1 // Created on: 2015-03-15
2 // Created by: Danila ULYANOV
3 // Copyright (c) 2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #ifndef _ViewerTest_CmdParser_HeaderFile
17 #define _ViewerTest_CmdParser_HeaderFile
19 #include <Graphic3d_Vec3.hxx>
21 #include <limits>
22 #include <map>
23 #include <vector>
24 #include <set>
25 #include <string>
27 class Quantity_Color;
28 class Quantity_ColorRGBA;
29 class gp_Vec;
30 class gp_Pnt;
32 //! A key for a command line option used for a ViewerTest_CmdParser work
33 typedef std::size_t ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey;
35 //! A set of keys for command-line options
36 typedef std::set<ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey> ViewerTest_CommandOptionKeySet;
38 //! Command parser.
39 class ViewerTest_CmdParser
40 {
41 public:
42   //! The key of the unnamed command option
43   static const std::size_t THE_UNNAMED_COMMAND_OPTION_KEY;
45   //! The key of the help command option
46   static const std::size_t THE_HELP_COMMAND_OPTION_KEY;
48   //! Initializes help option.
49   //! @param theDescription the description of the command
50   ViewerTest_CmdParser (const std::string& theDescription = std::string());
52   //! Sets description for command.
SetDescription(const std::string & theDescription)53   void SetDescription (const std::string& theDescription)
54   {
55     myDescription = theDescription;
56   }
58   //! Adds option to available option list. Several names may be provided if separated with '|'.
59   //! @param theOptionNames the list of possible option names separated with '|'
60   //! (the first name is main, the other names are aliases)
61   //! @param theOptionDescription the description of the option
62   //! @return an access key of the newly added option
63   ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey AddOption (const std::string& theOptionNames,
64                                          const std::string& theOptionDescription = std::string());
66   //! Prints help message based on provided command and options descriptions.
67   void PrintHelp() const;
69   //! Parses argument list (skips the command name); assigns local arguments to each option.
70   void Parse (Standard_Integer theArgsNb, const char* const* theArgVec);
72   //! Gets an option name by its access key
73   //! @param theOptionKey the access key of the option which name is to be found
74   //! @retuan a name of the option with the given access key
75   std::string GetOptionNameByKey (ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey theOptionKey) const;
77   //! Gets a set of used options
78   //! @return a set of used options
79   ViewerTest_CommandOptionKeySet GetUsedOptions() const;
81   //! Tests if there were no command line options provided
82   //! @return true if no command line options were provided, or false otherwise
83   bool HasNoOption() const;
85   //! Tests if the unnamed command line option was provided
86   //! @return true if the unnamed command line option was provided, or false otherwise
87   bool HasUnnamedOption() const;
89   //! Tests if only unnamed command line option was provided
90   //! @return true if only unnamed command line option was provided, or false otherwise
91   bool HasOnlyUnnamedOption() const;
93   //! Checks if option was used with given minimal number of arguments.
94   //! Prints error message if isFatal flag was set.
95   //! @param theOptionName the name of the option to be checked
96   //! @param theMandatoryArgsNb the number of mandatory arguments
97   //! @param isFatal the flag that controls printing of an error message
98   //! @return true if an option was set, or false otherwise
99   bool HasOption (const std::string& theOptionName,
100                   std::size_t        theMandatoryArgsNb = 0,
101                   bool               isFatal            = Standard_False) const;
103   //! Checks if option was used with given minimal number of arguments.
104   //! Prints error message if isFatal flag was set.
105   //! @param theOptionKey the access key of the option to be checked
106   //! @param theMandatoryArgsNb the number of mandatory arguments
107   //! @param isFatal the flag that controls printing of an error message
108   //! @return true if an option was set, or false otherwise
109   bool HasOption (ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey theOptionKey,
110                   std::size_t                 theMandatoryArgsNb = 0,
111                   bool                        isFatal            = Standard_False) const;
113   //! Gets a number of option arguments
114   //! @param theOptionName the name of the option
115   //! @return a number of option arguments, or 0 if option was not used
116   Standard_Integer GetNumberOfOptionArguments (const std::string& theOptionName) const;
118   //! Gets a number of option arguments
119   //! @param theOptionKey the access key of the option
120   //! @return a number of option arguments, or 0 if option was not used
121   Standard_Integer GetNumberOfOptionArguments (ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey theOptionKey) const;
123   //! Accesses local argument of option 'theOptionName' with index 'theArgumentIndex'.
124   //! @param theOptionName the name of the option which argument is to be accessed
125   //! @param theArgumentIndex the index of an accessed argument
126   //! @param theOptionArgument an argument of the option with the given name
127   //! @return true if an access was successful, or false otherwise
128   bool Arg (const std::string& theOptionName, Standard_Integer theArgumentIndex, std::string& theOptionArgument) const;
130   //! Accesses a local argument with the index 'theArgumentIndex' of the option with the key 'theOptionKey'.
131   //! @param theOptionKey the access key of the option which argument is to be accessed
132   //! @param theArgumentIndex the index of an accessed argument
133   //! @param theOptionArgument an argument of the option with the given key
134   //! @return true if an access was successful, or false otherwise
135   bool Arg (ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey theOptionKey,
136             Standard_Integer            theArgumentIndex,
137             std::string&                theOptionArgument) const;
139   //! Accesses local argument of option 'theOptionName' with index 'theArgumentIndex'.
140   //! @param theOptionName the name of the option which argument is to be accessed
141   //! @param theArgumentIndex the index of an accessed argument
142   //! @return an argument of the option with the given name
143   std::string Arg (const std::string& theOptionName, Standard_Integer theArgumentIndex) const;
145   //! Accesses a local argument with the index 'theArgumentIndex' of the option with the key 'theOptionKey'.
146   //! @param theOptionKey the access key of the option which argument is to be accessed
147   //! @param theArgumentIndex the index of an accessed argument
148   //! @return an argument of the option with the given key
149   std::string Arg (ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey theOptionKey, Standard_Integer theArgumentIndex) const;
151   // Interprets arguments of option 'theOptionName' as float vector starting with index 'theArgumentIndex'.
152   Graphic3d_Vec3 ArgVec3f (const std::string& theOptionName, const Standard_Integer theArgumentIndex = 0) const;
154   // Interprets arguments of option 'theOptionName' as double vector starting with index 'theArgumentIndex'.
155   Graphic3d_Vec3d ArgVec3d (const std::string& theOptionName, const Standard_Integer theArgumentIndex = 0) const;
157   // Interprets arguments of option 'theOptionName' as gp vector starting with index 'theArgumentIndex'.
158   gp_Vec ArgVec (const std::string& theOptionName, const Standard_Integer theArgumentIndex = 0) const;
160   // Interprets arguments of option 'theOptionName' as gp vector starting with index 'theArgumentIndex'.
161   gp_Pnt ArgPnt (const std::string& theOptionName, const Standard_Integer theArgumentIndex = 0) const;
163   // Interprets arguments of option 'theOptionName' as double at index 'theArgumentIndex'.
164   Standard_Real ArgDouble (const std::string& theOptionName, const Standard_Integer theArgumentIndex = 0) const;
166   // Interprets arguments of option 'theOptionName' as float at index 'theArgumentIndex'.
167   Standard_ShortReal ArgFloat (const std::string& theOptionName, const Standard_Integer theArgumentIndex = 0) const;
169   // Interprets arguments of option 'theOptionName' as integer at index 'theArgumentIndex'.
170   Standard_Integer ArgInt (const std::string& theOptionName, const Standard_Integer theArgumentIndex = 0) const;
172   // Interprets arguments of option 'theOptionName' as boolean at index 'theArgumentIndex'.
173   bool ArgBool (const std::string& theOptionName, const Standard_Integer theArgumentIndex = 0) const;
175   //! Interprets arguments of the option 'theOptionName' with the index 'theArgumentIndex' as an RGB(A) color object.
176   //! @tparam theColor the type of a resulting RGB(A) color object
177   //! @param theOptionName the name of the option which arguments are to be interpreted
178   //! @param theArgumentIndex the index of the first argument to be interpreted
179   //! (will be promoted to the next argument after the block of interpreted arguments)
180   //! @param theColor a color that is an interpretation of argument(s) of the option with the given name
181   //! @return true if an interpretation was successful, or false otherwise
182   template <typename TheColor>
183   bool ArgColor (const std::string& theOptionName, Standard_Integer& theArgumentIndex, TheColor& theColor) const;
185   //! Interprets arguments of the option with the key 'theOptionKey' as an RGB(A) color object.
186   //! @tparam theColor the type of a resulting RGB(A) color object
187   //! @param theOptionKey the access key of the option which arguments are to be interpreted
188   //! @param theArgumentIndex the index of the first argument to be interpreted
189   //! (will be promoted to the next argument after the block of interpreted arguments)
190   //! @param theColor a color that is an interpretation of argument(s) of the option with the given name
191   //! @return true if an interpretation was successful, or false otherwise
192   template <typename TheColor>
193   bool ArgColor (ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey theOptionKey,
194                  Standard_Integer&           theArgumentIndex,
195                  TheColor&                   theColor) const;
197 private:
198   //! A list of aliases to a command option name
199   typedef std::vector<std::string> OptionAliases;
201   //! A map from all possible option names to option access keys
202   typedef std::map<std::string, ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey> OptionMap;
204   //! A map from keys of used options to their indices in the storage
205   typedef std::map<ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey, std::size_t> UsedOptionMap;
207   //! A list of command option arguments
208   typedef std::vector<std::string> OptionArguments;
210   //! A storage of arguments of different command options
211   typedef std::vector<OptionArguments> OptionArgumentsStorage;
213   //! A full description of a command option
214   struct CommandOption
215   {
216     std::string   Name;        //!< A command option name
217     OptionAliases Aliases;     //!< A list of aliases to a command option name
218     std::string   Description; //!< A text description of a command option
219   };
221   // A storage of command options descriptions
222   typedef std::vector<CommandOption> CommandOptionStorage;
224   // A list of raw string arguments
225   typedef std::vector<const char*> RawStringArguments;
227   //! Description of command.
228   std::string myDescription;
230   //! Container which stores option objects.
231   std::vector<CommandOption> myOptionStorage;
233   //! Map from all possible option names to option access keys (that are indices in myOptionStorage)
234   OptionMap myOptionMap;
236   //! Map from keys of used options to their indices in the option arguments storage
237   UsedOptionMap myUsedOptionMap;
239   //! Container which stores the arguments of all used options
240   OptionArgumentsStorage myOptionArgumentStorage;
242   //! Gets an access key of the option
243   //! @param theOptionName the name of the option which key is to be found
244   //! @param theOptionKey an access key of the option with the given name
245   //! @return true if the given option was found, or false otherwise
246   bool findOptionKey (const std::string& theOptionName, ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey& theOptionKey) const;
248   //! Gets an index of an option that was used
249   //! @param theOptionKey the access key of the used option which index is to be found
250   //! @param theUsedOptionIndex an index of the used option with the given access key
251   //! @return true if the given option was not found or not used, or false otherwise
252   bool findUsedOptionIndex (ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey theOptionKey, std::size_t& theUsedOptionIndex) const;
254   //! Gets an index of an option that was used
255   //! @param theOptionName the name of the used option which index is to be found
256   //! @param theUsedOptionIndex an index of the used option with the given name
257   //! @return true if the given option was not found or not used, or false otherwise
258   bool findUsedOptionIndex (const std::string& theOptionName, std::size_t& theUsedOptionIndex) const;
260   //! Adds the option that is used in the passed command line parameters
261   //! @param theNewUsedOptionKey the access key of the adding option
262   //! @return an index of a newly added option
263   std::size_t addUsedOption (ViewerTest_CommandOptionKey theNewUsedOptionKey);
265   //! Gets an index of an option that was used
266   //! @param theOptionName the name of the used option which index is to be found
267   //! @param theUsedOptionIndex an index of the used option with the given name
268   //! @return true if the given option was not found or not used, or false otherwise
269   RawStringArguments getRawStringArguments (std::size_t theUsedOptionIndex) const;
270 };
272 #endif // _ViewerTest_CmdParser_HeaderFile