2 // Created on: 2015-08-06
3 // Created by: Ilya Novikov
4 // Copyright (c) 2004-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
18 #ifndef _XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject_HeaderFile
19 #define _XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject_HeaderFile
21 #include <Standard.hxx>
22 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
24 #include <XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObjectSequence.hxx>
25 #include <XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionType.hxx>
26 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfReal.hxx>
27 #include <XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionQualifier.hxx>
28 #include <Standard_Boolean.hxx>
29 #include <XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionFormVariance.hxx>
30 #include <XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionGrade.hxx>
31 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
32 #include <XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModifiersSequence.hxx>
33 #include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
34 #include <gp_Dir.hxx>
35 #include <gp_Ax2.hxx>
36 #include <TColgp_HArray1OfPnt.hxx>
37 #include <Standard_Transient.hxx>
38 #include <Standard_Real.hxx>
39 #include <XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModif.hxx>
40 #include <TCollection_HAsciiString.hxx>
41 #include <NCollection_Vector.hxx>
42 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfExtendedString.hxx>
44 class XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject;
45 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject, Standard_Transient)
47 //! Access object to store dimension data
48 class XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject : public Standard_Transient
49 {
51 public:
53   Standard_EXPORT XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject();
55   Standard_EXPORT XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject(const Handle(XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject)& theObj);
57   //! Returns semantic name
58   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) GetSemanticName() const;
60   //! Sets semantic name
61   Standard_EXPORT void SetSemanticName(const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& theName);
63   //! Sets dimension qualifier as min., max. or average.
64   Standard_EXPORT void SetQualifier (const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionQualifier theQualifier);
66   //! Returns dimension qualifier.
67   Standard_EXPORT XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionQualifier GetQualifier() const;
69   //! Returns True if the object has dimension qualifier.
70   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasQualifier() const;
72   //! Sets a specific type of dimension.
73   Standard_EXPORT void SetType (const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionType theTyupe);
75   //! Returns dimension type.
76   Standard_EXPORT XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionType GetType() const;
78   //! Returns the main dimension value.
79   //! It will be the middle value in case of range dimension.
80   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real GetValue() const;
82   //! Returns raw array of dimension values
83   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) GetValues() const;
85   //! Sets the main dimension value.
86   //! Overwrites previous values.
87   Standard_EXPORT void SetValue (const Standard_Real theValue);
89   //! Replaces current raw array of dimension values with theValues array.
90   Standard_EXPORT void SetValues (const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& theValue);
92   //! Returns True if the dimension is of range kind.
93   //! Dimension is of range kind if its values array contains two elements
94   //! defining lower and upper bounds.
95   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsDimWithRange() const;
97   //! Sets the upper bound of the range dimension, otherwise
98   //! resets it to an empty range with the specified upper bound.
99   Standard_EXPORT void SetUpperBound (const Standard_Real theUpperBound);
101   //! Sets the lower bound of the range dimension, otherwise
102   //! resets it to an empty range with the specified lower bound.
103   Standard_EXPORT void SetLowerBound(const Standard_Real theLowerBound);
105   //! Returns the upper bound of the range dimension, otherwise - zero.
106   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real GetUpperBound() const;
108   //! Returns the lower bound of the range dimension, otherwise - zero.
109   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real GetLowerBound() const;
111   //! Returns True if the dimension is of +/- tolerance kind.
112   //! Dimension is of +/- tolerance kind if its values array contains three elements
113   //! defining the main value and the lower/upper tolerances.
114   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsDimWithPlusMinusTolerance() const;
116   //! Sets the upper value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise
117   //! resets a simple dimension to toleranced one with the specified lower/upper tolerances.
118   //! Returns False in case of range dimension.
119   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetUpperTolValue(const Standard_Real theUperTolValue);
121   //! Sets the lower value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise
122   //! resets a simple dimension to toleranced one with the specified lower/upper tolerances.
123   //! Returns False in case of range dimension.
124   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetLowerTolValue(const Standard_Real theLowerTolValue);
126   //! Returns the lower value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise - zero.
127   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real GetUpperTolValue() const;
129   //! Returns the upper value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise - zero.
130   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real GetLowerTolValue() const;
132   //! Returns True if the form variance was set to not XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionFormVariance_None value.
133   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsDimWithClassOfTolerance() const;
135   //! Sets tolerance class of the dimension.
136   //! \param theHole - True if the tolerance applies to an internal feature
137   //! \param theFormVariance - represents the fundamental deviation or "position letter"
138   //!                          of the ISO 286 limits-and-fits tolerance classification.
139   //! \param theGrade - represents the quality or the accuracy grade of a tolerance.
140   Standard_EXPORT void SetClassOfTolerance (const Standard_Boolean theHole,
141                                             const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionFormVariance theFormVariance,
142                                             const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionGrade theGrade);
144   //! Retrieves tolerance class parameters of the dimension.
145   //! Returns True if the dimension is toleranced.
146   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetClassOfTolerance (Standard_Boolean& theHole,
147                                                         XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionFormVariance& theFormVariance,
148                                                         XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionGrade& theGrade) const;
150   //! Sets the number of places to the left and right of the decimal point respectively.
151   Standard_EXPORT void SetNbOfDecimalPlaces (const Standard_Integer theL, const Standard_Integer theR);
153   //! Returns the number of places to the left and right of the decimal point respectively.
154   Standard_EXPORT void GetNbOfDecimalPlaces(Standard_Integer& theL, Standard_Integer& theR) const;
156   //! Returns a sequence of modifiers of the dimension.
157   Standard_EXPORT XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModifiersSequence GetModifiers() const;
159   //! Sets new sequence of dimension modifiers.
160   Standard_EXPORT void SetModifiers (const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModifiersSequence& theModifiers);
162   //! Adds a modifier to the dimension sequence of modifiers.
163   Standard_EXPORT void AddModifier (const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModif theModifier);
165   //! Returns a 'curve' along which the dimension is measured.
166   Standard_EXPORT TopoDS_Edge GetPath() const;
168   //! Sets a 'curve' along which the dimension is measured.
169   Standard_EXPORT void SetPath (const TopoDS_Edge& thePath);
171   //! Returns the orientation of the dimension in annotation plane.
172   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetDirection (gp_Dir& theDir) const;
174   //! Sets an orientation of the dimension in annotation plane.
175   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetDirection (const gp_Dir& theDir);
177   //! Sets position of the dimension text.
SetPointTextAttach(const gp_Pnt & thePntText)178   void SetPointTextAttach (const gp_Pnt& thePntText)
179   {
180     myPntText = thePntText;
181     myHasPntText = Standard_True;
182   }
184   //! Returns position of the dimension text.
GetPointTextAttach() const185   const gp_Pnt& GetPointTextAttach() const { return myPntText; }
187   //! Returns True if the position of dimension text is specified.
HasTextPoint() const188   Standard_Boolean HasTextPoint() const
189   {
190     return myHasPntText;
191   }
193   //! Sets annotation plane.
SetPlane(const gp_Ax2 & thePlane)194   void SetPlane (const gp_Ax2& thePlane)
195   {
196     myPlane    = thePlane;
197     myHasPlane = Standard_True;
198   }
200   //! Returns annotation plane.
GetPlane() const201   const gp_Ax2& GetPlane() const { return myPlane; }
203   //! Returns True if the object has annotation plane.
HasPlane() const204   Standard_Boolean HasPlane() const { return myHasPlane; }
206   //! Returns true, if connection point exists (for dimesional_size),
207   //! if connection point for the first shape exists (for dimensional_location).
HasPoint() const208   Standard_Boolean HasPoint() const { return myHasPoint1; }
210   // Returns true, if connection point for the second shape exists (for dimensional_location only).
HasPoint2() const211   Standard_Boolean HasPoint2() const { return myHasPoint2; }
213   //! Set connection point (for dimesional_size),
214   //! Set connection point for the first shape (for dimensional_location).
SetPoint(const gp_Pnt thePnt)215   void SetPoint(const gp_Pnt thePnt) {
216     myPnt1 = thePnt;
217     myHasPoint1 = Standard_True;
218   }
220   // Set connection point for the second shape (for dimensional_location only).
SetPoint2(const gp_Pnt thePnt)221   void SetPoint2(const gp_Pnt thePnt) {
222     myPnt2 = thePnt;
223     myHasPoint2 = Standard_True;
224   }
226   //! Get connection point (for dimesional_size),
227   //! Get connection point for the first shape (for dimensional_location).
GetPoint() const228   gp_Pnt GetPoint() const {
229     return myPnt1;
230   }
232   // Get connection point for the second shape (for dimensional_location only).
GetPoint2() const233   gp_Pnt GetPoint2() const {
234     return myPnt2;
235   }
237   //! Set graphical presentation for the object.
SetPresentation(const TopoDS_Shape & thePresentation,const Handle (TCollection_HAsciiString)& thePresentationName)238   void SetPresentation(const TopoDS_Shape& thePresentation,
239     const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& thePresentationName)
240   {
241     myPresentation = thePresentation;
242     myPresentationName = thePresentationName;
243   }
245   //! Returns graphical presentation of the object.
GetPresentation() const246   TopoDS_Shape GetPresentation() const
247   {
248     return myPresentation;
249   }
251   //! Returns graphical presentation of the object
Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)252   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) GetPresentationName() const
253   {
254     return myPresentationName;
255   }
257   //! Returns true, if the object has descriptions.
HasDescriptions() const258   Standard_Boolean HasDescriptions() const
259   {
260     return (myDescriptions.Length() > 0);
261   }
263   //! Returns number of descriptions.
NbDescriptions() const264   Standard_Integer NbDescriptions() const
265   {
266     return myDescriptions.Length();
267   }
269   //! Returns description with the given number.
GetDescription(const Standard_Integer theNumber) const270   Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) GetDescription(const Standard_Integer theNumber) const
271   {
272     if (theNumber < myDescriptions.Lower() || theNumber > myDescriptions.Upper())
273       return  new TCollection_HAsciiString();
274     return myDescriptions.Value(theNumber);
275   }
277   //! Returns name of description with the given number.
GetDescriptionName(const Standard_Integer theNumber) const278   Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) GetDescriptionName(const Standard_Integer theNumber) const
279   {
280     if (theNumber < myDescriptions.Lower() || theNumber > myDescriptions.Upper())
281       return new TCollection_HAsciiString();
282     return myDescriptionNames.Value(theNumber);
283   }
285   //! Remove description with the given number.
286   Standard_EXPORT void RemoveDescription(const Standard_Integer theNumber);
288   //! Add new description.
AddDescription(const Handle (TCollection_HAsciiString)theDescription,const Handle (TCollection_HAsciiString)theName)289   void AddDescription(const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) theDescription, const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) theName)
290   {
291     myDescriptions.Append(theDescription);
292     myDescriptionNames.Append(theName);
293   }
295   //! Dumps the content of me into the stream
296   Standard_EXPORT void DumpJson (Standard_OStream& theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth = -1) const;
298   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject,Standard_Transient)
300 private:
302   XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionType myType;
303   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) myVal;
304   XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionQualifier myQualifier;
305   Standard_Boolean myIsHole;
306   XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionFormVariance myFormVariance;
307   XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionGrade myGrade;
308   Standard_Integer myL;
309   Standard_Integer myR;
310   XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModifiersSequence myModifiers;
311   TopoDS_Edge myPath;
312   gp_Dir myDir;
313   gp_Pnt myPnt1, myPnt2;
314   Standard_Boolean myHasPoint1, myHasPoint2;
315   gp_Ax2 myPlane;
316   Standard_Boolean myHasPlane;
317   Standard_Boolean myHasPntText;
318   gp_Pnt myPntText;
319   TopoDS_Shape myPresentation;
320   Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) mySemanticName;
321   Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) myPresentationName;
322   NCollection_Vector<Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)> myDescriptions;
323   NCollection_Vector<Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)> myDescriptionNames;
325 };
327 #endif // _XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject_HeaderFile