1 /*
2     This file is a part of the RepSnapper project.
3     Copyright (C) 2010  Kulitorum
4     Copyright (C) 2011-12  martin.dieringer@gmx.de
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17     with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 */
21 #include "shape.h"
22 #include "files.h"
23 #include "ui/progress.h"
24 #include "settings.h"
25 #include "clipping.h"
26 #include "render.h"
28 #ifdef _OPENMP
29 #include <omp.h>
30 #endif
32 // Constructor
Shape()33 Shape::Shape()
34   : slow_drawing(false), gl_List(-1)
35 {
36   Min.set(0,0,0);
37   Max.set(200,200,200);
38   CalcBBox();
39 }
clear()41 void Shape::clear() {
42   triangles.clear();
43   if (gl_List>=0)
44     glDeleteLists(gl_List,1);
45   gl_List = -1;
46 };
setTriangles(const vector<Triangle> & triangles_)48 void Shape::setTriangles(const vector<Triangle> &triangles_)
49 {
50   triangles = triangles_;
52   CalcBBox();
53   double vol = volume();
54   if (vol < 0) {
55     invertNormals();
56     vol = -vol;
57   }
59   //PlaceOnPlatform();
60   cerr << _("Shape has volume ") << volume() << _(" mm^3 and ")
61        << triangles.size() << _(" triangles") << endl;
62 }
saveBinarySTL(Glib::ustring filename) const65 int Shape::saveBinarySTL(Glib::ustring filename) const
66 {
67   if (!File::saveBinarySTL(filename, triangles, transform3D.transform))
68     return -1;
69   return 0;
71 }
hasAdjacentTriangleTo(const Triangle & triangle,double sqdistance) const73 bool Shape::hasAdjacentTriangleTo(const Triangle &triangle, double sqdistance) const
74 {
75   bool haveadj = false;
76   int count = (int)triangles.size();
77 #ifdef _OPENMP
78 #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
79 #endif
80   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
81     if (!haveadj)
82       if (triangle.isConnectedTo(triangles[i],sqdistance)) {
83 	haveadj = true;
84     }
85   return haveadj;
86 }
89 // recursively build a list of triangles for a shape
addtoshape(uint i,const vector<vector<uint>> & adj,vector<uint> & tr,vector<bool> & done)90 void addtoshape(uint i, const vector< vector<uint> > &adj,
91 		vector<uint> &tr, vector<bool> &done)
92 {
93   if (!done[i]) {
94     // add this index to tr
95     tr.push_back(i);
96     done[i] = true;
97     for (uint j = 0; j < adj[i].size(); j++) {
98       if (adj[i][j]!=i)
99      	addtoshape(adj[i][j], adj, tr, done);
100     }
101   }
102   // we have a complete list of adjacent triangles indices
103 }
splitshapes(vector<Shape * > & shapes,ViewProgress * progress)105 void Shape::splitshapes(vector<Shape*> &shapes, ViewProgress *progress)
106 {
107   int n_tr = (int)triangles.size();
108   if (progress) progress->start(_("Split Shapes"), n_tr);
109   int progress_steps = max(1,(int)(n_tr/100));
110   vector<bool> done(n_tr);
111   bool cont = true;
112   // make list of adjacent triangles for each triangle
113   vector< vector<uint> > adj(n_tr);
114   if (progress) progress->set_label(_("Split: Sorting Triangles ..."));
115 #ifdef _OPENMP
116   omp_lock_t progress_lock;
117   omp_init_lock(&progress_lock);
118 #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
119 #endif
120   for (int i = 0; i < n_tr; i++) {
121     if (progress && i%progress_steps==0) {
122 #ifdef _OPENMP
123       omp_set_lock(&progress_lock);
124 #endif
125       cont = progress->update(i);
126 #ifdef _OPENMP
127       omp_unset_lock(&progress_lock);
128 #endif
129     }
130     vector<uint> trv;
131     for (int j = 0; j < n_tr; j++) {
132       if (i!=j) {
133 	bool add = false;
134 	if (j<i) // maybe(!) we have it already
135 	  for (uint k = 0; k<adj[j].size(); k++) {
136 	    if ((int)adj[j][k] == i) {
137 	      add = true; break;
138 	    }
139 	  }
140 	add |= (triangles[i].isConnectedTo(triangles[j], 0.01));
141 	if (add) trv.push_back(j);
142       }
143     }
144     adj[i] = trv;
145     if (!cont) i=n_tr;
146   }
148   if (progress) progress->set_label(_("Split: Building shapes ..."));
151   // triangle indices of shapes
152   vector< vector<uint> > shape_tri;
154   for (int i = 0; i < n_tr; i++) done[i] = false;
155   for (int i = 0; i < n_tr; i++) {
156     if (progress && i%progress_steps==0)
157       cont = progress->update(i);
158     if (!done[i]){
159       cerr << _("Shape ") << shapes.size()+1 << endl;
160       vector<uint> current;
161       addtoshape(i, adj, current, done);
162       Shape *shape = new Shape();
163       shapes.push_back(shape);
164       shapes.back()->triangles.resize(current.size());
165       for (uint i = 0; i < current.size(); i++)
166 	shapes.back()->triangles[i] = triangles[current[i]];
167       shapes.back()->CalcBBox();
168     }
169     if (!cont) i=n_tr;
170   }
172   if (progress) progress->stop("_(Done)");
173 }
cube(Vector3d Min,Vector3d Max)175 vector<Triangle> cube(Vector3d Min, Vector3d Max)
176 {
177   vector<Triangle> c;
178   const Vector3d diag = Max-Min;
179   const Vector3d dX(diag.x(),0,0);
180   const Vector3d dY(0,diag.y(),0);
181   const Vector3d dZ(0,0,diag.z());
182   // front
183   c.push_back(Triangle(Min, Min+dX, Min+dX+dZ));
184   c.push_back(Triangle(Min, Min+dX+dZ, Min+dZ));
185   // back
186   c.push_back(Triangle(Min+dY, Min+dY+dX+dZ, Min+dY+dX));
187   c.push_back(Triangle(Min+dY, Min+dY+dZ, Min+dY+dX+dZ));
188   // left
189   c.push_back(Triangle(Min, Min+dZ, Min+dY+dZ));
190   c.push_back(Triangle(Min, Min+dY+dZ, Min+dY));
191   // right
192   c.push_back(Triangle(Min+dX, Min+dX+dY+dZ, Min+dX+dZ));
193   c.push_back(Triangle(Min+dX, Min+dX+dY, Min+dX+dY+dZ));
194   // bottom
195   c.push_back(Triangle(Min, Min+dX+dY, Min+dX));
196   c.push_back(Triangle(Min, Min+dY, Min+dX+dY));
197   // top
198   c.push_back(Triangle(Min+dZ, Min+dZ+dX, Min+dZ+dX+dY));
199   c.push_back(Triangle(Min+dZ, Min+dZ+dX+dY, Min+dZ+dY));
200   return c;
201 }
makeHollow(double wallthickness)203 void Shape::makeHollow(double wallthickness)
204 {
205   invertNormals();
206   const Vector3d wall(wallthickness,wallthickness,wallthickness);
207   Matrix4d invT = transform3D.getInverse();
208   vector<Triangle> cubet = cube(invT*Min-wall, invT*Max+wall);
209   triangles.insert(triangles.end(),cubet.begin(),cubet.end());
210   CalcBBox();
211 }
invertNormals()213 void Shape::invertNormals()
214 {
215   for (uint i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++)
216     triangles[i].invertNormal();
217 }
219 // doesn't work
repairNormals(double sqdistance)220 void Shape::repairNormals(double sqdistance)
221 {
222   for (uint i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++) {
223     vector<uint> adjacent;
224     uint numadj=0, numwrong=0;
225     for (uint j = i+1; j < triangles.size(); j++) {
226       if (i!=j) {
227 	if (triangles[i].isConnectedTo(triangles[j], sqdistance)) {
228 	  numadj++;
229 	  if (triangles[i].wrongOrientationWith(triangles[j], sqdistance)) {
230 	    numwrong++;
231 	    triangles[j].invertNormal();
232 	  }
233 	}
234       }
235     }
236     //cerr << i<< ": " << numadj << " - " << numwrong  << endl;
237     //if (numwrong > numadj/2) triangles[i].invertNormal();
238   }
239 }
mirror()241 void Shape::mirror()
242 {
243   const Vector3d mCenter = transform3D.getInverse() * Center;
244   for (uint i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++)
245     triangles[i].mirrorX(mCenter);
246   CalcBBox();
247 }
volume() const249 double Shape::volume() const
250 {
251   double vol=0;
252   for (uint i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++)
253     vol+=triangles[i].projectedvolume(transform3D.transform);
254   return vol;
255 }
getSTLsolid() const257 string Shape::getSTLsolid() const
258 {
259   stringstream sstr;
260   sstr << "solid " << filename <<endl;
261   for (uint i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++)
262     sstr << triangles[i].getSTLfacet(transform3D.transform);
263   sstr << "endsolid " << filename <<endl;
264   return sstr.str();
265 }
addTriangles(const vector<Triangle> & tr)267 void Shape::addTriangles(const vector<Triangle> &tr)
268 {
269   triangles.insert(triangles.end(), tr.begin(), tr.end());
270   CalcBBox();
271 }
getTriangles(const Matrix4d & T) const273 vector<Triangle> Shape::getTriangles(const Matrix4d &T) const
274 {
275   vector<Triangle> tr(triangles.size());
276   for (uint i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++) {
277     tr[i] = triangles[i].transformed(T*transform3D.transform);
278   }
279   return tr;
280 }
trianglesSteeperThan(double angle) const283 vector<Triangle> Shape::trianglesSteeperThan(double angle) const
284 {
285   vector<Triangle> tr;
286   for (uint i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++) {
287     // negative angles are triangles facing downwards
288     const double tangle = -triangles[i].slopeAngle(transform3D.transform);
289     if (tangle >= angle)
290       tr.push_back(triangles[i]);
291   }
292   return tr;
293 }
FitToVolume(const Vector3d & vol)296 void Shape::FitToVolume(const Vector3d &vol)
297 {
298   Vector3d diag = Max-Min;
299   const double sc_x = diag.x() / vol.x();
300   const double sc_y = diag.y() / vol.y();
301   const double sc_z = diag.z() / vol.z();
302   double max_sc = max(max(sc_x, sc_y),sc_z);
303   if (max_sc > 1.)
304     Scale(1./max_sc, true);
305 }
Scale(double in_scale_factor,bool calcbbox)307 void Shape::Scale(double in_scale_factor, bool calcbbox)
308 {
309   transform3D.move(-Center);
310   transform3D.scale(in_scale_factor);
311   transform3D.move(Center);
312   if (calcbbox)
313     CalcBBox();
314 }
ScaleX(double x)316 void Shape::ScaleX(double x)
317 {
318   transform3D.move(-Center);
319   transform3D.scale_x(x);
320   transform3D.move(Center);
321 }
ScaleY(double x)322 void Shape::ScaleY(double x)
323 {
324   transform3D.move(-Center);
325   transform3D.scale_y(x);
326   transform3D.move(Center);
327 }
ScaleZ(double x)328 void Shape::ScaleZ(double x)
329 {
330   transform3D.move(-Center);
331   transform3D.scale_z(x);
332   transform3D.move(Center);
333 }
CalcBBox()335 void Shape::CalcBBox()
336 {
337   Min.set(INFTY,INFTY,INFTY);
338   Max.set(-INFTY,-INFTY,-INFTY);
339   for(size_t i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++) {
340     triangles[i].AccumulateMinMax (Min, Max, transform3D.transform);
341   }
342   Center = (Max + Min) / 2;
343   if (gl_List>=0)
344     glDeleteLists(gl_List,1);
345   gl_List = -1;
346 }
scaledCenter() const348 Vector3d Shape::scaledCenter() const
349 {
350   return Center * transform3D.get_scale();
351 }
353 struct SNorm {
354   Vector3d normal;
355   double area;
operator <SNorm356   bool operator<(const SNorm &other) const {return (area<other.area);};
357 } ;
getMostUsedNormals() const359 vector<Vector3d> Shape::getMostUsedNormals() const
360 {
361   vector<struct SNorm> normals;
362   // vector<Vector3d> normals;
363   // vector<double> area;
364   uint ntr = triangles.size();
365   vector<bool> done(ntr);
366   normals.reserve(ntr);
367   for(size_t i=0;i<ntr;i++)
368     {
369       bool havenormal = false;
370       int numnorm = normals.size();
371 #ifdef _OPENMP
372 #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
373 #endif
374       for (int n = 0; n < numnorm; n++) {
375 	if ( (normals[n].normal -
376 	      triangles[i].transformed(transform3D.transform).Normal)
377 	     .squared_length() < 0.000001) {
378 	  havenormal = true;
379 	  normals[n].area += triangles[i].area();
380 	  done[i] = true;
381 	}
382       }
383       if (!havenormal){
384 	SNorm n;
385 	n.normal = triangles[i].transformed(transform3D.transform).Normal;
386 	n.area = triangles[i].area();
387 	normals.push_back(n);
388 	done[i] = true;
389       }
390     }
391   std::sort(normals.rbegin(),normals.rend());
392   //cerr << normals.size() << endl;
393   vector<Vector3d> nv(normals.size());
394   for (uint n=0; n < normals.size(); n++) nv[n] = normals[n].normal;
395   return nv;
396 }
OptimizeRotation()399 void Shape::OptimizeRotation()
400 {
401   // CenterAroundXY();
402   vector<Vector3d> normals = getMostUsedNormals();
403   // cycle through most-used normals?
405   Vector3d N;
406   Vector3d Z(0,0,-1);
407   double angle=0;
408   int count = (int)normals.size();
409   for (int n=0; n < count; n++) {
410     //cerr << n << normals[n] << endl;
411     N = normals[n];
412     angle = acos(N.dot(Z));
413     if (angle>0) {
414       Vector3d axis = N.cross(Z);
415       if (axis.squared_length()>0.1) {
416 	Rotate(axis,angle);
417 	break;
418       }
419     }
420   }
421   CalcBBox();
422   PlaceOnPlatform();
423 }
divideAtZ(double z,Shape * upper,Shape * lower,const Matrix4d & T) const425 int Shape::divideAtZ(double z, Shape *upper, Shape *lower, const Matrix4d &T) const
426 {
427   vector<Poly> polys;
428   vector<Poly> supportpolys;
429   double max_grad;
430   bool ok = getPolygonsAtZ(T, z, polys, max_grad, supportpolys, -1);
431   if (!ok) return 0;
432   vector< vector<Triangle> > surfs;
433   triangulate(polys, surfs);
435   vector<Triangle> surf;
436   for (uint i=0; i<surfs.size(); i++)
437     surf.insert(surf.end(), surfs[i].begin(), surfs[i].end());
439   lower->triangles.insert(lower->triangles.end(),surf.begin(),surf.end());
440   for (guint i=0; i<surf.size(); i++) surf[i].invertNormal();
441   upper->triangles.insert(upper->triangles.end(),surf.begin(),surf.end());
442   vector<Triangle> toboth;
443   for (guint i=0; i< triangles.size(); i++) {
444     Triangle tt = triangles[i].transformed(T*transform3D.transform);
445     if (tt.A.z() < z && tt.B.z() < z && tt.C.z() < z )
446       lower->triangles.push_back(tt);
447     else if (tt.A.z() > z && tt.B.z() > z && tt.C.z() > z )
448       upper->triangles.push_back(tt);
449     else
450       toboth.push_back(tt);
451   }
452   vector<Triangle> uppersplit,lowersplit;
453   for (guint i=0; i< toboth.size(); i++) {
454     toboth[i].SplitAtPlane(z, uppersplit, lowersplit);
455   }
456   upper->triangles.insert(upper->triangles.end(),
457 			 uppersplit.begin(),uppersplit.end());
458   lower->triangles.insert(lower->triangles.end(),
459 			 lowersplit.begin(),lowersplit.end());
460   upper->CalcBBox();
461   lower->CalcBBox();
462   lower->Rotate(Vector3d(0,1,0),M_PI);
463   upper->move(Vector3d(10+Max.x()-Min.x(),0,0));
464   lower->move(Vector3d(2*(10+Max.x()-Min.x()),0,0));
465   upper->PlaceOnPlatform();
466   lower->PlaceOnPlatform();
467   return 2;
468 }
PlaceOnPlatform()470 void Shape::PlaceOnPlatform()
471 {
472   transform3D.move(Vector3d(0,0,-Min.z()));
473 }
475 // Rotate and adjust for the user - not a pure rotation by any means
Rotate(const Vector3d & axis,const double & angle)476 void Shape::Rotate(const Vector3d & axis, const double & angle)
477 {
478   transform3D.rotate(Center, axis, angle);
479   return;
480 //   CenterAroundXY();
481 //   // do a real rotation because matrix transform gives errors when slicing
482 //   int count = (int)triangles.size();
483 // #ifdef _OPENMP
484 // #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
485 // #endif
486 //   for (int i=0; i < count ; i++)
487 //     {
488 //       triangles[i].rotate(axis, angle);
489 //     }
490 //   PlaceOnPlatform();
491 }
493 // this is primitive, it just rotates triangle vertices
Twist(double angle)494 void Shape::Twist(double angle)
495 {
496   CalcBBox();
497   double h = Max.z()-Min.z();
498   double hangle=0;
499   Vector3d axis(0,0,1);
500   int count = (int)triangles.size();
501 #ifdef _OPENMP
502 #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
503 #endif
504   for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
505     for (size_t j=0; j<3; j++)
506       {
507 	hangle = angle * (triangles[i][j].z() - Min.z()) / h;
508 	triangles[i][j] = triangles[i][j].rotate(hangle,axis);
509       }
510     triangles[i].calcNormal();
511   }
512   CalcBBox();
513 }
515 // void Shape::CenterAroundXY()
516 // {
517 //   CalcBBox();
518 //   return;
520 //   /* // this moves all triangles
521 //   Vector3d displacement = transform3D.getTranslation() - Center;
522 //   int count = (int)triangles.size();
523 // #ifdef _OPENMP
524 // #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
525 // #endif
526 //   for(int i=0; i<count ; i++)
527 //     {
528 //       triangles[i].Translate(displacement);
529 //     }
530 //   transform3D.move(-displacement);
531 //   */
533 //   //cerr << "DISPL " << displacement << endl;
534 //   //CalcBBox();
535 //   // Min    -= displacement;
536 //   // Max    -= displacement;
537 //   // Center -= displacement;
538 // }
540 /*
541 Poly Shape::getOutline(const Matrix4d &T, double maxlen) const
542 {
543   Matrix4d transform = T * transform3D.transform ;
544   vector<Vector2d> points(triangles.size()*3);
545   for (uint i = 0; i<triangles.size(); i++) {
546     for (uint j = 0; j<3; j++) {
547       points[i*3 + j] = Vector2d(triangles[i][j].x(),triangles[i][j].y());
548     }
549   }
550   Poly hull = concaveHull2D(points, maxlen);
551   return hull;
552 }
553 */
getLineSequences(const vector<Segment> lines,vector<vector<uint>> & connectedlines)555 bool getLineSequences(const vector<Segment> lines, vector< vector<uint> > &connectedlines)
556 {
557   uint nlines = lines.size();
558   //cerr << "lines size " << nlines << endl;
559   if (nlines==0) return true;
560   vector<bool> linedone(nlines);
561   for (uint l=0; l < nlines; l++) linedone[l] = false;
562   vector<uint> sequence;
563   uint donelines = 0;
564   vector<uint> connections;
565   while (donelines < nlines) {
566     connections.clear();
567     for (uint l=0; l < nlines; l++) { // add next connecting line
568       if ( !linedone[l] &&
569 	   ( (sequence.size()==0) ||
570 	     (lines[l].start == lines[sequence.back()].end) ) ) {
571 	connections.push_back(l);
572 	//cerr << "found connection" << endl;
573       }
574     }
575     if (connections.size()>0) {
576       //cerr << "found " << connections.size() << " connections" << endl;
577       sequence.push_back(connections[0]);
578       linedone[connections[0]] =true;
579       donelines++;
580       if (lines[sequence.front()].start == lines[sequence.back()].end) {
581 	//cerr << "closed sequence" << endl;
582         connectedlines.push_back(sequence);
583 	sequence.clear();
584       }
585     } else { //   (!foundconnection) {  // new sequence
586       //cerr << "sequence size " << sequence.size() << endl;
587       connectedlines.push_back(sequence);
588       sequence.clear();
589       for (uint l=0; l < nlines; l++) { // add next best undone line
590 	if (!linedone[l]) {
591 	  sequence.push_back(l);
592 	  linedone[l] = true;
593 	  donelines++;
594 	  break;
595 	}
596       }
597     }
598   }
599   if (sequence.size()>0)
600     connectedlines.push_back(sequence);
601   //cerr << "found "<< connectedlines.size() << " sequences" << endl;
602   return true;
603 }
getPolygonsAtZ(const Matrix4d & T,double z,vector<Poly> & polys,double & max_gradient,vector<Poly> & supportpolys,double max_supportangle,double thickness) const605 bool Shape::getPolygonsAtZ(const Matrix4d &T, double z,
606 			   vector<Poly> &polys,
607 			   double &max_gradient,
608 			   vector<Poly> &supportpolys,
609 			   double max_supportangle,
610 			   double thickness) const
611 {
612   vector<Vector2d> vertices;
613   vector<Triangle> support_triangles;
614   vector<Segment> lines = getCutlines(T, z, vertices, max_gradient,
615 				      support_triangles, max_supportangle, thickness);
616   //cerr << vertices.size() << " " << lines.size() << endl;
617   if (!CleanupSharedSegments(lines)) return false;
618   //cerr << vertices.size() << " " << lines.size() << endl;
619   if (!CleanupConnectSegments(vertices,lines,true)) return false;
620   //cerr << vertices.size() << " " << lines.size() << endl;
621   vector< vector<uint> > connectedlines; // sequence of connected lines indices
622   if (!getLineSequences(lines, connectedlines)) return false;
623   for (uint i=0; i<connectedlines.size();i++){
624     Poly poly(z);
625     for (uint j = 0; j < connectedlines[i].size();j++){
626       poly.addVertex(vertices[lines[connectedlines[i][j]].start]);
627     }
628     if (lines[connectedlines[i].back()].end !=
629 	lines[connectedlines[i].front()].start )
630       poly.addVertex(vertices[lines[connectedlines[i].back()].end]);
631     //cerr << "poly size " << poly.size() << endl;
632     poly.calcHole();
633     polys.push_back(poly);
634   }
636   for (uint i = 0; i < support_triangles.size(); i++) {
637     Poly p(z);
638     // keep only part of triangle above z
639     Vector2d lineStart;
640     Vector2d lineEnd;
641     // support_triangles are already transformed
642     int num_cutpoints = support_triangles[i].CutWithPlane(z, Matrix4d::IDENTITY,
643 							  lineStart, lineEnd);
644     if (num_cutpoints == 0) {
645       for (uint j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
646 	p.addVertex(Vector2d(support_triangles[i][j].x(),
647 			     support_triangles[i][j].y()));
648       }
649     }
650     else if (num_cutpoints > 1) {
651       // add points of triangle above z
652       for (uint j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
653 	if (support_triangles[i][j].z() > z) {
654 	  p.addVertex(Vector2d(support_triangles[i][j].x(),
655 			       support_triangles[i][j].y()));
656 	}
657       }
658       bool reverse = false;
659       // test for order if we get 4 points (2 until now)
660       if (p.size() > 1) {
661 	Vector2d i0, i1;
662 	const int is = intersect2D_Segments(p[1], lineStart, lineEnd, p[0],
663 					    i0, i1);
664 	if (is > 0 && is < 3) {
665 	  reverse = true;
666 	}
667       }
668       // add cutline points
669       if (reverse) {
670 	p.addVertex(lineEnd);
671 	p.addVertex(lineStart);
672       } else {
673 	p.addVertex(lineStart);
674 	p.addVertex(lineEnd);
675       }
676     }
677     if (p.isHole()) p.reverse();
678     supportpolys.push_back(p);
679   }
681   // remove polygon areas from triangles
682   // Clipping clipp;
683   // clipp.clear();
684   // clipp.addPolys(supportpolys, subject);
685   // clipp.addPolys(polys, clip);
686   // supportpolys = clipp.subtract(CL::pftPositive,CL::pftPositive);
688   return true;
689 }
find_vertex(const vector<Vector2d> & vertices,const Vector2d & v,double delta=0.0001)692 int find_vertex(const vector<Vector2d> &vertices,
693 		const Vector2d &v, double delta = 0.0001)
694 {
695   int found = -1;
696   int count = (int)vertices.size();
697 #ifdef _OPENMP
698 #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
699 #endif
700   for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
701     if (found != -1) continue;
702     if ( (v-vertices[i]).squared_length() < delta ) {
703       found = i;
704 #ifndef _OPENMP
705       break;
706 #endif
707     }
708   }
709   return found;
710 }
getCutlines(const Matrix4d & T,double z,vector<Vector2d> & vertices,double & max_gradient,vector<Triangle> & support_triangles,double supportangle,double thickness) const712 vector<Segment> Shape::getCutlines(const Matrix4d &T, double z,
713 				   vector<Vector2d> &vertices,
714 				   double &max_gradient,
715 				   vector<Triangle> &support_triangles,
716 				   double supportangle,
717 				   double thickness) const
718 {
719   Vector2d lineStart;
720   Vector2d lineEnd;
721   vector<Segment> lines;
722   // we know our own tranform:
723   Matrix4d transform = T * transform3D.transform ;
725   int count = (int)triangles.size();
726 // #ifdef _OPENMP
727 // #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
728 // #endif
729   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
730     {
731       Segment line(-1,-1);
732       int num_cutpoints = triangles[i].CutWithPlane(z, transform, lineStart, lineEnd);
733       if (num_cutpoints == 0) {
734 	if (supportangle >= 0 && thickness > 0) {
735 	  if (triangles[i].isInZrange(z-thickness, z, transform)) {
736 	    const double slope = -triangles[i].slopeAngle(transform);
737 	    if (slope >= supportangle) {
738 	      support_triangles.push_back(triangles[i].transformed(transform));
739 	    }
740 	  }
741 	}
742 	continue;
743       }
744       if (num_cutpoints > 0) {
745 	int havev = find_vertex(vertices, lineStart);
746 	if (havev >= 0)
747 	  line.start = havev;
748 	else {
749 	  line.start = vertices.size();
750 	  vertices.push_back(lineStart);
751 	}
752 	if (abs(triangles[i].Normal.z()) > max_gradient)
753 	  max_gradient = abs(triangles[i].Normal.z());
754 	if (supportangle >= 0) {
755 	  const double slope = -triangles[i].slopeAngle(transform);
756 	  if (slope >= supportangle)
757 	    support_triangles.push_back(triangles[i].transformed(transform));
758 	}
759       }
760       if (num_cutpoints > 1) {
761 	int havev = find_vertex(vertices, lineEnd);
762 	if (havev >= 0)
763 	  line.end = havev;
764 	else {
765 	  line.end = vertices.size();
766 	  vertices.push_back(lineEnd);
767 	}
768       }
769       // Check segment normal against triangle normal. Flip segment, as needed.
770       if (line.start != -1 && line.end != -1 && line.end != line.start)
771 	{ // if we found a intersecting triangle
772 	  Vector3d Norm = triangles[i].transformed(transform).Normal;
773 	  Vector2d triangleNormal = Vector2d(Norm.x(), Norm.y());
774 	  Vector2d segment = (lineEnd - lineStart);
775 	  Vector2d segmentNormal(-segment.y(),segment.x());
776 	  triangleNormal.normalize();
777 	  segmentNormal.normalize();
778 	  if( (triangleNormal-segmentNormal).squared_length() > 0.2){
779 	    // if normals do not align, flip the segment
780 	    int iswap=line.start;line.start=line.end;line.end=iswap;
781 	  }
782 	  // cerr << "line "<<line.start << "-"<<line.end << endl;
783 	  lines.push_back(line);
784 	}
785     }
786   return lines;
787 }
790 // called from Model::draw
draw(const Settings & settings,bool highlight,uint max_triangles)791 void Shape::draw(const Settings &settings, bool highlight, uint max_triangles)
792 {
793   //cerr << "Shape::draw" <<  endl;
794 	// polygons
795 	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
797 	Vector4f no_mat(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
798 	Vector4f low_mat(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f);
799 //	float mat_ambient[] = {0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f};
800 //	float mat_ambient_color[] = {0.8f, 0.8f, 0.2f, 1.0f};
801 	Vector4f mat_diffuse(0.1f, 0.5f, 0.8f, 1.0f);
802         Vector4f mat_specular(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
803 //	float no_shininess = 0.0f;
804 //	float low_shininess = 5.0f;
805 //	float high_shininess = 100.0f;
806 //	float mat_emission[] = {0.3f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.0f};
809         //for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
810 	mat_diffuse = settings.get_colour("Display","PolygonColour");
811 	//}
813 	if (highlight)
814 	  mat_diffuse.array[3] += 0.3*(1.-mat_diffuse.array[3]);
816 	// invert colours if partial draw (preview mode)
817 	if (max_triangles > 0) {
818 	  for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
819 	    mat_diffuse.array[i] = 1.-mat_diffuse.array[i];
820 	  mat_diffuse[3] = 0.9;
821 	}
823 	mat_specular.array[0] = mat_specular.array[1] = mat_specular.array[2] = settings.get_double("Display","Highlight");;
825 	/* draw sphere in first row, first column
826 	* diffuse reflection only; no ambient or specular
827 	*/
828 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, low_mat);
829 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, mat_diffuse);
830 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, mat_specular);
831 	glMaterialf(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 90); // 0..128
832 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, no_mat);
834 	// glEnable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL);
836 	if(settings.get_boolean("Display","DisplayPolygons"))
837 	{
838 		glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
839 		glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
840 		glEnable(GL_BLEND);
841 //		glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
842 		glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);  //define blending factors
843                 draw_geometry(max_triangles);
844 	}
846 	glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL);
848 	// WireFrame
849 	if(settings.get_boolean("Display","DisplayWireframe"))
850 	{
851 	  if(!settings.get_boolean("Display","DisplayWireframeShaded"))
852 			glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
855 	  //for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++)
856 	  mat_diffuse = settings.get_colour("Display","WireframeColour");
857 		glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, mat_diffuse);
859 		glColor4fv(mat_diffuse);
860 		for(size_t i=0;i<triangles.size();i++)
861 		{
862 			glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
863 			glLineWidth(1);
864 			glNormal3dv((GLdouble*)&(triangles[i].Normal));
865 			glVertex3dv((GLdouble*)&(triangles[i].A));
866 			glVertex3dv((GLdouble*)&(triangles[i].B));
867 			glVertex3dv((GLdouble*)&(triangles[i].C));
868 			glEnd();
869 		}
870 	}
872 	glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
874 	// normals
875 	if(settings.get_boolean("Display","DisplayNormals"))
876 	{
877 	        glColor4fv(settings.get_colour("Display","NormalsColour"));
878 		glBegin(GL_LINES);
879 		double nlength = settings.get_double("Display","NormalsLength");
880 		for(size_t i=0;i<triangles.size();i++)
881 		{
882 			Vector3d center = (triangles[i].A+triangles[i].B+triangles[i].C)/3.0;
883 			glVertex3dv((GLdouble*)&center);
884 			Vector3d N = center + (triangles[i].Normal*nlength);
885 			glVertex3dv((GLdouble*)&N);
886 		}
887 		glEnd();
888 	}
890 	// Endpoints
891 	if(settings.get_boolean("Display","DisplayEndpoints"))
892 	{
893       	        glColor4fv(settings.get_colour("Display","EndpointsColour"));
894 		glPointSize(settings.get_double("Display","EndPointSize"));
895 		glBegin(GL_POINTS);
896 		for(size_t i=0;i<triangles.size();i++)
897 		{
898 		  glVertex3dv((GLdouble*)&(triangles[i].A));
899 		  glVertex3dv((GLdouble*)&(triangles[i].B));
900 		  glVertex3dv((GLdouble*)&(triangles[i].C));
901 		}
902 		glEnd();
903 	}
904 	glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
906 }
908 // the bounding box is in real coordinates (not transformed)
drawBBox() const909 void Shape::drawBBox() const
910 {
911   const double minz = max(0.,Min.z()); // draw above zero plane only
913 		// Draw bbox
914 		glColor3f(1,0.2,0.2);
915 		glLineWidth(1);
916 		glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
917 		glVertex3f(Min.x(), Min.y(), minz);
918 		glVertex3f(Min.x(), Max.y(), minz);
919 		glVertex3f(Max.x(), Max.y(), minz);
920 		glVertex3f(Max.x(), Min.y(), minz);
921 		glEnd();
922 		glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
923 		glVertex3f(Min.x(), Min.y(), Max.z());
924 		glVertex3f(Min.x(), Max.y(), Max.z());
925 		glVertex3f(Max.x(), Max.y(), Max.z());
926 		glVertex3f(Max.x(), Min.y(), Max.z());
927 		glEnd();
928 		glBegin(GL_LINES);
929 		glVertex3f(Min.x(), Min.y(), minz);
930 		glVertex3f(Min.x(), Min.y(), Max.z());
931 		glVertex3f(Min.x(), Max.y(), minz);
932 		glVertex3f(Min.x(), Max.y(), Max.z());
933 		glVertex3f(Max.x(), Max.y(), minz);
934 		glVertex3f(Max.x(), Max.y(), Max.z());
935 		glVertex3f(Max.x(), Min.y(), minz);
936 		glVertex3f(Max.x(), Min.y(), Max.z());
937 		glEnd();
938 		/*// show center:
939 		glBegin(GL_LINES);
940 		glVertex3f(Min.x(), Min.y(), minz);
941 		glVertex3f(Max.x(), Max.y(), Max.z());
942 		glVertex3f(Max.x(), Min.y(), minz);
943 		glVertex3f(Min.x(), Max.y(), Max.z());
944 		glEnd();
945 		glPointSize(10);
946 		glBegin(GL_POINTS);
947 		glVertex3dv(Center);
948 		glEnd();
949 		*/
951   glColor3f(1,0.6,0.6);
952   ostringstream val;
953   val.precision(1);
954   Vector3d pos;
955   val << fixed << (Max.x()-Min.x());
956   pos = Vector3d((Max.x()+Min.x())/2.,Min.y(),Max.z());
957   Render::draw_string(pos,val.str());
958   val.str("");
959   val << fixed << (Max.y()-Min.y());
960   pos = Vector3d(Min.x(),(Max.y()+Min.y())/2.,Max.z());
961   Render::draw_string(pos,val.str());
962   val.str("");
963   val << fixed << (Max.z()-minz);
964   pos = Vector3d(Min.x(),Min.y(),(Max.z()+minz)/2.);
965   Render::draw_string(pos,val.str());
967 }
draw_geometry(uint max_triangles)970 void Shape::draw_geometry(uint max_triangles)
971 {
973   bool listDraw = (max_triangles == 0); // not in preview mode
974   bool haveList = gl_List >= 0;
976   if (!listDraw && haveList) {
977     if (gl_List>=0)
978       glDeleteLists(gl_List,1);
979     gl_List = -1;
980     haveList = false;
981   }
982   if (listDraw && !haveList) {
983     gl_List = glGenLists(1);
984     glNewList(gl_List, GL_COMPILE);
985   }
986   if (!listDraw || !haveList) {
987 	uint step = 1;
988 	if (max_triangles>0) step = floor(triangles.size()/max_triangles);
989 	step = max((uint)1,step);
991 	glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
992 	for(size_t i=0;i<triangles.size();i+=step)
993 	{
994 		glNormal3dv(triangles[i].Normal);
995 		glVertex3dv(triangles[i].A);
996 		glVertex3dv(triangles[i].B);
997 		glVertex3dv(triangles[i].C);
998 	}
999 	glEnd();
1000   }
1001   if (listDraw && !haveList) {
1002     glEndList();
1003   }
1005   if (listDraw && gl_List >= 0) { // have stored list
1006     Glib::TimeVal starttime, endtime;
1007     if (!slow_drawing) {
1008       starttime.assign_current_time();
1009     }
1010     glCallList(gl_List);
1011     if (!slow_drawing) {
1012       endtime.assign_current_time();
1013       Glib::TimeVal usedtime = endtime-starttime;
1014       if (usedtime.as_double() > 0.2) slow_drawing = true;
1015     }
1016     return;
1017   }
1018 }
1020 /*
1021  * sometimes we find adjacent polygons with shared boundary
1022  * points and lines; these cause grief and slowness in
1023  * LinkSegments, so try to identify and join those polygons
1024  * now.
1025  */
1026 // ??? as only coincident lines are removed, couldn't this be
1027 // done easier by just running through all lines and finding them?
CleanupSharedSegments(vector<Segment> & lines)1028 bool CleanupSharedSegments(vector<Segment> &lines)
1029 {
1030 #if 1 // just remove coincident lines
1031   vector<int> lines_to_delete;
1032   int count = (int)lines.size();
1033 #ifdef _OPENMP
1034   //#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
1035 #endif
1036   for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
1037     const Segment &jr = lines[j];
1038     for (uint k = j + 1; k < lines.size(); k++)
1039       {
1040 	const Segment &kr = lines[k];
1041 	if ((jr.start == kr.start && jr.end == kr.end) ||
1042 	    (jr.end == kr.start && jr.start == kr.end))
1043 	  {
1044 	    lines_to_delete.push_back (j);  // remove both???
1045 	    //lines_to_delete.push_back (k);
1046 	    break;
1047 	  }
1048       }
1049   }
1050   // we need to remove from the end first to avoid disturbing
1051   // the order of removed items
1052   std::sort(lines_to_delete.begin(), lines_to_delete.end());
1053   for (int r = lines_to_delete.size() - 1; r >= 0; r--)
1054     {
1055       lines.erase(lines.begin() + lines_to_delete[r]);
1056     }
1057   return true;
1059 #endif
1062 #if 0
1063   vector<int> vertex_counts; // how many lines have each point
1064   vertex_counts.resize (vertices.size());
1066   for (uint i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
1067     {
1068       vertex_counts[lines[i].start]++;
1069       vertex_counts[lines[i].end]++;
1070     }
1072   // ideally all points have an entrance and
1073   // an exit, if we have co-incident lines, then
1074   // we have more than one; do we ?
1075   std::vector<int> duplicate_points;
1076   for (uint i = 0; i < vertex_counts.size(); i++)
1077     if (vertex_counts[i] > 2) // no more than 2 lines should share a point
1078       duplicate_points.push_back (i);
1080   if (duplicate_points.size() == 0)
1081     return true; // all sane
1083   for (uint i = 0; i < duplicate_points.size(); i++)
1084     {
1085       std::vector<int> dup_lines;
1087       // find all line segments with this point in use
1088       for (uint j = 0; j < lines.size(); j++)
1089 	{
1090 	  if (lines[j].start == duplicate_points[i] ||
1091 	      lines[j].end == duplicate_points[i])
1092 	    dup_lines.push_back (j);
1093 	}
1095       // identify and eliminate identical line segments
1096       // NB. hopefully by here dup_lines.size is small.
1097       std::vector<int> lines_to_delete;
1098       for (uint j = 0; j < dup_lines.size(); j++)
1099 	{
1100 	  const Segment &jr = lines[dup_lines[j]];
1101 	  for (uint k = j + 1; k < dup_lines.size(); k++)
1102 	    {
1103 	      const Segment &kr = lines[dup_lines[k]];
1104 	      if ((jr.start == kr.start && jr.end == kr.end) ||
1105 		  (jr.end == kr.start && jr.start == kr.end))
1106 		{
1107 		  lines_to_delete.push_back (dup_lines[j]);
1108 		  lines_to_delete.push_back (dup_lines[k]);
1109 		}
1110 	    }
1111 	}
1112       // we need to remove from the end first to avoid disturbing
1113       // the order of removed items
1114       std::sort(lines_to_delete.begin(), lines_to_delete.end());
1115       for (int r = lines_to_delete.size() - 1; r >= 0; r--)
1116 	{
1117 	  lines.erase(lines.begin() + lines_to_delete[r]);
1118 	}
1119     }
1120   return true;
1121 #endif
1122 }
1124 /*
1125  * Unfortunately, finding connections via co-incident points detected by
1126  * the PointHash is not perfect. For reasons unknown (probably rounding
1127  * errors), this is often not enough. We fall-back to finding a nearest
1128  * match from any detached points and joining them, with new synthetic
1129  * segments.
1130  */
CleanupConnectSegments(const vector<Vector2d> & vertices,vector<Segment> & lines,bool connect_all)1131 bool CleanupConnectSegments(const vector<Vector2d> &vertices, vector<Segment> &lines, bool connect_all)
1132 {
1133 	vector<int> vertex_types;
1134 	vertex_types.resize (vertices.size());
1135 	// vector<int> vertex_counts;
1136 	// vertex_counts.resize (vertices.size());
1138 	// which vertices are referred to, and how much:
1139 	int count = lines.size();
1140 	for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
1141 	{
1142 		vertex_types[lines[i].start]++;
1143 		vertex_types[lines[i].end]--;
1144 		// vertex_counts[lines[i].start]++;
1145 		// vertex_counts[lines[i].end]++;
1146 	}
1148 	// the vertex_types count should be zero for all connected lines,
1149 	// positive for those ending no-where, and negative for
1150 	// those starting no-where.
1151 	std::vector<int> detached_points; // points with only one line
1152 	count = vertex_types.size();
1153 // #ifdef _OPENMP
1154 // #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
1155 // #endif
1156 	for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
1157 	{
1158 		if (vertex_types[i])
1159 		{
1161 			cout << "detached point " << i << "\t" << vertex_types[i] << " refs at " << vertices[i].x() << "\t" << vertices[i].y() << "\n";
1162 #endif
1163 			detached_points.push_back (i); // i = vertex index
1164 		}
1165 	}
1167 	// Lets hope we have an even number of detached points
1168 	if (detached_points.size() % 2) {
1169 		cout << "oh dear - an odd number of detached points => an un-pairable impossibility\n";
1170 		return false;
1171 	}
1173 	// pair them nicely to their matching type
1174 	count = detached_points.size();
1175 // #ifdef _OPENMP
1176 // #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
1177 // #endif
1178 	for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
1179 	{
1180 		double nearest_dist_sq = (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)();
1181 		uint   nearest = 0;
1182 		int   n = detached_points[i]; // vertex index of detached point i
1183 		if (n < 0) // handled already
1184 		  continue;
1186 		const Vector2d &p = vertices[n]; // the real detached point
1187 		// find nearest other detached point to the detached point n:
1188 		for (int j = i + 1; j < count; j++)
1189 		{
1190 		        int pt = detached_points[j];
1191 			if (pt < 0)
1192 			  continue; // already connected
1194 			// don't connect a start to a start, or end to end
1195 			if (vertex_types[n] == vertex_types[pt])
1196 			        continue;
1198 			const Vector2d &q = vertices[pt];  // the real other point
1199 			double dist_sq = (p-q).squared_length(); //pow (p.x() - q.x(), 2) + pow (p.y() - q.y(), 2);
1200 			if (dist_sq < nearest_dist_sq)
1201 			{
1202 				nearest_dist_sq = dist_sq;
1203 				nearest = j;
1204 			}
1205 		}
1206 		//assert (nearest != 0);
1207 		if (nearest == 0) continue;
1209 		// allow points 10mm apart to be joined, not more
1210 		if (!connect_all && nearest_dist_sq > 100.0) {
1211 			cout << "oh dear - the nearest connecting point is " << sqrt (nearest_dist_sq) << "mm away - not connecting\n";
1212 			continue; //return false;
1213 		}
1214 		// warning above 1mm apart
1215 		if (!connect_all && nearest_dist_sq > 1.0) {
1216 			cout << "warning - the nearest connecting point is " << sqrt (nearest_dist_sq) << "mm away - connecting anyway\n";
1217 		}
1220 		cout << "add join of length " << sqrt (nearest_dist_sq) << "\n" ;
1221 #endif
1222 		Segment seg(n, detached_points[nearest]);
1223 		if (vertex_types[n] > 0) // already had start but no end at this point
1224 			seg.Swap();
1225 		lines.push_back(seg);
1226 		detached_points[nearest] = -1;
1227 	}
1229 	return true;
1230 }
info() const1233 string Shape::info() const
1234 {
1235   ostringstream ostr;
1236   ostr <<"Shape with "<<triangles.size() << " triangles "
1237        << "min/max/center: "<<Min<<Max <<Center ;
1238   return ostr.str();
1239 }