1 // Created on: 1991-12-02
2 // Created by: Laurent PAINNOT
3 // Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
17 #ifndef _AppParCurves_MultiCurve_HeaderFile
18 #define _AppParCurves_MultiCurve_HeaderFile
20 #include <Standard.hxx>
21 #include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>
22 #include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
24 #include <AppParCurves_HArray1OfMultiPoint.hxx>
25 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
26 #include <AppParCurves_Array1OfMultiPoint.hxx>
27 #include <TColgp_Array1OfPnt.hxx>
28 #include <TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d.hxx>
29 #include <Standard_Real.hxx>
30 #include <Standard_OStream.hxx>
31 class AppParCurves_MultiPoint;
32 class gp_Pnt;
33 class gp_Pnt2d;
34 class gp_Vec;
35 class gp_Vec2d;
38 //! This class describes a MultiCurve approximating a Multiline.
39 //! As a Multiline is a set of n lines, a MultiCurve is a set
40 //! of n curves. These curves are Bezier curves.
41 //! A MultiCurve is composed of m MultiPoint.
42 //! The approximating degree of these n curves is the same for
43 //! each one.
44 //!
45 //! Example of a MultiCurve composed of MultiPoints:
46 //!
47 //! P1______P2_____P3______P4________........_____PNbMPoints
48 //!
49 //! Q1______Q2_____Q3______Q4________........_____QNbMPoints
50 //! .                                               .
51 //! .                                               .
52 //! .                                               .
53 //! R1______R2_____R3______R4________........_____RNbMPoints
54 //!
55 //! Pi, Qi, ..., Ri are points of dimension 2 or 3.
56 //!
57 //! (Pi, Qi, ...Ri), i= 1,...NbPoles are MultiPoints.
58 //! each MultiPoint has got NbPol Poles.
59 class AppParCurves_MultiCurve
60 {
61 public:
66   //! returns an indefinite MultiCurve.
67   Standard_EXPORT AppParCurves_MultiCurve();
69   //! creates a MultiCurve, describing Bezier curves all
70   //! containing the same number of MultiPoint.
71   //! An exception is raised if Degree < 0.
72   Standard_EXPORT AppParCurves_MultiCurve(const Standard_Integer NbPol);
74   //! creates a MultiCurve, describing Bezier curves all
75   //! containing the same number of MultiPoint.
76   //! Each MultiPoint must have NbCurves Poles.
77   Standard_EXPORT AppParCurves_MultiCurve(const AppParCurves_Array1OfMultiPoint& tabMU);
78   Standard_EXPORT virtual ~AppParCurves_MultiCurve();
80   //! The number of poles of the MultiCurve
81   //! will be set to <nbPoles>.
82   Standard_EXPORT void SetNbPoles (const Standard_Integer nbPoles);
84   //! sets the MultiPoint of range Index to the value
85   //! <MPoint>.
86   //! An exception is raised if Index <0 or Index >NbMPoint.
87   Standard_EXPORT void SetValue (const Standard_Integer Index, const AppParCurves_MultiPoint& MPoint);
89   //! Returns the number of curves resulting from the
90   //! approximation of a MultiLine.
91   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbCurves() const;
93   //! Returns the number of poles on curves resulting from the approximation of a MultiLine.
94   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Integer NbPoles() const;
96   //! returns the degree of the curves.
97   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Integer Degree() const;
99   //! returns the dimension of the CuIndex curve.
100   //! An exception is raised if CuIndex<0 or CuIndex>NbCurves.
101   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Dimension (const Standard_Integer CuIndex) const;
103   //! returns the Pole array of the curve of range CuIndex.
104   //! An exception is raised if the dimension of the curve
105   //! is 2d.
106   Standard_EXPORT void Curve (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, TColgp_Array1OfPnt& TabPnt) const;
108   //! returns the Pole array of the curve of range CuIndex.
109   //! An exception is raised if the dimension of the curve
110   //! is 3d.
111   Standard_EXPORT void Curve (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d& TabPnt) const;
113   //! returns the Index MultiPoint.
114   //! An exception is raised if Index <0 or Index >Degree+1.
115   Standard_EXPORT const AppParCurves_MultiPoint& Value (const Standard_Integer Index) const;
117   //! returns the Nieme pole of the CuIndex curve.
118   //! the curve must be a 3D curve.
119   Standard_EXPORT const gp_Pnt& Pole (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, const Standard_Integer Nieme) const;
121   //! returns the Nieme pole of the CuIndex curve.
122   //! the curve must be a 2D curve.
123   Standard_EXPORT const gp_Pnt2d& Pole2d (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, const Standard_Integer Nieme) const;
125   //! Applies a transformation to the curve of range
126   //! <CuIndex>.
127   //! newx = x + dx*oldx
128   //! newy = y + dy*oldy    for all points of the curve.
129   //! newz = z + dz*oldz
130   Standard_EXPORT void Transform (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, const Standard_Real x, const Standard_Real dx, const Standard_Real y, const Standard_Real dy, const Standard_Real z, const Standard_Real dz);
132   //! Applies a transformation to the Curve of range
133   //! <CuIndex>.
134   //! newx = x + dx*oldx
135   //! newy = y + dy*oldy    for all points of the curve.
136   Standard_EXPORT void Transform2d (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, const Standard_Real x, const Standard_Real dx, const Standard_Real y, const Standard_Real dy);
138   //! returns the value of the point with a parameter U
139   //! on the Bezier curve number CuIndex.
140   //! An exception is raised if CuIndex <0 or > NbCurves.
141   //! An exception is raised if the curve dimension is 2d.
142   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Value (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt& Pt) const;
144   //! returns the value of the point with a parameter U
145   //! on the Bezier curve number CuIndex.
146   //! An exception is raised if CuIndex <0 or > NbCurves.
147   //! An exception is raised if the curve dimension is 3d.
148   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Value (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d& Pt) const;
150   //! returns the value of the point with a parameter U
151   //! on the Bezier curve number CuIndex.
152   //! An exception is raised if CuIndex <0 or > NbCurves.
153   //! An exception is raised if the curve dimension is 3d.
154   Standard_EXPORT virtual void D1 (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt& Pt, gp_Vec& V1) const;
156   //! returns the value of the point with a parameter U
157   //! on the Bezier curve number CuIndex.
158   //! An exception is raised if CuIndex <0 or > NbCurves.
159   //! An exception is raised if the curve dimension is 2d.
160   Standard_EXPORT virtual void D1 (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d& Pt, gp_Vec2d& V1) const;
162   //! returns the value of the point with a parameter U
163   //! on the Bezier curve number CuIndex.
164   //! An exception is raised if CuIndex <0 or > NbCurves.
165   //! An exception is raised if the curve dimension is 3d.
166   Standard_EXPORT virtual void D2 (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt& Pt, gp_Vec& V1, gp_Vec& V2) const;
168   //! returns the value of the point with a parameter U
169   //! on the Bezier curve number CuIndex.
170   //! An exception is raised if CuIndex <0 or > NbCurves.
171   //! An exception is raised if the curve dimension is 2d.
172   Standard_EXPORT virtual void D2 (const Standard_Integer CuIndex, const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d& Pt, gp_Vec2d& V1, gp_Vec2d& V2) const;
174   //! Prints on the stream o information on the current
175   //! state of the object.
176   //! Is used to redefine the operator <<.
177   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Dump (Standard_OStream& o) const;
182 protected:
186   Handle(AppParCurves_HArray1OfMultiPoint) tabPoint;
189 private:
195 };
203 #endif // _AppParCurves_MultiCurve_HeaderFile