1 // Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Matra Datavision
2 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
3 //
4 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
5 //
6 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
8 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
9 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
10 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
11 //
12 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
13 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
15 // Lpa, le 7/02/92
17 #include <math_DoubleTab.hxx>
18 #include <Standard_Failure.hxx>
19 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
20 #include <Standard_OutOfRange.hxx>
22 // macro to get size of C array
23 #define CARRAY_LENGTH(arr) (int)(sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]))
Allocate()25 void math_DoubleTab::Allocate()
26 {
27   Standard_Integer RowNumber = UppR - LowR + 1;
28   Standard_Integer ColNumber = UppC - LowC + 1;
30   if(isAllocated)
31     Addr = (Standard_Real*) Standard::Allocate(RowNumber * ColNumber * sizeof(Standard_Real));
32 }
math_DoubleTab(const Standard_Integer LowerRow,const Standard_Integer UpperRow,const Standard_Integer LowerCol,const Standard_Integer UpperCol)34 math_DoubleTab::math_DoubleTab(const Standard_Integer LowerRow,
35 			       const Standard_Integer UpperRow,
36 			       const Standard_Integer LowerCol,
37 			       const Standard_Integer UpperCol) :
38   Addr(Buf),
39   isAllocated((UpperRow - LowerRow + 1) * (UpperCol - LowerCol + 1) > CARRAY_LENGTH(Buf)),
40   LowR(LowerRow),
41   UppR(UpperRow),
42   LowC(LowerCol),
43   UppC(UpperCol)
44 {
45   Allocate();
46 }
math_DoubleTab(const Standard_Address Tab,const Standard_Integer LowerRow,const Standard_Integer UpperRow,const Standard_Integer LowerCol,const Standard_Integer UpperCol)48 math_DoubleTab::math_DoubleTab(const Standard_Address Tab,
49 			       const Standard_Integer LowerRow,
50 			       const Standard_Integer UpperRow,
51 			       const Standard_Integer LowerCol,
52 			       const Standard_Integer UpperCol) :
53   Addr(Tab),
54   isAllocated(Standard_False),
55   LowR(LowerRow),
56   UppR(UpperRow),
57   LowC(LowerCol),
58   UppC(UpperCol)
59 {
60   Allocate();
61 }
Init(const Standard_Real InitValue)63 void math_DoubleTab::Init(const Standard_Real InitValue)
64 {
65   for (Standard_Integer anIndex = 0; anIndex < (UppR - LowR + 1) * (UppC - LowC + 1); anIndex++)
66   {
67     ((Standard_Real* )Addr)[anIndex] = InitValue;
68   }
69 }
math_DoubleTab(const math_DoubleTab & Other)71 math_DoubleTab::math_DoubleTab(const math_DoubleTab& Other) :
72   Addr(Buf),
73   isAllocated((Other.UppR - Other.LowR + 1) *
74               (Other.UppC - Other.LowC + 1) > CARRAY_LENGTH(Buf)),
75   LowR(Other.LowR),
76   UppR(Other.UppR),
77   LowC(Other.LowC),
78   UppC(Other.UppC)
79 {
80   Allocate();
81   memmove (Addr, Other.Addr, (int)((UppR - LowR + 1) * (UppC - LowC + 1) * sizeof(Standard_Real)));
82 }
Free()84 void math_DoubleTab::Free()
85 {
86   // free the data
87   if(isAllocated)
88   {
89     Standard::Free (Addr);
90   }
92   Addr = 0;
93 }
SetLowerRow(const Standard_Integer LowerRow)95 void math_DoubleTab::SetLowerRow(const Standard_Integer LowerRow)
96 {
97   UppR = UppR - LowR + LowerRow;
98   LowR = LowerRow;
99 }
SetLowerCol(const Standard_Integer LowerCol)101 void math_DoubleTab::SetLowerCol(const Standard_Integer LowerCol)
102 {
103   UppC = UppC - LowC + LowerCol;
104   LowC = LowerCol;
105 }