1 /* grouteTile.c -
2  *
3  *	Global signal router code for tile and channel related things.
4  *
5  *     *********************************************************************
6  *     * Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 Regents of the University of California. *
7  *     * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this              *
8  *     * software and its documentation for any purpose and without        *
9  *     * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright          *
10  *     * notice appear in all copies.  The University of California        *
11  *     * makes no representations about the suitability of this            *
12  *     * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without         *
13  *     * express or implied warranty.  Export of this software outside     *
14  *     * of the United States of America may require an export license.    *
15  *     *********************************************************************
16  */
18 #ifndef lint
19 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)grouteTile.c	4.3 MAGIC (Berkeley) 10/31/85";
20 #endif  /* not lint */
22 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include "utils/magic.h"
25 #include "utils/geometry.h"
26 #include "utils/hash.h"
27 #include "utils/heap.h"
28 #include "tiles/tile.h"
29 #include "database/database.h"
30 #include "debug/debug.h"
31 #include "gcr/gcr.h"
32 #include "windows/windows.h"
33 #include "graphics/graphics.h"
34 #include "utils/main.h"
35 #include "dbwind/dbwind.h"
36 #include "utils/signals.h"
37 #include "router/router.h"
38 #include "grouter/grouter.h"
39 #include "utils/styles.h"
40 #include "textio/textio.h"
42 bool GlDebugCrossings = FALSE;
44 #define isSpaceTile(tile) (TiGetBody(tile) == NULL)
47 /*
48  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
49  *
50  * glAdjacentChannel --
51  *
52  * Figure out which channel borders the given channel at the given
53  * point.  If the given channel is NULL, then assume the point is at
54  * the edge of a cell, and return the channel adjacent to the cell.
55  *
56  * Results:
57  *	Pointer to the adjacent channel, or NULL if none exists.
58  *
59  * Side effects:
60  *	None.
61  *
62  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
63  */
65 GCRChannel *
glAdjacentChannel(ch,point)66 glAdjacentChannel(ch, point)
67     GCRChannel *ch;	/* The tile corresponding to a channel */
68     Point *point;	/* A point somewhere on the channel edge */
69 {
70     Point p;
71     int side;
73     ASSERT(ch!=(GCRChannel *) NULL, "Null channel in glAdjacentChannel");
74     side = glPointToSide(ch, point);
76     p = * point;
77     switch(side)
78     {
79 	case GEO_NORTH:
80 	case GEO_EAST:
81 	    break;
82 	case GEO_SOUTH:
83 	    p.p_y--;
84 	    break;
85 	case GEO_WEST:
86 	    p.p_x--;
87 	    break;
88 	default:
89 	    ASSERT(FALSE, "glAdjacentChannel point not on channel");
90 	    return((GCRChannel *) NULL);
91 	    break;
92     }
94     return (glTileToChannel(TiSrPointNoHint(RtrChannelPlane, &p)));
95 }
97 /*
98  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
99  *
100  * glBadChannel --
101  *
102  * Decide if a prospective channel is okay to use in global routing
103  * propagation.  If it creates a loop for the particular path under
104  * investigation, then forget it.  If it doesn't exist, then forget it.
105  *
106  * Results:
107  *	FALSE if the channel is okay to use, otherwise TRUE.
108  *
109  * Side effects:
110  *	None.
111  *
112  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
113  */
115 bool
glBadChannel(oldCh,newCh,entryPt)116 glBadChannel(oldCh, newCh, entryPt)
117     GCRChannel *oldCh;		/* The current channel */
118     GCRChannel *newCh;		/* See if this new one is okay to use */
119     GlPoint    *entryPt;	/* List of previously used points */
120 {
121     GlPoint *temp;
123     /* Reject a null channel */
124     if ((oldCh == (GCRChannel *) NULL) || (newCh == (GCRChannel *) NULL))
125 	return (TRUE);
127     /* Reject the channel if using it creates a loop in the routing path */
128     for (temp = entryPt; temp != (GlPoint *) NULL; temp = temp->gl_parent)
129 	if (temp->gl_ch == newCh)
130 	    return (TRUE);
132     return (FALSE);
133 }
135 /*
136  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
137  *
138  * glDebug --
139  *
140  * Code to display crossing points on the screen.
141  *
142  * Results:
143  *	None.
144  *
145  * Side effects:
146  *	None.
147  *
148  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
149  */
151 void
glDebug(point,text,value,size)152 glDebug(point, text, value, size)
153     Point *point;	/* Location to be marked */
154     char *text;		/* Text to associate with error paint */
155     int value;		/* An integer value to go into the text */
156     int	size;		/* How big to make the error paint box */
157 {
158     char buffer1[1024], buffer2[1024];
159     Rect area;
161     if (!GlDebugCrossings)
162 	return;
164     (void) strcpy(buffer1, text);
165     (void) sprintf(buffer2, "(value = %d)", value);
166     (void) strcat(buffer1, buffer2);
167     area.r_ll.p_x = point->p_x - size;
168     area.r_ur.p_x = point->p_x + size;
169     area.r_ll.p_y = point->p_y - size;
170     area.r_ur.p_y = point->p_y + size;
171     DBWFeedbackAdd(&area, buffer1, EditCellUse->cu_def, 1,
173     GrFlush();
174     (void) sprintf(buffer2, "%s --more--", buffer1);
175     (void) TxGetLinePrompt(buffer1, sizeof buffer1, buffer2);
176     if (buffer1[0] == 'q')
177 	GlDebugCrossings = FALSE;
178     TxPrintf("\n");
179 }
181 /*
182  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
183  *
184  * glPointToChannel --
185  *
186  * Given a point and a direction, return a pointer to the channel
187  * adjacent to the given point, in the given direction.  The point
188  * must be on the edge of a channel.  If on the edge of a cell, the
189  * point location must be the modified location returned by RtrStemTip.
190  *
191  * Results:
192  *	Pointer to the channel.
193  *
194  * Side effects:
195  *	None.
196  *
197  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
198  */
200 GCRChannel *
glPointToChannel(point,dir)201 glPointToChannel(point, dir)
202     Point *point;	/* The point from which the channel is found */
203     int dir;		/* The direction in which the search goes */
204 {
205     Point p;
207     p = *point;
208     switch (dir)
209     {
210 	case GEO_NORTH:
211 	case GEO_EAST:
212 	    break;
213 	case GEO_SOUTH:
214 	    p.p_y--;
215 	    break;
216 	case GEO_WEST:
217 	    p.p_x--;
218 	    break;
219 	default:
220 	    ASSERT(FALSE, "glPointToChannel: bad direction argument");
221 	    return ((GCRChannel *) NULL);
222     }
223     return (glTileToChannel(TiSrPointNoHint(RtrChannelPlane, &p)));
224 }
226 /*
227  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
228  *
229  * glPointToSide --
230  *
231  * Given a point somewhere on the perimeter of a channel, determine
232  * which side it is on.  The channel is given to prevent ambiguity,
233  * since the point may fall on a border between two channels.
234  *
235  * Results:
236  *	The compass direction corresponding to the side of the channel on
237  *	which the point lies.
238  *
239  * Side effects:
240  *	None.
241  *
242  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
243  */
245 int
glPointToSide(ch,pt)246 glPointToSide(ch, pt)
247     GCRChannel * ch;	/* Channel containing the given point	*/
248     Point      * pt;	/* The point on some side of the channel*/
249 {
251     /* The point is on the left */
252     if (ch->gcr_area->r_xbot == pt->p_x)
253 	return (GEO_WEST);
255     /* The point is on the bottom */
256     if (ch->gcr_area->r_ybot == pt->p_y)
257 	return (GEO_SOUTH);
259     /* The point is on the right */
260      if (ch->gcr_area->r_xtop == pt->p_x)
261 	return (GEO_EAST);
263     /* The point is on the top */
264      if (ch->gcr_area->r_ytop == pt->p_y)
265 	return (GEO_NORTH);
267     ASSERT(FALSE, "glPointToSide point not on edge");
268     return (GEO_CENTER);
269 }
271 /*
272  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
273  *
274  * glSide --
275  *
276  * Determine which side of a cell a terminal label is on by looking on
277  * the channel plane for channel tiles in each of the quadrants.  A
278  * terminal label must not fall on space or on a corner.  It must lie
279  * on a flat edge of a cell tile.
280  *
281  * Are all these calls to TiSrPoint really necessary?  I think so,
282  * because a label might fall on the edge of a particular tile but
283  * still appear over contiguous cell tiles.
284  *
285  * Results:
286  *	A direction GEO_NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, or CENTER if internal or
287  *	a corner.  This indicates the side of the cell on which the terminal
288  *	lies.
289  *
290  * Side effects:
291  *	None.
292  *
293  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
294  */
296 int
glSide(point)297 glSide(point)
298     Point *point;	/* The lower left point of the label rectangle */
299 {
300     int glSrFunc();
301     Tile *t;
302     Point p;
304     p	  = *point;
305     t     = TiSrPoint((Tile *) NULL, RtrChannelPlane, &p);
307     if(TiGetBody(t) != NULL)		/*   _?|X_	*/
308     {					/*    ?|?	*/
309 	p.p_x--;
310 	t = TiSrPoint(t, RtrChannelPlane, &p);
311 	if(TiGetBody(t) != NULL)	/*   _X|X_	*/
312 	{				/*    ?|?	*/
313 	    p.p_y--;
314 	    t = TiSrPoint(t, RtrChannelPlane, &p);
315 	    if(TiGetBody(t) != NULL)	/*   _X|X_	*/
316 		 return(GEO_CENTER);	/*    X|?	*/
317 	    p.p_x++;
318 	    t = TiSrPoint(t, RtrChannelPlane, &p);
319 	    if(TiGetBody(t) != NULL)	/*   _X|X_	*/
320 		 return(GEO_CENTER);	/*     |X	*/
321 	    else return(GEO_SOUTH);
322 	}
323 	else				/*   __|X_	*/
324 	{				/*    ?|?	*/
325 	    p.p_y--;
326 	    t = TiSrPoint(t, RtrChannelPlane, &p);
327 	    if(TiGetBody(t) != NULL)	/*   __|X_	*/
328 		 return(GEO_CENTER);	/*    X|?	*/
329 	    p.p_x++;
330 	    t = TiSrPoint(t, RtrChannelPlane, &p);
331 	    if(TiGetBody(t) != NULL)	/*   __|X_	*/
332 		 return(GEO_WEST);	/*     |X	*/
333 	}
334     }
335     else				/* Forget about S or W */
336     {
337 	p.p_x--;
338 	t = TiSrPoint(t, RtrChannelPlane, &p);
339 	if(TiGetBody(t) != NULL)	/*   _X|__	*/
340 	{				/*    ?|?	*/
341 	    p.p_y--;
342 	    t = TiSrPoint(t, RtrChannelPlane, &p);
343 	    if(TiGetBody(t) == NULL)	/*   _X|__	*/
344 	        return(GEO_CENTER);	/*     |?	*/
345 	    p.p_x++;
346 	    t = TiSrPoint(t, RtrChannelPlane, &p);
347 	    if(TiGetBody(t) != NULL)	/*   _X|__	*/
348 		 return(GEO_CENTER);	/*    X|X	*/
349 	    else return(GEO_EAST);
350 	}
351 	else				/*   __|__	*/
352 	{				/*    ?|?	*/
353 	    p.p_y--;
354 	    t = TiSrPoint(t, RtrChannelPlane, &p);
355 	    if(TiGetBody(t) == NULL)	/*   __|__	*/
356 		 return(GEO_CENTER);	/*     |?	*/
357 	    p.p_x++;
358 	    t = TiSrPoint(t, RtrChannelPlane, &p);
359 	    if(TiGetBody(t) != NULL)	/*   __|__	*/
360 		 return(GEO_NORTH);	/*    X|X	*/
361 	}
362     }
363     return(GEO_CENTER);
364 }
366 /*
367  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
368  *
369  * glTileToChannel --
370  *
371  * Figure out which channel corresponds to the given tile.
372  *
373  * Results:
374  *	Pointer to the channel.
375  *
376  * Side effects:
377  *	None.
378  *
379  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
380  */
382 GCRChannel *
glTileToChannel(tile)383 glTileToChannel(tile)
384     Tile *tile;	/* Should point to a channel (space) tile */
385 {
386     HashEntry *he;
388     if (!isSpaceTile(tile))
389 	return ((GCRChannel *) NULL);
390     he = HashLookOnly(&RtrTileToChannel, (char *) tile);
391     if (he == (HashEntry *) NULL)
392 	return ((GCRChannel *) NULL);
393     return (GCRChannel *) HashGetValue(he);
394 }