1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see https://eclipse.org/sumo
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2019 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials
5 // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
6 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7 // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
8 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
9 /****************************************************************************/
10 /// @file    NWWriter_SUMO.h
11 /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
12 /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
13 /// @author  Michael Behrisch
14 /// @author  Leonhard Luecken
15 /// @date    Tue, 04.05.2011
16 /// @version $Id$
17 ///
18 // Exporter writing networks using the SUMO format
19 /****************************************************************************/
20 #ifndef NWWriter_SUMO_h
21 #define NWWriter_SUMO_h
24 // ===========================================================================
25 // included modules
26 // ===========================================================================
27 #include <config.h>
29 #include <string>
30 #include <map>
31 #include <netbuild/NBEdge.h>
32 #include <utils/xml/SUMOSAXHandler.h>
33 #include <utils/common/UtilExceptions.h>
34 #include <netbuild/NBConnectionDefs.h>
37 // ===========================================================================
38 // class declarations
39 // ===========================================================================
40 class OutputDevice;
41 class OptionsCont;
42 class NBNetBuilder;
43 class NBTrafficLightLogicCont;
44 class NBNode;
45 class NBDistrict;
46 class NBEdgeControl;
49 // ===========================================================================
50 // class definitions
51 // ===========================================================================
52 /**
53  * @class NWWriter_SUMO
54  * @brief Exporter writing networks using the SUMO format
55  *
56  */
57 class NWWriter_SUMO {
58 public:
60     enum ConnectionStyle {
61         SUMONET, // all connection information
62         PLAIN,   // only edges and link indices
63         TLL      // like plain but include tl information
64     };
66     /** @brief Writes the network into a SUMO-file
67      *
68      * @param[in] oc The options to use
69      * @param[in] nb The network builder to fill
70      */
71     static void writeNetwork(const OptionsCont& oc, NBNetBuilder& nb);
74     /** @brief Writes connections outgoing from the given edge (also used in NWWriter_XML)
75      * @param[in] into The device to write the edge into
76      * @param[in] from The edge to write connections for
77      * @param[in] c The connection to write
78      * @param[in] includeInternal Whether information about inner-lanes used to cross the intersection shall be written
79      * @param[in] plain Whether only plain-xml output should be written (omit some attributes)
80      */
81     static void writeConnection(OutputDevice& into, const NBEdge& from, const NBEdge::Connection& c,
82                                 bool includeInternal, ConnectionStyle style = SUMONET);
84     /// @brief writes the given prohibitions
85     static void writeProhibitions(OutputDevice& into, const NBConnectionProhibits& prohibitions);
87     /// @brief writes the traffic light logics to the given device
88     static void writeTrafficLights(OutputDevice& into, const NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tllCont);
90     /** @brief Writes roundabouts
91      * @param[in] into The device to write the edge into
92      * @param[in] roundaboutes The roundabouts to write
93      * @param[in] ec The edge control to retrieve named edges from
94      */
95     static void writeRoundabouts(OutputDevice& into, const std::set<EdgeSet>& roundabouts,
96                                  const NBEdgeCont& ec);
99     /** @brief Write a stopOffset element into output device
100      */
101     static void writeStopOffsets(OutputDevice& into, const std::map<SVCPermissions, double>& stopOffsets);
104 private:
105     /// @name Methods for writing network parts
106     /// @{
108     /** @brief Writes internal edges (<edge ... with id[0]==':') of the given node
109      * @param[in] into The device to write the edges into
110      * @param[in] n The node to write the edges of
111      * @return Whether an internal edge was written
112      */
113     static bool writeInternalEdges(OutputDevice& into, const NBEdgeCont& ec, const NBNode& n);
116     /** @brief Writes an edge (<edge ...)
117      * @param[in] into The device to write the edge into
118      * @param[in] e The edge to write
119      * @param[in] noNames Whether names shall be ignored
120      * @see writeLane()
121      */
122     static void writeEdge(OutputDevice& into, const NBEdge& e, bool noNames);
125     /** @brief Writes a lane (<lane ...) of an edge
126      * @param[in] into The device to write the edge into
127      * @param[in] lID The ID of the lane
128      * @param[in] origID The original ID of the edge in the input
129      * @param[in] length Lane's length
130      * @param[in] index The index of the lane within the edge
131      * @param[in] oppositeID The ID of the opposite lane for overtaking
132      * @param[in] accelRamp whether this lane is an acceleration lane
133      * @param[in] customShape whether this lane has a custom shape
134      */
135     static void writeLane(OutputDevice& into, const std::string& lID,
136                           double speed, SVCPermissions permissions, SVCPermissions preferred,
137                           double startOffset, double endOffset,
138                           std::map<SVCPermissions, double> stopOffsets, double width, PositionVector shape,
139                           const Parameterised* params, double length, int index,
140                           const std::string& oppositeID, bool accelRamp = false,
141                           bool customShape = false);
144     /** @brief Writes a junction (<junction ...)
145      * @param[in] into The device to write the edge into
146      * @param[in] n The junction/node to write
147      */
148     static void writeJunction(OutputDevice& into, const NBNode& n);
151     /** @brief Writes internal junctions (<junction with id[0]==':' ...) of the given node
152      * @param[in] into The device to write the edge into
153      * @param[in] n The junction/node to write internal nodes for
154      */
155     static bool writeInternalNodes(OutputDevice& into, const NBNode& n);
158     /** @brief Writes inner connections within the node
159      * @param[in] into The device to write the edge into
160      * @param[in] n The node to write inner links for
161      */
162     static bool writeInternalConnections(OutputDevice& into, const NBNode& n);
165     /** @brief Writes a district
166      * @param[in] into The device to write the edge into
167      * @param[in] d The district
168      */
169     static void writeDistrict(OutputDevice& into, const NBDistrict& d);
171     /** @brief Writes a single internal connection
172      * @param[in] from The id of the from-edge
173      * @param[in] to The id of the to-edge
174      * @param[in] toLane The indexd of the to-lane
175      * @param[in] via The (optional) via edge
176      */
177     static void writeInternalConnection(OutputDevice& into,
178                                         const std::string& from, const std::string& to,
179                                         int fromLane, int toLane, const std::string& via,
180                                         LinkDirection dir = LINKDIR_STRAIGHT,
181                                         const std::string& tlID = "",
182                                         int linkIndex = NBConnection::InvalidTlIndex);
184     /// @brief writes a SUMOTime as int if possible, otherwise as a float
185     static std::string writeSUMOTime(SUMOTime time);
188     /// @brief the attribute value for a prohibition
189     static std::string prohibitionConnection(const NBConnection& c);
191     /** @brief Writes a roundabout
192      * @param[in] into The device to write the edge into
193      * @param[in] r The roundabout to write
194      * @param[in] ec The edge control to retrieve named edges from
195      */
196     static void writeRoundabout(OutputDevice& into, const std::vector<std::string>& r,
197                                 const NBEdgeCont& ec);
199     /// @brief retrieve the id of the opposite direction internal lane if it exists
200     static std::string getOppositeInternalID(const NBEdgeCont& ec, const NBEdge* from, const NBEdge::Connection& con, double& oppositeLength);
202 };
205 #endif
207 /****************************************************************************/