1 /****************************************************************************
2 * VCGLib                                                            o o     *
3 * Visual and Computer Graphics Library                            o     o   *
4 *                                                                _   O  _   *
5 * Copyright(C) 2004                                                \/)\/    *
6 * Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      *
7 * ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      *
8 *                                                                    \      *
9 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
10 *                                                                           *
11 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *
12 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
13 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
14 * (at your option) any later version.                                       *
15 *                                                                           *
16 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
19 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)          *
20 * for more details.                                                         *
21 *                                                                           *
22 ****************************************************************************/
24 #include "AlignPair.h"
25 #include "../point_matching_scale.h"
27 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/clean.h>
28 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/position.h>
29 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/component_ep.h>
30 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/flag.h>
31 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/normal.h>
32 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/bounding.h>
33 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/closest.h>
34 #include <wrap/io_trimesh/import.h>
35 #include <wrap/io_trimesh/export_ply.h>
37 #include <vcg/math/random_generator.h>
38 #include <vcg/math/gen_normal.h>
39 #include <vcg/space/point_matching.h>
41 using namespace vcg;
42 using namespace std;
Import(const char * filename,Matrix44d & Tr)44 bool AlignPair::A2Mesh::Import(const char *filename, Matrix44d &Tr)
45 {
46   int err = tri::io::Importer<A2Mesh>::Open(*this, filename);
47   if (err) {
48     printf("Error in reading %s: '%s'\n", filename, tri::io::Importer<A2Mesh>::ErrorMsg(err));
49     exit(-1);
50   }
51   printf("read mesh `%s'\n", filename);
52   return Init(Tr);
53 }
InitVert(const Matrix44d & Tr)55 bool AlignPair::A2Mesh::InitVert(const Matrix44d &Tr)
56 {
57   Matrix44d Idn; Idn.SetIdentity();
58   if (Tr != Idn) tri::UpdatePosition<A2Mesh>::Matrix(*this, Tr);
59   tri::UpdateNormal<A2Mesh>::NormalizePerVertex(*this);
60   tri::UpdateBounding<A2Mesh>::Box(*this);
61   return true;
62 }
Init(const Matrix44d & Tr)64 bool AlignPair::A2Mesh::Init(const Matrix44d &Tr)
65 {
66   Matrix44d Idn; Idn.SetIdentity();
67   tri::Clean<A2Mesh>::RemoveUnreferencedVertex(*this);
68   if (Tr != Idn) tri::UpdatePosition<A2Mesh>::Matrix(*this, Tr);
69   tri::UpdateNormal<A2Mesh>::PerVertexNormalizedPerFaceNormalized(*this);
70   tri::UpdateFlags<A2Mesh>::FaceBorderFromNone(*this);
71   tri::UpdateBounding<A2Mesh>::Box(*this);
73   return true;
74 }
clear()77 void AlignPair::Stat::clear()
78 {
79   I.clear();
80   StartTime = 0;
81   MovVertNum = 0;
82   FixVertNum = 0;
83   FixFaceNum = 0;
84 }
86 // Restituisce true se nelle ultime <lastiter> iterazioni non e' diminuito
87 // l'errore
Stable(int lastiter)88 bool AlignPair::Stat::Stable(int lastiter)
89 {
90   if (I.empty()) return false;
91   int parag = int(I.size()) - lastiter;
93   if (parag < 0) parag = 0;
94   if (I.back().pcl50 < I[parag].pcl50) return false; // se siamo diminuiti non e' stabile
96   return true;
98 }
Dump(FILE * fp)101 void AlignPair::Stat::Dump(FILE *fp)
102 {
103   if (I.size() == 0) {
104     fprintf(fp, "Empty AlignPair::Stat\n");
105     return;
106   }
107   fprintf(fp, "Final Err %8.5f In %i iterations Total Time %ims\n", LastPcl50(), (int)I.size(), TotTime());
108   fprintf(fp, "Mindist   Med   Hi    Avg  RMS   StdDev   Time Tested Used  Dist Bord Angl \n");
109   for (unsigned int qi = 0; qi < I.size(); ++qi)
110     fprintf(fp, "%5.2f (%6.3f:%6.3f) (%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f) %4ims %5i %5i %4i+%4i+%4i\n",
111     I[qi].MinDistAbs,
112     I[qi].pcl50, I[qi].pclhi,
113     I[qi].AVG, I[qi].RMS, I[qi].StdDev,
114     IterTime(qi),
115     I[qi].SampleTested, I[qi].SampleUsed, I[qi].DistanceDiscarded, I[qi].BorderDiscarded, I[qi].AngleDiscarded);
116 }
118 // Scrive una tabella con tutti i valori
HTMLDump(FILE * fp)119 void AlignPair::Stat::HTMLDump(FILE *fp)
120 {
121   fprintf(fp, "Final Err %8.5f In %i iterations Total Time %ims\n", LastPcl50(), (int)I.size(), TotTime());
122   fprintf(fp, "<table border>\n");
123   fprintf(fp, "<tr> <th>Mindist</th><th>    50ile </th><th>  Hi </th><th>   Avg  </th><th> RMS </th><th>  StdDev  </th><th> Time </th><th> Tested </th><th> Used </th><th> Dist </th><th> Bord </th><th> Angl \n");
124   for (unsigned int qi = 0; qi < I.size(); ++qi)
125     fprintf(fp, "<tr> <td> %8.5f </td><td align=\"right\"> %9.6f </td><td align=\"right\"> %8.5f </td><td align=\"right\"> %5.3f </td><td align=\"right\"> %8.5f </td><td align=\"right\"> %9.6f </td><td align=\"right\"> %4ims </td><td align=\"right\"> %5i </td><td align=\"right\"> %5i </td><td align=\"right\"> %4i </td><td align=\"right\"> %4i </td><td align=\"right\">%4i </td><td align=\"right\"></tr>\n",
126     I[qi].MinDistAbs,
127     I[qi].pcl50, I[qi].pclhi,
128     I[qi].AVG, I[qi].RMS, I[qi].StdDev,
129     IterTime(qi),
130     I[qi].SampleTested, I[qi].SampleUsed, I[qi].DistanceDiscarded, I[qi].BorderDiscarded, I[qi].AngleDiscarded);
131   fprintf(fp, "</table>\n");
132 }
136 /*
137 This function is used to choose remove outliers after each ICP iteration.
138 All the points with a distance over the given Percentile are discarded.
139 It uses two parameters
140 MaxPointNum an (unused) hard limit on the number of points that are chosen
141 MinPointNum the minimum number of points that have to be chosen to be usable
143 */
ChoosePoints(vector<Point3d> & Ps,vector<Point3d> & Ns,vector<Point3d> & Pt,vector<Point3d> & OPt,double PassHi,Histogramf & H)144 bool AlignPair::ChoosePoints(vector<Point3d> &Ps,		// vertici corrispondenti su src (rossi)
145   vector<Point3d> &Ns, 		// normali corrispondenti su src (rossi)
146   vector<Point3d> &Pt,		// vertici scelti su trg (verdi)
147   vector<Point3d> &OPt,		// vertici scelti su trg (verdi)
148   double PassHi,
149   Histogramf &H)
150 {
151   const int N = ap.MaxPointNum;
152   double newmaxd = H.Percentile(float(PassHi));
153   //printf("%5.1f of the pairs has a distance less than %g and greater than %g (0..%g) avg %g\n",	Perc*100,newmind,newmaxd,H.maxv,H.Percentile(.5));
154   int sz = int(Ps.size());
155   int fnd = 0;
156   int lastgood = sz - 1;
157   math::SubtractiveRingRNG myrnd;
158   while (fnd < N && fnd < lastgood)
159   {
160     int index = fnd + myrnd.generate(lastgood - fnd);
161     double dd = Distance(Ps[index], Pt[index]);
162     if (dd <= newmaxd)
163     {
164       swap(Ps[index], Ps[fnd]);
165       swap(Ns[index], Ns[fnd]);
166       swap(Pt[index], Pt[fnd]);
167       swap(OPt[index], OPt[fnd]);
168       ++fnd;
169     }
170     else
171     {
172       swap(Ps[index], Ps[lastgood]);
173       swap(Ns[index], Ns[lastgood]);
174       swap(Pt[index], Pt[lastgood]);
175       swap(OPt[index], OPt[lastgood]);
176       lastgood--;
177     }
178   }
179   Ps.resize(fnd);
180   Ns.resize(fnd);
181   Pt.resize(fnd);
182   OPt.resize(fnd);
183 //  printf("Scelte %i coppie tra le %i iniziali, scartate quelle con dist > %f\n", fnd, sz, newmaxd);
185   if ((int)Ps.size() < ap.MinPointNum)		{
186     printf("Troppi pochi punti!\n");
187     Ps.clear();
188     Ns.clear();
189     Pt.clear();
190     OPt.clear();
191     return false;
192   }
193   return true;
194 }
196 /*
197 Funzione chiamata dalla Align ad ogni ciclo
198 Riempie i vettori <MovVert> e <MovNorm> con i coordinate e normali presi dal vettore di vertici mov
199 della mesh da muovere trasformata secondo la matrice <In>
200 Calcola anche il nuovo bounding box di tali vertici trasformati.
201 */
InitMov(vector<Point3d> & MovVert,vector<Point3d> & MovNorm,Box3d & trgbox,const Matrix44d & in)202 bool AlignPair::InitMov(
203   vector< Point3d > &MovVert,
204   vector< Point3d > &MovNorm,
205   Box3d &trgbox,
206   const Matrix44d &in)				// trasformazione Iniziale (che porta i punti di trg su src)
207 {
208   Point3d pp, nn;
210   MovVert.clear();
211   MovNorm.clear();
212   trgbox.SetNull();
214   A2Mesh::VertexIterator vi;
215   for (vi = mov->begin(); vi != mov->end(); vi++) {
216     pp = in*(*vi).P();
217     nn = in*Point3d((*vi).P() + (*vi).N()) - pp;
218     nn.Normalize();
219     MovVert.push_back(pp);
220     MovNorm.push_back(nn);
221     trgbox.Add(pp);
222   }
223   return true;
224 }
InitFixVert(AlignPair::A2Mesh * fm,AlignPair::Param & pp,A2GridVert & u,int PreferredGridSize)226 bool AlignPair::InitFixVert(AlignPair::A2Mesh *fm,
227   AlignPair::Param &pp,
228   A2GridVert &u,
229   int PreferredGridSize)
230 {
231   Box3d bb2 = fm->bbox;
232   double MinDist = pp.MinDistAbs*1.1;
233   //the bbox of the grid should be enflated of the mindist used in the ICP search
234   bb2.Offset(Point3d(MinDist, MinDist, MinDist));
236   u.SetBBox(bb2);
238   //Inserisco la src nella griglia
239   if (PreferredGridSize == 0) PreferredGridSize = int(fm->vert.size())*pp.UGExpansionFactor;
240   u.Set(fm->vert.begin(), fm->vert.end());//, PreferredGridSize);
241   printf("UG %i %i %i\n", u.siz[0], u.siz[1], u.siz[2]);
242   return true;
243 }
InitFix(AlignPair::A2Mesh * fm,AlignPair::Param & pp,A2Grid & u,int PreferredGridSize)246 bool AlignPair::InitFix(AlignPair::A2Mesh *fm,
247   AlignPair::Param &pp,
248   A2Grid &u,
249   int PreferredGridSize)
250 {
251   tri::InitFaceIMark(*fm);
253   Box3d bb2 = fm->bbox;
254   //	double MinDist= fm->bbox.Diag()*pp.MinDistPerc;
255   double MinDist = pp.MinDistAbs*1.1;
256   //gonfio della distanza utente il BBox della seconda mesh
257   bb2.Offset(Point3d(MinDist, MinDist, MinDist));
259   u.SetBBox(bb2);
261   //Inserisco la src nella griglia
262   if (PreferredGridSize == 0) PreferredGridSize = int(fm->face.size())*pp.UGExpansionFactor;
263   u.Set(fm->face.begin(), fm->face.end(), PreferredGridSize);
264   printf("UG %i %i %i\n", u.siz[0], u.siz[1], u.siz[2]);
265   return true;
266 }
267 /*
268 The Main ICP alignment Function:
269 It assumes that:
270 we have two meshes:
271 - Fix the mesh that does not move and stays in the spatial indexing structure.
272 - Mov the mesh we 'move' e.g. the one for which we search the transforamtion.
274 requires normalize normals for vertices AND faces
275 Allinea due mesh;
276 Assume che:
277 la uniform grid sia gia' inizializzata con la mesh fix
280 */
Align(A2Grid & u,A2GridVert & uv,const Matrix44d & in,Matrix44d & out,vector<Point3d> & Pfix,vector<Point3d> & Nfix,vector<Point3d> & OPmov,vector<Point3d> & ONmov,Histogramf & H,AlignPair::Stat & as)282 bool AlignPair::Align(
283   A2Grid &u,
284   A2GridVert &uv,
285   const	Matrix44d &in,					// trasformazione Iniziale (che porta i punti di mov su fix)
286   Matrix44d &out,					// trasformazione calcolata
287   vector<Point3d> &Pfix,		// vertici corrispondenti su src (rossi)
288   vector<Point3d> &Nfix, 		// normali corrispondenti su src (rossi)
289   vector<Point3d> &OPmov,		// vertici scelti su trg (verdi) prima della trasformazione in ingresso (Original Point Target)
290   vector<Point3d> &ONmov, 		// normali scelti su trg (verdi)
291   Histogramf &H,
292   AlignPair::Stat &as)
293 {
294   vector<char> beyondCntVec;    // vettore per marcare i movvert che sicuramente non si devono usare
295   // ogni volta che un vertice si trova a distanza oltre max dist viene incrementato il suo contatore;
296   // i movvert che sono stati scartati piu' di MaxCntDist volte non si guardano piu';
297   const int maxBeyondCnt = 3;
298   vector< Point3d > movvert;
299   vector< Point3d > movnorm;
300   vector<Point3d> Pmov; // vertici scelti dopo la trasf iniziale
301   status = SUCCESS;
302   int tt0 = clock();
304   out = in;
306   int i;
308   double CosAngleThr = cos(ap.MaxAngleRad);
309   double StartMinDist = ap.MinDistAbs;
310   int tt1 = clock();
311   int ttsearch = 0;
312   int ttleast = 0;
313   int nc = 0;
314   as.clear();
315   as.StartTime = clock();
317   beyondCntVec.resize(mov->size(), 0);
319   /**************** BEGIN ICP LOOP ****************/
320   do
321   {
322     Stat::IterInfo ii;
323     Box3d movbox;
324     InitMov(movvert, movnorm, movbox, out);
325     H.SetRange(0.0f, float(StartMinDist), 512, 2.5f);
326     Pfix.clear();
327     Nfix.clear();
328     Pmov.clear();
329     OPmov.clear();
330     ONmov.clear();
331     int tts0 = clock();
332     ii.MinDistAbs = StartMinDist;
333     int LocSampleNum = min(ap.SampleNum, int(movvert.size()));
334     Box3d fixbox;
335     if (u.Empty()) fixbox = uv.bbox;
336     else fixbox = u.bbox;
337     for (i = 0; i < LocSampleNum; ++i)
338     {
339       if (beyondCntVec[i] < maxBeyondCnt)
340       {
342         if (fixbox.IsIn(movvert[i]))
343         {
344           double error = StartMinDist;
345           Point3d closestPoint, closestNormal;
346           double maxd = StartMinDist;
347           ii.SampleTested++;
348           if (u.Empty()) // using the point cloud grid
349           {
350             A2Mesh::VertexPointer vp = tri::GetClosestVertex(*fix, uv, movvert[i], maxd, error);
351             if (error >= StartMinDist) {
352               ii.DistanceDiscarded++; ++beyondCntVec[i]; continue;
353             }
354             if (movnorm[i].dot(vp->N()) < CosAngleThr) {
355               ii.AngleDiscarded++; continue;
356             }
357             closestPoint = vp->P();
358             closestNormal = vp->N();
359           }
360           else // using the standard faces and grid
361           {
362             A2Mesh::FacePointer f = vcg::tri::GetClosestFaceBase<vcg::AlignPair::A2Mesh, vcg::AlignPair::A2Grid >(*fix, u, movvert[i], maxd, error, closestPoint);
363             if (error >= StartMinDist) {
364               ii.DistanceDiscarded++; ++beyondCntVec[i]; continue;
365             }
366             if (movnorm[i].dot(f->N()) < CosAngleThr) {
367               ii.AngleDiscarded++; continue;
368             }
369             Point3d ip;
370             InterpolationParameters<A2Face, double>(*f, f->N(), closestPoint, ip);
371             const double IP_EPS = 0.00001;
372             // If ip[i] == 0 it means that we are on the edge opposite to i
373             if ((fabs(ip[0]) <= IP_EPS && f->IsB(1)) || (fabs(ip[1]) <= IP_EPS && f->IsB(2)) || (fabs(ip[2]) <= IP_EPS && f->IsB(0))){
374               ii.BorderDiscarded++;  continue;
375             }
376             closestNormal = f->N();
377           }
378           // The sample was accepted. Store it.
379           Pmov.push_back(movvert[i]);
380           OPmov.push_back((*mov)[i].P());
381           ONmov.push_back((*mov)[i].N());
382           Nfix.push_back(closestNormal);
383           Pfix.push_back(closestPoint);
384           H.Add(float(error));
385           ii.SampleUsed++;
386         }
387         else
388           beyondCntVec[i] = maxBeyondCnt + 1;
389       }
390     } // End for each pmov
391     int tts1 = clock();
392     //printf("Found %d pairs\n",(int)Pfix.size());
393     if (!ChoosePoints(Pfix, Nfix, Pmov, OPmov, ap.PassHiFilter, H))
394     {
395       if (int(Pfix.size()) < ap.MinPointNum)
396       {
397         status = TOO_FEW_POINTS;
398         ii.Time = clock();
399         as.I.push_back(ii);
400         return false;
401       }
402     }
403     Matrix44d newout;
404     switch (ap.MatchMode)
405     {
406     case AlignPair::Param::MMSimilarity: ComputeRotoTranslationScalingMatchMatrix(newout, Pfix, Pmov); break;
407     case AlignPair::Param::MMRigid: ComputeRigidMatchMatrix(Pfix, Pmov, newout);   break;
408     default:
409       status = UNKNOWN_MODE;
410       ii.Time = clock();
411       as.I.push_back(ii);
412       return false;
413     }
415     //    double sum_before=0;
416     //    double sum_after=0;
417     //    for(unsigned int iii=0;iii<Pfix.size();++iii)
418     //    {
419     //      sum_before+=Distance(Pfix[iii], out*OPmov[iii]);
420     //      sum_after+=Distance(Pfix[iii], newout*OPmov[iii]);
421     //    }
422     //    //printf("Distance %f -> %f\n",sum_before/double(Pfix.size()),sum_after/double(Pfix.size()) ) ;
424     // le passate successive utilizzano quindi come trasformazione iniziale questa appena trovata.
425     // Nei prossimi cicli si parte da questa matrice come iniziale.
426     out = newout * out;
428     assert(Pfix.size() == Pmov.size());
429     int tts2 = clock();
430     ttsearch += tts1 - tts0;
431     ttleast += tts2 - tts1;
432     ii.pcl50 = H.Percentile(.5);
433     ii.pclhi = H.Percentile(float(ap.PassHiFilter));
434     ii.AVG = H.Avg();
435     ii.RMS = H.RMS();
436     ii.StdDev = H.StandardDeviation();
437     ii.Time = clock();
438     as.I.push_back(ii);
439     nc++;
440     // The distance of the next points to be considered is lowered according to the <ReduceFactor> parameter.
441     // We use 5 times the <ReduceFactor> percentile of the found points.
442     if (ap.ReduceFactorPerc<1) StartMinDist = max(ap.MinDistAbs*ap.MinMinDistPerc, min(StartMinDist, 5.0*H.Percentile(float(ap.ReduceFactorPerc))));
443   } while (
444     nc <= ap.MaxIterNum &&
445     H.Percentile(.5) > ap.TrgDistAbs &&
446     (nc<ap.EndStepNum + 1 || !as.Stable(ap.EndStepNum))
447     );
448   /**************** END ICP LOOP ****************/
449   int tt2 = clock();
450   out[3][0] = 0; out[3][1] = 0; out[3][2] = 0; out[3][3] = 1;
451   Matrix44d ResCopy = out;
452   Point3d scv, shv, rtv, trv;
453   Decompose(ResCopy, scv, shv, rtv, trv);
454   if ((ap.MatchMode == vcg::AlignPair::Param::MMRigid) && (math::Abs(1 - scv[0])>ap.MaxScale || math::Abs(1 - scv[1]) > ap.MaxScale || math::Abs(1 - scv[2]) > ap.MaxScale)) {
455     status = TOO_MUCH_SCALE;
456     return false;
457   }
458   if (shv[0] > ap.MaxShear || shv[1] > ap.MaxShear || shv[2] > ap.MaxShear) {
459     status = TOO_MUCH_SHEAR;
460     return false;
461   }
462   printf("Grid %i %i %i - fn %i\n", u.siz[0], u.siz[1], u.siz[2], fix->fn);
463   printf("Init %8.3f Loop %8.3f Search %8.3f least sqrt %8.3f\n",
464     float(tt1 - tt0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, float(tt2 - tt1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC,
465     float(ttsearch) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, float(ttleast) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
467   return true;
468 }
ErrorMsg(ErrorCode code)473 const char *AlignPair::ErrorMsg(ErrorCode code)
474 {
475   switch (code){
476   case SUCCESS:         return "Success         ";
477   case NO_COMMON_BBOX: return "No Common BBox  ";
478   case TOO_FEW_POINTS: return "Too few points  ";
479   case LSQ_DIVERGE: return "LSQ not converge";
480   case TOO_MUCH_SHEAR: return "Too much shear  ";
481   case TOO_MUCH_SCALE: return "Too much scale  ";
482   case UNKNOWN_MODE: return "Unknown mode    ";
483   default:  assert(0); return "Catastrophic Error";
484   }
485   return 0;
486 }
487 /*
489 Questa parte era relativa all'allineatore automatico.
490 Da controllare se ancora funge.
493 // Calcola la migliore traslazione possibile,
494 // cioe' quella dove i punti in movvert cascano per la maggior parte
495 // in celle della ug occupate dalla fixmesh
496 // Restituisce il numero di celle di sovrapposizione massimo trovato
498 int AlignPair::SearchTranslate(A2Grid &u,
499 const Matrix44d &BaseRot,
500 const int range,
501 const int step,
502 Point3d &BestTransV,  // miglior vettore di spostamento
503 bool Verbose)
504 {
505 const int wide1=(range*2+1);
506 const int wide2=wide1*wide1;
507 vector< Point3d > movvert;
508 vector< Point3d > movnorm;
509 Box3d movbox;
511 int t0=clock();
512 InitMov(movvert,movnorm,movbox,BaseRot);
513 Point3i ip;
514 int i,ii,jj,kk;
515 vector<int> test((range*2+1)*(range*2+1)*(range*2+1),0);
516 //int bx,by,bz,ex,ey,ez;
518 Point3i b,e;
519 int testposii,testposjj;
520 for(i=0;i<movvert.size();++i)
521 {
522 if(u.bbox.IsIn(movvert[i])){
523 u.PToIP(movvert[i],ip);
524 b=ip+Point3i(-range,-range,-range);
525 e=ip+Point3i( range, range, range);
526 while(b[0]<0)         b[0]+=step;
527 while(e[0]>=u.siz[0]) e[0]-=step;
528 while(b[1]<0)         b[1]+=step;
529 while(e[1]>=u.siz[1]) e[1]-=step;
530 while(b[2]<0)         b[2]+=step;
531 while(e[2]>=u.siz[2]) e[2]-=step;
533 for(ii=b[0];ii<=e[0];ii+=step)
534 {
535 testposii=(ii-ip[0]+range)*wide2;
536 for(jj=b[1];jj<=e[1];jj+=step)
537 {
538 testposjj=testposii+(jj-ip[1]+range)*wide1-ip[2]+range;
539 for(kk=b[2];kk<=e[2];kk+=step)
540 {
541 UGrid< A2Mesh::face_container >::UG ** g = u.Grid(ii,jj,kk);
542 //if((*(g+1))- (*g) >0)
543 if((*(g+1))!=(*g) )
544 ++test[testposjj+kk];
545 assert(ii >=0 && ii < u.siz[0]);
546 assert(jj >=0 && jj < u.siz[1]);
547 assert(kk >=0 && kk < u.siz[2]);
548 }
549 }
550 }
551 }
552 }
553 int maxfnd=0;
554 Point3i BestI;
555 for(ii=-range;ii<=range;ii+=step)
556 for(jj=-range;jj<=range;jj+=step)
557 for(kk=-range;kk<=range;kk+=step)
558 {const int pos =(range+ii)*wide2+(range+jj)*wide1+range+kk;
559 if(test[pos]>maxfnd)
560 {
561 BestI=Point3i(ii,jj,kk);
562 BestTransV=Point3d(ii*u.voxel[0], jj*u.voxel[1], kk*u.voxel[2]);
563 maxfnd=test[pos];
564 }
565 //printf("Found %i su %i in %i\n",test[testcnt],movvert.size(),t1-t0);
566 }
568 int t1=clock();
569 if(Verbose) printf("BestTransl (%4i in %3ims) is %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f (%3i %3i %3i)\n",maxfnd,t1-t0,BestTransV[0],BestTransV[1],BestTransV[2],BestI[0],BestI[1],BestI[2]);
570 return maxfnd;
571 }
572 #if 0
573 int AlignPair::SearchTranslate(UGrid< A2Mesh::face_container > &u,
574 vector< Point3d > &movvert,
575 vector< Point3d > &movnorm,
576 Box3d &movbox,
577 const Matrix44d &BaseRot,
578 const int range,
579 const int step,
580 Point3d &BestTransV,  // miglior vettore di spostamento
581 bool Verbose)
582 {
583 const int wide1=(range*2+1);
584 const int wide2=wide1*wide1;
586 int t0=clock();
587 InitMov(movvert,movnorm,movbox,BaseRot);
588 Point3i ip;
589 int i,ii,jj,kk;
590 vector<int> test((range*2+1)*(range*2+1)*(range*2+1),0);
591 for(i=0;i<movvert.size();++i)
592 {
593 if(u.bbox.IsIn(movvert[i])){
594 u.PToIP(movvert[i],ip);
595 for(ii=-range;ii<=range;ii+=step) if(ip[0]+ii>=0 && ip[0]+ii<u.siz[0])
596 for(jj=-range;jj<=range;jj+=step) if(ip[1]+jj>=0 && ip[1]+jj<u.siz[1])
597 for(kk=-range;kk<=range;kk+=step) if(ip[2]+kk>=0 && ip[2]+kk<u.siz[2])
598 {
599 UGrid< A2Mesh::face_container >::UG ** g = u.Grid(ip[0]+ii,ip[1]+jj,ip[2]+kk);
600 if((*(g+1))- (*g) >0)
601 ++test[(range+ii)*wide2+(range+jj)*wide1+range+kk];
602 }
603 }
604 }
605 int maxfnd=0;
606 Point3i BestI;
607 for(ii=-range;ii<=range;ii+=step)
608 for(jj=-range;jj<=range;jj+=step)
609 for(kk=-range;kk<=range;kk+=step)
610 {const int pos =(range+ii)*wide2+(range+jj)*wide1+range+kk;
611 assert(test2[pos]==test[pos]);
612 if(test[pos]>maxfnd)
613 {
614 BestI=Point3i(ii,jj,kk);
615 BestTransV=Point3d(ii*u.voxel[0], jj*u.voxel[1], kk*u.voxel[2]);
616 maxfnd=test[pos];
617 }
618 //printf("Found %i su %i in %i\n",test[testcnt],movvert.size(),t1-t0);
619 }
621 int t1=clock();
622 if(Verbose) printf("BestTransl (%4i in %3ims) is %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f (%3i %3i %3i)\n",maxfnd,t1-t0,BestTransV[0],BestTransV[1],BestTransV[2],BestI[0],BestI[1],BestI[2]);
623 return maxfnd;
624 }
625 */
628 /**********************************************************/
629 // Funzioni per la scelta dei vertici sulla mesh da muovere
SampleMovVert(vector<A2Vertex> & vert,int SampleNum,AlignPair::Param::SampleModeEnum SampleMode)631 bool AlignPair::SampleMovVert(vector<A2Vertex> &vert, int SampleNum, AlignPair::Param::SampleModeEnum SampleMode)
632 {
633   switch (SampleMode)
634   {
635   case AlignPair::Param::SMRandom:					 return SampleMovVertRandom(vert, SampleNum);
636   case AlignPair::Param::SMNormalEqualized: return SampleMovVertNormalEqualized(vert, SampleNum);
637   default: assert(0);
638   }
639   return false;
640 }
643 // Scelta a caso semplice
SampleMovVertRandom(vector<A2Vertex> & vert,int SampleNum)644 bool AlignPair::SampleMovVertRandom(vector<A2Vertex> &vert, int SampleNum)
645 {
646   if (int(vert.size()) <= SampleNum) return true;
647   int i;
648   for (i = 0; i < SampleNum; ++i)
649   {
650     int pos = myrnd.generate(vert.size());
651     assert(pos >= 0 && pos < int(vert.size()));
652     swap(vert[i], vert[pos]);
653   }
654   vert.resize(SampleNum);
655   return true;
656 }
658 /*
659 Scelta a caso in maniera tale che la distribuzione delle normali dei
660 punti scelti sia il piu' possibile uniforme. In questo modo anche piccole
661 parti inclinate vengono sicuramente campionate
663 Si precalcola un piccolo (42) insieme di normali e si fa bucketing di
664 tutti i vertici della mesh su di esse.
665 Poi si scelgono <SampleNum> punti scegliendo ogni volta prima un bucket
666 e poi un punto all'interno del bucket
668 */
SampleMovVertNormalEqualized(vector<A2Vertex> & vert,int SampleNum)670 bool AlignPair::SampleMovVertNormalEqualized(vector<A2Vertex> &vert, int SampleNum)
671 {
672   //  assert(0);
674   //	int t0=clock();
675   vector<Point3d> NV;
676   if (NV.size() == 0)
677   {
678     GenNormal<double>::Fibonacci(30, NV);
679     printf("Generated %i normals\n", int(NV.size()));
680   }
681   // Bucket vector dove, per ogni normale metto gli indici
682   // dei vertici ad essa corrispondenti
683   vector<vector <int> > BKT(NV.size());
684   for (size_t i = 0; i < vert.size(); ++i)
685   {
686     int ind = GenNormal<double>::BestMatchingNormal(vert[i].N(), NV);
687     BKT[ind].push_back(int(i));
688   }
689   //int t1=clock();
691   // vettore di contatori per sapere quanti punti ho gia' preso per ogni bucket
692   vector <int> BKTpos(BKT.size(), 0);
694   if (SampleNum >= int(vert.size())) SampleNum = vert.size() - 1;
696   for (int i = 0; i < SampleNum;)
697   {
698     int ind = myrnd.generate(BKT.size()); // Scelgo un Bucket
699     int &CURpos = BKTpos[ind];
700     vector<int> &CUR = BKT[ind];
702     if (CURpos<int(CUR.size()))
703     {
704       swap(CUR[CURpos], CUR[CURpos + myrnd.generate(BKT[ind].size() - CURpos)]);
705       swap(vert[i], vert[CUR[CURpos]]);
706       ++BKTpos[ind];
707       ++i;
708     }
709   }
710   vert.resize(SampleNum);
711   //	int t2=clock();
712   //	printf("Matching   %6i\n",t1-t0);
713   //	printf("Collecting %6i\n",t2-t1);
714   //  printf("Total      %6i\n",t2-t0);
716   return true;
717 }