1 /*
2  * net2ir --
3  *
4  * Given a feedback file produced by the Magic :find command (from
5  * the netlist menu) followed by :feed save, giving label locations and
6  * layers, and a netlist
7  * file, produce a set of irouter commands to route the two-point
8  * nets in the order in which they appear in the netlist file.
9  *
10  * Usage:
11  *	net2ir feedfile netfile
12  *
13  * Produces the commands on its standard output.
14  */
16 #include <stdio.h>
17 #include <stdlib.h>
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <ctype.h>
21 #include "utils/magic.h"
22 #include "utils/geometry.h"
23 #include "utils/hash.h"
24 #include "utils/malloc.h"
25 #include "utils/utils.h"
27 #ifndef lint
28 static char rcsid[] __attribute__ ((unused)) = "$Header: /usr/cvsroot/magic-8.0/net2ir/net2ir.c,v 2008/02/03 20:43:50 tim Exp $";
29 #endif /* lint */
31 #define	INITHASHSIZE	128
32 #define	LINESIZE	1024
34 /*
35  * Hash table of all feedback information giving label locations.
36  * Keyed by the label name; the contents are a structure giving
37  * the label location and its layer.
38  */
39 HashTable feedHash;
41 typedef struct
42 {
43     char *li_layer;
44     char *li_label;
45     Rect  li_area;
46 } LabInfo;
48 int
main(argc,argv)49 main(argc, argv)
50     char *argv[];
51 {
52     char line1[LINESIZE], line2[LINESIZE], layer[LINESIZE], label[LINESIZE];
53     HashEntry *he;
54     LabInfo *li;
55     int nterms;
56     FILE *fp;
57     char *cp;
58     Rect r;
60     if (argc != 3)
61     {
62 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: net2ir feedfile netfile\n");
63 	exit (1);
64     }
66     /* Process the feedback file, building the hash table of label locs */
67     HashInit(&feedHash, INITHASHSIZE, HT_STRINGKEYS);
68     fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
69     if (fp == NULL)
70     {
71 	perror(argv[1]);
72 	exit (1);
73     }
75     while (fgets(line1, sizeof line1, fp))
76     {
77 getfirst:
78 	if (sscanf(line1, "box %d %d %d %d", &r.r_xbot, &r.r_ybot,
79 		&r.r_xtop, &r.r_ytop) != 4)
80 	    continue;
81 	if (fgets(line2, sizeof line2, fp) == NULL)
82 	    break;
83 	if (sscanf(line2, "feedback add \"%[^;];%[^\"]", layer, label) != 2)
84 	{
85 	    strcpy(line1, line2);
86 	    goto getfirst;
87 	}
89 	he = HashFind(&feedHash, label);
90 	if (HashGetValue(he))
91 	{
92 	    fprintf(stderr,
93 		"Warning: multiple locs for label %s; 2nd loc ignored.\n",
94 		label);
95 	    continue;
96 	}
97 	li = (LabInfo *) mallocMagic((unsigned) (sizeof (LabInfo)));
98 	GEO_EXPAND(&r, -1, &li->li_area);
99 	li->li_label = StrDup((char **) NULL, label);
100 	li->li_layer = StrDup((char **) NULL, layer);
101 	HashSetValue(he, (ClientData) li);
102     }
103     (void) fclose(fp);
105     /* Process the net file */
106     fp = fopen(argv[2], "r");
107     if (fp == NULL)
108     {
109 	perror(argv[2]);
110 	exit (1);
111     }
113     nterms = 0;
114     while (fgets(line1, sizeof line1, fp))
115     {
116 	if (isspace(line1[0]) || line1[0] == '\0')
117 	{
118 	    nterms = 0;
119 	    continue;
120 	}
122 	if (cp = strchr(line1, '\n'))
123 	    *cp = '\0';
125 	if (nterms >= 2)
126 	{
127 	    fprintf(stderr, "Net with >2 terms ignored: %s\n", line1);
128 	    continue;
129 	}
131 	he = HashLookOnly(&feedHash, line1);
132 	if (he == NULL || (li = (LabInfo *) HashGetValue(he)) == NULL)
133 	{
134 	    fprintf(stderr, "No location for terminal %s\n", line1);
135 	    continue;
136 	}
138 	if(nterms == 0)
139 	{
140 	    printf(":iroute route -slayers %s -sPoint %d %d ",
141 		   li->li_layer,
142 		   li->li_area.r_xbot,
143 		   li->li_area.r_ybot);
144 	}
145 	else
146 	{
147 	    printf("-dlayers %s -dRect %d %d %d %d\n",
148 		   li->li_layer,
149 		   li->li_area.r_xbot,
150 		   li->li_area.r_ybot,
151 		   li->li_area.r_xtop,
152 		   li->li_area.r_ytop);
153 	}
154 	nterms++;
155     }
156     exit(0);
157 }