1 #include "edit_scan.h"
2 #include "wrap/gui/trackball.h"
3 #include "wrap/qt/trackball.h" //QT2VCG trackball function
4 #include "wrap/qt/to_string.h" //QT2VCG trackball function
6 #include <wrap/gl/pick.h>
10     #include <stdio.h>
12     class Sample{
13     public:
14         Point3f p;  // object space coordinate
15         Point3f n;  // normal
16         Point3f v;  // view direction
17         bool    bg; // volume carving ray? (part of background)
18     };
20     vector<Sample> temp_samples;
write_to_ply()22     void write_to_ply(){
23         FILE* fid = fopen( "/tmp/output.ply", "w" );
24         if( fid == NULL ){
25             qDebug("The output cannot be opened!");
26             return;
27         }
29         fprintf(fid, "ply\n");
30         fprintf(fid, "format ascii 1.0\n");
31         fprintf(fid, "element vertex %d\n", (int) temp_samples.size() );
32         fprintf(fid, "property float x\n");
33         fprintf(fid, "property float y\n");
34         fprintf(fid, "property float z\n");
35         fprintf(fid, "property float nx\n");
36         fprintf(fid, "property float ny\n");
37         fprintf(fid, "property float nz\n");
38         fprintf(fid, "property float vx\n");
39         fprintf(fid, "property float vy\n");
40         fprintf(fid, "property float vz\n");
41         fprintf(fid, "end_header\n");
42         for(unsigned int i=0; i<temp_samples.size(); i++){
43             Point3f& p = temp_samples[i].p;
44             Point3f& n = temp_samples[i].n;
45             Point3f& v = temp_samples[i].v;
46             fprintf(fid, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", p[0],p[1],p[2],n[0],n[1],n[2],v[0],v[1],v[2]);
47         }
48         fclose(fid);
49     }
50 #endif
myGluProject(Point3f p)53 Point2f myGluProject( Point3f p ){
54     // retrieve matrixes from the pipeline
55     GLdouble mvMatrix_f[16];  glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mvMatrix_f);
56     GLdouble prMatrix_f[16];  glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, prMatrix_f);
57     GLint viewpSize[4];       glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewpSize);
58     // project the point p on viewport obtaining point q
59     Point2d q; double discard;
60     gluProject(p[0], p[1], p[2],
61                (const GLdouble *) mvMatrix_f,
62                (const GLdouble *) prMatrix_f,
63                (const GLint *)    viewpSize,
64                &q[0], &q[1], &discard );
65     Point2f retf( q[0], q[1] );
66     return retf;
67 }
myGluUnProject(Point2f p,float z)68 Point3f myGluUnProject( Point2f p, float z ){
69     // retrieve matrixes from the pipeline
70     GLdouble mvMatrix_f[16];  glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mvMatrix_f);
71     GLdouble prMatrix_f[16];  glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, prMatrix_f);
72     GLint viewpSize[4];       glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewpSize);
73     // project the point p on viewport obtaining point q
74     Point3d q;
75     gluUnProject(p[0], p[1], z,
76                 (const GLdouble *) mvMatrix_f,
77                 (const GLdouble *) prMatrix_f,
78                 (const GLint *)    viewpSize,
79                  &q[0], &q[1], &q[2] );
80     Point3f retf( q[0], q[1], q[2] );
81     return retf;
82 }
randn()84 double randn(){
85     static double N=100;
86     return (rand() % ((int)N)) / N -.5;
87 }
StartEdit(MeshDocument & md,GLArea * gla)89 bool VirtualScan::StartEdit(MeshDocument& md, GLArea* gla){
90     assert(md.mm() != NULL); // Model exists
91     this->md = &md;
92     this->gla = gla;
93     gla->fov = 5; // Orthographic
94     isScanning = false; // Trigger is off initially
95     timer = 0;
97     //--- Create a new model to store the scan cloud
98     cloud = md.addNewMesh("Scan cloud",false);
100     //--- Instantiate the UI, and connect events
101     widget = new Widget(gla->window());
102     connect(widget, SIGNAL(laser_parameter_updated()),
103             this, SLOT(laser_parameter_updated()));
104     connect(widget, SIGNAL(scan_requested()),
105             this, SLOT(scan_requested()));
106     connect(widget, SIGNAL(save_requested()),
107             this, SLOT(save_requested()));
109     //--- Compute initial beam
110     laser_parameter_updated();
112     return true;
113 }
114 // We need to refresh the laser scan completely!
laser_parameter_updated()115 void VirtualScan::laser_parameter_updated(){
116     //--- Retrieve values from GUI
117     int   period = 1000 / widget->getSampfreq();
118     int   numsamp = widget->getNumsample();
120     // Compute start and stop coordinates in image space
121     Point2f delta( widget->getScanwidth()*gla->height()/(3.0*100.0), 0 );
122     Point2f str( gla->width()/2, gla->height()/2 ); str-=delta;
123     Point2f sto( gla->width()/2, gla->height()/2 ); sto+=delta;
124     // float width = *md->mm()->cm.bbox.MaxDim()/100.0;
125     qDebug("period: %d, samples: %d", period, numsamp);
126     // qDebug() << toString(str) << " " << toString(sto);
128     //--- Create the geometry of the scanline
129     gla->update(); // since we use gluproject
130     sline = ScanLine( numsamp, str, sto);
131     // sline = ScanLineGeom( 10, .1 ); // hardcoded parameters (GUI independent)
133     //--- Create a timer which enables scanning periodically
134     if( timer!=0 ) delete timer;
135     timer = new QTimer(this);
136     connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(readytoscan()));
137     timer->start(period); // period of repetition in ms
139     //--- Update the laser rendering
140     gla->update();
141 }
EndEdit(MeshModel &,GLArea *)142 void VirtualScan::EndEdit(MeshModel&, GLArea* ){
143     delete cloud;
144     delete widget;
145 }
save_requested()147 void VirtualScan::save_requested(){
149     //--- Output model of "samples" to Ply file
150     qDebug("Writing to ply...");
151     write_to_ply();
152 #else
153     //--- Create a new model to store the scan cloud
154     cloud = md->addNewMesh("Scan cloud",false);
155 #endif
156 }
158 // This is called only when mouse is pressed at first during a drag or a click is received
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e,MeshModel &,GLArea * gla)159 void VirtualScan::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e, MeshModel &, GLArea* gla){
160     this->laser_parameter_updated();
161     gla->trackball.MouseDown(e->x(),gla->height()-e->y(), QT2VCG(e->button(), e->modifiers() ) );
162     gla->update();
163 }
164 // This is called during the whole drag
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * e,MeshModel &,GLArea * gla)165 void VirtualScan::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e, MeshModel &, GLArea* gla){
166     gla->trackball.MouseMove(e->x(),gla->height()-e->y());
167     gla->update();
168 }
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e,MeshModel &,GLArea * gla)169 void VirtualScan::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e, MeshModel &, GLArea* gla){
170     isScanning = false;
171     gla->trackball.MouseUp(e->x(),gla->height()-e->y(), QT2VCG(e->button(), e->modifiers() ) );
172     gla->update();
173 }
Decorate(MeshModel & mm,GLArea * gla)174 void VirtualScan::Decorate(MeshModel& mm, GLArea* gla){
175     // Scan the mesh only if we are triggering a scan and if the scanner is ready to suck in a new sample
176     // This needs to be done after the mesh rendering has been done, but before any the scanned cloud is drawn!!
177     if( isScanning && sampleReady ){
178         sampleReady = false;
179         isScanning = false;
180         scanpoints();
181     }
183     //--- Draw the scanned samples stored in the cloud
184     glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
185         cloud->cm.C() = Color4b(255,200,200,255);
186         glColor4f(.4f,.4f,1.f,.6f);
187         cloud->glw.cdm = GLW::DMPoints;
188         cloud->glw.SetHintParamf(GLW::HNPPointSize,SCANPOINTSIZE);
189         cloud->Render(GLW::DMPoints, GLW::CMPerMesh, GLW::TMNone);
190     glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
191     if(widget->getDrawLineFlag()){
192         //--- Shows the view directions of the scanned samples
193         // The "decorate plugin does nothing inside GLW, but does it directly
194         // put these before ->Render
195         //    cloud->updateDataMask(MeshModel::MM_VERTNORMAL);
196         //    cloud->glw.cnm = GLW::NMPerVert;
197         float LineLen = mm.cm.bbox.Diag()/20.0;
198         glEnable(GL_BLEND);
199         glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
200         glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
201         glBegin(GL_LINES);
202             glColor4f(.4f,.4f,1.f,.6f);
203             for(CMeshO::VertexIterator vi=cloud->cm.vert.begin(); vi!=cloud->cm.vert.end(); ++vi){
204                 glVertex((*vi).P());
205                 glVertex((*vi).P()+(*vi).N()*LineLen);
206             }
207         glEnd();
208     }
209     //--- Draw the laser beam (just to help interfacing)
210     sline.render(gla);
211 }
ScanLine(int N,Point2f & srt,Point2f & end)213 ScanLine::ScanLine(int N, Point2f& srt, Point2f& end){
216     // qDebug() << "Scanpoint list: ";
218 #define RANGE
219 #ifdef LASER
220     float alpha=0;
221     double delta_01 = 1.0 / (N-1);
222     for( int i=0; i<N; i++, alpha+=delta_01 ){
223         Point2f curr = srt*(1-alpha) + end*alpha;
224         soff.push_back(curr);
225         // qDebug() << " - " << toString( curr );
226         Point2i currI( curr[0], curr[1] );
227         bbox.Add(currI);
228     }
229 #endif
230 #ifdef RANGE
231     double delta_01 = 1.0 / (N-1.0);
232     double halfedgel = ((srt-end).Norm()/2.0);
233     srt[1] = srt[1] - halfedgel;
234     end[1] = end[1] + halfedgel;
236     Point2f srt_x=srt, end_x=end;
237     Point2f srt_y=srt, end_y=end;
238     srt_x[1]=0; end_x[1]=0;
239     srt_y[0]=0; end_y[0]=0;
240     float alpha=0;
241     for( int i=0; i<N; i++, alpha+=delta_01 ){
242         float beta = 0;
243         for( int j=0; j<N; j++, beta+=delta_01 ){
244             Point2f curr = srt_x*(1-alpha) + end_x*alpha + srt_y*(1-beta)  + end_y*beta;
245             soff.push_back(curr);
246             Point2i currI( curr[0], curr[1] );
247             bbox.Add(currI);
248         }
249     }
250 #endif
252     // Retrieve a block 2 pixel larger from buffer
253     bbox.Offset(2);
254 }
scanpoints()256 void VirtualScan::scanpoints(){
257     //--- Create samples
258     int X = sqrt( sline.soff.size() ); // TODO: move
259     int Y = sqrt( sline.soff.size() ); // TODO: move
260     vector<Sample> curr_samples( sline.soff.size() );
262     //--- Read the portion of depth buffer we are interested in
263     float* buffer = new float[ sline.bbox.Area() ];
264     glReadPixels(sline.bbox.min[0],sline.bbox.min[1],sline.bbox.Dim()[0],
265                  sline.bbox.Dim()[1],GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, buffer);
267     //--- Extract samples
268     for( int x=0,I=0; x<X; x++ ){
269         for( int y=0; y<Y; y++,I=x+X*y ){
270             //--- Get current scan point offset
271             Point2f laser_xy = sline.soff[I];
273             //--- Convert xy location into the buffer offset
274             Point2i buf_off;
275             buf_off[0] = round( laser_xy[0]-sline.bbox.min[0] );
276             buf_off[1] = round( laser_xy[1]-sline.bbox.min[1] );
278             //--- Retrieve Z from depth buffer
279             double z = buffer[ buf_off[0] + sline.bbox.DimX()*buf_off[1] ];
281             //--- Initialize sample
282             Point3f temp = myGluUnProject( laser_xy, z+0.01 );
283             curr_samples[I].p  = myGluUnProject( laser_xy, z );         // sample
284             curr_samples[I].v  = (curr_samples[I].p-temp).normalized(); // view direction
285             curr_samples[I].n  = Point3f(0,0,0);                        // normal
286             // Check against Z-Buffer limit set by glClearDepth
287             // http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glClearDepth.xml
288             // Out of Z-buffer implies rays at infinity!!
289             curr_samples[I].bg = (z==1);                                 // isbackground?
290         }
291     }
293     //--- Compute gradients and discard invalid
294     //    samples on outer layer are invalid by default
295     for( int x=1,I=0; x<X-1; x++ ){
296         for( int y=1; y<Y-1; y++,I=x+X*y){
297             Sample&  curr    = curr_samples[  x   + X* (y) ];
299             //--- Extract samples for center differences
300             Point3f& px_next = curr_samples[(x+1) + X* (y) ].p;
301             Point3f& px_prev = curr_samples[(x-1) + X* (y) ].p;
302             Point3f& py_next = curr_samples[ (x)  + X*(y+1)].p;
303             Point3f& py_prev = curr_samples[ (x)  + X*(y-1)].p;
305             //--- Extract tangent vectors & normal
306             Point3f px_tan = px_next-px_prev;
307             Point3f py_tan = py_next-py_prev;
308             curr.n = -( px_tan ^ py_tan );
309             curr.n.Normalize();
311             //--- Regardless if BG or not
312             if( curr.n.dot(curr.v) < cos( 60/180.0*3.14159 ) )
313                 continue;
315             //--- Restore NULL normal for BG samples
316             if( curr.bg )
317                 curr.n = Point3f(0,0,0);
319             //--- Add scanned sample to the "viz" cloud
320             tri::Allocator<CMeshO>::AddVertices(cloud->cm,1);
321             cloud->cm.vert.back().P() = curr.p;
322             cloud->cm.vert.back().N() = curr.v;
324             //--- Add scanned sample to the "data" cloud
325             temp_samples.push_back( curr );
326         }
327     }
329     delete [] buffer;
330 }
render(GLArea * gla)332 void ScanLine::render(GLArea* gla){
333 #if 0
334     //--- DEBUG! why mv[4,3] = -1000?
335     GLdouble mv[16];  glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mv);
336     for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
337         qDebug() << mv[4*i+0] << " " << mv[4*i+1] << " " << mv[4*i+2] << " " << mv[4*i+3];
338     qDebug();
339 #endif
341     // This draws directly in 2D image space
342     glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
343     glPointSize(SCANPOINTSIZE);
344     glColor(Color4f(255,0,0,255));
345     glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
346     glPushMatrix();
347         glLoadIdentity();
348         glOrtho(0, gla->width(), 0, gla->height(), -1, 1);
349         glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
350         glPushMatrix();
351             glLoadIdentity();
352             glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0);
353             glBegin(GL_POINTS);
354                 for(unsigned int i=0; i<soff.size(); i++)
355                     glVertex(soff[i]);
356                 // glVertex2f( gla->width()/2, gla->height()/2 );
357             glEnd();
358             // glRectf(100,100, 200, 200);
359         glPopMatrix(); // restore modelview
360     // The pop must be done in the projection mode
361     glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
362     glPopMatrix();
363 }
365 // Must be at the end of everything in CPP file or get segfault at plugin load
366 Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN(VirtualScan)