1 // Copyright (c) 2013-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
2 //
3 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
4 //
5 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
7 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
8 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
9 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
10 //
11 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
12 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
14 #include <Hatch_Hatcher.hxx>
15 #include <Graphic3d_Group.hxx>
16 #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
17 #include <Prs3d_IsoAspect.hxx>
18 #include <Adaptor3d_IsoCurve.hxx>
19 #include <Bnd_Box2d.hxx>
20 #include <BndLib_Add2dCurve.hxx>
21 #include <Precision.hxx>
22 #include <GeomAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
23 #include <Geom_BezierSurface.hxx>
24 #include <Geom_BSplineSurface.hxx>
25 #include <GeomAbs_SurfaceType.hxx>
26 #include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
27 #include <StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace.hxx>
28 #include <StdPrs_ToolRFace.hxx>
29 #include <StdPrs_Curve.hxx>
30 #include <Prs3d_NListOfSequenceOfPnt.hxx>
32 //=========================================================================
33 // function: Add
34 // purpose
35 //=========================================================================
Add(const Handle (Prs3d_Presentation)& thePresentation,const Handle (BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,const Standard_Boolean theDrawUIso,const Standard_Boolean theDrawVIso,const Standard_Integer theNbUIso,const Standard_Integer theNBVIso,const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)& theDrawer,Prs3d_NListOfSequenceOfPnt & theCurves)37 void StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::Add
38                 (const Handle (Prs3d_Presentation)&  thePresentation,
39                  const Handle(BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,
40                  const Standard_Boolean              theDrawUIso,
41                  const Standard_Boolean              theDrawVIso,
42                  const Standard_Integer              theNbUIso,
43                  const Standard_Integer              theNBVIso,
44                  const Handle(Prs3d_Drawer)&         theDrawer,
45                  Prs3d_NListOfSequenceOfPnt&         theCurves)
46 {
47   Standard_Integer aNbPoints = theDrawer->Discretisation();
48   StdPrs_ToolRFace aToolRst (theFace);
50   // Compute bounds of the restriction
51   Standard_Real aUMin,aUMax,aVMin,aVMax;
52   Standard_Integer anI;
53   gp_Pnt2d aPoint1,aPoint2;
54   Bnd_Box2d aBndBox;
56   for (aToolRst.Init(); aToolRst.More(); aToolRst.Next())
57   {
58     const Adaptor2d_Curve2d& aRCurve = aToolRst.Value();
59     BndLib_Add2dCurve::Add(aRCurve, Precision::PConfusion(), aBndBox);
60   }
61   if (!aBndBox.IsVoid())
62     aBndBox.Get(aUMin, aVMin, aUMax, aVMax);
63   else
64   { // No pcurves -- take natural bounds
65     aUMin = theFace->Surface().FirstUParameter();
66     aVMin = theFace->Surface().FirstVParameter();
67     aUMax = theFace->Surface().LastUParameter();
68     aVMax = theFace->Surface().LastVParameter();
69   }
71   // Load the isos
72   Hatch_Hatcher anIsoBuild(1.e-5,aToolRst.IsOriented());
73   Standard_Boolean isFaceUClosed = theFace->IsUClosed();
74   Standard_Boolean isFaceVClosed = theFace->IsVClosed();
76   if (!isFaceUClosed)
77   {
78     aUMin = aUMin + ( aUMax - aUMin) /1000.;
79     aUMax = aUMax - ( aUMax - aUMin) /1000.;
80   }
82   if (!isFaceVClosed)
83   {
84     aVMin = aVMin + ( aVMax - aVMin) /1000.;
85     aVMax = aVMax - ( aVMax - aVMin) /1000.;
86   }
88   if (theDrawUIso)
89   {
90     if (theNbUIso > 0)
91     {
92       isFaceUClosed = Standard_False;
93       Standard_Real du= isFaceUClosed ? (aUMax-aUMin)/theNbUIso : (aUMax-aUMin)/(1+theNbUIso);
94       for (anI=1; anI<=theNbUIso;anI++)
95       {
96         anIsoBuild.AddXLine(aUMin+du*anI);
97       }
98     }
99   }
100   if (theDrawVIso)
101   {
102     if (theNBVIso > 0)
103     {
104       isFaceVClosed = Standard_False;
105       Standard_Real dv= isFaceVClosed ?(aVMax-aVMin)/theNBVIso : (aVMax-aVMin)/(1+theNBVIso);
106       for (anI=1; anI<=theNBVIso;anI++)
107       {
108         anIsoBuild.AddYLine(aVMin+dv*anI);
109       }
110     }
111   }
113   // Trim the isos
114   Standard_Real anU1, anU2, anU, aDU;
116   for (aToolRst.Init(); aToolRst.More(); aToolRst.Next())
117   {
118     TopAbs_Orientation anOrientation = aToolRst.Orientation();
119     const Adaptor2d_Curve2d* aRCurve = &aToolRst.Value();
120     anU1 = aRCurve->FirstParameter();
121     anU2 = aRCurve->LastParameter();
122     if (aRCurve->GetType() != GeomAbs_Line)
123     {
124       aDU = (anU2-anU1)/(aNbPoints-1);
125       aPoint2 = aRCurve->Value(anU1);
126       for (anI = 2; anI <= aNbPoints; ++anI)
127       {
128         anU = anU1 + (anI-1)*aDU;
129         aPoint1 = aPoint2;
130         aPoint2 = aRCurve->Value(anU);
131         if(anOrientation == TopAbs_FORWARD )
132           anIsoBuild.Trim(aPoint1,aPoint2);
133         else
134           anIsoBuild.Trim(aPoint2,aPoint1);
135       }
136     }
137     else {
138       aPoint1 = aRCurve->Value(anU1);
139       aPoint2 = aRCurve->Value(anU2);
140       if(anOrientation == TopAbs_FORWARD )
141         anIsoBuild.Trim(aPoint1,aPoint2);
142       else
143         anIsoBuild.Trim(aPoint2,aPoint1);
144     }
145   }
147   // Draw the isos
148   Adaptor3d_IsoCurve anIsoCurve;
149   anIsoCurve.Load(theFace);
150   Handle(Geom_Curve) aBCurve;
151   const BRepAdaptor_Surface& aBSurface = *theFace;
152   GeomAbs_SurfaceType aFaceType = theFace->GetType();
154   Standard_Integer aNbLines = anIsoBuild.NbLines();
155   Handle(Geom_Surface) aGeomBSurface;
156   if (aFaceType == GeomAbs_BezierSurface)
157   {
158     aGeomBSurface = aBSurface.Bezier();
159   }
160   else if (aFaceType == GeomAbs_BSplineSurface)
161   {
162     aGeomBSurface = aBSurface.BSpline();
163   }
165   for (anI = 1; anI <= aNbLines; ++anI)
166   {
167     Standard_Integer NumberOfIntervals = anIsoBuild.NbIntervals(anI);
168     Standard_Real anIsoCoord = anIsoBuild.Coordinate(anI);
169     for (Standard_Integer aJ = 1; aJ <= NumberOfIntervals; aJ++)
170     {
171       Standard_Real b1=anIsoBuild.Start(anI,aJ),b2=anIsoBuild.End(anI,aJ);
173       if(b1 == RealFirst() || b2 == RealLast())
174         continue;
176       Handle(TColgp_HSequenceOfPnt) aPoints = new TColgp_HSequenceOfPnt;
177       if (!aGeomBSurface.IsNull())
178       {
179         if (anIsoBuild.IsXLine (anI))
180         {
181           aBCurve = aGeomBSurface->UIso (anIsoCoord);
182         }
183         else
184         {
185           aBCurve = aGeomBSurface->VIso (anIsoCoord);
186         }
188         //Note that the isos are the part of the shape, it will be displayed after a computation the whole shape
189         //NbPoints = 30 - default parameter for computation of such curves
190         StdPrs_Curve::Add (thePresentation, GeomAdaptor_Curve (aBCurve), b1, b2, aPoints->ChangeSequence(), 30, Standard_False);
191         theCurves.Append (aPoints);
192       }
193       else
194       {
195         if (anIsoBuild.IsXLine (anI))
196         {
197           anIsoCurve.Load (GeomAbs_IsoU, anIsoCoord, b1, b2);
198         }
199         else
200         {
201           anIsoCurve.Load(GeomAbs_IsoV, anIsoCoord, b1, b2);
202         }
203         StdPrs_Curve::Add (thePresentation, anIsoCurve, theDrawer, aPoints->ChangeSequence(), Standard_False);
204         theCurves.Append (aPoints);
205       }
206     }
207   }
208 }
211 //=========================================================================
212 // function: Match
213 // purpose
214 //=========================================================================
Match(const Standard_Real theX,const Standard_Real theY,const Standard_Real theZ,const Standard_Real theDistance,const Handle (BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,const Standard_Boolean theDrawUIso,const Standard_Boolean theDrawVIso,const Standard_Real theDeflection,const Standard_Integer theNbUIso,const Standard_Integer theNBVIso,const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)& theDrawer)216 Standard_Boolean StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::Match
217                   (const Standard_Real               theX,
218                    const Standard_Real               theY,
219                    const Standard_Real               theZ,
220                    const Standard_Real               theDistance,
221                    const Handle(BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,
222                    const Standard_Boolean              theDrawUIso,
223                    const Standard_Boolean              theDrawVIso,
224                    const Standard_Real               theDeflection,
225                    const Standard_Integer              theNbUIso,
226                    const Standard_Integer              theNBVIso,
227                    const Handle(Prs3d_Drawer)&         theDrawer)
228 {
229   Standard_Real aLimit = theDrawer->MaximalParameterValue();
230   Standard_Integer aNbPoints = theDrawer->Discretisation();
231   StdPrs_ToolRFace aToolRst (theFace);
233   // Compute bounds of the restriction
234   Standard_Real anUMin,anUMax,aVMin,aVMax;
235   Standard_Real anU,aV,aStep;
236   Standard_Integer anI,anNbP = 10;
237   anUMin = aVMin = RealLast();
238   anUMax = aVMax = RealFirst();
239   gp_Pnt2d aPoint1,aPoint2;
241   for (aToolRst.Init(); aToolRst.More(); aToolRst.Next())
242   {
243     const Adaptor2d_Curve2d* aRCurve = &aToolRst.Value();
244     anU = aRCurve->FirstParameter();
245     aV = aRCurve->LastParameter();
246     if (aRCurve->GetType() != GeomAbs_Line)
247     {
248       aStep = ( aV - anU) / anNbP;
249       for (anI = 0; anI <= anNbP; ++anI)
250       {
251         gp_Pnt2d aRCurvePoint = aRCurve->Value(anU);
252         if (aRCurvePoint.X() < anUMin) anUMin = aRCurvePoint.X();
253         if (aRCurvePoint.X() > anUMax) anUMax = aRCurvePoint.X();
254         if (aRCurvePoint.Y() < aVMin) aVMin = aRCurvePoint.Y();
255         if (aRCurvePoint.Y() > aVMax) aVMax = aRCurvePoint.Y();
256         anU += aStep;
257       }
258     }
259     else
260     {
261       aPoint1 = aRCurve->Value(anU);
262       if (aPoint1.X() < anUMin) anUMin = aPoint1.X();
263       if (aPoint1.X() > anUMax) anUMax = aPoint1.X();
264       if (aPoint1.Y() < aVMin) aVMin = aPoint1.Y();
265       if (aPoint1.Y() > aVMax) aVMax = aPoint1.Y();
267       aPoint2 = aRCurve->Value(aV);
268       if (aPoint2.X() < anUMin) anUMin = aPoint2.X();
269       if (aPoint2.X() > anUMax) anUMax = aPoint2.X();
270       if (aPoint2.Y() < aVMin) aVMin = aPoint2.Y();
271       if (aPoint2.Y() > aVMax) aVMax = aPoint2.Y();
272     }
273   }
275   // Load the isos
276   Hatch_Hatcher anIsoBuild(1.e-5,aToolRst.IsOriented());
277   Standard_Boolean anUClosed = theFace->IsUClosed();
278   Standard_Boolean aVClosed = theFace->IsVClosed();
280   if ( ! anUClosed )
281   {
282     anUMin = anUMin + ( anUMax - anUMin) /1000.;
283     anUMax = anUMax - ( anUMax - anUMin) /1000.;
284   }
286   if ( ! aVClosed )
287   {
288     aVMin = aVMin + ( aVMax - aVMin) /1000.;
289     aVMax = aVMax - ( aVMax - aVMin) /1000.;
290   }
292   if (theDrawUIso)
293   {
294     if (theNbUIso > 0)
295     {
296       anUClosed = Standard_False;
297       Standard_Real du= anUClosed ? (anUMax-anUMin)/theNbUIso : (anUMax-anUMin)/(1+theNbUIso);
298       for (anI=1; anI<=theNbUIso;anI++){
299         anIsoBuild.AddXLine(anUMin+du*anI);
300       }
301     }
302   }
303   if (theDrawVIso){
304     if ( theNBVIso > 0) {
305       aVClosed = Standard_False;
306       Standard_Real dv= aVClosed ?(aVMax-aVMin)/theNBVIso : (aVMax-aVMin)/(1+theNBVIso);
307       for (anI=1; anI<=theNBVIso;anI++){
308         anIsoBuild.AddYLine(aVMin+dv*anI);
309       }
310     }
311   }
313   // Trim the isos
314   Standard_Real anU1, anU2, aDU;
316   for (aToolRst.Init(); aToolRst.More(); aToolRst.Next())
317   {
318     TopAbs_Orientation Orient = aToolRst.Orientation();
319     const Adaptor2d_Curve2d* aRCurve = &aToolRst.Value();
320     anU1 = aRCurve->FirstParameter();
321     anU2 = aRCurve->LastParameter();
322     if (aRCurve->GetType() != GeomAbs_Line) {
323       aDU = (anU2-anU1)/(aNbPoints-1);
324       aPoint2 = aRCurve->Value(anU1);
325       for (anI = 2; anI <= aNbPoints; anI++) {
326         anU = anU1 + (anI-1)*aDU;
327         aPoint1 = aPoint2;
328         aPoint2 = aRCurve->Value(anU);
329         if(Orient == TopAbs_FORWARD )
330           anIsoBuild.Trim(aPoint1,aPoint2);
331         else
332           anIsoBuild.Trim(aPoint2,aPoint1);
333       }
334     }
335     else {
336       aPoint1 = aRCurve->Value(anU1);
337       aPoint2 = aRCurve->Value(anU2);
338       if(Orient == TopAbs_FORWARD )
339         anIsoBuild.Trim(aPoint1,aPoint2);
340       else
341         anIsoBuild.Trim(aPoint2,aPoint1);
342     }
343   }
345   // Draw the isos
347   Adaptor3d_IsoCurve anIso;
348   anIso.Load(theFace);
349   Standard_Integer aNbLines = anIsoBuild.NbLines();
351   for (anI = 1; anI <= aNbLines; anI++)
352   {
353     Standard_Integer aNbIntervals = anIsoBuild.NbIntervals(anI);
354     Standard_Real aCoord = anIsoBuild.Coordinate(anI);
355     for (Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= aNbIntervals; j++)
356     {
357       Standard_Real anIsoStart=anIsoBuild.Start(anI,j),anIsoEnd=anIsoBuild.End(anI,j);
359       anIsoStart = anIsoStart == RealFirst() ? - aLimit : anIsoStart;
360       anIsoEnd = anIsoEnd == RealLast()  ?   aLimit : anIsoEnd;
363       if (anIsoBuild.IsXLine(anI))
364         anIso.Load(GeomAbs_IsoU,aCoord,anIsoStart,anIsoEnd);
365       else
366         anIso.Load(GeomAbs_IsoV,aCoord,anIsoStart,anIsoEnd);
368       if (StdPrs_Curve::Match(theX,theY,theZ,theDistance,anIso,
369         theDeflection, aLimit, aNbPoints))
370         return Standard_True;
373     }
374   }
375   return Standard_False;
376 }
379 //=========================================================================
380 // function: Add
381 // purpose
382 //=========================================================================
Add(const Handle (Prs3d_Presentation)& thePresentation,const Handle (BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)& theDrawer)384 void StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::Add
385     (const Handle (Prs3d_Presentation)&  thePresentation,
386      const Handle(BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,
387      const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)&        theDrawer)
388 {
389   Prs3d_NListOfSequenceOfPnt aCurves;
390   StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::Add (thePresentation,
391                                 theFace,
392                                 Standard_True,
393                                 Standard_True,
394                                 theDrawer->UIsoAspect()->Number(),
395                                 theDrawer->VIsoAspect()->Number(),
396                                 theDrawer,
397                                 aCurves);
398 }
401 //=========================================================================
402 // function: AddUIso
403 // purpose
404 //=========================================================================
AddUIso(const Handle (Prs3d_Presentation)& thePresentation,const Handle (BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)& theDrawer)406 void StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::AddUIso
407     (const Handle (Prs3d_Presentation)&  thePresentation,
408      const Handle(BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,
409      const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)&        theDrawer)
410 {
411   Prs3d_NListOfSequenceOfPnt aCurves;
412   StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::Add (thePresentation,
413                                 theFace,
414                                 Standard_True,
415                                 Standard_False,
416                                 theDrawer->UIsoAspect()->Number(),
417                                 theDrawer->VIsoAspect()->Number(),
418                                 theDrawer,
419                                 aCurves);
420 }
423 //=========================================================================
424 // function: AddVIso
425 // purpose
426 //=========================================================================
AddVIso(const Handle (Prs3d_Presentation)& thePresentation,const Handle (BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)& theDrawer)428 void StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::AddVIso
429     (const Handle (Prs3d_Presentation)&  thePresentation,
430      const Handle(BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,
431      const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)&        theDrawer)
432 {
433   Prs3d_NListOfSequenceOfPnt aCurves;
434   StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::Add (thePresentation,
435                                 theFace,
436                                 Standard_False,
437                                 Standard_True,
438                                 theDrawer->UIsoAspect()->Number(),
439                                 theDrawer->VIsoAspect()->Number(),
440                                 theDrawer,
441                                 aCurves);
442 }
445 //=========================================================================
446 // function: Match
447 // purpose
448 //=========================================================================
Match(const Standard_Real theX,const Standard_Real theY,const Standard_Real theZ,const Standard_Real theDistance,const Handle (BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)& theDrawer)450 Standard_Boolean StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::Match
451                 (const Standard_Real               theX,
452                  const Standard_Real               theY,
453                  const Standard_Real               theZ,
454                  const Standard_Real               theDistance,
455                  const Handle(BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,
456                  const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)&        theDrawer)
457 {
458   return StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::Match (
459                       theX, theY, theZ, theDistance,
460                       theFace,
461                       Standard_True,
462                       Standard_True,
463                       theDrawer->MaximalChordialDeviation(),
464                       theDrawer->UIsoAspect()->Number(),
465                       theDrawer->VIsoAspect()->Number(),
466                       theDrawer);
467 }
470 //=========================================================================
471 // function: MatchUIso
472 // purpose
473 //=========================================================================
MatchUIso(const Standard_Real theX,const Standard_Real theY,const Standard_Real theZ,const Standard_Real theDistance,const Handle (BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)& theDrawer)475 Standard_Boolean StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::MatchUIso
476                 (const Standard_Real               theX,
477                  const Standard_Real               theY,
478                  const Standard_Real               theZ,
479                  const Standard_Real               theDistance,
480                  const Handle(BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,
481                  const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)&        theDrawer)
482 {
483   return StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::Match (
484                       theX, theY, theZ,theDistance,
485                       theFace,
486                       Standard_True,
487                       Standard_False,
488                       theDrawer->MaximalChordialDeviation(),
489                       theDrawer->UIsoAspect()->Number(),
490                       theDrawer->VIsoAspect()->Number(),
491                       theDrawer);
492 }
495 //=========================================================================
496 // function: MatchVIso
497 // purpose
498 //=========================================================================
MatchVIso(const Standard_Real theX,const Standard_Real theY,const Standard_Real theZ,const Standard_Real theDistance,const Handle (BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)& theDrawer)500 Standard_Boolean StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::MatchVIso
501                 (const Standard_Real               theX,
502                  const Standard_Real               theY,
503                  const Standard_Real               theZ,
504                  const Standard_Real               theDistance,
505                  const Handle(BRepAdaptor_Surface)& theFace,
506                  const Handle (Prs3d_Drawer)&        theDrawer)
507 {
508   return StdPrs_WFRestrictedFace::Match (
509                       theX, theY, theZ, theDistance,
510                       theFace,
511                       Standard_False,
512                       Standard_True,
513                       theDrawer->MaximalChordialDeviation(),
514                       theDrawer->UIsoAspect()->Number(),
515                       theDrawer->VIsoAspect()->Number(),
516                       theDrawer);
517 }