.
125  * We report the following times for each cell (seconds of CPU
126  * time, accurate to 10 milliseconds).
127  *
128  *	Time to extract just its paint.
129  *	Time to extract it completely.
130  *	Time to perform incremental re-extraction if just this cell changed.
131  *
132  * In addition, we report:
133  *
134  *	Fets/second paint extraction speed
135  *	Fets/second cell extraction speed
136  *	Fets/second hierarchical extraction speed
137  *	Rects/second paint extraction speed
138  *	Rects/second cell extraction speed
139  *	Rects/second hierarchical extraction speed
140  *
141  * Also for each cell, we report the number of transistors, number
142  * of rectangles, and rectangles per transistor.
143  *
144  * In addition, we report the following cumulative information, as
145  * means, standard deviation, min, and max:
146  *
147  *	Fets/second flat extraction speed
148  *	Fets/second complete extraction speed
149  *	Rects/second flat extraction speed
150  *	Rects/second complete extraction speed
151  *	Incremental extraction time after changing one cell.
152  *
153  * Results:
154  *	None.
155  *
156  * Side effects:
157  *	Writes to the file 'f'.
158  *
159  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
160  */
162 void
ExtTimes(rootUse,f)163 ExtTimes(rootUse, f)
164     CellUse *rootUse;
165     FILE *f;
166 {
167     double clip, inter;
168     HashSearch hs;
169     HashEntry *he;
171     /* Make sure this cell is read in */
172     if (DBCellReadArea(rootUse, &rootUse->cu_def->cd_bbox, TRUE))
173     {
174 	TxError("Failure to read entire subtree of cell.\n");
175 	return;
176     }
178     /* Initialize cumulative statistics */
179     extCumInit(&cumFetsPerSecPaint);
180     extCumInit(&cumRectsPerSecPaint);
181     extCumInit(&cumFetsPerSecFlat);
182     extCumInit(&cumRectsPerSecFlat);
183     extCumInit(&cumFetsPerSecHier);
184     extCumInit(&cumRectsPerSecHier);
185     extCumInit(&cumIncrTime);
186     extCumInit(&cumPercentClipped);
187     extCumInit(&cumPercentInteraction);
188     extCumInit(&cumTotalArea);
189     extCumInit(&cumInteractArea);
190     extCumInit(&cumClippedArea);
192     /* Open to /dev/null */
193     extDevNull = fopen("/dev/null", "w");
194     if (extDevNull == NULL)
195     {
196 	perror("/dev/null");
197 	return;
198     }
200     /* Mark all defs as unvisited */
201     (void) DBCellSrDefs(0, extDefInitFunc, (ClientData) 0);
203     /* Recursively visit all defs in the tree and store in hash table */
204     HashInit(&cellStatsTable, 128, 1);
205     (void) extTimesInitFunc(rootUse);
207     /*
208      * Now visit every cell in the hash table and compute
209      * its individual statistics.
210      */
211     TxPrintf("Computing individual cell statistics:\n"); TxFlush();
212     HashStartSearch(&hs);
213     while (he = HashNext(&cellStatsTable, &hs))
214 	extTimesCellFunc((struct cellStats *) HashGetValue(he));
216     /*
217      * Now visit every cell in the hash table and compute
218      * its incremental time (ancestors) and hierarchical
219      * time (children).
220      */
221     TxPrintf("Computing hierarchical and incremental statistics:\n"); TxFlush();
222     HashStartSearch(&hs);
223     while (he = HashNext(&cellStatsTable, &hs))
224 	extTimesIncrFunc((struct cellStats *) HashGetValue(he));
226     /*
227      * Compute the summary statistics and output everything.
228      * Free each entry in the table as we go.
229      */
230     TxPrintf("Computing summary statistics:\n"); TxFlush();
231     HashStartSearch(&hs);
232     while (he = HashNext(&cellStatsTable, &hs))
233     {
234 	extTimesSummaryFunc((struct cellStats *) HashGetValue(he), f);
235 	freeMagic((char *) HashGetValue(he));
236     }
238     /* Output the summary statistics */
239     fprintf(f, "\n\nSummary statistics:\n\n");
240     fprintf(f, "%s %8s %8s %8s %8s\n",
241 	      "               ", "min", "max", "mean", "std.dev");
242     extCumOutput("fets/sec paint ", &cumFetsPerSecPaint, f);
243     extCumOutput("fets/sec hier  ", &cumFetsPerSecHier, f);
244     extCumOutput("fets/sec flat  ", &cumFetsPerSecFlat, f);
245     extCumOutput("rects/sec paint", &cumRectsPerSecPaint, f);
246     extCumOutput("rects/sec hier ", &cumRectsPerSecHier, f);
247     extCumOutput("rects/sec flat ", &cumRectsPerSecFlat, f);
248     extCumOutput("tot incr time  ", &cumIncrTime, f);
249     extCumOutput("% cell clipped ", &cumPercentClipped, f);
250     extCumOutput("% cell interact", &cumPercentInteraction, f);
252     /* Fix up average value to be weighted */
253     clip = inter = 0.0;
254     if (cumTotalArea.cums_sum > 0)
255     {
256 	clip = 100.0 * cumClippedArea.cums_sum / cumTotalArea.cums_sum;
257 	inter = 100.0 * cumInteractArea.cums_sum / cumTotalArea.cums_sum;
258     }
259     fprintf(f, "Mean %% clipped area = %.2f\n", clip);
260     fprintf(f, "Mean %% interaction area = %.2f\n", inter);
262     /* Free the hash table */
263     HashKill(&cellStatsTable);
265     (void) fclose(extDevNull);
266 }
268 /*
269  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
270  *
271  * extTimesInitFunc --
272  *
273  * Called to add the cellStats struct for use->cu_def to the hash table
274  * cellStatsTable if it is not already present, and to initialize this
275  * structure.
276  *
277  * Results:
278  *	Returns 0 always.
279  *
280  * Side effects:
281  *	See above.
282  *
283  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
284  */
286 int
extTimesInitFunc(use)287 extTimesInitFunc(use)
288     CellUse *use;
289 {
290     CellDef *def = use->cu_def;
291     struct cellStats *cs;
292     HashEntry *he;
294     he = HashFind(&cellStatsTable, (char *) def);
295     if (HashGetValue(he))
296 	return (0);
298     /* Not yet visited: add it to the hash table */
299     cs = (struct cellStats *) mallocMagic(sizeof (struct cellStats));
300     cs->cs_def = def;
301     cs->cs_tpaint.tv_sec = cs->cs_tpaint.tv_usec = 0;
302     cs->cs_tcell.tv_sec = cs->cs_tcell.tv_usec = 0;
303     cs->cs_thier.tv_sec = cs->cs_thier.tv_usec = 0;
304     cs->cs_tincr.tv_sec = cs->cs_tincr.tv_usec = 0;
305     cs->cs_fets = cs->cs_rects = 0;
306     cs->cs_ffets = cs->cs_frects = 0;
307     cs->cs_hfets = cs->cs_hrects = 0;
308     cs->cs_area = cs->cs_interarea = cs->cs_cliparea = 0;
309     HashSetValue(he, (ClientData) cs);
311     /* Visit our children */
312     (void) DBCellEnum(def, extTimesInitFunc, (ClientData) 0);
313     return (0);
314 }
316 /*
317  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
318  *
319  * extTimesCellFunc --
320  *
321  * Called for each cellStats structure in the hash table, we extract
322  * the paint of cs->cs_def and then both the paint and subcells, timing
323  * both.  Also count the number of fets in this cell and the total number
324  * of tiles.  Store this information in:
325  *
326  *	cs->cs_tpaint		Time to extract paint only
327  *	cs->cs_tcell		Time to extract paint and subcells
328  *	cs->cs_fets		Number of fets
329  *	cs->cs_rects		Number of non-space tiles
330  *
331  * Results:
332  *	None.
333  *
334  * Side effects:
335  *	See above.
336  *
337  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
338  */
340 void
extTimesCellFunc(cs)341 extTimesCellFunc(cs)
342     struct cellStats *cs;
343 {
344     extern long extSubtreeTotalArea;
345     extern long extSubtreeInteractionArea;
346     extern long extSubtreeClippedArea;
347     TransRegion *transList, *tl;
348     CellDef *def = cs->cs_def;
349     int pNum;
351     TxPrintf("Processing %s\n", def->cd_name); TxFlush();
353     /* Count the number of transistors */
354     transList = (TransRegion *) ExtFindRegions(def, &TiPlaneRect,
355 		    &ExtCurStyle->exts_deviceMask, ExtCurStyle->exts_deviceConn,
356 		    extUnInit, extTransFirst, extTransEach);
357     ExtResetTiles(def, extUnInit);
358     for (tl = transList; tl; tl = tl->treg_next)
359 	cs->cs_fets++;
360     ExtFreeLabRegions((LabRegion *) transList);
362     /* Count the number of tiles */
363     for (pNum = PL_TECHDEPBASE; pNum < DBNumPlanes; pNum++)
364 	(void) DBSrPaintArea((Tile *) NULL, def->cd_planes[pNum], &TiPlaneRect,
365 		&DBAllButSpaceBits, extCountTiles, (ClientData) cs);
367     /* Measure the flat extraction time */
368     extTimeProc(extPaintOnly, def, &cs->cs_tpaint);
370     /* Measure the total extraction time */
371     extSubtreeTotalArea = 0;
372     extSubtreeInteractionArea = 0;
373     extSubtreeClippedArea = 0;
374     extTimeProc(extHierCell, def, &cs->cs_tcell);
375     cs->cs_area = extSubtreeTotalArea;
376     cs->cs_interarea = extSubtreeInteractionArea;
377     cs->cs_cliparea = extSubtreeClippedArea;
378 }
380 /*
381  * extCountTiles --
382  *
383  * Count the number of tiles in a cell.
384  * Called via DBSrPaintArea by extTimesCellFunc() above.
385  *
386  * Results:
387  *	Returns 0 always.
388  *
389  * Side effects:
390  *	Increments cs->cs_rects.
391  */
393 int
extCountTiles(tile,cs)394 extCountTiles(tile, cs)
395     Tile *tile;			/* UNUSED */
396     struct cellStats *cs;
397 {
398     cs->cs_rects++;
399     return (0);
400 }
402 /*
403  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
404  *
405  * extTimesIncrFunc --
406  *
407  * All cells have been visited by extTimesCellFunc above.  This procedure
408  * accumulates the hierarchical information from both above and below
409  * in the tree.  The cs_tcell times for all ancestors, plus this cell,
410  * are summed into cs->cs_tincr.  The cs_tcell times for all children,
411  * counting each child once, are summed into cs->cs_thier.  The cs_fets
412  * and cs_rects for all children, also counting each child once, are
413  * summed into cs_hfets and cs_hrects.  Finally, the cs_fets and cs_rects
414  * for all children, counting each child as many times as it appears,
415  * are summed into cs_ffets and cs_frects.
416  *
417  * Results:
418  *	None.
419  *
420  * Side effects:
421  *	See above.
422  *
423  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
424  */
426 void
extTimesIncrFunc(cs)427 extTimesIncrFunc(cs)
428     struct cellStats *cs;
429 {
430     /*
431      * Visit all of our parents recursively.
432      * This sums the incremental times.
433      */
434     extTimesParentFunc(cs->cs_def, cs);
436     /* Reset all defs */
437     (void) DBCellSrDefs(0, extDefInitFunc, (ClientData) 0);
439     /*
440      * Visit all of our children recursively, visiting
441      * each child only once.  This sums the number of fets
442      * and rectangles for cs_hfets and cs_hrects.
443      */
444     (void) extTimesHierFunc(cs->cs_def, cs);
446     /* Reset all defs */
447     (void) DBCellSrDefs(0, extDefInitFunc, (ClientData) 0);
449     /*
450      * Visit all of our children recursively, visiting each
451      * child as many times as it appears.  This sums the
452      * number of fets and rectangles as cs_ffets and cs_frects.
453      */
454     (void) extTimesFlatFunc(cs->cs_def, cs);
455 }
457 /*
458  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
459  *
460  * extTimesSummaryFunc --
461  *
462  * Write the statistics contained in the cellStats structure 'cs'
463  * out to the FILE 'f'.  Add them to the summary structures being
464  * maintained (cumFetsPerSecPaint, etc).
465  *
466  * Results:
467  *	None.
468  *
469  * Side effects:
470  *	Writes to the FILE f.
471  *
472  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
473  */
475 void
extTimesSummaryFunc(cs,f)476 extTimesSummaryFunc(cs, f)
477     struct cellStats *cs;
478     FILE *f;
479 {
480     double tpaint, tcell, thier, tincr;
481     double fetspaint, rectspaint;
482     double fetshier, rectshier;
483     double fetsflat, rectsflat;
484     double pctinter, pctclip;
486     pctinter = pctclip = 0.0;
487     if (cs->cs_area > 0)
488     {
489 	pctinter = ((double)cs->cs_interarea) / ((double)cs->cs_area) * 100.0;
490 	pctclip = ((double)cs->cs_cliparea) / ((double)cs->cs_area) * 100.0;
491     }
493     tpaint = cs->cs_tpaint.tv_usec;
494     tpaint = (tpaint / 1000000.) + cs->cs_tpaint.tv_sec;
496     tcell = cs->cs_tcell.tv_usec;
497     tcell = (tcell / 1000000.) + cs->cs_tcell.tv_sec;
499     thier = cs->cs_thier.tv_usec;
500     thier = (thier / 1000000.) + cs->cs_thier.tv_sec;
502     tincr = cs->cs_tincr.tv_usec;
503     tincr = (tincr / 1000000.) + cs->cs_tincr.tv_sec;
505     fetspaint = fetsflat = fetshier = 0.0;
506     rectspaint = rectsflat = rectshier = 0.0;
508     if (tpaint > 0.01)
509     {
510 	fetspaint = cs->cs_fets / tpaint;
511 	rectspaint = cs->cs_rects / tpaint;
512     }
514     if (thier > 0.01)
515     {
516 	fetshier = cs->cs_hfets / thier;
517 	rectshier = cs->cs_hrects / thier;
518 	fetsflat = cs->cs_ffets / thier;
519 	rectsflat = cs->cs_frects / thier;
520     }
522     /* Cell name */
523     fprintf(f, "\n%8s %8s %s\n", "", "", cs->cs_def->cd_name);
525     /* Sizes */
526     fprintf(f, "%8d %8d (paint) fets rects\n",
527 			cs->cs_fets, cs->cs_rects);
528     fprintf(f, "%8d %8d (hier) fets rects\n",
529 			cs->cs_hfets, cs->cs_hrects);
530     fprintf(f, "%8d %8d (flat) fets rects\n",
531 			cs->cs_ffets, cs->cs_frects);
533     /* Times */
534     fprintf(f, "%8.2f %8.2f Tpaint, Tcell\n", tpaint, tcell);
535     fprintf(f, "%8.2f %8.2f Thier, Tincr\n", thier, tincr);
537     /* Speeds */
538     fprintf(f, "%8.2f %8.2f (paint) fets/sec rects/sec\n",
539 			    fetspaint, rectspaint);
540     fprintf(f, "%8.2f %8.2f (hier)  fets/sec rects/sec\n",
541 			    fetshier, rectshier);
542     fprintf(f, "%8.2f %8.2f (flat)  fets/sec rects/sec\n",
543 			    fetsflat, rectsflat);
545     /* Fraction of area in subtree processing */
546     fprintf(f, "%8.2f %8.2f         clip %%  inter %%\n",
547 			    pctclip, pctinter);
549     /* Accumulate statistics */
550     if (cs->cs_fets > 0) extCumAdd(&cumFetsPerSecPaint, fetspaint);
551     if (cs->cs_rects > 0) extCumAdd(&cumRectsPerSecPaint, rectspaint);
552     if (cs->cs_hfets > 0) extCumAdd(&cumFetsPerSecHier, fetshier);
553     if (cs->cs_hrects > 0) extCumAdd(&cumRectsPerSecHier, rectshier);
554     if (cs->cs_ffets > 0) extCumAdd(&cumFetsPerSecFlat, fetsflat);
555     if (cs->cs_frects > 0) extCumAdd(&cumRectsPerSecFlat, rectsflat);
556     if (pctclip > 0.0) extCumAdd(&cumPercentClipped, pctclip);
557     if (pctinter > 0.0) extCumAdd(&cumPercentInteraction, pctinter);
558     extCumAdd(&cumTotalArea, (double) cs->cs_area);
559     extCumAdd(&cumInteractArea, (double) cs->cs_interarea);
560     extCumAdd(&cumClippedArea, (double) cs->cs_cliparea);
561     extCumAdd(&cumIncrTime, tincr);
562 }
564 /*
565  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
566  *
567  * extTimesParentFunc --
568  *
569  * Function to visit all the parents of 'def' and add their
570  * times to that of 'cs'.  We only add the times if the def
571  * being visited is unmarked, ie, its cd_client field is 0.
572  * After adding the times for a def, we mark it by setting
573  * its cd_client field to 1.
574  *
575  * Results:
576  *	None.
577  *
578  * Side effects:
579  *	See above.
580  *
581  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
582  */
584 void
extTimesParentFunc(def,cs)585 extTimesParentFunc(def, cs)
586     CellDef *def;
587     struct cellStats *cs;
588 {
589     struct cellStats *csForDef;
590     CellUse *parent;
592     if (def->cd_client)
593 	return;
595     /* Mark this def as visited */
596     def->cd_client = (ClientData) 1;
598     /* Find its statistics in the table */
599     if ((csForDef = extGetStats(def)) == NULL)
600 	return;
602     /* Add the time */
603     cs->cs_tincr.tv_sec += csForDef->cs_tcell.tv_sec;
604     cs->cs_tincr.tv_usec += csForDef->cs_tcell.tv_usec;
605     if (cs->cs_tincr.tv_usec > 1000000)
606     {
607 	cs->cs_tincr.tv_usec -= 1000000;
608 	cs->cs_tincr.tv_sec += 1;
609     }
611     /* Visit all our parents */
612     for (parent = def->cd_parents; parent; parent = parent->cu_nextuse)
613 	if (parent->cu_parent)
614 	    extTimesParentFunc(parent->cu_parent, cs);
615 }
617 /*
618  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
619  *
620  * extTimesHierFunc --
621  *
622  * Function to visit all the children of 'def' and add their
623  * times to that of 'cs'.  We only add the times if the def
624  * being visited is unmarked, ie, its cd_client field is 0.
625  * After adding the times for a def, we mark it by setting
626  * its cd_client field to 1.
627  *
628  * Results:
629  *	Returns 0 always.
630  *
631  * Side effects:
632  *	See above.
633  *
634  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
635  */
637 int
extTimesHierFunc(def,cs)638 extTimesHierFunc(def, cs)
639     CellDef *def;
640     struct cellStats *cs;
641 {
642     int extTimesHierUse();
643     struct cellStats *csForDef;
645     if (def->cd_client)
646 	return (0);
648     /* Mark this def as visited */
649     def->cd_client = (ClientData) 1;
651     /* Find its statistics in the table */
652     if ((csForDef = extGetStats(def)) == NULL)
653 	return (0);
655     /* Add the time */
656     cs->cs_thier.tv_sec += csForDef->cs_tcell.tv_sec;
657     cs->cs_thier.tv_usec += csForDef->cs_tcell.tv_usec;
658     if (cs->cs_thier.tv_usec > 1000000)
659     {
660 	cs->cs_thier.tv_usec -= 1000000;
661 	cs->cs_thier.tv_sec += 1;
662     }
664     /* Add the fets and rectangles */
665     cs->cs_hfets += csForDef->cs_fets;
666     cs->cs_hrects += csForDef->cs_rects;
668     /* Visit our children */
669     (void) DBCellEnum(def, extTimesHierUse, (ClientData) cs);
670     return (0);
671 }
673 int
extTimesHierUse(use,cs)674 extTimesHierUse(use, cs)
675     CellUse *use;
676     struct cellStats *cs;
677 {
678     return (extTimesHierFunc(use->cu_def, cs));
679 }
681 /*
682  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
683  *
684  * extTimesFlatFunc --
685  *
686  * Function to visit all the children of 'def' and add their
687  * fet and rect counts to those of 'cs'.  This is a fully
688  * instantiated count, rather than a drawn count, so we count
689  * each cell as many times as it appears in an array or as
690  * a subcell.
691  *
692  * Results:
693  *	Returns 0 always.
694  *
695  * Side effects:
696  *	See above.
697  *
698  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
699  */
701 int
extTimesFlatFunc(def,cs)702 extTimesFlatFunc(def, cs)
703     CellDef *def;
704     struct cellStats *cs;
705 {
706     struct cellStats *csForDef;
707     int extTimesFlatUse();
709     /* Find this cell's statistics in the table */
710     if ((csForDef = extGetStats(def)) == NULL)
711 	return (0);
713     /* Add the fets and rectangles */
714     cs->cs_ffets += csForDef->cs_fets;
715     cs->cs_frects += csForDef->cs_rects;
717     /* Visit our children */
718     (void) DBCellEnum(def, extTimesFlatUse, (ClientData) cs);
719     return (0);
720 }
722 int
extTimesFlatUse(use,cs)723 extTimesFlatUse(use, cs)
724     CellUse *use;
725     struct cellStats *cs;
726 {
727     struct cellStats dummyCS;
728     int nx, ny, nel;
730     /* Compute statistics for this cell and its children */
731     bzero((char *) &dummyCS, sizeof dummyCS);
732     (void) extTimesFlatFunc(use->cu_def, &dummyCS);
734     /* Scale by number of elements in this array */
735     if (use->cu_xlo < use->cu_xhi) nx = use->cu_xhi - use->cu_xlo + 1;
736     else nx = use->cu_xlo - use->cu_xhi + 1;
737     if (use->cu_ylo < use->cu_yhi) ny = use->cu_yhi - use->cu_ylo + 1;
738     else ny = use->cu_ylo - use->cu_yhi + 1;
740     nel = nx * ny;
742     /* Fets and rects */
743     cs->cs_ffets += dummyCS.cs_ffets * nel;
744     cs->cs_frects += dummyCS.cs_frects * nel;
745     return (0);
746 }
748 /*
749  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
750  *
751  * extTimeProc --
752  *
753  * Time a procedure applied to the CellDef 'def', storing the time
754  * in the timeval pointed to by 'tv'.  The procedure should be of
755  * the form:
756  *
757  *	(*proc)(def)
758  *	    CellDef *def;
759  *	{
760  *	}
761  *
762  * Results:
763  *	None.
764  *
765  * Side effects:
766  *	See above.
767  *
768  * Algorithm:
769  *	If (*proc)() takes less than a second to run, we run it ten
770  *	times to get a better time estimate, then divide by ten.
771  *
772  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
773  */
775 void
776 extTimeProc(proc, def, tv)
777     int (*proc)();
778     CellDef *def;
779     struct timeval *tv;
780 {
781     int secs, usecs, i;
783 #ifdef SYSV
784     tv->tv_sec = 0;
785     tv->tv_usec = 0;
786 #else
787     extern int getrusage();
788     struct rusage r1, r2;
790     (void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &r1);
791     (*proc)(def);
792     (void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &r2);
794     tv->tv_sec = r2.ru_utime.tv_sec - r1.ru_utime.tv_sec;
795     tv->tv_usec = r2.ru_utime.tv_usec - r1.ru_utime.tv_usec;
796     if (tv->tv_usec < 0)
797     {
798 	tv->tv_usec += 1000000;
799 	tv->tv_sec -= 1;
800     }
802     if (tv->tv_sec < 1)
803     {
804 	(void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &r1);
805 	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
806 	    (*proc)(def);
807 	(void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &r2);
808 	secs = r2.ru_utime.tv_sec - r1.ru_utime.tv_sec;
809 	usecs = r2.ru_utime.tv_usec - r1.ru_utime.tv_usec;
810 	usecs = (usecs + (secs * 1000000)) / 10;
811 	tv->tv_sec = usecs / 1000000;
812 	tv->tv_usec = usecs % 1000000;
813     }
814 #endif
815 }
817 /*
818  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
819  *
820  * extPaintOnly --
821  *
822  * Called via extTimeProc() above.  Extract just the paint in a cell.
823  *
824  * Results:
825  *	None.
826  *
827  * Side effects:
828  *	None.
829  *
830  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
831  */
833 void
extPaintOnly(def)834 extPaintOnly(def)
835     CellDef *def;
836 {
837     NodeRegion *reg;
839     reg = extBasic(def, extDevNull);
840     if (reg) ExtFreeLabRegions((LabRegion *) reg);
841     ExtResetTiles(def, extUnInit);
842 }
844 /*
845  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
846  *
847  * extHierCell --
848  *
849  * Called via extTimeProc() above.  Extract a cell normally, but
850  * send the extracted output to /dev/null.
851  *
852  * Results:
853  *	None.
854  *
855  * Side effects:
856  *	None.
857  *
858  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
859  */
861 void
extHierCell(def)862 extHierCell(def)
863     CellDef *def;
864 {
865     extCellFile(def, extDevNull, FALSE);
866 }
868 /*
869  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
870  *
871  * extCumInit --
872  *
873  * Initialize a cumulative statistics structure.
874  *
875  * Results:
876  *	None.
877  *
878  * Side effects:
879  *	See above.
880  *
881  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
882  */
884 void
extCumInit(cum)885 extCumInit(cum)
886     struct cumStats *cum;
887 {
888     cum->cums_min = (double) INFINITY;
889     cum->cums_max = (double) MINFINITY;
890     cum->cums_sum = 0.0;
891     cum->cums_sos = 0.0;
892     cum->cums_n = 0;
893 }
895 /*
896  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
897  *
898  * extCumOutput --
899  *
900  * Output a cumulative statistics structure.
901  *
902  * Results:
903  *	None.
904  *
905  * Side effects:
906  *	Writes to the FILE 'f'.
907  *
908  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
909  */
911 void
extCumOutput(str,cum,f)912 extCumOutput(str, cum, f)
913     char *str;			/* Prefix string */
914     struct cumStats *cum;
915     FILE *f;
916 {
917     double mean, var;
919     mean = var = 0.0;
920     if (cum->cums_n != 0)
921     {
922 	mean = cum->cums_sum / (double) cum->cums_n;
923 	var = (cum->cums_sos / (double) cum->cums_n) - (mean * mean);
924     }
926     fprintf(f, "%s", str);
927     if (cum->cums_min < INFINITY)
928 	fprintf(f, " %8.2f", cum->cums_min);
929     else
930 	fprintf(f, "   <none>");
931     if (cum->cums_max > MINFINITY)
932 	fprintf(f, " %8.2f", cum->cums_max);
933     else
934 	fprintf(f, "   <none>");
935     fprintf(f, " %8.2f %8.2f\n", mean, sqrt(var));
936 }
938 /*
939  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
940  *
941  * extCumAdd --
942  *
943  * Add the value v to the cumulative statistics structure,
944  * updating the statistics.
945  *
946  * Results:
947  *	None.
948  *
949  * Side effects:
950  *	See above.
951  *
952  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
953  */
955 void
extCumAdd(cum,v)956 extCumAdd(cum, v)
957     struct cumStats *cum;
958     double v;
959 {
960     if (v < cum->cums_min) cum->cums_min = v;
961     if (v > cum->cums_max) cum->cums_max = v;
962     cum->cums_sum += v;
963     cum->cums_sos += v*v;
964     cum->cums_n++;
965 }
967 /*
968  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
969  *
970  * extGetStats --
971  *
972  * Return the cellStats record for the CellDef 'def'.
973  *
974  * Results:
975  *	See above.
976  *
977  * Side effects:
978  *	None.
979  *
980  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
981  */
983 struct cellStats *
extGetStats(def)984 extGetStats(def)
985     CellDef *def;
986 {
987     HashEntry *he;
989     he = HashLookOnly(&cellStatsTable, (char *) def);
990     if (he == (HashEntry *) NULL)
991 	return ((struct cellStats *) NULL);
993     return ((struct cellStats *) HashGetValue(he));
994 }
996 /*
997  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
998  *
999  * ExtInterCount --
1000  *
1001  * Find all interaction areas in an entire design, and count
1002  * the fraction of the total area that is really an interaction
1003  * area.  Report this for each cell in the design, and as a
1004  * fraction of the total area.
1005  *
1006  * Results:
1007  *	None.
1008  *
1009  * Side effects:
1010  *	Writes to the FILE 'f'.
1011  *
1012  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1013  */
1015 int extInterCountHalo;
1016 CellDef *extInterCountDef;
1018 void
ExtInterCount(rootUse,halo,f)1019 ExtInterCount(rootUse, halo, f)
1020     CellUse *rootUse;
1021     int halo;
1022     FILE *f;
1023 {
1024     double inter;
1026     /* Make sure this cell is read in */
1027     if (DBCellReadArea(rootUse, &rootUse->cu_def->cd_bbox, TRUE))
1028     {
1029 	TxError("Failure to read entire subtree of cell.\n");
1030 	return;
1031     }
1033     /* Initialize cumulative statistics */
1034     extCumInit(&cumPercentInteraction);
1035     extCumInit(&cumTotalArea);
1036     extCumInit(&cumInteractArea);
1038     /* Mark all defs as unvisited */
1039     (void) DBCellSrDefs(0, extDefInitFunc, (ClientData) 0);
1041     /*
1042      * Recursively visit all defs in the tree and compute
1043      * their interaction area.
1044      */
1045     extInterCountHalo = halo;
1046     (void) extInterAreaFunc(rootUse, f);
1048     /* Mark all defs as unvisited */
1049     (void) DBCellSrDefs(0, extDefInitFunc, (ClientData) 0);
1051     /* Output the summary statistics */
1052     fprintf(f, "\n\nSummary statistics:\n\n");
1053     fprintf(f, "%s %8s %8s %8s %8s\n",
1054 	      "               ", "min", "max", "mean", "std.dev");
1055     extCumOutput("% cell interact", &cumPercentInteraction, f);
1057     /* Fix up average value to be weighted */
1058     inter = 0.0;
1059     if (cumTotalArea.cums_sum > 0)
1060 	inter = 100.0 * cumInteractArea.cums_sum / cumTotalArea.cums_sum;
1061     fprintf(f, "Mean %% interaction area = %.2f\n", inter);
1062 }
1064 int
extInterAreaFunc(use,f)1065 extInterAreaFunc(use, f)
1066     CellUse *use;
1067     FILE *f;
1068 {
1069     static Plane *interPlane = (Plane *) NULL;
1070     CellDef *def = use->cu_def;
1071     int extInterCountFunc();
1072     int area, interarea;
1073     double pctinter;
1075     if (interPlane == NULL)
1076 	interPlane = DBNewPlane((ClientData) TT_SPACE);
1078     /* Skip if already visited */
1079     if (def->cd_client)
1080 	return (0);
1082     /* Mark as visited */
1083     def->cd_client = (ClientData) 1;
1085     /* Compute interaction area */
1086     extInterCountDef = def;
1087     ExtFindInteractions(def, extInterCountHalo, 0, interPlane);
1088     interarea = 0;
1089     (void) DBSrPaintArea((Tile *) NULL, interPlane, &TiPlaneRect,
1090 	    &DBAllButSpaceBits, extInterCountFunc, (ClientData) &interarea);
1091     DBClearPaintPlane(interPlane);
1092     area = (def->cd_bbox.r_xtop - def->cd_bbox.r_xbot)
1093 	*  (def->cd_bbox.r_ytop - def->cd_bbox.r_ybot);
1095     pctinter = 0.0;
1096     if (area > 0)
1097 	pctinter = ((double) interarea) / ((double) area) * 100.0;
1098     if (pctinter > 0.0) extCumAdd(&cumPercentInteraction, pctinter);
1099     extCumAdd(&cumTotalArea, (double) area);
1100     extCumAdd(&cumInteractArea, (double) interarea);
1102     fprintf(f, "%7.2f%%  %s\n", pctinter, def->cd_name);
1104     /* Visit our children */
1105     (void) DBCellEnum(def, extInterAreaFunc, (ClientData) f);
1106     return (0);
1107 }
1109 int
extInterCountFunc(tile,pArea)1110 extInterCountFunc(tile, pArea)
1111     Tile *tile;
1112     int *pArea;
1113 {
1114     Rect r;
1116     TITORECT(tile, &r);
1117     GEOCLIP(&r, &extInterCountDef->cd_bbox);
1118     *pArea += (r.r_xtop - r.r_xbot) * (r.r_ytop - r.r_ybot);
1119     return (0);
1120 }