1 // Created on: 2001-06-26
2 // Created by: Alexander GRIGORIEV
3 // Copyright (c) 2001-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #include <LDOM_MemManager.hxx>
17 #include <LDOMBasicString.hxx>
20 IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(LDOM_MemManager,Standard_Transient)
22 #define HASH_MASK 255
23 #define MINIMAL_ROOM 3
25 typedef unsigned char LDOM_HashValue;     // allocating HASH_MASK integer
convertBlockSize(const Standard_Integer aBlockSize)27 inline Standard_Integer convertBlockSize (const Standard_Integer aBlockSize)
28 {
29   return ((aBlockSize - 1) / sizeof(Standard_Integer)) + 1;
30 }
compareStrings(char * const str,const char * theString,const Standard_Integer theLength)32 inline Standard_Boolean compareStrings (char * const           str,
33                                         const char *           theString,
34                                         const Standard_Integer theLength)
35 {
36 // ** This is a bit dangerous (can override the boundary of allocated memory)
37 //  return (str[theLength] == '\0' &&
38 //          memcmp (str, theString, theLength) == 0);
39 // ** This is a more stable (less performant) solution
40   if (memcmp (str, theString, theLength)) return Standard_False;
41   return (str[theLength] == '\0');
42 }
44 //=======================================================================
45 //function : MemBlock::MemBlock
46 //purpose  :
47 //=======================================================================
MemBlock(const Standard_Integer aSize,LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock * aFirst)49 inline LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock::MemBlock (const Standard_Integer aSize,
50                                             LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock * aFirst)
51      : mySize (aSize), myNext (aFirst)
52 {
53   myFreeSpace = myBlock = new Standard_Integer [aSize];
54   myEndBlock = myBlock + aSize;
55 }
57 //=======================================================================
58 //function : MemBlock::Allocate
59 //purpose  :
60 //=======================================================================
Allocate(const Standard_Integer aSize)62 inline void * LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock::Allocate (const Standard_Integer aSize)
63 {
64   void * aResult = NULL;
65   if (aSize <= myEndBlock - myFreeSpace) {
66     aResult = myFreeSpace;
67     myFreeSpace += aSize;
68   }
69   return aResult;
70 }
72 //=======================================================================
73 //function : MemBlock::AllocateAndCheck
74 //purpose  :
75 //=======================================================================
AllocateAndCheck(const Standard_Integer aSize,const LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock * & aFirstWithoutRoom)77 void * LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock::AllocateAndCheck
78                         (const Standard_Integer             aSize,
79                          const LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock *& aFirstWithoutRoom)
80 {
81   void * aResult = NULL;
82   Standard_Integer aRoom = (Standard_Integer)(myEndBlock - myFreeSpace);
83   if (aSize <= aRoom) {
84     aResult = myFreeSpace;
85     myFreeSpace += aSize;
86   }
87   if (aRoom < MINIMAL_ROOM) {
88     if (aFirstWithoutRoom == NULL) aFirstWithoutRoom = this;
89   } else
90     aFirstWithoutRoom = NULL;
91   return aResult;
92 }
94 //=======================================================================
95 //function : ~MemBlock
96 //purpose  : Destructor
97 //=======================================================================
~MemBlock()99 LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock::~MemBlock ()
100 {
101   delete [] myBlock;
102   MemBlock* aNext = myNext;
103   while (aNext)
104   {
105     MemBlock* aNextNext = aNext->myNext;
106     aNext->myNext = 0;
107     delete aNext;
108     aNext = aNextNext;
109   }
110 }
112 //=======================================================================
113 //function : HashTable
114 //purpose  : Constructor
115 //=======================================================================
HashTable(LDOM_MemManager & aMemManager)117 LDOM_MemManager::HashTable::HashTable (/* const Standard_Integer   aMask, */
118                                        LDOM_MemManager&         aMemManager)
119      : myManager        (aMemManager)
120 {
121   Standard_Integer m, nKeys = HASH_MASK + 1;
122 /*
123   Standard_Integer m     = aMask;
124   Standard_Integer nKeys = 1;
125   while (m) {
126     nKeys *= 2;
127     m     /= 2;
128   }
129   myMask = nKeys - 1;
130 */
131   myTable = (TableItem *) myManager.Allocate (sizeof(TableItem) * nKeys);
132   for (m = 0; m < nKeys; m += 2) {
133     myTable[m].str    = NULL;
134     myTable[m].next   = NULL;
135     myTable[m+1].str  = NULL;
136     myTable[m+1].next = NULL;
137   }
138 }
140 //=======================================================================
141 //function : Hash
142 //purpose  : CRC-16 hash function
143 //=======================================================================
Hash(const char * aString,const Standard_Integer aLen)145 Standard_Integer LDOM_MemManager::HashTable::Hash (const char * aString,
146                                                    const Standard_Integer aLen)
147 {
148   static const unsigned int wCRC16a[16] =
149   {
150     0000000,    0140301,    0140601,    0000500,
151     0141401,    0001700,    0001200,    0141101,
152     0143001,    0003300,    0003600,    0143501,
153     0002400,    0142701,    0142201,    0002100,
154   };
156   static const unsigned int wCRC16b[16] =
157   {
158     0000000,    0146001,    0154001,    0012000,
159     0170001,    0036000,    0024000,    0162001,
160     0120001,    0066000,    0074000,    0132001,
161     0050000,    0116001,    0104001,    0043000,
162   };
164   unsigned int aCRC = 0;
165   const unsigned char * aPtr = (const unsigned char *) aString;
166   for (Standard_Integer i = aLen; i > 0; i--) {
167     const unsigned int  bTmp = aCRC ^ (unsigned int) (* aPtr++);
168     aCRC = ((aCRC >> 8) ^ wCRC16a[bTmp & 0x0F]) ^ wCRC16b[(bTmp >> 4) & 0x0F];
169   }
170   return Standard_Integer (aCRC & HASH_MASK /* myMask */);
171 }
173 //=======================================================================
174 //function : AddString
175 //purpose  : Add or find a string in the hash table
176 //=======================================================================
AddString(const char * theString,const Standard_Integer theLen,Standard_Integer & theHashIndex)178 const char * LDOM_MemManager::HashTable::AddString
179                                           (const char             * theString,
180                                            const Standard_Integer theLen,
181                                            Standard_Integer&      theHashIndex)
182 {
183   const char * aResult = NULL;
184   if (theString == NULL) return NULL;
185   Standard_Integer aHashIndex = Hash (theString, theLen);
186   TableItem        * aNode    = &myTable[aHashIndex];
187   if (aNode -> str == NULL) {
188     LDOM_HashValue * anAlloc = (LDOM_HashValue *)
189       myManager.Allocate (theLen + 1 + sizeof(LDOM_HashValue));
190     anAlloc[0] = LDOM_HashValue (aHashIndex);
191     aNode -> str = (char *) &anAlloc[1];
192     memcpy (aNode -> str, theString, theLen);
193     aNode -> str [theLen] = '\0';
194     aResult = aNode -> str;
195   }else{
196     if (compareStrings (aNode -> str, theString, theLen))
197       aResult = aNode -> str;
198     else
199       while (aNode -> next) {
200         aNode = aNode -> next;
201         if (compareStrings (aNode -> str, theString, theLen)) {
202           aResult = aNode -> str;
203           break;
204         }
205       }
206     if (aResult == NULL) {
207       // Attention!!! We can make this allocation in a separate pool
208       //              improving performance
209       aNode -> next = (TableItem *) myManager.Allocate (sizeof(TableItem));
210       aNode = aNode -> next;
211       LDOM_HashValue * anAlloc = (LDOM_HashValue *)
212         myManager.Allocate (theLen + 1 + sizeof(LDOM_HashValue));
213       anAlloc[0] = LDOM_HashValue (aHashIndex);
214       aNode -> str = (char *) &anAlloc[1];
215       memcpy (aNode -> str, theString, theLen);
216       aNode -> str [theLen] = '\0';
217       aResult = aNode -> str;
218       aNode -> next = NULL;
219     }
220   }
221   theHashIndex = aHashIndex;
222   return aResult;
223 }
225 //=======================================================================
226 //function : LDOM_MemManager
227 //purpose  : Constructor
228 //=======================================================================
LDOM_MemManager(const Standard_Integer aBlockSize)230 LDOM_MemManager::LDOM_MemManager (const Standard_Integer aBlockSize)
231      : myRootElement            (NULL),
232        myFirstBlock             (NULL),
233        myFirstWithoutRoom       (NULL),
234        myBlockSize              (convertBlockSize(aBlockSize)),
235        myHashTable              (NULL) {}
237 //=======================================================================
238 //function : ~LDOM_MemManager
239 //purpose  : Destructor
240 //=======================================================================
~LDOM_MemManager()242 LDOM_MemManager::~LDOM_MemManager ()
243 {
244 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
245   Standard_Integer aSomme = 0, aCount = 0;
246   MemBlock * aBlock = myFirstBlock;
247 //FILE * out = fopen ("/tmp/dump","w");
248   while (aBlock) {
249     aCount ++;
250     aSomme += aBlock -> mySize;
251 //    for (const Standard_Integer * aPtr = aBlock -> myBlock;
252 //         aPtr < aBlock -> myEndBlock; ) {
253 //      const char * aStr = (const char *) aPtr;
254 //      Standard_Integer aLen = strlen (aStr) + 1;
255 //      if (aLen > 1) fprintf (out, "%s\n", aStr);
256 //      aPtr += convertBlockSize (aLen);
257 //    }
258     aBlock = aBlock -> Next();
259   }
260   if (aCount > 1)
261     std::cout << ".. Destroying " << aCount << " LDOM memory allocations: "
262          << aSomme / 256 << " kB" << std::endl;
263 //fclose (out);
264 #endif
265   delete myFirstBlock;
266   if (myHashTable)
267     delete myHashTable;
268 }
270 //=======================================================================
271 //function : Allocate
272 //purpose  :
273 //=======================================================================
Allocate(const Standard_Integer theSize)275 void * LDOM_MemManager::Allocate (const Standard_Integer theSize)
276 {
277   void                  * aResult = NULL;
278   Standard_Integer      aSize = convertBlockSize (theSize);
280   if (aSize >= myBlockSize) {
281     myFirstBlock = new MemBlock (aSize, myFirstBlock);
282     aResult = myFirstBlock -> Allocate (aSize);
283   }else{
284     MemBlock * aBlock = myFirstBlock;
285     if (aBlock == NULL) {
286       myFirstBlock = new MemBlock (myBlockSize, myFirstBlock);
287       return myFirstBlock -> Allocate (aSize);
288     }
289     aResult = aBlock -> Allocate (aSize);
290     if (aResult)
291       return aResult;
292     aBlock = aBlock -> Next();
293     const MemBlock * aFirstWithoutRoom = NULL;
294     while (aBlock != myFirstWithoutRoom) {
295       aResult = aBlock -> AllocateAndCheck (aSize, aFirstWithoutRoom);
296       if (aResult) break;
297       aBlock = aBlock -> Next();
298     }
299     myFirstWithoutRoom = (MemBlock *&)aFirstWithoutRoom;
300     if (aResult == NULL) {
301       myFirstBlock = new MemBlock (myBlockSize, myFirstBlock);
302       aResult = myFirstBlock -> Allocate (aSize);
303     }
304   }
305   return aResult;
306 }
308 //=======================================================================
309 //function : HashedAllocate
310 //purpose  : Memory allocation with access via hash table. No new allocation
311 //           if already present
312 //=======================================================================
HashedAllocate(const char * theString,const Standard_Integer theLen,Standard_Integer & theHash)314 const char * LDOM_MemManager::HashedAllocate (const char           * theString,
315                                               const Standard_Integer theLen,
316                                               Standard_Integer&      theHash)
317 {
318   if (myHashTable == NULL) myHashTable = new HashTable (* this);
319   return myHashTable -> AddString (theString, theLen, theHash);
320 }
322 //=======================================================================
323 //function : HashedAllocate
324 //purpose  : Memory allocation with access via hash table. No new allocation
325 //           if already present
326 //=======================================================================
HashedAllocate(const char * aString,const Standard_Integer theLen,LDOMBasicString & theResult)328 void LDOM_MemManager::HashedAllocate         (const char             * aString,
329                                               const Standard_Integer theLen,
330                                               LDOMBasicString&       theResult)
331 {
332   theResult.myType = LDOMBasicString::LDOM_AsciiHashed;
333   Standard_Integer aDummy;
334   const char * aHashedString = HashedAllocate (aString, theLen, aDummy);
335   if (aHashedString != NULL)
336     theResult.myVal.ptr = (void *) aHashedString;
337 }
339 //=======================================================================
340 //function : CompareStrings
341 //purpose  : Compare
342 //=======================================================================
CompareStrings(const char * theString,const Standard_Integer theHashValue,const char * theHashedStr)344 Standard_Boolean LDOM_MemManager::CompareStrings
345                                         (const char             * theString,
346                                          const Standard_Integer theHashValue,
347                                          const char             * theHashedStr)
348 {
349   if (((LDOM_HashValue *)theHashedStr)[-1] == LDOM_HashValue(theHashValue))
350     if (!strcmp (theString, theHashedStr))
351       return Standard_True;
352   return Standard_False;
353 }