1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2006, Michael Kazhdan and Matthew Bolitho
3 All rights reserved.
5 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
6 are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
8 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
9 conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce
10 the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
11 in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
13 Neither the name of the Johns Hopkins University nor the names of its contributors
14 may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
15 prior written permission.
27 */
28 // [COMMENTS]
29 // -- Throughout the code, should make a distinction between indices and offsets
30 // -- Make an instance of _evaluate that samples the finite-elements correctly (specifically, to handle the boundaries)
31 // -- Make functions like depthAndOffset parity dependent (ideally all "depth"s should be relative to the B-Slpline resolution
32 // -- Make all points relative to the unit-cube, regardless of degree parity
33 // -- It's possible that for odd degrees, the iso-surfacing will fail because the leaves in the SortedTreeNodes do not form a partition of space
34 // -- [MAYBE] Treat normal field as a sum of delta functions, rather than a smoothed signal (again, so that high degrees aren't forced to generate smooth reconstructions)
35 // -- [MAYBE] Make the degree of the B-Spline with which the normals are splatted independent of the degree of the FEM system. (This way, higher degree systems aren't forced to generate smoother normal fields.)
36 // -- [MAYBE] Remove the isValidFEM/isValidSpace functions since the octree supports all degrees/boundary types (up to the max degree for which finalizedBrooded... was called)
38 // [TODO]
39 // -- Currently, the implementation assumes that the boundary constraints are the same for vector fields and scalar fields
40 // -- Modify the setting of the flags so that only the subset of the broods that are needed
45 #define NEW_CODE
46 #define FAST_SET_UP				// If enabled, kernel density estimation is done aglomeratively
48 #define POINT_DATA_RES 0		// Specifies the resolution of the subgrid storing points with each voxel (0==1 but is faster)
50 #define DATA_DEGREE 1			// The order of the B-Spline used to splat in data for color interpolation
51 #define WEIGHT_DEGREE 2			// The order of the B-Spline used to splat in the weights for density estimation
52 #define NORMAL_DEGREE 2			// The order of the B-Spline used to splat int the normals for constructing the Laplacian constraints
53 //#define MAX_MEMORY_GB 15		// The maximum memory the application is allowed to use
54 #define MAX_MEMORY_GB 0
56 #include <unordered_map>
57 #ifdef _OPENMP
58 #include <omp.h>
59 #endif // _OPENMP
60 #include "BSplineData.h"
61 #include "PointStream.h"
62 #include "Geometry.h"
63 #include "Octree.h"
64 #include "SparseMatrix.h"
66 #ifndef _OPENMP
omp_get_num_procs(void)67 int omp_get_num_procs( void ){ return 1; }
omp_get_thread_num(void)68 int omp_get_thread_num( void ){ return 0; }
69 #endif // _OPENMP
71 #define DERIVATIVES( Degree ) ( ( Degree>1 ) ? 2 : ( Degree==1 ? 1 : 0 ) )
73 class TreeNodeData
74 {
75 public:
76 	enum
77 	{
78 		SPACE_FLAG = 1 ,
79 		FEM_FLAG = 2 ,
80 		GHOST_FLAG = 1<<7
81 	};
82 	int nodeIndex;
83 	char flags;
setGhostFlag(bool f)85 	void setGhostFlag( bool f ){ if( f ) flags |= GHOST_FLAG ; else flags &= ~GHOST_FLAG; }
getGhostFlag(void)86 	bool getGhostFlag( void ) const { return ( flags & GHOST_FLAG )!=0; }
87 	TreeNodeData( void );
88 	~TreeNodeData( void );
89 };
91 class VertexData
92 {
93 	typedef OctNode< TreeNodeData > TreeOctNode;
94 public:
95 	static const int VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT = ( sizeof( long long ) * 8 ) / 3;
96 	static long long   EdgeIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int eIndex , int maxDepth , int index[DIMENSION] );
97 	static long long   EdgeIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int eIndex , int maxDepth );
98 	static long long   FaceIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int fIndex , int maxDepth,int index[DIMENSION] );
99 	static long long   FaceIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int fIndex , int maxDepth );
100 	static long long CornerIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int cIndex , int maxDepth , int index[DIMENSION] );
101 	static long long CornerIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int cIndex , int maxDepth );
102 	static long long CenterIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int maxDepth , int index[DIMENSION] );
103 	static long long CenterIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int maxDepth );
104 	static long long CornerIndex( int depth , const int offSet[DIMENSION] , int cIndex , int maxDepth , int index[DIMENSION] );
105 	static long long CenterIndex( int depth , const int offSet[DIMENSION] , int maxDepth , int index[DIMENSION] );
106 	static long long CornerIndexKey( const int index[DIMENSION] );
107 };
109 // This class stores the octree nodes, sorted by depth and then by z-slice.
110 // To support primal representations, the initializer takes a function that
111 // determines if a node should be included/indexed in the sorted list.
112 // [NOTE] Indexing of nodes is _GLOBAL_
113 class SortedTreeNodes
114 {
115 	typedef OctNode< TreeNodeData > TreeOctNode;
116 protected:
117 	Pointer( Pointer( int ) ) _sliceStart;
118 	int _levels;
119 public:
120 	Pointer( TreeOctNode* ) treeNodes;
begin(int depth)121 	int begin( int depth ) const{ return _sliceStart[depth][0]; }
end(int depth)122 	int   end( int depth ) const{ return _sliceStart[depth][(size_t)1<<depth]; }
begin(int depth,int slice)123 	int begin( int depth , int slice ) const{ return _sliceStart[depth][slice  ]  ; }
end(int depth,int slice)124 	int   end( int depth , int slice ) const{ if(depth<0||depth>=_levels||slice<0||slice>=(1<<depth)) printf( "uh oh\n" ) ; return _sliceStart[depth][slice+1]; }
size(void)125 	int size( void ) const { return _sliceStart[_levels-1][(size_t)1<<(_levels-1)]; }
size(int depth)126 	int size( int depth ) const { if(depth<0||depth>=_levels) printf( "uhoh\n" ); return _sliceStart[depth][(size_t)1<<depth] - _sliceStart[depth][0]; }
size(int depth,int slice)127 	int size( int depth , int slice ) const { return _sliceStart[depth][slice+1] - _sliceStart[depth][slice]; }
levels(void)128 	int levels( void ) const { return _levels; }
130 	SortedTreeNodes( void );
131 	~SortedTreeNodes( void );
132 	void set( TreeOctNode& root , std::vector< int >* map );
133 	void set( TreeOctNode& root );
135 	template< int Indices >
136 	struct  _Indices
137 	{
138 		int idx[Indices];
_Indices_Indices139 		_Indices( void ){ memset( idx , -1 , sizeof( int ) * Indices ); }
140 		int& operator[] ( int i ) { return idx[i]; }
141 		const int& operator[] ( int i ) const { return idx[i]; }
142 	};
143 	typedef _Indices< Square::CORNERS > SquareCornerIndices;
144 	typedef _Indices< Square::EDGES > SquareEdgeIndices;
145 	typedef _Indices< Square::FACES > SquareFaceIndices;
147 	struct SliceTableData
148 	{
149 		Pointer( SquareCornerIndices ) cTable;
150 		Pointer( SquareEdgeIndices   ) eTable;
151 		Pointer( SquareFaceIndices   ) fTable;
152 		int cCount , eCount , fCount , nodeOffset , nodeCount;
SliceTableDataSliceTableData153 		SliceTableData( void ){ fCount = eCount = cCount = 0 , cTable = NullPointer( SquareCornerIndices ) , eTable = NullPointer( SquareEdgeIndices ) , fTable = NullPointer( SquareFaceIndices ) , _cMap = _eMap = _fMap = NullPointer( int ); }
~SliceTableDataSliceTableData154 		~SliceTableData( void ){ clear(); }
155 #ifdef BRUNO_LEVY_FIX
clearSliceTableData156 		void clear( void ){ DeletePointer( cTable ) ; DeletePointer( eTable ) ; DeletePointer( fTable ) ; DeletePointer( _cMap ) ; DeletePointer( _eMap ) ; DeletePointer( _fMap ) ; fCount = eCount = cCount = 0; }
157 #else // !BRUNO_LEVY_FIX
clearSliceTableData158 		void clear( void ){ DeletePointer( cTable ) ; DeletePointer( eTable ) ; DeletePointer( fTable ) ; fCount = eCount = cCount = 0; }
159 #endif // BRUNO_LEVY_FIX
160 		SquareCornerIndices& cornerIndices( const TreeOctNode* node );
161 		SquareCornerIndices& cornerIndices( int idx );
162 		const SquareCornerIndices& cornerIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) const;
163 		const SquareCornerIndices& cornerIndices( int idx ) const;
164 		SquareEdgeIndices& edgeIndices( const TreeOctNode* node );
165 		SquareEdgeIndices& edgeIndices( int idx );
166 		const SquareEdgeIndices& edgeIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) const;
167 		const SquareEdgeIndices& edgeIndices( int idx ) const;
168 		SquareFaceIndices& faceIndices( const TreeOctNode* node );
169 		SquareFaceIndices& faceIndices( int idx );
170 		const SquareFaceIndices& faceIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) const;
171 		const SquareFaceIndices& faceIndices( int idx ) const;
172 	protected:
173 		Pointer( int ) _cMap;
174 		Pointer( int ) _eMap;
175 		Pointer( int ) _fMap;
176 		friend class SortedTreeNodes;
177 	};
178 	struct XSliceTableData
179 	{
180 		Pointer( SquareCornerIndices ) eTable;
181 		Pointer( SquareEdgeIndices ) fTable;
182 		int fCount , eCount , nodeOffset , nodeCount;
XSliceTableDataXSliceTableData183 		XSliceTableData( void ){ fCount = eCount = 0 , eTable = NullPointer( SquareCornerIndices ) , fTable = NullPointer( SquareEdgeIndices ) , _eMap = _fMap = NullPointer( int ); }
~XSliceTableDataXSliceTableData184 		~XSliceTableData( void ){ clear(); }
185 #ifdef BRUNO_LEVY_FIX
clearXSliceTableData186 		void clear( void ) { DeletePointer( fTable ) ; DeletePointer( eTable ) ; DeletePointer( _eMap ) ; DeletePointer( _fMap ) ; fCount = eCount = 0; }
187 #else // !BRUNO_LEVY_FIX
clearXSliceTableData188 		void clear( void ) { DeletePointer( fTable ) ; DeletePointer( eTable ) ; fCount = eCount = 0; }
189 #endif // BRUNO_LEVY_FIX
190 		SquareCornerIndices& edgeIndices( const TreeOctNode* node );
191 		SquareCornerIndices& edgeIndices( int idx );
192 		const SquareCornerIndices& edgeIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) const;
193 		const SquareCornerIndices& edgeIndices( int idx ) const;
194 		SquareEdgeIndices& faceIndices( const TreeOctNode* node );
195 		SquareEdgeIndices& faceIndices( int idx );
196 		const SquareEdgeIndices& faceIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) const;
197 		const SquareEdgeIndices& faceIndices( int idx ) const;
198 	protected:
199 		Pointer( int ) _eMap;
200 		Pointer( int ) _fMap;
201 		friend class SortedTreeNodes;
202 	};
203 	void setSliceTableData (  SliceTableData& sData , int depth , int offset , int threads ) const;
204 	void setXSliceTableData( XSliceTableData& sData , int depth , int offset , int threads ) const;
205 };
207 template< int Degree >
208 struct PointSupportKey : public OctNode< TreeNodeData >::NeighborKey< BSplineSupportSizes< Degree >::SupportEnd , -BSplineSupportSizes< Degree >::SupportStart >
209 {
210 	static const int LeftRadius  =  BSplineSupportSizes< Degree >::SupportEnd;
211 	static const int RightRadius = -BSplineSupportSizes< Degree >::SupportStart;
212 	static const int Size = LeftRadius + RightRadius + 1;
213 };
214 template< int Degree >
215 struct ConstPointSupportKey : public OctNode< TreeNodeData >::ConstNeighborKey< BSplineSupportSizes< Degree >::SupportEnd , -BSplineSupportSizes< Degree >::SupportStart >
216 {
217 	static const int LeftRadius  =  BSplineSupportSizes< Degree >::SupportEnd;
218 	static const int RightRadius = -BSplineSupportSizes< Degree >::SupportStart;
219 	static const int Size = LeftRadius + RightRadius + 1;
220 };
222 template< class Real , bool HasGradients >
223 struct SinglePointData
224 {
225 	Point3D< Real > position;
226 	Real weight;
227 	Real value , _value;
228 	SinglePointData  operator +  ( const SinglePointData& p ) const { return SinglePointData( position + p.position , value + p.value , weight + p.weight ); }
229 	SinglePointData& operator += ( const SinglePointData& p ){ position += p.position ; weight += p.weight , value += p.value ; return *this; }
230 	SinglePointData  operator *  ( Real s ) const { return SinglePointData( position*s , weight*s , value*s ); }
231 	SinglePointData& operator *= ( Real s ){ position *= s , weight *= s , value *= s ; return *this; }
232 	SinglePointData  operator /  ( Real s ) const { return SinglePointData( position/s , weight/s , value/s ); }
233 	SinglePointData& operator /= ( Real s ){ position /= s , weight /= s , value /= s ; return *this; }
SinglePointDataSinglePointData234 	SinglePointData( void ) : position( Point3D< Real >() ) , weight(0) , value(0) , _value(0) { ; }
SinglePointDataSinglePointData235 	SinglePointData( Point3D< Real > p , Real v , Real w ) { position = p , value = v , weight = w , _value = (Real)0; }
236 };
237 template< class Real >
238 struct SinglePointData< Real , true > : public SinglePointData< Real , false >
239 {
240 	using SinglePointData< Real , false >::position;
241 	using SinglePointData< Real , false >::weight;
242 	using SinglePointData< Real , false >::value;
243 	using SinglePointData< Real , false >::_value;
244 	Point3D< Real > gradient , _gradient;
245 	SinglePointData  operator +  ( const SinglePointData& p ) const { return SinglePointData( position + p.position , weight + p.weight , value + p.value , gradient + p.gradient ); }
246 	SinglePointData& operator += ( const SinglePointData& p ){ position += p.position , weight += p.weight , value += p.value , gradient += p.gradient ; return *this; }
247 	SinglePointData  operator *  ( Real s ) const { return SinglePointData( position*s , weight*s , value*s , gradient*s ); }
248 	SinglePointData& operator *= ( Real s ){ position *= s , weight *= s , value *= s , gradient *= s ; return *this; }
249 	SinglePointData  operator /  ( Real s ) const { return SinglePointData( position/s , weight/s , value/s , gradient/s ); }
250 	SinglePointData& operator /= ( Real s ){ position /= s , weight /= s , value /= s , gradient /= s ; return *this; }
251 	SinglePointData( void ) : SinglePointData< Real , false >() , gradient( Point3D< Real >() ) , _gradient( Point3D< Real >() ) { ; }
252 	SinglePointData( Point3D< Real > p , Real v , Point3D< Real > g , Real w ) : SinglePointData< Real , false >( p , v , w ) { gradient = g , _gradient = Point3D< Real >(); }
253 };
256 template< class Real , bool HasGradients >
257 struct PointData
258 {
259 	static const int RES = POINT_DATA_RES;
260 	static const int SAMPLES = RES * RES * RES;
262 	SinglePointData< Real , HasGradients > points[SAMPLES];
263 	SinglePointData< Real , HasGradients >& operator[] ( int idx ) { return points[idx]; }
264 	const SinglePointData< Real , HasGradients >& operator[] ( int idx ) const { return points[idx]; }
266 	static void SetIndices( Point3D< Real > p , Point3D< Real > c , Real w , int x[3] )
267 	{
268 		for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ ) x[d] = std::max< int >( 0 , std::min< int >( RES-1 , int( floor( ( p[d]-( c[d]-w/2 ) ) / w * RES ) ) ) );
269 	}
271 	void addPoint( SinglePointData< Real , HasGradients > p , Point3D< Real > center , Real width  )
272 	{
273 		int x[3];
274 		SetIndices( p.position , center , width , x );
275 		points[ x[0]+x[1]*RES+x[2]*RES*RES ] += p;
276 	}
278 	PointData  operator +  ( const PointData& p ) const { PointData _p ; for( int c=0 ; c<SAMPLES ;  c++ ) _p.points[c] = points[c] + _p.points[c] ; return _p; }
279 	PointData& operator += ( const PointData& p ){ for( int c=0 ; c<SAMPLES ; c++ ) points[c] += p.points[c] ; return *this; }
280 	PointData  operator *  ( Real s ) const { PointData _p ; for( int c=0 ; c<SAMPLES ;  c++ ) _p.points[c] = points[c] * s ; return _p; }
281 	PointData& operator *= ( Real s ){ for( int c=0 ; c<SAMPLES ; c++ ) points[c] *= s ; return *this; }
282 	PointData  operator /  ( Real s ) const { PointData _p ; for( int c=0 ; c<SAMPLES ;  c++ ) _p.points[c] = points[c] / s ; return _p; }
283 	PointData& operator /= ( Real s ){ for( int c=0 ; c<SAMPLES ; c++ ) points[c] /= s ; return *this; }
284 };
285 #else // !POINT_DATA_RES
286 template< class Real , bool HasGradients > using PointData = SinglePointData< Real , HasGradients >;
287 #endif // POINT_DATA_RES
289 template< class Data , int Degree >
290 struct SparseNodeData
291 {
292 	size_t size( void ) const { return _data.size(); }
293 	const Data& operator[] ( int idx ) const { return _data[idx]; }
294 	Data& operator[] ( int idx ) { return _data[idx]; }
295 	void reserve( size_t sz ){ if( sz>_indices.size() ) _indices.resize( sz , -1 ); }
296 	Data* operator()( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node ){ return ( node->nodeData.nodeIndex<0 || node->nodeData.nodeIndex>=(int)_indices.size() || _indices[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ]<0 ) ? NULL : &_data[ _indices[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ] ]; }
297 	const Data* operator()( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node ) const { return ( node->nodeData.nodeIndex<0 || node->nodeData.nodeIndex>=(int)_indices.size() || _indices[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ]<0 ) ? NULL : &_data[ _indices[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ] ]; }
298 	Data& operator[]( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node )
299 	{
300 		if( node->nodeData.nodeIndex>=(int)_indices.size() ) _indices.resize( node->nodeData.nodeIndex+1 , -1 );
301 		if( _indices[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ]==-1 )
302 		{
303 			_indices[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ] = (int)_data.size();
304 			_data.push_back( Data() );
305 		}
306 		return _data[ _indices[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ] ];
307 	}
308 	void remapIndices( const std::vector< int >& map )
309 	{
310 		std::vector< int > temp = _indices;
311 		_indices.resize( map.size() );
312 		for( size_t i=0 ; i<map.size() ; i++ )
313 			if( map[i]<(int)temp.size() ) _indices[i] = temp[ map[i] ];
314 			else                          _indices[i] = -1;
315 	}
316 	template< class _Data , int _Degree > friend struct SparseNodeData;
317 	template< class _Data , int _Degree >
318 	void init( const SparseNodeData< _Data , _Degree >& snd ){ _indices = snd._indices , _data.resize( snd._data.size() ); }
319 	void remove( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node ){ if( node->nodeData.nodeIndex<(int)_indices.size() && node->nodeData.nodeIndex>=0 ) _indices[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ] = -1; }
320 protected:
321 	std::vector< int > _indices;
322 	std::vector< Data > _data;
323 };
324 template< class Data , int Degree >
325 struct DenseNodeData
326 {
327 	DenseNodeData( void ){ _data = NullPointer( Data ) ; _sz = 0; }
328 	DenseNodeData( size_t sz ){ _sz = sz ; if( sz ) _data = NewPointer< Data >( sz ) ; else _data = NullPointer( Data ); }
329 	DenseNodeData( const DenseNodeData&  d ) : DenseNodeData() { _resize( d._sz ) ; if( _sz ) memcpy( _data , d._data , sizeof(Data) * _sz ); }
330 	DenseNodeData(       DenseNodeData&& d ){ _data = d._data , _sz = d._sz ; d._data = NullPointer( Data ) , d._sz = 0; }
331 	DenseNodeData& operator = ( const DenseNodeData&  d ){ _resize( d._sz ) ; if( _sz ) memcpy( _data , d._data , sizeof(Data) * _sz ) ; return *this; }
332 	DenseNodeData& operator = (       DenseNodeData&& d ){ size_t __sz = _sz ; Pointer( Data ) __data = _data ; _data = d._data , _sz = d._sz ; d._data = __data , d._sz = __sz ; return *this; }
333 	~DenseNodeData( void ){ DeletePointer( _data ) ; _sz = 0; }
335 	Data& operator[] ( int idx ) { return _data[idx]; }
336 	const Data& operator[] ( int idx ) const { return _data[idx]; }
337 	size_t size( void ) const { return _sz; }
338 	Data& operator[]( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node ) { return _data[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ]; }
339 	Data* operator()( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node ) { return ( node==NULL || node->nodeData.nodeIndex>=(int)_sz ) ? NULL : &_data[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ]; }
340 	const Data* operator()( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node ) const { return ( node==NULL || node->nodeData.nodeIndex>=(int)_sz ) ? NULL : &_data[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ]; }
341 	int index( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node ) const { return ( !node || node->nodeData.nodeIndex<0 || node->nodeData.nodeIndex>=(int)this->_data.size() ) ? -1 : node->nodeData.nodeIndex; }
342 protected:
343 	size_t _sz;
344 	void _resize( size_t sz ){ DeletePointer( _data ) ; if( sz ) _data = NewPointer< Data >( sz ) ; else _data = NullPointer( Data ) ; _sz = sz; }
345 	Pointer( Data ) _data;
346 };
348 // This is may be necessary in case the memory usage is larger than what fits on the stack
349 template< class C , int N > struct Stencil
350 {
351 	Stencil( void ){ _values = NewPointer< C >( N * N * N ); }
352 	~Stencil( void ){ DeletePointer( _values ); }
353 	C& operator()( int i , int j , int k ){ return _values[ i*N*N + j*N + k ]; }
354 	const C& operator()( int i , int j , int k ) const { return _values[ i*N*N + j*N + k ]; }
355 protected:
356 	Pointer( C ) _values;
357 };
359 template< int Degree1 , BoundaryType BType1 , int Degree2 , BoundaryType BType2 >
360 class SystemCoefficients
361 {
362 	typedef typename BSplineIntegrationData< Degree1 , BType1 , Degree2 , BType2 >::FunctionIntegrator FunctionIntegrator;
363 	static const int OverlapSize  = BSplineOverlapSizes< Degree1 , Degree2 >::OverlapSize;
364 	static const int OverlapStart = BSplineOverlapSizes< Degree1 , Degree2 >::OverlapStart;
365 	static const int OverlapEnd   = BSplineOverlapSizes< Degree1 , Degree2 >::OverlapEnd;
366 public:
367 	typedef typename BSplineIntegrationData< Degree1 , BType1 , Degree2 , BType2 >::FunctionIntegrator::template      Integrator< DERIVATIVES( Degree1 ) , DERIVATIVES( Degree2 ) >      Integrator;
368 	typedef typename BSplineIntegrationData< Degree1 , BType1 , Degree2 , BType2 >::FunctionIntegrator::template ChildIntegrator< DERIVATIVES( Degree1 ) , DERIVATIVES( Degree2 ) > ChildIntegrator;
370 	// The FEMSystemFunctor is a class that takes an object of type Integrator/ChildIntegrator, as well as a pair of indices of octree nodes
371 	// and returns the corresponding system coefficient.
372 	template< class _FEMSystemFunctor > static void SetCentralSystemStencil ( const _FEMSystemFunctor& F , const      Integrator& integrator , Stencil< double , OverlapSize >& stencil           );
373 	template< class _FEMSystemFunctor > static void SetCentralSystemStencils( const _FEMSystemFunctor& F , const ChildIntegrator& integrator , Stencil< double , OverlapSize >  stencils[2][2][2] );
374 	template< bool Reverse , class _FEMSystemFunctor > static void SetCentralConstraintStencil ( const _FEMSystemFunctor& F , const      Integrator& integrator , Stencil<          double   , OverlapSize >& stencil           );
375 	template< bool Reverse , class _FEMSystemFunctor > static void SetCentralConstraintStencils( const _FEMSystemFunctor& F , const ChildIntegrator& integrator , Stencil<          double   , OverlapSize >  stencils[2][2][2] );
376 	template< bool Reverse , class _FEMSystemFunctor > static void SetCentralConstraintStencil ( const _FEMSystemFunctor& F , const      Integrator& integrator , Stencil< Point3D< double > , OverlapSize >& stencil           );
377 	template< bool Reverse , class _FEMSystemFunctor > static void SetCentralConstraintStencils( const _FEMSystemFunctor& F , const ChildIntegrator& integrator , Stencil< Point3D< double > , OverlapSize >  stencils[2][2][2] );
378 };
380 template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
381 struct FEMSystemFunctor
382 {
383 	double massWeight , lapWeight , biLapWeight;
384 	FEMSystemFunctor( double mWeight=0 , double lWeight=0 , double bWeight=0 ) : massWeight( mWeight ) , lapWeight( lWeight ) , biLapWeight( bWeight ) { ; }
385 	double integrate( const typename SystemCoefficients< FEMDegree , BType , FEMDegree , BType >::     Integrator& integrator , const int off1[] , const int off2[] ) const { return _integrate( integrator , off1 , off2 ); }
386 	double integrate( const typename SystemCoefficients< FEMDegree , BType , FEMDegree , BType >::ChildIntegrator& integrator , const int off1[] , const int off2[] ) const { return _integrate( integrator , off1 , off2 ); }
387 	bool vanishesOnConstants( void ) const { return massWeight==0; }
388 protected:
389 	template< class I > double _integrate( const I& integrator , const int off1[] , const int off2[] ) const;
390 };
391 template< int SFDegree , BoundaryType SFBType , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType FEMBType >
392 struct FEMSFConstraintFunctor
393 {
394 	double massWeight , lapWeight , biLapWeight;
395 	FEMSFConstraintFunctor( double mWeight=0 , double lWeight=0 , double bWeight=0 ) : massWeight( mWeight ) , lapWeight( lWeight ) , biLapWeight( bWeight ) { ; }
396 	template< bool Reverse >
397 	double integrate( const typename SystemCoefficients< Reverse ? FEMDegree : SFDegree , Reverse ? FEMBType : SFBType , Reverse ? SFDegree : FEMDegree , Reverse ? SFBType : FEMBType >::     Integrator& integrator , const int off1[] , const int off2[] ) const { return _integrate< Reverse >( integrator , off1 , off2 ); }
398 	template< bool Reverse >
399 	double integrate( const typename SystemCoefficients< Reverse ? FEMDegree : SFDegree , Reverse ? FEMBType : SFBType , Reverse ? SFDegree : FEMDegree , Reverse ? SFBType : FEMBType >::ChildIntegrator& integrator , const int off1[] , const int off2[] ) const { return _integrate< Reverse >( integrator , off1 , off2 ); }
400 protected:
401 	template< bool Reverse , class I > double _integrate( const I& integrator , const int off1[] , const int off[2] ) const;
402 };
403 template< int VFDegree , BoundaryType VFBType , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType FEMBType >
404 struct FEMVFConstraintFunctor
405 {
406 	double lapWeight , biLapWeight;
407 	FEMVFConstraintFunctor( double lWeight=0 , double bWeight=0 ) : lapWeight( lWeight ) , biLapWeight( bWeight ) { ; }
408 	template< bool Reverse >
409 	Point3D< double > integrate( const typename SystemCoefficients< Reverse ? FEMDegree : VFDegree , Reverse ? FEMBType : VFBType , Reverse ? VFDegree : FEMDegree , Reverse ? VFBType : FEMBType >::     Integrator& integrator , const int off1[] , const int off2[] ) const { return _integrate< Reverse >( integrator , off1 , off2 ); }
410 	template< bool Reverse >
411 	Point3D< double > integrate( const typename SystemCoefficients< Reverse ? FEMDegree : VFDegree , Reverse ? FEMBType : VFBType , Reverse ? VFDegree : FEMDegree , Reverse ? VFBType : FEMBType >::ChildIntegrator& integrator , const int off1[] , const int off2[] ) const { return _integrate< Reverse >( integrator , off1 , off2 ); }
412 protected:
413 	template< bool Reverse , class I > Point3D< double > _integrate( const I& integrator , const int off1[] , const int off[2] ) const;
414 };
416 inline void SetGhostFlag( OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node , bool flag ){ if( node && node->parent ) node->parent->nodeData.setGhostFlag( flag ); }
417 inline bool GetGhostFlag( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node ){ return node==NULL || node->parent==NULL || node->parent->nodeData.getGhostFlag( ); }
418 inline bool IsActiveNode( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node ){ return !GetGhostFlag( node ); }
420 template< class Real >
421 class Octree
422 {
423 	typedef OctNode< TreeNodeData > TreeOctNode;
424 	static int _NodeCount;
425 	static void _NodeInitializer( TreeOctNode& node ){ node.nodeData.nodeIndex = _NodeCount++; }
426 public:
427 #if 0
428 	struct LocalDepth
429 	{
430 		LocalDepth( int d=0 ) : _d(d) { ; }
431 		operator int&()       { return _d; }
432 		operator int () const { return _d; }
433 	protected:
434 		int _d;
435 	};
436 	struct LocalOffset
437 	{
438 		LocalOffset( const int* off=NULL ){ if( off ) memcpy( _off , off , sizeof(_off) ) ; else memset( _off , 0 , sizeof( _off ) ); }
439 		operator        int*()       { return _off; }
440 		operator const  int*() const { return _off; }
441 	protected:
442 		int _off[3];
443 	};
444 #else
445 	typedef int LocalDepth;
446 	typedef int LocalOffset[3];
447 #endif
449 	static void ResetNodeCount( void ){ _NodeCount = 0 ; }
450 	static int NodeCount( void ){ return _NodeCount; }
451 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > void functionIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int idx[3] ) const;
453 	struct PointSample{ const TreeOctNode* node ; ProjectiveData< OrientedPoint3D< Real > , Real > sample; };
455 	typedef typename TreeOctNode::     NeighborKey< 1 , 1 >      AdjacenctNodeKey;
456 	typedef typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey< 1 , 1 > ConstAdjacenctNodeKey;
458 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > bool isValidFEMNode( const TreeOctNode* node ) const;
459 	bool isValidSpaceNode( const TreeOctNode* node ) const;
460 	TreeOctNode* leaf( Point3D< Real > p );
461 	const TreeOctNode* leaf( Point3D< Real > p ) const;
463 	template< bool HasGradients >
464 	struct InterpolationInfo
465 	{
466 		SparseNodeData< PointData< Real , HasGradients > , 0 > iData;
467 		Real valueWeight , gradientWeight;
468 		InterpolationInfo( const class Octree< Real >& tree , const std::vector< PointSample >& samples , Real pointValue , int adaptiveExponent , Real v , Real g ) : valueWeight(v) , gradientWeight(g)
469 		{ iData = tree._densifyInterpolationInfo< HasGradients >( samples , pointValue , adaptiveExponent ); }
470 		PointData< Real , HasGradients >* operator()( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node ){ return iData(node); }
471 		const PointData< Real , HasGradients >* operator()( const OctNode< TreeNodeData >* node ) const { return iData(node); }
472 	};
474 	template< int DensityDegree > struct DensityEstimator : public SparseNodeData< Real , DensityDegree >
475 	{
476 		DensityEstimator( int kernelDepth ) : _kernelDepth( kernelDepth ){ ; }
477 		int kernelDepth( void ) const { return _kernelDepth; }
478 	protected:
479 		int _kernelDepth;
480 	};
481 protected:
482 	bool _isValidSpaceNode( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return !GetGhostFlag( node ) && ( node->nodeData.flags & TreeNodeData::SPACE_FLAG ); }
483 	bool _isValidFEMNode( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return !GetGhostFlag( node ) && ( node->nodeData.flags & TreeNodeData::FEM_FLAG ); }
485 	TreeOctNode* _tree;
486 	TreeOctNode* _spaceRoot;
487 	SortedTreeNodes _sNodes;
488 	LocalDepth _fullDepth , _maxDepth;
490 	static bool _InBounds( Point3D< Real > p );
492 	int _depthOffset;
493 	int _localToGlobal( LocalDepth d ) const { return d + _depthOffset; }
494 	LocalDepth _localDepth( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return node->depth() - _depthOffset; }
495 	LocalDepth _localMaxDepth( const TreeOctNode* tree ) const { return tree->maxDepth() - _depthOffset; }
496 	int _localInset( LocalDepth d ) const { return _depthOffset<=1 ? 0 : 1<<( d + _depthOffset - 1 ); }
497 	void _localDepthAndOffset( const TreeOctNode* node , LocalDepth& d , LocalOffset& off ) const
498 	{
499 		node->depthAndOffset( d , off ) ; d -= _depthOffset;
500 		int inset = _localInset( d );
501 		off[0] -= inset , off[1] -= inset , off[2] -= inset;
502 	}
503 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > static int _BSplineBegin( LocalDepth depth ){ return BSplineEvaluationData< FEMDegree , BType >::Begin( depth ); }
504 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > static int _BSplineEnd  ( LocalDepth depth ){ return BSplineEvaluationData< FEMDegree , BType >::End  ( depth ); }
505 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
506 	bool _outOfBounds( const TreeOctNode* node ) const
507 	{
508 		if( !node ) return true;
509 		LocalDepth d ; LocalOffset off;
510 		_localDepthAndOffset( node , d , off );
511 		return d<0 || BSplineEvaluationData< FEMDegree , BType >::OutOfBounds( d , off[0] ) || BSplineEvaluationData< FEMDegree , BType >::OutOfBounds( d , off[1] ) || BSplineEvaluationData< FEMDegree , BType >::OutOfBounds( d , off[2] );
512 	}
513 	int _sNodesBegin( LocalDepth d ) const { return _sNodes.begin( _localToGlobal( d ) ); }
514 	int _sNodesEnd  ( LocalDepth d ) const { return _sNodes.end  ( _localToGlobal( d ) ); }
515 	int _sNodesSize ( LocalDepth d ) const { return _sNodes.size ( _localToGlobal( d ) ); }
516 	int _sNodesBegin( LocalDepth d , int slice ) const { return _sNodes.begin( _localToGlobal( d ) , slice + _localInset( d ) ); }
517 	int _sNodesEnd  ( LocalDepth d , int slice ) const { return _sNodes.end  ( _localToGlobal( d ) , slice + _localInset( d ) ); }
518 	int _sNodesSize ( LocalDepth d , int slice ) const { return _sNodes.size ( _localToGlobal( d ) , slice + _localInset( d ) ); }
520 	template< int FEMDegree > static bool _IsInteriorlySupported( LocalDepth depth , const LocalOffset off )
521 	{
522 		if( depth>=0 )
523 		{
524 			int begin , end;
525 			BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::InteriorSupportedSpan( depth , begin , end );
526 			return ( off[0]>=begin && off[0]<end && off[1]>=begin && off[1]<end && off[2]>=begin && off[2]<end );
527 		}
528 		else return false;
529 	}
530 	template< int FEMDegree > bool _isInteriorlySupported( const TreeOctNode* node ) const
531 	{
532 		if( !node ) return false;
533 		LocalDepth d ; LocalOffset off;
534 		_localDepthAndOffset( node , d , off );
535 		return _IsInteriorlySupported< FEMDegree >( d , off );
536 	}
537 	template< int FEMDegree1 , int FEMDegree2 > static bool _IsInteriorlyOverlapped( LocalDepth depth , const LocalOffset off )
538 	{
539 		if( depth>=0 )
540 		{
541 			int begin , end;
542 			BSplineIntegrationData< FEMDegree1 , BOUNDARY_NEUMANN , FEMDegree2 , BOUNDARY_NEUMANN >::InteriorOverlappedSpan( depth , begin , end );
543 			return ( off[0]>=begin && off[0]<end && off[1]>=begin && off[1]<end && off[2]>=begin && off[2]<end );
544 		}
545 		else return false;
546 	}
547 	template< int FEMDegree1 , int FEMDegree2 > bool _isInteriorlyOverlapped( const TreeOctNode* node ) const
548 	{
549 		if( !node ) return false;
550 		LocalDepth d ; LocalOffset off;
551 		_localDepthAndOffset( node , d , off );
552 		return _IsInteriorlyOverlapped< FEMDegree1 , FEMDegree2 >( d , off );
553 	}
554 	void _startAndWidth( const TreeOctNode* node , Point3D< Real >& start , Real& width ) const
555 	{
556 		LocalDepth d ; LocalOffset off;
557 		_localDepthAndOffset( node , d , off );
558 		if( d>=0 ) width = Real( 1.0 / (1<<  d ) );
559 		else       width = Real( 1.0 * (1<<(-d)) );
560 		for( int dd=0 ; dd<DIMENSION ; dd++ ) start[dd] = Real( off[dd] ) * width;
561 	}
562 	void _centerAndWidth( const TreeOctNode* node , Point3D< Real >& center , Real& width ) const
563 	{
564 		int d , off[3];
565 		_localDepthAndOffset( node , d , off );
566 		width = Real( 1.0 / (1<<d) );
567 		for( int dd=0 ; dd<DIMENSION ; dd++ ) center[dd] = Real( off[dd] + 0.5 ) * width;
568 	}
569 	int _childIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , Point3D< Real > p ) const
570 	{
571 		Point3D< Real > c ; Real w;
572 		_centerAndWidth( node , c , w );
573 		return ( p[0]<c[0] ? 0 : 1 ) | ( p[1]<c[1] ? 0 : 2 ) | ( p[2]<c[2] ? 0 : 4 );
574 	}
576 	template< int Degree , BoundaryType BType > void _setFullDepth( TreeOctNode* node , LocalDepth depth ) const;
577 	template< int Degree , BoundaryType BType > void _setFullDepth( LocalDepth depth );
579 	template< int LeftRadius , int RightRadius >
580 	static typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors< LeftRadius + RightRadius + 1 >& _neighbors( TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey< LeftRadius , RightRadius >& key , const TreeOctNode* node ){ return key.neighbors[ node->depth() ]; }
581 	template< int LeftRadius , int RightRadius >
582 	static typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors< LeftRadius + RightRadius + 1 >& _neighbors( TreeOctNode::NeighborKey< LeftRadius , RightRadius >& key , const TreeOctNode* node ){ return key.neighbors[ node->depth() ]; }
583 	template< int LeftRadius , int RightRadius >
584 	static const typename TreeOctNode::template Neighbors< LeftRadius + RightRadius + 1 >& _neighbors( const typename TreeOctNode::template NeighborKey< LeftRadius , RightRadius >& key , const TreeOctNode* node ){ return key.neighbors[ node->depth() ]; }
585 	template< int LeftRadius , int RightRadius >
586 	static const typename TreeOctNode::template ConstNeighbors< LeftRadius + RightRadius + 1 >& _neighbors( const typename TreeOctNode::template ConstNeighborKey< LeftRadius , RightRadius >& key , const TreeOctNode* node ){ return key.neighbors[ node->depth() ]; }
588 public:
589 	LocalDepth depth( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return _localDepth( node ); }
590 	void depthAndOffset( const TreeOctNode* node , LocalDepth& depth , LocalOffset& offset ) const { _localDepthAndOffset( node , depth , offset ); }
592 	int nodesBegin( LocalDepth d ) const { return _sNodes.begin( _localToGlobal( d ) ); }
593 	int nodesEnd  ( LocalDepth d ) const { return _sNodes.end  ( _localToGlobal( d ) ); }
594 	int nodesSize ( LocalDepth d ) const { return _sNodes.size ( _localToGlobal( d ) ); }
595 	int nodesBegin( LocalDepth d , int slice ) const { return _sNodes.begin( _localToGlobal( d ) , slice + _localInset( d ) ); }
596 	int nodesEnd  ( LocalDepth d , int slice ) const { return _sNodes.end  ( _localToGlobal( d ) , slice + _localInset( d ) ); }
597 	int nodesSize ( LocalDepth d , int slice ) const { return _sNodes.size ( _localToGlobal( d ) , slice + _localInset( d ) ); }
598 	const TreeOctNode* node( int idx ) const { return _sNodes.treeNodes[idx]; }
599 protected:
601 	////////////////////////////////////
602 	// System construction code       //
603 	// MultiGridOctreeData.System.inl //
604 	////////////////////////////////////
605 	template< int FEMDegree >
606 	void _setMultiColorIndices( int start , int end , std::vector< std::vector< int > >& indices ) const;
607 	struct _SolverStats
608 	{
609 		double evaluateTime , systemTime , solveTime;
610 		double bNorm2 , inRNorm2 , outRNorm2;
611 	};
612 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , class FEMSystemFunctor , bool HasGradients >
613 	int _solveSystemGS( const FEMSystemFunctor& F , const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData , InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* interpolationInfo , LocalDepth depth , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& solution , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& metSolutionConstraints , int iters , bool coarseToFine , _SolverStats& stats , bool computeNorms );
614 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , class FEMSystemFunctor , bool HasGradients >
615 	int _solveSystemCG( const FEMSystemFunctor& F , const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData , InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* interpolationInfo , LocalDepth depth , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& solution , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& metSolutionConstraints , int iters , bool coarseToFine , _SolverStats& stats , bool computeNorms , double accuracy );
616 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , class FEMSystemFunctor , bool HasGradients >
617 	int _setMatrixRow( const FEMSystemFunctor& F , const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* interpolationInfo , const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors< BSplineOverlapSizes< FEMDegree , FEMDegree >::OverlapSize >& neighbors , Pointer( MatrixEntry< Real > ) row , int offset , const typename BSplineIntegrationData< FEMDegree , BType , FEMDegree , BType >::FunctionIntegrator::template Integrator< DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) , DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) >& integrator , const Stencil< double , BSplineOverlapSizes< FEMDegree , FEMDegree >::OverlapSize >& stencil , const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData ) const;
618 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
619 	int _getMatrixRowSize( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors< BSplineOverlapSizes< FEMDegree , FEMDegree >::OverlapSize >& neighbors ) const;
621 	template< int FEMDegree1 , int FEMDegree2 > static void _SetParentOverlapBounds( const TreeOctNode* node , int& startX , int& endX , int& startY , int& endY , int& startZ , int& endZ );
622 	// Updates the constraints @(depth) based on the solution coefficients @(depth-1)
624 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , class FEMSystemFunctor , bool HasGradients >
625 	void _updateConstraintsFromCoarser( const FEMSystemFunctor& F , const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* interpolationInfo , const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors< BSplineOverlapSizes< FEMDegree , FEMDegree >::OverlapSize >& neighbors , const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors< BSplineOverlapSizes< FEMDegree , FEMDegree >::OverlapSize >& pNeighbors , TreeOctNode* node , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& metSolution , const typename BSplineIntegrationData< FEMDegree , BType , FEMDegree , BType >::FunctionIntegrator::template ChildIntegrator< DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) , DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) >& childIntegrator , const Stencil< double , BSplineOverlapSizes< FEMDegree , FEMDegree >::OverlapSize >& stencil , const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData ) const;
627 	// evaluate the points @(depth) using coefficients @(depth-1)
628 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , bool HasGradients >
629 	void _setPointValuesFromCoarser( InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >& interpolationInfo , LocalDepth highDepth , const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& upSampledCoefficients );
631 	// Updates the cumulative integral constraints @(depth-1) based on the change in solution coefficients @(depth)
632 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , class FEMSystemFunctor >
633 	void _updateCumulativeIntegralConstraintsFromFiner( const FEMSystemFunctor& F ,
634 		const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData , LocalDepth highDepth , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& fineSolution , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& cumulativeConstraints ) const;
635 	// Updates the cumulative interpolation constraints @(depth-1) based on the change in solution coefficient @(depth)
636 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , bool HasGradients >
637 	void _updateCumulativeInterpolationConstraintsFromFiner( const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >& interpolationInfo ,
638 		const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData , LocalDepth highDepth , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& fineSolution , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& cumulativeConstraints ) const;
640 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
641 	Real _coarserFunctionValue( Point3D< Real > p , const PointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node , const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& upSampledCoefficients ) const;
642 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
643 	Point3D< Real > _coarserFunctionGradient( Point3D< Real > p , const PointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node , const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& upSampledCoefficients ) const;
644 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
645 	Real   _finerFunctionValue( Point3D< Real > p , const PointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node , const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& coefficients ) const;
646 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
647 	Point3D< Real >   _finerFunctionGradient( Point3D< Real > p , const PointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node , const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& coefficients ) const;
648 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , class FEMSystemFunctor , bool HasGradients >
649 	int _getSliceMatrixAndUpdateConstraints( const FEMSystemFunctor& F , const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* interpolationInfo , SparseMatrix< Real >& matrix , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , typename BSplineIntegrationData< FEMDegree , BType , FEMDegree , BType >::FunctionIntegrator::template Integrator< DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) , DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) >& integrator , typename BSplineIntegrationData< FEMDegree , BType , FEMDegree , BType >::FunctionIntegrator::template ChildIntegrator< DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) , DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) >& childIntegrator , const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData , LocalDepth depth , int slice , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& metSolution , bool coarseToFine );
650 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , class FEMSystemFunctor , bool HasGradients >
651 	int _getMatrixAndUpdateConstraints( const FEMSystemFunctor& F , const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* interpolationInfo , SparseMatrix< Real >& matrix , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , typename BSplineIntegrationData< FEMDegree , BType , FEMDegree , BType >::FunctionIntegrator::template Integrator< DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) , DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) >& integrator , typename BSplineIntegrationData< FEMDegree , BType , FEMDegree , BType >::FunctionIntegrator::template ChildIntegrator< DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) , DERIVATIVES( FEMDegree ) >& childIntegrator , const BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >& bsData , LocalDepth depth , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& metSolution , bool coarseToFine );
653 	// Down samples constraints @(depth) to constraints @(depth-1)
654 	template< class C , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > void _downSample( LocalDepth highDepth , DenseNodeData< C , FEMDegree >& constraints ) const;
655 	// Up samples coefficients @(depth-1) to coefficients @(depth)
656 	template< class C , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > void _upSample( LocalDepth highDepth , DenseNodeData< C , FEMDegree >& coefficients ) const;
657 	template< class C , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > static void _UpSample( LocalDepth highDepth , ConstPointer( C ) lowCoefficients , Pointer( C ) highCoefficients , int threads );
658 public:
659 	template< class C , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > DenseNodeData< C , FEMDegree > coarseCoefficients( const  DenseNodeData< C , FEMDegree >& coefficients ) const;
660 	template< class C , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > DenseNodeData< C , FEMDegree > coarseCoefficients( const SparseNodeData< C , FEMDegree >& coefficients ) const;
661 protected:
663 	/////////////////////////////////////////////
664 	// Code for splatting point-sample data    //
665 	// MultiGridOctreeData.WeightedSamples.inl //
666 	/////////////////////////////////////////////
667 	template< int WeightDegree >
668 	void _addWeightContribution( DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >& densityWeights , TreeOctNode* node , Point3D< Real > position , PointSupportKey< WeightDegree >& weightKey , Real weight=Real(1.0) );
669 	template< int WeightDegree , class PointSupportKey >
670 	Real _getSamplesPerNode( const DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >& densityWeights , const TreeOctNode* node , Point3D< Real > position , PointSupportKey& weightKey ) const;
671 	template< int WeightDegree , class PointSupportKey >
672 	void _getSampleDepthAndWeight( const DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >& densityWeights , const TreeOctNode* node , Point3D< Real > position , PointSupportKey& weightKey , Real& depth , Real& weight ) const;
673 	template< int WeightDegree , class PointSupportKey >
674 	void _getSampleDepthAndWeight( const DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >& densityWeights , Point3D< Real > position , PointSupportKey& weightKey , Real& depth , Real& weight ) const;
675 	template< bool CreateNodes ,                    int DataDegree , class V > void      _splatPointData( TreeOctNode* node ,                                           Point3D< Real > point , V v , SparseNodeData< V , DataDegree >& data ,                                              PointSupportKey< DataDegree >& dataKey                                                   );
676 	template< bool CreateNodes , int WeightDegree , int DataDegree , class V > Real      _splatPointData( const DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >& densityWeights , Point3D< Real > point , V v , SparseNodeData< V , DataDegree >& data , PointSupportKey< WeightDegree >& weightKey , PointSupportKey< DataDegree >& dataKey , LocalDepth minDepth , LocalDepth maxDepth , int dim=DIMENSION );
677 	template< bool CreateNodes , int WeightDegree , int DataDegree , class V > Real _multiSplatPointData( const DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >* densityWeights , TreeOctNode* node , Point3D< Real > point , V v , SparseNodeData< V , DataDegree >& data , PointSupportKey< WeightDegree >& weightKey , PointSupportKey< DataDegree >& dataKey , int dim=DIMENSION );
678 	template< class V , int DataDegree , BoundaryType BType , class Coefficients > V _evaluate( const Coefficients& coefficients , Point3D< Real > p , const BSplineData< DataDegree , BType >& bsData , const ConstPointSupportKey< DataDegree >& dataKey ) const;
679 public:
680 	template< class V , int DataDegree , BoundaryType BType > Pointer( V ) voxelEvaluate( const DenseNodeData< V , DataDegree >& coefficients , int& res , Real isoValue=0.f , LocalDepth depth=-1 , bool primal=false );
682 	template< int NormalDegree >
683 	struct HasNormalDataFunctor
684 	{
685 		const SparseNodeData< Point3D< Real > , NormalDegree >& normalInfo;
686 		HasNormalDataFunctor( const SparseNodeData< Point3D< Real > , NormalDegree >& ni ) : normalInfo( ni ){ ; }
687 		bool operator() ( const TreeOctNode* node ) const
688 		{
689 			const Point3D< Real >* n = normalInfo( node );
690 			if( n )
691 			{
692 				const Point3D< Real >& normal = *n;
693 				if( normal[0]!=0 || normal[1]!=0 || normal[2]!=0 ) return true;
694 			}
695 			if( node->children ) for( int c=0 ; c<Cube::CORNERS ; c++ ) if( (*this)( node->children + c ) ) return true;
696 			return false;
697 		}
698 	};
699 	struct TrivialHasDataFunctor{ bool operator() ( const TreeOctNode* node ) const{ return true; } };
701 	// [NOTE] The input/output for this method is pre-scaled by weight
702 	template< bool HasGradients > bool _setInterpolationInfoFromChildren( TreeOctNode* node , SparseNodeData< PointData< Real , HasGradients > , 0 >& iInfo ) const;
703 	template< bool HasGradients > SparseNodeData< PointData< Real , HasGradients > , 0 > _densifyInterpolationInfo( const std::vector< PointSample >& samples , Real pointValue , int adaptiveExponent ) const;
705 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > void _setValidityFlags( void );
706 	template< class HasDataFunctor > void _clipTree( const HasDataFunctor& f );
708 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > SparseNodeData<          Real   , 0 > leafValues   ( const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& coefficients ) const;
709 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType > SparseNodeData< Point3D< Real > , 0 > leafGradients( const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& coefficients ) const;
711 	////////////////////////////////////
712 	// Evaluation Methods             //
713 	// MultiGridOctreeData.Evaluation //
714 	////////////////////////////////////
715 	static const int CHILDREN = Cube::CORNERS;
716 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
717 	struct _Evaluator
718 	{
719 		typename BSplineEvaluationData< FEMDegree , BType >::Evaluator evaluator;
720 		typename BSplineEvaluationData< FEMDegree , BType >::ChildEvaluator childEvaluator;
721 		Stencil< double , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > cellStencil;
722 		Stencil< double , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > cellStencils  [CHILDREN];
723 		Stencil< double , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > edgeStencil             [Cube::EDGES  ];
724 		Stencil< double , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > edgeStencils  [CHILDREN][Cube::EDGES  ];
725 		Stencil< double , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > faceStencil             [Cube::FACES  ];
726 		Stencil< double , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > faceStencils  [CHILDREN][Cube::FACES  ];
727 		Stencil< double , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > cornerStencil           [Cube::CORNERS];
728 		Stencil< double , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > cornerStencils[CHILDREN][Cube::CORNERS];
730 		Stencil< Point3D< double > , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > dCellStencil;
731 		Stencil< Point3D< double > , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > dCellStencils  [CHILDREN];
732 		Stencil< Point3D< double > , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > dEdgeStencil             [Cube::EDGES  ];
733 		Stencil< Point3D< double > , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > dEdgeStencils  [CHILDREN][Cube::EDGES  ];
734 		Stencil< Point3D< double > , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > dFaceStencil             [Cube::FACES  ];
735 		Stencil< Point3D< double > , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > dFaceStencils  [CHILDREN][Cube::FACES  ];
736 		Stencil< Point3D< double > , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > dCornerStencil           [Cube::CORNERS];
737 		Stencil< Point3D< double > , BSplineSupportSizes< FEMDegree >::SupportSize > dCornerStencils[CHILDREN][Cube::CORNERS];
739 		void set( LocalDepth depth );
740 		_Evaluator( void ){ _bsData = NULL; }
741 		~_Evaluator( void ){ if( _bsData ) delete _bsData , _bsData = NULL; }
742 	protected:
743 		BSplineData< FEMDegree , BType >* _bsData;
744 		friend Octree;
745 	};
746 	template< class V , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
747 	V _getCenterValue( const ConstPointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node ,                     const DenseNodeData< V , FEMDegree >& solution , const DenseNodeData< V , FEMDegree >& coarseSolution , const _Evaluator< FEMDegree , BType >& evaluator , bool isInterior ) const;
748 	template< class V , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
749 	V _getCornerValue( const ConstPointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node , int corner        , const DenseNodeData< V , FEMDegree >& solution , const DenseNodeData< V , FEMDegree >& coarseSolution , const _Evaluator< FEMDegree , BType >& evaluator , bool isInterior ) const;
750 	template< class V , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
751 	V _getEdgeValue  ( const ConstPointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node , int edge          , const DenseNodeData< V , FEMDegree >& solution , const DenseNodeData< V , FEMDegree >& coarseSolution , const _Evaluator< FEMDegree , BType >& evaluator , bool isInterior ) const;
752 	template< class V , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
753 	V _getValue      ( const ConstPointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node , Point3D< Real > p , const DenseNodeData< V , FEMDegree >& solution , const DenseNodeData< V , FEMDegree >& coarseSolution , const _Evaluator< FEMDegree , BType >& evaluator ) const;
755 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
756 	std::pair< Real , Point3D< Real > > _getCenterValueAndGradient( const ConstPointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node ,                     const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& solution , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& coarseSolution , const _Evaluator< FEMDegree , BType >& evaluator , bool isInterior ) const;
757 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
758 	std::pair< Real , Point3D< Real > > _getCornerValueAndGradient( const ConstPointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node , int corner        , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& solution , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& coarseSolution , const _Evaluator< FEMDegree , BType >& evaluator , bool isInterior ) const;
759 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
760 	std::pair< Real , Point3D< Real > > _getEdgeValueAndGradient  ( const ConstPointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node , int edge          , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& solution , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& coarseSolution , const _Evaluator< FEMDegree , BType >& evaluator , bool isInterior ) const;
761 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
762 	std::pair< Real , Point3D< Real > > _getValueAndGradient      ( const ConstPointSupportKey< FEMDegree >& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node , Point3D< Real > p , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& solution , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& coarseSolution , const _Evaluator< FEMDegree , BType >& evaluator ) const;
764 public:
765 	template< int Degree , BoundaryType BType >
766 	class MultiThreadedEvaluator
767 	{
768 		const Octree* _tree;
769 		int _threads;
770 		std::vector< ConstPointSupportKey< Degree > > _neighborKeys;
771 		_Evaluator< Degree , BType > _evaluator;
772 		const DenseNodeData< Real , Degree >& _coefficients;
773 		DenseNodeData< Real , Degree > _coarseCoefficients;
774 	public:
775 		MultiThreadedEvaluator( const Octree* tree , const DenseNodeData< Real , Degree >& coefficients , int threads=1 );
776 		Real value( Point3D< Real > p , int thread=0 , const TreeOctNode* node=NULL );
777 		std::pair< Real , Point3D< Real > > valueAndGradient( Point3D< Real > , int thread=0 , const TreeOctNode* node=NULL );
778 	};
780 	////////////////////////////////////////
781 	// Iso-Surfacing Methods              //
782 	// MultiGridOctreeData.IsoSurface.inl //
783 	////////////////////////////////////////
784 protected:
785 	struct _IsoEdge
786 	{
787 		long long edges[2];
788 		_IsoEdge( void ){ edges[0] = edges[1] = 0; }
789 		_IsoEdge( long long v1 , long long v2 ){ edges[0] = v1 , edges[1] = v2; }
790 		long long& operator[]( int idx ){ return edges[idx]; }
791 		const long long& operator[]( int idx ) const { return edges[idx]; }
792 	};
793 	struct _FaceEdges
794 	{
795 		_IsoEdge edges[2];
796 		int count;
797 	};
798 	template< class Vertex >
799 	struct _SliceValues
800 	{
801 		typename SortedTreeNodes::SliceTableData sliceData;
802 		Pointer( Real ) cornerValues ; Pointer( Point3D< Real > ) cornerGradients ; Pointer( char ) cornerSet;
803 		Pointer( long long ) edgeKeys ; Pointer( char ) edgeSet;
804 		Pointer( _FaceEdges ) faceEdges ; Pointer( char ) faceSet;
805 		Pointer( char ) mcIndices;
806 		std::unordered_map< long long, std::vector< _IsoEdge > > faceEdgeMap;
807 		std::unordered_map< long long, std::pair< int, Vertex > > edgeVertexMap;
808 		std::unordered_map< long long, long long > vertexPairMap;
810 		_SliceValues( void );
811 		~_SliceValues( void );
812 		void reset( bool nonLinearFit );
813 	protected:
814 		int _oldCCount , _oldECount , _oldFCount , _oldNCount;
815 	};
816 	template< class Vertex >
817 	struct _XSliceValues
818 	{
819 		typename SortedTreeNodes::XSliceTableData xSliceData;
820 		Pointer( long long ) edgeKeys ; Pointer( char ) edgeSet;
821 		Pointer( _FaceEdges ) faceEdges ; Pointer( char ) faceSet;
822 		std::unordered_map< long long, std::vector< _IsoEdge > > faceEdgeMap;
823 		std::unordered_map< long long, std::pair< int, Vertex > > edgeVertexMap;
824 		std::unordered_map< long long, long long > vertexPairMap;
826 		_XSliceValues( void );
827 		~_XSliceValues( void );
828 		void reset( void );
829 	protected:
830 		int _oldECount , _oldFCount;
831 	};
832 	template< class Vertex >
833 	struct _SlabValues
834 	{
835 	protected:
836 		_XSliceValues< Vertex > _xSliceValues[2];
837 		_SliceValues< Vertex > _sliceValues[2];
838 	public:
839 		_SliceValues< Vertex >& sliceValues( int idx ){ return _sliceValues[idx&1]; }
840 		const _SliceValues< Vertex >& sliceValues( int idx ) const { return _sliceValues[idx&1]; }
841 		_XSliceValues< Vertex >& xSliceValues( int idx ){ return _xSliceValues[idx&1]; }
842 		const _XSliceValues< Vertex >& xSliceValues( int idx ) const { return _xSliceValues[idx&1]; }
843 	};
844 	template< class Vertex , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
845 	void _setSliceIsoCorners( const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& solution , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& coarseSolution , Real isoValue , LocalDepth depth , int slice ,         std::vector< _SlabValues< Vertex > >& sValues , const _Evaluator< FEMDegree , BType >& evaluator , int threads );
846 	template< class Vertex , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType >
847 	void _setSliceIsoCorners( const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& solution , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& coarseSolution , Real isoValue , LocalDepth depth , int slice , int z , std::vector< _SlabValues< Vertex > >& sValues , const _Evaluator< FEMDegree , BType >& evaluator , int threads );
848 	template< int WeightDegree , int ColorDegree , BoundaryType BType , class Vertex >
849 	void _setSliceIsoVertices( const BSplineData< ColorDegree , BType >* colorBSData , const DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >* densityWeights , const SparseNodeData< ProjectiveData< Point3D< Real > , Real > , ColorDegree >* colorData , Real isoValue , LocalDepth depth , int slice ,         int& vOffset , CoredMeshData< Vertex >& mesh , std::vector< _SlabValues< Vertex > >& sValues , int threads );
850 	template< int WeightDegree , int ColorDegree , BoundaryType BType , class Vertex >
851 	void _setSliceIsoVertices( const BSplineData< ColorDegree , BType >* colorBSData , const DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >* densityWeights , const SparseNodeData< ProjectiveData< Point3D< Real > , Real > , ColorDegree >* colorData , Real isoValue , LocalDepth depth , int slice , int z , int& vOffset , CoredMeshData< Vertex >& mesh , std::vector< _SlabValues< Vertex > >& sValues , int threads );
852 	template< int WeightDegree , int ColorDegree , BoundaryType BType , class Vertex >
853 	void _setXSliceIsoVertices( const BSplineData< ColorDegree , BType >* colorBSData , const DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >* densityWeights , const SparseNodeData< ProjectiveData< Point3D< Real > , Real > , ColorDegree >* colorData , Real isoValue , LocalDepth depth , int slab , int& vOffset , CoredMeshData< Vertex >& mesh , std::vector< _SlabValues< Vertex > >& sValues , int threads );
854 	template< class Vertex >
855 	void _setSliceIsoEdges( LocalDepth depth , int slice ,         std::vector< _SlabValues< Vertex > >& slabValues , int threads );
856 	template< class Vertex >
857 	void _setSliceIsoEdges( LocalDepth depth , int slice , int z , std::vector< _SlabValues< Vertex > >& slabValues , int threads );
858 	template< class Vertex >
859 	void _setXSliceIsoEdges( LocalDepth depth , int slice , std::vector< _SlabValues< Vertex > >& slabValues , int threads );
860 	template< class Vertex >
861 	void _copyFinerSliceIsoEdgeKeys( LocalDepth depth , int slice ,         std::vector< _SlabValues< Vertex > >& sValues , int threads );
862 	template< class Vertex >
863 	void _copyFinerSliceIsoEdgeKeys( LocalDepth depth , int slice , int z , std::vector< _SlabValues< Vertex > >& sValues , int threads );
864 	template< class Vertex >
865 	void _copyFinerXSliceIsoEdgeKeys( LocalDepth depth , int slab , std::vector< _SlabValues< Vertex > >& sValues , int threads );
867 	template< class Vertex >
868 	void _setIsoSurface( LocalDepth depth , int offset , const _SliceValues< Vertex >& bValues , const _SliceValues< Vertex >& fValues , const _XSliceValues< Vertex >& xValues , CoredMeshData< Vertex >& mesh , bool polygonMesh , bool addBarycenter , int& vOffset , int threads );
870 	template< class Vertex >
871 	static int _addIsoPolygons( CoredMeshData< Vertex >& mesh , std::vector< std::pair< int , Vertex > >& polygon , bool polygonMesh , bool addBarycenter , int& vOffset );
873 	template< int WeightDegree , int ColorDegree , BoundaryType BType , class Vertex >
874 	bool _getIsoVertex( const BSplineData< ColorDegree , BType >* colorBSData , const DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >* densityWeights , const SparseNodeData< ProjectiveData< Point3D< Real > , Real > , ColorDegree >* colorData , Real isoValue , ConstPointSupportKey< WeightDegree >& weightKey , ConstPointSupportKey< ColorDegree >& colorKey , const TreeOctNode* node , int edgeIndex , int z , const _SliceValues< Vertex >& sValues , Vertex& vertex );
875 	template< int WeightDegree , int ColorDegree , BoundaryType BType , class Vertex >
876 	bool _getIsoVertex( const BSplineData< ColorDegree , BType >* colorBSData , const DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >* densityWeights , const SparseNodeData< ProjectiveData< Point3D< Real > , Real > , ColorDegree >* colorData , Real isoValue , ConstPointSupportKey< WeightDegree >& weightKey , ConstPointSupportKey< ColorDegree >& colorKey , const TreeOctNode* node , int cornerIndex , const _SliceValues< Vertex >& bValues , const _SliceValues< Vertex >& fValues , Vertex& vertex );
878 	void _init( TreeOctNode* node , LocalDepth maxDepth , bool (*Refine)( LocalDepth d , LocalOffset off ) );
880 	double _maxMemoryUsage , _localMemoryUsage;
881 public:
882 	int threads;
883 	double maxMemoryUsage( void ) const { return _maxMemoryUsage; }
884 	double localMemoryUsage( void ) const { return _localMemoryUsage; }
885 	void resetLocalMemoryUsage( void ){ _localMemoryUsage = 0; }
886 	double memoryUsage( void );
888 	Octree( void );
890 	void init( LocalDepth maxDepth , bool (*Refine)( LocalDepth d , LocalOffset off ) );
891 	template< class Data >
892 	int init( OrientedPointStream< Real >& pointStream , LocalDepth maxDepth , bool useConfidence , std::vector< PointSample >& samples , std::vector< ProjectiveData< Data , Real > >* sampleData );
893 	template< int DensityDegree >
894 	typename Octree::template DensityEstimator< DensityDegree >* setDensityEstimator( const std::vector< PointSample >& samples , LocalDepth splatDepth , Real samplesPerNode );
895 	template< int NormalDegree , int DensityDegree >
896 	SparseNodeData< Point3D< Real > , NormalDegree > setNormalField( const std::vector< PointSample >& samples , const DensityEstimator< DensityDegree >& density , Real& pointWeightSum , bool forceNeumann );
897 	template< int DataDegree , bool CreateNodes , int DensityDegree , class Data >
898 	SparseNodeData< ProjectiveData< Data , Real > , DataDegree > setDataField( const std::vector< PointSample >& samples , std::vector< ProjectiveData< Data , Real > >& sampleData , const DensityEstimator< DensityDegree >* density );
899 	template< int MaxDegree , int FEMDegree , BoundaryType FEMBType , class HasDataFunctor > void inalizeForBroodedMultigrid( LocalDepth fullDepth , const HasDataFunctor& F , std::vector< int >* map=NULL );
901 	// Generate an empty set of constraints
902 	template< int FEMDegree > DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree > initDenseNodeData( void );
904 	// Add finite-elements constraints (derived from a sparse scalar field)
905 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType FEMBType , int SFDegree , BoundaryType SFBType , class FEMSFConstraintFunctor > void addFEMConstraints( const FEMSFConstraintFunctor& F , const SparseNodeData< Real , SFDegree >& sfCoefficients , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , LocalDepth maxDepth )
906 	{ return _addFEMConstraints< FEMDegree , FEMBType , SFDegree , SFBType , FEMSFConstraintFunctor , const SparseNodeData< Real   , SFDegree > , Real , double >( F , sfCoefficients , constraints , maxDepth ); }
907 	// Add finite-elements constraints (derived from a dense scalar field)
908 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType FEMBType , int SFDegree , BoundaryType SFBType , class FEMSFConstraintFunctor > void addFEMConstraints( const FEMSFConstraintFunctor& F , const  DenseNodeData< Real , SFDegree >& sfCoefficients , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , LocalDepth maxDepth )
909 	{ return _addFEMConstraints< FEMDegree , FEMBType , SFDegree , SFBType , FEMSFConstraintFunctor , const  DenseNodeData< Real   , SFDegree > , Real , double >( F , sfCoefficients , constraints , maxDepth ); }
910 	// Add finite-elements constraints (derived from a sparse vector field)
911 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType FEMBType , int VFDegree , BoundaryType VFBType , class FEMVFConstraintFunctor > void addFEMConstraints( const FEMVFConstraintFunctor& F , const SparseNodeData< Point3D< Real > , VFDegree >& vfCoefficients , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , LocalDepth maxDepth )
912 	{ return _addFEMConstraints< FEMDegree , FEMBType , VFDegree , VFBType , FEMVFConstraintFunctor , const SparseNodeData< Point3D< Real > , VFDegree > , Point3D< Real > , Point3D< double > >( F , vfCoefficients , constraints , maxDepth ); }
913 	// Add finite-elements constraints (derived from a dense vector field)
914 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType FEMBType , int VFDegree , BoundaryType VFBType , class FEMVFConstraintFunctor > void addFEMConstraints( const FEMVFConstraintFunctor& F , const  DenseNodeData< Point3D< Real > , VFDegree >& vfCoefficients , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , LocalDepth maxDepth )
915 	{ return _addFEMConstraints< FEMDegree , FEMBType , VFDegree , VFBType , FEMVFConstraintFunctor , const  DenseNodeData< Point3D< Real > , VFDegree > , Point3D< Real > , Point3D< double > >( F , vfCoefficients , constraints , maxDepth ); }
916 	// Add interpolation constraints
917 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType FEMBType , bool HasGradients > void addInterpolationConstraints( const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >& interpolationInfo , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , LocalDepth maxDepth );
919 	template< int Degree1 , BoundaryType BType1 , int Degree2 , BoundaryType BType2 , class DotFunctor > double dot( const DotFunctor& F , const SparseNodeData< Real , Degree1 >& coefficients1 , const SparseNodeData< Real , Degree2 >& coefficients2 ) const
920 	{ return _dot< Degree1 , BType1 , Degree2 , BType2 , DotFunctor , false >( F , (const InterpolationInfo< false >*)NULL , coefficients1 , coefficients2 ); }
921 	template< int Degree1 , BoundaryType BType1 , int Degree2 , BoundaryType BType2 , class DotFunctor > double dot( const DotFunctor& F , const SparseNodeData< Real , Degree1 >& coefficients1 , const DenseNodeData< Real , Degree2 >& coefficients2 ) const
922 	{ return _dot< Degree1 , BType1 , Degree2 , BType2 , DotFunctor , false >( F , (const InterpolationInfo< false >*)NULL , coefficients1 , coefficients2 ); }
923 	template< int Degree1 , BoundaryType BType1 , int Degree2 , BoundaryType BType2 , class DotFunctor > double dot( const DotFunctor& F , const DenseNodeData< Real , Degree1 >& coefficients1 , const SparseNodeData< Real , Degree2 >& coefficients2 ) const
924 	{ return _dot< Degree1 , BType1 , Degree2 , BType2 , DotFunctor , false >( F , (const InterpolationInfo< false >*)NULL , coefficients1 , coefficients2 ); }
925 	template< int Degree1 , BoundaryType BType1 , int Degree2 , BoundaryType BType2 , class DotFunctor > double dot( const DotFunctor& F , const DenseNodeData< Real , Degree1 >& coefficients1 , const DenseNodeData< Real , Degree2 >& coefficients2 ) const
926 	{ return _dot< Degree1 , BType1 , Degree2 , BType2 , DotFunctor , false >( F , (const InterpolationInfo< false >*)NULL , coefficients1 , coefficients2 ); }
928 	template< int Degree1 , BoundaryType BType1 , int Degree2 , BoundaryType BType2 , class DotFunctor , bool HasGradients > double dot( const DotFunctor& F , const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* iInfo , const SparseNodeData< Real , Degree1 >& coefficients1 , const SparseNodeData< Real , Degree2 >& coefficients2 ) const
929 	{ return _dot< Degree1 , BType1 , Degree2 , BType2 , DotFunctor , HasGradients >( F , iInfo , coefficients1 , coefficients2 ); }
930 	template< int Degree1 , BoundaryType BType1 , int Degree2 , BoundaryType BType2 , class DotFunctor , bool HasGradients > double dot( const DotFunctor& F , const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* iInfo , const SparseNodeData< Real , Degree1 >& coefficients1 , const DenseNodeData< Real , Degree2 >& coefficients2 ) const
931 	{ return _dot< Degree1 , BType1 , Degree2 , BType2 , DotFunctor , HasGradients >( F , iInfo , coefficients1 , coefficients2 ); }
932 	template< int Degree1 , BoundaryType BType1 , int Degree2 , BoundaryType BType2 , class DotFunctor , bool HasGradients > double dot( const DotFunctor& F , const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* iInfo , const DenseNodeData< Real , Degree1 >& coefficients1 , const SparseNodeData< Real , Degree2 >& coefficients2 ) const
933 	{ return _dot< Degree1 , BType1 , Degree2 , BType2 , DotFunctor , HasGradients >( F , iInfo , coefficients1 , coefficients2 ); }
934 	template< int Degree1 , BoundaryType BType1 , int Degree2 , BoundaryType BType2 , class DotFunctor , bool HasGradients > double dot( const DotFunctor& F , const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* iInfo , const DenseNodeData< Real , Degree1 >& coefficients1 , const DenseNodeData< Real , Degree2 >& coefficients2 ) const
935 	{ return _dot< Degree1 , BType1 , Degree2 , BType2 , DotFunctor , HasGradients >( F , iInfo , coefficients1 , coefficients2 ); }
937 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , class FEMSystemFunctor , bool HasGradients >
938 	void setSystemMatrix( const FEMSystemFunctor& F , const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* interpolationInfo , LocalDepth depth , SparseMatrix< Real >& matrix ) const;
940 	// Solve the linear system
941 	struct SolverInfo
942 	{
943 		// How to solve
944 		LocalDepth cgDepth;
945 		int iters;
946 		double cgAccuracy , lowResIterMultiplier;
947 		// What to output
948 		bool verbose , showResidual;
950 		SolverInfo( void ) : cgDepth(0) , iters(1), cgAccuracy(0) , lowResIterMultiplier(0) , verbose(false) , showResidual(false) { ; }
951 	};
952 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , class FEMSystemFunctor , bool HasGradients >
953 	DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree > solveSystem( const FEMSystemFunctor& F , InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* iData , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , LocalDepth maxSolveDepth , const SolverInfo& solverInfo );
955 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType BType , int WeightDegree , int ColorDegree , class Vertex >
956 	void getMCIsoSurface( const DensityEstimator< WeightDegree >* densityWeights , const SparseNodeData< ProjectiveData< Point3D< Real > , Real > , ColorDegree >* colorData , const DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& solution , Real isoValue , CoredMeshData< Vertex >& mesh , bool nonLinearFit=true , bool addBarycenter=false , bool polygonMesh=false );
959 	const TreeOctNode& tree( void ) const{ return *_tree; }
960 	size_t leaves( void ) const { return _tree->leaves(); }
961 	size_t nodes( void ) const { int count = 0 ; for( const TreeOctNode* n=_tree->nextNode() ; n ; n=_tree->nextNode( n ) ) if( IsActiveNode( n ) ) count++ ; return count; }
962 	size_t ghostNodes( void ) const { int count = 0 ; for( const TreeOctNode* n=_tree->nextNode() ; n ; n=_tree->nextNode( n ) ) if( !IsActiveNode( n ) ) count++ ; return count; }
963 	inline size_t validSpaceNodes( void ) const { int count = 0 ; for( const TreeOctNode* n=_tree->nextNode() ; n ; n=_tree->nextNode( n ) ) if( isValidSpaceNode( n ) ) count++ ;  return count; }
964 	inline size_t validSpaceNodes( LocalDepth d ) const { int count = 0 ; for( const TreeOctNode* n=_tree->nextNode() ; n ; n=_tree->nextNode( n ) ) if( _localDepth(n)==d && isValidSpaceNode( n ) ) count++ ; return count; }
965 	template< int Degree , BoundaryType BType > size_t validFEMNodes( void ) const { int count = 0 ; for( const TreeOctNode* n=_tree->nextNode() ; n ; n=_tree->nextNode( n ) ) if( isValidFEMNode< Degree , BType >( n ) ) count++ ;  return count; }
966 	template< int Degree , BoundaryType BType > size_t validFEMNodes( LocalDepth d ) const { int count = 0 ; for( const TreeOctNode* n=_tree->nextNode() ; n ; n=_tree->nextNode( n ) ) if( _localDepth(n)==d && isValidFEMNode< Degree , BType >( n ) ) count++ ; return count; }
967 	LocalDepth depth( void ) const { return _localMaxDepth( _tree ); }
968 	void resetNodeIndices( void ){ _NodeCount = 0 ; for( TreeOctNode* node=_tree->nextNode() ; node ; node=_tree->nextNode( node ) ) _NodeInitializer( *node ) , node->nodeData.flags=0; }
970 protected:
971 	template< class D > static bool _IsZero( const D& d );
972 	template< class D > static Real _Dot( const D& d1 , const D& d2 );
973 	template< int FEMDegree , BoundaryType FEMBType , int CDegree , BoundaryType CBType , class FEMConstraintFunctor , class Coefficients , class D , class _D >
974 	void _addFEMConstraints( const FEMConstraintFunctor& F , const Coefficients& coefficients , DenseNodeData< Real , FEMDegree >& constraints , LocalDepth maxDepth );
975 	template< int FEMDegree1 , BoundaryType FEMBType1 , int FEMDegree2 , BoundaryType FEMBType2 , class DotFunctor , bool HasGradients , class Coefficients1 , class Coefficients2 >
976 	double _dot( const DotFunctor& F , const InterpolationInfo< HasGradients >* iInfo , const Coefficients1& coefficients1 , const Coefficients2& coefficients2 ) const;
977 };
978 template< class Real > int Octree< Real >::_NodeCount = 0;
981 template< class Real > void Reset( void ){ Octree< Real >::ResetNodeCount(); }
984 #include "MultiGridOctreeData.inl"
985 #include "MultiGridOctreeData.SortedTreeNodes.inl"
986 #include "MultiGridOctreeData.WeightedSamples.inl"
987 #include "MultiGridOctreeData.System.inl"
988 #include "MultiGridOctreeData.IsoSurface.inl"
989 #include "MultiGridOctreeData.Evaluation.inl"