1 // OCCDemo_Presentation.h: interface for the OCCDemo_Presentation class.
2 // This is a base class for all presentations
3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
9 #pragma once
10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
12 #include "Viewer3dDoc.h"
14 #define WAIT_A_LITTLE WaitForInput(500)
15 #define WAIT_A_SECOND WaitForInput(1000)
17 class CViewer3dDoc;
18 #include <AIS_InteractiveObject.hxx>
19 #include <AIS_Point.hxx>
20 #include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
21 #include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
22 #include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
23 class Quantity_Color;
25 class OCCDemo_Presentation
26 {
27 public:
28   // Construction
OCCDemo_Presentation()29   OCCDemo_Presentation() : myIndex(0), myNbSamples(0), FitMode(false){}
~OCCDemo_Presentation()30   virtual ~OCCDemo_Presentation() {}
32 public:
33   static OCCDemo_Presentation* Current;
34   // this pointer must be initialized when realize a derivable class;
35   // it is used by application to access to a presentation class instance
SetDocument(CViewer3dDoc * theDoc)37   void SetDocument (CViewer3dDoc* theDoc) {myDoc = theDoc;}
38   // document must be set by the user of this class before first use of iterations
40 public:
41   // Titling
GetName()42   const CString& GetName() const {return myName;}
44 public:
45   // Iteration on samples
FirstSample()46   void FirstSample() {myIndex=0;}
LastSample()47   void LastSample() {myIndex=myNbSamples-1;}
AtFirstSample()48   Standard_Boolean AtFirstSample() const {return myIndex <= 0;}
AtLastSample()49   Standard_Boolean AtLastSample() const {return myIndex >= myNbSamples-1;}
NextSample()50   void NextSample() {myIndex++;}
PrevSample()51   void PrevSample() {myIndex--;}
52   virtual void DoSample() = 0;
53   static void GetViewAt (Standard_Real& theX, Standard_Real& theY, Standard_Real& theZ);
54   static void SetViewAt (const Standard_Real theX, const Standard_Real theY, const Standard_Real theZ);
55   static void GetViewEye (Standard_Real& X, Standard_Real& Y, Standard_Real& Z);
56   static void SetViewEye (Standard_Real X, Standard_Real Y, Standard_Real Z);
57   static Standard_Real GetViewScale();
58   static void SetViewScale(Standard_Real Coef);
59   static void ResetView();
getDocument()60   CViewer3dDoc* getDocument() { return myDoc; }
63   // place one-time initialization code in this function
Init()64   virtual void Init() {}
66 protected:
67   // Methods to call from a derivable class
setName(const char * theName)68   void setName (const char* theName) {myName = CString(theName);}
69   Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) getAISContext() const;
70   Handle(V3d_Viewer) getViewer() const;
71 //  void setResultTitle (const char* theTitle) {myDoc->GetResultDialog()->SetTitle(theTitle);}
72 //  void setResultText (const char* theText) {myDoc->GetResultDialog()->SetText(theText);}
73   Standard_CString GetDataDir();
75   Standard_Boolean WaitForInput (unsigned long aMilliSeconds);
76   // Waits for a user input or a period of time has been elapsed
78   Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) drawSurface (const Handle(Geom_Surface)& theSurface,
79          const Quantity_Color& theColor = Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_LEMONCHIFFON3),
80          const Standard_Boolean toDisplay = Standard_True);
81   // creates a finite face based on the given geometric surface
82   // and displays it in the viewer if toDisplay = Standard_True
84   Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) drawCurve (const Handle(Geom_Curve)& theCurve,
85          const Quantity_Color& theColor = Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED),
86          const Standard_Boolean toDisplay = Standard_True);
87   // creates an ISession_Curve based on the given geometric curve
88   // and displays it in the viewer if toDisplay = Standard_True
90   Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) drawCurve (const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& theCurve,
91          const Quantity_Color& theColor = Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED),
92          const Standard_Boolean toDisplay = Standard_True,
93          const gp_Ax2& aPosition = gp::XOY());
94   // converts a given curve to 3d using aPosition and calls the previous method
96   Handle(AIS_Point) drawPoint (const gp_Pnt& thePnt,
97          const Quantity_Color& theColor = Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_GREEN),
98          const Standard_Boolean toDisplay = Standard_True);
99   // creates a presentation of the given point
100   // and displays it in the viewer if toDisplay = Standard_True
102   Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) drawVector (const gp_Pnt& thePnt,
103                                            const gp_Vec& theVec,
104          const Quantity_Color& theColor = Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_YELLOW),
105          const Standard_Boolean toDisplay = Standard_True);
106   // creates a presentation of the given vector
107   // and displays it in the viewer if toDisplay = Standard_True
109   Handle(AIS_Shape) drawShape (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
110          const Quantity_Color& theColor,
111          const Standard_Boolean toDisplay = Standard_True);
112   // creates a presentation of the given shape
113   // with material PLASTIC and a given color
114   // and displays it in the viewer if toDisplay = Standard_True
116   Handle(AIS_Shape) drawShape (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
117          const Graphic3d_NameOfMaterial theMaterial = Graphic3d_NameOfMaterial_Brass,
118          const Standard_Boolean toDisplay = Standard_True);
119   // creates a presentation of the given shape with the given material
120   // (color is default for a given material)
121   // and displays it in the viewer if toDisplay = Standard_True
123 protected:
124   // Fields to use in a derivable class
125   BOOL FitMode;
126   int myIndex;
127   int myNbSamples;
129 private:
130   CViewer3dDoc* myDoc;
131   CString myName;
133 };
135 #endif // !defined(AFX_OCCDEMO_PRESENTATION_H__790EED7F_7BA2_11D5_BA4A_0060B0EE18EA__INCLUDED_)