1 /*#***************************************************************************
2  * Volume.h                                                         o o      *
3  *                                                                o     o    *
4  * Visual Computing Group                                         _  O  _    *
5  * IEI Institute, CNUCE Institute, CNR Pisa                        \/)\/     *
6  *                                                                /\/|       *
7  * Copyright(C) 2002 by Paolo Cignoni                                |       *
8  * All rights reserved.                                              \       *
9  *                                                                           *
10  * Permission  to use, copy, modify, distribute  and sell this  software and *
11  * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided *
12  * that  the above copyright notice appear  in all copies and that both that *
13  * copyright   notice  and  this  permission  notice  appear  in  supporting *
14  * documentation. the author makes  no representations about the suitability *
15  * of this software for any purpose. It is provided  "as is" without express *
16  * or implied warranty.                                                      *
17  *					                                                                 *
18  *****************************************************************************/
20 #ifndef __VOLUME_H__
21 #define __VOLUME_H__
23 #ifdef __MINGW32__
24 #define _int64 __int64
25 #endif
27 #include "voxel.h"
28 #include "svoxel.h"
29 #include <vector>
30 #include <vcg/space/index/grid_static_ptr.h>
32 //#define BLOCKSIDE() 8
34 // Stato di un voxel
36 // B() dice se ci sono dati in uno stadio usabile.
37 // Cnt() dice quanti ce ne sono stati sommati (per la normalizzazione)
39 // b==false cnt==0 totalmente non inzializzato (Zero)
40 // b==false cnt >0 da normalizzare
41 // b==true  cnt==0 gia' normalizzato
42 // b==true  cnt >0 Errore!!!
44 // forward definition
45 template < class VOL >
46 class VolumeIterator;
48 //******************************************
49 //******************************************
50 //typedef Voxel<float> Voxelf;
SFormat(const char * f,...)52 const char *SFormat( const char * f, ... )
53     {
54         static char buf[4096];
55         va_list marker;
56         va_start( marker, f );
57         vsprintf(buf,f,marker);
58         va_end( marker );
59         return buf;
60     }
63 template<class VOX_TYPE, class SCALAR_TYPE=float>
64 class Volume {
65 public:
66     typedef SCALAR_TYPE scalar;
67   typedef Point3<scalar> Point3x;
68   typedef Box3<scalar> Box3x;
70   typedef VOX_TYPE voxel_type;
BLOCKSIDE()72     static int BLOCKSIDE() { return 8;}
Volume()73     Volume(){
74         SetDefaultParam();
75     }
76     // I dati veri e propri
77     // Sono contenuti in un vettore di blocchi.
78     std::vector<  std::vector<VOX_TYPE>  > rv;
79     Box3x   bbox;
81         _int64 AskedCells;
82     Point3x dim;  /// Dimensione spaziale (lunghezza lati) del bbox
84     Point3i sz;   /// Dimensioni griglia come numero di celle per lato
86     Point3i ssz;  /// Dimensioni sottoblocco in esame come numero di celle per lato
88     Point3i rsz;  /// Dimensioni macro griglia dei blocchi in cui e' suddiviso il volume (ogni blocco e' BLOCKSIDE()^3 celle)
90     Point3i asz;  /// Dimensioni macro griglia dei blocchi relativa al sottoblocco in questione (quello allocato davvero!)
93     Point3x voxel; /// Dimensioni di una cella
96     int WN,WP; // di quanti vox mi devo allargare per settare la manhattan distance in neg e pos
97   int DeltaVoxelSafe; // di quanti vox mi devo allargare per stare sicuro nel fare solo una sottoparte.
ISize()99   const Point3i ISize() { return sz; }
100 private :
101     // offset e distanze varie precalcolate una volta per tutte
102     Point3f nnf[26];
103     Point3i nni[26];
104     float len[26];
105     float slen[26];
107         /// Gestione sottoparte
108     Point3i div;
109     Point3i pos;
110 public:
111     Box3i	  SubPart;                 // Sottoparte del volume da considerare ufficialmente
112     Box3x     SubBox;                  // BBox della sottoparte del volume da considerare in coord assolute
113     Box3i	  SubPartSafe;             // come sopra ma aumentati per sicurezza.
114     Box3x     SubBoxSafe;
116  FILE *LogFP;
117 bool Verbose; // se true stampa un sacco di info in piu su logfp;
SetDefaultParam()119     void SetDefaultParam(){
120          WN=0;
121          WP=1;
122          //WN=-2;//
123          //WP=3;
124          DeltaVoxelSafe=BLOCKSIDE();
125          Verbose=true;
126          LogFP=stderr;
127         }
Init(const Volume & VV)129     void Init(const Volume &VV)
130     {
131         SetDefaultParam();
132         WN=VV.WN;
133         WP=VV.WP;
134         DeltaVoxelSafe=VV.DeltaVoxelSafe;
135     Init(VV.AskedCells,VV.bbox,VV.div,VV.pos);
136     }
138         void Init(_int64 cells, Box3x bb, Point3i _div=Point3i(1,1,1), Point3i _pos=Point3i(0,0,0))
139     {
140         Point3d voxdim;voxdim.Import(bb.max-bb.min);
141         AskedCells=cells;
142         vcg::BestDim<double>( cells, voxdim, sz );
143         bbox=bb;
144 /*
145         printf("grid of ~%i kcells: %d x %d x %d \n",int(cells/1000),sz[0],sz[1],sz[2]);
146         printf("grid voxel size of %f %f %f\n",voxdim[0]/sz[0],voxdim[1]/sz[1],voxdim[2]/sz[2]);
147 */
148         // il box deve essere multipli di BLOCKSIDE()
149       sz=((sz/BLOCKSIDE())+Point3i(1,1,1))*BLOCKSIDE();
152         rsz=sz/BLOCKSIDE();
153         if(sz!=rsz*BLOCKSIDE()) {
154             assert(0); // il box deve essere multipli di BLOCKSIDE()
155       exit(-1);
156         }
158         dim=bbox.max-bbox.min;
159         voxel[0]=dim[0]/sz[0];
160         voxel[1]=dim[1]/sz[1];
161         voxel[2]=dim[2]/sz[2];
163         SetSubPart(_div,_pos);
164         ssz=SubPartSafe.max-SubPartSafe.min;
165         asz=ssz/BLOCKSIDE() + Point3i(1,1,1);
166         rv.clear();
167         rv.resize(asz[0]*asz[1]*asz[2]);
168         for(size_t i=0;i<rv.size();++i)
169             rv[i].resize(0,VOX_TYPE::Zero());
170         SetDim(bb);
171     };
173 private:
175     // Da chiamare sempre DOPO la resize...
SetDim(const Box3x &)176     void SetDim(const Box3x & /*bb*/)
177     {
179     // Setup the precomputed offsets and offset normals
180         int cnt=0,x,y,z;
181         for(z=-1;z<=1;++z){
182          for(y=-1;y<=1;++y){
183             for(x=-1;x<=1;++x)
184                     if(x!=0 || y!=0 || z!=0)
185                     {
186                         nnf[cnt]=Point3f(x,y,z);
187                         len[cnt]=nnf[cnt].Norm();
188                         slen[cnt]=nnf[cnt].SquaredNorm();
189                         nnf[cnt].Normalize();
190                         nni[cnt]=Point3i(x,y,z);
191                         cnt++;
192                     }
193                 }
194         }
195     }
197 /*
198 Parametri
199 div indica il numero di blocchi da fare lungo i vari assi (sempre >=1)
200 pos indicano la coord del subbox da prendere in considerazione (sempre >=0 &&  < xdiv,ydiv,zdiv)
201 */
SetSubPart(Point3i _div,Point3i _pos)203 void SetSubPart(Point3i _div, Point3i _pos)
204 {
205     int k;
206     // Controllo correttezza parametri.
207     for(k=0;k<3;++k)
208         {
209             assert(_div[k]>0);
210             if(_div[k]==0){
211                 printf("Error in subbox definition:\n the subdiv settings must be greater than 0; it was %i %i %i\n",_div[0],_div[1],_div[2]);
212                 exit(-1);
213             }
214             if(_pos[k]<0 || _pos[k]>=_div[k]){
215                 printf("Error in subbox definition:\n the Position of the subbox must be between (0,0,0) and (%i,%i,%i); it was %i %i %i\n",_div[0],_div[1],_div[2],_pos[0],_pos[1],_pos[2]);
216                 exit(-1);
217             }
218         }
220     div=_div;
221     pos=_pos;
223     // Setting the subpart under analisys
224     for(k=0;k<3;++k)
225         {
226             SubPart.min[k]= pos[k]*sz[k]/div[k];
227             SubPart.max[k]=(pos[k]+1)*sz[k]/div[k];
228             SubBox.min[k]= bbox.min[k]+SubPart.min[k]*voxel[k];
229             SubBox.max[k]= bbox.min[k]+SubPart.max[k]*voxel[k];
230         }
232     // Setting the Safe Subpart under analisys
233     SubPartSafe=SubPart;
234     for(k=0;k<3;++k)
235         {
236             SubPartSafe.min[k] -= DeltaVoxelSafe;
237             SubPartSafe.max[k] += DeltaVoxelSafe;
239             if( SubPartSafe.min[k]< 0     ) SubPartSafe.min[k] = 0;
240             if( SubPartSafe.max[k]> sz[k] ) SubPartSafe.max[k] = sz[k];
241             SubBoxSafe.min[k]= bbox.min[k]+SubPartSafe.min[k]*voxel[k];
242             SubBoxSafe.max[k]= bbox.min[k]+SubPartSafe.max[k]*voxel[k];
243         }
244 /*
245         printf("  Computing only subvolume: (%d x %d x %d)= %dk cells  \n"
246                  "                             %d,%d,%d -> %d,%d,%d\n"
247                         ,SubPart.DimX(),SubPart.DimY(),SubPart.DimZ(),(int)(((__int64)SubPart.DimX()*(__int64)SubPart.DimY()*(__int64)SubPart.DimZ())/1000)
248             ,SubPart.min[0]			,SubPart.min[1]			,SubPart.min[2]
249             ,SubPart.max[0]			,SubPart.max[1]			,SubPart.max[2]		);
250 */
251 }
253 public:
255     // Sa
256     /*bool Write(string filename, const float &minv, const float &maxv )
257         {
258           FILE *fp;
259             if(div!=Point3i(1,1,1)) {
260                     string subvoltag;
261                     GetSubVolumeTag(subvoltag);
262                     filename+=subvoltag;
263             }
264             string datname=filename;
265             string rawname=filename;
266             datname+=".dat";
267             rawname+=".raw";
269           fp=fopen(datname,"w");
271             fprintf(fp,"ObjectFileName: %s\n",rawname.c_str());
272             fprintf(fp,"TaggedFileName: ---\n");
273             fprintf(fp,"Resolution:     %i %i %i\n",SubPart.max[0]-SubPart.min[0],SubPart.max[1]-SubPart.min[1],SubPart.max[2]-SubPart.min[2]);
274             fprintf(fp,"SliceThickness: %f %f %f\n",voxel[2]/voxel[0],voxel[2]/voxel[1],voxel[2]/voxel[2]);
275             fprintf(fp,"Format:         UCHAR\n");
276             fprintf(fp,"NbrTags:        0\n");
277             fprintf(fp,"ObjectType:     TEXTURE_VOLUME_OBJECT\n");
278             fprintf(fp,"ObjectModel:    RGBA\n");
279             fprintf(fp,"GridType:       EQUIDISTANT\n");
281             fclose(fp);
282       fp=fopen(rawname,"wb");
283          if(!fp)
284          {
285              printf("Error: unable ro open output volume file '%s'\n",filename);
286              return false;
287          }
289          int i,j,k;
290          for(k=SubPart.min[2];k<SubPart.max[2];++k)
291              for(j=SubPart.min[1];j<SubPart.max[1];++j)
292                  for(i=SubPart.min[0];i<SubPart.max[0];++i)
293                     {
294                         float fv=V(i,j,k).V();
295                       fv=(fv-minv)/(maxv-minv);
296                         if(fv<0) fv=0;
297                         else if(fv>1) fv=1;
298                         fv=((fv*2.0f)-1.0f)*127;
299                         char fs= (char) fv;
300                         fwrite(&fs,sizeof(char),1,fp);
301                     }
302         fclose(fp);
303         return true;
304         }*/
AbsPos(Point3i pi,Point3x & p)305     void AbsPos(Point3i pi, Point3x &p)
306         {
307             p[0]=bbox.min[0]+pi[0]*voxel[0];
308             p[1]=bbox.min[1]+pi[1]*voxel[1];
309             p[2]=bbox.min[2]+pi[2]*voxel[2];
310         }
GetSubVolumeTag(std::string & subtag)313     void GetSubVolumeTag(std::string &subtag)
314     {
315     char buf[32];
316         if     (div[0]<=  10 && div[1]<=  10 && div[2]<=  10 ) sprintf(buf,"_%01d%01d%01d",pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
317         else if(div[0]<= 100 && div[1]<= 100 && div[2]<= 100 ) sprintf(buf,"_%02d%02d%02d",pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
318                                                          else  sprintf(buf,"_%03d%03d%03d",pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
319         subtag=buf;
320     }
322     /*
323     Data una posizione x,y,z restituisce true se tale posizione appartiene a  un blocco gia' allocato
324     In ogni caso mette in rpos la posizione del subbloc e in lpos la posizione all'interno del sottoblocco
325     */
Pos(const int & _x,const int & _y,const int & _z,int & rpos,int & lpos)326     bool Pos(const int &_x,const int &_y,const int &_z, int & rpos,int &lpos) const
327     {
328         int x=_x-SubPartSafe.min[0];		int y=_y-SubPartSafe.min[1];		int z=_z-SubPartSafe.min[2];
330         assert(_x>=SubPartSafe.min[0] && _x<SubPartSafe.max[0] &&
331                  _y>=SubPartSafe.min[1] && _y<SubPartSafe.max[1] &&
332                      _z>=SubPartSafe.min[2] && _z<SubPartSafe.max[2]);
334     //	assert(x>=0 && x<sz[0] && y>=0 && y<sz[1] && z>=0 && z<sz[2]);
336         int rx=x/BLOCKSIDE();		int ry=y/BLOCKSIDE();		int rz=z/BLOCKSIDE();
337         assert(rx>=0 && rx<asz[0] && ry>=0 && ry<asz[1] && rz>=0 && rz<asz[2]);
338         rpos = rz*asz[0]*asz[1]+ry*asz[0]+rx;
339         assert(rpos < int(rv.size()));
340         int lx = x%BLOCKSIDE();		int ly = y%BLOCKSIDE();		int lz = z % BLOCKSIDE();
341         lpos = lz*BLOCKSIDE()*BLOCKSIDE()+ly*BLOCKSIDE()+lx;
342         if(rv[rpos].empty()) return false;
343         return true;
344      }
346     /*
347     Funzione inversa della precedente
348     Date due posizioni rpos e lpos  restituisce x,y,z assoluti
349     */
IPos(int & x,int & y,int & z,const int & rpos,const int & lpos)350     bool IPos(int &x,int &y,int &z, const int & rpos, const int &lpos) const
351     {
352         assert (rpos>=0 && lpos  >=0);
354         int rz =   rpos / (asz[0]*asz[1]);	int remainder =  rpos % (asz[0]*asz[1]);
355         int ry = ( remainder ) / asz[0] ;
356         int rx =   remainder % asz[0];
358         assert(rx>=0 && rx<asz[0] && ry>=0 && ry<asz[1] && rz>=0 && rz<asz[2]);
360         int lz =   lpos / (BLOCKSIDE()*BLOCKSIDE());	int lemaindel =  lpos % (BLOCKSIDE()*BLOCKSIDE());
361         int ly = ( lemaindel ) / BLOCKSIDE();
362         int lx =   lemaindel % BLOCKSIDE();
364         x = rx*BLOCKSIDE()+lx;
365         y = ry*BLOCKSIDE()+ly;
366         z = rz*BLOCKSIDE()+lz;
368         x+=SubPartSafe.min[0];
369         y+=SubPartSafe.min[1];
370         z+=SubPartSafe.min[2];
372         assert(x>=0 && x<sz[0] && y>=0 && y<sz[1] && z>=0 && z<sz[2]);
373         //int trpos,tlpos;
374         //assert(rv[rpos].size()>0);
375         //Pos(x,y,z,trpos,tlpos);
376         //assert(trpos==rpos && tlpos == lpos);
377         return true;
378      }
Alloc(int rpos,const VOX_TYPE & zeroval)380     void Alloc(int rpos, const VOX_TYPE &zeroval)
381     {
382         rv[rpos].resize(BLOCKSIDE()*BLOCKSIDE()*BLOCKSIDE(),zeroval);
383     }
384     /************************************/
385     // Funzioni di accesso ai dati
ValidCell(const Point3i & p1,const Point3i & p2)386   bool ValidCell(const Point3i &p1, const Point3i &p2) const
387   {
388      if(!cV(p1.X(),p1.Y(),p1.Z()).B() ) return false;
389      if(!cV(p2.X(),p1.Y(),p1.Z()).B() ) return false;
390      if(!cV(p1.X(),p2.Y(),p1.Z()).B() ) return false;
391      if(!cV(p2.X(),p2.Y(),p1.Z()).B() ) return false;
392      if(!cV(p1.X(),p1.Y(),p2.Z()).B() ) return false;
393      if(!cV(p2.X(),p1.Y(),p2.Z()).B() ) return false;
394      if(!cV(p1.X(),p2.Y(),p2.Z()).B() ) return false;
395      if(!cV(p2.X(),p2.Y(),p2.Z()).B() ) return false;
396     return true;
397   }
Val(const int & x,const int & y,const int & z)399   float Val(const int &x,const int &y,const int &z) const {
400     if(!cV(x,y,z).B())  return 1000;
401       return cV(x,y,z).V();
402     //else return numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN( );
403   }
V(const int & x,const int & y,const int & z)405     VOX_TYPE &V(const int &x,const int &y,const int &z) {
406         int rpos,lpos;
407         if(!Pos(x,y,z,rpos,lpos)) Alloc(rpos,VOX_TYPE::Zero());
408         return rv[rpos][lpos];
409     }
cV(const int & x,const int & y,const int & z)411     const VOX_TYPE &cV(const int &x,const int &y,const int &z) const
412     {
413         int rpos,lpos;
414         if(!Pos(x,y,z,rpos,lpos)) return VOX_TYPE::Zero();
415         else return rv[rpos][lpos];
416     }
V(const int & x,const int & y,const int & z)417     const VOX_TYPE &V(const int &x,const int &y,const int &z) const
418     {
419         int rpos,lpos;
420         if(!Pos(x,y,z,rpos,lpos)) return VOX_TYPE::Zero();
421         else return rv[rpos][lpos];
422     }
423     /************************************/
Fill(VOX_TYPE (__cdecl * func)(const Point3i & p))424     void Fill(VOX_TYPE (__cdecl *func)(const Point3i &p) )
425 {
426     int x,y,z;
427     for(z=0;z<sz[2];++z)
428         for(y=0;y<sz[1];++y)
429             for(x=0;x<sz[0];++x)
430                         {
431                                 Point3i p(x,y,z);
432                                 V(x,y,z)=func(p);
433                         }
434 }
Fill(VOX_TYPE const p)436 void Fill(VOX_TYPE const p)
437 {
438     int x,y,z;
439     for(z=0;z<sz[2];++z)
440         for(y=0;y<sz[1];++y)
441             for(x=0;x<sz[0];++x)
442                 {
443                                 V(x,y,z)=p;
444                 }
445 }
448 // Copia sul volume corrente una versione smoothed del volume in ingresso S.
449 // il parametro serve a specificare il range di valori di campo vicini allo zero che non vanno mediati!
450 // questo perche se si smootha anche sullo zero si smoota anche dove e' bene allineato
452 void CopySmooth( Volume<VOX_TYPE> &S, scalar SafeZone=1, scalar SafeQuality=0)
453 {
454     if(sz!=S.sz)
455         {
456             printf("Error");
457             exit(-1);
458         }
459  int lcnt=0;
460  VolumeIterator< Volume > vi(S);
461  vi.Restart();
462  vi.FirstNotEmpty();
463  // const Voxelf *VC;
464  while(vi.IsValid())
465      // scandisci il volume in ingresso, per ogni voxel non vuoto del volume
466      // in ingresso calcola la media con gli adiacenti
467     {
468         if((*vi).B())
469         {
470             int x,y,z;
471             IPos(x,y,z,vi.rpos,vi.lpos);
472             if(Bound1(x,y,z))
473                 {
474                   VOX_TYPE &VC =  V(x,y,z);
475                     for(int i=0;i<26;++i)
476                     {
477                         VOX_TYPE &VV= S.V(x+nni[i][0],y+nni[i][1],z+nni[i][2]);
478                         if(VV.B()) VC+=VV;
479                     }
480                     lcnt++;
482                 /*
483                     Voxelf &VV=V(x,y,z);
484                     //Voxelf &VV=rv[vi.rpos][vi.lpos];
485                     for(int i=0;i<26;++i)
486                     {
487                         VC = &(S.V(x+nni[i][0],y+nni[i][1],z+nni[i][2]));
488                         if(VC->b)
489                         {
490                             VV+=*VC;
491                             lcnt++;
492                         }
493                     }*/
494                 }
495         }
496         vi.Next();
497         if(vi.IsValid()) vi.FirstNotEmpty();
498         //if((lcnt%100)==0) vi.Dump();
500     }
501  // Step 2,
502  // dopo aver calcolato la media,
504  VolumeIterator< Volume > svi(*this);
505  svi.Restart();
506  svi.FirstNotEmpty();
507  int smoothcnt=0;
508  int preservedcnt=0;
509  int blendedcnt=0;
510  const float FieldBorder = 1; // dove finisce la transizione tra la zona safe e quella smoothed
511  const float EndFBorderZone = SafeZone+FieldBorder;
512  const float EndQBorderZone = SafeQuality*1.5;
513  const float QBorder = EndQBorderZone-SafeQuality; // dove finisce la transizione tra la zona safe e quella smoothed
514  while(svi.IsValid())
515     {
516         if((*svi).Cnt()>0)
517         {
518             VOX_TYPE &sv=S.rv[svi.rpos][svi.lpos];
519             (*svi).Normalize(1); // contiene il valore mediato
520             float SafeThr = fabs(sv.V());
522             // Se la qualita' e' bassa o se siamo distanti si smootha sempre
523             // se siamo vicini allo zero e con buona qualita' si deve fare attenzione
524             if(SafeThr<EndFBorderZone && sv.Q() > EndQBorderZone)
525             {		// se il voxel corrente aveva un valore < safezone E qualita' > SafeQuality
526                     // allora si copia il valore originale di S
527                     if((SafeThr <= SafeZone) && sv.Q() > SafeQuality )
528                         {
529                             (*svi)=sv;
530                             (*svi).SetB(true);
531                             ++preservedcnt;
532                         }
533                         else
534                         {	// Siamo nella zona di transizione o per field o per quality
535                             float blendq= std::max(0.0f,std::min(1.0f,(EndQBorderZone-sv.Q())/QBorder));
536                             float blendf= std::max(0.0f,std::min(1.0f,(EndFBorderZone-SafeThr)/FieldBorder));
537                             float BlendFactor = 1.0-std::max(blendf,blendq); // quanto del voxel originale <sv> si prende;
538                             (*svi).Blend(sv,BlendFactor);
539                             ++blendedcnt;
540                         }
541             }
542             ++smoothcnt;
543         }
544         svi.Next();
545         if(svi.IsValid()) svi.FirstNotEmpty();
546     }
548  if(Verbose) fprintf(LogFP,"CopySmooth %i voxels, %i preserved, %i blended\n",smoothcnt,preservedcnt,blendedcnt);
549 }
Merge(Volume<VOX_TYPE> & S)551 void Merge(Volume<VOX_TYPE> &S)
552 {
553  VolumeIterator< Volume > svi(S);
554  svi.Restart();
555  svi.FirstNotEmpty();
556  int loccnt=0;
558  while(svi.IsValid())
559     {
560      if((*svi).B())
561          {
562           int x,y,z;
563             IPos(x,y,z,svi.rpos,svi.lpos);
564             if(cV(x,y,z).B())	V(x,y,z).Merge( (*svi));
565                     else {
566                         V(x,y,z).Set((*svi));
567                         V(x,y,z).SetB(true);
568                     }
569             ++loccnt;
570          }
571     svi.Next();
572   if(svi.IsValid()) svi.FirstNotEmpty();
573     }
575  printf("Merge2 %i voxels\n",loccnt);
577 }
Interize(Point3x & vert)580 void Interize( Point3x & vert ) const // OK
581 {
582     for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
583     {
584         assert(vert[j]>=bbox.min[j]);
585         assert(vert[j]<=bbox.max[j]);
586         vert[j] = (vert[j] - bbox.min[j]) * sz[j] / (bbox.max[j] - bbox.min[j]);
587     }
588 }
DeInterize(Point3x & vert)591 void DeInterize( Point3x & vert ) const	// OK
592 {
593     for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
594         vert[j] = vert[j] * (bbox.max[j] - bbox.min[j]) / sz[j] + bbox.min[j];
595 }
SplatVert(const Point3x & v0,double quality,const Point3x & nn,Color4b c)597 bool SplatVert( const Point3x & v0, double quality, const Point3x & nn, Color4b c)
598 {
599     Box3i ibox;
601   assert(math::Abs(SquaredNorm(nn) - 1.0) < 0.0001); // Just a safety check that the vertex normals are NORMALIZED!
602     ibox.min=Point3i(floor(v0[0]),floor(v0[1]),floor(v0[2]));
603     ibox.max=Point3i( ceil(v0[0]), ceil(v0[1]), ceil(v0[2]));
604     ibox.Intersect(SubPartSafe);
606     ibox.max[0] = std::min(SubPartSafe.max[0]-1,ibox.max[0]);
607     ibox.max[1] = std::min(SubPartSafe.max[1]-1,ibox.max[1]);
608     ibox.max[2] = std::min(SubPartSafe.max[2]-1,ibox.max[2]);
611      // Skip faces not colliding current subvolume.
612     if(ibox.IsEmpty())
613         {
614             // point outside the box do nothing
615             return false;
616         }
618     Point3x iV, deltaIV;
620     // Now scan the eight voxel surrounding the splat
621     // and fill them with the distance from the plane
622     for(iV[0]=ibox.min[0]; iV[0]<=ibox.max[0]; ++iV[0])
623         for(iV[1]=ibox.min[1]; iV[1]<=ibox.max[1]; ++iV[1])
624             for(iV[2]=ibox.min[2]; iV[2]<=ibox.max[2]; ++iV[2])
625                 {
626                     deltaIV = v0-iV;
627                     scalar offset = deltaIV * nn;
628                     VOX_TYPE &VV=V(iV[0],iV[1],iV[2]);
629                     VV=VOX_TYPE(offset,nn,quality,c);
630                 }
631         return true;
632 }
634 template <const int CoordZ>
RasterFace(const int sx,const int ex,const int sy,const int ey,scalar dist,const Point3x & norm,scalar quality,const Point3x & v0,const Point3x & v1,const Point3x & v2,const Point3x & d10,const Point3x & d21,const Point3x & d02)635         void RasterFace(const int sx, const int ex, const int sy, const int ey,
636                         scalar dist, const Point3x &norm, scalar quality,
637                         const Point3x &v0,  const Point3x &v1,  const Point3x &v2,
638                         const Point3x &d10, const Point3x &d21, const Point3x &d02)
639 {
640   const scalar EPS     = scalar(1e-12);
641   const int crd0 = CoordZ;
642   const int crd1 = (CoordZ+1)%3;
643   const int crd2 = (CoordZ+2)%3;
644   assert(fabs(norm[crd0])+0.001 > fabs(norm[crd1]));
645   assert(fabs(norm[crd0])+0.001 > fabs(norm[crd2]));
646   scalar x,y;
647     for(x=sx;x<=ex;++x)
648         for(y=sy;y<=ey;++y)
649         {
650             scalar n0 = (x-v0[crd1])*d10[crd2] - (y-v0[crd2])*d10[crd1];
651             scalar n1 = (x-v1[crd1])*d21[crd2] - (y-v1[crd2])*d21[crd1];
652             scalar n2 = (x-v2[crd1])*d02[crd2] - (y-v2[crd2])*d02[crd1];
654             if( (n0>-EPS && n1>-EPS && n2>-EPS) ||
655                 (n0< EPS && n1< EPS && n2< EPS ) )
656             {
657                 scalar iz = ( dist - x*norm[crd1] - y*norm[crd2] ) / norm[crd0];
658                 //assert(iz>=fbox.min[2] && iz<=fbox.max[2]);
659                 AddIntercept<CoordZ>(x,y,iz, quality, norm );
660             }
661         }
662 }
664 // Si sa che la faccia ha una intercetta sull'asse z-dir di coord xy alla posizione z;
665 // quindi si setta nei 2 vertici prima e 2 dopo la distanza corrispondente.
666 template<int CoordZ>
AddIntercept(const int x,const int y,const scalar z,const scalar q,const Point3f & n)667         void AddIntercept( const int x, const int y, const scalar z, const scalar q, const Point3f &n )
668 {
669     scalar esgn = (n[CoordZ] > 0 ? -1 : 1);
670     int  zint = floor(z);
671     scalar dist=z-zint;  // sempre positivo e compreso tra zero e uno
673     for(int k=WN;k<=WP;k++)
674     {
675         if(zint+k >= SubPartSafe.min[CoordZ] && zint+k < SubPartSafe.max[CoordZ])
676         {
677             VOX_TYPE *VV;
678             if(CoordZ==2) VV=&V(x,y,zint+k);
679             if(CoordZ==1) VV=&V(y,zint+k,x);
680             if(CoordZ==0) VV=&V(zint+k,x,y);
681             scalar nvv= esgn*( k-dist);
682             if(!VV->B() || fabs(VV->V()) > fabs(nvv))		{
683                 *VV=VOX_TYPE(nvv,n,q);
684             }
685         }
686     }
687 }
689 // assume che i punti della faccia in ingresso siano stati interized
ScanFace2(const Point3x & v0,const Point3x & v1,const Point3x & v2,scalar quality,const Point3x & norm)690 bool ScanFace2( const Point3x & v0, const Point3x & v1, const Point3x & v2,
691                        scalar quality, const Point3x & norm)//, const int name )	// OK
692 {
694     Box3x fbox;		// Bounding Box della faccia (double)
695     Box3i ibox;		// Bounding Box della faccia (int)
696     int sx,sy,sz;	// Bounding Box intero
697     int ex,ey,ez;
699         // Calcolo bbox della faccia
700     fbox.Set(v0);
701     fbox.Add(v1);
702     fbox.Add(v2);
704     // BBox intero (nota che il cast a int fa truncation (funge solo perche' v0,v1,v2 sono positivi)
706     ibox.min[0] =sx = floor(fbox.min[0]); if( ((scalar)sx)!=fbox.min[0] ) ++sx; // necessario se il punto e'approx a .9999
707     ibox.min[1] =sy = floor(fbox.min[1]); if( ((scalar)sy)!=fbox.min[1] ) ++sy;
708     ibox.min[2] =sz = floor(fbox.min[2]); if( ((scalar)sz)!=fbox.min[2] ) ++sz;
709     ibox.max[0] =ex = floor(fbox.max[0]);
710     ibox.max[1] =ey = floor(fbox.max[1]);
711     ibox.max[2] =ez = floor(fbox.max[2]);
712      // Skip faces not colliding current subvolume.
713     if(!ibox.Collide(SubPartSafe)) return false;
715     Point3x d10 = v1 - v0;
716     Point3x d21 = v2 - v1;
717     Point3x d02 = v0 - v2;
719     assert(norm.Norm() >0.999f && norm.Norm()<1.001f);
720 //    assert(0);
721     scalar  dist = norm * v0;
724         /**** Rasterizzazione bbox ****/
726     // Clamping dei valori di rasterizzazione al subbox corrente
727     sx = std::max(SubPartSafe.min[0],sx); ex = std::min(SubPartSafe.max[0]-1,ex);
728     sy = std::max(SubPartSafe.min[1],sy); ey = std::min(SubPartSafe.max[1]-1,ey);
729     sz = std::max(SubPartSafe.min[2],sz); ez = std::min(SubPartSafe.max[2]-1,ez);
731     if(fabs(norm[0]) > fabs(norm[1]) && fabs(norm[0])>fabs(norm[2])) RasterFace<0>(sy,ey,sz,ez,dist,norm,quality,v0,v1,v2,d10,d21,d02);
732     else if(fabs(norm[1]) > fabs(norm[0]) && fabs(norm[1])>fabs(norm[2])) RasterFace<1>(sz,ez,sx,ex,dist,norm,quality,v0,v1,v2,d10,d21,d02);
733     else RasterFace<2>(sx,ex,sy,ey,dist,norm,quality,v0,v1,v2,d10,d21,d02);
736 return true;
737 }
739 // assume che i punti della faccia in ingresso siano stati interized
ScanFace(const Point3x & v0,const Point3x & v1,const Point3x & v2,double quality,const Point3x & nn)740 bool ScanFace( const Point3x & v0, const Point3x & v1, const Point3x & v2,
741                        double quality, const Point3x & nn)//, const int name )	// OK
742 {
743     const scalar EPS     = scalar(1e-12);
744 //	const scalar EPS_INT = scalar(1e-20);
745     const scalar EPS_INT = .3f;//scalar(1e-20);
747 #ifndef _NDEBUG
748     if(quality==0.0)
749     {
750         printf("Zero quality face are not allowed!\n");
751         exit(-1);
752     }
753 #endif
755 //	++nfaces;
757     Box3x fbox;		// Bounding Box della faccia (double)
758     Box3i ibox;		// Bounding Box della faccia (int)
759     int sx,sy,sz;	// Bounding Box intero
760     int ex,ey,ez;
762         // Calcolo bbox della faccia
763     fbox.Set(v0);
764     fbox.Add(v1);
765     fbox.Add(v2);
767     // BBox intero (nota che il cast a int fa truncation (funge solo perche' v0,v1,v2 sono positivi)
769     ibox.min[0] =sx = floor(fbox.min[0]); if( ((scalar)sx)!=fbox.min[0] ) ++sx; // necessario se il punto e'approx a .9999
770     ibox.min[1] =sy = floor(fbox.min[1]); if( ((scalar)sy)!=fbox.min[1] ) ++sy;
771     ibox.min[2] =sz = floor(fbox.min[2]); if( ((scalar)sz)!=fbox.min[2] ) ++sz;
772     ibox.max[0] =ex = floor(fbox.max[0]);
773     ibox.max[1] =ey = floor(fbox.max[1]);
774     ibox.max[2] =ez = floor(fbox.max[2]);
775      // Skip faces not colliding current subvolume.
776     if(!ibox.Collide(SubPartSafe)) return false;
778         /**** Dati per controllo intersezione ****/
780         // Versori degli spigoli della faccia
782     Point3x d10 = v1 - v0;
783     Point3x d21 = v2 - v1;
784     Point3x d02 = v0 - v2;
786         // Normale al piano della faccia e distanza origine
788     Point3x norm = d10 ^ d21;
789     norm.Normalize();
790     double  dist = norm * v0;
792         /**** Rasterizzazione bbox ****/
794     int x,y,z;
797     // Clamping dei valori di rasterizzazione al subbox corrente
798     sx = std::max(SubPartSafe.min[0],sx); ex = std::min(SubPartSafe.max[0]-1,ex);
799     sy = std::max(SubPartSafe.min[1],sy); ey = std::min(SubPartSafe.max[1]-1,ey);
800     sz = std::max(SubPartSafe.min[2],sz); ez = std::min(SubPartSafe.max[2]-1,ez);
802         // Rasterizzazione xy
804     if(fabs(norm[2])>EPS_INT)
805     for(x=sx;x<=ex;++x)
806         for(y=sy;y<=ey;++y)
807         {
808             double n0 = ((double)x-v0[0])*d10[1] - ((double)y-v0[1])*d10[0];
809             double n1 = ((double)x-v1[0])*d21[1] - ((double)y-v1[1])*d21[0];
810             double n2 = ((double)x-v2[0])*d02[1] - ((double)y-v2[1])*d02[0];
812             if( (n0>-EPS && n1>-EPS && n2>-EPS) ||
813                 (n0< EPS && n1< EPS && n2< EPS ))
814             {
815                 double iz = ( dist - double(x)*norm[0] - double(y)*norm[1] ) / norm[2];
816                 //assert(iz>=fbox.min[2] && iz<=fbox.max[2]);
817                 AddXYInt(x,y,iz,-norm[2], quality, nn );
818             }
819         }
821         // Rasterizzazione xz
823     if(fabs(norm[1])>EPS_INT)
824     for(x=sx;x<=ex;++x)
825         for(z=sz;z<=ez;++z)
826         {
827             double n0 = ((double)x-v0[0])*d10[2] - ((double)z-v0[2])*d10[0];
828             double n1 = ((double)x-v1[0])*d21[2] - ((double)z-v1[2])*d21[0];
829             double n2 = ((double)x-v2[0])*d02[2] - ((double)z-v2[2])*d02[0];
831             if( (n0>-EPS && n1>-EPS && n2>-EPS) ||
832                 (n0< EPS && n1< EPS && n2< EPS ))
833             {
834                 double iy = ( dist - double(x)*norm[0] - double(z)*norm[2] ) / norm[1];
835                 //assert(iy>=fbox.min[1] && iy<=fbox.max[1]);
836                 AddXZInt(x,z,iy,-norm[1], quality,nn  );
837             }
838         }
840             // Rasterizzazione yz
842     if(fabs(norm[0])>EPS_INT)
843     for(y=sy;y<=ey;++y)
844         for(z=sz;z<=ez;++z)
845         {
846             double n0 = ((double)y-v0[1])*d10[2] - ((double)z-v0[2])*d10[1];
847             double n1 = ((double)y-v1[1])*d21[2] - ((double)z-v1[2])*d21[1];
848             double n2 = ((double)y-v2[1])*d02[2] - ((double)z-v2[2])*d02[1];
850             if( (n0>-EPS && n1>-EPS && n2>-EPS) ||
851                 (n0< EPS && n1< EPS && n2< EPS ) )
852             {
853                 double ix = ( dist - double(y)*norm[1] - double(z)*norm[2] ) / norm[0];
854                 //assert(ix>=fbox.min[0] && ix<=fbox.max[0]);
855                 AddYZInt(y,z,ix,-norm[0], quality, nn );
856             }
857         }
858         return true;
859 }
860 // Si sa che la faccia ha una intercetta sull'asse z-dir di coord xy alla posizione z;
861 // quindi si setta nei 2 vertici prima e 2 dopo la distanza corrispondente.
AddXYInt(const int x,const int y,const double z,const double sgn,const double q,const Point3f & n)863 void AddXYInt( const int x, const int y, const double z, const double sgn, const double q, const Point3f &n )
864 { double esgn = (sgn<0 ? -1 : 1);//*max(fabs(sgn),0.001);
865     double dist=z-floor(z);  // sempre positivo e compreso tra zero e uno
866     int  zint = floor(z);
867     for(int k=WN;k<=WP;k++)
868         if(zint+k >= SubPartSafe.min[2] && zint+k < SubPartSafe.max[2])
869         {
870             VOX_TYPE &VV=V(x,y,zint+k);
871             double nvv= esgn*( k-dist);
872             if(!VV.B() || fabs(VV.V()) > fabs(nvv))		{
873                     VV=VOX_TYPE(nvv,n,q);
874             }
875         }
876 }
AddYZInt(const int y,const int z,const double x,const double sgn,const double q,const Point3f & n)877 void AddYZInt( const int y, const int z, const double x, const double sgn, const double q, const Point3f &n  )
878 { double esgn = (sgn<0 ? -1 : 1);//*max(fabs(sgn),0.001);
879     double dist=x-floor(x);  // sempre positivo e compreso tra zero e uno
880     int  xint = int(floor(x));
881     for(int k=WN;k<=WP;k++)
882         if(xint+k >= SubPartSafe.min[0] && xint+k < SubPartSafe.max[0])
883         {
884             VOX_TYPE &VV=V(xint+k,y,z);
885             double nvv= esgn*( k-dist);
886             if(!VV.B() || fabs(VV.V()) > fabs(nvv)) {
887                     VV=VOX_TYPE(nvv,n,q);
888             }
889         }
890 }
AddXZInt(const int x,const int z,const double y,const double sgn,const double q,const Point3f & n)891 void AddXZInt( const int x, const int z, const double y, const double sgn, const double q, const Point3f &n  )
892 { double esgn = (sgn<0 ? -1 : 1);//*max(fabs(sgn),0.001);
893     double dist=y-scalar(floor(y));  // sempre positivo e compreso tra zero e uno
894     int  yint = floor(y);
895     for(int k=WN;k<=WP;k++)
896         if(yint+k >= SubPartSafe.min[1] && yint+k < SubPartSafe.max[1])
897         {
898             VOX_TYPE &VV=V(x,yint+k,z);
899             double nvv= esgn*( k-dist);
900             if(!VV.B() || fabs(VV.V()) > fabs(nvv))	{
901                     VV=VOX_TYPE(nvv,n,q);
902             }
903         }
904 }
Dump(FILE * fp)908  void Dump(FILE *fp)
909  {
910      fprintf(fp,"Volume Info:\n");
911      fprintf(fp,"  BBbox %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f - %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f:\n",bbox.min[0],bbox.min[1],bbox.min[2],bbox.max[0],bbox.max[1],bbox.max[2]);
912      fprintf(fp,"  Size in voxels    %7i %7i %7i (tot: %7.3f M):\n",sz[0],sz[1],sz[2],(double(sz[0]*sz[1])/1000000.0)*sz[2]);
913      fprintf(fp,"  Voxel dimension   %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f \n",voxel[0],voxel[1],voxel[2]);
915      fprintf(fp,"  Size in MacroCell %7i %7i %7i (tot: %7.3f M):\n",rsz[0],rsz[1],rsz[2],double(rsz[0]*rsz[1]*rsz[2])/1000000.0);
916      fprintf(fp," Memory Info: \n   Voxel Size %8li b Virtually needed mem %8i Mb\n",
917                                         sizeof(VOX_TYPE),int(sizeof(VOX_TYPE)*(_int64)(sz[0])*(_int64)(sz[1])*(_int64)(sz[2])/(1024*1024)));
918    if(div!=Point3i(1,1,1))
919          {
920             fprintf(fp,"  Subdivided in      %6i %6i %6i  (tot: %12i block):\n",div[0],div[1],div[2],div[0]*div[1]*div[2]);
921             fprintf(fp,"  Computing subblock %6i %6i %6i :\n",pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
922             fprintf(fp,"                %6i %6i %6i - %6i %6i %6i :\n",SubPart.min[0],SubPart.min[1],SubPart.min[2],SubPart.max[0],SubPart.max[1],SubPart.max[2]);
923             fprintf(fp,"        Safe    %6i %6i %6i - %6i %6i %6i :\n",SubPartSafe.min[0],SubPartSafe.min[1],SubPartSafe.min[2],SubPartSafe.max[0],SubPartSafe.max[1],SubPartSafe.max[2]);
925          }
926      fprintf(fp,"\n");
927  }
Allocated()929     int Allocated()
930     {int cnt=0;
931         for(size_t i=0;i<rv.size();++i)
932             if(!rv[i].empty()) cnt++;
933             return cnt;
934     }
Bound1(const int x,const int y,const int z)936 bool Bound1(const int x, const int y, const int z)
937 {
938     return	(x>SubPartSafe.min[0] && x < SubPartSafe.max[0]-1 ) &&
939                     (y>SubPartSafe.min[1] && y < SubPartSafe.max[1]-1 ) &&
940                     (z>SubPartSafe.min[2] && z < SubPartSafe.max[2]-1 ) ;
941 }
943 /*
944 Note sull'algoritmo di espansione:
946 Si riempie i voxel vuoti
948 Se il volume e' inizialmente riempito con ii valori delle intercette alla superficie
949 nei 2 vertici immediatamente adiacenti all'edge intersecato dalla superficie
950 si deve espadnere tale coampo in maniera sensata.
952 Notare che e' importante che non tutto il campo sia riempito con un approx ella distanza di hausdorf:
953 il campo deve essere "tagliato" sui bordi della superficie per evitare pasticci. Levoy riempie il campo
954 solo lungo la direzione dello scanner, io invece riempio lungo la normale alla superficie. In questo modo
955 si evita il problema che l'espansione e' legata all'acquisizione iniziale
957 */
Expand(scalar AngleThrRad)960 void Expand(scalar AngleThrRad)
961 {
962  int i;
963  VolumeIterator< Volume > vi(*this);
965  float CosThr=math::Cos(AngleThrRad);
966 // printf("Expand2 angle %f, %f\n",AngleThrRad,CosThr);
967  int loccnt=0;
969  vi.Restart();
970  vi.FirstNotEmpty();
971  while(vi.IsValid())
972  {
973      if((*vi).B()) // si espande solo i voxel con valori "validi"
974         {
975             int x,y,z;
976             IPos(x,y,z,vi.rpos,vi.lpos);
977             Point3f n=(*vi).N();
978       VOX_TYPE vtmp =  (*vi);
979             if(Bound1(x,y,z))
980             for(i=0;i<26;++i)
981                         {
982                             float angle = -(nnf[i]*n);    // cos angolo tra la normale alla superficie e la direzione di espansione
983                             if( fabs(angle)> CosThr )
984                                         {
985                                             //bbfloat tt=(*vi).V();
986                                             vtmp.SetV((*vi).V()+len[i]*angle);   // la nuova distanza e' la distanza rispetto al piano passante per il punto a cui si riferisce VV;
987                                             VOX_TYPE &VV= V(x+nni[i][0],y+nni[i][1],z+nni[i][2]);
988                                             if(!VV.B()){
989                                                 VV+=vtmp;
990                                               loccnt++;
991                                             }
992                                         }
993                         }
994      }
995     vi.Next();
996   if(vi.IsValid()) vi.FirstNotEmpty();
997  }
998  printf("Expand  %8i ",loccnt);
999  Normalize(1);
1000 }
1002 // filla i buchi vuoti di un volume;
1003 // scorre tutti i voxel pieni e aggiunge agli adiacenti vuoti tale valore;
1004 // si riscorre tutti i voxel vuoti e se si sono sommati almeno thr valori sitiene.
1005 // in pratica maggiore il valore di thr meno buchi si riempiono.
1007 void Refill(const int thr,float maxdistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::max() )
1008 {
1009  int lcnt=0;
1010  VolumeIterator< Volume > vi(*this);
1011  vi.Restart();
1012  vi.FirstNotEmpty();
1014  while(vi.IsValid())
1015     {
1016         if((*vi).B())
1017         {
1018             int x,y,z;
1019             IPos(x,y,z,vi.rpos,vi.lpos);
1020             if(Bound1(x,y,z))
1021                 {
1022                     for(int i=0;i<26;++i)
1023                     {
1024                         VOX_TYPE &VC= V(x+nni[i][0],y+nni[i][1],z+nni[i][2]);
1025                         if(!VC.B()){
1026                             if(VC.Cnt()==0) lcnt++;
1027                             VC+=(*vi);
1028                         }
1029                     }
1030                 }
1031         }
1033         vi.Next();
1035         if(vi.IsValid()) vi.FirstNotEmpty();
1038     }
1039  printf("ReFill  %8i ",lcnt);
1040 Normalize(thr,maxdistance);
1041 }
1043 /*
1044 Attraversa il volume e modifica il valore di campo in modo da creare una offset surface che si connetta
1045 bene con la superficie originale
1046 il parametro specifica dove dovrebbe passare l'offset surface
1048 L'idea e' quella di fare un altro zero del distance field al threshold specificato
1050 La cosa deve essere smooth
1051 quindi scelgo una funzione che abbia 2 zeri (in zero e in thr) e
1052 */
Offset(const float thr)1053 void Offset(const float thr)
1054 {
1055  int lcnt=0;
1056  VolumeIterator< Volume > vi(*this);
1057  vi.Restart();
1058  vi.FirstNotEmpty();
1059  float thr2=thr/2.0;
1060  while(vi.IsValid())
1061     {
1062         if((*vi).B())
1063         {
1064             float vv=(*vi).V();
1065             if(thr<0) if(vv<thr2) vv=thr-vv;
1066             if(thr>0) if(vv>thr2) vv=thr-vv;
1068                 (*vi).SetV(vv);
1069         }
1071         vi.Next();
1073         if(vi.IsValid()) vi.FirstNotEmpty();
1076     }
1077  printf("ReFill  %8i ",lcnt);
1078  Normalize(thr);
1079 }
1081 // prende un volume e mette a true il campo b di tutti i voxel che hanno un valore significativo.
1082 // thr indica il numero minimo di valori che si devono essere sommati sul voxel;
1083 // di solito e' uguale a 1;
1084 int  Normalize(int thr, float maxdistance=std::numeric_limits<float>::max() )
1085 {
1086  VolumeIterator< Volume > vi(*this);
1087  vi.Restart();
1088  vi.FirstNotEmpty();
1089  int loccnt=0;
1090  while(vi.IsValid())
1091     {
1092      if(!(*vi).B())
1093         {
1094           if((*vi).Normalize(thr))
1095                     ++loccnt;
1096       if(math::Abs((*vi).V())>maxdistance) *vi=VOX_TYPE::Zero();
1097          }
1098     vi.Next();
1099   if(vi.IsValid()) vi.FirstNotEmpty();
1100     }
1101  printf("Normalize(%i) %8i voxels\n",thr,loccnt);
1102  return loccnt;
1103 }
1107 // Salva
SlicedPPMQ(const char * filename,const char * tag,int SliceNum)1108 void SlicedPPMQ( const char * filename,const char *tag,int SliceNum)
1109     {
1110         std::string basename=filename;
1111         std::string name;
1112         int ix,iy,iz;
1113         Color4b Tab[100];
1114         for(int ii=1;ii<100;++ii)
1115             Tab[ii].SetColorRamp(0,100,ii);
1116         Tab[0]=Color4b::Gray;
1118     int ZStep=sz[2]/(SliceNum+1);
1119         for(iz=ZStep;iz<sz[2];iz+=ZStep)
1120         if(iz>=SubPartSafe.min[2] && iz<SubPartSafe.max[2])
1121         {
1122             name=SFormat("%s%03i%s_q.ppm",filename,iz,tag);
1123             FILE * fp = fopen(name.c_str(),"wb");
1124             fprintf(fp,
1125                 "P6\n"
1126                 "%d %d\n"
1127                 "255\n"
1128                 ,sz[1]
1129                 ,sz[0]
1130             );
1131             unsigned char rgb[3];
1132             for(ix=0;ix<sz[0];++ix)
1133             {
1134                 for(iy=0;iy<sz[1];++iy)
1135                 {
1136                     if(	ix>=SubPartSafe.min[0] && ix<SubPartSafe.max[0] &&
1137                             iy>=SubPartSafe.min[1] && iy<SubPartSafe.max[1])
1138                         {
1139                             if(!V(ix,iy,iz).B())	{
1140                                 rgb[0]=rgb[1]=rgb[2]=64;
1141                             }
1142                             else
1143                             {
1144                                 float vv=V(ix,iy,iz).Q();
1145                                 int qi=std::min(V(ix,iy,iz).Q()*100.0f,100.0f);
1147                                 if( vv>0)		{
1148                                     rgb[0]=Tab[qi][0];
1149                                     rgb[1]=Tab[qi][1];
1150                                     rgb[2]=Tab[qi][2];
1151                                 }
1152                                 else if(vv<0)
1153                                 {
1154                                     rgb[0]=128;
1155                                     rgb[1]=255+32*vv;
1156                                     rgb[2]=0;//V(ix,iy,iz).Q()*256;
1157                                 }
1158                                 else  	{
1159                                     rgb[0]=255;	rgb[1]=255; rgb[2]=255;
1160                                 }
1161                             }
1162                     }
1163                     else{
1164                         rgb[0]=rgb[1]=rgb[2]=64;
1165                     }
1166                     fwrite(rgb,3,1,fp);
1167                 }
1168             }
1169             fclose(fp);
1170         }
1171     }
1173 void SlicedPPM( const char * filename,const char *tag,int SliceNum=1)
1174     {
1175         std::string basename=filename;
1176         std::string name;
1177         int ix,iy,iz;
1178     int ZStep=sz[2]/(SliceNum+1);
1179         for(iz=ZStep;iz<sz[2];iz+=ZStep)
1180         if(iz>=SubPartSafe.min[2] && iz<SubPartSafe.max[2])
1181         {
1182             name=SFormat("%s_%03i_%s.ppm",filename,iz,tag);
1183       printf("Saving slice '%s'",name.c_str());
1184             FILE * fp = fopen(name.c_str(),"wb");
1185             if(!fp) return;
1186             fprintf(fp,
1187                 "P6\n"
1188                 "%d %d\n"
1189                 "255\n"
1190                 ,sz[1]
1191                 ,sz[0]
1192             );
1193             unsigned char rgb[3];
1194             for(ix=0;ix<sz[0];++ix)
1195             {
1196                 for(iy=0;iy<sz[1];++iy)
1197                 {
1198                     if(	ix>=SubPartSafe.min[0] && ix<SubPartSafe.max[0] &&
1199                             iy>=SubPartSafe.min[1] && iy<SubPartSafe.max[1])
1200                         {
1201                             if(!V(ix,iy,iz).B())	{
1202                                 rgb[0]=rgb[1]=rgb[2]=64;
1203                             }
1204                             else
1205                             {
1206                                 float vv=V(ix,iy,iz).V();
1207                                 if( vv>0)		{
1208                                     rgb[0]=255-32*vv;
1209                                     rgb[1]=128;
1210                                     rgb[2]=0;//V(ix,iy,iz).Q()*256;
1211                                 }
1212                                 else if(vv<0)
1213                                 {
1214                                     rgb[0]=128;
1215                                     rgb[1]=255+32*vv;
1216                                     rgb[2]=0;//V(ix,iy,iz).Q()*256;
1217                                 }
1218                                 else  	{
1219                                     rgb[0]=255;	rgb[1]=255; rgb[2]=255;
1220                                 }
1221                             }
1222                     }
1223                     else{
1224                         rgb[0]=rgb[1]=rgb[2]=64;
1225                     }
1226                     fwrite(rgb,3,1,fp);
1227                 }
1228             }
1229             fclose(fp);
1230         }
1231     }
1232 template < class VertexPointerType >
GetXIntercept(const vcg::Point3i & p1,const vcg::Point3i & p2,VertexPointerType & v,float)1233 void GetXIntercept(const vcg::Point3i &p1, const vcg::Point3i &p2, VertexPointerType &v, float /*thr*/)
1234 {
1235   float f1 = Val(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z());
1236   float f2 = Val(p2.X(), p2.Y(), p2.Z());
1237   float u = (float) f1/(f1-f2);
1238   v->P().X() = (float) p1.X()*(1-u) + u*p2.X();
1239   v->P().Y() = (float) p1.Y();
1240   v->P().Z() = (float) p1.Z();
1241   v->Q()=cV(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z()).Q();
1242   v->C()=cV(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z()).C4b();
1243 }
1245 template < class VertexPointerType >
GetYIntercept(const vcg::Point3i & p1,const vcg::Point3i & p2,VertexPointerType & v,float)1246 void GetYIntercept(const vcg::Point3i &p1, const vcg::Point3i &p2, VertexPointerType &v, float /*thr*/)
1247 {
1248   float f1 = Val(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z());
1249   float f2 = Val(p2.X(), p2.Y(), p2.Z());
1250   float u = (float) f1/(f1-f2);
1251   v->P().X() = (float) p1.X();
1252   v->P().Y() = (float) p1.Y()*(1-u) + u*p2.Y();
1253   v->P().Z() = (float) p1.Z();
1254   v->Q()=cV(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z()).Q();
1255   v->C()=cV(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z()).C4b();
1256 }
1258 template < class VertexPointerType>
GetZIntercept(const vcg::Point3i & p1,const vcg::Point3i & p2,VertexPointerType & v,float)1259 void GetZIntercept(const vcg::Point3i &p1, const vcg::Point3i &p2, VertexPointerType &v, float /*thr*/)
1260 {
1261   float f1 = Val(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z());
1262   float f2 = Val(p2.X(), p2.Y(), p2.Z());
1263   float u = (float) f1/(f1-f2);
1264   v->P().X() = (float) p1.X();
1265   v->P().Y() = (float) p1.Y();
1266   v->P().Z() = (float) p1.Z()*(1-u) + u*p2.Z();
1267   v->Q()=cV(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z()).Q();
1268   v->C()=cV(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z()).C4b();
1269 }
1271 };
1275 template < class VOL >
1276 class VolumeIterator
1277 {
1278  public:
1279      VOL &V;
1280    //vector<VOL::voxel_type> vi;
VolumeIterator(VOL & _VV)1281      VolumeIterator(VOL &_VV):V(_VV) {}
1283      //Point3i curPos;
1284     int rpos;
1285   int lpos;
Restart()1287     void Restart(){rpos=0;lpos=0;}
1288  private :
1289  public:
Set(const Point3i & p)1292     void Set(const Point3i &p)
1293         {
1294          //curPos=p;
1295          V.Pos(p[0],p[1],p[2],rpos,lpos);
1296         }
FirstNotEmpty()1297   bool FirstNotEmpty()
1298     {
1300         //Dump();
1301         typename std::vector<std::vector<typename VOL::voxel_type> >::iterator rvi=V.rv.begin()+rpos;
1302         do
1303         {
1304             if((*rvi).empty())
1305             {
1306                 while(rvi!=V.rv.end() && (*rvi).empty()) ++rvi;
1307                 if(rvi==V.rv.end())
1308                 {
1309                     rpos=-1;
1310                     return false;
1311                 }
1312                 rpos= rvi-V.rv.begin();
1313                 lpos=0;
1314             }
1315             typename std::vector<typename VOL::voxel_type>::iterator lvi= (*rvi).begin()+lpos;
1316             // un voxel e' non vuoto se ha b!=0;
1317             while(lvi!=(*rvi).end() && !((*lvi).B() || (*lvi).Cnt()>0)) {
1318                 ++lvi;
1319             }
1320             if(lvi!=(*rvi).end())
1321             {
1322                 lpos= lvi-(*rvi).begin();
1323                 //V.IPos(p[0],p[1],p[2],rpos,lpos);
1324                 //Dump();
1325                 return true;
1326             }
1327             else lpos=0;
1328             ++rvi;
1329             rpos= rvi-V.rv.begin();
1331         } while (rvi!=V.rv.end());
1332         rpos=-1;
1333         return false;
1334     }
1336     typename VOL::voxel_type &operator *()
1337         {
1338           assert(rpos>=0 && lpos >=0);
1339             return V.rv[rpos][lpos];
1340         }
Next()1341     bool Next()
1342     {
1343         assert(IsValid());
1344         if(lpos< VOL::BLOCKSIDE() * VOL::BLOCKSIDE() * VOL::BLOCKSIDE() -1)
1345         {
1346             ++lpos;
1347             //V.IPos(p[0],p[1],p[2],rpos,lpos);
1348             return true;
1349         }
1350         if(rpos < int(V.rv.size()-1))
1351         {
1352             lpos=0;
1353             ++rpos;
1354             //V.IPos(p[0],p[1],p[2],rpos,lpos);
1355             return true;
1356         }
1357         rpos=-1;
1358         lpos=-1;
1359         return false;
1360     }
IsValid()1362     bool IsValid() {
1363         return rpos>=0;
1364     }
Dump()1365   void Dump()
1366         {
1367         int x,y,z;
1368         V.IPos(x,y,z,rpos,lpos);
1369         printf("Iterator r %4i l %4i (%3i %3i %3i)\n",rpos,lpos,x,y,z);
1370     }
1374 };
1375 #endif