1 // *****************************************************************************
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Copyright 2012 - 2017, Cadence Design Systems
4 //
5 // This  file  is  part  of  the  Cadence  LEF/DEF  Open   Source
6 // Distribution,  Product Version 5.8.
7 //
8 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9 //    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10 //    You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 //
12 //        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 //
14 //    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 //    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
17 //    implied. See the License for the specific language governing
18 //    permissions and limitations under the License.
19 //
20 // For updates, support, or to become part of the LEF/DEF Community,
21 // check www.openeda.org for details.
22 //
23 //  $Author$
24 //  $Revision$
25 //  $Date$
26 //  $State:  $
27 // *****************************************************************************
28 // *****************************************************************************
30 #include <stdlib.h>
31 #include <stdio.h>
32 #include <string.h>
33 #include <time.h>
34 #ifndef WIN32
35 #   include <unistd.h>
36 #endif /* not WIN32 */
37 #include "defrReader.hpp"
38 #include "defiAlias.hpp"
40 char defaultName[64];
41 char defaultOut[64];
43 // Global variables
44 FILE* fout;
45 void* userData;
46 int numObjs;
47 int isSumSet;      // to keep track if within SUM
48 int isProp = 0;    // for PROPERTYDEFINITIONS
49 int begOperand;    // to keep track for constraint, to print - as the 1st char
50 static double curVer = 0;
51 static int setSNetWireCbk = 0;
52 static int isSessionless = 0;
53 static int ignoreRowNames = 0;
54 static int ignoreViaNames = 0;
55 static int testDebugPrint = 0;  // test for ccr1488696
myLogFunction(const char * errMsg)59 void myLogFunction(const char* errMsg){
60    fprintf(fout, "ERROR: found error: %s\n", errMsg);
61 }
myWarningLogFunction(const char * errMsg)63 void myWarningLogFunction(const char* errMsg){
64    fprintf(fout, "WARNING: found error: %s\n", errMsg);
65 }
dataError()67 void dataError() {
68   fprintf(fout, "ERROR: returned user data is not correct!\n");
69 }
checkType(defrCallbackType_e c)71 void checkType(defrCallbackType_e c) {
72   if (c >= 0 && c <= defrDesignEndCbkType) {
73     // OK
74   } else {
75     fprintf(fout, "ERROR: callback type is out of bounds!\n");
76   }
77 }
done(defrCallbackType_e c,void *,defiUserData ud)80 int done(defrCallbackType_e c, void*, defiUserData ud) {
81   checkType(c);
82   if (ud != userData) dataError();
83   fprintf(fout, "END DESIGN\n");
84   return 0;
85 }
endfunc(defrCallbackType_e c,void *,defiUserData ud)87 int endfunc(defrCallbackType_e c, void*, defiUserData ud) {
88   checkType(c);
89   if (ud != userData) dataError();
90   return 0;
91 }
orientStr(int orient)94 char* orientStr(int orient) {
95   switch (orient) {
96       case 0: return ((char*)"N");
97       case 1: return ((char*)"W");
98       case 2: return ((char*)"S");
99       case 3: return ((char*)"E");
100       case 4: return ((char*)"FN");
101       case 5: return ((char*)"FW");
102       case 6: return ((char*)"FS");
103       case 7: return ((char*)"FE");
104   };
105   return ((char*)"BOGUS");
106 }
compMSL(defrCallbackType_e c,defiComponentMaskShiftLayer * co,defiUserData ud)108 int compMSL(defrCallbackType_e c, defiComponentMaskShiftLayer* co, defiUserData ud) {
109   int i;
111   checkType(c);
112   if (ud != userData) dataError();
114     if (co->numMaskShiftLayers()) {
115 	fprintf(fout, "\nCOMPONENTMASKSHIFT ");
117 	for (i = 0; i < co->numMaskShiftLayers(); i++) {
118            fprintf(fout, "%s ", co->maskShiftLayer(i));
119 	}
120 	fprintf(fout, ";\n");
121     }
123   return 0;
124 }
compf(defrCallbackType_e c,defiComponent * co,defiUserData ud)126 int compf(defrCallbackType_e c, defiComponent* co, defiUserData ud) {
127   if (testDebugPrint) {
128       co->print(fout);
129   } else {
130       int i;
132       checkType(c);
133       if (ud != userData) dataError();
134     //  missing GENERATE, FOREIGN
135         fprintf(fout, "- %s %s ", co->id(),
136                 co->name());
137     //    co->changeIdAndName("idName", "modelName");
138     //    fprintf(fout, "%s %s ", co->id(),
139     //            co->name());
140         if (co->hasNets()) {
141             for (i = 0; i < co->numNets(); i++)
142                  fprintf(fout, "%s ", co->net(i));
143         }
144         if (co->isFixed())
145             fprintf(fout, "+ FIXED %d %d %s ",
146                     co->placementX(),
147                     co->placementY(),
148                     //orientStr(co->placementOrient()));
149                     co->placementOrientStr());
150         if (co->isCover())
151             fprintf(fout, "+ COVER %d %d %s ",
152                     co->placementX(),
153                     co->placementY(),
154                     orientStr(co->placementOrient()));
155         if (co->isPlaced())
156             fprintf(fout,"+ PLACED %d %d %s ",
157                     co->placementX(),
158                     co->placementY(),
159                     orientStr(co->placementOrient()));
160         if (co->isUnplaced()) {
161             fprintf(fout,"+ UNPLACED ");
162             if ((co->placementX() != -1) ||
163                 (co->placementY() != -1))
164                fprintf(fout,"%d %d %s ",
165                        co->placementX(),
166                        co->placementY(),
167                        orientStr(co->placementOrient()));
168         }
169         if (co->hasSource())
170             fprintf(fout, "+ SOURCE %s ", co->source());
171         if (co->hasGenerate()) {
172             fprintf(fout, "+ GENERATE %s ", co->generateName());
173             if (co->macroName() &&
174                 *(co->macroName()))
175                fprintf(fout, "%s ", co->macroName());
176         }
177         if (co->hasWeight())
178             fprintf(fout, "+ WEIGHT %d ", co->weight());
179         if (co->hasEEQ())
180             fprintf(fout, "+ EEQMASTER %s ", co->EEQ());
181         if (co->hasRegionName())
182             fprintf(fout, "+ REGION %s ", co->regionName());
183         if (co->hasRegionBounds()) {
184             int *xl, *yl, *xh, *yh;
185             int size;
186             co->regionBounds(&size, &xl, &yl, &xh, &yh);
187             for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
188                 fprintf(fout, "+ REGION %d %d %d %d \n",
189                         xl[i], yl[i], xh[i], yh[i]);
190             }
191         }
192         if (co->maskShiftSize()) {
193             fprintf(fout, "+ MASKSHIFT ");
195             for (int i = co->maskShiftSize()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
196                 fprintf(fout, "%d", co->maskShift(i));
197             }
198             fprintf(fout, "\n");
199         }
200         if (co->hasHalo()) {
201             int left, bottom, right, top;
202             (void) co->haloEdges(&left, &bottom, &right, &top);
203             fprintf(fout, "+ HALO ");
204             if (co->hasHaloSoft())
205                fprintf(fout, "SOFT ");
206             fprintf(fout, "%d %d %d %d\n", left, bottom, right, top);
207         }
208         if (co->hasRouteHalo()) {
209             fprintf(fout, "+ ROUTEHALO %d %s %s\n", co->haloDist(),
210                     co->minLayer(), co->maxLayer());
211         }
212         if (co->hasForeignName()) {
213             fprintf(fout, "+ FOREIGN %s %d %d %s %d ",
214                     co->foreignName(), co->foreignX(),
215                     co->foreignY(), co->foreignOri(),
216                     co->foreignOrient());
217         }
218         if (co->numProps()) {
219             for (i = 0; i < co->numProps(); i++) {
220                 fprintf(fout, "+ PROPERTY %s %s ", co->propName(i),
221                         co->propValue(i));
222                 switch (co->propType(i)) {
223                    case 'R': fprintf(fout, "REAL ");
224                              break;
225                    case 'I': fprintf(fout, "INTEGER ");
226                              break;
227                    case 'S': fprintf(fout, "STRING ");
228                              break;
229                    case 'Q': fprintf(fout, "QUOTESTRING ");
230                              break;
231                    case 'N': fprintf(fout, "NUMBER ");
232                              break;
233                 }
234             }
235         }
236         fprintf(fout, ";\n");
237         --numObjs;
238         if (numObjs <= 0)
239             fprintf(fout, "END COMPONENTS\n");
240     }
242     return 0;
243 }
netpath(defrCallbackType_e,defiNet *,defiUserData)246 int netpath(defrCallbackType_e, defiNet*, defiUserData) {
247   fprintf(fout, "\n");
249   fprintf (fout, "Callback of partial path for net\n");
251   return 0;
252 }
netNamef(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * netName,defiUserData ud)255 int netNamef(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* netName, defiUserData ud) {
256   checkType(c);
257   if (ud != userData) dataError();
258     fprintf(fout, "- %s ", netName);
259   return 0;
260 }
subnetNamef(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * subnetName,defiUserData ud)262 int subnetNamef(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* subnetName, defiUserData ud) {
263   checkType(c);
264   if (ud != userData) dataError();
265     if (curVer >= 5.6)
266       fprintf(fout, "   + SUBNET CBK %s ", subnetName);
267   return 0;
268 }
nondefRulef(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * ruleName,defiUserData ud)270 int nondefRulef(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* ruleName, defiUserData ud) {
271   checkType(c);
272   if (ud != userData) dataError();
273     if (curVer >= 5.6)
274       fprintf(fout, "   + NONDEFAULTRULE CBK %s ", ruleName);
275   return 0;
276 }
netf(defrCallbackType_e c,defiNet * net,defiUserData ud)278 int netf(defrCallbackType_e c, defiNet* net, defiUserData ud) {
279   // For net and special net.
280   int        i, j, k, w, x, y, z, count, newLayer;
281   defiPath*  p;
282   defiSubnet *s;
283   int        path;
284   defiVpin   *vpin;
285   // defiShield *noShield;
286   defiWire   *wire;
288   checkType(c);
289   if (ud != userData) dataError();
290   if (c != defrNetCbkType)
291       fprintf(fout, "BOGUS NET TYPE  ");
292   if (net->pinIsMustJoin(0))
293       fprintf(fout, "- MUSTJOIN ");
294 // 5/6/2004 - don't need since I have a callback for the name
295 //  else
296 //      fprintf(fout, "- %s ", net->name());
298 //  net->changeNetName("newNetName");
299 //  fprintf(fout, "%s ", net->name());
300   count = 0;
301   // compName & pinName
302   for (i = 0; i < net->numConnections(); i++) {
303       // set the limit of only 5 items per line
304       count++;
305       if (count >= 5) {
306           fprintf(fout, "\n");
307           count = 0;
308       }
309       fprintf(fout, "( %s %s ) ", net->instance(i),
310               net->pin(i));
311 //      net->changeInstance("newInstance", i);
312 //      net->changePin("newPin", i);
313 //      fprintf(fout, "( %s %s ) ", net->instance(i),
314 //              net->pin(i));
315       if (net->pinIsSynthesized(i))
316           fprintf(fout, "+ SYNTHESIZED ");
317   }
319   if (net->hasNonDefaultRule())
320       fprintf(fout, "+ NONDEFAULTRULE %s\n", net->nonDefaultRule());
322   for (i = 0; i < net->numVpins(); i++) {
323       vpin = net->vpin(i);
324       fprintf(fout, "  + %s", vpin->name());
325       if (vpin->layer())
326           fprintf(fout, " %s", vpin->layer());
327       fprintf(fout, " %d %d %d %d", vpin->xl(), vpin->yl(), vpin->xh(),
328               vpin->yh());
329       if (vpin->status() != ' ') {
330           fprintf(fout, " %c", vpin->status());
331           fprintf(fout, " %d %d", vpin->xLoc(), vpin->yLoc());
332           if (vpin->orient() != -1)
333               fprintf(fout, " %s", orientStr(vpin->orient()));
334       }
335       fprintf(fout, "\n");
336   }
338   // regularWiring
339   if (net->numWires()) {
340      for (i = 0; i < net->numWires(); i++) {
341         newLayer = 0;
342         wire = net->wire(i);
343         fprintf(fout, "\n  + %s ", wire->wireType());
344         count = 0;
345         for (j = 0; j < wire->numPaths(); j++) {
346            p = wire->path(j);
347            p->initTraverse();
348            while ((path = (int)p->next()) != DEFIPATH_DONE) {
349               count++;
350               // Don't want the line to be too long
351               if (count >= 5) {
352                   fprintf(fout, "\n");
353                   count = 0;
354               }
355               switch (path) {
356                 case DEFIPATH_LAYER:
357                      if (newLayer == 0) {
358                          fprintf(fout, "%s ", p->getLayer());
359                          newLayer = 1;
360                      } else
361                          fprintf(fout, "NEW %s ", p->getLayer());
362                      break;
363 		case DEFIPATH_MASK:
364 		     fprintf(fout, "MASK %d ", p->getMask());
365                      break;
366                 case DEFIPATH_VIAMASK:
367                      fprintf(fout, "MASK %d%d%d ",
368                              p->getViaTopMask(),
369                              p->getViaCutMask(),
370                              p->getViaBottomMask());
371                      break;
372                 case DEFIPATH_VIA:
373                      fprintf(fout, "%s ", ignoreViaNames ? "XXX" : p->getVia());
374                      break;
375                 case DEFIPATH_VIAROTATION:
376                      fprintf(fout, "%s ",
377                              orientStr(p->getViaRotation()));
378                      break;
379 		case DEFIPATH_RECT:
380 		     p->getViaRect(&w, &x, &y, &z);
381                      fprintf(fout, "RECT ( %d %d %d %d ) ", w, x, y, z);
382                      break;
384 		     p->getVirtualPoint(&x, &y);
385 		     fprintf(fout, "VIRTUAL ( %d %d ) ", x, y);
386                      break;
387                 case DEFIPATH_WIDTH:
388                      fprintf(fout, "%d ", p->getWidth());
389                      break;
390                 case DEFIPATH_POINT:
391                      p->getPoint(&x, &y);
392                      fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) ", x, y);
393                      break;
394                 case DEFIPATH_FLUSHPOINT:
395                      p->getFlushPoint(&x, &y, &z);
396                      fprintf(fout, "( %d %d %d ) ", x, y, z);
397                      break;
398                 case DEFIPATH_TAPER:
399                      fprintf(fout, "TAPER ");
400                      break;
401                 case DEFIPATH_TAPERRULE:
402                      fprintf(fout, "TAPERRULE %s ",p->getTaperRule());
403                      break;
404                 case DEFIPATH_STYLE:
405                      fprintf(fout, "STYLE %d ",p->getStyle());
406                      break;
407               }
408            }
409         }
410         fprintf(fout, "\n");
411         count = 0;
412      }
413   }
415   // SHIELDNET
416   if (net->numShieldNets()) {
417      for (i = 0; i < net->numShieldNets(); i++)
418          fprintf(fout, "\n  + SHIELDNET %s", net->shieldNet(i));
419   }
420 /* obsolete in 5.4
421   if (net->numNoShields()) {
422      for (i = 0; i < net->numNoShields(); i++) {
423          noShield = net->noShield(i);
424          fprintf(fout, "\n  + NOSHIELD ");
425          newLayer = 0;
426          for (j = 0; j < noShield->numPaths(); j++) {
427             p = noShield->path(j);
428             p->initTraverse();
429             while ((path = (int)p->next()) != DEFIPATH_DONE) {
430                count++;
431                // Don't want the line to be too long
432                if (count >= 5) {
433                    fprintf(fout, "\n");
434                    count = 0;
435                }
436                switch (path) {
437                  case DEFIPATH_LAYER:
438                       if (newLayer == 0) {
439                           fprintf(fout, "%s ", p->getLayer());
440                           newLayer = 1;
441                       } else
442                           fprintf(fout, "NEW %s ", p->getLayer());
443                       break;
444                  case DEFIPATH_VIA:
445                       fprintf(fout, "%s ", p->getVia());
446                       break;
447                  case DEFIPATH_VIAROTATION:
448                       fprintf(fout, "%s ",
449                              orientStr(p->getViaRotation()));
450                       break;
451                  case DEFIPATH_WIDTH:
452                       fprintf(fout, "%d ", p->getWidth());
453                       break;
454                  case DEFIPATH_POINT:
455                       p->getPoint(&x, &y);
456                       fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) ", x, y);
457                       break;
458                  case DEFIPATH_FLUSHPOINT:
459                       p->getFlushPoint(&x, &y, &z);
460                       fprintf(fout, "( %d %d %d ) ", x, y, z);
461                       break;
462                  case DEFIPATH_TAPER:
463                       fprintf(fout, "TAPER ");
464                       break;
465                  case DEFIPATH_TAPERRULE:
466                       fprintf(fout, "TAPERRULE %s ",
467                               p->getTaperRule());
468                       break;
469                }
470             }
471          }
472      }
473   }
474 */
476   if (net->hasSubnets()) {
477      for (i = 0; i < net->numSubnets(); i++) {
478         s = net->subnet(i);
479         fprintf(fout, "\n");
481         if (s->numConnections()) {
482            if (s->pinIsMustJoin(0))
483               fprintf(fout, "- MUSTJOIN ");
484            else
485               fprintf(fout, "  + SUBNET %s ", s->name());
486            for (j = 0; j < s->numConnections(); j++)
487               fprintf(fout, " ( %s %s )\n", s->instance(j),
488                       s->pin(j));
490            // regularWiring
491            if (s->numWires()) {
492               for (k = 0; k < s->numWires(); k++) {
493                  newLayer = 0;
494                  wire = s->wire(k);
495                  fprintf(fout, "  %s ", wire->wireType());
496                  count = 0;
497                  for (j = 0; j < wire->numPaths(); j++) {
498                     p = wire->path(j);
499                     p->initTraverse();
500                     while ((path = (int)p->next()) != DEFIPATH_DONE) {
501                        count++;
502                        // Don't want the line to be too long
503                        if (count >= 5) {
504                            fprintf(fout, "\n");
505                            count = 0;
506                        }
507                        switch (path) {
508                          case DEFIPATH_LAYER:
509                               if (newLayer == 0) {
510                                   fprintf(fout, "%s ", p->getLayer());
511                                   newLayer = 1;
512                               } else
513                                   fprintf(fout, "NEW %s ",
514                                           p->getLayer());
515                               break;
516                          case DEFIPATH_VIA:
517                               fprintf(fout, "%s ", ignoreViaNames ? "XXX" : p->getVia());
518                               break;
519                          case DEFIPATH_VIAROTATION:
520                               fprintf(fout, "%s ",
521                                       p->getViaRotationStr());
522                               break;
523                          case DEFIPATH_WIDTH:
524                               fprintf(fout, "%d ", p->getWidth());
525                               break;
526                          case DEFIPATH_POINT:
527                               p->getPoint(&x, &y);
528                               fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) ", x, y);
529                               break;
530                          case DEFIPATH_FLUSHPOINT:
531                               p->getFlushPoint(&x, &y, &z);
532                               fprintf(fout, "( %d %d %d ) ", x, y, z);
533                               break;
534                          case DEFIPATH_TAPER:
535                               fprintf(fout, "TAPER ");
536                               break;
537                          case DEFIPATH_TAPERRULE:
538                               fprintf(fout, "TAPERRULE  %s ",
539                                       p->getTaperRule());
540                               break;
541                          case DEFIPATH_STYLE:
542                               fprintf(fout, "STYLE  %d ",
543                                       p->getStyle());
544                               break;
545                        }
546                     }
547                  }
548               }
549            }
550          }
551       }
552    }
554   if (net->numProps()) {
555     for (i = 0; i < net->numProps(); i++) {
556         fprintf(fout, "  + PROPERTY %s ", net->propName(i));
557         switch (net->propType(i)) {
558            case 'R': fprintf(fout, "%g REAL ", net->propNumber(i));
559                      break;
560            case 'I': fprintf(fout, "%g INTEGER ", net->propNumber(i));
561                      break;
562            case 'S': fprintf(fout, "%s STRING ", net->propValue(i));
563                      break;
564            case 'Q': fprintf(fout, "%s QUOTESTRING ", net->propValue(i));
565                      break;
566            case 'N': fprintf(fout, "%g NUMBER ", net->propNumber(i));
567                      break;
568         }
569         fprintf(fout, "\n");
570     }
571   }
573   if (net->hasWeight())
574     fprintf(fout, "+ WEIGHT %d ", net->weight());
575   if (net->hasCap())
576     fprintf(fout, "+ ESTCAP %g ", net->cap());
577   if (net->hasSource())
578     fprintf(fout, "+ SOURCE %s ", net->source());
579   if (net->hasFixedbump())
580     fprintf(fout, "+ FIXEDBUMP ");
581   if (net->hasFrequency())
582     fprintf(fout, "+ FREQUENCY %g ", net->frequency());
583   if (net->hasPattern())
584     fprintf(fout, "+ PATTERN %s ", net->pattern());
585   if (net->hasOriginal())
586     fprintf(fout, "+ ORIGINAL %s ", net->original());
587   if (net->hasUse())
588     fprintf(fout, "+ USE %s ", net->use());
590   fprintf (fout, ";\n");
591   --numObjs;
592   if (numObjs <= 0)
593       fprintf(fout, "END NETS\n");
594   return 0;
595 }
snetpath(defrCallbackType_e c,defiNet * ppath,defiUserData ud)598 int snetpath(defrCallbackType_e c, defiNet* ppath, defiUserData ud) {
599   int         i, j, x, y, z, count, newLayer;
600   char*       layerName;
601   double      dist, left, right;
602   defiPath*   p;
603   defiSubnet  *s;
604   int         path;
605   defiShield* shield;
606   defiWire*   wire;
607   int         numX, numY, stepX, stepY;
609   if (c != defrSNetPartialPathCbkType)
610       return 1;
611   if (ud != userData) dataError();
613   fprintf (fout, "SPECIALNET partial data\n");
615   fprintf(fout, "- %s ", ppath->name());
617   count = 0;
618   // compName & pinName
619   for (i = 0; i < ppath->numConnections(); i++) {
620       // set the limit of only 5 items print out in one line
621       count++;
622       if (count >= 5) {
623           fprintf(fout, "\n");
624           count = 0;
625       }
626       fprintf (fout, "( %s %s ) ", ppath->instance(i),
627                ppath->pin(i));
628       if (ppath->pinIsSynthesized(i))
629           fprintf(fout, "+ SYNTHESIZED ");
630   }
632   // specialWiring
633   // POLYGON
634   if (ppath->numPolygons()) {
635      defiPoints points;
636     for (i = 0; i < ppath->numPolygons(); i++) {
637       fprintf(fout, "\n  + POLYGON %s ", ppath->polygonName(i));
638       points = ppath->getPolygon(i);
639       for (j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++)
640         fprintf(fout, "%d %d ", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
641     }
642   }
643   // RECT
644   if (ppath->numRectangles()) {
645      for (i = 0; i < ppath->numRectangles(); i++) {
646        fprintf(fout, "\n  + RECT %s %d %d %d %d", ppath->rectName(i),
647                ppath->xl(i), ppath->yl(i),
648                ppath->xh(i), ppath->yh(i));
649      }
650   }
653   if (ppath->numWires()) {
654      newLayer = 0;
655      for (i = 0; i < ppath->numWires(); i++) {
656         newLayer = 0;
657         wire = ppath->wire(i);
658         fprintf(fout, "\n  + %s ", wire->wireType());
659         if (strcmp (wire->wireType(), "SHIELD") == 0)
660            fprintf(fout, "%s ", wire->wireShieldNetName());
661         for (j = 0; j < wire->numPaths(); j++) {
662            p = wire->path(j);
663            p->initTraverse();
664            while ((path = (int)p->next()) != DEFIPATH_DONE) {
665               count++;
666               // Don't want the line to be too long
667               if (count >= 5) {
668                   fprintf(fout, "\n");
669                   count = 0;
670               }
671               switch (path) {
672                 case DEFIPATH_LAYER:
673                      if (newLayer == 0) {
674                          fprintf(fout, "%s ", p->getLayer());
675                          newLayer = 1;
676                      } else
677                          fprintf(fout, "NEW %s ", p->getLayer());
678                      break;
679                 case DEFIPATH_VIA:
680                      fprintf(fout, "%s ", ignoreViaNames ? "XXX" : p->getVia());
681                      break;
682                 case DEFIPATH_VIAROTATION:
683                      fprintf(fout, "%s ",
684                              orientStr(p->getViaRotation()));
685                      break;
686                 case DEFIPATH_VIADATA:
687                      p->getViaData(&numX, &numY, &stepX, &stepY);
688                      fprintf(fout, "DO %d BY %d STEP %d %d ", numX, numY,
689                              stepX, stepY);
690                      break;
691                 case DEFIPATH_WIDTH:
692                      fprintf(fout, "%d ", p->getWidth());
693                      break;
694 		case DEFIPATH_MASK:
695 		     fprintf(fout, "MASK %d ", p->getMask());
696 		     break;
697                 case DEFIPATH_VIAMASK:
698                     fprintf(fout, "MASK %d%d%d ",
699                             p->getViaTopMask(),
700                             p->getViaCutMask(),
701                             p->getViaBottomMask());
702                     break;
703                 case DEFIPATH_POINT:
704                      p->getPoint(&x, &y);
705                      fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) ", x, y);
706                      break;
707                 case DEFIPATH_FLUSHPOINT:
708                      p->getFlushPoint(&x, &y, &z);
709                      fprintf(fout, "( %d %d %d ) ", x, y, z);
710                      break;
711                 case DEFIPATH_TAPER:
712                      fprintf(fout, "TAPER ");
713                      break;
714                 case DEFIPATH_SHAPE:
715                      fprintf(fout, "+ SHAPE %s ", p->getShape());
716                      break;
717                 case DEFIPATH_STYLE:
718                      fprintf(fout, "+ STYLE %d ", p->getStyle());
719                      break;
720               }
721            }
722         }
723         fprintf(fout, "\n");
724         count = 0;
725      }
726   }
728   if (ppath->hasSubnets()) {
729     for (i = 0; i < ppath->numSubnets(); i++) {
730       s = ppath->subnet(i);
731       if (s->numConnections()) {
732           if (s->pinIsMustJoin(0))
733               fprintf(fout, "- MUSTJOIN ");
734           else
735               fprintf(fout, "- %s ", s->name());
736           for (j = 0; j < s->numConnections(); j++) {
737               fprintf(fout, " ( %s %s )\n", s->instance(j),
738                       s->pin(j));
739         }
740       }
742       // regularWiring
743       if (s->numWires()) {
744          for (i = 0; i < s->numWires(); i++) {
745             wire = s->wire(i);
746             fprintf(fout, "  + %s ", wire->wireType());
747             for (j = 0; j < wire->numPaths(); j++) {
748               p = wire->path(j);
749               p->print(fout);
750             }
751          }
752       }
753     }
754   }
756   if (ppath->numProps()) {
757     for (i = 0; i < ppath->numProps(); i++) {
758         if (ppath->propIsString(i))
759            fprintf(fout, "  + PROPERTY %s %s ", ppath->propName(i),
760                    ppath->propValue(i));
761         if (ppath->propIsNumber(i))
762            fprintf(fout, "  + PROPERTY %s %g ", ppath->propName(i),
763                    ppath->propNumber(i));
764         switch (ppath->propType(i)) {
765            case 'R': fprintf(fout, "REAL ");
766                      break;
767            case 'I': fprintf(fout, "INTEGER ");
768                      break;
769            case 'S': fprintf(fout, "STRING ");
770                      break;
771            case 'Q': fprintf(fout, "QUOTESTRING ");
772                      break;
773            case 'N': fprintf(fout, "NUMBER ");
774                      break;
775         }
776         fprintf(fout, "\n");
777     }
778   }
780   // SHIELD
781   count = 0;
782   // testing the SHIELD for 5.3, obsolete in 5.4
783   if (ppath->numShields()) {
784     for (i = 0; i < ppath->numShields(); i++) {
785        shield = ppath->shield(i);
786        fprintf(fout, "\n  + SHIELD %s ", shield->shieldName());
787        newLayer = 0;
788        for (j = 0; j < shield->numPaths(); j++) {
789           p = shield->path(j);
790           p->initTraverse();
791           while ((path = (int)p->next()) != DEFIPATH_DONE) {
792              count++;
793              // Don't want the line to be too long
794              if (count >= 5) {
795                  fprintf(fout, "\n");
796                  count = 0;
797              }
798              switch (path) {
799                case DEFIPATH_LAYER:
800                     if (newLayer == 0) {
801                         fprintf(fout, "%s ", p->getLayer());
802                         newLayer = 1;
803                     } else
804                         fprintf(fout, "NEW %s ", p->getLayer());
805                     break;
806                case DEFIPATH_VIA:
807                     fprintf(fout, "%s ", ignoreViaNames ? "XXX" : p->getVia());
808                     break;
809                case DEFIPATH_VIAROTATION:
810                     if (newLayer)
811                        fprintf(fout, "%s ",
812                                orientStr(p->getViaRotation()));
813                     else
814                        fprintf(fout, "Str %s ",
815                                p->getViaRotationStr());
816                     break;
817                case DEFIPATH_WIDTH:
818                     fprintf(fout, "%d ", p->getWidth());
819                     break;
820 	       case DEFIPATH_MASK:
821 		    fprintf(fout, "MASK %d ", p->getMask());
822 		    break;
823                case DEFIPATH_VIAMASK:
824                     fprintf(fout, "MASK %d%d%d ",
825                             p->getViaTopMask(),
826                             p->getViaCutMask(),
827                             p->getViaBottomMask());
828                     break;
829                case DEFIPATH_POINT:
830                     p->getPoint(&x, &y);
831                     fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) ", x, y);
832                     break;
833                case DEFIPATH_FLUSHPOINT:
834                     p->getFlushPoint(&x, &y, &z);
835                     fprintf(fout, "( %d %d %d ) ", x, y, z);
836                     break;
837                case DEFIPATH_TAPER:
838                     fprintf(fout, "TAPER ");
839                     break;
840                case DEFIPATH_SHAPE:
841                     fprintf(fout, "+ SHAPE %s ", p->getShape());
842                     break;
843                case DEFIPATH_STYLE:
844                     fprintf(fout, "+ STYLE %d ", p->getStyle());
845              }
846           }
847        }
848     }
849   }
851   // layerName width
852   if (ppath->hasWidthRules()) {
853     for (i = 0; i < ppath->numWidthRules(); i++) {
854         ppath->widthRule(i, &layerName, &dist);
855         fprintf (fout, "\n  + WIDTH %s %g ", layerName, dist);
856     }
857   }
859   // layerName spacing
860   if (ppath->hasSpacingRules()) {
861     for (i = 0; i < ppath->numSpacingRules(); i++) {
862         ppath->spacingRule(i, &layerName, &dist, &left, &right);
863         if (left == right)
864             fprintf (fout, "\n  + SPACING %s %g ", layerName, dist);
865         else
866             fprintf (fout, "\n  + SPACING %s %g RANGE %g %g ",
867                      layerName, dist, left, right);
868     }
869   }
871   if (ppath->hasFixedbump())
872     fprintf(fout, "\n  + FIXEDBUMP ");
873   if (ppath->hasFrequency())
874     fprintf(fout, "\n  + FREQUENCY %g ", ppath->frequency());
875   if (ppath->hasVoltage())
876     fprintf(fout, "\n  + VOLTAGE %g ", ppath->voltage());
877   if (ppath->hasWeight())
878     fprintf(fout, "\n  + WEIGHT %d ", ppath->weight());
879   if (ppath->hasCap())
880     fprintf(fout, "\n  + ESTCAP %g ", ppath->cap());
881   if (ppath->hasSource())
882     fprintf(fout, "\n  + SOURCE %s ", ppath->source());
883   if (ppath->hasPattern())
884     fprintf(fout, "\n  + PATTERN %s ", ppath->pattern());
885   if (ppath->hasOriginal())
886     fprintf(fout, "\n  + ORIGINAL %s ", ppath->original());
887   if (ppath->hasUse())
888     fprintf(fout, "\n  + USE %s ", ppath->use());
890   fprintf(fout, "\n");
892   return 0;
893 }
snetwire(defrCallbackType_e c,defiNet * ppath,defiUserData ud)896 int snetwire(defrCallbackType_e c, defiNet* ppath, defiUserData ud) {
897   int         i, j, x, y, z, count = 0, newLayer;
898   defiPath*   p;
899   int         path;
900   defiWire*   wire;
901   defiShield* shield;
902   int         numX, numY, stepX, stepY;
904   if (c != defrSNetWireCbkType)
905       return 1;
906   if (ud != userData) dataError();
908   fprintf (fout, "SPECIALNET wire data\n");
910   fprintf(fout, "- %s ", ppath->name());
912   // POLYGON
913   if (ppath->numPolygons()) {
914 	defiPoints points;
915 	for (i = 0; i < ppath->numPolygons(); i++) {
916 	    fprintf(fout, "\n  + POLYGON %s ", ppath->polygonName(i));
918 	    points = ppath->getPolygon(i);
920 	    for (j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++) {
921 		fprintf(fout, "%d %d ", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
922 	    }
923 	}
924   // RECT
925   }
926   if (ppath->numRectangles()) {
927 	for (i = 0; i < ppath->numRectangles(); i++) {
928 	    fprintf(fout, "\n  + RECT %s %d %d %d %d", ppath->rectName(i),
929             ppath->xl(i), ppath->yl(i),
930             ppath->xh(i), ppath->yh(i));
931 	}
932   }
933   // VIA
934   if (ppath->numViaSpecs()) {
935 	for (i = 0; i < ppath->numViaSpecs(); i++) {
936 	    fprintf(fout, "\n  + VIA %s ", ppath->viaName(i)),
937 	    fprintf(fout, " %s", ppath->viaOrientStr(i));
939 	    defiPoints points = ppath->getViaPts(i);
941 	    for (int j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++) {
942 		fprintf(fout, " %d %d", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
943 	    }
944 	}
945   }
947   // specialWiring
948   if (ppath->numWires()) {
949      newLayer = 0;
950      for (i = 0; i < ppath->numWires(); i++) {
951         newLayer = 0;
952         wire = ppath->wire(i);
953         fprintf(fout, "\n  + %s ", wire->wireType());
954         if (strcmp (wire->wireType(), "SHIELD") == 0)
955            fprintf(fout, "%s ", wire->wireShieldNetName());
956         for (j = 0; j < wire->numPaths(); j++) {
957            p = wire->path(j);
958            p->initTraverse();
959            while ((path = (int)p->next()) != DEFIPATH_DONE) {
960               count++;
961               // Don't want the line to be too long
962               if (count >= 5) {
963                   fprintf(fout, "\n");
964                   count = 0;
965               }
966               switch (path) {
967                 case DEFIPATH_LAYER:
968                      if (newLayer == 0) {
969                          fprintf(fout, "%s ", p->getLayer());
970                          newLayer = 1;
971                      } else
972                          fprintf(fout, "NEW %s ", p->getLayer());
973                      break;
974                 case DEFIPATH_VIA:
975                      fprintf(fout, "%s ", ignoreViaNames ? "XXX" : p->getVia());
976                      break;
977                 case DEFIPATH_VIAROTATION:
978                      fprintf(fout, "%s ",
979                              orientStr(p->getViaRotation()));
980                      break;
981                 case DEFIPATH_VIADATA:
982                      p->getViaData(&numX, &numY, &stepX, &stepY);
983                      fprintf(fout, "DO %d BY %d STEP %d %d ", numX, numY,
984                              stepX, stepY);
985                      break;
986                 case DEFIPATH_WIDTH:
987                      fprintf(fout, "%d ", p->getWidth());
988                      break;
989 		case DEFIPATH_MASK:
990 		     fprintf(fout, "MASK %d ", p->getMask());
991 		     break;
992                 case DEFIPATH_VIAMASK:
993                      fprintf(fout, "MASK %d%d%d ",
994                              p->getViaTopMask(),
995                              p->getViaCutMask(),
996                              p->getViaBottomMask());
997                     break;
998                 case DEFIPATH_POINT:
999                      p->getPoint(&x, &y);
1000                      fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) ", x, y);
1001                      break;
1002                 case DEFIPATH_FLUSHPOINT:
1003                      p->getFlushPoint(&x, &y, &z);
1004                      fprintf(fout, "( %d %d %d ) ", x, y, z);
1005                      break;
1006                 case DEFIPATH_TAPER:
1007                      fprintf(fout, "TAPER ");
1008                      break;
1009                 case DEFIPATH_SHAPE:
1010                      fprintf(fout, "+ SHAPE %s ", p->getShape());
1011                      break;
1012                 case DEFIPATH_STYLE:
1013                      fprintf(fout, "+ STYLE %d ", p->getStyle());
1014                      break;
1015               }
1016            }
1017         }
1018         fprintf(fout, "\n");
1019         count = 0;
1020      }
1021   } else if (ppath->numShields()) {
1022     for (i = 0; i < ppath->numShields(); i++) {
1023        shield = ppath->shield(i);
1024        fprintf(fout, "\n  + SHIELD %s ", shield->shieldName());
1025        newLayer = 0;
1026        for (j = 0; j < shield->numPaths(); j++) {
1027           p = shield->path(j);
1028           p->initTraverse();
1029           while ((path = (int)p->next()) != DEFIPATH_DONE) {
1030              count++;
1031              // Don't want the line to be too long
1032              if (count >= 5) {
1033                  fprintf(fout, "\n");
1034                  count = 0;
1035              }
1036              switch (path) {
1037                case DEFIPATH_LAYER:
1038                     if (newLayer == 0) {
1039                         fprintf(fout, "%s ", p->getLayer());
1040                         newLayer = 1;
1041                     } else
1042                         fprintf(fout, "NEW %s ", p->getLayer());
1043                     break;
1044                case DEFIPATH_VIA:
1045                     fprintf(fout, "%s ", ignoreViaNames ? "XXX" : p->getVia());
1046                     break;
1047                case DEFIPATH_VIAROTATION:
1048                     fprintf(fout, "%s ",
1049                             orientStr(p->getViaRotation()));
1050                     break;
1051                case DEFIPATH_WIDTH:
1052                     fprintf(fout, "%d ", p->getWidth());
1053                     break;
1054 	       case DEFIPATH_MASK:
1055 		    fprintf(fout, "MASK %d ", p->getMask());
1056 		    break;
1057                case DEFIPATH_VIAMASK:
1058                    fprintf(fout, "MASK %d%d%d ",
1059                            p->getViaTopMask(),
1060                            p->getViaCutMask(),
1061                            p->getViaBottomMask());
1062                    break;
1063                case DEFIPATH_POINT:
1064                     p->getPoint(&x, &y);
1065                     fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) ", x, y);
1066                     break;
1067                case DEFIPATH_FLUSHPOINT:
1068                     p->getFlushPoint(&x, &y, &z);
1069                     fprintf(fout, "( %d %d %d ) ", x, y, z);
1070                     break;
1071                case DEFIPATH_TAPER:
1072                     fprintf(fout, "TAPER ");
1073                     break;
1074                case DEFIPATH_SHAPE:
1075                     fprintf(fout, "+ SHAPE %s ", p->getShape());
1076                     break;
1077                case DEFIPATH_STYLE:
1078                     fprintf(fout, "+ STYLE %d ", p->getStyle());
1079                     break;
1080              }
1081           }
1082        }
1083     }
1084   }
1086   fprintf(fout, "\n");
1088   return 0;
1089 }
snetf(defrCallbackType_e c,defiNet * net,defiUserData ud)1091 int snetf(defrCallbackType_e c, defiNet* net, defiUserData ud) {
1092   // For net and special net.
1093   int         i, j, x, y, z, count, newLayer;
1094   char*       layerName;
1095   double      dist, left, right;
1096   defiPath*   p;
1097   defiSubnet  *s;
1098   int         path;
1099   defiShield* shield;
1100   defiWire*   wire;
1101   int         numX, numY, stepX, stepY;
1103   checkType(c);
1104   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1105   if (c != defrSNetCbkType)
1106       fprintf(fout, "BOGUS NET TYPE  ");
1108 // 5/6/2004 - don't need since I have a callback for the name
1109 //  fprintf(fout, "- %s ", net->name());
1111   count = 0;
1112   // compName & pinName
1113   for (i = 0; i < net->numConnections(); i++) {
1114       // set the limit of only 5 items print out in one line
1115       count++;
1116       if (count >= 5) {
1117           fprintf(fout, "\n");
1118           count = 0;
1119       }
1120       fprintf (fout, "( %s %s ) ", net->instance(i),
1121                net->pin(i));
1122       if (net->pinIsSynthesized(i))
1123           fprintf(fout, "+ SYNTHESIZED ");
1124   }
1126   // specialWiring
1127   if (net->numWires()) {
1128      newLayer = 0;
1129      for (i = 0; i < net->numWires(); i++) {
1130         newLayer = 0;
1131         wire = net->wire(i);
1132         fprintf(fout, "\n  + %s ", wire->wireType());
1133         if (strcmp (wire->wireType(), "SHIELD") == 0)
1134            fprintf(fout, "%s ", wire->wireShieldNetName());
1135         for (j = 0; j < wire->numPaths(); j++) {
1136             p = wire->path(j);
1137             p->initTraverse();
1138             if (testDebugPrint) {
1139                 p->print(fout);
1140             } else {
1141                 while ((path = (int)p->next()) != DEFIPATH_DONE) {
1142                   count++;
1143                   // Don't want the line to be too long
1144                   if (count >= 5) {
1145                       fprintf(fout, "\n");
1146                       count = 0;
1147                   }
1148                   switch (path) {
1149                     case DEFIPATH_LAYER:
1150                          if (newLayer == 0) {
1151                              fprintf(fout, "%s ", p->getLayer());
1152                              newLayer = 1;
1153                          } else
1154                              fprintf(fout, "NEW %s ", p->getLayer());
1155                          break;
1156                     case DEFIPATH_VIA:
1157                          fprintf(fout, "%s ", ignoreViaNames ? "XXX" : p->getVia());
1158                          break;
1159                     case DEFIPATH_VIAROTATION:
1160                          fprintf(fout, "%s ",
1161                                  orientStr(p->getViaRotation()));
1162                          break;
1163                     case DEFIPATH_VIADATA:
1164                          p->getViaData(&numX, &numY, &stepX, &stepY);
1165                          fprintf(fout, "DO %d BY %d STEP %d %d ", numX, numY,
1166                                  stepX, stepY);
1167                          break;
1168                     case DEFIPATH_WIDTH:
1169                          fprintf(fout, "%d ", p->getWidth());
1170                          break;
1171                     case DEFIPATH_MASK:
1172                          fprintf(fout, "MASK %d ", p->getMask());
1173                          break;
1174                     case DEFIPATH_VIAMASK:
1175                          fprintf(fout, "MASK %d%d%d ",
1176                                  p->getViaTopMask(),
1177                                  p->getViaCutMask(),
1178                                  p->getViaBottomMask());
1179                         break;
1180                     case DEFIPATH_POINT:
1181                          p->getPoint(&x, &y);
1182                          fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) ", x, y);
1183                          break;
1184                     case DEFIPATH_FLUSHPOINT:
1185                          p->getFlushPoint(&x, &y, &z);
1186                          fprintf(fout, "( %d %d %d ) ", x, y, z);
1187                          break;
1188                     case DEFIPATH_TAPER:
1189                          fprintf(fout, "TAPER ");
1190                          break;
1191                     case DEFIPATH_SHAPE:
1192                          fprintf(fout, "+ SHAPE %s ", p->getShape());
1193                          break;
1194                     case DEFIPATH_STYLE:
1195                          fprintf(fout, "+ STYLE %d ", p->getStyle());
1196                          break;
1197                     }
1198                 }
1199             }
1200         }
1201         fprintf(fout, "\n");
1202         count = 0;
1203      }
1204   }
1206   // POLYGON
1207   if (net->numPolygons()) {
1208     defiPoints points;
1210     for (i = 0; i < net->numPolygons(); i++) {
1211       if (curVer >= 5.8 ) {
1212 	 if (strcmp(net->polyRouteStatus(i), "") != 0) {
1213 	   fprintf(fout, "\n  + %s ", net->polyRouteStatus(i));
1214 	   if (strcmp(net->polyRouteStatus(i), "SHIELD") == 0) {
1215 	      fprintf(fout, "\n  + %s ", net->polyRouteStatusShieldName(i));
1216 	   }
1217          }
1218          if (strcmp(net->polyShapeType(i), "") != 0) {
1219 	   fprintf(fout, "\n  + SHAPE %s ", net->polyShapeType(i));
1220          }
1221       }
1222       if (net->polyMask(i)) {
1223 	  fprintf(fout, "\n  + MASK %d + POLYGON % s ", net->polyMask(i),
1224 		  net->polygonName(i));
1225       } else {
1226           fprintf(fout, "\n  + POLYGON %s ", net->polygonName(i));
1227       }
1228       points = net->getPolygon(i);
1229       for (j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++)
1230         fprintf(fout, "%d %d ", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
1231     }
1232   }
1233   // RECT
1234   if (net->numRectangles()) {
1236      for (i = 0; i < net->numRectangles(); i++) {
1237        if (curVer >= 5.8 ) {
1238 	 if (strcmp(net->rectRouteStatus(i), "") != 0) {
1239 	   fprintf(fout, "\n  + %s ", net->rectRouteStatus(i));
1240 	   if (strcmp(net->rectRouteStatus(i), "SHIELD") == 0) {
1241 	      fprintf(fout, "\n  + %s ", net->rectRouteStatusShieldName(i));
1242 	   }
1243          }
1244          if (strcmp(net->rectShapeType(i), "") != 0) {
1245 	   fprintf(fout, "\n  + SHAPE %s ", net->rectShapeType(i));
1246          }
1247        }
1248        if (net->rectMask(i)) {
1249 	  fprintf(fout, "\n  + MASK %d + RECT %s %d %d %d %d",
1250 		  net->rectMask(i), net->rectName(i),
1251 		  net->xl(i), net->yl(i), net->xh(i),
1252                   net->yh(i));
1253        } else {
1254 	    fprintf(fout, "\n  + RECT %s %d %d %d %d",
1255 		    net->rectName(i),
1256                     net->xl(i),
1257 		    net->yl(i),
1258 		    net->xh(i),
1259                     net->yh(i));
1260       }
1261      }
1262   }
1263   // VIA
1264   if (curVer >= 5.8 && net->numViaSpecs()) {
1265      for (i = 0; i < net->numViaSpecs(); i++) {
1266        if (strcmp(net->viaRouteStatus(i), "") != 0) {
1267 	fprintf(fout, "\n  + %s ", net->viaRouteStatus(i));
1268 	if (strcmp(net->viaRouteStatus(i), "SHIELD") == 0) {
1269 	      fprintf(fout, "\n  + %s ", net->viaRouteStatusShieldName(i));
1270 	   }
1271        }
1272        if (strcmp(net->viaShapeType(i), "") != 0) {
1273 	fprintf(fout, "\n  + SHAPE %s ", net->viaShapeType(i));
1274        }
1275        if (net->topMaskNum(i) || net->cutMaskNum(i) || net->bottomMaskNum(i)) {
1276 	fprintf(fout, "\n  + MASK %d%d%d + VIA %s ", net->topMaskNum(i),
1277                 net->cutMaskNum(i),
1278                 net->bottomMaskNum(i),
1279 		net->viaName(i));
1280        } else {
1281 	fprintf(fout, "\n  + VIA %s ", net->viaName(i));
1282        }
1283        fprintf(fout, " %s", net->viaOrientStr(i));
1285        defiPoints points = net->getViaPts(i);
1287        for (int j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++) {
1288           fprintf(fout, " %d %d", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
1289        }
1290        fprintf(fout, ";\n");
1292      }
1293   }
1295   if (net->hasSubnets()) {
1296     for (i = 0; i < net->numSubnets(); i++) {
1297       s = net->subnet(i);
1298       if (s->numConnections()) {
1299           if (s->pinIsMustJoin(0))
1300               fprintf(fout, "- MUSTJOIN ");
1301           else
1302               fprintf(fout, "- %s ", s->name());
1303           for (j = 0; j < s->numConnections(); j++) {
1304               fprintf(fout, " ( %s %s )\n", s->instance(j),
1305                       s->pin(j));
1306         }
1307       }
1309       // regularWiring
1310       if (s->numWires()) {
1311          for (i = 0; i < s->numWires(); i++) {
1312             wire = s->wire(i);
1313             fprintf(fout, "  + %s ", wire->wireType());
1314             for (j = 0; j < wire->numPaths(); j++) {
1315               p = wire->path(j);
1316               p->print(fout);
1317             }
1318          }
1319       }
1320     }
1321   }
1323   if (net->numProps()) {
1324     for (i = 0; i < net->numProps(); i++) {
1325         if (net->propIsString(i))
1326            fprintf(fout, "  + PROPERTY %s %s ", net->propName(i),
1327                    net->propValue(i));
1328         if (net->propIsNumber(i))
1329            fprintf(fout, "  + PROPERTY %s %g ", net->propName(i),
1330                    net->propNumber(i));
1331         switch (net->propType(i)) {
1332            case 'R': fprintf(fout, "REAL ");
1333                      break;
1334            case 'I': fprintf(fout, "INTEGER ");
1335                      break;
1336            case 'S': fprintf(fout, "STRING ");
1337                      break;
1338            case 'Q': fprintf(fout, "QUOTESTRING ");
1339                      break;
1340            case 'N': fprintf(fout, "NUMBER ");
1341                      break;
1342         }
1343         fprintf(fout, "\n");
1344     }
1345   }
1347   // SHIELD
1348   count = 0;
1349   // testing the SHIELD for 5.3, obsolete in 5.4
1350   if (net->numShields()) {
1351     for (i = 0; i < net->numShields(); i++) {
1352        shield = net->shield(i);
1353        fprintf(fout, "\n  + SHIELD %s ", shield->shieldName());
1354        newLayer = 0;
1355        for (j = 0; j < shield->numPaths(); j++) {
1356           p = shield->path(j);
1357           p->initTraverse();
1358           while ((path = (int)p->next()) != DEFIPATH_DONE) {
1359              count++;
1360              // Don't want the line to be too long
1361              if (count >= 5) {
1362                  fprintf(fout, "\n");
1363                  count = 0;
1364              }
1365              switch (path) {
1366                case DEFIPATH_LAYER:
1367                     if (newLayer == 0) {
1368                         fprintf(fout, "%s ", p->getLayer());
1369                         newLayer = 1;
1370                     } else
1371                         fprintf(fout, "NEW %s ", p->getLayer());
1372                     break;
1373                case DEFIPATH_VIA:
1374                     fprintf(fout, "%s ", ignoreViaNames ? "XXX" : p->getVia());
1375                     break;
1376                case DEFIPATH_VIAROTATION:
1377                     fprintf(fout, "%s ",
1378                             orientStr(p->getViaRotation()));
1379                     break;
1380                case DEFIPATH_WIDTH:
1381                     fprintf(fout, "%d ", p->getWidth());
1382                     break;
1383 	       case DEFIPATH_MASK:
1384 		    fprintf(fout, "MASK %d ", p->getMask());
1385 		    break;
1386                case DEFIPATH_VIAMASK:
1387                     fprintf(fout, "MASK %d%d%d ",
1388                             p->getViaTopMask(),
1389                             p->getViaCutMask(),
1390                             p->getViaBottomMask());
1391                    break;
1392                case DEFIPATH_POINT:
1393                     p->getPoint(&x, &y);
1394                     fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) ", x, y);
1395                     break;
1396                case DEFIPATH_FLUSHPOINT:
1397                     p->getFlushPoint(&x, &y, &z);
1398                     fprintf(fout, "( %d %d %d ) ", x, y, z);
1399                     break;
1400                case DEFIPATH_TAPER:
1401                     fprintf(fout, "TAPER ");
1402                     break;
1403                case DEFIPATH_SHAPE:
1404                     fprintf(fout, "+ SHAPE %s ", p->getShape());
1405                     break;
1406                case DEFIPATH_STYLE:
1407                     fprintf(fout, "+ STYLE %d ", p->getStyle());
1408                     break;
1409              }
1410           }
1411        }
1412     }
1413   }
1415   // layerName width
1416   if (net->hasWidthRules()) {
1417     for (i = 0; i < net->numWidthRules(); i++) {
1418         net->widthRule(i, &layerName, &dist);
1419         fprintf (fout, "\n  + WIDTH %s %g ", layerName, dist);
1420     }
1421   }
1423   // layerName spacing
1424   if (net->hasSpacingRules()) {
1425     for (i = 0; i < net->numSpacingRules(); i++) {
1426         net->spacingRule(i, &layerName, &dist, &left, &right);
1427         if (left == right)
1428             fprintf (fout, "\n  + SPACING %s %g ", layerName, dist);
1429         else
1430             fprintf (fout, "\n  + SPACING %s %g RANGE %g %g ",
1431                      layerName, dist, left, right);
1432     }
1433   }
1435   if (net->hasFixedbump())
1436     fprintf(fout, "\n  + FIXEDBUMP ");
1437   if (net->hasFrequency())
1438     fprintf(fout, "\n  + FREQUENCY %g ", net->frequency());
1439   if (net->hasVoltage())
1440     fprintf(fout, "\n  + VOLTAGE %g ", net->voltage());
1441   if (net->hasWeight())
1442     fprintf(fout, "\n  + WEIGHT %d ", net->weight());
1443   if (net->hasCap())
1444     fprintf(fout, "\n  + ESTCAP %g ", net->cap());
1445   if (net->hasSource())
1446     fprintf(fout, "\n  + SOURCE %s ", net->source());
1447   if (net->hasPattern())
1448     fprintf(fout, "\n  + PATTERN %s ", net->pattern());
1449   if (net->hasOriginal())
1450     fprintf(fout, "\n  + ORIGINAL %s ", net->original());
1451   if (net->hasUse())
1452     fprintf(fout, "\n  + USE %s ", net->use());
1454   fprintf (fout, ";\n");
1455   --numObjs;
1456   if (numObjs <= 0)
1457       fprintf(fout, "END SPECIALNETS\n");
1458   return 0;
1459 }
ndr(defrCallbackType_e c,defiNonDefault * nd,defiUserData ud)1462 int ndr(defrCallbackType_e c, defiNonDefault* nd, defiUserData ud) {
1463   // For nondefaultrule
1464   int i;
1466   checkType(c);
1467   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1468   if (c != defrNonDefaultCbkType)
1469       fprintf(fout, "BOGUS NONDEFAULTRULE TYPE  ");
1470   fprintf(fout, "- %s\n", nd->name());
1471   if (nd->hasHardspacing())
1472       fprintf(fout, "   + HARDSPACING\n");
1473   for (i = 0; i < nd->numLayers(); i++) {
1474     fprintf(fout, "   + LAYER %s", nd->layerName(i));
1475     fprintf(fout, " WIDTH %d", nd->layerWidthVal(i));
1476     if (nd->hasLayerDiagWidth(i))
1477       fprintf(fout, " DIAGWIDTH %d",
1478               nd->layerDiagWidthVal(i));
1479     if (nd->hasLayerSpacing(i))
1480       fprintf(fout, " SPACING %d", nd->layerSpacingVal(i));
1481     if (nd->hasLayerWireExt(i))
1482       fprintf(fout, " WIREEXT %d", nd->layerWireExtVal(i));
1483     fprintf(fout, "\n");
1484   }
1485   for (i = 0; i < nd->numVias(); i++)
1486     fprintf(fout, "   + VIA %s\n", nd->viaName(i));
1487   for (i = 0; i < nd->numViaRules(); i++)
1488     fprintf(fout, "   + VIARULE %s\n", ignoreViaNames ? "XXX" : nd->viaRuleName(i));
1489   for (i = 0; i < nd->numMinCuts(); i++)
1490     fprintf(fout, "   + MINCUTS %s %d\n", nd->cutLayerName(i),
1491             nd->numCuts(i));
1492   for (i = 0; i < nd->numProps(); i++) {
1493     fprintf(fout, "   + PROPERTY %s %s ", nd->propName(i),
1494             nd->propValue(i));
1495     switch (nd->propType(i)) {
1496       case 'R': fprintf(fout, "REAL\n");
1497                 break;
1498       case 'I': fprintf(fout, "INTEGER\n");
1499                 break;
1500       case 'S': fprintf(fout, "STRING\n");
1501                 break;
1502       case 'Q': fprintf(fout, "QUOTESTRING\n");
1503                 break;
1504       case 'N': fprintf(fout, "NUMBER\n");
1505                 break;
1506     }
1507   }
1508   --numObjs;
1509   if (numObjs <= 0)
1510     fprintf(fout, "END NONDEFAULTRULES\n");
1511   return 0;
1512 }
tname(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * string,defiUserData ud)1514 int tname(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* string, defiUserData ud) {
1515   checkType(c);
1516   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1517   fprintf(fout, "TECHNOLOGY %s ;\n", string);
1518   return 0;
1519 }
dname(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * string,defiUserData ud)1521 int dname(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* string, defiUserData ud) {
1522   checkType(c);
1523   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1524   fprintf(fout, "DESIGN %s ;\n", string);
1526   return 0;
1527 }
address(const char * in)1530 char* address(const char* in) {
1531   return ((char*)in);
1532 }
cs(defrCallbackType_e c,int num,defiUserData ud)1534 int cs(defrCallbackType_e c, int num, defiUserData ud) {
1535   char* name;
1537   checkType(c);
1539   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1541   switch (c) {
1542   case defrComponentStartCbkType : name = address("COMPONENTS"); break;
1543   case defrNetStartCbkType : name = address("NETS"); break;
1544   case defrStartPinsCbkType : name = address("PINS"); break;
1545   case defrViaStartCbkType : name = address("VIAS"); break;
1546   case defrRegionStartCbkType : name = address("REGIONS"); break;
1547   case defrSNetStartCbkType : name = address("SPECIALNETS"); break;
1548   case defrGroupsStartCbkType : name = address("GROUPS"); break;
1549   case defrScanchainsStartCbkType : name = address("SCANCHAINS"); break;
1550   case defrIOTimingsStartCbkType : name = address("IOTIMINGS"); break;
1551   case defrFPCStartCbkType : name = address("FLOORPLANCONSTRAINTS"); break;
1552   case defrTimingDisablesStartCbkType : name = address("TIMING DISABLES"); break;
1553   case defrPartitionsStartCbkType : name = address("PARTITIONS"); break;
1554   case defrPinPropStartCbkType : name = address("PINPROPERTIES"); break;
1555   case defrBlockageStartCbkType : name = address("BLOCKAGES"); break;
1556   case defrSlotStartCbkType : name = address("SLOTS"); break;
1557   case defrFillStartCbkType : name = address("FILLS"); break;
1558   case defrNonDefaultStartCbkType : name = address("NONDEFAULTRULES"); break;
1559   case defrStylesStartCbkType : name = address("STYLES"); break;
1560   default : name = address("BOGUS"); return 1;
1561   }
1562   fprintf(fout, "\n%s %d ;\n", name, num);
1563   numObjs = num;
1564   return 0;
1565 }
constraintst(defrCallbackType_e c,int num,defiUserData ud)1567 int constraintst(defrCallbackType_e c, int num, defiUserData ud) {
1568   // Handles both constraints and assertions
1569   checkType(c);
1570   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1571   if (c == defrConstraintsStartCbkType)
1572       fprintf(fout, "\nCONSTRAINTS %d ;\n\n", num);
1573   else
1574       fprintf(fout, "\nASSERTIONS %d ;\n\n", num);
1575   numObjs = num;
1576   return 0;
1577 }
operand(defrCallbackType_e c,defiAssertion * a,int ind)1579 void operand(defrCallbackType_e c, defiAssertion* a, int ind) {
1580   int i, first = 1;
1581   char* netName;
1582   char* fromInst, * fromPin, * toInst, * toPin;
1584   if (a->isSum()) {
1585       // Sum in operand, recursively call operand
1586       fprintf(fout, "- SUM ( ");
1587       a->unsetSum();
1588       isSumSet = 1;
1589       begOperand = 0;
1590       operand (c, a, ind);
1591       fprintf(fout, ") ");
1592   } else {
1593       // operand
1594       if (ind >= a->numItems()) {
1595           fprintf(fout, "ERROR: when writing out SUM in Constraints.\n");
1596           return;
1597        }
1598       if (begOperand) {
1599          fprintf(fout, "- ");
1600          begOperand = 0;
1601       }
1602       for (i = ind; i < a->numItems(); i++) {
1603           if (a->isNet(i)) {
1604               a->net(i, &netName);
1605               if (!first)
1606                   fprintf(fout, ", "); // print , as separator
1607               fprintf(fout, "NET %s ", netName);
1608           } else if (a->isPath(i)) {
1609               a->path(i, &fromInst, &fromPin, &toInst,
1610                                      &toPin);
1611               if (!first)
1612                   fprintf(fout, ", ");
1613               fprintf(fout, "PATH %s %s %s %s ", fromInst, fromPin, toInst,
1614                       toPin);
1615           } else if (isSumSet) {
1616               // SUM within SUM, reset the flag
1617               a->setSum();
1618               operand(c, a, i);
1619           }
1620           first = 0;
1621       }
1623   }
1624 }
constraint(defrCallbackType_e c,defiAssertion * a,defiUserData ud)1626 int constraint(defrCallbackType_e c, defiAssertion* a, defiUserData ud) {
1627   // Handles both constraints and assertions
1629   checkType(c);
1630   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1631   if (a->isWiredlogic())
1632       // Wirelogic
1633       fprintf(fout, "- WIREDLOGIC %s + MAXDIST %g ;\n",
1634 // Wiredlogic dist is also store in fallMax
1635 //              a->netName(), a->distance());
1636               a->netName(), a->fallMax());
1637   else {
1638       // Call the operand function
1639       isSumSet = 0;    // reset the global variable
1640       begOperand = 1;
1641       operand (c, a, 0);
1642       // Get the Rise and Fall
1643       if (a->hasRiseMax())
1644           fprintf(fout, "+ RISEMAX %g ", a->riseMax());
1645       if (a->hasFallMax())
1646           fprintf(fout, "+ FALLMAX %g ", a->fallMax());
1647       if (a->hasRiseMin())
1648           fprintf(fout, "+ RISEMIN %g ", a->riseMin());
1649       if (a->hasFallMin())
1650           fprintf(fout, "+ FALLMIN %g ", a->fallMin());
1651       fprintf(fout, ";\n");
1652   }
1653   --numObjs;
1654   if (numObjs <= 0) {
1655       if (c == defrConstraintCbkType)
1656           fprintf(fout, "END CONSTRAINTS\n");
1657       else
1658           fprintf(fout, "END ASSERTIONS\n");
1659   }
1660   return 0;
1661 }
propstart(defrCallbackType_e c,void *,defiUserData)1664 int propstart(defrCallbackType_e c, void*, defiUserData) {
1665   checkType(c);
1666   fprintf(fout, "\nPROPERTYDEFINITIONS\n");
1667   isProp = 1;
1669   return 0;
1670 }
prop(defrCallbackType_e c,defiProp * p,defiUserData ud)1673 int prop(defrCallbackType_e c, defiProp* p, defiUserData ud) {
1674   checkType(c);
1675   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1676   if (strcmp(p->propType(), "design") == 0)
1677       fprintf(fout, "DESIGN %s ", p->propName());
1678   else if (strcmp(p->propType(), "net") == 0)
1679       fprintf(fout, "NET %s ", p->propName());
1680   else if (strcmp(p->propType(), "component") == 0)
1681       fprintf(fout, "COMPONENT %s ", p->propName());
1682   else if (strcmp(p->propType(), "specialnet") == 0)
1683       fprintf(fout, "SPECIALNET %s ", p->propName());
1684   else if (strcmp(p->propType(), "group") == 0)
1685       fprintf(fout, "GROUP %s ", p->propName());
1686   else if (strcmp(p->propType(), "row") == 0)
1687       fprintf(fout, "ROW %s ", p->propName());
1688   else if (strcmp(p->propType(), "componentpin") == 0)
1689       fprintf(fout, "COMPONENTPIN %s ", p->propName());
1690   else if (strcmp(p->propType(), "region") == 0)
1691       fprintf(fout, "REGION %s ", p->propName());
1692   else if (strcmp(p->propType(), "nondefaultrule") == 0)
1693       fprintf(fout, "NONDEFAULTRULE %s ", p->propName());
1694   if (p->dataType() == 'I')
1695       fprintf(fout, "INTEGER ");
1696   if (p->dataType() == 'R')
1697       fprintf(fout, "REAL ");
1698   if (p->dataType() == 'S')
1699       fprintf(fout, "STRING ");
1700   if (p->dataType() == 'Q')
1701       fprintf(fout, "STRING ");
1702   if (p->hasRange()) {
1703       fprintf(fout, "RANGE %g %g ", p->left(),
1704               p->right());
1705   }
1706   if (p->hasNumber())
1707       fprintf(fout, "%g ", p->number());
1708   if (p->hasString())
1709       fprintf(fout, "\"%s\" ", p->string());
1710   fprintf(fout, ";\n");
1712   return 0;
1713 }
propend(defrCallbackType_e c,void *,defiUserData)1716 int propend(defrCallbackType_e c, void*, defiUserData) {
1717   checkType(c);
1718   if (isProp) {
1719       fprintf(fout, "END PROPERTYDEFINITIONS\n\n");
1720       isProp = 0;
1721   }
1723   return 0;
1724 }
hist(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * h,defiUserData ud)1727 int hist(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* h, defiUserData ud) {
1728   checkType(c);
1729   defrSetCaseSensitivity(0);
1730   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1731   fprintf(fout, "HISTORY %s ;\n", h);
1732   defrSetCaseSensitivity(1);
1733   return 0;
1734 }
an(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * h,defiUserData ud)1737 int an(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* h, defiUserData ud) {
1738   checkType(c);
1739   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1740   fprintf(fout, "ARRAY %s ;\n", h);
1741   return 0;
1742 }
fn(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * h,defiUserData ud)1745 int fn(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* h, defiUserData ud) {
1746   checkType(c);
1747   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1748   fprintf(fout, "FLOORPLAN %s ;\n", h);
1749   return 0;
1750 }
bbn(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * h,defiUserData ud)1753 int bbn(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* h, defiUserData ud) {
1754   checkType(c);
1755   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1756   fprintf(fout, "BUSBITCHARS \"%s\" ;\n", h);
1757   return 0;
1758 }
vers(defrCallbackType_e c,double d,defiUserData ud)1761 int vers(defrCallbackType_e c, double d, defiUserData ud) {
1762   checkType(c);
1763   if (ud != userData)
1764       dataError();
1765   fprintf(fout, "VERSION %g ;\n", d);
1766   curVer = d;
1768   fprintf(fout, "ALIAS alias1 aliasValue1 1 ;\n");
1769   fprintf(fout, "ALIAS alias2 aliasValue2 0 ;\n");
1771   return 0;
1772 }
versStr(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * versionName,defiUserData ud)1775 int versStr(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* versionName, defiUserData ud) {
1776   checkType(c);
1777   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1778   fprintf(fout, "VERSION %s ;\n", versionName);
1779   return 0;
1780 }
units(defrCallbackType_e c,double d,defiUserData ud)1783 int units(defrCallbackType_e c, double d, defiUserData ud) {
1784   checkType(c);
1785   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1786   fprintf(fout, "UNITS DISTANCE MICRONS %g ;\n", d);
1787   return 0;
1788 }
casesens(defrCallbackType_e c,int d,defiUserData ud)1791 int casesens(defrCallbackType_e c, int d, defiUserData ud) {
1792   checkType(c);
1793   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1794   if (d == 1)
1795      fprintf(fout, "NAMESCASESENSITIVE ON ;\n", d);
1796   else
1797      fprintf(fout, "NAMESCASESENSITIVE OFF ;\n", d);
1798   return 0;
1799 }
cls(defrCallbackType_e c,void * cl,defiUserData ud)1802 int cls(defrCallbackType_e c, void* cl, defiUserData ud) {
1803   defiSite* site;  // Site and Canplace and CannotOccupy
1804   defiBox* box;  // DieArea and
1805   defiPinCap* pc;
1806   defiPin* pin;
1807   int i, j, k;
1808   defiRow* row;
1809   defiTrack* track;
1810   defiGcellGrid* gcg;
1811   defiVia* via;
1812   defiRegion* re;
1813   defiGroup* group;
1814   defiComponentMaskShiftLayer* maskShiftLayer = NULL;
1815   defiScanchain* sc;
1816   defiIOTiming* iot;
1817   defiFPC* fpc;
1818   defiTimingDisable* td;
1819   defiPartition* part;
1820   defiPinProp* pprop;
1821   defiBlockage* block;
1822   defiSlot* slots;
1823   defiFill* fills;
1824   defiStyles* styles;
1825   int xl, yl, xh, yh;
1826   char *name, *a1, *b1;
1827   char **inst, **inPin, **outPin;
1828   int  *bits;
1829   int  size;
1830   int corner, typ;
1831   const char *itemT;
1832   char dir;
1833   defiPinAntennaModel* aModel;
1834   defiPoints points;
1836   checkType(c);
1837   if (ud != userData) dataError();
1838   switch (c) {
1840   case defrSiteCbkType :
1841          site = (defiSite*)cl;
1842          fprintf(fout, "SITE %s %g %g %s ", site->name(),
1843                  site->x_orig(), site->y_orig(),
1844                  orientStr(site->orient()));
1845          fprintf(fout, "DO %g BY %g STEP %g %g ;\n",
1846                  site->x_num(), site->y_num(),
1847                  site->x_step(), site->y_step());
1848          break;
1849   case defrCanplaceCbkType :
1850          site = (defiSite*)cl;
1851          fprintf(fout, "CANPLACE %s %g %g %s ", site->name(),
1852                  site->x_orig(), site->y_orig(),
1853                  orientStr(site->orient()));
1854          fprintf(fout, "DO %g BY %g STEP %g %g ;\n",
1855                  site->x_num(), site->y_num(),
1856                  site->x_step(), site->y_step());
1857          break;
1858   case defrCannotOccupyCbkType :
1859          site = (defiSite*)cl;
1860          fprintf(fout, "CANNOTOCCUPY %s %g %g %s ",
1861                  site->name(), site->x_orig(),
1862                  site->y_orig(), orientStr(site->orient()));
1863          fprintf(fout, "DO %g BY %g STEP %g %g ;\n",
1864                  site->x_num(), site->y_num(),
1865                  site->x_step(), site->y_step());
1866          break;
1867   case defrDieAreaCbkType :
1868          box = (defiBox*)cl;
1869          fprintf(fout, "DIEAREA %d %d %d %d ;\n",
1870                  box->xl(), box->yl(), box->xh(),
1871                  box->yh());
1872          fprintf(fout, "DIEAREA ");
1873          points = box->getPoint();
1874          for (i = 0; i < points.numPoints; i++)
1875            fprintf(fout, "%d %d ", points.x[i], points.y[i]);
1876          fprintf(fout, ";\n");
1877          break;
1878   case defrPinCapCbkType :
1879          pc = (defiPinCap*)cl;
1880          if (testDebugPrint) {
1881              pc->print(fout);
1882          } else {
1883              fprintf(fout, "MINPINS %d WIRECAP %g ;\n",
1884                      pc->pin(), pc->cap());
1885              --numObjs;
1886              if (numObjs <= 0)
1887                  fprintf(fout, "END DEFAULTCAP\n");
1888          }
1889          break;
1890   case defrPinCbkType :
1891          pin = (defiPin*)cl;
1892          if (testDebugPrint) {
1893              pin->print(fout);
1894          } else {
1895              fprintf(fout, "- %s + NET %s ", pin->pinName(),
1896                      pin->netName());
1897     //         pin->changePinName("pinName");
1898     //         fprintf(fout, "%s ", pin->pinName());
1899              if (pin->hasDirection())
1900                  fprintf(fout, "+ DIRECTION %s ", pin->direction());
1901              if (pin->hasUse())
1902                  fprintf(fout, "+ USE %s ", pin->use());
1903              if (pin->hasNetExpr())
1904                  fprintf(fout, "+ NETEXPR \"%s\" ", pin->netExpr());
1905              if (pin->hasSupplySensitivity())
1906                  fprintf(fout, "+ SUPPLYSENSITIVITY %s ",
1907                          pin->supplySensitivity());
1908              if (pin->hasGroundSensitivity())
1909                  fprintf(fout, "+ GROUNDSENSITIVITY %s ",
1910                          pin->groundSensitivity());
1911              if (pin->hasLayer()) {
1912                  defiPoints points;
1913                  for (i = 0; i < pin->numLayer(); i++) {
1914                     fprintf(fout, "\n  + LAYER %s ", pin->layer(i));
1915                     if (pin->layerMask(i))
1916                         fprintf(fout, "MASK %d ",
1917                         pin->layerMask(i));
1918                     if (pin->hasLayerSpacing(i))
1919                       fprintf(fout, "SPACING %d ",
1920                              pin->layerSpacing(i));
1921                     if (pin->hasLayerDesignRuleWidth(i))
1922                       fprintf(fout, "DESIGNRULEWIDTH %d ",
1923                              pin->layerDesignRuleWidth(i));
1924                     pin->bounds(i, &xl, &yl, &xh, &yh);
1925                     fprintf(fout, "%d %d %d %d ", xl, yl, xh, yh);
1926                  }
1927                  for (i = 0; i < pin->numPolygons(); i++) {
1928                     fprintf(fout, "\n  + POLYGON %s ",
1929                             pin->polygonName(i));
1930                     if (pin->polygonMask(i))
1931                       fprintf(fout, "MASK %d ",
1932                               pin->polygonMask(i));
1933                     if (pin->hasPolygonSpacing(i))
1934                       fprintf(fout, "SPACING %d ",
1935                              pin->polygonSpacing(i));
1936                     if (pin->hasPolygonDesignRuleWidth(i))
1937                       fprintf(fout, "DESIGNRULEWIDTH %d ",
1938                              pin->polygonDesignRuleWidth(i));
1939                     points = pin->getPolygon(i);
1940                     for (j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++)
1941                       fprintf(fout, "%d %d ", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
1942                  }
1943                  for (i = 0; i < pin->numVias(); i++) {
1944                      if (pin->viaTopMask(i) || pin->viaCutMask(i) || pin->viaBottomMask(i)) {
1945                          fprintf(fout, "\n  + VIA %s MASK %d%d%d %d %d ",
1946                              pin->viaName(i),
1947                              pin->viaTopMask(i),
1948                              pin->viaCutMask(i),
1949                              pin->viaBottomMask(i),
1950                              pin->viaPtX(i),
1951                              pin->viaPtY(i));
1952                      } else {
1953                          fprintf(fout, "\n  + VIA %s %d %d ", pin->viaName(i),
1954                                  pin->viaPtX(i), pin->viaPtY(i));
1955                      }
1956                  }
1957              }
1958              if (pin->hasPort()) {
1959                  defiPoints points;
1960                  defiPinPort* port;
1961                  for (j = 0; j < pin->numPorts(); j++) {
1962                     port = pin->pinPort(j);
1963                     fprintf(fout, "\n  + PORT");
1964                     for (i = 0; i < port->numLayer(); i++) {
1965                        fprintf(fout, "\n     + LAYER %s ",
1966                                port->layer(i));
1967                        if (port->layerMask(i))
1968                            fprintf(fout, "MASK %d ",
1969                                    port->layerMask(i));
1970                        if (port->hasLayerSpacing(i))
1971                          fprintf(fout, "SPACING %d ",
1972                                  port->layerSpacing(i));
1973                        if (port->hasLayerDesignRuleWidth(i))
1974                          fprintf(fout, "DESIGNRULEWIDTH %d ",
1975                                  port->layerDesignRuleWidth(i));
1976                        port->bounds(i, &xl, &yl, &xh, &yh);
1977                        fprintf(fout, "%d %d %d %d ", xl, yl, xh, yh);
1978                     }
1979                     for (i = 0; i < port->numPolygons(); i++) {
1980                        fprintf(fout, "\n     + POLYGON %s ",
1981                                port->polygonName(i));
1982                        if (port->polygonMask(i))
1983                          fprintf(fout, "MASK %d ",
1984                                  port->polygonMask(i));
1985                        if (port->hasPolygonSpacing(i))
1986                          fprintf(fout, "SPACING %d ",
1987                                 port->polygonSpacing(i));
1988                        if (port->hasPolygonDesignRuleWidth(i))
1989                          fprintf(fout, "DESIGNRULEWIDTH %d ",
1990                                 port->polygonDesignRuleWidth(i));
1991                        points = port->getPolygon(i);
1992                        for (k = 0; k < points.numPoints; k++)
1993                          fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) ", points.x[k], points.y[k]);
1994                     }
1995                     for (i = 0; i < port->numVias(); i++) {
1996                         if (port->viaTopMask(i) || port->viaCutMask(i)
1997                             || port->viaBottomMask(i)) {
1998                             fprintf(fout, "\n     + VIA %s MASK %d%d%d ( %d %d ) ",
1999                                 port->viaName(i),
2000                                 port->viaTopMask(i),
2001                                 port->viaCutMask(i),
2002                                 port->viaBottomMask(i),
2003                                 port->viaPtX(i),
2004                                 port->viaPtY(i));
2005                         } else {
2006                             fprintf(fout, "\n     + VIA %s ( %d %d ) ",
2007                                port->viaName(i),
2008                                port->viaPtX(i),
2009                                port->viaPtY(i));
2010                         }
2011                     }
2012                     if (port->hasPlacement()) {
2013                        if (port->isPlaced()) {
2014                           fprintf(fout, "\n     + PLACED ");
2015                           fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) %s ",
2016                              port->placementX(),
2017                              port->placementY(),
2018                              orientStr(port->orient()));
2019                        }
2020                        if (port->isCover()) {
2021                           fprintf(fout, "\n     + COVER ");
2022                           fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) %s ",
2023                              port->placementX(),
2024                              port->placementY(),
2025                              orientStr(port->orient()));
2026                        }
2027                        if (port->isFixed()) {
2028                           fprintf(fout, "\n     + FIXED ");
2029                           fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) %s ",
2030                              port->placementX(),
2031                              port->placementY(),
2032                              orientStr(port->orient()));
2033                        }
2034                     }
2035                 }
2036              }
2037              if (pin->hasPlacement()) {
2038                  if (pin->isPlaced()) {
2039                      fprintf(fout, "+ PLACED ");
2040                      fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) %s ", pin->placementX(),
2041                          pin->placementY(),
2042                          orientStr(pin->orient()));
2043                 }
2044                  if (pin->isCover()) {
2045                      fprintf(fout, "+ COVER ");
2046                      fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) %s ", pin->placementX(),
2047                          pin->placementY(),
2048                          orientStr(pin->orient()));
2049                  }
2050                  if (pin->isFixed()) {
2051                      fprintf(fout, "+ FIXED ");
2052                      fprintf(fout, "( %d %d ) %s ", pin->placementX(),
2053                          pin->placementY(),
2054                          orientStr(pin->orient()));
2055                  }
2056                  if (pin->isUnplaced())
2057                      fprintf(fout, "+ UNPLACED ");
2058              }
2059              if (pin->hasSpecial()) {
2060                  fprintf(fout, "+ SPECIAL ");
2061              }
2062              if (pin->hasAPinPartialMetalArea()) {
2063                  for (i = 0; i < pin->numAPinPartialMetalArea(); i++) {
2064                     fprintf(fout, "ANTENNAPINPARTIALMETALAREA %d",
2065                             pin->APinPartialMetalArea(i));
2066                     if (*(pin->APinPartialMetalAreaLayer(i)))
2067                         fprintf(fout, " LAYER %s",
2068                                 pin->APinPartialMetalAreaLayer(i));
2069                     fprintf(fout, "\n");
2070                  }
2071              }
2072              if (pin->hasAPinPartialMetalSideArea()) {
2073                  for (i = 0; i < pin->numAPinPartialMetalSideArea(); i++) {
2074                     fprintf(fout, "ANTENNAPINPARTIALMETALSIDEAREA %d",
2075                             pin->APinPartialMetalSideArea(i));
2076                     if (*(pin->APinPartialMetalSideAreaLayer(i)))
2077                         fprintf(fout, " LAYER %s",
2078                             pin->APinPartialMetalSideAreaLayer(i));
2079                     fprintf(fout, "\n");
2080                  }
2081              }
2082              if (pin->hasAPinDiffArea()) {
2083                  for (i = 0; i < pin->numAPinDiffArea(); i++) {
2084                     fprintf(fout, "ANTENNAPINDIFFAREA %d", pin->APinDiffArea(i));
2085                     if (*(pin->APinDiffAreaLayer(i)))
2086                         fprintf(fout, " LAYER %s", pin->APinDiffAreaLayer(i));
2087                     fprintf(fout, "\n");
2088                  }
2089              }
2090              if (pin->hasAPinPartialCutArea()) {
2091                  for (i = 0; i < pin->numAPinPartialCutArea(); i++) {
2092                     fprintf(fout, "ANTENNAPINPARTIALCUTAREA %d",
2093                             pin->APinPartialCutArea(i));
2094                     if (*(pin->APinPartialCutAreaLayer(i)))
2095                         fprintf(fout, " LAYER %s", pin->APinPartialCutAreaLayer(i));
2096                     fprintf(fout, "\n");
2097                  }
2098              }
2100              for (j = 0; j < pin->numAntennaModel(); j++) {
2101                 aModel = pin->antennaModel(j);
2103                 fprintf(fout, "ANTENNAMODEL %s\n",
2104                         aModel->antennaOxide());
2106                 if (aModel->hasAPinGateArea()) {
2107                     for (i = 0; i < aModel->numAPinGateArea();
2108                        i++) {
2109                        fprintf(fout, "ANTENNAPINGATEAREA %d",
2110                                aModel->APinGateArea(i));
2111                        if (aModel->hasAPinGateAreaLayer(i))
2112                            fprintf(fout, " LAYER %s", aModel->APinGateAreaLayer(i));
2113                        fprintf(fout, "\n");
2114                     }
2115                 }
2116                 if (aModel->hasAPinMaxAreaCar()) {
2117                     for (i = 0;
2118                        i < aModel->numAPinMaxAreaCar(); i++) {
2119                        fprintf(fout, "ANTENNAPINMAXAREACAR %d",
2120                                aModel->APinMaxAreaCar(i));
2121                        if (aModel->hasAPinMaxAreaCarLayer(i))
2122                            fprintf(fout,
2123                                " LAYER %s", aModel->APinMaxAreaCarLayer(i));
2124                        fprintf(fout, "\n");
2125                     }
2126                 }
2127                 if (aModel->hasAPinMaxSideAreaCar()) {
2128                     for (i = 0;
2129                          i < aModel->numAPinMaxSideAreaCar();
2130                          i++) {
2131                        fprintf(fout, "ANTENNAPINMAXSIDEAREACAR %d",
2132                                aModel->APinMaxSideAreaCar(i));
2133                        if (aModel->hasAPinMaxSideAreaCarLayer(i))
2134                            fprintf(fout,
2135                                " LAYER %s", aModel->APinMaxSideAreaCarLayer(i));
2136                        fprintf(fout, "\n");
2137                     }
2138                 }
2139                 if (aModel->hasAPinMaxCutCar()) {
2140                     for (i = 0; i < aModel->numAPinMaxCutCar();
2141                        i++) {
2142                        fprintf(fout, "ANTENNAPINMAXCUTCAR %d",
2143                            aModel->APinMaxCutCar(i));
2144                        if (aModel->hasAPinMaxCutCarLayer(i))
2145                            fprintf(fout, " LAYER %s",
2146                            aModel->APinMaxCutCarLayer(i));
2147                        fprintf(fout, "\n");
2148                     }
2149                 }
2150              }
2151              fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2152              --numObjs;
2153              if (numObjs <= 0)
2154                  fprintf(fout, "END PINS\n");
2155          }
2156          break;
2157   case defrDefaultCapCbkType :
2158          i = (long)cl;
2159          fprintf(fout, "DEFAULTCAP %d\n", i);
2160          numObjs = i;
2161          break;
2162   case defrRowCbkType :
2163          row = (defiRow*)cl;
2164          fprintf(fout, "ROW %s %s %g %g %s ", ignoreRowNames ? "XXX" : row->name(),
2165                  row->macro(), row->x(), row->y(),
2166                  orientStr(row->orient()));
2167          if (row->hasDo()) {
2168              fprintf(fout, "DO %g BY %g ",
2169                      row->xNum(), row->yNum());
2170              if (row->hasDoStep())
2171                  fprintf(fout, "STEP %g %g ;\n",
2172                          row->xStep(), row->yStep());
2173              else
2174                  fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2175          } else
2176             fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2177          if (row->numProps() > 0) {
2178             for (i = 0; i < row->numProps(); i++) {
2179                 fprintf(fout, "  + PROPERTY %s %s ",
2180                         row->propName(i),
2181                         row->propValue(i));
2182                 switch (row->propType(i)) {
2183                    case 'R': fprintf(fout, "REAL ");
2184                              break;
2185                    case 'I': fprintf(fout, "INTEGER ");
2186                              break;
2187                    case 'S': fprintf(fout, "STRING ");
2188                              break;
2189                    case 'Q': fprintf(fout, "QUOTESTRING ");
2190                              break;
2191                    case 'N': fprintf(fout, "NUMBER ");
2192                              break;
2193                 }
2194             }
2195             fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2196          }
2197          break;
2198   case defrTrackCbkType :
2199          track = (defiTrack*)cl;
2200 	 if (track->firstTrackMask()) {
2201 	    if (track->sameMask()) {
2202 		fprintf(fout, "TRACKS %s %g DO %g STEP %g MASK %d SAMEMASK LAYER ",
2203                  track->macro(), track->x(),
2204                  track->xNum(), track->xStep(),
2205 	         track->firstTrackMask());
2206 	    } else {
2207 		fprintf(fout, "TRACKS %s %g DO %g STEP %g MASK %d LAYER ",
2208                  track->macro(), track->x(),
2209                  track->xNum(), track->xStep(),
2210 	         track->firstTrackMask());
2211 	    }
2212 	 } else {
2213 	    fprintf(fout, "TRACKS %s %g DO %g STEP %g LAYER ",
2214                  track->macro(), track->x(),
2215                  track->xNum(), track->xStep());
2216 	 }
2217          for (i = 0; i < track->numLayers(); i++)
2218             fprintf(fout, "%s ", track->layer(i));
2219          fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2220          break;
2221   case defrGcellGridCbkType :
2222          gcg = (defiGcellGrid*)cl;
2223          fprintf(fout, "GCELLGRID %s %d DO %d STEP %g ;\n",
2224                  gcg->macro(), gcg->x(),
2225                  gcg->xNum(), gcg->xStep());
2226          break;
2227   case defrViaCbkType :
2228          via = (defiVia*)cl;
2229          if (testDebugPrint) {
2230              via->print(fout);
2231          } else {
2232              fprintf(fout, "- %s ", via->name());
2233              if (via->hasPattern())
2234                  fprintf(fout, "+ PATTERNNAME %s ", via->pattern());
2235              for (i = 0; i < via->numLayers(); i++) {
2236                  via->layer(i, &name, &xl, &yl, &xh, &yh);
2237                  int rectMask = via->rectMask(i);
2239                  if (rectMask) {
2240                      fprintf(fout, "+ RECT %s + MASK %d %d %d %d %d \n",
2241                              name, rectMask, xl, yl, xh, yh);
2242                  } else {
2243                      fprintf(fout, "+ RECT %s %d %d %d %d \n",
2244                              name, xl, yl, xh, yh);
2245                  }
2246              }
2247              // POLYGON
2248              if (via->numPolygons()) {
2249                  defiPoints points;
2250                  for (i = 0; i < via->numPolygons(); i++) {
2251                      int polyMask = via->polyMask(i);
2253                      if (polyMask) {
2254                          fprintf(fout, "\n  + POLYGON %s + MASK %d ",
2255                                  via->polygonName(i), polyMask);
2256                      } else {
2257                          fprintf(fout, "\n  + POLYGON %s ", via->polygonName(i));
2258                      }
2259                      points = via->getPolygon(i);
2260                      for (j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++)
2261                          fprintf(fout, "%d %d ", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
2262                  }
2263              }
2264              fprintf(fout, " ;\n");
2265              if (via->hasViaRule()) {
2266                  char *vrn, *bl, *cl, *tl;
2267                  int xs, ys, xcs, ycs, xbe, ybe, xte, yte;
2268                  int cr, cc, xo, yo, xbo, ybo, xto, yto;
2269                  (void)via->viaRule(&vrn, &xs, &ys, &bl, &cl, &tl, &xcs,
2270                                              &ycs, &xbe, &ybe, &xte, &yte);
2271                  fprintf(fout, "+ VIARULE '%s'\n", ignoreViaNames ? "XXX" : vrn);
2272                  fprintf(fout, "  + CUTSIZE %d %d\n", xs, ys);
2273                  fprintf(fout, "  + LAYERS %s %s %s\n", bl, cl, tl);
2274                  fprintf(fout, "  + CUTSPACING %d %d\n", xcs, ycs);
2275                  fprintf(fout, "  + ENCLOSURE %d %d %d %d\n", xbe, ybe, xte, yte);
2276                  if (via->hasRowCol()) {
2277                     (void)via->rowCol(&cr, &cc);
2278                     fprintf(fout, "  + ROWCOL %d %d\n", cr, cc);
2279                  }
2280                  if (via->hasOrigin()) {
2281                     (void)via->origin(&xo, &yo);
2282                     fprintf(fout, "  + ORIGIN %d %d\n", xo, yo);
2283                  }
2284                  if (via->hasOffset()) {
2285                     (void)via->offset(&xbo, &ybo, &xto, &yto);
2286                     fprintf(fout, "  + OFFSET %d %d %d %d\n", xbo, ybo, xto, yto);
2287                  }
2288                  if (via->hasCutPattern())
2289                     fprintf(fout, "  + PATTERN '%s'\n", via->cutPattern());
2290              }
2291              --numObjs;
2292              if (numObjs <= 0)
2293                  fprintf(fout, "END VIAS\n");
2294          }
2295          break;
2296   case defrRegionCbkType :
2297          re = (defiRegion*)cl;
2298          fprintf(fout, "- %s ", re->name());
2299          for (i = 0; i < re->numRectangles(); i++)
2300              fprintf(fout, "%d %d %d %d \n", re->xl(i),
2301                      re->yl(i), re->xh(i),
2302                      re->yh(i));
2303          if (re->hasType())
2304              fprintf(fout, "+ TYPE %s\n", re->type());
2305          if (re->numProps()) {
2306              for (i = 0; i < re->numProps(); i++) {
2307                  fprintf(fout, "+ PROPERTY %s %s ", re->propName(i),
2308                          re->propValue(i));
2309                  switch (re->propType(i)) {
2310                     case 'R': fprintf(fout, "REAL ");
2311                               break;
2312                     case 'I': fprintf(fout, "INTEGER ");
2313                               break;
2314                     case 'S': fprintf(fout, "STRING ");
2315                               break;
2316                     case 'Q': fprintf(fout, "QUOTESTRING ");
2317                               break;
2318                     case 'N': fprintf(fout, "NUMBER ");
2319                               break;
2320                  }
2321              }
2322          }
2323          fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2324          --numObjs;
2325          if (numObjs <= 0) {
2326              fprintf(fout, "END REGIONS\n");
2327          }
2328          break;
2329   case defrGroupNameCbkType :
2330          if ((char*)cl) {
2331              fprintf(fout, "- %s", (char*)cl);
2332          }
2333          break;
2334   case defrGroupMemberCbkType :
2335          if ((char*)cl) {
2336              fprintf(fout, " %s", (char*)cl);
2337          }
2338          break;
2339   case defrComponentMaskShiftLayerCbkType :
2340 	 fprintf(fout, "COMPONENTMASKSHIFT ");
2342         for (i = 0; i < maskShiftLayer->numMaskShiftLayers(); i++) {
2343            fprintf(fout, "%s ", maskShiftLayer->maskShiftLayer(i));
2344         }
2345         fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2346 	 break;
2347   case defrGroupCbkType :
2348          group = (defiGroup*)cl;
2349          if (group->hasMaxX() | group->hasMaxY()
2350              | group->hasPerim()) {
2351              fprintf(fout, "\n  + SOFT ");
2352              if (group->hasPerim())
2353                  fprintf(fout, "MAXHALFPERIMETER %d ",
2354                          group->perim());
2355              if (group->hasMaxX())
2356                  fprintf(fout, "MAXX %d ", group->maxX());
2357              if (group->hasMaxY())
2358                  fprintf(fout, "MAXY %d ", group->maxY());
2359          }
2360          if (group->hasRegionName())
2361              fprintf(fout, "\n  + REGION %s ", group->regionName());
2362          if (group->hasRegionBox()) {
2363              int *gxl, *gyl, *gxh, *gyh;
2364              int size;
2365              group->regionRects(&size, &gxl, &gyl, &gxh, &gyh);
2366              for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
2367                  fprintf(fout, "REGION %d %d %d %d ", gxl[i], gyl[i],
2368                          gxh[i], gyh[i]);
2369          }
2370          if (group->numProps()) {
2371              for (i = 0; i < group->numProps(); i++) {
2372                  fprintf(fout, "\n  + PROPERTY %s %s ",
2373                          group->propName(i),
2374                          group->propValue(i));
2375                  switch (group->propType(i)) {
2376                     case 'R': fprintf(fout, "REAL ");
2377                               break;
2378                     case 'I': fprintf(fout, "INTEGER ");
2379                               break;
2380                     case 'S': fprintf(fout, "STRING ");
2381                               break;
2382                     case 'Q': fprintf(fout, "QUOTESTRING ");
2383                               break;
2384                     case 'N': fprintf(fout, "NUMBER ");
2385                               break;
2386                  }
2387              }
2388          }
2389          fprintf(fout, " ;\n");
2390          --numObjs;
2391          if (numObjs <= 0)
2392              fprintf(fout, "END GROUPS\n");
2393          break;
2394   case defrScanchainCbkType :
2395          sc = (defiScanchain*)cl;
2396          fprintf(fout, "- %s\n", sc->name());
2397          if (sc->hasStart()) {
2398              sc->start(&a1, &b1);
2399              fprintf(fout, "  + START %s %s\n", a1, b1);
2400          }
2401          if (sc->hasStop()) {
2402              sc->stop(&a1, &b1);
2403              fprintf(fout, "  + STOP %s %s\n", a1, b1);
2404          }
2405          if (sc->hasCommonInPin() ||
2406              sc->hasCommonOutPin()) {
2407              fprintf(fout, "  + COMMONSCANPINS ");
2408              if (sc->hasCommonInPin())
2409                 fprintf(fout, " ( IN %s ) ", sc->commonInPin());
2410              if (sc->hasCommonOutPin())
2411                 fprintf(fout, " ( OUT %s ) ",sc->commonOutPin());
2412              fprintf(fout, "\n");
2413          }
2414          if (sc->hasFloating()) {
2415             sc->floating(&size, &inst, &inPin, &outPin, &bits);
2416             if (size > 0)
2417                 fprintf(fout, "  + FLOATING\n");
2418             for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
2419                 fprintf(fout, "    %s ", inst[i]);
2420                 if (inPin[i])
2421                    fprintf(fout, "( IN %s ) ", inPin[i]);
2422                 if (outPin[i])
2423                    fprintf(fout, "( OUT %s ) ", outPin[i]);
2424                 if (bits[i] != -1)
2425                    fprintf(fout, "( BITS %d ) ", bits[i]);
2426                 fprintf(fout, "\n");
2427             }
2428          }
2430          if (sc->hasOrdered()) {
2431             for (i = 0; i < sc->numOrderedLists(); i++) {
2432                 sc->ordered(i, &size, &inst, &inPin, &outPin,
2433                                            &bits);
2434                 if (size > 0)
2435                     fprintf(fout, "  + ORDERED\n");
2436                 for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
2437                     fprintf(fout, "    %s ", inst[j]);
2438                     if (inPin[j])
2439                        fprintf(fout, "( IN %s ) ", inPin[j]);
2440                     if (outPin[j])
2441                        fprintf(fout, "( OUT %s ) ", outPin[j]);
2442                     if (bits[j] != -1)
2443                        fprintf(fout, "( BITS %d ) ", bits[j]);
2444                     fprintf(fout, "\n");
2445                 }
2446             }
2447          }
2449          if (sc->hasPartition()) {
2450             fprintf(fout, "  + PARTITION %s ",
2451                     sc->partitionName());
2452             if (sc->hasPartitionMaxBits())
2453               fprintf(fout, "MAXBITS %d ",
2454                       sc->partitionMaxBits());
2455          }
2456          fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2457          --numObjs;
2458          if (numObjs <= 0)
2459              fprintf(fout, "END SCANCHAINS\n");
2460          break;
2461   case defrIOTimingCbkType :
2462          iot = (defiIOTiming*)cl;
2463          fprintf(fout, "- ( %s %s )\n", iot->inst(),
2464                  iot->pin());
2465          if (iot->hasSlewRise())
2466              fprintf(fout, "  + RISE SLEWRATE %g %g\n",
2467                      iot->slewRiseMin(),
2468                      iot->slewRiseMax());
2469          if (iot->hasSlewFall())
2470              fprintf(fout, "  + FALL SLEWRATE %g %g\n",
2471                      iot->slewFallMin(),
2472                      iot->slewFallMax());
2473          if (iot->hasVariableRise())
2474              fprintf(fout, "  + RISE VARIABLE %g %g\n",
2475                      iot->variableRiseMin(),
2476                      iot->variableRiseMax());
2477          if (iot->hasVariableFall())
2478              fprintf(fout, "  + FALL VARIABLE %g %g\n",
2479                      iot->variableFallMin(),
2480                      iot->variableFallMax());
2481          if (iot->hasCapacitance())
2482              fprintf(fout, "  + CAPACITANCE %g\n",
2483                      iot->capacitance());
2484          if (iot->hasDriveCell()) {
2485              fprintf(fout, "  + DRIVECELL %s ",
2486                      iot->driveCell());
2487              if (iot->hasFrom())
2488                  fprintf(fout, "  FROMPIN %s ",
2489                          iot->from());
2490              if (iot->hasTo())
2491                  fprintf(fout, "  TOPIN %s ",
2492                          iot->to());
2493              if (iot->hasParallel())
2494                  fprintf(fout, "PARALLEL %g",
2495                          iot->parallel());
2496              fprintf(fout, "\n");
2497          }
2498          fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2499          --numObjs;
2500          if (numObjs <= 0)
2501              fprintf(fout, "END IOTIMINGS\n");
2502          break;
2503   case defrFPCCbkType :
2504          fpc = (defiFPC*)cl;
2505          fprintf(fout, "- %s ", fpc->name());
2506          if (fpc->isVertical())
2507              fprintf(fout, "VERTICAL ");
2508          if (fpc->isHorizontal())
2509              fprintf(fout, "HORIZONTAL ");
2510          if (fpc->hasAlign())
2511              fprintf(fout, "ALIGN ");
2512          if (fpc->hasMax())
2513              fprintf(fout, "%g ", fpc->alignMax());
2514          if (fpc->hasMin())
2515              fprintf(fout, "%g ", fpc->alignMin());
2516          if (fpc->hasEqual())
2517              fprintf(fout, "%g ", fpc->equal());
2518          for (i = 0; i < fpc->numParts(); i++) {
2519              fpc->getPart(i, &corner, &typ, &name);
2520              if (corner == 'B')
2521                  fprintf(fout, "BOTTOMLEFT ");
2522              else
2523                  fprintf(fout, "TOPRIGHT ");
2524              if (typ == 'R')
2525                  fprintf(fout, "ROWS %s ", name);
2526              else
2527                  fprintf(fout, "COMPS %s ", name);
2528          }
2529          fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2530          --numObjs;
2531          if (numObjs <= 0)
2532              fprintf(fout, "END FLOORPLANCONSTRAINTS\n");
2533          break;
2534   case defrTimingDisableCbkType :
2535          td = (defiTimingDisable*)cl;
2536          if (td->hasFromTo())
2537              fprintf(fout, "- FROMPIN %s %s ",
2538                      td->fromInst(),
2539                      td->fromPin(),
2540                      td->toInst(),
2541                      td->toPin());
2542          if (td->hasThru())
2543              fprintf(fout, "- THRUPIN %s %s ",
2544                      td->thruInst(),
2545                      td->thruPin());
2546          if (td->hasMacroFromTo())
2547              fprintf(fout, "- MACRO %s FROMPIN %s %s ",
2548                      td->macroName(),
2549                      td->fromPin(),
2550                      td->toPin());
2551          if (td->hasMacroThru())
2552              fprintf(fout, "- MACRO %s THRUPIN %s %s ",
2553                      td->macroName(),
2554                      td->fromPin());
2555          fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2556          break;
2557   case defrPartitionCbkType :
2558          part = (defiPartition*)cl;
2559          fprintf(fout, "- %s ", part->name());
2560          if (part->isSetupRise() |
2561              part->isSetupFall() |
2562              part->isHoldRise() |
2563              part->isHoldFall()) {
2564              // has turnoff
2565              fprintf(fout, "TURNOFF ");
2566              if (part->isSetupRise())
2567                  fprintf(fout, "SETUPRISE ");
2568              if (part->isSetupFall())
2569                  fprintf(fout, "SETUPFALL ");
2570              if (part->isHoldRise())
2571                  fprintf(fout, "HOLDRISE ");
2572              if (part->isHoldFall())
2573                  fprintf(fout, "HOLDFALL ");
2574          }
2575          itemT = part->itemType();
2576          dir = part->direction();
2577          if (strcmp(itemT, "CLOCK") == 0) {
2578              if (dir == 'T')    // toclockpin
2579                  fprintf(fout, "+ TOCLOCKPIN %s %s ",
2580                          part->instName(),
2581                          part->pinName());
2582              if (dir == 'F')    // fromclockpin
2583                  fprintf(fout, "+ FROMCLOCKPIN %s %s ",
2584                          part->instName(),
2585                          part->pinName());
2586              if (part->hasMin())
2587                  fprintf(fout, "MIN %g %g ",
2588                          part->partitionMin(),
2589                          part->partitionMax());
2590              if (part->hasMax())
2591                  fprintf(fout, "MAX %g %g ",
2592                          part->partitionMin(),
2593                          part->partitionMax());
2594              fprintf(fout, "PINS ");
2595              for (i = 0; i < part->numPins(); i++)
2596                   fprintf(fout, "%s ", part->pin(i));
2597          } else if (strcmp(itemT, "IO") == 0) {
2598              if (dir == 'T')    // toiopin
2599                  fprintf(fout, "+ TOIOPIN %s %s ",
2600                          part->instName(),
2601                          part->pinName());
2602              if (dir == 'F')    // fromiopin
2603                  fprintf(fout, "+ FROMIOPIN %s %s ",
2604                          part->instName(),
2605                          part->pinName());
2606          } else if (strcmp(itemT, "COMP") == 0) {
2607              if (dir == 'T')    // tocomppin
2608                  fprintf(fout, "+ TOCOMPPIN %s %s ",
2609                          part->instName(),
2610                          part->pinName());
2611              if (dir == 'F')    // fromcomppin
2612                  fprintf(fout, "+ FROMCOMPPIN %s %s ",
2613                          part->instName(),
2614                          part->pinName());
2615          }
2616          fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2617          --numObjs;
2618          if (numObjs <= 0)
2619              fprintf(fout, "END PARTITIONS\n");
2620          break;
2622   case defrPinPropCbkType :
2623          pprop = (defiPinProp*)cl;
2624          if (pprop->isPin())
2625             fprintf(fout, "- PIN %s ", pprop->pinName());
2626          else
2627             fprintf(fout, "- %s %s ",
2628                     pprop->instName(),
2629                     pprop->pinName());
2630          fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2631          if (pprop->numProps() > 0) {
2632             for (i = 0; i < pprop->numProps(); i++) {
2633                 fprintf(fout, "  + PROPERTY %s %s ",
2634                         pprop->propName(i),
2635                         pprop->propValue(i));
2636                 switch (pprop->propType(i)) {
2637                    case 'R': fprintf(fout, "REAL ");
2638                              break;
2639                    case 'I': fprintf(fout, "INTEGER ");
2640                              break;
2641                    case 'S': fprintf(fout, "STRING ");
2642                              break;
2643                    case 'Q': fprintf(fout, "QUOTESTRING ");
2644                              break;
2645                    case 'N': fprintf(fout, "NUMBER ");
2646                              break;
2647                 }
2648             }
2649             fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2650          }
2651          --numObjs;
2652          if (numObjs <= 0)
2653              fprintf(fout, "END PINPROPERTIES\n");
2654          break;
2655   case defrBlockageCbkType :
2656          block = (defiBlockage*)cl;
2657          if (testDebugPrint) {
2658              block->print(fout);
2659          } else {
2660              if (block->hasLayer()) {
2661                 fprintf(fout, "- LAYER %s\n", block->layerName());
2662                 if (block->hasComponent())
2663                    fprintf(fout, "   + COMPONENT %s\n",
2664                            block->layerComponentName());
2665                 if (block->hasSlots())
2666                    fprintf(fout, "   + SLOTS\n");
2667                 if (block->hasFills())
2668                    fprintf(fout, "   + FILLS\n");
2669                 if (block->hasPushdown())
2670                    fprintf(fout, "   + PUSHDOWN\n");
2671                 if (block->hasExceptpgnet())
2672                    fprintf(fout, "   + EXCEPTPGNET\n");
2673                 if (block->hasMask())
2674                    fprintf(fout, "   + MASK %d\n", block->mask());
2675                 if (block->hasSpacing())
2676                    fprintf(fout, "   + SPACING %d\n",
2677                            block->minSpacing());
2678                 if (block->hasDesignRuleWidth())
2679                    fprintf(fout, "   + DESIGNRULEWIDTH %d\n",
2680                            block->designRuleWidth());
2681              }
2682              else if (block->hasPlacement()) {
2683                 fprintf(fout, "- PLACEMENT\n");
2684                 if (block->hasSoft())
2685                    fprintf(fout, "   + SOFT\n");
2686                 if (block->hasPartial())
2687                    fprintf(fout, "   + PARTIAL %g\n",
2688                            block->placementMaxDensity());
2689                 if (block->hasComponent())
2690                    fprintf(fout, "   + COMPONENT %s\n",
2691                            block->placementComponentName());
2692                 if (block->hasPushdown())
2693                    fprintf(fout, "   + PUSHDOWN\n");
2694              }
2696              for (i = 0; i < block->numRectangles(); i++) {
2697                 fprintf(fout, "   RECT %d %d %d %d\n",
2698                         block->xl(i), block->yl(i),
2699                         block->xh(i), block->yh(i));
2700              }
2702              for (i = 0; i < block->numPolygons(); i++) {
2703                 fprintf(fout, "   POLYGON ");
2704                 points = block->getPolygon(i);
2705                 for (j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++)
2706                    fprintf(fout, "%d %d ", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
2707                 fprintf(fout, "\n");
2708              }
2709              fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2710              --numObjs;
2711              if (numObjs <= 0)
2712                  fprintf(fout, "END BLOCKAGES\n");
2713          }
2714          break;
2715   case defrSlotCbkType :
2716          slots = (defiSlot*)cl;
2717          if (slots->hasLayer())
2718             fprintf(fout, "- LAYER %s\n", slots->layerName());
2720          for (i = 0; i < slots->numRectangles(); i++) {
2721             fprintf(fout, "   RECT %d %d %d %d\n",
2722                     slots->xl(i), slots->yl(i),
2723                     slots->xh(i), slots->yh(i));
2724          }
2725          for (i = 0; i < slots->numPolygons(); i++) {
2726             fprintf(fout, "   POLYGON ");
2727             points = slots->getPolygon(i);
2728             for (j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++)
2729               fprintf(fout, "%d %d ", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
2730             fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2731          }
2732          fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2733          --numObjs;
2734          if (numObjs <= 0)
2735              fprintf(fout, "END SLOTS\n");
2736          break;
2737   case defrFillCbkType :
2738          fills = (defiFill*)cl;
2739          if (testDebugPrint) {
2740               fills->print(fout);
2741          } else {
2742              if (fills->hasLayer()) {
2743                 fprintf(fout, "- LAYER %s", fills->layerName());
2744                 if (fills->layerMask()) {
2745                     fprintf(fout, " + MASK %d", fills->layerMask());
2746                 }
2747                 if (fills->hasLayerOpc())
2748                    fprintf(fout, " + OPC");
2749                 fprintf(fout, "\n");
2751                 for (i = 0; i < fills->numRectangles(); i++) {
2752                    fprintf(fout, "   RECT %d %d %d %d\n",
2753                            fills->xl(i), fills->yl(i),
2754                            fills->xh(i), fills->yh(i));
2755                 }
2756                 for (i = 0; i < fills->numPolygons(); i++) {
2757                    fprintf(fout, "   POLYGON ");
2758                    points = fills->getPolygon(i);
2759                    for (j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++)
2760                      fprintf(fout, "%d %d ", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
2761                    fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2762                 }
2763                 fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2764              }
2765              --numObjs;
2766              if (fills->hasVia()) {
2767                 fprintf(fout, "- VIA %s", fills->viaName());
2768                 if (fills->viaTopMask() || fills->viaCutMask()
2769                     || fills->viaBottomMask()) {
2770                     fprintf(fout, " + MASK %d%d%d",
2771                     fills->viaTopMask(),
2772                            fills->viaCutMask(),
2773                            fills->viaBottomMask());
2774                 }
2775                 if (fills->hasViaOpc())
2776                    fprintf(fout, " + OPC");
2777                 fprintf(fout, "\n");
2779                 for (i = 0; i < fills->numViaPts(); i++) {
2780                    points = fills->getViaPts(i);
2781                    for (j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++)
2782                       fprintf(fout, " %d %d", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
2783                    fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2784                 }
2785                 fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2786              }
2787              if (numObjs <= 0)
2788                  fprintf(fout, "END FILLS\n");
2789          }
2790          break;
2791   case defrStylesCbkType :
2792 //         defiPoints points;
2793          styles = (defiStyles*)cl;
2794          fprintf(fout, "- STYLE %d ", styles->style());
2795          points = styles->getPolygon();
2796          for (j = 0; j < points.numPoints; j++)
2797             fprintf(fout, "%d %d ", points.x[j], points.y[j]);
2798          fprintf(fout, ";\n");
2799          --numObjs;
2800          if (numObjs <= 0)
2801              fprintf(fout, "END STYLES\n");
2802          break;
2804   default: fprintf(fout, "BOGUS callback to cls.\n"); return 1;
2805   }
2806   return 0;
2807 }
dn(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * h,defiUserData ud)2810 int dn(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* h, defiUserData ud) {
2811   checkType(c);
2812   if (ud != userData) dataError();
2813   fprintf(fout, "DIVIDERCHAR \"%s\" ;\n",h);
2814   return 0;
2815 }
ext(defrCallbackType_e t,const char * c,defiUserData ud)2818 int ext(defrCallbackType_e t, const char* c, defiUserData ud) {
2819   char* name;
2821   checkType(t);
2822   if (ud != userData) dataError();
2824   switch (t) {
2825   case defrNetExtCbkType : name = address("net"); break;
2826   case defrComponentExtCbkType : name = address("component"); break;
2827   case defrPinExtCbkType : name = address("pin"); break;
2828   case defrViaExtCbkType : name = address("via"); break;
2829   case defrNetConnectionExtCbkType : name = address("net connection"); break;
2830   case defrGroupExtCbkType : name = address("group"); break;
2831   case defrScanChainExtCbkType : name = address("scanchain"); break;
2832   case defrIoTimingsExtCbkType : name = address("io timing"); break;
2833   case defrPartitionsExtCbkType : name = address("partition"); break;
2834   default: name = address("BOGUS"); return 1;
2835   }
2836   fprintf(fout, "  %s extension %s\n", name, c);
2837   return 0;
2838 }
extension(defrCallbackType_e c,const char * extsn,defiUserData ud)2840 int extension(defrCallbackType_e c, const char* extsn, defiUserData ud) {
2841   checkType(c);
2842   if (ud != userData) dataError();
2843   fprintf(fout, "BEGINEXT %s\n", extsn);
2844   return 0;
2845 }
mallocCB(size_t size)2847 void* mallocCB(size_t size) {
2848   return malloc(size);
2849 }
reallocCB(void * name,size_t size)2851 void* reallocCB(void* name, size_t size) {
2852   return realloc(name, size);
2853 }
freeCB(void * name)2855 void freeCB(void* name) {
2856   free(name);
2857   return;
2858 }
2862 extern long long nlines;
2864 static int ccr1131444 = 0;
lineNumberCB(long long lineNo)2866 void lineNumberCB(long long lineNo) {
2868     // The CCR 1131444 tests ability of the DEF parser to count
2869     // input line numbers out of 32-bit int range. On the first callback
2870     // call 10G lines will be added to line counter. It should be
2871     // reflected in output.
2872     if (ccr1131444) {
2873         lineNo += 10000000000LL;
2874         defrSetNLines(lineNo);
2875         ccr1131444 = 0;
2876     }
2878     fprintf(fout, "Parsed %lld number of lines!!\n", lineNo);
2879 }
unUsedCB(defrCallbackType_e,void *,defiUserData)2881 int unUsedCB(defrCallbackType_e, void*, defiUserData) {
2882   fprintf(fout, "This callback is not used.\n");
2883   return 0;
2884 }
printWarning(const char * str)2886 void printWarning(const char *str)
2887 {
2888     fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str);
2889 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)2891 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
2892   int num = 99;
2893   char* inFile[6];
2894   char* outFile;
2895   FILE* f;
2896   int res;
2897   int noCalls = 0;
2898 //  long start_mem;
2899   int retStr = 0;
2900   int numInFile = 0;
2901   int fileCt = 0;
2902   int test1 = 0;
2903   int test2 = 0;
2904   int noNetCb = 0;
2905   int ccr749853 = 0;
2906   int line_num_print_interval = 50;
2908 #ifdef WIN32
2909     // Enable two-digit exponent format
2910     _set_output_format(_TWO_DIGIT_EXPONENT);
2911 #endif
2913 //  start_mem = (long)sbrk(0);
2915   strcpy(defaultName, "def.in");
2916   strcpy(defaultOut, "list");
2917   inFile[0] = defaultName;
2918   outFile = defaultOut;
2919   fout = stdout;
2920   userData = (void*) 0x01020304;
2921   argc--;
2922   argv++;
2924   if (argc == 0) {
2925     fprintf(stderr, "Type 'defrw --help' for the help.\n");
2926     return 2;
2927   }
2929   while (argc--) {
2930     if (strcmp(*argv, "-d") == 0) {
2931       argv++;
2932       argc--;
2933       sscanf(*argv, "%d", &num);
2934       defiSetDebug(num, 1);
2935     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-nc") == 0) {
2936       noCalls = 1;
2937     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-o") == 0) {
2938       argv++;
2939       argc--;
2940       outFile = *argv;
2941       if ((fout = fopen(outFile, "w")) == 0) {
2942 	        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not open output file\n");
2943 	        return 2;
2944         }
2945     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-verStr") == 0) {
2946         /* New to set the version callback routine to return a string    */
2947         /* instead of double.                                            */
2948         retStr = 1;
2949     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-i") == 0) {
2950         argv++;
2951         argc--;
2952         line_num_print_interval = atoi(*argv);
2953     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-test1") == 0) {
2954       test1 = 1;
2955     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-test2") == 0) {
2956       test2 = 1;
2957     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-noNet") == 0) {
2958       noNetCb = 1;
2959     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-ccr749853") == 0) {
2960       ccr749853 = 1;
2961     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-ccr1131444") == 0) {
2962         ccr1131444 = 1;
2963     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-testDebugPrint") == 0) {
2964         testDebugPrint = 1;
2965     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-sessionless") == 0) {
2966         isSessionless = 1;
2967     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-ignoreRowNames") == 0) {
2968         ignoreRowNames = 1;
2969 	} else if (strcmp(*argv, "-ignoreViaNames") == 0) {
2970         ignoreViaNames = 1;
2971 	} else if (argv[0][0] != '-') {
2972       if (numInFile >= 6) {
2973         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: too many input files, max = 6.\n");
2974         return 2;
2975       }
2976       inFile[numInFile++] = *argv;
2977     } else if ((strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--help") == 0)) {
2978       fprintf(stderr, "Usage: defrw (<option>|<file>)* \n");
2979       fprintf(stderr, "Files:\n");
2980       fprintf(stderr, "\tupto 6 DEF files many be supplied.\n");
2981       fprintf(stderr, "\tif <defFileName> is set to 'STDIN' - takes data from stdin.\n");
2982       fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
2983       fprintf(stderr, "\t-i <num_lines> -- sets processing msg interval (default: 50 lines).\n");
2984       fprintf(stderr, "\t-nc            -- no functional callbacks will be called.\n");
2985       fprintf(stderr, "\t-o <out_file>  -- write output to the file.\n");
2986       fprintf(stderr, "\t-ignoreRowNames   -- don't output row names.\n");
2987       fprintf(stderr, "\t-ignoreViaNames   -- don't output via names.\n");
2988       return 2;
2989     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-setSNetWireCbk") == 0) {
2990       setSNetWireCbk = 1;
2991     } else {
2992       fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Illegal command line option: '%s'\n", *argv);
2993       return 2;
2994     }
2996     argv++;
2997   }
2999   //defrSetLogFunction(myLogFunction);
3000   //defrSetWarningLogFunction(myWarningLogFunction);
3002   if (isSessionless) {
3003       defrInitSession(0);
3004 	  defrSetLongLineNumberFunction(lineNumberCB);
3005 	  defrSetDeltaNumberLines(line_num_print_interval);
3006   }
3008   defrInitSession(isSessionless ? 0 : 1);
3010   if (noCalls == 0) {
3012     defrSetWarningLogFunction(printWarning);
3015     defrSetUserData((void*)3);
3016     defrSetDesignCbk(dname);
3017     defrSetTechnologyCbk(tname);
3018     defrSetExtensionCbk(extension);
3019     defrSetDesignEndCbk(done);
3020     defrSetPropDefStartCbk(propstart);
3021     defrSetPropCbk(prop);
3022     defrSetPropDefEndCbk(propend);
3023     /* Test for CCR 766289*/
3024     if (!noNetCb)
3025       defrSetNetCbk(netf);
3026     defrSetNetNameCbk(netNamef);
3027     defrSetNetNonDefaultRuleCbk(nondefRulef);
3028     defrSetNetSubnetNameCbk(subnetNamef);
3029     defrSetNetPartialPathCbk(netpath);
3030     defrSetSNetCbk(snetf);
3031     defrSetSNetPartialPathCbk(snetpath);
3032     if (setSNetWireCbk)
3033       defrSetSNetWireCbk(snetwire);
3034     defrSetComponentMaskShiftLayerCbk(compMSL);
3035     defrSetComponentCbk(compf);
3036     defrSetAddPathToNet();
3037     defrSetHistoryCbk(hist);
3038     defrSetConstraintCbk(constraint);
3039     defrSetAssertionCbk(constraint);
3040     defrSetArrayNameCbk(an);
3041     defrSetFloorPlanNameCbk(fn);
3042     defrSetDividerCbk(dn);
3043     defrSetBusBitCbk(bbn);
3044     defrSetNonDefaultCbk(ndr);
3046     defrSetAssertionsStartCbk(constraintst);
3047     defrSetConstraintsStartCbk(constraintst);
3048     defrSetComponentStartCbk(cs);
3049     defrSetPinPropStartCbk(cs);
3050     defrSetNetStartCbk(cs);
3051     defrSetStartPinsCbk(cs);
3052     defrSetViaStartCbk(cs);
3053     defrSetRegionStartCbk(cs);
3054     defrSetSNetStartCbk(cs);
3055     defrSetGroupsStartCbk(cs);
3056     defrSetScanchainsStartCbk(cs);
3057     defrSetIOTimingsStartCbk(cs);
3058     defrSetFPCStartCbk(cs);
3059     defrSetTimingDisablesStartCbk(cs);
3060     defrSetPartitionsStartCbk(cs);
3061     defrSetBlockageStartCbk(cs);
3062     defrSetSlotStartCbk(cs);
3063     defrSetFillStartCbk(cs);
3064     defrSetNonDefaultStartCbk(cs);
3065     defrSetStylesStartCbk(cs);
3067     // All of the extensions point to the same function.
3068     defrSetNetExtCbk(ext);
3069     defrSetComponentExtCbk(ext);
3070     defrSetPinExtCbk(ext);
3071     defrSetViaExtCbk(ext);
3072     defrSetNetConnectionExtCbk(ext);
3073     defrSetGroupExtCbk(ext);
3074     defrSetScanChainExtCbk(ext);
3075     defrSetIoTimingsExtCbk(ext);
3076     defrSetPartitionsExtCbk(ext);
3078     defrSetUnitsCbk(units);
3079     if (!retStr)
3080        defrSetVersionCbk(vers);
3081     else
3082        defrSetVersionStrCbk(versStr);
3083     defrSetCaseSensitiveCbk(casesens);
3085     // The following calls are an example of using one function "cls"
3086     // to be the callback for many DIFFERENT types of constructs.
3087     // We have to cast the function type to meet the requirements
3088     // of each different set function.
3089     defrSetSiteCbk((defrSiteCbkFnType)cls);
3090     defrSetCanplaceCbk((defrSiteCbkFnType)cls);
3091     defrSetCannotOccupyCbk((defrSiteCbkFnType)cls);
3092     defrSetDieAreaCbk((defrBoxCbkFnType)cls);
3093     defrSetPinCapCbk((defrPinCapCbkFnType)cls);
3094     defrSetPinCbk((defrPinCbkFnType)cls);
3095     defrSetPinPropCbk((defrPinPropCbkFnType)cls);
3096     defrSetDefaultCapCbk((defrIntegerCbkFnType)cls);
3097     defrSetRowCbk((defrRowCbkFnType)cls);
3098     defrSetTrackCbk((defrTrackCbkFnType)cls);
3099     defrSetGcellGridCbk((defrGcellGridCbkFnType)cls);
3100     defrSetViaCbk((defrViaCbkFnType)cls);
3101     defrSetRegionCbk((defrRegionCbkFnType)cls);
3102     defrSetGroupNameCbk((defrStringCbkFnType)cls);
3103     defrSetGroupMemberCbk((defrStringCbkFnType)cls);
3104     defrSetGroupCbk((defrGroupCbkFnType)cls);
3105     defrSetScanchainCbk((defrScanchainCbkFnType)cls);
3106     defrSetIOTimingCbk((defrIOTimingCbkFnType)cls);
3107     defrSetFPCCbk((defrFPCCbkFnType)cls);
3108     defrSetTimingDisableCbk((defrTimingDisableCbkFnType)cls);
3109     defrSetPartitionCbk((defrPartitionCbkFnType)cls);
3110     defrSetBlockageCbk((defrBlockageCbkFnType)cls);
3111     defrSetSlotCbk((defrSlotCbkFnType)cls);
3112     defrSetFillCbk((defrFillCbkFnType)cls);
3113     defrSetStylesCbk((defrStylesCbkFnType)cls);
3115     defrSetAssertionsEndCbk(endfunc);
3116     defrSetComponentEndCbk(endfunc);
3117     defrSetConstraintsEndCbk(endfunc);
3118     defrSetNetEndCbk(endfunc);
3119     defrSetFPCEndCbk(endfunc);
3120     defrSetFPCEndCbk(endfunc);
3121     defrSetGroupsEndCbk(endfunc);
3122     defrSetIOTimingsEndCbk(endfunc);
3123     defrSetNetEndCbk(endfunc);
3124     defrSetPartitionsEndCbk(endfunc);
3125     defrSetRegionEndCbk(endfunc);
3126     defrSetSNetEndCbk(endfunc);
3127     defrSetScanchainsEndCbk(endfunc);
3128     defrSetPinEndCbk(endfunc);
3129     defrSetTimingDisablesEndCbk(endfunc);
3130     defrSetViaEndCbk(endfunc);
3131     defrSetPinPropEndCbk(endfunc);
3132     defrSetBlockageEndCbk(endfunc);
3133     defrSetSlotEndCbk(endfunc);
3134     defrSetFillEndCbk(endfunc);
3135     defrSetNonDefaultEndCbk(endfunc);
3136     defrSetStylesEndCbk(endfunc);
3138     defrSetMallocFunction(mallocCB);
3139     defrSetReallocFunction(reallocCB);
3140     defrSetFreeFunction(freeCB);
3142     //defrSetRegisterUnusedCallbacks();
3144     // Testing to set the number of warnings
3145     defrSetAssertionWarnings(3);
3146     defrSetBlockageWarnings(3);
3147     defrSetCaseSensitiveWarnings(3);
3148     defrSetComponentWarnings(3);
3149     defrSetConstraintWarnings(0);
3150     defrSetDefaultCapWarnings(3);
3151     defrSetGcellGridWarnings(3);
3152     defrSetIOTimingWarnings(3);
3153     defrSetNetWarnings(3);
3154     defrSetNonDefaultWarnings(3);
3155     defrSetPinExtWarnings(3);
3156     defrSetPinWarnings(3);
3157     defrSetRegionWarnings(3);
3158     defrSetRowWarnings(3);
3159     defrSetScanchainWarnings(3);
3160     defrSetSNetWarnings(3);
3161     defrSetStylesWarnings(3);
3162     defrSetTrackWarnings(3);
3163     defrSetUnitsWarnings(3);
3164     defrSetVersionWarnings(3);
3165     defrSetViaWarnings(3);
3166   }
3168   if (! isSessionless) {
3169 	  defrSetLongLineNumberFunction(lineNumberCB);
3170 	  defrSetDeltaNumberLines(line_num_print_interval);
3171   }
3173   (void) defrSetOpenLogFileAppend();
3175   if (ccr749853) {
3176     defrSetTotalMsgLimit (5);
3177     defrSetLimitPerMsg (6008, 2);
3179   }
3181   if (test1) {  // for special tests
3182      for (fileCt = 0; fileCt < numInFile; fileCt++) {
3183        if ((f = fopen(inFile[fileCt],"r")) == 0) {
3184          fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open input file '%s'\n", inFile[fileCt]);
3185          return(2);
3186        }
3187        // Set case sensitive to 0 to start with, in History & PropertyDefinition
3188        // reset it to 1.
3189        res = defrRead(f, inFile[fileCt], userData, 1);
3191        if (res)
3192           fprintf(stderr, "Reader returns bad status.\n", inFile[fileCt]);
3194        (void)defrPrintUnusedCallbacks(fout);
3195        (void)defrReleaseNResetMemory();
3196        (void)defrUnsetNonDefaultCbk();
3197        (void)defrUnsetNonDefaultStartCbk();
3198        (void)defrUnsetNonDefaultEndCbk();
3199      }
3200   }
3201   else if (test2) {  // for special tests
3202     // this test is design to test the 3 APIs, defrDisableParserMsgs,
3203     // defrEnableParserMsgs & defrEnableAllMsgs
3204     // It uses the file ccr523879.def.  This file will parser 3 times
3205     // 1st it will have defrDisableParserMsgs set to both 7010 & 7016
3206     // 2nd will enable 7016 by calling defrEnableParserMsgs
3207     // 3rd enable all msgs by call defrEnableAllMsgs
3209     int nMsgs = 2;
3210     int dMsgs[2];
3212     for (fileCt = 0; fileCt < numInFile; fileCt++) {
3213        if (fileCt == 0) {
3214           dMsgs[0] = 7010;
3215           dMsgs[1] = 7016;
3216           defrDisableParserMsgs (2, (int*)dMsgs);
3217        } else if (fileCt == 1) {
3218           dMsgs[0] = 7016;
3219           defrEnableParserMsgs (1, (int*)dMsgs);
3220        } else
3221           defrEnableAllMsgs();
3223        if ((f = fopen(inFile[fileCt],"r")) == 0) {
3224          fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open input file '%s'\n", inFile[fileCt]);
3225          return(2);
3226        }
3228        res = defrRead(f, inFile[fileCt], userData, 1);
3230        if (res)
3231           fprintf(stderr, "Reader returns bad status.\n", inFile[fileCt]);
3233        (void)defrPrintUnusedCallbacks(fout);
3234        (void)defrReleaseNResetMemory();
3235        (void)defrUnsetNonDefaultCbk();
3236        (void)defrUnsetNonDefaultStartCbk();
3237        (void)defrUnsetNonDefaultEndCbk();
3238     }
3239   } else {
3240      for (fileCt = 0; fileCt < numInFile; fileCt++) {
3241        if (strcmp(inFile[fileCt], "STDIN") == 0) {
3242             f = stdin;
3243        } else if ((f = fopen(inFile[fileCt],"r")) == 0) {
3244              fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open input file '%s'\n", inFile[fileCt]);
3245              return(2);
3246        }
3247        // Set case sensitive to 0 to start with, in History & PropertyDefinition
3248        // reset it to 1.
3250        res = defrRead(f, inFile[fileCt], userData, 1);
3252        if (res)
3253            fprintf(stderr, "Reader returns bad status.\n", inFile[fileCt]);
3255        // Testing the aliases API.
3256        defrAddAlias ("alias1", "aliasValue1", 1);
3258        defiAlias_itr aliasStore;
3259        const char    *alias1Value = NULL;
3261        while (aliasStore.Next()) {
3262            if (strcmp(aliasStore.Key(), "alias1") == 0) {
3263                 alias1Value = aliasStore.Data();
3264            }
3265        }
3267        if (!alias1Value || strcmp(alias1Value, "aliasValue1")) {
3268              fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Aliases don't work\n");
3269        }
3271        (void)defrPrintUnusedCallbacks(fout);
3272        (void)defrReleaseNResetMemory();
3273     }
3274     (void)defrUnsetCallbacks();
3275     (void)defrSetUnusedCallbacks(unUsedCB);
3276   }
3278   // Unset all the callbacks
3279   defrUnsetArrayNameCbk ();
3280   defrUnsetAssertionCbk ();
3281   defrUnsetAssertionsStartCbk ();
3282   defrUnsetAssertionsEndCbk ();
3283   defrUnsetBlockageCbk ();
3284   defrUnsetBlockageStartCbk ();
3285   defrUnsetBlockageEndCbk ();
3286   defrUnsetBusBitCbk ();
3287   defrUnsetCannotOccupyCbk ();
3288   defrUnsetCanplaceCbk ();
3289   defrUnsetCaseSensitiveCbk ();
3290   defrUnsetComponentCbk ();
3291   defrUnsetComponentExtCbk ();
3292   defrUnsetComponentStartCbk ();
3293   defrUnsetComponentEndCbk ();
3294   defrUnsetConstraintCbk ();
3295   defrUnsetConstraintsStartCbk ();
3296   defrUnsetConstraintsEndCbk ();
3297   defrUnsetDefaultCapCbk ();
3298   defrUnsetDesignCbk ();
3299   defrUnsetDesignEndCbk ();
3300   defrUnsetDieAreaCbk ();
3301   defrUnsetDividerCbk ();
3302   defrUnsetExtensionCbk ();
3303   defrUnsetFillCbk ();
3304   defrUnsetFillStartCbk ();
3305   defrUnsetFillEndCbk ();
3306   defrUnsetFPCCbk ();
3307   defrUnsetFPCStartCbk ();
3308   defrUnsetFPCEndCbk ();
3309   defrUnsetFloorPlanNameCbk ();
3310   defrUnsetGcellGridCbk ();
3311   defrUnsetGroupCbk ();
3312   defrUnsetGroupExtCbk ();
3313   defrUnsetGroupMemberCbk ();
3314   defrUnsetComponentMaskShiftLayerCbk ();
3315   defrUnsetGroupNameCbk ();
3316   defrUnsetGroupsStartCbk ();
3317   defrUnsetGroupsEndCbk ();
3318   defrUnsetHistoryCbk ();
3319   defrUnsetIOTimingCbk ();
3320   defrUnsetIOTimingsStartCbk ();
3321   defrUnsetIOTimingsEndCbk ();
3322   defrUnsetIOTimingsExtCbk ();
3323   defrUnsetNetCbk ();
3324   defrUnsetNetNameCbk ();
3325   defrUnsetNetNonDefaultRuleCbk ();
3326   defrUnsetNetConnectionExtCbk ();
3327   defrUnsetNetExtCbk ();
3328   defrUnsetNetPartialPathCbk ();
3329   defrUnsetNetSubnetNameCbk ();
3330   defrUnsetNetStartCbk ();
3331   defrUnsetNetEndCbk ();
3332   defrUnsetNonDefaultCbk ();
3333   defrUnsetNonDefaultStartCbk ();
3334   defrUnsetNonDefaultEndCbk ();
3335   defrUnsetPartitionCbk ();
3336   defrUnsetPartitionsExtCbk ();
3337   defrUnsetPartitionsStartCbk ();
3338   defrUnsetPartitionsEndCbk ();
3339   defrUnsetPathCbk ();
3340   defrUnsetPinCapCbk ();
3341   defrUnsetPinCbk ();
3342   defrUnsetPinEndCbk ();
3343   defrUnsetPinExtCbk ();
3344   defrUnsetPinPropCbk ();
3345   defrUnsetPinPropStartCbk ();
3346   defrUnsetPinPropEndCbk ();
3347   defrUnsetPropCbk ();
3348   defrUnsetPropDefEndCbk ();
3349   defrUnsetPropDefStartCbk ();
3350   defrUnsetRegionCbk ();
3351   defrUnsetRegionStartCbk ();
3352   defrUnsetRegionEndCbk ();
3353   defrUnsetRowCbk ();
3354   defrUnsetScanChainExtCbk ();
3355   defrUnsetScanchainCbk ();
3356   defrUnsetScanchainsStartCbk ();
3357   defrUnsetScanchainsEndCbk ();
3358   defrUnsetSiteCbk ();
3359   defrUnsetSlotCbk ();
3360   defrUnsetSlotStartCbk ();
3361   defrUnsetSlotEndCbk ();
3362   defrUnsetSNetWireCbk ();
3363   defrUnsetSNetCbk ();
3364   defrUnsetSNetStartCbk ();
3365   defrUnsetSNetEndCbk ();
3366   defrUnsetSNetPartialPathCbk ();
3367   defrUnsetStartPinsCbk ();
3368   defrUnsetStylesCbk ();
3369   defrUnsetStylesStartCbk ();
3370   defrUnsetStylesEndCbk ();
3371   defrUnsetTechnologyCbk ();
3372   defrUnsetTimingDisableCbk ();
3373   defrUnsetTimingDisablesStartCbk ();
3374   defrUnsetTimingDisablesEndCbk ();
3375   defrUnsetTrackCbk ();
3376   defrUnsetUnitsCbk ();
3377   defrUnsetVersionCbk ();
3378   defrUnsetVersionStrCbk ();
3379   defrUnsetViaCbk ();
3380   defrUnsetViaExtCbk ();
3381   defrUnsetViaStartCbk ();
3382   defrUnsetViaEndCbk ();
3384   fclose(fout);
3386   // Release allocated singleton data.
3387   defrClear();
3389   return res;
3390 }