1 /****************************************************************************
2 * MeshLab                                                           o o     *
3 * A versatile mesh processing toolbox                             o     o   *
4 *                                                                _   O  _   *
5 * Copyright(C) 2007                                                \/)\/    *
6 * Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      *
7 * ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      *
8 *                                                                    \      *
9 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
10 *                                                                           *
11 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *
12 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
13 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
14 * (at your option) any later version.                                       *
15 *                                                                           *
16 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
19 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)          *
20 * for more details.                                                         *
21 *                                                                           *
22 ****************************************************************************/
26 #include <meshlab/meshmodel.h>
28 #include <vcg/container/simple_temporary_data.h>
29 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/clustering.h>
31 #include <ANN/ANN.h>
32 #include <vcg/space/point_matching.h>
33 #include <vcg/space/index/grid_static_ptr.h>
34 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/closest.h>
35 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/point_sampling.h>
36 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/overlap_estimation.h>
37 #include <meshlabplugins/edit_pickpoints/pickedPoints.h>
39 #include <qdatetime.h>
41 using namespace std;
42 using namespace vcg;
44 //needed stuffs to declare a mesh type ad hoc for clustering features. Used inside Matching().
45 class MyEdge;
46 class MyFace;
47 class MyVertex : public VertexSimp2<MyVertex, MyEdge, MyFace, vertex::Coord3f, vertex::Normal3f, vertex::BitFlags > {};
48 class MyFace: public vcg::FaceSimp2<MyVertex,MyEdge,MyFace, vcg::face::VertexRef>{};
49 class MyMesh : public tri::TriMesh<vector<MyVertex>, vector<MyFace> >{};
51 /** \brief This class provides a generic framework to automatically align two range maps or point clouds using
52   * a feature based approach.
53   *
54   * The framework select a base of \c nBase features from the mesh \c mMov and for each feature finds the \c k
55   * more similar features on the mesh \c mFix . Then the space of all the \c nBase tuples is searched with an
56   * efficient Branch & Bound algorithm and promising matching bases are keeped. This steps are repeated \c ransacIter
57   * times. At this point all the transformations are computed and tested. An alignment is considered good if the
58   * estimated overlap between meshes exceeds the \c consOffset*overlap %,  otherways the alignment is discarded.
59   * The framework returns the best alignment found.
60   *
61   * The class is templated on the \c MESH_TYPE and on the \c FEATURE_TYPE . \c FEATURE_TYPE is a templated class
62   * that exposes a specific interface to compute and extract features. In this way the framework can abstract
63   * from features implementation's details and work with different kind of features.
64   *
65   * \par Important Note:
66   * For a safe use is very important that the init() function is called only once. If you need to change the input range maps
67   * you <em>must</em> destroy the old FeatureAlignment object and create a new one, then you can call the init() on the new
68   * object. Calling many times the init() on the same object will couse big memory leaks, becouse the init() allocates
69   * global structures but is the destructor that deallocates them.
70   */
71 template<class MESH_TYPE, class FEATURE_TYPE> class FeatureAlignment
72 {
73     public:
74         typedef MESH_TYPE MeshType;
75         typedef FEATURE_TYPE FeatureType;
76         typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
77         typedef typename MeshType::CoordType CoordType;
78         typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
79         typedef typename MeshType::FaceType FaceType;
80         typedef Matrix44<ScalarType> Matrix44Type;
81         typedef typename MeshType::VertexIterator VertexIterator;
82         typedef OverlapEstimation<MeshType> ConsensusType;
83         typedef typename ConsensusType::Parameters ConsensusParam;
85         /// Different kind of sampling allowed on features.
86         enum SamplingStrategies { UNIFORM_SAMPLING=0, POISSON_SAMPLING=1 };
88     private:
89         /// Inner class needed to perform sampling on pointers to vertexes.
90         class VertexPointerSampler
91         {
92             public:
94             MeshType* m;  //this is needed for advanced sampling (i.e poisson sampling)
VertexPointerSampler()96             VertexPointerSampler(){ m = new MeshType(); m->Tr.SetIdentity(); m->sfn=0; }
~VertexPointerSampler()97             ~VertexPointerSampler(){ if(m) delete m; }
98             vector<VertexType*> sampleVec;
AddVert(VertexType & p)100             void AddVert(VertexType &p){ sampleVec.push_back(&p); }
AddFace(const FaceType & f,const CoordType & p)102             void AddFace(const FaceType &f, const CoordType &p){}
AddTextureSample(const FaceType &,const CoordType &,const Point2i &)104             void AddTextureSample(const FaceType &, const CoordType &, const Point2i &){}
105         };
107     public:
108         /// Inner class to hold framework's parameters; this avoids endless parameters' list inside functions.
109         class Parameters{
110             public:
112             int samplingStrategy;                       ///< Strategy to extract features from range maps. \c UNIFORM_SAMPLING is the default; \c POISSON_SAMPLING is highly time consuming and doesn't give best results.
113             int numFixFeatureSelected;                  ///< Number of feature sampled on \c mFix to match base. As default all the features are matched.
114             int numMovFeatureSelected;                  ///< Number of feature sampled on \c mMov to choose a base. Default is \c 250.
115             int ransacIter;                             ///< Number of iterations. More iterations means higher success probability, but of course it requires more time.
116             int nBase;                                  ///< Number of features of a base. It should be at least \c 3, the default is \c 4, higher values doesn't seem to give higher success probability nor best quality in alignment.
117             int k;                                      ///< Number of features picked by kNN search. Higher values should provide higher success probability, especially in case of mesh with many vertexes and/or low discriminant features. The drawback is a critical growth of computation time. Default is \c 75 .
118             int fullConsensusSamples;                   ///< Number of samples used to perform full consensus. Default is \c 2500 .
119             int short_cons_samples;                     ///< Number of samples used to perform short consensus. Default is \c 200 .
120             float consensusDist;                        ///< Consensus distance expressed as percentage of the BBox diagonal of \c mMov . Higher values should weaken the consensus test allowing false positive alignment. Deafault is \c 2% .
121             float consensusNormalsAngle;                ///< Holds the the consensus angle for normals, in radians. This parameter is strictly related to \c consensusDist ; to weaken the consensus test both values should be increased. Default is \c 0.965 Rad, about \c 15 Deg.
122             float sparseBaseDist;                       ///< Distance used to select sparse bases from \c mMov . Distance is espressed as a percentage of BBox diagonal of \c mMov . Default is \c 2*consensusDist .
123             float mutualErrDist;                        ///< Distance used while exploring the matching bases solutions' space to establish if a matching base is admissible or not. Distance is espressed as a percentage of BBox diagonal of \c mMov . Default is \c consensusDist .
124             float overlap;                              ///< Overlap percentage; it measure how much \c mMov overlaps with \c mFix . Is very important provide a pecise estimation 'couse too low values can give in false positive alignments, instead too high values can turn down critically the success probability. Default is \c 75 , but user should always provide an appropriate value.
125             float succOffset;                           ///< Consensus percentage to early interrupt processing. The alignment found is considered good enough to stop the process. Percentage is related to \c overlap , i.e \c succOffset=100 is  equal to \c overlap. Default is \c 90 .
126             float consOffset;                           ///< Consensus percentage to overcome to win consensus test. Percentage is related to \c overlap , i.e \c consOffset=100 is  equal to \c overlap. Default is \c 90 .
127             bool normalEqualization;                    ///< If \c true , normal equalization sampling is used during consensus test, otherways uniform sampling is used. \c true is the default.
128             bool pickPoints;                            ///< Utility that stores a base and its match into picked points attribute. If \c true points are stored and they can be displayed later.
129             bool paint;                                 ///< Utility to paint \c mMov according to consensus. If \c true vertexes of \c mMov are painted accordingly to the best consensus found. To get a detailed description of how the mesh is colored see vcg/complex/algorithms/overlap_estimation.h.
130             int maxNumFullConsensus;                    ///< Indicates the max number of bases tested with full consensus procedure. Defailt is \c 15.
131             int maxNumShortConsensus;                   ///< Indicates the max number of bases tested with short consensus procedure. Default is \c 50.
132             float mMovBBoxDiag;                         ///< BBox diagonal of \c mMov. This is used to compute parameters such as \c consensusDist, \c sparseBaseDist etc.
133             void (*log)(int level,const char * f, ... );///< Pointer to log function. Used to print stat infos.
135             /// Default constructor. Set all the parameters to their default values.
Parameters(MeshType & mFix,MeshType & mMov)136             Parameters(MeshType& mFix, MeshType& mMov){
137                 setDefault(mFix, mMov);
138             }
140             private:
141             /// Set parameters to the default values
setDefault(MeshType & mFix,MeshType & mMov)142             void setDefault(MeshType& mFix, MeshType& mMov)
143             {
144                 samplingStrategy = FeatureAlignment::UNIFORM_SAMPLING;
145                 numFixFeatureSelected = mFix.VertexNumber();
146                 numMovFeatureSelected = 250;
147                 ransacIter = 500;
148                 nBase = 4;
149                 k = 75;
150                 fullConsensusSamples = 2500;
151                 short_cons_samples = 200;
152                 consensusDist = 2.0f;
153                 consensusNormalsAngle = 0.965f;   //15 degrees.
154                 sparseBaseDist = 2*consensusDist;
155                 mutualErrDist = consensusDist;
156                 overlap = 75.0f;
157                 succOffset = 90.0f;
158                 consOffset = 60.0f;
159                 normalEqualization = true;
160                 pickPoints = false;
161                 paint = false;
162                 maxNumFullConsensus = 15;
163                 maxNumShortConsensus = 50;
164                 mMovBBoxDiag = mMov.bbox.Diag();
165                 log = NULL;
166             }
167         };
169         /// Class to hold the result of the alignment process. It holds many infos about stats and errors too.
170         class Result{
171             public:
173             /// Exit codes of the alignment procedure. \arg \c ALIGNED Framework has found a good alignment. \arg \c NOT_ALIGNED Framework doesn't find a good alignment. \arg \c FAILED Something wrong happened during alignment process.
174             enum {ALIGNED, NOT_ALIGNED, FAILED};
176             int exitCode;           ///< Holds the exit code of the consensus procedure. It can be tested to know if the process has been completed successfully.
177             int errorCode;          ///< It holds an integer code related to an error occured during the process. If no errors occured it should hold \c -1 , a positive integer otherways. A description of the error should be stored in \c errorMsg .
178             Matrix44Type tr;        ///< It holds the transformation matrix that aligns the two range maps. If alignment has not been found it holds the identity matrix.
179             float bestConsensus;    ///< It holds the estimated overlap for the returned alignment. Overlap is espressed in percentage relative to \c mMov .
180             int numBasesFound;      ///< The number of bases selected on \c mMov . This number is limited by the number of iterations done, i.e \c ransacIter .
181             int numWonFullCons;     ///< The number of consensus test exceeded.
182             int numMatches;         ///< The number of admissible matching bases found after Branch&Bound procedure.
183             int totalTime;          ///< The execution time of the the whole alignment process in milliseconds.
184             int baseSelectionTime;  ///< The time spent to select bases from \c mMov in milliseconds.
185             int matchingTime;       ///< The time spent to perform matching in milliseconds.
186             int branchBoundTime;    ///< The time spent to perform Branch&Bound in milliseconds.
187             int rankTime;           ///< The time spent to rank matching bases before consensus test in milliseconds.
188             int shortConsTime;      ///< The time spent to perform short consensus test on \c maxNumShortConsensus matching bases in milliseconds.
189             int fullConsTime;       ///< The time spent to perform short consensus test on \c maxNumFullConsensus matching bases in milliseconds.
190             int initTime;           ///< The time spent to initialize structures in milliseconds.
191             QString errorMsg;       ///< It holds a string describing what is gone wrong. It does make sense only if \c exitCode==FAILED .
193             ///Default connstructor. Initialize values.
Result()194             Result(){
195                 exitCode = NOT_ALIGNED;
196                 errorCode = -1;
197                 tr = Matrix44Type::Identity();
198                 bestConsensus = 0.0f;
199                 numBasesFound = 0;
200                 numWonFullCons = 0;
201                 numMatches = 0;
202                 totalTime = 0;
203                 initTime = 0;
204                 matchingTime = 0;
205                 shortConsTime = 0;
206                 fullConsTime = 0;
207                 baseSelectionTime = 0;
208                 branchBoundTime = 0;
209                 rankTime = 0;
210                 errorMsg = "An unkown error occurred.";
211             }
212         };
214         /// A type to hold useful infos about candidates. A candidate is an admissible matching base. It also provides functions to rank candidates properly.
215         struct CandidateType
216         {
217             int shortCons;              ///< Short consensus score. Used to rank candidates.
218             float summedPointDist;      ///< Sum of the distances betweeneach base point and its matching point, weighted with angle between normals. This is used to get a first ranking of the candidates.
219             Matrix44<ScalarType> tr;    ///< Transformation matrix relative to this candidate, i.e th matrix the aligns the base on \c mMov to its matching base on \c mFix .
220             FeatureType** matchPtr;     ///< A reference to the matching base on \c mFix . Features are not copied here but just referred through an array of \c nBase pointers.
221             FeatureType** basePtr;      ///< A reference to the base on \c mMov . Features are not copied here but just referred through an array of \c nBase pointers.
223             /// Default constructor.
basePtrCandidateType224             CandidateType(FeatureType** base, FeatureType** match, int cons = -1, float spd = numeric_limits<float>::max()):basePtr(base),matchPtr(match),shortCons(cons),summedPointDist(spd){}
225             /// Static function used to sort the candidates according their \c summedPointDist in increasing order.
SortByDistanceCandidateType226             static bool SortByDistance(CandidateType i,CandidateType j) { return (i.summedPointDist<j.summedPointDist); }
227             /// Static function used to sort the candidates according their \c shortCons in decreasing order.
SortByScoreCandidateType228             static bool SortByScore(CandidateType i,CandidateType j) { return (i.shortCons>j.shortCons); }
229         };
231         vector<FeatureType*>* vecFFix;              ///< Vector that holds pointers to features extracted from \c mFix .
232         vector<FeatureType*>* vecFMov;              ///< Vector that holds pointers to features extracted from \c mMov .
233         Result res;                                 ///< Structure that holds result and stats.
234         ANNpointArray fdataPts;                     ///< \e ANN structure that holds descriptors from which \e kdTree is built.
235         ANNkd_tree* fkdTree;                        ///< \e ANN \e kdTree structure.
236         ConsensusType cons;                         ///< Object used to estimate overlap, i.e to perform consensus tests.
237         ConsensusParam consParam;                   ///< Structure that hold consensus' paramaters.
239         /// Default constructor. It sets pointers to \c NULL for safety and create a struct for result and stats.
FeatureAlignment()240         FeatureAlignment():fkdTree(NULL),vecFFix(NULL),vecFMov(NULL),res(Result()){}
242         /// Class destructor. It deallocates structures that has been allocated by \c init() into dynamic memory.
~FeatureAlignment()243         ~FeatureAlignment(){
244             //Cleaning extracted features
245             if(vecFFix) vecFFix->clear(); delete vecFFix; vecFFix = NULL;
246             if(vecFMov) vecFMov->clear(); delete vecFMov; vecFMov = NULL;
247             //Cleaning ANN structures
248             FeatureAlignment::CleanKDTree(fkdTree, fdataPts, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
249         }
251         /** \brief This function initializes structures needed by the framework.
252          *
253          *  First it computes features for both meshes (if they have not been previosly computed), then features
254          *  are extracted from meshes and stored into proper vectors. After ANN's structures (such as \e kdTree etc.)
255          *  and consensus' structures are initialized.
256          *  @return A Result object, so it can be used to detect faliures and retrieve a proper error message.
257          */
258         Result& init(MeshType& mFix, MeshType& mMov, Parameters& param, CallBackPos* cb=NULL)
259         {
260             if(cb) cb(0,"Initializing...");
261             QTime timer, t;  //timers
262             timer.start();
264             //compute feature for mFix and mMov if they are not computed yet
265             typename FeatureType::Parameters p;
266             FeatureType::SetupParameters(p);
267             if(!FeatureType::HasBeenComputed(mFix)){
268                 t.start(); if(cb) cb(1,"Computing features...");
269                 if(!FeatureType::ComputeFeature(mFix, p)){ FeatureAlignment::setError(1,res); return res; }
270                 if(param.log) param.log(3,"Features on mFix computed in %i msec.",t.elapsed());
271             }
272             if(!FeatureType::HasBeenComputed(mMov)){
273                 t.start(); if(cb) cb(1,"Computing features...");
274                 if(!FeatureType::ComputeFeature(mMov, p)){ FeatureAlignment::setError(1,res); return res; }
275                 if(param.log) param.log(3,"Features on mMov computed in %i msec.",t.elapsed());
276             }
278             //initialize a static random generator used inside FeatureUniform()
279             tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType, VertexPointerSampler>::SamplingRandomGenerator().initialize(time(NULL));
281             //extract features
282             vecFFix = FeatureAlignment::extractFeatures(param.numFixFeatureSelected, mFix, FeatureAlignment::UNIFORM_SAMPLING);
283             vecFMov = FeatureAlignment::extractFeatures(param.numMovFeatureSelected, mMov, param.samplingStrategy);
284             assert(vecFFix); assert(vecFMov);
286             //copy descriptors of mFix into ANN structures, then build kdtree...
287             FeatureAlignment::SetupKDTreePoints(*vecFFix, &fdataPts, FeatureType::getFeatureDimension());
288             fkdTree = new ANNkd_tree(fdataPts,vecFFix->size(),FeatureType::getFeatureDimension());
289             assert(fkdTree);
291             //consensus structure initialization
292             cons.SetFix(mFix);
293             cons.SetMove(mMov);
294             consParam.normalEqualization = param.normalEqualization;
295             cons.Init(consParam);
297             res.initTime = timer.elapsed();  //stop the timer
299             return res;
300         }
302         /** \brief This is the function that performs the actual alignment process.
303          *
304          *  Alignment process steps:
305          *  <ul><li> Performs safety checks and variables initializations.</li><li> Select randomly (at most) \c ransacIter sparse bases from \c mMov .</li>
306          *  <li> for each base: </li><ul><li> for each point in the base do a \e kNNSearch to find the \c k more similar feature (\e Matching)</li>
307          *  <li> use <em>Branch And Bound</em> to explore the solution space of all the matching bases and put the admissible ones in a candidates' vector</li></ul>
308          *  <li> for all candidates: </li><ul><li>compute the transformation matrix </li><li> compute the \c summedPointDist </li></ul>
309          *  <li> Sort candidates by increasing \c summedPointDist. </li><li> Performs short consensus test on (at most) first \c maxNumShortConsensus. </li><li> Sort candidates by decreasing \c shortCons. </li>
310          *  <li> Performs full consensus test on (at most) first \c maxNumFullConsensus. </li><li> Return data relative to the best candidate found. </li></ul>
311          *  @return A Result object containing the transformation matrix and many others stats infos.
312          */
313         Result& align(MeshType& mFix, MeshType& mMov, Parameters& param, CallBackPos *cb=NULL)
314         {
315             QTime tot_timer, timer;  //timers
316             tot_timer.start();
318             assert(vecFMov); assert(vecFFix);
320             if(param.nBase>int(vecFMov->size())){ setError(2,res); return res; }  //not enough features to pick a base
321             if(param.k>int(vecFFix->size())){ setError(3, res); return res; }     //not enough features to pick k neighboors
323             //normalize normals
324             assert(mFix.HasPerVertexNormal());  //mesh doesn't have per vertex normals!!!
325             assert(mMov.HasPerVertexNormal());
326             tri::UpdateNormals<MeshType>::NormalizeVertex(mFix);
327             tri::UpdateNormals<MeshType>::NormalizeVertex(mMov);
329             //variables declaration
330             res.exitCode = Result::NOT_ALIGNED;
331             int bestConsensus = 0;                      //best consensus score
332             int cons_succ = int((param.consOffset*param.overlap/100.0f)*(param.fullConsensusSamples/100.0f));               //number of vertices to win consensus
333             int ransac_succ = int((param.succOffset*param.overlap/100.0f)*(param.fullConsensusSamples/100.0f));             //number of vertices to win RANSAC
334             int bestConsIdx = -1;                       //index of the best candidate, needed to store picked points
336             //set up params for consensus
337             consParam.consensusDist=param.consensusDist;
338             consParam.consensusNormalsAngle=param.consensusNormalsAngle;
339             consParam.paint = param.paint;
341             //auxiliary vectors needed during the process
342             vector<FeatureType**>* baseVec = new vector<FeatureType**>();     //vector to hold bases of feature
343             vector<CandidateType>* candidates = new vector<CandidateType>();  //vector to hold canidates
344             vector<vector<FeatureType*> > matches;                            //vector of vectors of features. Each vector contains all the feature matches for a base point.
346             //variables needed for progress bar callback
347             float progBar = 1.0f;
348             if(cb) cb(int(progBar),"Selecting bases...");
350             //loop to select bases from mMov
351             timer.start();
352             for(int i = 0; i<param.ransacIter; i++)
353             {
354                 int errCode = FeatureAlignment::SelectBase(*vecFMov,*baseVec, param);
355                 if(errCode) continue; //can't find a base, skip this iteration
356             }
357             res.numBasesFound=baseVec->size();
358             res.baseSelectionTime = timer.elapsed();
359             if(param.log) param.log(3,"%i bases found in %i msec.", baseVec->size(), res.baseSelectionTime);
361             //loop to find admissible candidates
362             for(int i = 0; i<baseVec->size(); i++)
363             {
364                 timer.start();
365                 int errCode = FeatureAlignment::Matching(*vecFFix, *vecFMov, fkdTree, (*baseVec)[i], matches, param);
366                 res.matchingTime+= timer.elapsed();
368                 timer.start();
369                 errCode = FeatureAlignment::BranchAndBound((*baseVec)[i], matches, *candidates, param);
370                 matches.clear(); //make matches' vector ready for another iteration
371                 res.branchBoundTime+= timer.elapsed();
373                 if(cb){ progBar+=(20.0f/baseVec->size()); cb(int(progBar),"Matching..."); }
374             }
375             res.numMatches = candidates->size();
376             if(param.log) param.log(3,"%matching performed in %i msec.", res.matchingTime);
377             if(param.log) param.log(3,"%Branch&Bound performed in %i msec.", res.branchBoundTime);
378             if(param.log) param.log(3,"%i candidates found in %i msec.", candidates->size(), res.matchingTime+res.branchBoundTime);
380             //loop to compute candidates' transformation matrix and perform a first ranking using summedPointDist
381             timer.start();
382             for(unsigned int j=0; j<candidates->size(); j++)
383             {
384                 CandidateType& currCandidate = (*candidates)[j];
386                 //computes the rigid transformation matrix that overlaps the two points sets
387                 Matrix44Type tr;
388                 int errCode = FeatureAlignment::FindRigidTransformation(mFix, mMov, currCandidate.basePtr, currCandidate.matchPtr, param.nBase, tr);
389                 if(errCode) continue; //can't find a rigid transformation, skip this iteration
391                 currCandidate.tr = tr;  //store transformation
393                 Matrix44Type oldTr = ApplyTransformation(mMov, tr);       //apply transformation
394                 currCandidate.summedPointDist = SummedPointDistances(mFix, mMov, currCandidate.basePtr, currCandidate.matchPtr, param.nBase);  //compute and store the sum of points distance
395                 ResetTransformation(mMov, oldTr);                         //restore old tranformation
397                 if(cb){ progBar+=(20.0f/candidates->size()); cb(int(progBar),"Ranking candidates..."); }
398             }
399             //sort candidates by summed point distances
400             sort(candidates->begin(), candidates->end(), CandidateType::SortByDistance);
402             res.rankTime = timer.elapsed();
403             if(param.log) param.log(3,"Ranking performed in %i msec.", res.rankTime);
405             //variable needed for progress bar callback
406             float offset = (20.0f/math::Min(param.maxNumShortConsensus,int(candidates->size())));
408             //performs short consensus test on (at most) the first maxNumShortConsensus candidates
409             timer.start();
410             for(unsigned int j=0; j<candidates->size() && j<param.maxNumShortConsensus; j++)
411             {
412                 CandidateType& currCandidate = (*candidates)[j];
413                 Matrix44Type currTr = currCandidate.tr;              //load the right transformation
414                 Matrix44Type oldTr = ApplyTransformation(mMov, currTr); //apply transformation
415                 consParam.samples=param.short_cons_samples;
416                 currCandidate.shortCons = cons.Check(consParam);     //compute short consensus
417                 ResetTransformation(mMov, oldTr);                    //restore old tranformation
419                 if(cb){ progBar+=offset; cb(int(progBar),"Short consensus..."); }
420             }
421             res.shortConsTime = timer.elapsed();
422             if(param.log) param.log(3,"%i short consensus performed in %i msec.",(param.maxNumShortConsensus<int(candidates->size()))? param.maxNumShortConsensus : candidates->size(), res.shortConsTime);
424             //sort candidates by short consensus score
425             sort(candidates->begin(), candidates->end(), CandidateType::SortByScore);
427             //variables needed for progress bar callback
428             offset = (20.0f/param.maxNumFullConsensus);
430             //performs short consensus test on (at most) the first maxNumFullConsensus candidates
431             timer.start();
432             for(int j=0; j<param.maxNumFullConsensus; j++)
433             {
434                 CandidateType& currCandidate = (*candidates)[j];
435                 Matrix44Type currTr = currCandidate.tr;              //load the right transformation
436                 Matrix44Type oldTr = ApplyTransformation(mMov, currTr); //apply transformation
437                 consParam.samples=param.fullConsensusSamples;
438                 consParam.threshold = param.consOffset*param.overlap/100.0f;
439                 consParam.bestScore = bestConsensus;
440                 int consensus = cons.Check(consParam);              //compute full consensus
441                 ResetTransformation(mMov, oldTr);                   //restore old tranformation
443                 //verifies if transformation has the best consensus and update the result
444                 if( (consensus >= cons_succ))
445                 {
446                     res.numWonFullCons++;
447                     if(consensus > bestConsensus)
448                     {
449                         res.exitCode = Result::ALIGNED;
450                         res.tr = currTr;
451                         bestConsensus = consensus;
452                         res.bestConsensus = 100.0f*(float(bestConsensus)/param.fullConsensusSamples);
453                         bestConsIdx = j;
454                         if(consensus >= ransac_succ) break;    //very good alignment, no more iterations are done
455                     }
456                 }//else we store the consensus score anyway, so even if we fail we can provide an estimation
457                 else{
458                     if(100*(float(consensus)/param.fullConsensusSamples)>res.bestConsensus)
459                         res.bestConsensus = 100.0f*(float(consensus)/param.fullConsensusSamples);
460                 }
461                 if(cb){ progBar+=offset; cb(int(progBar),"Full consensus..."); }
462             }
463             res.fullConsTime = timer.elapsed();
464             res.totalTime = tot_timer.elapsed();
465             if(param.log) param.log(3,"%i full consensus performed in %i msec.", param.maxNumFullConsensus, res.fullConsTime);
467             //if flag 'points' is checked, clear old picked points and save the new points
468             if(param.pickPoints){
469                 if(bestConsIdx!=-1) StorePickedPoints(mFix, (*candidates)[bestConsIdx].basePtr, mFix.Tr, param.nBase, "B");
470                 else ClearPickedPoints(mFix);
471                 if(bestConsIdx!=-1) StorePickedPoints(mMov, (*candidates)[bestConsIdx].matchPtr, (*candidates)[bestConsIdx].tr * mMov.Tr, param.nBase, "M");
472                 else ClearPickedPoints(mMov);
473             }
475             //Clean structures...
476             for(int i=0; i<baseVec->size();i++){ delete[] (*baseVec)[i];}
477             for(int i=0; i<candidates->size();i++){ delete[] (*candidates)[i].basePtr; delete[] (*candidates)[i].matchPtr;}
478             delete baseVec; delete candidates;
480             return res;
481         }
483         /** \brief Return a string describing the error associated to \c code.
484          *
485          * Here is a list of the error codes, with their meaning and caller functions.
486          * \arg error code \c 1 : Error while computing features - Called by Init()
487          * \arg error code \c 2 : Features extracted are not enough to pick a base - Called by Matching()
488          * \arg error code \c 3 : Features extracted are not enough to pick \c k neighbors - Called by Matching()
489          * \arg error code \c 4 : Base isn't enough sparse - Called by Matching()
490          * \arg error code \c 5 : Error while computing rigid transformation - Called by FindRigidTransform()
491          */
getErrorMsg(int code)492         static QString getErrorMsg(int code)
493         {
494             switch(code){
495                 case 1: return QString("Error while computing features.");
496                 case 2: return QString("Features extracted are not enough to pick a base.");
497                 case 3: return QString("Features extracted are not enough to pick k neighbors.");
498                 case 4: return QString("Base isn't enough sparse.");
499                 case 5: return QString("Error while computing rigid transformation.");
500                 default: return QString("An unkown error occurred.");
501             }
502         }
504         /// Set in the struct \c res all the needed stuffs to handle errors
setError(int errorCode,Result & res)505         static void setError(int errorCode, Result& res)
506         {
507             res.exitCode = Result::FAILED;
508             res.errorCode = errorCode;
509             res.errorMsg = FeatureAlignment::getErrorMsg(errorCode);
510         }
512         /** \brief Performs uniform sampling on a vector of features.
513          *  @param vecF The vector of features to be sampled.
514          *  @param sampleNum The number of features we would like to sample. It is changed to the number of features actually sampled.
515          *  \return An array of pointers to the selected features.
516          */
FeatureUniform(vector<FEATURE_TYPE * > & vecF,int * sampleNum)517         static FEATURE_TYPE** FeatureUniform(vector<FEATURE_TYPE*>& vecF, int* sampleNum)
518         {
519             typedef typename vector<FeatureType*>::iterator FeatureIterator;
521             if(*sampleNum>=int(vecF.size())) *sampleNum = vecF.size();
523             vector<FeatureType*> vec;
524             for(FeatureIterator fi=vecF.begin();fi!=vecF.end();++fi) vec.push_back(*fi);
526             assert(vec.size()==vecF.size());
528             unsigned int (*p_myrandom)(unsigned int) = tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType, VertexPointerSampler>::RandomInt;
529             std::random_shuffle(vec.begin(),vec.end(), p_myrandom);
531             FeatureType** sampledF = new FeatureType*[*sampleNum];
532             for(int i =0; i<*sampleNum; ++i) sampledF[i] = vec[i];
534             return sampledF;
535         }
537         /** \brief Performs poisson disk sampling on features related to a mesh. Features have to be stored into a per vertex attribute.
538          *  @param samplingMesh The mesh to be sampled.
539          *  @param sampleNum The number of features we would like to sample. It is changed to the number of features actually sampled.
540          *  \return An array of pointers to the selected features.
541          */
FeaturePoisson(MESH_TYPE & samplingMesh,int * sampleNum)542         static FEATURE_TYPE** FeaturePoisson(MESH_TYPE& samplingMesh, int* sampleNum)
543         {
544             typedef typename MeshType::template PerVertexAttributeHandle<FeatureType> PVAttributeHandle;
546             VertexPointerSampler samp = VertexPointerSampler();
547             SampleVertPoissonDisk(samplingMesh, samp, *sampleNum);
548             *sampleNum = samp.sampleVec.size();  //poisson sampling can return untill 50% more of requested samples!
549             PVAttributeHandle fh = FeatureAlignment::GetFeatureAttribute(samplingMesh);
550             if(!tri::Allocator<MeshType>::IsValidHandle(samplingMesh,fh)) return NULL;
551             FeatureType** sampler = new FeatureType*[*sampleNum];
552             for(int i=0; i<*sampleNum; i++) sampler[i]=&(fh[samp.sampleVec[i]]);
553             return sampler;
554         }
556         /** \brief Performs poisson disk sampling on the mesh \c m . It stores pointers to vertexes sampled into \c sampler .
557          *  @param m The mesh to be sampled. @param sampler Sampler object where sampled data are stored.
558          *  @param sampleNum The target amount of data to sample.
559          */
SampleVertPoissonDisk(MESH_TYPE & m,VertexPointerSampler & sampler,int sampleNum)560         static void SampleVertPoissonDisk(MESH_TYPE& m, VertexPointerSampler& sampler, int sampleNum)
561         {
562             typedef MESH_TYPE MeshType;
564             //first of call sampling procedure we have to make sure that mesh has a bbox
565             tri::UpdateBounding<MeshType>::Box(m);
567             //setup parameters
568             float radius = tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,VertexPointerSampler>::ComputePoissonDiskRadius(m,sampleNum);
569             typename tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,VertexPointerSampler>::PoissonDiskParam pp;
571             //poisson samplig need a support mesh from which it takes vertexes; we use the same input mesh
572             //as support mesh, so we are sure that pointer to vertexes of input mesh are returned.
573             //perform sampling: number of samples returned can be greater or smaller of the requested amount
574             tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,VertexPointerSampler>::Poissondisk(m, sampler, m, radius, pp);
575         }
577         /** \brief Retrieve/create an handle to the per vertex attribute associated to a specified feature type. Useful to write short functions.
578          *  @param m The mesh in which the attrubute is searched.
579          *  @param createAttribute If \c true create the attribute if it doesn't exists.
580          *  \return An handle to the attribute, or a NULL handle if it doesn't exists and \createAttribute is \c false.
581          */
582         static typename MESH_TYPE::template PerVertexAttributeHandle<FEATURE_TYPE> GetFeatureAttribute(MESH_TYPE& m, bool createAttribute = false)
583         {
584             typedef typename MeshType::template PerVertexAttributeHandle<FeatureType> PVAttributeHandle;
586             //checks if the attribute exists
587             if(!tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m,std::string(FeatureType::getName()))){
588                 //if createAttribute is true and attribute doesn't exist, we add it; else return a NULL handle
589                 if(createAttribute) tri::Allocator<MeshType>::template AddPerVertexAttribute<FeatureType>(m,std::string(FeatureType::getName()));
590                 else return PVAttributeHandle(NULL,0);
591             }
592             //now we can get a handle to the attribute and return it
593             return tri::Allocator<MeshType>::template FindPerVertexAttribute<FeatureType> (m,std::string(FeatureType::getName()));
594         }
596         /** \brief Extracts \c numRequested features from mesh \c m using the specified \c samplingStrategy.
597          *  What features are actually extracted is a responsability of the Subset() function of the specific feature class.
598          *  @param numRequested Number of features to extract.
599          *  @param m The mesh in which the attrubute is searched.
600          *  @param samplingStrategy Strategy used to sample features. Must be one of \c UNIFORM_SAMPLING, \c POISSON_SAMPLING.
601          *  \return A pointer to a vector that contains the extracted featurs, or a NULL pointer if features have not been computed. Vector is allocated inside the function and must be deallocated by the caller.
602          */
603         static vector<FEATURE_TYPE*>* extractFeatures(int numRequested, MESH_TYPE &m, int samplingStrategy, CallBackPos *cb = NULL)
604         {
605             //Create a vector to hold extracted features
606             vector<FeatureType*>* featureSubset = new vector<FeatureType*>();
607             //extract numRequested features according to the sampling strategy.
608             //If feature has not been computed previously, return a NULL pointer
609             if(!FeatureType::Subset(numRequested, m, *featureSubset, samplingStrategy, cb)) return NULL;
610             return featureSubset;
611         }
613         /** \brief Copy features' descriptions from the vector \c vecF to the array \c dataPts that is used as source for ANN's kdTree.
614          *  @param vecF The features' vector.
615          *  @param dataPts Array where features' description are copied. It is allocated inside function; the caller have to deallocate mamory.
616          *  @param pointDim The dimension of the feature's description.
617          */
SetupKDTreePoints(vector<FEATURE_TYPE * > & vecF,ANNpointArray * dataPts,int pointDim)618         static void SetupKDTreePoints(vector<FEATURE_TYPE*>& vecF, ANNpointArray* dataPts, int pointDim)
619         {
620             //fill dataPts with feature's descriptions in vecF
621             *dataPts = annAllocPts(vecF.size(), pointDim);		    // allocate data points
622             for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vecF.size(); i++){
623                 for (int j = 0; j < pointDim; j++)
624                     (*dataPts)[i][j] = (ANNcoord)(vecF[i]->description[j]);
625             }
626         }
628         /** \brief Utility function to deallocate ANN's stuffs.
629          *
630          *  Structures are provided as parameters; \c NULL can be used for structures we are not interested to deallocate.
631          *  @param kdTree The kdTree structure.
632          *  @param dataPts The points used as source by the kdTree.
633          *  @param queryPts The points used as queries.
634          *  @param idx Indexes to the points in \c dataPts.
635          *  @param dists Squared distances of points from the query point.
636          *  @param close If \c true the root of the kdTree is used. It should be done only after we are done with ANN.
637          */
CleanKDTree(ANNkd_tree * kdTree,ANNpointArray dataPts,ANNpointArray queryPts,ANNidxArray idx,ANNdistArray dists,bool close)638         static void CleanKDTree(ANNkd_tree* kdTree, ANNpointArray dataPts, ANNpointArray queryPts, ANNidxArray idx, ANNdistArray dists, bool close)
639         {
640             //Cleaning ANN structures
641             if(kdTree){ delete kdTree; kdTree = NULL; }
642             if(dataPts) annDeallocPts(dataPts);
643             if(queryPts) annDeallocPts(queryPts);
644             if(idx){ delete [] idx; idx = NULL; }
645             if(dists){ delete [] dists; dists = NULL; }
646             if(close) annClose();				//done with ANN; clean memory shared among all the kdTrees
647         }
649         /** \brief Randomly select a base of \c param.nBase features from vector \c vecFMov and put it in the vector \c baseVec.
650          *
651          *  A base is added only if each point is far from the others at least \c param.sparseBaseDist \c * \c param.mMovBBoxDiag/100.
652          *  \return 0 if everything is right, an error code according to the getErrorMsg() function otherwise.
653          */
SelectBase(vector<FEATURE_TYPE * > & vecFMov,vector<FEATURE_TYPE ** > & baseVec,Parameters & param)654         static int SelectBase(vector<FEATURE_TYPE*>& vecFMov, vector<FEATURE_TYPE**>& baseVec, Parameters& param)
655         {
656             assert(param.nBase<=int(vecFMov.size()));  //not enough features to pick a base
657             float baseDist = param.sparseBaseDist*(param.mMovBBoxDiag/100.0f); //compute needed params
659             FeatureType** base = FeatureAlignment::FeatureUniform(vecFMov, &(param.nBase)); //randomly chooses a base of features from vecFFix
660             if(!VerifyBaseDistances(base, param.nBase, baseDist)) return 4; //if base point are not enough sparse, skip
661             baseVec.push_back(base);
662             return 0;
663         }
665         /** \brief It performs the matching of each point of the \c base with features contained in the \c kdTree.
666          *
667          *  For each base point a kNNSearch is done that finds the 'best' \c param.k features; all these are stored in a vector of \c matches.
668          *  \return 0 if everything is right, an error code according to the getErrorMsg() function otherwise.
669          */
670         static int Matching(vector<FEATURE_TYPE*>& vecFFix, vector<FEATURE_TYPE*>& vecFMov, ANNkd_tree* kdTree, FEATURE_TYPE** base, vector<vector<FeatureType*> >& matches, Parameters& param, CallBackPos *cb=NULL)
671         {
672             float pBar = 0, offset = 100.0f/param.nBase;  //used for progresss bar callback
673             if(cb) cb(0, "Matching...");
675             assert(param.k<=int(vecFFix.size()));       //not enough features in kdtree to pick k neighbors
676             assert((int)vecFFix.size()>=param.nBase);
677             assert(matches.size()==0);                  //matches vectors have to be provided empty
679             //fill fqueryPts with feature's descriptions in base
680             ANNpointArray fqueryPts;
681             FeatureAlignment::SetupKDTreeQuery(base, param.nBase, &fqueryPts, FeatureType::getFeatureDimension());
683             //additional variables needed
684             ANNidxArray fnnIdx = new ANNidx[param.k];						    // allocate near neigh indices
685             ANNdistArray fdists = new ANNdist[param.k];						    // allocate near neigh dists
686             vector<FeatureType*> neighbors;
687             //foreach feature in the base find the best matching using fkdTree
688             for(int i = 0; i < param.nBase; i++)
689             {
690                 kdTree->annkSearch(fqueryPts[i], param.k, fnnIdx, fdists);  //search the k best neighbor for the current point
692                 assert(fdists[0]!=ANN_DIST_INF);  //if this check fails, it means that no feature have been found!
694                 for(int j=0; j<param.k; j++) neighbors.push_back(vecFFix[fnnIdx[j]]); //store all features
695                 matches.push_back(neighbors);           //copy neighbors vec into matches vec
696                 neighbors.clear();                      //make neighbors vec ready for another iteration
698                 if(cb){ pBar+=offset; cb((int)pBar, "Matching..."); }
699             }
701             assert(int(matches.size())==param.nBase);
703             //Cleaning ANN structures
704             FeatureAlignment::CleanKDTree(NULL, NULL, fqueryPts, fnnIdx, fdists, false);
706             return 0;
707         }
709         /** \brief It performs the matching of each point of the \c base with features contained in the \c kdTree.
710          *
711          *  For each base point a kNNSearch is done that finds the 'best' \c param.k features; all these are stored in a vector of \c matches.
712          *  \return 0 if everything is right, an error code according to the getErrorMsg() function otherwise.
713          */
714   /*
715         //this is the meatching function that uses clustering
716         static int Matching(vector<FEATURE_TYPE*>& vecFFix, vector<FEATURE_TYPE*>& vecFMov, ANNkd_tree* kdTree, FEATURE_TYPE** base, vector<vector<FeatureType*> >& matches, Parameters& param, CallBackPos *cb=NULL)
717         {
718             float pBar = 0, offset = 100.0f/param.nBase;  //used for progresss bar callback
719             if(cb) cb(0, "Matching...");
721             assert(param.k<=int(vecFFix.size()));       //not enough features in kdtree to pick k neighbors
722             assert((int)vecFFix.size()>=param.nBase);
723             assert(matches.size()==0);                  //matches vectors have to be provided empty
725             //fill fqueryPts with feature's descriptions in base
726             ANNpointArray fqueryPts;
727             FeatureAlignment::SetupKDTreeQuery(base, param.nBase, &fqueryPts, FeatureType::getFeatureDimension());
729             MyMesh clusterMesh;
730             tri::Allocator<MyMesh>::AddVertices(clusterMesh,param.k);
731             SimpleTempData<MyMesh::VertContainer, FeatureType*> MyTempData(clusterMesh.vert);
733             //additional variables needed
734             ANNidxArray fnnIdx = new ANNidx[param.k];						    // allocate near neigh indices
735             ANNdistArray fdists = new ANNdist[param.k];						    // allocate near neigh dists
736             vector<FeatureType*> neighbors;
737             tri::Clustering<MyMesh, tri::NearestToCenter<MyMesh> > ClusteringGrid;
738             float cellsize = param.consensusDist*(param.mMovBBoxDiag/100.0f); //compute needed params
739             //foreach feature in the base find the best matching using fkdTree
740             for(int i = 0; i < param.nBase; i++)
741             {
742                 kdTree->annkSearch(fqueryPts[i], param.k, fnnIdx, fdists);  //search the k best neighbor for the current point
744                 assert(fdists[0]!=ANN_DIST_INF);  //if this check fails, it means that no feature have been found!
746                 int j; MyMesh::VertexIterator vi;
747                 for(vi=clusterMesh.vert.begin(), j=0; vi<clusterMesh.vert.end(), j<param.k; vi++, j++){
748                     vi->P() = vecFFix[fnnIdx[j]]->pos;
749                     vi->N() = vecFFix[fnnIdx[j]]->normal;
750                     MyTempData[vi] = vecFFix[fnnIdx[j]];
751                 }
752                 if(param.log) param.log(3,"clusterMesh contains %i vertexes",j);
753                 ClusteringGrid.Init(clusterMesh.bbox,0,cellsize);
754                 ClusteringGrid.AddPointSet(clusterMesh);
755                 ClusteringGrid.SelectPointSet(clusterMesh);
756                 for(vi=clusterMesh.vert.begin(); vi<clusterMesh.vert.end(); vi++){
757                     if(vi->IsS()) neighbors.push_back(MyTempData[vi]);
758                 }
759                 if(param.log) param.log(3,"neighbors.size %i",neighbors.size());
760                 matches.push_back(neighbors);           //copy neighbors vec into matches vec
761                 neighbors.clear();                      //make neighbors vec ready for another iteration
763                 if(cb){ pBar+=offset; cb((int)pBar, "Matching..."); }
764             }
766             assert(int(matches.size())==param.nBase);
768             //Cleaning ANN structures
769             FeatureAlignment::CleanKDTree(NULL, NULL, fqueryPts, fnnIdx, fdists, false);
771             return 0;
772         }
773 */
774         /** \brief Given \c param.nbase sets of matching points, explore the space of all the matching bases using a Branch And Bound algorithm and adds
775          *  the admisible bases into a vector of candidates.
776          *
777          *  \return 0 if everything is right, an error code according to the getErrorMsg() function otherwise.
778          */
BranchAndBound(FEATURE_TYPE ** base,vector<vector<FeatureType * >> & matches,vector<CandidateType> & candidates,Parameters & param)779         static int BranchAndBound(FEATURE_TYPE** base, vector<vector<FeatureType*> >& matches, vector<CandidateType>& candidates, Parameters& param)
780         {
781             //compute needed params
782             float errDist = param.mutualErrDist*(param.mMovBBoxDiag/100.0f);
784             //branch and bound
785             int curSolution[param.nBase];
786             for(int i=0; i<param.nBase; i++) curSolution[i] = 0;              //initialization
787             FeatureAlignment::Match(base, matches, param.nBase, 0, curSolution, candidates, errDist);
788             return 0;
789         }
791         /** \brief Compute the rigid transformation matrix that aligns the base \c movF with the matching base \c fixF and put the matrix into \c tr.
792          *
793          *  \return 0 if everything is right, an error code according to the getErrorMsg() function otherwise.
794          */
795         static int FindRigidTransformation(MESH_TYPE& mFix, MESH_TYPE& mMov, FEATURE_TYPE* fixF[], FEATURE_TYPE* movF[], int nBase, Matrix44<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType>& tr, CallBackPos *cb=NULL)
796         {
797             if(cb) cb(0,"Computing rigid transformation...");
799             //computes the rigid transformation matrix that overlaps the two points sets
800             vector< Point3<ScalarType> > fixPoints;
801             vector< Point3<ScalarType> > movPoints;
803             for(int i = 0; i<nBase; i++)
804             {
805                 movPoints.push_back(mMov.Tr * fixF[i]->pos); //points on mFix
806                 fixPoints.push_back(mFix.Tr * movF[i]->pos); //points on mMov
807             }
809             //this compute transformation that brings movPoints over fixPoints
810             bool ok = PointMatching<ScalarType>::ComputeRigidMatchMatrix(tr, fixPoints, movPoints);
811             if(!ok) return 5; //Error while computing rigid transformation
813             return 0;
814         }
816         static void AddPickedPoints(MESH_TYPE& m, vector<FEATURE_TYPE*>& vecF, char* prefix = NULL)
817         {
818             typedef MESH_TYPE MeshType;
819             typedef FEATURE_TYPE FeatureType;
820             typedef typename MeshType::template PerMeshAttributeHandle<PickedPoints*> PMAttributeHandle;
822             PMAttributeHandle pph;
823             //if attribute doesn't exist, we add it; then we can get a handle to the attribute
824             if(!tri::HasPerMeshAttribute(m, PickedPoints::Key)){
825                 pph = tri::Allocator<MeshType>::template AddPerMeshAttribute<PickedPoints*>(m,PickedPoints::Key);
826                 pph() = new PickedPoints();
827             }
828             else pph = tri::Allocator<MeshType>::template FindPerMeshAttribute<PickedPoints*>(m, PickedPoints::Key);
830             for(unsigned int i=0; i<vecF.size(); i++){
831                 //build up a point name made of an id and feature value...
832                 char name[100]; int j, limit;
833                 if(prefix==NULL) prefix="";
834                 limit = sprintf(name,"%s%i - ",prefix,i);
835                 for(j=0; j<FeatureType::getFeatureDimension()-1; j++){
836                     limit += sprintf(name+limit,"%.2f,",vecF[i]->description[j]);
837                 }
838                 sprintf(name+limit,"%.2f",vecF[i]->description[j]);
840                 pph()->addPoint(name, m.Tr * vecF[i]->pos, true); //add point
841             }
842         }
ClearPickedPoints(MESH_TYPE & m)844         static void ClearPickedPoints(MESH_TYPE& m)
845         {
846             typedef MESH_TYPE MeshType;
847             typedef typename MeshType::template PerMeshAttributeHandle<PickedPoints*> PMAttributeHandle;
849             PMAttributeHandle pph;
850             //we get a handle to the attribute if it exists
851             if(!tri::HasPerMeshAttribute(m, PickedPoints::Key)) return;
852             pph = tri::Allocator<MeshType>::template FindPerMeshAttribute<PickedPoints*>(m, PickedPoints::Key);
854             //delete previous picked points
855             (pph()->getPickedPointVector())->clear();
856         }
858     private:
860         static void StorePickedPoints(MESH_TYPE& m, FEATURE_TYPE* vecF[], Matrix44<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> tr, int size, char* prefix = NULL)
861         {
862             typedef MESH_TYPE MeshType;
863             typedef FEATURE_TYPE FeatureType;
864             typedef typename MeshType::template PerMeshAttributeHandle<PickedPoints*> PMAttributeHandle;
866             PMAttributeHandle pph;
867             //if attribute doesn't exist, we add it; then we can get a handle to the attribute
868             if(!tri::HasPerMeshAttribute(m, PickedPoints::Key)){
869                 pph = tri::Allocator<MeshType>::template AddPerMeshAttribute<PickedPoints*>(m,PickedPoints::Key);
870                 pph() = new PickedPoints();
871             }
872             else pph = tri::Allocator<MeshType>::template FindPerMeshAttribute<PickedPoints*>(m, PickedPoints::Key);
874             (pph()->getPickedPointVector())->clear();  //clear old contents
876             for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
877                 //build up a point name made of an id and feature value...
878                 char name[100]; int j, limit;
879                 if(prefix==NULL) prefix = "";
880                 limit = sprintf(name,"%s%i - ",prefix,i);
881                 for(j=0; j<FeatureType::getFeatureDimension()-1; j++){
882                     limit += sprintf(name+limit,"%.2f,",vecF[i]->description[j]);
883                 }
884                 sprintf(name+limit,"%.2f",vecF[i]->description[j]);
886                 pph()->addPoint(name, tr * vecF[i]->pos, true); //add point
887             }
888         }
SetupKDTreeQuery(FEATURE_TYPE * queryPointsArray[],int queryPointsSize,ANNpointArray * queryPts,int pointDim)890         static void SetupKDTreeQuery(FEATURE_TYPE* queryPointsArray[], int queryPointsSize, ANNpointArray* queryPts, int pointDim)
891         {
892             //fill query points with feature's description
893             *queryPts = annAllocPts(queryPointsSize, pointDim);      //allocate query points
894             for (int i = 0; i < queryPointsSize; i++){
895                 for (int j = 0; j < pointDim; j++)
896                     (*queryPts)[i][j] = (ANNcoord)(queryPointsArray[i]->description[j]);
897             }
898         }
900         static void Match(FEATURE_TYPE** base, vector<vector<FEATURE_TYPE*> >& matches, int nBase, int level, int curSolution[], vector<CandidateType>& candidates, float errDist, CallBackPos *cb = NULL)
901         {
902             assert(level<nBase);
904             for(unsigned int j=0; j<matches[level].size(); j++){
905                 curSolution[level] = j;
906                 if(MatchSolution(base, matches, level, curSolution, errDist)){
907                     if(level==nBase-1){
908                         FeatureType** solution = new FeatureType*[nBase];
909                         for(int h=0; h<nBase; h++){
910                             solution[h] = matches[h][curSolution[h]];
911                         }
912                         candidates.push_back(CandidateType(base,solution));
913                     }
914                     else
915                         Match(base, matches, nBase, level+1, curSolution, candidates, errDist);
916                 }
917             }
918             curSolution[level] = 0;
919         }
MatchSolution(FEATURE_TYPE ** base,vector<vector<FEATURE_TYPE * >> & matches,int level,int curSolution[],float errDist)921         static bool MatchSolution(FEATURE_TYPE** base, vector<vector<FEATURE_TYPE*> >& matches, int level, int curSolution[], float errDist)
922         {
923             if (level==0) return true;
925             for(int j=0; j<level; j++){
926                 float distF = Distance(base[level]->pos, base[j]->pos);
927                 float distM = Distance(matches[level][curSolution[level]]->pos, matches[j][curSolution[j]]->pos);
928                 if( math::Abs(distF-distM)>errDist) return false;
929             }
930             return true;
931         }
933         //Verify that all points in a base are enough sparse
VerifyBaseDistances(FEATURE_TYPE * base[],int nBase,float baseDist)934         static bool VerifyBaseDistances(FEATURE_TYPE* base[], int nBase, float baseDist )
935         {
936             typedef FEATURE_TYPE FeatureType;
938             for(int i=0; i<nBase-1; i++){
939                 for(int j=i+1; j<nBase; j++){
940                     if(Distance(base[i]->pos, base[j]->pos)<=baseDist) return false;
941                 }
942             }
943             return true;
944         }
ApplyTransformation(MESH_TYPE & m,Matrix44<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> & tr)946         static Matrix44<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> ApplyTransformation(MESH_TYPE& m, Matrix44<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType>& tr)
947         {
948             typedef MESH_TYPE MeshType;
949             typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
951             Matrix44<ScalarType> oldMat = m.Tr;    //save old transformation matrix of m
952             m.Tr = tr * m.Tr;                      //apply transformation
953             return oldMat;                         //return the old transformation matrix
954         }
ResetTransformation(MESH_TYPE & m,Matrix44<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> & tr)956         static void ResetTransformation(MESH_TYPE& m, Matrix44<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType>& tr)
957         {
958             m.Tr = tr;
959         }
SummedPointDistances(MESH_TYPE & mFix,MESH_TYPE & mMov,FEATURE_TYPE * baseF[],FEATURE_TYPE * matchF[],int nBase)961         static float SummedPointDistances(MESH_TYPE& mFix, MESH_TYPE& mMov, FEATURE_TYPE* baseF[], FEATURE_TYPE* matchF[], int nBase)
962         {
963             typedef MESH_TYPE MeshType;
964             typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
966             Matrix33<ScalarType> matMov(mMov.Tr,3); //3x3 matrix needed totransform normals
967             Matrix33<ScalarType> matFix(mFix.Tr,3); //3x3 matrix needed totransform normals
968             Point3<ScalarType> fixNrm, movNrm;    //normals
969             float spd, snd, result = 0.0f;
971             for(int i=0; i<nBase;i++){
972                 //transform normals properly; normals inside features are yet normalized
973                 fixNrm = matFix * matchF[i]->normal;
974                 movNrm = matMov * baseF[i]->normal;
976                 //compute distance beetween points and then beetween normals
977                 spd = Distance( mFix.Tr * matchF[i]->pos, mMov.Tr * baseF[i]->pos );
978                 snd = math::Clamp(1-fixNrm.dot(movNrm),0.0f,1.0f);
980                 //weight distances with normals and update result
981                 result+=spd*snd;
982             }
983             return result;
984         }
985 };