1 // Created on: 2016-07-07
2 // Copyright (c) 2016 OPEN CASCADE SAS
3 // Created by: Oleg AGASHIN
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #ifndef _BRepMeshTools_DelaunayDeflectionControlMeshAlgo_HeaderFile
17 #define _BRepMeshTools_DelaunayDeflectionControlMeshAlgo_HeaderFile
19 #include <BRepMesh_DelaunayNodeInsertionMeshAlgo.hxx>
20 #include <BRepMesh_GeomTool.hxx>
21 #include <GeomLib.hxx>
23 //! Extends node insertion Delaunay meshing algo in order to control
24 //! deflection of generated trianges. Splits triangles failing the check.
25 template<class RangeSplitter, class BaseAlgo>
26 class BRepMesh_DelaunayDeflectionControlMeshAlgo : public BRepMesh_DelaunayNodeInsertionMeshAlgo<RangeSplitter, BaseAlgo>
27 {
28 private:
29   // Typedef for OCCT RTTI
30   typedef BRepMesh_DelaunayNodeInsertionMeshAlgo<RangeSplitter, BaseAlgo> DelaunayInsertionBaseClass;
32 public:
34   //! Constructor.
BRepMesh_DelaunayDeflectionControlMeshAlgo()35   BRepMesh_DelaunayDeflectionControlMeshAlgo()
36     : myMaxSqDeflection(-1.),
37       mySqMinSize(-1.),
38       myIsAllDegenerated(Standard_False),
39       myCircles(NULL)
40   {
41   }
43   //! Destructor.
~BRepMesh_DelaunayDeflectionControlMeshAlgo()44   virtual ~BRepMesh_DelaunayDeflectionControlMeshAlgo()
45   {
46   }
48 protected:
50   //! Performs processing of generated mesh. Generates surface nodes and inserts them into structure.
postProcessMesh(BRepMesh_Delaun & theMesher,const Message_ProgressRange & theRange)51   virtual void postProcessMesh (BRepMesh_Delaun& theMesher,
52                                 const Message_ProgressRange& theRange) Standard_OVERRIDE
53   {
54     Message_ProgressScope aPS(theRange, "Post process mesh", 2);
55     // Insert surface nodes.
56     DelaunayInsertionBaseClass::postProcessMesh (theMesher, aPS.Next());
57     if (!aPS.More())
58     {
59       return;
60     }
62     if (this->getParameters().ControlSurfaceDeflection &&
63         this->getStructure()->ElementsOfDomain().Extent() > 0)
64     {
65       optimizeMesh(theMesher, aPS.Next());
66     }
67     else
68     {
69       aPS.Next();
70     }
71   }
73   //! Checks deviation of a mesh from geometrical surface.
74   //! Inserts additional nodes in case of huge deviation.
optimizeMesh(BRepMesh_Delaun & theMesher,const Message_ProgressRange & theRange)75   virtual void optimizeMesh (BRepMesh_Delaun& theMesher,
76                              const Message_ProgressRange& theRange)
77   {
78     Handle(NCollection_IncAllocator) aTmpAlloc =
79       new NCollection_IncAllocator(IMeshData::MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE_HUGE);
81     mySqMinSize    = this->getParameters().MinSize * this->getParameters().MinSize;
82     myCouplesMap   = new IMeshData::MapOfOrientedEdges(3 * this->getStructure()->ElementsOfDomain().Extent(), aTmpAlloc);
83     myControlNodes = new IMeshData::ListOfPnt2d(aTmpAlloc);
84     myCircles      = &theMesher.Circles();
86     const Standard_Integer aIterationsNb = 11;
87     Standard_Boolean isInserted = Standard_True;
88     Message_ProgressScope aPS(theRange, "Iteration", aIterationsNb);
89     for (Standard_Integer aPass = 1; aPass <= aIterationsNb && isInserted && !myIsAllDegenerated; ++aPass)
90     {
91       if (!aPS.More())
92       {
93         return;
94       }
95       // Reset stop condition
96       myMaxSqDeflection = -1.;
97       myIsAllDegenerated = Standard_True;
98       myControlNodes->Clear();
100       if (this->getStructure()->ElementsOfDomain().Extent() < 1)
101       {
102         break;
103       }
104       // Iterate on current triangles
105       IMeshData::IteratorOfMapOfInteger aTriangleIt(this->getStructure()->ElementsOfDomain());
106       for (; aTriangleIt.More(); aTriangleIt.Next())
107       {
108         const BRepMesh_Triangle& aTriangle = this->getStructure()->GetElement(aTriangleIt.Key());
109         splitTriangleGeometry(aTriangle);
110       }
112       isInserted = this->insertNodes(myControlNodes, theMesher, aPS.Next());
113     }
115     myCouplesMap.Nullify();
116     myControlNodes.Nullify();
118     if (!(myMaxSqDeflection < 0.))
119     {
120       this->getDFace()->SetDeflection(Sqrt(myMaxSqDeflection));
121     }
122   }
124 private:
125   //! Contains geometrical data related to node of triangle.
126   struct TriangleNodeInfo
127   {
TriangleNodeInfoBRepMesh_DelaunayDeflectionControlMeshAlgo::TriangleNodeInfo128     TriangleNodeInfo()
129     : isFrontierLink(Standard_False)
130     {
131     }
133     gp_XY            Point2d;
134     gp_XYZ           Point;
135     Standard_Boolean isFrontierLink;
136   };
138   //! Functor computing deflection of a point from surface.
139   class NormalDeviation
140   {
141   public:
NormalDeviation(const gp_Pnt & theRefPnt,const gp_Vec & theNormal)142     NormalDeviation(
143       const gp_Pnt& theRefPnt,
144       const gp_Vec& theNormal)
145       : myRefPnt(theRefPnt),
146         myNormal(theNormal)
147     {
148     }
SquareDeviation(const gp_Pnt & thePoint) const150     Standard_Real SquareDeviation(const gp_Pnt& thePoint) const
151     {
152       const Standard_Real aDeflection = Abs(myNormal.Dot(gp_Vec(myRefPnt, thePoint)));
153       return aDeflection * aDeflection;
154     }
156   private:
158     NormalDeviation (const NormalDeviation& theOther);
160     void operator= (const NormalDeviation& theOther);
162   private:
164     const gp_Pnt& myRefPnt;
165     const gp_Vec& myNormal;
166   };
168   //! Functor computing deflection of a point on triangle link from surface.
169   class LineDeviation
170   {
171   public:
LineDeviation(const gp_Pnt & thePnt1,const gp_Pnt & thePnt2)173     LineDeviation(
174       const gp_Pnt& thePnt1,
175       const gp_Pnt& thePnt2)
176       : myPnt1(thePnt1),
177         myPnt2(thePnt2)
178     {
179     }
SquareDeviation(const gp_Pnt & thePoint) const181     Standard_Real SquareDeviation(const gp_Pnt& thePoint) const
182     {
183       return BRepMesh_GeomTool::SquareDeflectionOfSegment(myPnt1, myPnt2, thePoint);
184     }
186   private:
188     LineDeviation (const LineDeviation& theOther);
190     void operator= (const LineDeviation& theOther);
192   private:
193     const gp_Pnt& myPnt1;
194     const gp_Pnt& myPnt2;
195   };
197   //! Returns nodes info of the given triangle.
getTriangleInfo(const BRepMesh_Triangle & theTriangle,const Standard_Integer (& theNodesIndices)[3],TriangleNodeInfo (& theInfo)[3]) const198   void getTriangleInfo(
199     const BRepMesh_Triangle& theTriangle,
200     const Standard_Integer (&theNodesIndices)[3],
201     TriangleNodeInfo       (&theInfo)[3]) const
202   {
203     const Standard_Integer(&e)[3] = theTriangle.myEdges;
204     for (Standard_Integer i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
205     {
206       const BRepMesh_Vertex& aVertex = this->getStructure()->GetNode(theNodesIndices[i]);
207       theInfo[i].Point2d        = this->getRangeSplitter().Scale(aVertex.Coord(), Standard_False).XY();
208       theInfo[i].Point          = this->getNodesMap()->Value(aVertex.Location3d()).XYZ();
209       theInfo[i].isFrontierLink = (this->getStructure()->GetLink(e[i]).Movability() == BRepMesh_Frontier);
210     }
211   }
213   // Check geometry of the given triangle. If triangle does not suit specified deflection, inserts new point.
splitTriangleGeometry(const BRepMesh_Triangle & theTriangle)214   void splitTriangleGeometry(const BRepMesh_Triangle& theTriangle)
215   {
216     if (theTriangle.Movability() != BRepMesh_Deleted)
217     {
218       Standard_Integer aNodexIndices[3];
219       this->getStructure()->ElementNodes(theTriangle, aNodexIndices);
221       TriangleNodeInfo aNodesInfo[3];
222       getTriangleInfo(theTriangle, aNodexIndices, aNodesInfo);
224       gp_Vec aNormal;
225       gp_Vec aLinkVec[3];
226       if (computeTriangleGeometry(aNodesInfo, aLinkVec, aNormal))
227       {
228         myIsAllDegenerated = Standard_False;
230         const gp_XY aCenter2d = (aNodesInfo[0].Point2d +
231                                  aNodesInfo[1].Point2d +
232                                  aNodesInfo[2].Point2d) / 3.;
234         usePoint(aCenter2d, NormalDeviation(aNodesInfo[0].Point, aNormal));
235         splitLinks(aNodesInfo, aNodexIndices);
236       }
237     }
238   }
240   //! Updates array of links vectors.
241   //! @return False on degenerative triangle.
computeTriangleGeometry(const TriangleNodeInfo (& theNodesInfo)[3],gp_Vec (& theLinks)[3],gp_Vec & theNormal)242   Standard_Boolean computeTriangleGeometry(
243     const TriangleNodeInfo(&theNodesInfo)[3],
244     gp_Vec                (&theLinks)[3],
245     gp_Vec                 &theNormal)
246   {
247     if (checkTriangleForDegenerativityAndGetLinks(theNodesInfo, theLinks))
248     {
249       if (checkTriangleArea2d(theNodesInfo))
250       {
251         if (computeNormal(theLinks[0], theLinks[1], theNormal))
252         {
253           return Standard_True;
254         }
255       }
256     }
258     return Standard_False;
259   }
261   //! Updates array of links vectors.
262   //! @return False on degenerative triangle.
checkTriangleForDegenerativityAndGetLinks(const TriangleNodeInfo (& theNodesInfo)[3],gp_Vec (& theLinks)[3])263   Standard_Boolean checkTriangleForDegenerativityAndGetLinks(
264     const TriangleNodeInfo (&theNodesInfo)[3],
265     gp_Vec                 (&theLinks)[3])
266   {
267     const Standard_Real MinimalSqLength3d = 1.e-12;
268     for (Standard_Integer i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
269     {
270       theLinks[i] = theNodesInfo[(i + 1) % 3].Point - theNodesInfo[i].Point;
271       if (theLinks[i].SquareMagnitude() < MinimalSqLength3d)
272       {
273         return Standard_False;
274       }
275     }
277     return Standard_True;
278   }
280   //! Checks area of triangle in parametric space for degenerativity.
281   //! @return False on degenerative triangle.
checkTriangleArea2d(const TriangleNodeInfo (& theNodesInfo)[3])282   Standard_Boolean checkTriangleArea2d(
283     const TriangleNodeInfo (&theNodesInfo)[3])
284   {
285     const gp_Vec2d aLink2d1(theNodesInfo[0].Point2d, theNodesInfo[1].Point2d);
286     const gp_Vec2d aLink2d2(theNodesInfo[1].Point2d, theNodesInfo[2].Point2d);
288     const Standard_Real MinimalArea2d = 1.e-9;
289     return (Abs(aLink2d1 ^ aLink2d2) > MinimalArea2d);
290   }
292   //! Computes normal using two link vectors.
293   //! @return True on success, False in case of normal of null magnitude.
computeNormal(const gp_Vec & theLink1,const gp_Vec & theLink2,gp_Vec & theNormal)294   Standard_Boolean computeNormal(const gp_Vec& theLink1,
295                                  const gp_Vec& theLink2,
296                                  gp_Vec&       theNormal)
297   {
298     const gp_Vec aNormal(theLink1 ^ theLink2);
299     if (aNormal.SquareMagnitude() > gp::Resolution())
300     {
301       theNormal = aNormal.Normalized();
302       return Standard_True;
303     }
305     return Standard_False;
306   }
308   //! Computes deflection of midpoints of triangles links.
309   //! @return True if point fits specified deflection.
splitLinks(const TriangleNodeInfo (& theNodesInfo)[3],const Standard_Integer (& theNodesIndices)[3])310   void splitLinks(
311     const TriangleNodeInfo (&theNodesInfo)[3],
312     const Standard_Integer (&theNodesIndices)[3])
313   {
314     // Check deflection at triangle links
315     for (Standard_Integer i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
316     {
317       if (theNodesInfo[i].isFrontierLink)
318       {
319         continue;
320       }
322       const Standard_Integer j = (i + 1) % 3;
323       // Check if this link was already processed
324       Standard_Integer aFirstVertex, aLastVertex;
325       if (theNodesIndices[i] < theNodesIndices[j])
326       {
327         aFirstVertex = theNodesIndices[i];
328         aLastVertex  = theNodesIndices[j];
329       }
330       else
331       {
332         aFirstVertex = theNodesIndices[j];
333         aLastVertex  = theNodesIndices[i];
334       }
336       if (myCouplesMap->Add(BRepMesh_OrientedEdge(aFirstVertex, aLastVertex)))
337       {
338         const gp_XY aMidPnt2d = (theNodesInfo[i].Point2d +
339                                  theNodesInfo[j].Point2d) / 2.;
341         if (!usePoint (aMidPnt2d, LineDeviation (theNodesInfo[i].Point,
342                                                  theNodesInfo[j].Point)))
343         {
344           if (!rejectSplitLinksForMinSize (theNodesInfo[i],
345                                            theNodesInfo[j],
346                                            aMidPnt2d))
347           {
348             if (!checkLinkEndsForAngularDeviation (theNodesInfo[i],
349                                                    theNodesInfo[j],
350                                                    aMidPnt2d))
351             {
352               myControlNodes->Append(aMidPnt2d);
353             }
354           }
355         }
356       }
357     }
358   }
360   //! Checks that two links produced as the result of a split of
361   //! the given link by the middle point fit MinSize requirement.
rejectSplitLinksForMinSize(const TriangleNodeInfo & theNodeInfo1,const TriangleNodeInfo & theNodeInfo2,const gp_XY & theMidPoint)362   Standard_Boolean rejectSplitLinksForMinSize (const TriangleNodeInfo& theNodeInfo1,
363                                                const TriangleNodeInfo& theNodeInfo2,
364                                                const gp_XY&            theMidPoint)
365   {
366     const gp_Pnt aPnt = getPoint3d (theMidPoint);
367     return ((theNodeInfo1.Point - aPnt.XYZ()).SquareModulus() < mySqMinSize ||
368             (theNodeInfo2.Point - aPnt.XYZ()).SquareModulus() < mySqMinSize);
369   }
371   //! Checks the given point (located between the given nodes)
372   //! for specified angular deviation.
checkLinkEndsForAngularDeviation(const TriangleNodeInfo & theNodeInfo1,const TriangleNodeInfo & theNodeInfo2,const gp_XY &)373   Standard_Boolean checkLinkEndsForAngularDeviation(const TriangleNodeInfo& theNodeInfo1,
374                                                     const TriangleNodeInfo& theNodeInfo2,
375                                                     const gp_XY&          /*theMidPoint*/)
376   {
377     gp_Dir aNorm1, aNorm2;
378     const Handle(Geom_Surface)& aSurf = this->getDFace()->GetSurface()->Surface().Surface();
380     if ((GeomLib::NormEstim(aSurf, theNodeInfo1.Point2d, Precision::Confusion(), aNorm1) == 0) &&
381         (GeomLib::NormEstim(aSurf, theNodeInfo2.Point2d, Precision::Confusion(), aNorm2) == 0))
382     {
383       Standard_Real anAngle = aNorm1.Angle(aNorm2);
384       if (anAngle > this->getParameters().AngleInterior)
385       {
386         return Standard_False;
387       }
388     }
389 #if 0
390     else if (GeomLib::NormEstim(aSurf, theMidPoint, Precision::Confusion(), aNorm1) != 0)
391     {
392       // It is better to consider the singular point as a node of triangulation.
393       // However, it leads to hangs up meshing some faces (including faces with
394       // degenerated edges). E.g. tests "mesh standard_incmesh Q6".
395       // So, this code fragment is better to implement in the future.
396       return Standard_False;
397     }
398 #endif
400     return Standard_True;
401   }
403   //! Returns 3d point corresponding to the given one in 2d space.
getPoint3d(const gp_XY & thePnt2d)404   gp_Pnt getPoint3d (const gp_XY& thePnt2d)
405   {
406     gp_Pnt aPnt;
407     this->getDFace()->GetSurface()->D0(thePnt2d.X(), thePnt2d.Y(), aPnt);
408     return aPnt;
409   }
411   //! Computes deflection of the given point and caches it for
412   //! insertion in case if it overflows deflection.
413   //! @return True if point has been cached for insertion.
414   template<class DeflectionFunctor>
usePoint(const gp_XY & thePnt2d,const DeflectionFunctor & theDeflectionFunctor)415   Standard_Boolean usePoint(
416     const gp_XY&             thePnt2d,
417     const DeflectionFunctor& theDeflectionFunctor)
418   {
419     const gp_Pnt aPnt = getPoint3d (thePnt2d);
420     if (!checkDeflectionOfPointAndUpdateCache(thePnt2d, aPnt, theDeflectionFunctor.SquareDeviation(aPnt)))
421     {
422       myControlNodes->Append(thePnt2d);
423       return Standard_True;
424     }
426     return Standard_False;
427   }
429   //! Checks the given point for specified linear deflection.
430   //! Updates value of total mesh defleciton.
checkDeflectionOfPointAndUpdateCache(const gp_XY & thePnt2d,const gp_Pnt & thePnt3d,const Standard_Real theSqDeflection)431   Standard_Boolean checkDeflectionOfPointAndUpdateCache(
432     const gp_XY&        thePnt2d,
433     const gp_Pnt&       thePnt3d,
434     const Standard_Real theSqDeflection)
435   {
436     if (theSqDeflection > myMaxSqDeflection)
437     {
438       myMaxSqDeflection = theSqDeflection;
439     }
441     const Standard_Real aSqDeflection =
442       this->getDFace()->GetDeflection() * this->getDFace()->GetDeflection();
443     if (theSqDeflection < aSqDeflection)
444     {
445       return Standard_True;
446     }
448     return rejectByMinSize(thePnt2d, thePnt3d);
449   }
451   //! Checks distance between the given node and nodes of triangles
452   //! shot by it for MinSize criteria.
453   //! This check is expected to roughly estimate and prevent
454   //! generation of triangles with sides smaller than MinSize.
rejectByMinSize(const gp_XY & thePnt2d,const gp_Pnt & thePnt3d)455   Standard_Boolean rejectByMinSize(
456     const gp_XY&  thePnt2d,
457     const gp_Pnt& thePnt3d)
458   {
459     IMeshData::MapOfInteger aUsedNodes;
460     IMeshData::ListOfInteger& aCirclesList =
461       const_cast<BRepMesh_CircleTool&>(*myCircles).Select(
462         this->getRangeSplitter().Scale(thePnt2d, Standard_True).XY());
464     IMeshData::ListOfInteger::Iterator aCircleIt(aCirclesList);
465     for (; aCircleIt.More(); aCircleIt.Next())
466     {
467       const BRepMesh_Triangle& aTriangle = this->getStructure()->GetElement(aCircleIt.Value());
469       Standard_Integer aNodes[3];
470       this->getStructure()->ElementNodes(aTriangle, aNodes);
472       for (Standard_Integer i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
473       {
474         if (!aUsedNodes.Contains(aNodes[i]))
475         {
476           aUsedNodes.Add(aNodes[i]);
477           const BRepMesh_Vertex& aVertex = this->getStructure()->GetNode(aNodes[i]);
478           const gp_Pnt& aPoint = this->getNodesMap()->Value(aVertex.Location3d());
480           if (thePnt3d.SquareDistance(aPoint) < mySqMinSize)
481           {
482             return Standard_True;
483           }
484         }
485       }
486     }
488     return Standard_False;
489   }
491 private:
492   Standard_Real                         myMaxSqDeflection;
493   Standard_Real                         mySqMinSize;
494   Standard_Boolean                      myIsAllDegenerated;
495   Handle(IMeshData::MapOfOrientedEdges) myCouplesMap;
496   Handle(IMeshData::ListOfPnt2d)        myControlNodes;
497   const BRepMesh_CircleTool*            myCircles;
498 };
500 #endif