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47 #include <QtGui/QApplication>
48 #include "population.h"
Population(const QString & country,QObject * parent)50 Population::Population(const QString &country, QObject *parent)
51     : QObject(parent), http(this)
52 {
53     // Connect the HTTP transport's responseReady() signal.
54     connect(&http, SIGNAL(responseReady()), this, SLOT(getResponse()));
56     // Construct a method request message.
57     QtSoapMessage request;
59     // Set the method and add one argument.
60     request.setMethod("getPopulation", "http://www.abundanttech.com/WebServices/Population");
61     request.addMethodArgument("strCountry", "", country);
63     // Submit the request the the web service.
64     http.setHost("www.abundanttech.com");
65     http.setAction("http://www.abundanttech.com/WebServices/Population/getPopulation");
66     http.submitRequest(request, "/WebServices/Population/population.asmx");
68     qDebug("Looking up population of %s...", country.toLatin1().constData());
69 }
getResponse()71 void Population::getResponse()
72 {
73     // Get a reference to the response message.
74     const QtSoapMessage &message = http.getResponse();
76     // Check if the response is a SOAP Fault message
77     if (message.isFault()) {
78         qDebug("Error: %s", message.faultString().value().toString().toLatin1().constData());
79     }
80     else {
81         // Get the return value, and print the result.
82         const QtSoapType &response = message.returnValue();
83         qDebug("%s has a population of %s (last updated at %s)",
84                response["Country"].value().toString().toLatin1().constData(),
85                response["Pop"].value().toString().toLatin1().constData(),
86                response["Date"].value().toString().toLatin1().constData());
87     }
88     qApp->quit();
89 }