1# Copyright (c) 2020, Manfred Moitzi
2# License: MIT License
3from typing import (
4    Iterable, cast, BinaryIO, Tuple, Dict, Optional, List, Set, Union,
6from io import StringIO
7from pathlib import Path
8from ezdxf.lldxf.const import DXFStructureError
9from ezdxf.lldxf.extendedtags import ExtendedTags, DXFTag
10from ezdxf.lldxf.tagwriter import TagWriter
11from ezdxf.lldxf.tagger import tag_compiler, ascii_tags_loader
12from ezdxf.filemanagement import dxf_file_info
13from ezdxf.lldxf import fileindex
15from ezdxf.entities import DXFGraphic, DXFEntity
16from ezdxf.entities import factory
17from ezdxf.entities.subentity import entity_linker
18from ezdxf.tools.codepage import toencoding
20__all__ = ['opendxf', 'single_pass_modelspace', 'modelspace']
29Filename = Union[Path, str]
32class IterDXF:
33    """ Iterator for DXF entities stored in the modelspace.
35    Args:
36        name: filename, has to be a seekable file.
37        errors: specify decoding error handler
39            - "surrogateescape" to preserve possible binary data (default)
40            - "ignore" to use the replacement char U+FFFD "\ufffd" for invalid data
41            - "strict" to raise an :class:`UnicodeDecodeError`exception  for invalid data
43    Raises:
44        DXFStructureError: invalid or incomplete DXF file
45        UnicodeDecodeError: if `errors` is "strict" and a decoding error occurs
47    """
49    def __init__(self, name: Filename, errors: str = 'surrogateescape'):
50        self.structure, self.sections = self._load_index(name)
51        self.errors = errors
52        self.file: BinaryIO = open(name, mode='rb')
53        if 'ENTITIES' not in self.sections:
54            raise DXFStructureError('ENTITIES section not found.')
55        if self.structure.version > 'AC1009' and 'OBJECTS' not in self.sections:
56            raise DXFStructureError('OBJECTS section not found.')
58    def _load_index(self, name: str) -> Tuple[
59        fileindex.FileStructure, Dict[str, int]]:
60        structure = fileindex.load(name)
61        sections: Dict[str, int] = dict()
62        new_index = []
63        for e in structure.index:
64            if e.code == 0:
65                new_index.append(e)
66            elif e.code == 2:
67                sections[e.value] = len(new_index) - 1
68            # remove all other tags like handles (code == 5)
69        structure.index = new_index
70        return structure, sections
72    @property
73    def encoding(self):
74        return self.structure.encoding
76    @property
77    def dxfversion(self):
78        return self.structure.version
80    def export(self, name: Filename) -> 'IterDXFWriter':
81        """ Returns a companion object to export parts from the source DXF file
82        into another DXF file, the new file will have the same HEADER, CLASSES,
83        TABLES, BLOCKS and OBJECTS sections, which guarantees all necessary
84        dependencies are present in the new file.
86        Args:
87            name: filename, no special requirements
89        """
90        doc = IterDXFWriter(name, self)
91        # Copy everything from start of source DXF until the first entity
92        # of the ENTITIES section to the new DXF.
93        location = self.structure.index[self.sections['ENTITIES'] + 1].location
94        self.file.seek(0)
95        data = self.file.read(location)
96        doc.write_data(data)
97        return doc
99    def copy_objects_section(self, f: BinaryIO) -> None:
100        start_index = self.sections['OBJECTS']
101        try:
102            end_index = self.structure.get(0, 'ENDSEC', start_index)
103        except ValueError:
104            raise DXFStructureError(f'ENDSEC of OBJECTS section not found.')
106        start_location = self.structure.index[start_index].location
107        end_location = self.structure.index[end_index + 1].location
108        count = end_location - start_location
109        self.file.seek(start_location)
110        data = self.file.read(count)
111        f.write(data)
113    def modelspace(self, types: Iterable[str] = None) -> Iterable[DXFGraphic]:
114        """ Returns an iterator for all supported DXF entities in the
115        modelspace. These entities are regular :class:`~ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic`
116        objects but without a valid document assigned. It is **not**
117        possible to add these entities to other `ezdxf` documents.
119        It is only possible to recreate the objects by factory functions base
120        on attributes of the source entity.
121        For MESH, POLYMESH and POLYFACE it is possible to use the
122        :class:`~ezdxf.render.MeshTransformer` class to render (recreate) this
123        objects as new entities in another document.
125        Args:
126            types: DXF types like ``['LINE', '3DFACE']`` which should be
127                returned, ``None`` returns all supported types.
129        """
130        linked_entity = entity_linker()
131        queued = None
132        requested_types = _requested_types(types)
133        for entity in self.load_entities(self.sections['ENTITIES'] + 1,
134                                         requested_types):
135            if not linked_entity(entity) and entity.dxf.paperspace == 0:
136                # queue one entity for collecting linked entities:
137                # VERTEX, ATTRIB
138                if queued:
139                    yield queued
140                queued = entity
141        if queued:
142            yield queued
144    def load_entities(self, start: int,
145                      requested_types: Iterable[str] = None) -> Iterable[
146        DXFGraphic]:
147        def to_str(data: bytes) -> str:
148            return data.decode(
149                self.encoding, errors=self.errors).replace('\r\n', '\n')
151        index = start
152        entry = self.structure.index[index]
153        self.file.seek(entry.location)
154        while entry.value != 'ENDSEC':
155            index += 1
156            next_entry = self.structure.index[index]
157            size = next_entry.location - entry.location
158            data = self.file.read(size)
159            if entry.value in requested_types:
160                xtags = ExtendedTags.from_text(to_str(data))
161                yield factory.load(xtags)
162            entry = next_entry
164    def close(self):
165        """ Safe closing source DXF file. """
166        self.file.close()
169class IterDXFWriter:
170    def __init__(self, name: Filename, loader: IterDXF):
171        self.name = str(name)
172        self.file: BinaryIO = open(name, mode='wb')
173        self.text = StringIO()
174        self.entity_writer = TagWriter(self.text, loader.dxfversion)
175        self.loader = loader
177    def write_data(self, data: bytes):
178        self.file.write(data)
180    def write(self, entity: DXFGraphic):
181        """ Write a DXF entity from the source DXF file to the export file.
183        Don't write entities from different documents than the source DXF file,
184        dependencies and resources will not match, maybe it will work once, but
185        not in a reliable way for different DXF documents.
187        """
188        # Not necessary to remove this dependencies by copying
189        # them into the same document frame
190        # ---------------------------------
191        # remove all possible dependencies
192        # entity.xdata = None
193        # entity.appdata = None
194        # entity.extension_dict = None
195        # entity.reactors = None
196        # reset text stream
197        self.text.seek(0)
198        self.text.truncate()
200        if entity.dxf.handle is None:  # DXF R12 without handles
201            self.entity_writer.write_handles = False
203        entity.export_dxf(self.entity_writer)
204        if entity.dxftype() == 'POLYLINE':
205            polyline = cast('Polyline', entity)
206            for vertex in polyline.vertices:
207                vertex.export_dxf(self.entity_writer)
208            polyline.seqend.export_dxf(self.entity_writer)
209        elif entity.dxftype() == 'INSERT':
210            insert = cast('Insert', entity)
211            if insert.attribs_follow:
212                for attrib in insert.attribs:
213                    attrib.export_dxf(self.entity_writer)
214                insert.seqend.export_dxf(self.entity_writer)
215        data = self.text.getvalue().encode(self.loader.encoding)
216        self.file.write(data)
218    def close(self):
219        """ Safe closing of exported DXF file. Copying of OBJECTS section
220        happens only at closing the file, without closing the new DXF file is
221        invalid.
222        """
223        self.file.write(b'  0\r\nENDSEC\r\n')  # for ENTITIES section
224        if self.loader.dxfversion > 'AC1009':
225            self.loader.copy_objects_section(self.file)
226        self.file.write(b'  0\r\nEOF\r\n')
227        self.file.close()
230def opendxf(filename: Filename, errors: str = 'surrogateescape') -> IterDXF:
231    """ Open DXF file for iterating, be sure to open valid DXF files, no DXF
232    structure checks will be applied.
234    Use this function to split up big DXF files as shown in the example above.
236    Args:
237        filename: DXF filename of a seekable DXF file.
238        errors: specify decoding error handler
240            - "surrogateescape" to preserve possible binary data (default)
241            - "ignore" to use the replacement char U+FFFD "\ufffd" for invalid data
242            - "strict" to raise an :class:`UnicodeDecodeError` exception for invalid data
244    Raises:
245        DXFStructureError: invalid or incomplete DXF file
246        UnicodeDecodeError: if `errors` is "strict" and a decoding error occurs
248    """
249    return IterDXF(filename, errors=errors)
252def modelspace(filename: Filename,
253               types: Iterable[str] = None,
254               errors: str = 'surrogateescape') -> Iterable[DXFGraphic]:
255    """ Iterate over all modelspace entities as :class:`DXFGraphic` objects of
256    a seekable file.
258    Use this function to iterate "quick" over modelspace entities of a DXF file,
259    filtering DXF types may speed up things if many entity types will be skipped.
261    Args:
262        filename: filename of a seekable DXF file
263        types: DXF types like ``['LINE', '3DFACE']`` which should be returned,
264            ``None`` returns all supported types.
265        errors: specify decoding error handler
267            - "surrogateescape" to preserve possible binary data (default)
268            - "ignore" to use the replacement char U+FFFD "\ufffd" for invalid data
269            - "strict" to raise an :class:`UnicodeDecodeError` exception for invalid data
271    Raises:
272        DXFStructureError: invalid or incomplete DXF file
273        UnicodeDecodeError: if `errors` is "strict" and a decoding error occurs
275    """
276    info = dxf_file_info(filename)
277    prev_code: int = -1
278    prev_value: str = ''
279    entities = False
280    requested_types = _requested_types(types)
282    with open(filename, mode='rt', encoding=info.encoding, errors=errors) as fp:
283        tagger = ascii_tags_loader(fp)
284        queued: Optional[DXFEntity] = None
285        tags: List[DXFTag] = []
286        linked_entity = entity_linker()
288        for tag in tag_compiler(tagger):
289            code = tag.code
290            value = tag.value
291            if entities:
292                if code == 0:
293                    if len(tags) and tags[0].value in requested_types:
294                        entity = factory.load(ExtendedTags(tags))
295                        if not linked_entity(
296                                entity) and entity.dxf.paperspace == 0:
297                            # queue one entity for collecting linked entities:
298                            # VERTEX, ATTRIB
299                            if queued:
300                                yield queued
301                            queued = entity
302                    tags = [tag]
303                else:
304                    tags.append(tag)
305                if code == 0 and value == 'ENDSEC':
306                    if queued:
307                        yield queued
308                    return
309                continue  # if entities - nothing else matters
310            elif code == 2 and prev_code == 0 and prev_value == 'SECTION':
311                entities = (value == 'ENTITIES')
313            prev_code = code
314            prev_value = value
317def single_pass_modelspace(
318        stream: BinaryIO,
319        types: Iterable[str] = None,
320        errors: str = 'surrogateescape') -> Iterable[DXFGraphic]:
321    """ Iterate over all modelspace entities as :class:`DXFGraphic` objects in
322    one single pass.
324    Use this function to 'quick' iterate over modelspace entities of a **not**
325    seekable binary DXF stream, filtering DXF types may speed up things if many
326    entity types will be skipped.
328    Args:
329        stream: (not seekable) binary DXF stream
330        types: DXF types like ``['LINE', '3DFACE']`` which should be returned,
331            ``None`` returns all supported types.
332        errors: specify decoding error handler
334            - "surrogateescape" to preserve possible binary data (default)
335            - "ignore" to use the replacement char U+FFFD "\ufffd" for invalid data
336            - "strict" to raise an :class:`UnicodeDecodeError` exception for invalid data
338    Raises:
339        DXFStructureError: Invalid or incomplete DXF file
340        UnicodeDecodeError: if `errors` is "strict" and a decoding error occurs
342    """
343    fetch_header_var: Optional[str] = None
344    encoding = 'cp1252'
345    version = 'AC1009'
346    prev_code: int = -1
347    prev_value: str = ''
348    entities = False
349    requested_types = _requested_types(types)
351    for code, value in binary_tagger(stream):
352        if code == 0 and value == b'ENDSEC':
353            break
354        elif code == 2 and prev_code == 0 and value != b'HEADER':
355            # (0, SECTION), (2, name)
356            # First section is not the HEADER section
357            entities = (value == b'ENTITIES')
358            break
359        elif code == 9 and value == b'$DWGCODEPAGE':
360            fetch_header_var = 'ENCODING'
361        elif code == 9 and value == b'$ACADVER':
362            fetch_header_var = 'VERSION'
363        elif fetch_header_var == 'ENCODING':
364            encoding = toencoding(value.decode())
365            fetch_header_var = None
366        elif fetch_header_var == 'VERSION':
367            version = value.decode()
368            fetch_header_var = None
369        prev_code = code
371    if version >= 'AC1021':
372        encoding = 'utf-8'
374    queued: Optional[DXFEntity] = None
375    tags: List[DXFTag] = []
376    linked_entity = entity_linker()
378    for tag in tag_compiler(binary_tagger(stream, encoding, errors)):
379        code = tag.code
380        value = tag.value
381        if entities:
382            if code == 0 and value == 'ENDSEC':
383                if queued:
384                    yield queued
385                return
386            if code == 0:
387                if len(tags) and tags[0].value in requested_types:
388                    entity = factory.load(ExtendedTags(tags))
389                    if not linked_entity(entity) and entity.dxf.paperspace == 0:
390                        # queue one entity for collecting linked entities:
391                        # VERTEX, ATTRIB
392                        if queued:
393                            yield queued
394                        queued = entity
395                tags = [tag]
396            else:
397                tags.append(tag)
398            continue  # if entities - nothing else matters
399        elif code == 2 and prev_code == 0 and prev_value == 'SECTION':
400            entities = (value == 'ENTITIES')
402        prev_code = code
403        prev_value = value
406def binary_tagger(file: BinaryIO, encoding: str = None,
407                  errors: str = 'surrogateescape') -> DXFTag:
408    while True:
409        try:
410            try:
411                code = int(file.readline())
412            except ValueError:
413                raise DXFStructureError(f'Invalid group code')
414            value = file.readline().rstrip(b'\r\n')
415            yield DXFTag(
416                code,
417                value.decode(encoding, errors=errors)
418                if encoding else value)
419        except IOError:
420            return
423def _requested_types(types: Optional[Iterable[str]]) -> Set[str]:
424    if types:
425        requested = SUPPORTED_TYPES.intersection(set(types))
426        if 'POLYLINE' in requested:
427            requested.add('SEQEND')
428            requested.add('VERTEX')
429        if 'INSERT' in requested:
430            requested.add('SEQEND')
431            requested.add('ATTRIB')
432    else:
433        requested = SUPPORTED_TYPES
434    return requested