1 // Created on: 2016-04-07
2 // Copyright (c) 2016 OPEN CASCADE SAS
3 // Created by: Oleg AGASHIN
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #ifndef _IMeshTools_Parameters_HeaderFile
17 #define _IMeshTools_Parameters_HeaderFile
19 #include <IMeshTools_MeshAlgoType.hxx>
20 #include <Precision.hxx>
22 //! Structure storing meshing parameters
23 struct IMeshTools_Parameters {
25   //! Default constructor
IMeshTools_ParametersIMeshTools_Parameters26   IMeshTools_Parameters ()
27     :
28     MeshAlgo (IMeshTools_MeshAlgoType_DEFAULT),
29     Angle(0.5),
30     Deflection(0.001),
31     AngleInterior(-1.0),
32     DeflectionInterior(-1.0),
33     MinSize (-1.0),
34     InParallel (Standard_False),
35     Relative (Standard_False),
36     InternalVerticesMode (Standard_True),
37     ControlSurfaceDeflection (Standard_True),
38     CleanModel (Standard_True),
39     AdjustMinSize (Standard_False),
40     ForceFaceDeflection (Standard_False),
41     AllowQualityDecrease (Standard_False)
42   {
43   }
45   //! Returns factor used to compute default value of MinSize
46   //! (minimum mesh edge length) from deflection
RelMinSizeIMeshTools_Parameters47   static Standard_Real RelMinSize()
48   {
49     return 0.1;
50   }
52   //! 2D Delaunay triangulation algorithm factory to use
53   IMeshTools_MeshAlgoType                          MeshAlgo;
55   //! Angular deflection used to tessellate the boundary edges
56   Standard_Real                                    Angle;
58   //!Linear deflection used to tessellate the boundary edges
59   Standard_Real                                    Deflection;
61   //! Angular deflection used to tessellate the face interior
62   Standard_Real                                    AngleInterior;
64   //! Linear deflection used to tessellate the face interior
65   Standard_Real                                    DeflectionInterior;
67   //! Minimum size parameter limiting size of triangle's edges to prevent
68   //! sinking into amplification in case of distorted curves and surfaces.
69   Standard_Real                                    MinSize;
71   //! Switches on/off multi-thread computation
72   Standard_Boolean                                 InParallel;
74   //! Switches on/off relative computation of edge tolerance<br>
75   //! If true, deflection used for the polygonalisation of each edge will be
76   //! <defle> * Size of Edge. The deflection used for the faces will be the
77   //! maximum deflection of their edges.
78   Standard_Boolean                                 Relative;
80   //! Mode to take or not to take internal face vertices into account
81   //! in triangulation process
82   Standard_Boolean                                 InternalVerticesMode;
84   //! Parameter to check the deviation of triangulation and interior of
85   //! the face
86   Standard_Boolean                                 ControlSurfaceDeflection;
88   //! Cleans temporary data model when algorithm is finished.
89   Standard_Boolean                                 CleanModel;
91   //! Enables/disables local adjustment of min size depending on edge size.
92   //! Disabled by default.
93   Standard_Boolean                                 AdjustMinSize;
95   //! Enables/disables usage of shape tolerances for computing face deflection.
96   //! Disabled by default.
97   Standard_Boolean                                 ForceFaceDeflection;
99   //! Allows/forbids the decrease of the quality of the generated mesh
100   //! over the existing one.
101   Standard_Boolean                                 AllowQualityDecrease;
102 };
104 #endif